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Madison Mogee

Industry Research

The closest occupation I could find for what I want to do is under Securities, Commodities, and
Financial Services Sales Agents. The part I would like to do is connect buyers and sellers. This
job says you need a bachelor’s degree. The growth rate for jobs in this position was 4 percent.
(Sale, securities, commodities,and financial services sales agents, 2019) It does not specify but I
would assume something with business or communicating skills. The median pay for this job is
64 thousand, but those in the field for a while and who excel can earn up to 220 hundred
thousand. As a college graduate I would want to look for a job starting out at 50 thousand, plus
benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and a flexible schedule.

General Health of Company

The company I am researching is called GIX Logistics, a third party logistics specialist.
They connect freight carriers and buyers. They state in the company bio that they want to be the
biggest, coolest, most affordable, and dependable in the country. It has become one of the fastest
growing 3rd party logistics companies. The started out in Grand Island Nebraska and now have a
2nd location in Fort Worth Texas looking to open up a third location. In their offices they have
freight managers, sales representatives, carrier managers, customer relations team, and upper
management. Between their two offices they have seventy-four employees. As it was also just
named business of the year.As I looked through glassdoor and crunch bar the average return for
GIX was between nine to 12 million. This is relevantly small compared to the monster
companies like XPO Logistics INC. I would say they have a pretty clean looking SWOT
analysis. Their strength include being dependable and taking on loads certain carriers would not.
Weakness would include size of office and not being able to take of more customers as their
service is in high demand. The company is taking every opportunity with stride as I mentioned
before they are a in a high demand business with major room to grow. They also reach out their
hands to college students to be inters. Allowing them to get people into their company at a young
age. Threats to the company would be weather conditions and accidents, and the threat of new
entrants. There is many other company who do a similar service. Due to GIX being a 3rd party
logistic team it allows them a little safety from any kind of freight accidents or damages that
could happen. That can fall back on the drivers.

Corporate Culture of the Company

I have talked with GIX before and the main interview factor is can the employee fit in
with the companies culture. Which is super laid back. They wants their employees to be
comfortable and get work done and look forward to what’s to come when the work is done, such
as playing Xbox. One of their quotes as a company is we’re one big family ( but we can leave at
5). I think this shows just how much they want the employees to interact with each other. The
floor plan is open and employees sit next to each other with a computer in front of each one of
them. If you follow GIX logistics on any social media you will see that they also love to hype up
their employees. Congratulating them on job goals met and personal life milestones such as
having a baby. GIX volunteers with Habitat of humanity and gets involved with the community
as much as they can. Even if it’s something as simple as watching the Harvest of Harmony
Parade. GIX grabs customers attention with saying “We provide supply chain salutation for
Madison Mogee

shippers who are struggling to find capacity on a lane. We like the hard-to-cover, tight transit
times, high cargo value, and nearly impossible loads to cover. We provide services that are
efficient, competitive, and cost effective with efficient and legal transit times. We believe
shippers shouldn’t have to worry about their freight after it leaves their facility-that’s our job….”
(Welcome, n.d.) For advertisement purposes their logo is rememberable. They also partner with
local University so students and University supports see this logo a lot.

I do still really like this industry. As I drive the interstate back and forth from Kearney to Utica I
see an increase in semis. I don’t think this will ever stop. People are buying more and more
online. Not only specialty items but food, clothes, valuables. When they do this things are
obviously going to have to be moved from point A to point B by someone. I like the middle man
fill of this job and jobs like it. It in some ways protects me as an employee because I won’t
always be working with just company X. Thus is that business is not doing well I can recruit and
be the middle man for someone else. This assignment has giving me tools to research more jobs
and be better educated on possible careers.
Madison Mogee

Works Cited
Sale, securities, commodities,and financial services sales agents. (2019). Retrieved from
Occupation Handbook:
Welcome. (n.d.). Retrieved from GIX Logistics:

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