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▣ Evolution is the interaction between genetic
changes and natural selection, also known as
"survival of the fittest." Charles
Darwin famously studied various species to
determine how environmental adaptations
allowed them to survive. Natural selection
reflects a species' decision to pass down
favorable genes and how well a species can use
its traits to survive its environment.
▣ An evolutionary species is a lineage
(an ancestral–descendant sequence of
populations) evolving separately from
others and with its own unitary
evolutionary role and tendencies.
(Simpson, 1961)
▣ Evolutionary species concept.
An evolutionary species “is a single
lineage of ancestor-descendant
populations of organisms which
maintains its identity from other such
lineages [in space and time] and
which has its
own evolutionary tendencies and
historical fate” (Wiley, 1981)
Example of evolution occurred:
Peppered Moth
This light-colored moth became darker after
the Industrial Revolution due to the pollution
of the time. This mutation allowed dark
peppered moths to blend into their sooty
surroundings and
avoid being eaten
by predators. Soon
most peppered moths
were black instead of light — but notably,
the lighter color returned to the population
when pollution declined.
Darwin's Finches

The finches on the Galapagos Islands

have all developed different beaks.
Originally, the finches had large beaks
for cracking large nuts. A group of
finches came from another island who
were larger and drove those away and
ate their nuts. Over time, the finches
developed beaks to eat smaller nuts
that the other finches did not eat.
▣ mutation - a random or environmentally
triggered genetic change
▣ genetic drift - occurs when a portion of the
population with distinctive genetic traits die
out or move away, forming two genetically
distinct groups
▣ gene flow - combining genetic pools of two
similar species, which creates genetic diversity
▣ natural selection - the ability of an organism to
best survive its environment and choose an
optimal mate, successfully passing down its
That’s all, thank you

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