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Nama : Azzah Utami Anggraini

Kelas : MK4A

NIM : 1904441052

Unit 3 (Tapescript 3)
So I think retail banking has always been regarding as important, but perhaps a little boring for some

Answer : “So in your opinion retail banking has always been important but according to some people
retail banking is little boring.”

Unit 5 ( Tapescript 5.1)

What i mean if you have a sector with a bad rating we normally only finance the best companies in
this sector

Answer : “So you are saying they usually only choose to finance the best companies in the sector. so
if you have a sector with a bad ranking it will not be selected”

Unit 1 (Tapescript 1.1)

That means arranging mortgages , so we had specialized things called building societies doing that

Answer : “so what you mean is we had building societies doing special things like arranging

Unit 3 (Tapescript 3)
I think is not in decline, although people have been predicted that it might be at some point.

Answer : “So in your opinion isn't in decreasing, although some people have predicted at some point
in time it might happen”

Unit 13 (Tapescript 13)

I think a lot of people would say that there's been an important trend toward more flexibility in
exchange rate

Answer : “So you are saying many people will say that there is an important trend in exchange rates
and that is more flexible”
Advantages and disadvantages of derivatives

of the 3 options, I chose number 3, I want to explain about the advantages and disadvantages of
derivatives. Previously I want to explain a little about the meaning of derivatives. Derivative is a type
of investment that has a high enough level of risk, but the benefits that will be obtained are also
large. The advantages of this derivative investment are maintaining the value of a commodity or
asset in circulation. The next profit of the derivative are to share the existing risk in the form of
heging so that our losses are limited and also for speculation if you want to take more profits.

The disadvantages of this derivative investment according to Warren Buffet, one of the most famous
investors in the world, stated that this investment is the most dangerous investment. why
dangdrous?? example : When you have this derivative, you can buy and sell contracts without any
gold in your hands. This makes the contract price quite volatile/fluktuatif and price changes
depending on global gold price movements. The next weakness are that if the underlying asset falls,
the derivative will also cause a significant loss.

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