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Famous Russian Authors

1.Alexander Pushkin
-founder of literary poetry
-introduced the genre of romantic poetry and novels
Work:Eugene Onegin

2.Alexander Solzhenitsyn
-Russian novelist,writer ,and dramatist
-critic of communism
Work:The Gulag Archipelago ,One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

3.Ivan Turgenev
-novelist,short story writer
-popularizer of Russian literature in the west
Work:A Sportsman Sketches

4.Vladimir Nabokov
-Russian-American novelist and entomologist

5.Mikhail Bulgakov
-writer ,physician and playwright
-most controversial writer of his time
Work:The Master and Margarita
6.Anton Checkhov
-greatest short fiction writer in history
Work:The Seagull and Uncle Vanya
7.Ivan Bunin

-first Russian author who was awarded with Nobel prize in literature
Works:The Village and Dry Calley

8.Nikolai Gogol
-Ukranian-born Russian dramatist,novelist,and short story writer
Works:Diary of a Madman ,The Portrait ,and The Carriage

9.Fyodor Dostoyevsky
-novelist, short story writer,essayist,journalist ,and philosopher
-context explores human psychology
Work:The House of Dead

10.Leo Tolstoy
-novelist and short story writer
Works: War and Peace, Anna Karenina, and The God Sees the Truth but Waits

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