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What is Physical Activity?

Exercising is also considered as? But?

Aerobic is also known as?

Cardio or aerobic is more focus on increasing our heart rate and breathing rate, profusely sweating and
breathe harder.


Guidelines for aerobic exercise



Muscle strengthening

Bone strengthening – Bone growth is caused by doing exercises which causes physical stress, as skeletal
muscles contract, they pull their attachment on the bones, this stimulates bone tissue making it stronger
and thicker.

Bone hypertrophy

1. Prevent diseases

2. To increase your stamina

3. To be able to carry big weights

4. Strengthen your heart and improves your circulation and to increase blood flow which raises the
oxygen level of your body

5. To be able to do normal stuffs with ease

FITT Importance

Frequency – It is important to do aerobic exercise from being slow or easy to make it more effective, and
slowly make it hard or intense to make it even more effective

Intense – Aerobic exercise should be done in moderate, start by deciding a target heart rate and make a
goal, but keep in mind that the highest heart rate should be at 80% you mustn’t go more than that or
things might not go well, that’s how important intensity is.

Time – More time spent doing aerobic exercise means the more effective it will be, 20 minutes should
be fine at first then gradually increase it to 60 minutes

Type – Running, jogging, dancing, jumping and doing sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton
etc. also helps to improve our heart rate.

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