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Conditioning Set No.

Cardiovascular Endurance-Aerobics

Cardiovascular endurance exercises are essential

to keeping your heart healthy and strong. 
 The term “cardiovascular endurance” gets thrown
around a lot in athletic circles, but not everybody
knows why it’s such a hot topic. The benefits of
cardiovascular fitness are quite expansive.
Cardiovascular endurance promotes overall strength
gains and health improvement, and it is considered
to be a crucial element to a good training regimen.
What Is Cardiovascular Fitness?

 Cardiovascular endurance or fitness

refers to the state of your lungs, heart,
and blood vessels. It also refers to how
much you, as an athlete, are able to push
your body without feeling tired.
Why Is Cardiovascular Fitness Important?

 Having a well-functioning
cardiovascular system boosts your
athletic performance and your overall
health. Some of the primary benefits of
cardiovascular fitness include:
It’s Good for Your Heart
As the name implies, cardiovascular fitness is central to the functioning of
your ticker. Remember, the heart is a muscle, and there’s no better way to
strengthen it than to spend long continuous bouts with it at an elevated rate
It Can Benefit Your Hormonal Profile
Keeping your body under the stress of continuous cardio stress helps
improve your hormonal profile by forcing adaptations to take place.
It Will Increase Your Daily Performance
The benefits of cardiovascular endurance make their way
into many of your daily activities.
It Will Give You Energy
When you have an increased sense of cardiovascular
endurance, your body is able to handle increased activity.
1. High Knee Lifts

 Targets your lower body. High knees activate your

quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and hip flexors,
helping improve muscular endurance, balance, and
coordination in these muscles. When done at a high
intensity and with bounding or explosive knee drives, they
can also improve power in your lower body.
2. March and Hop

 Starts to ready the body for more intense work to

follow and strengthen in particular the lower leg
muscles and tendons. Also promotes balance and
3. Jumping Jacks

 Jumping jacks can specifically improve aerobic

capacity, decrease resting heart rate and blood
pressure, decrease risk of cardiovascular disease,
improve metabolism, and help to maintain a
healthy weight.
4. Legs Kicks

 This explosive exercise is not only great for your

legs and abs, but a healthy stress reliever as well. 
5. Twist and Pump

a dynamic variation of the bodyweight squat. This is

a full body exercise, perfect for warming up the body
and increasing your heart rate. Add the boxer squat
punch to your cardio or warm up routine and keep
the movements quick and energetic.
6. Bouncing

 Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise that is performed

while jumping on a mini-trampoline. Jumps can be fast or
slow, and can be mixed with rest or aerobic stepping.
Rebounding can help work the muscles in the legs,
increase your endurance, and strengthen your bones,
among a number of other benefits.
7. One foot Hop – to increase the circulation
of the Heart.

Single leg hopping of this height is predominantly used as

a balance exercise to improve the proprioception and the
balance ability of the leg (ankle, knee and hips).

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