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Nama :

Kelas :

Fill the blank words below !

1. c _ _ (kucing)
2. _ _ _ n(singa)
3. d _ _ _ (rusa)
4. _ o _ _ _ y (monyet)
5. _ _ _ e _ (macan)
6. e _ _ _ _ (elang)
7. _ _ a _ _ (hiu)
8. _ _ s _ (ikan)
9. _ o _ _ h _ _ (lumba-lumba)
10. _ _ r _ _ f e (jerapah)

Fill the blanks with the given words !

1. an ________________ has a pouch
2. an monkey eats _____________
3. an cat likes to eat ___________
4. an lion likes to eat _____________
5. an ____________ has a trunk and wide ears
6. an goat eats _____________________
7. an chicken produces _____________
8. an cow produces ________________
9. an rabbit likes to eat ___________________
10. a giraffe it has a ______________

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