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Luke’s Revenge

Their faces Stare, up at him, they're all done band things, but still killed them. He knew that
he was doing the right thing, but after doing it, so much. it starts to become difficult t
believe. I hate that this my only interaction, aren't I right gays". Their blank faces just stare
at him not making around" "No answer huh" Sirens can be heard as he leaves.

"Did we have to you a call, so Late". Said the officer, Scott.

"It's probably another mass murder". replied officer John.
"Do we still have no leads."
"Yeah, there's nothing."

The officers arrive at the location. It's an Old dingy warehouse. "It Looks like the building
could kill someone", said officer Scott. The officers open the door and see a horrendous
scene, Blood covering the wall, bodies spread throughout the room. "What the fu-," said
Officer Scott. "You call for back in While I look around," said officer John. John Starts to look
around, he sees one of their faces and recognizes their face, it was one of the criminals that
is wanted. He checks the rest of them, and they all have warrants.
“That’s interesting.” He thought.
When backup arrived, they looked around and couldn’t find any clues on who did it.

“I haven’t got any closer to finding out who killed my dad. The only thing I have been able to
find out if it was done by a guy called Crazy Mike and that he’s a part of the Lazio Crime
Organization. At least I got another opportunity tomorrow night when I raid another one of
their warehouses.” Luke said to himself.

The next night.

“MOVE IT, THE BOSS IS GOING TO BE HERE ANY MINUTE!” Yelled a rough looking guy
standing on a box.
Luke Hid on the roof looking down on a through the window. When a worker was by
himself, then he leapt down, Cutting his throat. He fell on the floor barely making a sound.
He snuck around slowly picking people off before someone noticed him.
“INTRUDER, GET HIM,” yelled one of the guards.
The Guard ran at Luke, when he got close Luke jumped over him stabbing him in the back.
Three more guards appeared, Luke Threw the first guard at 2 others. The third guard
attacked with baton, Luke blocked and stabbed him in the chest. The workers that were left
ran away leaving only the guy that was standing on the crate.
“I bet you think you’re tough because you beat some random guards,” said the rough Guy.
Luke walked up to the guy, the guy looms over Luke like a mountain.
“I surrender” the guy says as he puts his hands up.
“If you answer my question, you’ll get to keep your life,” says Luke.
“I tell you anything I can.”
“Do you know where I can find a guy called Crazy Mike.”
“Someone like me isn’t told where someone as high up as Crazy Mike is but my boss is
coming soon so you can ask him.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait then won’t we”.
‘I don’t think you will,” say a voice from behind.
Luke turns around to see a standing at a distance holding a gun.
“Why don’t you let him go,” said the man.
“If I do, could I ask you a simple question?” Asked Luke.
“The question better be simple.”
Luke moves away from the guy.
“So, what’s your question,” asked the man.
“Do you know where I could find a guy called Crazy Mike,” Asked Luke.
“That’s not a very simple question but sure I’ll answer it. Two nights from now he’ll be at the
North Dock in Warehouse 46.”
“Thanks, I’m going to leave now.”
“That would be for the best.”
Luke hastily leaves the warehouse.

“Hey you tough guy.” Said the man.

‘Y-yeah what do you need, Boss.” Nervously said the guy that once stood on a crate.
“Make a call to the police, I think our friend needs a present when he meets Crazy Mike, and
clean up these bodies, it smells bad.”

“Hello this is the non-emergency line, how can I help you?” Said the Operator.
“Three nights from now there is going to be a murder in the North Dock in warehouse 46.”
Said the mysterious man.
“Are you able to give me any more details.”
“You know that guy that has been killing all those criminals, it’s him.”
“Thank you for the ti-.”
The man hangs up before the operator finishes.
“Hey, Scott we got tip on the murderer that we have been investigating.” Said Officer John.
“Really? What did they say?” Said Officer Scott.
“They’re gonna do it again soon.”
“We’re going to bring the squad, right?”
“Of course, we want to catch this murderer.”

Two nights after Luke found out where Crazy Mike is gonna be.
“These guys really like their warehouses,” Luke said as be stands on top of the building
across the street from warehouse 46. After waiting for a few hours, a car finally stops in
front of the warehouse. Out comes a man that looks Formal and that his got a screw loose.
“That’s probably the guy, I can finally get some revenge.” Said Luke.
As the car drives off Luke jumps down from the building and climbs up the warehouse.
There is a window at the top which Luke peers down to see inside. He sees Crazy Mike
walking around looking at the crates which line the walls. Luke quietly jumps down when
Crazy Mike isn’t looking his way. Luke hides without making a sound.
“There’s no point in hiding,” Crazy Mike Says without even moving.
“I have been waiting for a long time to meet you.” Said Luke.
“It has been a long time hasn’t it, but why don’t we get this over with.”
Multiple cars can be heard arriving outside the warehouse.
“Sure, why not since you got guests.”
As Luke Starts to move towards Crazy Mike, a loud knock on the roller door can be heard.
“THIS IS THE POLICE, COME OUT AND SURRENDER.” Yelled a police officer.
“It seems like you have a choice now, you either come and kill me and get arrested or leave
and try again later. What’s it going to be.”
“I choose …”

(Cliff hanger ending)

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