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1. All the following factors are known to improve effective communication


A. Listening for feelings

B. Noting non verbal cues

C .Selective listening

D. Maintaining eye contact

E. Responding to feelings

2. Provision of information to the patient regarding disease,doctor and drugs is

known as;

A. Psycho education

B. Counselling

C. Psychotherapy

D. Informational care

E. Funelling

3. A 32 years old man has been brought with H/O weeping

episodes,irritability and aggressive behavior after he lost his 3 years old son in
flood. The following may be a appropriate thing to say to this patient;

A. It could have been worse.

B. These are normal reactions to an abnormal situation.

C. God will give you another child.

D. I just know how you feel.

E. You need to get on with your life.

4. At a flood relief camp, the preferred methods of recovery of traumatized
individuals include, EXCEPT;

A. Early return to their homes, or shelters close to home

B. Encouraging them to support each other

C. Participating I reconstructive activities

D. Benzodiazipines

E. Expression of emotions.

5. Mr.A has been diagnosed with lung cancer. When told, he laughs and says, ‘I
am perfectly well and need no treatment.’’ This is an example of;

A. Resistance

B. Denial

C. Dissociation

D. Projection

E. Shock

6. The patient’s right to decide for himself is known as;

A. Autonomy

B. Justice

C. Beneficence

D. Consent

E. Non maleficence

7. Before performing an appendectomy on 20 years old uneducated patient

suffering from acute appendicitis, the ideal ethical steps woud be;

A. Take consent from her literate husband

B. Provide detailed information to the patient and take her

C. Operate without consent as its an emergency

D. Not to let her know of possible risks that may lead to refusal
to undergo surgery.

E. None of above.

8. A young man admitted with history of drug abuse, is found to be HIV positive.
With regard to confidentiality, how would you proceed?

A. Keep the information secret.

B. Directly inform his wife.

C. Ask the patient not to disclose this information to anyone.

D. Pursue and counsel the patient to inform his wife himself.

E. Inform his employers.

9. After recovery from bullet injury, landlord presents the treating doctor with a
motorcycle as thanks for his excellent care. The appropriate response would be

A. Accept the gift so as not to hurt the patients’ feelings

B. Scold patient and refuse to see him again.

C. Politely refuse on grounds of professionalism

D. Accept it as he spend extra working hours with that patient.

E. Exchange it for a less expensive gift.

10. A house officer is found to be spending extra hours caring for an elderly lady
admitted in the ward. She also frequently brings food for the patient and provides
fibancial support as the patient reminds her of her mother in the village. This is an
example of;

A. Rapport

B. Empathy

C. Counter transference

D. Transference

E. Sympathy.

11. Ali is a 7 year old who was hospitalized for pneumonia and received
intravenous injections. Now whenever he sees a nurse, he gets scared. This is an
example of;

A. Shaping

B. Operant conditioning

C. Classical conditioning

D. Modelling

E. Systemic desensitization.

12. After a car accident, Saima had difficulty remembering events before the
incident. This is an example of;

A. Anterograde amnesia

B. Delirium

C. Dementia

D. Amnesia disorder

E. Retrograde amnesia
13. The foremost part of Hippocratic oath is;

A. Consent

B. Autonomy

C. Confidentiality

D. Beneficence

E. Non malifecence

14. A method of choice for treating the patient with a specific phobia of heights
would be;

A. Shaping

B. Negative reinforcement

C. Systemic desensitization

D. Extinction

E. Punishment

15. After his favourite video game was taken away after beating his brother, Bilal
began treating his brother more kindly. This is an example of;

A. Punishment

B. Positive reinforcement

C. Shaping

D. Negative reinforcement.

E. None of above

16. All the following structures are related to memory EXCEPT;

A. Hippocampus
B. Amygdala

C. Mamillary bodies

D. Thalamus

E. Cerebellum

17. When recalling the names of five rivers of Pakistan, which of the following
memory stores will you tap in to?

A. Implicit memory

B. Semantic memory

C. Episodic memory

D. Metacognition

18. The first stage in Piaget’s stages of development is;

A. Preoperational stage

B. Sensorimotor stage

C. Formal operational

D. Concrete operational

E. Oral stage

19. Fear, anger, joy are examples of;

A. Motives

B. Primary emotions

C. Mixed emotions

D. Emotional intelligence

E. Feelings
20. The top need in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and motives in life is;

A. Esteem and recognition

B. Love and belongings

C. Self actualization

D. Safety

E. Physiological needs

21. The average Intelligence Quotient(I.Q) of population ranges between;

A. 90-110


C. 130-150

D. 60-80

E. 120-140

22. The Mini Mental State Examination(MMST) is a clinical test to check;

A. Depressive symptoms

B. Motivation

C. Memory

D. Illusions

E. Hallucinations
23. The psychosexual stages of personal development were proposed by;

A. Roberts

B. Pavlov

C. Engel

D. Freud

E. Plutchik

24. When treating a patient from different rural and ethnic background, the most
important assessment a doctor working in a tertiary care hospital must make is;

A. Socioeconomic status

B. Health Belief Model

C. Family history

D. Past history

E. Social Structure

25. The parents of a 13 year old girl suffering from epilepsy believe that she is
under the possession of an ‘evil eye’. The ideal response would be;

A. Tell them what they believe is nonsense

B. Challenge this belief through confrontation

C. Provide information on scientific basis of epilepsy

and ensure compliance

D. Prescribe anti epileptics

E. Refuse to treat the patient

26. Doctor Nadia disclose dinformation to her patient that she is suffering from
breast cancer, the very first response you will see in the patient wil be;

A. Denial

B. Displacement

C. Projection

D. Acceptance

E. Depression

27. Five stages of bereavement were proposed by;

A. Kubler Raus

B. James

C. Robert

D. Watson

E. Erikson

28. Regarding crisis intervention management all are EXCEPT;

A. Should be done immediately

B. Should be based on Biopsychosocial Model

C. Benzodiazipines should be prescribed.

D. Early intervention prevents long term morbidity

E. Patients reactions are usually normal reactions t

abnormal situations
29. Regarding emergency situations all are true EXCEPT;

A. Doctor should proceed immediately

B. Constant supervision is required by doctors

C. Patients should be brought to hospital as soon as


D. Emergency situations don’t require informed consent

E. Doctors should involve attendants to get detailed


30. Informed consent is not required I n all the cases EXCEPT;

A. Emergency and accident departments

B. Life saving situations

C. Mild depressive illness

D. Child under 16 years of age

E. Impaired capacity.

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