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BOTANY QUIZ : Cell Heredity

Name: Nicholas Angelo Setyabudi

NIM : 225040207111130

Class: A - Agroecotechnology

1. What did Mendel cross?

- A crossing of two genes plants which was called a dihybrid
2. What are traits?
- Traits are characteristic from the cell
3. What are gametes?
- Gametes are cells that contain chromosomes to which those cells participate plant
reproductive growth
4. What is fertilization?
- Fertilization occurs when the gamete cells of the male and female plants and create
offspring creation begin at the zygotic stage
5. What is heredity?
- Heredity is the biological process of transmitting physical characteristics Another
generation or transmission of traits.
6. What is genetics?
- Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
7. How many alleles are there for each trait?
- There are one pair of alleles each trait
8. What is an allele?
- Alleles are alternative forms of genes.
9. How many alleles does a parent pass on to each offspring for each trait
- Each parent genes pass 2 alleles per trait
10. What do we call the trait that is observed?
- We call the trait is dominant trait
11. What case (upper or lower) is it written in?
- It is in uppercase
12. What about the one that disappears?
- Traits that disappear are called recessive traits
13. What case is it written in?
- It is written in lowercase
14. What is the phenotype?
- Phenotype are Individual organism attributes or observable traits that exhibit
15. What is the genotype?
- the combination of genes that can affect to phenotype
16. What is homozygous?
- a equal combinations of two alleles
17. What is heterozygous?
- A heterozygote is another combination of two alleles.
18. What is monohybrid crossing?
- is a crossing process of one different traits (AA : aa)

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