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Name : Sakhila Nathania

Class : XI Mipa 3


To begin a letter To end a letter

How’s everything going? Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for your letter and telling me all your Take care.
news. Say hello to your family and friends.
Sorry I haven’t written sooner. I’ve been away Please write back soon.
on holiday.
It was great to hear from you the other day.

Exam question

Dear Dani,

Thanks for your letter and it was lovely to receive your letter. Well, my favourite day of the week is
Friday, which is a glorious day in Islam.

The reasons I like Friday is because according to the hadith there are so many virtues of Friday. The best
day for the sun to appear is Friday. On Friday Adam was created, on that day Adam was put into heaven,
and there is no end of the world except on Friday. Friday is also the time for us to get a lot of reward
with dhikr, sholawat, and prayers.

On Fridays, my family and I usually set aside a little money for charity because Friday is a special day for
charity. The pleasure I feel on Friday is not about worldly matters but about the hereafter. Besides that I
also like to clean myself like cutting my nails on Friday because that is the sunnah Rasul. On Friday, I also
prayed more prayers and forgiveness from Allah swt. For me, my favorite day is not a day to relax but a
day where we and others can feel happy and feel blessed.

That’s all my reasons for my favourite day. Please write back soon. Take care.



 Check your understanding : true or false

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. False
 Check your writing : matching – questions and answers
1. B
2. E
3. F
4. D
5. C
6. A

 Check your writing : punctuation – error correction

1. You asked about my favourite day of the week. Well, it’s definitely Thursday.
2. On Thursday we study French, English and Chemistry.
3. After school we often go to David’s house.
4. At the weekend I visit my grandparent’s house.
5. What’s your favourite day of the week?
6. Hope to hear from you soon.

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