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Nama : steven pitera rejeki s

Kelas : Xi mipa 2

Personal Letter

Pengertian Personal Letter

Surat dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Letter. Personal Letter merupakan surat tidak resmi yang
ditulis untuk perseorangan, biasanya yang terlibat hanyalah dua orang yang saling mengenal.

Struktur dari Personal Letter

Date (Tanggal) = Biasanya tanggal ini ditulis pada kiri paling atas. Tanggal ini menunjukkan kapan waktu
surat ditulis.

Address (Alamat) = Bagian ini adalah tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat asal si pengirim
tinggal. Alamat ditulis pada bagian kanan atas.

Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) = Bagian ini menuliskan salam pembuka dan nama penerima surat.
Contohnya "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart", "Darling", "My love" dan lain-lain.

Introduction (Pembukaan) = Pembukaan dari surat biasanya dimulai dengan sebuah pembukaan seperti
tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya atau bisa juga awal perkenalan diri jika kalian baru memulai surat-

Body (Isi Surat) = Bagian ini merupakan isi atau inti dari surat. Pada bagian Body ini kalian menceritakan
semua isi surat yang ingin kita ceritakan.

Closure (Penutup) Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa surat akan segera berakhir.

Complimentary close (Salam Penutup) = Bagian ini merupakan ungkapan penutup pendek seperti, "With
love". "Sincerely yours", "With love", and so on.

Signature (Tanda tangan) = Bagian ini berada di bawah complementary close, kalian bisa membubuhkan
tanda tangan atau bisa juga hanya inisial nama kalian saja.

Contoh ungkapan yang digunakan pada personal letters

Starting the letter

How are you?

Hope this letter finds you...

Thank you for your last letter.

It was so good to hear from you.

Sorry for answering late

I am sorry I should have written earlier...

Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought...

I am sorry to inform you that...


I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

My best wishes for the coming test.

See you.

I will write soon.

I will have to stop now.

I am waiting for a quick reply.

Looking forward to see you again.



May 8th, 2016

Dear Grandpa,

How are you grandpa? I was really happy to see you and Grandma at my graduation ceremony, and I
hope you’re recovering from your high blood pressure soon.

Do you mind if I visit you on Saturday? I’d really like to show you my new cat. I think you’ll adore her.
Her name is Susan, and I got her last week. For your information, she’s your favorite breed: an angora
cat, just like Soho!

I’m excited to come and to see you soon. Let me know if Saturday will be ok for my coming.


Question and answer

Dear Aunt Tia

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I
succeeded to join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents promised to send
me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English are good,
they'll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn't it? I'll work hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like
you, Aunty.

Well, that's all for now. Looking forward to having your news.



1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform some good news

B. To describe the writer's school

C. To retell the writer's experience

D. To entertain the reader with

2. What did Debby's parents promise her?

A. To make her a pediatrician

B. To send her to an English course

C. To send her to a senior high school

D. To make her pass the final examination

3. How does Debby feel?

A. Glad

B. Scared

C. Anxious

D. Thoughtful

Dear Betty,

I'm writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogja. I just got back from Borobudur, the wonderful
temple I've ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel. It's not far from Malioboro.
We are treated will here. It has many excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around
Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having "lesehan" there. It is a kind of a
restaurant but we sit on the ground.

Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are
interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenirs. Don't worry, I'll also buy you the most interesting



4. How do the staff serve the customers of the hotel?

A. Proudly

B. Badly

C. Interestingly

D. Nicely

5. The text gives us information about ....

A. The wonderful Borobudur temple

B. The souvenirs to be bought

C. Dara's last day in Jogja

D. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro

6. Who is the letter from?

A. Customers

B. The hotel staffs

C. Betty

D. Dara

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 10.

Ubud, 7th April 2007

Dear Barbara,

Hi there. How are things with you? It's good to know that you are doing fine in business. Have you
received my postcard?

I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the
most wonderful holiday have I ever had. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful
local art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It's Thursday today. I can't believe this my last
day. I wish I could spend more time here. I am certain I will stay longer on my next visit.

I'll be home about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work. I can't
wait to show my video to my class.

Okay, that's all for now. Send my love to your children.

Best wishes from,

7. The letter tells us about ....

A. Vivian's holiday in Bali

B. Barbara's letter

C. Vivian's favorite places

D. Barbara's plan for Bali

8. On what day Vivian going to arrive home?

A. Thursday

B. Friday

C. Saturday

D. Sunday

9. "... the most wonderful holiday ..." The underlined word has the same meaning with ....

A. Usual

B. Awesome

C. Poor

D. Hateful

10. The letter shows that Vivian ....

A. Has not eaten the day before

B. Bought all beautiful local art

C. Has tried the traditional food

D. Did not have nice holiday

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