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My home is my favourite place to be.

The constant fresh smell of the flowers, mint

and luscious green grass
outside make a warm welcome.Inside the house smells brand new and looks as clean as
always.The soft chairs
and pillows make a great place for sleep.The tiles and windows are polished to
perfection and can be used
as a mirror.The walls are spotless and stand strong.In the house,the hallways are
empty and opening to all
.They have twists and turns leading into rooms waiting to be discovered.All of
this, with the final touch
of a calming and quiet atmosphere on the plains, make my home a great place to be.

Albert Einstien was the smartest scientist to ever live.Albert Einstein had many
theories in Physics and proved many to be wrong and
many to be right. From mastering physics to complex science he knew it all and
exactly how it worked.He was a short
caucazoid man with a larger sized nose and relaxed eyes.Albert Einstien aged over
time but his brain surely didn't.
Although he might have been seen as an old short white haired man to some, he was
actually the smartest
man to live.

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