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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán

Centro Regional Universitario La Esperanza

Carrera: Profesorado En seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional
Espacio Pedagógico: FFI1401 Ingles
Docente – Facilitador: Eva Avila
I Período Académico 2023
Sección: A

My Recipe


Karol Iveth Pérez Alvarado


Estudiante y registro:

La Esperanza Intibucá 22 de febrero del 2023

Lugar y fecha:
Good afternoon teacher and colleagues
My name is iveth Alvarado and I am going to tell you about my recipe
My recipe is green mango
The ingredients that we are going to use are: black sauce, salt, spices and chili. Its preparation
is easy. The first step is to buy the mangoes, then remove the peel, then cut them in half,
remove the seed, break them into small pieces, we need a container with a lid to mix the
ingredients, add a pinch of salt, spices and chili and its black sauce and then enjoy the sleeve

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