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Week 3


Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Learning Competency:
• Convert a verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension
into a mathematical description STEM_GP12Kin-Ib-12
• Interpret displacement and velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time and acceleration vs.
time curves STEM_GP12KINIb-14
• Interpret velocity and acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position vs. time and velocity vs. time
curves STEM_GP12KINIb-15
• Construct velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time graphs, respectively, corresponding to a given
position vs. time-graph and velocity vs. time graph and vice versa STEM_GP12KINIb-16
• Solve for unknown quantities in equations involving one-dimensional uniformly accelerated motion ,
including free fall motion STEM_GP12KINIb-17
• Solve problems involving one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration in contexts such as, but
not limited to, the “tail-gating phenomenon”, pursuit, rocket launch, and freefall problems
Ready to Launch!
If you throw a ball up, how high will it be? What can you say about the
acceleration of a basketball thrown to the basket? Most often, acceleration takes
place in every moving object, and they may be uniform or non-uniform. Whatev-
er the case, motion is observe everywhere. As they say, no particle in the uni-
verse is absolutely at rest.
Our exploration of the physical world will start at the concept of Mechan-
ics, that is, observing relationships between matter, forces, and motion. No
doubt, these three are basic concepts of Physics. Specifically, the concept of mo-
tion involves many physical quantities which maybe familiar to us. These are
velocity, speed, distance, time, displacement and acceleration. This week, we
will start with the simplest of motion– that is motion along a straight path.

Aim at the Target!

For this topic, you explore the following objectives:

1. Describe a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension

verbally and mathematically
2. Interpret displacement and velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs.
time and acceleration vs. time curves,
3. Interpret velocity and acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position vs. time
and velocity vs. time curves ,
4. Construct velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time graphs, respectively, cor-
responding to a given position vs. time-graph and velocity vs. time graph and
vice versa,
5. Solve for unknown quantities in equations involving one-dimensional uni-
formly accelerated motion , including free fall motion, and
6. Solve problems involving one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration.

Try This!
• List the things that you find common to a
sliding ball and that of the falling apple

• How about if you change the object in the

illustration, instead of a ball, it is a wooden
block, and instead of falling apple, it is a fall-
ing moon; Do you think your list will

Keep This in Mind!


Task 1A: Increasing or Decreasing?

1. Position a long inclined plane( with height at least 50 cm) as shown
in the figure below.
2. From the top part of the plane, measure three intervals 30cm apart
up to the bottom part.


3. Put a blockage (e.g ruler or book} on the first interval, then position
the ball or any round object at the top end of the inclined plane. Using a stop-
watch or timer in a cellphone, time the duration of the ball as it rolls from the
topmost end of the plane up to the time it hits the blockage. Record the time
elapse. Do this procedure two more times.

30cm TIME IT!

4. Repeat procedure #3 but put the blockage to the second interval for
three trials, then on the third interval for another three trials.
30c 30c
30c 30c
30c 30c

5. Complete the table on the next page.


Table 1. Table for Task 1A

Category Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Speed Speed Speed
(Time) (Time) (Time)

First Block



Note: d1 = 30 cm d2 = 60cm d3 = 90cm

Task 1B: Increasing or Decreasing?

1. Set up same material as that in task 1A but this time with base blanket or
any plane cloth on the floor.
2. , Measure three positions 30cm apart where the topmost part of the plane to
be the first and the third somewhere in the middle part (refer to the illustration be-
30cm Blanket

3. Put the ball on the first position( at the topmost part), then let it roll down up
to the bottom part. Measure the time duration for the ball to reach the bottom part of
the plane. The time( to )measured here will be done only once.
4. Put again the ball on the first position( at the topmost part), then let it roll
down up to the bottom part and continue along the blanket until it stop. Measure the
time duration from release up to the time it will stop. Measure also the distance cov-
ered by the ball from the base of the inclined plane up to the point it stop. Do this in
three trials. Record the data.
6. Repeat procedure #4, this time the ball to be put on second and third posi-
7. Complete the table on the next page.

Table 2. Table for task 1B.

Position to t1 d1 t2 d2 t3 d3




Note: *to solve for t1, t2, t3; t1 or t2 or t3 = t in procedure #4 minus to in

procedure #3. Also, to is measured from the initial point(1st, 2nd, and 3rd po-
sition) to the base of incline plane.


To deepen your ideas about the activities, you may answer in a separate
physics notebook all guide questions provided;
1. Based from the activity, how will you verbally define acceleration? Did
the activity showed uniformly accelerated motion? Explain.
2. Mathematically, how will you describe acceleration? How about uni-
formly accelerated motion?
3. There are factors to consider for a motion to have uniform accelera-
tion, in the activity, what are some of the considerations you think should be
present so that what you observe is really uniformly accelerated motion?
4. What causes the ball to accelerate in the first part of the activity and
for it to decelerate in the second part? Explain.


Task 2A: Amazing Bound Areas

Given a graph of velocity vs time, calculate for the bound (shaded)
area represented by different color using the area of triangle and/or the area
of rectangle, then answer the following questions
Velocity (m/s, East)


B C 4


Time (second)

Area A = _____________________ Area B = _____________________

Area C = _____________________ Area D = _____________________

• Which graph/s has constant velocity? _______________

• Which graph/s the object moves due west?_____________
• Which graph/s shows object speeds up?_____________
• Which graph/s the object proceeds the longest displacement?____________
• Which graph/s the object slow down?______________


Task 2B: Amazing Bound Areas

Given a graph of acceleration vs time, calculate for the bound (shaded)
area represented by different color using the area of triangle and/or the area
of rectangle, then answer the following questions below.
Acceleration (m/s2), East)


Time (second)

Area A = _____________________ Area C = _____________________

Area B = _____________________ Area D = _____________________

• Which graph/s has constant acceleration? __________

• Which graph/s the object moves due east?_________
• Which graph/s has endpoint showing approaches constant velocity?______
• Which graph/s the object proceeds the highest velocity?_________
• Which graph/s shows the object changes acceleration?_________


Task 3A: Look at the Slope!

Given a graph of displacement vs time, calculate for the slope of each
line segments, then answer the following questions below.

Displacement (m, North)


Time (second)

Slope A = _____________________ Slope C = _____________________

Slope B = _____________________ Slope D = _____________________

• Which graph/s has constant velocity? _______________

• Which graph/s the object is not moving?_____________
• Which graph/s the object moves in opposite direction?_____________
• Which graph/s the object proceeds the highest velocity?______________
• Which graph/s shows the object accelerates?______________


Task 3B: Look at the Slope!

Given a graph of velocity vs time, calculate for the slope of each line seg-
ments, then answer the following questions below.

Velocity (m/s, North)


Time (second)

Slope A = ___________ Slope C = ___________ Slope E = ___________

Slope B = ___________ Slope D = ___________

• Which graph/s has constant acceleration? _______________

• Which graph/s the object has highest magnitude for its acceleration?______
• Which graph/s the object moves in opposite direction?_____________
• Which graph/s the object is at rest?______________
• Which graph/s shows the object moves with constant velocity?__________


Task 4A: Morphing graphs!

Given a graph of displacement vs time, complete the table below using
the slope formula, v= (d2-d1/t2-t1), and then construct a corresponding ve-
locity vs time graph using the data.
Displacement (m, North)


Time (second)

Time (second) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Velocity (m/s)

Use the data in the

table to construct a
velocity (m/s, North)

velocity vs time
graph, you may use a
colored pen / ball-
pen. Utilize an empty
plane on the right.

Time (second)


Task 4B: Morphing graphs!

Given a graph of velocity vs time, complete the table below by finding the
bound area correspond to a line segment, d= bound area, and then construct
a corresponding displacement vs time graph using the data.

velocity (m/s, North)


Time (second)

Time (second) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Velocity (m/s)

Use the data in the

displacement( m, North)

table to construct a
displacement vs
time graph, you
may use a colored
pen / ballpen. Uti-
lize an empty carte-
sian plane on the
Time (second)


Task 4C: Morphing graphs!

Given a graph of velocity vs time, complete the table below using the
slope formula, a= (v2-v1/t2-t1), and then construct a corresponding acceler-
ation vs time graph using the data.
Velocity (m/s, North)


Time (second)

Time (second) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Use the data in

Acceleration (m/s2, North)

the table to con-

struct a accelera-
tion vs time graph,
you may use a col-
ored pen / ball-
pen. Utilize an
empty plane on
the right.
Time (second)


Task 4D: Morphing graphs!

Given a graph of acceleration vs time, complete the table below by find-
ing the bound area correspond to a line segment, v= bound area, and then
construct a corresponding velocity vs time graph using the data.
Acceleration (m/s2, East)


Time (second)

Time (second) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Velocity (m/s)

Use the data in the

table to construct a
velocity vs time
velocity( m, East)

graph, you may

use a colored pen /
ballpen. Utilize an
empty cartesian
plane on the right.

Time (second)


To deepen your ideas about the activities, you may answer in a separate
physics notebook all guide questions provided;
1. What does the bound area represent in velocity time graph?
2. What does the bound area represent in acceleration vs time graph?
3. In a velocity vs. time graph, what does a slant straight line means?
4. Recalling your topic in Basic calculus, how is this activity related with
definite integral?
5. Looking at the graphs, when can you say that a moving body deceler-
ate (has negative acceleration)?
6. Can we use bound area to solve for the acceleration? Explain.
7. How do finding bound area and finding slope of the line differs in
terms of the quantity they represent?
8. What does the slope represent in displacement vs time graph? In veloc-
ity vs. time graph?


Recalling your topics in slope of velocity

tangent line and definite integral,
find the following:
A. m(x) of the graph y =x2


1. Which quantity associat-

ed to motion does m(x) is time
2. Which quantity associat-
ed to motion does definite
integral of the graph is


Task 5A. Let the unknown be Revealed!

1. From the previous activities, you have encountered quantities
such as displacement (position), speed and velocity, and accelera-
tion. This time around, given are equations/formulas for these
quantities, you are task to solve for the unknown quantities ask in
the problem.
2. Supply a data for each box provided for each problem in this activ-

First equation: 2nd Equation:

a = constant acceleration a = constant acceleration

vf = final velocity vi = initial velocity vf = final velocity vi = initial velocity

= time elapsed = Net Displacement

3rd Equation:

a = constant acceleration

vi = initial velocity = Net Displacement

= time elapsed

Continue to the next page…


Carefully analyze the following problems and solve for the unknown quanti-
1. The car moves on a very long straight highway at an initial velocity of 2.0
m/s when it started to accelerate at a rate of 1.5 m/s 2. When the car
reaches a displacement of 1km, it started to decelerate at constant rate
until it stop.
A. What is the car’s final velocity( assumed that the car directs in a constant
direction) before it started to decelerate (slow down)?

Write here the known quan- Write here the un- Write here the most
tities (Given): known quantity appropriate formula:

Write here your step by step solution:

B. What it the car ‘s deceleration?

Write here the known quan- Write here the un- Write here the most
tities (Given): known quantity appropriate formula:

Write here your step by step solution:


2. A ball assumed to be on level ground is exerted by an upward initial speed

of 25 m/s. Note that air resistance is negligible and acceleration due to gravi-
ty is equal to –9.8 m/s2;
A. How high will the ball go before it will start to fall down?

Write here the known quan- Write here the un- Write here the most
tities (Given): known quantity appropriate formula:

Write here your step by step solution:

B. How much time the ball requires to reach back to level ground?

Write here the known quan- Write here the un- Write here the most
tities (Given): known quantity appropriate formula:

Write here your step by step solution:

FYI: It is not surprising that free-falling motion when air resistance is negligible, in-
deed is also a uniformly accelerated motion.


In a real world, we can seldom

observe this what we call uniformly
accelerated motion (UAM) or motion
governed by a constant acceleration,
for some obvious reasons such as the
existence of variable frictions and oth-
er external forces, and that variability
of directions in the course of motion.
For the sake of this discussion, friction
maybe assumed negligible, and for
simplicity, the objects are assumed to
be moving in one dimension (straight

1.1 Definition of Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM)

By description, a moving body or object accelerate when;
• It changes its speed ( speed up or slow down)
• It changes direction ( force changes direction)
• It changes both its speed and direction

Verbally, Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM) means that the object

changes its speed uniformly or in constant rate in only one direction. In
the case of free falling motion, acceleration always point towards earth’s
center (downward).
On one hand, mathematically UAM can be defined as uniform rate of
change in velocity, or the ratio between velocity and time elapsed remains
the same although out the course of motion toward a constant direction.
2.1 Bound Area of a Velocity vs Time Graph

• Graph 1 shows Uni-

formly Accelerated
2 Motion (uniform speed
Velocity (m/s,

1 B • Graph 2 shows Uni-
formly Decelerated
A Motion (uniform speed

Time (second)

The Bound Area of a velocity vs time graph represents the displacement made
by the moving object for a certain time duration. Mathematically, this can be solve
using the Riemann Sum of simply a definite integral. In the illustration above, solv-
ing for bound area will only utilize area of rectangle and/or triangle.

To solve for displacement made by To solve for displacement made by an

an object from 0 to 3 seconds; object from 3 to 7 seconds;

Displacement = Area A Displacement = Area B +Area C

Area A is an area of triangle with base Area B is an area of rectangle with base
3units and height 8 units 4units and height 5 units, while Area C
is an area of triangle with base 4 units
A = 0.5(base)(height) , base = 3 , height = 8
and height 3 units.
D1 = A = 0.5 (3 sec)(8m/s)
Area B = (base)(height) , base = 4 height = 5
D1= 0.5(24) = 12 m, East
= (4 sec)(5m/s) = 20 m

Area C = 0.5(base)(height), base = 4 height = 3

= 0.5 (4 sec)(3 m/s)

Area C = 0.5(12) = 6 m

So, displacement made from 0 to 7 seconds is D= D1 +D2

= 12 m + 26 m= 38 m, East
2.1 Bound Area of a Acceleration vs Time Graph
Acceleration (m/s2, East)

• Graph 1 shows
Non-uniform Accel-
2 erated Motion
C • Graph 2 shows
1 B Non-uniform Decel-
A erated Motion

Time (second)

The Bound Area of acceleration vs time graph represents the change in

velocity (instantaneous velocity) by the moving object for a certain time dura-
tion. Mathematically, this can be solve using the Riemann Sum of simply a
definite integral. In the illustration above, solving for bound area will only
utilize area of rectangle and/or triangle.

To solve for velocity by an object at To solve for change in velocity by an

the end of 3 seconds; object from 3 to 7 seconds;

v1 = Area A Displacement = Area B +Area C

Area A is an area of triangle with base Area B is an area of rectangle with base
3units and height 8 units 4units and height 5 units, while Area C
is an area of triangle with base 4 units
A = 0.5(base)(height) , base = 3 , height = 8
and height 3 units.
D1 = A = 0.5 (3sec)(8m/s2)
Area B = (base)(height) , base = 4 height = 5
D1= 0.5(24) = 12 m/s, East
= (4 sec)(5m/s2) = 20 m/s, East

Area C = 0.5(base)(height), base = 4 height = 3

= 0.5 (4 sec)(3m/s2)

Area C = 0.5(12) = 6 m/s, East

So, change in velocity from 0 to 7 seconds is v= v1 + v2

= 12 m/s+ 26 m/s= 38 m/s, East

3.1 Slope of a Given graph

Displacement (m, North)


Time (second)

Definition of Velocity
It is defined as the rate of change in displacement. In short, the slope of
a line segment in a displacement vs. time graph represent the change in veloc-
ity for a specific time duration.
velocity (m/s, North)

Time (second)

Definition of Acceleration
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. Likewise, the
slope of a line segment in a velocity vs. time graph represent the acceleration
for a specific time duration.

Basic Equations Used for Uniformly Accelerated Motion( UAM)

First equation: 2nd Equation:

a = constant acceleration a = constant acceleration

vf = final velocity vi = initial velocity vf = final velocity vi = initial velocity
= time elapsed = Net Displacement

3rd Equation: 4th Equation:

a = constant acceleration

vi = initial velocity = Net Displacement = average velocity

= time elapsed vf = final velocity

vi = initial velocity

Note: All equations presented above are TRUE only for Motion with constant ac-

General Equations Used for Uniformly Accelerated Motion( UAM)



Motion is everywhere, and it happens every time. As they say it is a

change in position with respect to a reference. Though, seldom we can ob-
serve uniformly accelerated motion, it is our first step to visualize our physi-
cal world. In your physics notebook, in reflection section, kindly comply the
tasks given.
Please Do it!
 What are some of the reasons why UAM is rarely observe in real environ-
 When the moving object changes direction just like object moving in a cir-
cular path, is it accelerating? If yes, is it uniformly accelerated motion? Ex-
 Make concept map / mind map about uniformly accelerated Motion.

Reinforcement & Enrichment

Practice Exercises
A. Make a velocity vs time graph of the following succession of events.
1. From 0 to 4 seconds, the object constantly accelerate at 2 m/s2
2. From 4 to 8 seconds, the object constantly decelerate at -1 m/s2
3. From 8 to 10 seconds, the object moves with constant velocity
4. From 10 to 12, the object constantly decelerate at until it stop

B. Make a displacement vs time graph of the following succession of events.

1. From 0 to 5 seconds, the object moves with constant velocity at 2 m/s
2. From 5 to 8 seconds, the object constantly decelerate at -1 m/s2
(the portion of this graph is parabolic)
3. From 8 to 12 seconds, the object remain at rest

C. Solve the following:

1. A motorcycle moves with constant acceleration with magnitude
3.0 m/s2 from location A to B. If it reaches to B in 1 minute,
(A) how far is B from A?
(B) how fast is the motorcycle upon reaching B if it started at rest in A?
(C) if location C is 2 km from B, and the motorcycle starts to decelerate at
constant rate of –1 m/s2 the moment it passes point B, can it reaches
C? if yes what it is its speed upon reaching C?

Assess Your Learning

Mr Obal jogged going to his grandfather in Barangay Ogtong due north
of his house. His travel was described by the graph as shown below:
Velocity (km/hr, North)


Time (hour)

Based on the given graph, answer the following questions:

1. At what time after he left his house did he travel the fastest?
A. 2 hours B. 5 hours C. 7 hours D. 10 hours

2. At which segment/s of his travel did he accelerate ?

A. A only B. B only C. B and D D. A , C, and D

3. At what segment did he accelerated with highest magnitude?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

References & Photo Credits

1. Sears & Zemansky (2008). University Physics with modern Physics.(12th

Edition). Pearson Addison-Wesly Publishing. Pp. 47-59.

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