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Performance Task!

Character analysis

The Centipede

by Rony V. Diaz

INTRODUCTION : "The Centipede" is a short story by Filipino author Rony V. Diaz, which
was published in 1953. The story focuses on a boy who seeks revenge against his sister for
her cruel and spiteful acts toward him

Eddie - Main Character. He is the younger brother of Delia. He is an animal and insect
lover. Eddie is an open minded and understanding brother to his sister even though Delia is
not nice to him.

Delia - Eddie's older Sister. She has a weak heart and must never be surprised. She had
been mean to Eddie since they were young. She hates everything that Eddie likes and tries
to get rid of those things that Eddie like.

Biryuk - The lost dog that have been found by Eddie while hunting. He is loved by Eddie.
Also, it was beaten with a stick by Delia.

Berto - One of the workmen for the family. He is fond of Eddie and supports him with his
interests but is also afraid of Delia and follows her orders.

Father - Eddie and Delia's Dad. Most of the time away but bonds with Eddie if he goes
home through hunting.

CONCLUSION: As a conclusion, revenge is not a good for anyone, it will cause hurt to
anyone around you. Let’s understand each other, we shouldn’t let others caused a pain
towards to what we done by our wrong and insensitive actions.

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