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The Five People You Meet In Heaven

By Mitch Albom

Major Characters:

• Eddie ― the main character of the movie that was injured and spent his whole life working at the
Ruby Pier that is concerned about his co-workers and all of the people he met on Ruby Pier.
• Marguerite ― Eddie’s wife and they met at the Ruby Pier. Eddie’s love interest and want to adopt a child
but couldn’t get because of car accident. She taught him that love never dies.
• Blue Man ― The first person that Eddie met in Ruby Pier. Someone gave him a poison that’s the reason
why his skin color was blue. He was invited to circus and found a home at Ruby Pier. The Blue Man
teaches Eddie that all lives are connected, even strangers.
• Eddie’s Father ― his father who always shout at him and mad, always drunk. Pushing him to find work
after he came home but they got a misunderstanding. Eddie tries to get his love but his dad is lack of
affection. He died saving his friend Macky Shea.
• Eddie’s Mother ― a person who loved him very much and always telling him to be careful and taking good
care of him
• Captain ― the second person that Eddie met in heaven.The captain of Eddie’s unit in the Philippines during
Wolrd War II. Born into military family, that’s why battle is the center of his life. While escaping, Captain
shoots Eddie in the leg to save his life. While escaping, Captain trying to clear the way to make theit unit to
get out but he died by a landmine. In heaven, the Captain teaches Eddie that sacrifice isn’t the same as
loss, but rather that it connects humans to one another and gives meaning to life.
• Ruby ― third person that Eddie met in heaven, Ruby Pier was originally came from her name. Before
Eddie was born, Ruby was the most beautiful woman on a working-class family. Waitress at Seaside Diner
and got married with the rich man named Emile. When Ruby Pier was burned with fire, they bring Emile
into the hospital and Ruby witnessed how Eddie’s father died.
• Joe ― Eddie’s older brother. Eddie always fight the bullies for him because he didn’t want to fight. He
refused to work at the Ruby Pier and get another job instead. He is disappointed to his dad because he
think that Joe is unmanly.
• Tala ― the fifth person that Eddie met in heaven, she is the girl that he tried to save during their escape on
military after he burnt the place.
• God ― I won’t forget to put God here because he is the center of everything and teaches us lesson about
life. Accepting us no matter what.

Minor Characters:

• Eddie’s co-workers: Dominguez and Willy ― these people are working together with Eddie for a long time
• American Soldiers: Mortin, Rabozzo, Smitty ― soldiers whose with Eddie and Captain and fight with
them during their mission
• Japanese Soldiers ― soldiers who caught their unit.
• Emile ― Ruby’s husband that is a rich young and the owner of Ruby Pier. The one who get hospitalized
and Ruby spends her life by taking care of him.
• Victims of Ruby Pier accident ― those people that was died on the fire accident
• Micky Shea ― an alcoholic person that is a close friend of Eddie’s parents. He helped Eddie’s dad to get a
job at Ruby Pier. There’s a time when he loses his job, get drunk, and tried to rape Eddie’s mother.
• Noel ― Eddie’s friend during his thirties and runs a laundry shop. He influences Eddie with his gambling
habit. While they’re on the racetrack, Marguerite got a car accident.

Point of View:

• The third person’s view is all about Eddie’s life and how he was about to learn a lesson from five
people from heaven. She want to make Eddie see what is the lesson of life and what are the things
that he did on the past. Making him think and realize that he had made mistakes. It will give us a
lesson too that will reflect on ourselves and taught us a lesson. Those five lessons that are most
important thing in out life.


• Eddie, an injured old man who works in support at Ruby Pier. Eddie has wanted to leave Ruby Pier to
make a life somewhere else, however he couldn’t to. While making his work, Eddie sees a cart on a
ride called "Freddy's Free Fall" hanging and threating to dump out the riders. Eddie make an action
when he see the cart is falling—a young girl was under the cart. Eddie goes to save her, and dies
when the cart falls on him.

Eddie goes to paradise, going everywhere until he meets the Blue Man, who was one of the "carnival
monstrosities" at Ruby Pier quite in the past. The Blue Man told Eddie, he will meet five peolple who
will show him a thing or two about his life. The Blue Man told him that the reason of his death was
Eddie but he doesn't have a clue about it because he was only a child.

Eddie travels again and went to the battleground where he meets Captain. The memory flashes back
to Eddie's childhood, when he chooses to go in World War II to demonstrate his courage. While setting
the town on fire, Eddie see a little shadow moving in one of the house, and attempts to save the
person. He was shoot in the leg. He gets back home having an injure. In paradise, the Captain said
that he was the one who shot Eddie, attempting to save his life. The Captain teaches him about

Eddie travels once more, in the mountains, where he sees his dad in the window. The memory’s keep
coming back to Eddie's mind, during which he grows up attempting to win over his sincerely careless
dad. In paradise, a lady named Ruby shows up, and told to Eddie that her better half, Emile, owned
the Ruby Pier in the past. The first Ruby Pier burned, destroying Emile's peaceful soul. Emile was then
in the medical clinic alongside Eddie's dad, who was dying. Ruby clarifies that Eddie's dad passed on
saving Mickey Shea from drowning in ocean, despite the fact that Mickey had attempted to rape
Eddie's mom. Ruby told Eddie to be forgiving, and Eddie should forgive his dad and let go of anger.

Next, Eddie goes in a universe of weddings, where he see his wife, Marguerite. The memory are
coming back to Eddie's moment with Marguerite, at Ruby Pier. They didn’t adopt a child because
Marguerite got into a car accident while trying to stop Eddie to take away their money on his birthday.
Eddie became sad because her source of happiness died. He remember his birthday event after
Marguerite passes on. Eddie spends his last years missing Marguerite that he never left Ruby Pier to
make a life for himself somewhere else. She teaches him that love never dies.

The last person Eddie meets is a young girl named Tala. She said that she was died at Eddie's hands
during the war—she was the little shadow who Eddie saw moving in the burning house. Eddie felt
guilt, presently accepting that he deserves of what life he has. Tala explained to him that he redeemed
it, by protecting those children through his maintenance at Ruby Pier. At the end, Eddie came back
into Ruby Pier and go to ferris wheel whe Marguerite is waiting for him.


• “You are here so I can teach you something that you can no more separate one life from another than
you can separate a breeze from the wind.” The Blue Man
The Blue Man want to tell him that he wants to teach him a lesson so that he won’t repeat the same
mistakes as he did in the past.

• “Sometimes you have to do things when sad things happen.”

When there is a thing that happened so bad, we need to move. Example is when your grades are low
because you’re going to be so lazy when it comes to studying then you saw the results. Do you think
you can get high grades on the second quarter if you wouldn’t do anything? Of course you need to do
an action to get a higher grades.

• “For the rest of his life, whenever he thought of Marguerite, Eddie would see that moment, her waving
over her shoulder, her dark hair falling over one eye, and he would feel the same arterial burst of love.”
Think before you do something, you should think about what will happen and will it be affect the others
so that you won’t regret anything just like Eddie who misses his wife, Marguerite and have the feel of
guilt inside him.

• No life is a waste the only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.
The quote or the line has a deep meaning that we are surrounded by the people who loves us and
wants to be with us but we’re always thinking that we’re alone, we are not seeing people effort
because we might be selfish some time.

• “Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.”
In all things, we need to sacrifice even if it is looks wrong in everyine’s point but right in our own
perspective. Sacrificing should result a good thing not a bad thing so that it will not be waste.

• “Sometimes when you sacrifice something, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to
someone else.”
This quote is true, we thought that we lose something or be someone really lose to us but we didn’t
notice that we are just giving those things/person onto somebody because sacrificing is all about
giving whether you want it or not.

• “…Eddie admitted that some of his life he’d spent hiding from God, and the rest of the time he thought
he went unnoticed.”
Faith is what ne need, we should not keep on hiding from Him because He knows what everyone’s
doing, He knows what you’re committed to and you cannot hide anything, not a single thing to Him.

• “What people find then is a certain love. And Eddie found a certain love with Marguerite, a grateful
love, a deep and quiet love, but one that he knew, above all else, was irreplaceable. Once she’d gone
he put his heart to sleep.”
When true love come, you cannot deny it. There’s nothing that will over-power love because love is
what we need and what we wanted to. When his first and only love dies, his heart put on rest and he
didn’t even tried to find another person to love because he knows that no one will make his heart
flutter that his wife.

• “All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of
its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little
pieces, beyond repair.”
Parents should be the one who will teach the child to be good. Parents should be discipline their
children but they can do it not being a desperate or hurting them just to make them realize that what
they did is wrong because sometimes those attitudes that they get are from their parents and the way
they think.
• “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.”
When life goes on, we meet new people that will make a big part of our life, somestays but some are
leveing us. Other people can be a good thing to us or bad, it’s up to you if you will accept them. And
when you meet and get to know about them, you will treat them as a family.

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