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Diffusion Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the word box to complete the sentences. low energy facilitated high equal simple evenly Diffusion is the process by which molecules move from a region of concentration to region of concentration until the particles are distributed. It is a natural, random process that does not require input. and diffusion are the two types of diffusion. The part of the solution of the beaker where copper sulfate is added has a concentration of copper sulfate molecules than other parts. Diffusion continues until the concentration becomes throughout the solution. FER Science Facts aut Diffusion Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the word box to complete the sentences. | low energy facilitated high equal simple evenly Diffusion is the process by which molecules move from a region of high concentration to region of _ low concentration until the particles are evenly distributed. It is a natural, random process that does not require energy input. Simple and facilitated diffusion are the two types of diffusion. The part of the solution of the beaker where copper sulfate is added has a higher _concentration of copper sulfate molecules than other parts. Diffusion continues until the concentration becomes equal throughout the solution. FER Science Facts aut

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