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1.What are the said three branches of the government?
- The legislative, executive, and judicial.

2.When was the year that the executive branch of government has been the focus for policy,
program, and implementations?

3.What is the function of Legislative?

-Make laws

4. What is the function of Executive?

- Carries out law

5. What is the function of Judicial?

- Evaluate Laws

6. Any definition of public administration must deal with how it is like, or different from,

-Private Administration

7. Are the problems of all public organizations being the same, just as the problem of private?

8. In ___________________ everything a government agency does is the public’s business.

- Public Administration

9. Who says that "the difficulty of government work is that it not only has to be well done, but
the public has to be convinced that it is being well done.
- James Forrestal

10. What does the government programs are intended to do?

- serve the needs of the public rather than to make a monetary profit / "serve the needs of the

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