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What are your What are the How do you support What is the

responsibilities at responsibilities of the each other in outcome of the

home? other members of performing different support in the
your family at home? chores family

1. Do the dishes. 1. Do the take-home 1. We always say 1. Family

task from their jobs. “thank you”. members feel
2. Clean our home. appreciated,
2. Do the laundry. 2. We voluntarily do inspiring them to
3. Clean the messes the other member’s work more.
made by my cat. 3. Feed the pigs and chores when they are
ducks. too busy. 2. Kids in the
4. Assist my little family learn that
sister in her home 4. Clean the backyard 3. We teach the they should be
works. and frontyard. young ones in the responsible with
family the value of their tasks.
5. Cook and prepare 5. Cook and prepare responsibility.
our family meal if the family meal. 3. Our home
both my parents are remain organized
preoccupied. and neat.

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