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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Doc. Code: IQA-
Revision No.: 02 GE6 – Art Appreciation
Effective Date:
May 21, 2020

One form of art object we have at home is this

trophy. This trophy was given to my brother and his
team last January. They were awarded as the most
disciplined team during the basketball league here in
our barangay and this trophy serves as the token of
gratitude. It represent their effort and hardwork they
put in the game.

The purpose of trophy:

The trophy is the ultimate, lasting proof of success

and achievement, the cream on the pudding and the
ultimate reward for all the long hours of hard training
and exercising. Winning a trophy is the ultimate reward
for hours of hard work, dedication and .

The trophy is the ultimate, lasting proof of success

and achievement, the cream on the pudding and the
ultimate reward for all the long hours of hard training
and exercising. Winning a trophy is the ultimate reward
for hours of hard work, dedication and perseverance

The function of trophy in history:

The word “Trophy” traces its roots from the French word “Trophee” meaning “A spoil of war and prize”. The
English adapted the French term in the 1550’s to emphasize the victory of the 15 th century English War. In Ancient
Greece, the trophy is made from series of victorious Greek battles that were hung from a tree to symbolize the
warrior’s triumph. The Ancient Greek trophy is made from inscribed contexts depicting the battle of the Gods. The
Ancient Romans meanwhile festooned the creation of the trophy for home and memorial purposes.

During the 16th century Middle Age years, the Chalices were given as an alternative to trophy among winners
from “New World” sporting events. The “Kyp Cup” is the first chalice given to horse racing champions in New
England during the late-1600 years. Chalices are currently seen in prestigious sports events such as the The Stanley
Cup, Davis Cup and World Cup. The “Oscar Trophy” for the Academy Awards is the first human-sized trophy created.
The “Hugo Award” trophy is famous for its “spaceship” size. The “Man on the Moon” trophy is the second human-
sized trophy conceptualized by MTV Networks for the MTV Video Music Awards.

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