Imago Dei

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Title: Imago Dei and abortion

LO) To understand how imago dei

affects Catholic teaching on
protecting unborn children


Revise for an end of topic test

Due Next week

Activity 1- We are made in God’s
Imago Dei is a latin phrase which means:
‘the image of God’.

Therefore to say we are made in imago

Dei, means, we are made in the image and
likeness of God.

We read this in the first book of Genesis….

Key Terms

● Imago Dei: we are made in the image of God (latin)

● Conception: when the male sperm fertilises the female
ovum, seen by Catholics as the start of life
● Abortion: the removal of a foetus from the womb to end a
pregnancy, usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old
Luke 1:39
• Who are these women?
• Who are their unborn
• What is going on in this
• What does this tell us about
life in the womb?
Luke 1:41-42
• Look up this Bible quote &
write it down
• For Catholics, this verse
proves that Jesus was truly
present in his mother’s womb
from the moment of his
conception. Catholic teaching
says that the same fact
applies to all humans
Catholics (and others)
Conception believe that human life
begins at the moment of
conception. From this
moment the whole person
is present. All that happens
afterwards is that the baby
develops following its
natural course.
Humans are made in Imago Dei ( the image of God)
from our earliest beginnings to our natural end
Catholic Views about abortion
“From the moment of its conception, life
must be guarded with the greatest care
while abortion and infanticide are
unspeakable crimes”

Gaudium et Spes 51
Mother Teresa in her Nobel
Peace Prize Speech
Catholic Views about abortion
“I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion,
because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the
innocent child, murder by the mother herself and if we
accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how
can we tell other people not to kill one another”

Mother Teresa- in her Nobel Peace Prize Speech

LIFE charity

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