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Randy and the Rubber Band Wrestling League

One day a Rubber band named Jack was with his friends in his house and they were discussing
which was the best sport, after a long discussion they all agreed that Watermelon Wrestling was the
best one but also the most dangerous for old and fragile rubber bands like them. In the Watermelon
wrestling league there was a participant in particular that was very strong and heavy, he was Randy
and he weighted 100 kg, his skin was very hard and thick and it had a light green color. If you
wanted to beat Randy in a fight you had to be a new and strong Rubber band but Jack and his friend
didn't fit the description.

When he was coming back from work Jack realized that Randy and his watermelon friends were
fighting with some of the rubber bands of the neighborhood that jack lived in, some moments after
Jack saw this he decided to ask for help and he called 911 to get assistance from the local police as
fast as possible, by the time the police arrived it was too late, the watermelons had already
destroyed the rubber bands and non of the watermelons got caught because they ran and escaped
from the police as soon as they heard them. After these events Jack decided to do something about it
and he decided to go to the stretcher which was a machine that made rubber bands more resistant
and strong. When he thought he was strong enough to get revenge from Randy and his watermelon
friend he went to the park and started provoking them but he ended up in the Rubber bands hospital
were they gave him a bunch of medicines and then he was taken to surgery to fix his elasticity
which he almost lost in the fight with the watermelons.

During his time in the hospital he called all friends and told them to visit him, when they arrived he
started to ask for ideas to beat the watermelons, some of his friends agreed it was better not to make
the problem bigger and just stay quiet but he still thought they shouldn't stay with their arms

One of the ideas they came up with was to participate in the wrestling league so thats what they did,
they went to the arena and asked for a schedule of the fights, thats was when the found out that
Randy the Watermelon was fighting against them so they gathered all their forces and hoped for the
best. During the fight Randy showed his impressive fighting skills and beaten all of Jacks friends
except from him, he was the last man standing and he didn't seem to be scared or nervous but in the
inside he hoped that he had never had the idea of going towards their own destruction in the
Watermelon Wrestling League were Randy was clearly a superior opponent.

Jack and his friends couldn't figure out how to finally beat Randy so they went looking for help
with the strongest rubber band ever created in history, his name was “El Macho” he was an
enormous rubber band and the reason for this is that during its fabrication process the machine had
made a mistake and instead of making a small rubber band like Jack and his friends a monster of 2
meters was created.

When Jack asked for the secret to beat Randy, “El macho” said that not even himself was capable of
doing such thing and that the only thing that he could do to help was to give Jack and his friends a
good training so that they could at least deal some damage to Randy when they encountered with
him again in the Wrestling League.
At first Jack was disappointed because “El Macho” had no answer for their question but then he
thought that maybe he was willing to help out to finally beat Randy but his reply was no, “El
Macho” was already an old man and he had run out of elasticity, which he clearly needed to beat
Randy in a fight.

The next days were tough because “El Macho” wouldn't let Jack and his friends rest when they
were training and he always pushed them to their limits which was good but not after 8 intense and
continuous hours of hard training. On most of the days they would go to the stretchers to improve
their flexibility and resistance but on special occasions they went to the “Destroyer” which twisted
them in all the possible ways a Rubber band could be twisted.

After several days of training Jack and his Rubber friends decided that they had to take a day off.
They went they went to the cinema and watched a scary movie of zombie rubber bands, after the
cinema they went for an ice cream in the street and Jack got a cold. After they went for the ice
cream Jacks friends agreed that his cold was getting worse and worse as time passed by so they
decided to take him to the doctor to get a diagnose.

The news Jack received that day were not good at all, the doctor told him that he had a rare disease
called inflexibility syndrome. This disease was causing Jacks body to shrink and it would
eventually cause his death, the first thing Jack thought when the doctor told him this was that he
was not going to be able to go to the fight with Randy in the Watermelon Wrestling League.

Worried about him his friends started raising funds so that they could pay for the expensive cure for
Jacks rare disease. First they started selling donuts in the park, then they sold old clothes they didn't
use and finally they installed a mobile car wash. Of course, they didn't have enough money to pay
for the cure and their last hope was to ask other Rubber Bands. They placed posters all over town
saying that anyone who was or had been harmed or damaged in anyway by the watermelons could
help out giving Jack some money for him being able to buy the cure and participate in the fight to
beat Randy once and for all.

After they got the money and Jack got his cure they got out of the hospital as fast as lightning and
they went straight to Jacks house were they discussed which techniques they should use and when
they would ask for time outs and stuff like that , after they had all of that already planned out they
played video games until the next morning, the morning of the big fight. Jack had cereal and an
apple for breakfast, he got dressed washed his teeth and got into his car to go to the Arena were the
fight was taking place.

He arrived 3 hours early and started to practice a little to be ready for the fight, when he was
practicing he got tired so he decided to stop for him not to be exhausted in the final fight. His
friends didn't arrive until 1 hour was left for the fight to start and they realized that the Arena was to
its full capacity and everyone was screaming Randy!!! Randy!!! Randy!!!. This made Jack a little
mad and disappointed because Randy was a bully and the spectators were encouraging him.

Some minutes before the fight started Randy and Jack were already on the ring but suddenly Jack
had an idea, if the Rubber bands had made such an amazing job raising funds for Jack they could as
well work in team in order to beat Randy so thats what he did he told his friends to ask for help to
the other rubber bands and he asked them to get in the ring at the middle of the fight to get around
him and make him explode.
When the fight first started Jack was being patient and he was not hitting Randy to hard, on the
other hand Randy was determined to beat Jack and he was being very aggressive which was
dangerous since Randy weighted 100 Kg.

Just like Jack asked, all the Rubber bands that were in the crowd started to go inside of the ring in
the middle of the fight, at first Randy would just push them away but as more and more and more
Rubber Bands came it was harder for him to stop them and at the end more than 100,000,000
Rubber bands were around him. At first he couldn't move very well, then after several minutes he
started to lose consciousness and he finally exploded with a loud BOOOOOOM!!! that could be
heard kilometers away from the Arena.

That day the Rubber Bands and the Watermelons both learned an important lesson and this was that
as long as you work in team and accept help from others you can make everything possible and that
if there is ever an obstacle you think you cant overcome you have to remember that sometimes the
only way out is through.

The End

Bruno Casazza

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