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Brain development in early childhood is of immense importance as it largely contributes towards

the future life of kids on the whole. The important aspects which contribute to brain development

are as follows. To begin with, maximizing love and managing stress is important. It contributes

to the mental health of kids. Secondly, the parents should talk, listen and engage with children.

Providing them with a healthy environment helps in their personality building. Moreover, the

needs of the kids should be satisfied properly. Special attention should be given to their

movements, way of talking, and movement of gestures. Lastly, various stories should be

discussed with children so that they may become creative and artistic. Providing them with

reading material helps them in broadening their vision for life in the future. Brain research shows

that around 70% of brain development takes place by the age of five. Special attention should be

given in the early childhood years so that in the future, kids may become mature and strong.

"Kids aren't halfway to kindergarten and they're already well behind their peers." (Elissa

Nadworny). From this, it is quite evident that brain development has an important part to play in

the lives of children. These practices prove valuable for children in the long run. Previously, such

topics of immense importance were not discussed at length. Because of these concerns, various

individual lives became problematic. Importantly, in contemporary times, special attention is

given to these practices. Therefore, it is important to consider these aspects for improved rain

development of children.


Nadworny, Elissa, 2018 0ct 01. Five Simple ways to encourage brain development in your little

one, KQED,


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