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1) How would u describe Mack’s childhood?

Due to his violent and alcoholic father, Mack had a difficult childhood. Because of how this
affected him emotionally, he decided that poisoning his father was the only effective way to
put an end to his misery.

2) Who is papa? According to Mack before his experience in the shack?

According to Mack before his experience in the shack papa was God, yet he didn’t have the
best/closest relationship with him because we understand later on that he Mack couldn’t
believe God would allow horrible things to happen to innocent people.

3) What is the story behind the waterfall?

The story behind the waterfall is about the Indian princess who healed her people by sacrificing
herself by jumping off a cliff. The myth ends with the waterfall being made by the tears of the
Indian princess' father.

4) Everything changed in an instant when “the Great Sadness came uninvited” What do you think
this statement means? Explain
This sentence, in my opinion, implies that Missy's passing caused the family a great deal of
suffering and sorrow. We can see Mack's pent-up rage over failing to keep Missy safe. He was
driving his family away unintentionally due to his intense feelings of resentment and blame.
The entire family was impacted, not just him.

5) What happened when Mack and the kids went camping?

When Mack and the kids when camping they were having a good time. The older kids decided
to go into the canoe which flip and left Josh trapped under it. While Mack was rescuing Josh
from drowning and left Missy unsupervised, she went missing.

6) What was the most difficult thing Mack had to do while being in the shack.
The most difficult thing Mack had to do in the Shack was forgive the killer of his daughter and
to let the thought of his death daughter go for him to heal completely.

7) Describe Mack’s experience with Wisdom. What did he realize?

Mack's encounter with Wisdom taught him that he cannot sit in judgment, and in doing so, he
realized that God never harbors malice and that he is the only judge in our lives.

8) What does Papa ask Mack before he returns home and why?
Before Mack leaves, back to home, Papa asked him if he wanted to stay and be with Missy or
return to his normal life with the rest of his family. This, in my opinion, shows the audience the
growth Mack had in his faith.

9) Write a summary of Mack's entire experience in the shack. 20 sentence paragraphs

Mack gets a letter from Papa telling him to go to the shack, and that they are waiting for him.
He gets there and finds and empty shack with no one waiting for him. He then noticed the faded
bloodstained where the dresses of his daughter had been found and started letting his anger
out by smashing things. He then passed out and when he woke up, he decides to make his way
back home. On his way back his surroundings started to change and what was once a snowy
cabin turn into this full of light, peaceful and beautiful cabin. When Mack enters, he meets Papa
(God) Sarayu (Holy Spirit) and Jesus. Thinking he is gone mad he exists the cabin, as he is doing
this Jesus approaches him and lets him know that he dropped his invitation. He enters back
again and meets with God that expresses the eternal love for Him. Mack is taking aback that
God is a woman. Papa explains that he couldn’t handle a father, he stars questioning Papa and
her actions. He discusses with Papa how she punishes individuals. She explains to him that she
doesn't punish individuals since their wrongdoing serves as sufficient punishment and that all
she does is for the greater good. Sarayu explains to him the analogy of when a poison plant is
combined with the right plant it creates healing powers. He then tries to forget those tragic
memories and starts gaining trust in Jesus. Later, he meets wisdom in where they talk about
God being the only judge, he then sees his daughter and tries to apologize but Wisdoms lets
him know she never felt that way. Papa, Sarayu, and Jesus take Mack to his dad, and they
forgave each other. Mack also understood and forgave the killer of his daughter. They give Mack
to option to stay or leave, and he decided to go back. He is in a vehicle accident on the way
home. Because of the accident, he remains comatose for a few days, and he recognizes that
others might not accept his recounting of what transpired at the cabin. But Willie and Nan
assure him that they trust him, and thanks to the information Mack learned while he was in the
shack, the police can find Missy's body and apprehend the killer.

10) Did you like the movie? Explain why or why not
I like this movie because the way they present God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit isn’t your
traditional way, is more of a modern way. I like the way they teach us the watches that even if
you don’t have such a strong relationship with God he is always there and if you allowed him
to come into your life, he would ease your pain away.

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