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Journal #5

At the beginning of this class I already knew about different learning styles and ways to help me
learn, even though I might not have used them this year, I still knew about it from previous
classes I took in highschool. I find this class didn’t introduce me to many new things, however,
that could be because I didn’t show up to many classes. I think this is because I don't like
reflecting about what I learned and that was a very big part of this course. Throughout this
course it never got easier, it just got harder to think about my learning. I found it boring and
useless and like I wasn't learning a single thing, which just made me want to skip even more.
This class did make me reflect on one thing which was my future. It made me think about when I
graduate what did I actually learn? I think I am doing the bare minimum to get by and that's a
little scary to think that in a few years I'm going to be out in the real world with a degree but not
actually know anything. Because of this class and reflecting about my future one of my goals
going forward is to attend all of my classes next semester. I think by starting to go to my classes
I will stay on top of assignments and quizzes and have a better understanding of what is going
on in the course, and hopefully learn something.

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