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Virtual field trip

Lindy Brunelle

GEOL 1208.1, Environmental Geology – Atlantic Canada Perspective

Possible Geological Hazards in South-End Halifax:

1. Landslides and slope failure

2. Coastal erosion
3. Chemical weathering
4. Sea level rising
5. Acid rock drainage


I learned about chemical weathering and acid rock drainage. Before this field trip I didn’t
understand it. Now I know it is when carbon dioxide from the air or soil combines with water
and creates a process called carbonation. I also learned why this is a problem as this produces a
weak acid that can erode rocks, lowers pH, and kills fish, amphibians, and other animals.

Importance to You:

This field trip was important to me as it taught me what some hazards are in the city I live
in. This is important because if I get a house next year, I might have slope failure somewhere in
my yard and now I know what it looks like so I can recognize it, and correct the issue.

Application of Knowledge:

Before this field trip I was confused about many of the terms we talked about. Because of
this trip I was able to look at terms I was a little confused about such as slope failure and get an
example of it. This helped me picture it better and I now know what to look for in slope failure.


I can connect this field trip with my life by recognizing hazards around me. On
Halloween night we walked by the bridge shown in the field trip and made comments about how
old it looks and how unsafe it looks. Now I can recognize these hazards and understand what
places are safe and unsafe. I can also connect this to my life when I move into a house and see
the possible hazards with it.

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