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Uving Your Design

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A New Manual for AwakeniJ.lg

Revised anq ~dited
by ~ichard RuOd6i
Living Your Design - A New Manual for Awakening
Completely revised and edited by Richard Rudd (2004)

Cover art and design by Francis Bliven (2004)

The Human Design mandala on the cover is the chart of Mahatma Gandhi.

Portions of this book were adapted from the original Living Design Manual.

Published and printed in the United States by:

Human Design America

120 A Valencia Dr.
Santa Fe NM 87505

Visit us on the World Wide Web at:

Design and Production: Neil Taylor AKA, Mick Shotton Essential if)
Copyright Jovian Archive Corporation 2004

Notice of Rights:
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent of the publisher.




Revisedand edited by Richard Rudd

With contributions from Ra Uru Hu

Jovian Archive Corporation 20041HDS Manuals and Texts

Gene Keys Publishing 2002

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

'When we first have a Human Designreading, it is as though an implosion takes place

inside us. For many people, this event initiates a deep shattering of their conditioning
that they will have to grapple with over the following months and years.The work of
livingone's design is the greatest work a person can do. It is my hope that this manual
will laythe foundation for this awe-inspiringencounter with the true Self.Mypersonal
experience is that the only true requirements for being awake are patience and
May this work bring you closer to both.'

Richard Rudd

Hurnan Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights ReselVed 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.




6.3 THE SELF & 'NOT-SELF' 52




TYPE 166

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Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Welcometo the Living your Design manual. You are standing at the threshold of a great
journey of discovery. With the help of this manual, you have the opportunity to take an
odyssey as ancient as time itself. The words and techniques may have changed to suit the
modern psyche, but the goal remains the same. The goal is yOU. This is the journey that
all men and women must some day take; it is the journey home, to the very heart of who
you are. .

If you are reading this, then perhaps you are ready to take this journey. By now you may
have had your Human Design Foundation reading. You may already know which of the
four Types you are and where your decision-making Authority comes from.

If you are a Manifestor, you may be beginning to remember the fire

that burns deep within you - the fire that you have probably
allowed so many people to dampen.

If you are a Generator or a Manifesting Generator,you may feel

completely liberated to learn what you have always suspected
about yourself - that you arenot designedto be a 'go-getter', and
asyou relax,things happen more smoothly.

If you area Projector,you may feel a senseof reliefthat you do not

haveto 'do' anything in orderto get the recognition that you know
you deserve- that you haveonly to wait and your invitation will

If you are a Reflector, you may have finally understood why you feel
so different from everyone around you - you may well be excited
to learn more about your extraordinary Design.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 1

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright )ovian Archive Europa 2000.


To liveyour Designis actuallya verysimple thing. It is simplyanother way of showing a
person how to be themselves. Many people will say that they are already being
themselves, but the reality is that veryfew people are able to be themselves. Fromthe
moment we are born,we are conditioned bythe designs of the people around us.Weare
shaped by those who do not reallyknow us, even though they may love us. There is no
question of there being any blame for this early conditioning. Most of the time, our
parents, peers and and teachers do the best they can with the tools they have.
Fromthe moment we hear our first Human Designreading,a new potential beginsto stir
within us. These first months are in many ways the most delicate part of our journey. In
the same way that a young seed isvulnerablewhen first planted in new soil,our psyche
has to undergo a deep restructuringas we come to terms with new concepts of who and
what we really are.
This manual is only the beginning. Itsjob is to guide each of us through the door of
self-discovery.Ifyou chose to actuallyexperiment with this knowledge in your everyday
life, then by the end of your first year of living your design, you may feel very, very
different about yourself.Bythat time, each of us will have entered deeply enough into
this knowledge to underStand some of the gifts that it can truly bring to our lives.So
above all, we must be patient and allow the process time to unfold. For each of us,
self-realisation comes in its own mysterious way and follows its own hidden timing.
There is nothing we can do to speed it up or slow it down. Therewillbe doubts and dark
times. That isfor certain.Human Designis manythings, and most often inthe beginning
it can seem confusing.Time isthe great key.Onlybywaiting willour rewardsemerge.
Thismanual isdesigned as a support to followyour Human Designreading,or as a primer
for anyone wishingto begin a deeper study of Human Design.Youwilllearn allthe basic
keysof Human Design:the calculation,the centres and most importantly,Type,Strategy
and Authority.After reading this manual you will have allthe necessarybackground to
experiment with livingyour design. This is an absolute prerequisite before you go any
deeper into the knowledge.Thisisa deeplypracticalmanual that willbe focused on you.
It givesyou many insights about your own Design,but it willnot teach you how to do a
professionalanalysisof a chart. Havingsaid that, I have also included a fair amount of
theory inthis manual.Wewilllookat both the scientificbackgroundto Human Designas
well as explorethe mysticalcosmology given inthe revelationof this knowledge. I hope
you enjoy readingthis materialand find the journey inspiring.


TheHumanDesignSystemisa Synthesis.Synthesisisaneasilyusedwordthese days,but
it is not so easilyunderstood.Forsomethingto be a true Synthesis,it must include
everything.Ifanythingisleftout, then itcannotbecalleda trueSynthesis.HumanDesign
containsall systemsfrom all walksof life becauseit is founded upon fundamental
geneticprinciplesthat arethe foundationof all life.It is neithera teaching,nor is it a

2 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

technique. It does not require a master; neither does it require intelligence, st~dy or
effort. Just as a hologram contains more than one view of an object, the collective
knowledge of various human cultures is interlaced into one system in Human Design,
because each culture has glimpsed a different aspect of the truth. Onlynow do we have
the privilegeto put allthe pieces together and see the mechanicsof creation. In short,
Human Designisthe coding of the matrixof lifeand the materialworld.
Another way to describe Human Design is as a mutation. It is a mutation of
consciousness itself,and as such it spreads quickly.It spreads through the livingcellsof
our bodies, even while it enters through our minds. Once we have heard our true
genetic strategies, whenever we forget to followthem, this remembranceinsideus flares
up again,and again, and again, untilwe get it. Sufferingisan important aspect of Human
Designbecause everytime we resist our suffering,we realisethat we must be resisting
our true nature. Thus the more we accept our own suffering,the lesshold it has upon us,
and the deeper the transformation goes insideus. Those who stay with the processwill
discoverthat the transformation that overtakesthem leadsto onlyone place - a placeof


Likethe DNAhelix itself,two different paths are intertwined within the LivingDesign
The first path is the mental path, as we study the Human DesignSystem itself,at the
conscious level.It is represented in this training manual by the writing in black.This is
when we exercisethe logicalside of the brain.The Human DesignSystem is a mental
system, and itsjob isto use the mind inorder to defeat the mind.Asyou study your own
design and that of those around you, your mind graduallybegins to grasp that you are
part of a vast pattern that has its own direction and laws.Asyou see the logicof Human
Designbeing playedout inyour own life,your mind willgraduallylose its power.Youwill
naturallyworry less and less about the future as your body begins to resonate with the
simplicityof living as yourself.Youwill learn that if you don't interfere with your life,
everything will take care of itself, in its own time and in its own way.

The second path isthe physicalpath, and this isthe path that can only be seen overtime.
It is represented in this training manual by the writing in red. It operates unconsciously
within us at a levelbelowour consciousaccess.Thisiswhere the mutation operates, deep
within the cellsof our body, as the old ingrainedbehaviour patterns of our conditioning
slowlybegin to unwind. This is when we exercisethe abstract side of the brain.As you
read through this manual, everynow and again you willcome acrossa section written in
red. These sections are more connected with the internal process of livingone's design.
Sometimes they are meditations, sometimes articles or stories by the author and
sometimes they are the experiencesof other students of Human Design.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 3

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright )ovian Archive Europa 2000.

Iencourage you to be playful with this red material. Perhaps you m ight liketo create a red
file of your own so that you can make notes as you go through the process of
deconditioning. Asyou begin this incrediblejourney, you may also attend courses, read
articles or meet other people who are also going through similarprocesses as yourself.
Youmay hear many stories and insights. I also inviteyou to sign up for the free Human
Design Update, which is sent to you via email every two weeks, and is usuallyfull of
people's insights and stories of their personal experiment with Human Design. Please
contact your national organisation to subscribe.One of the most important aspects of
awakening to your true self is to have support from people who understand what is
happening to you. Asyou continue to watch the centres and their themes playingout in
those around you, your entire attitude to others may radicallyalter, as you let go of
tryingto change them for example.Livingyour design may affectyour relationships,your
careerand even your health. Forthese reasons alone it isrecommended that you contact
your national organisation in order to find out what support may be availableto you.

Foreach of us on this newjourney, revelations await. There are alwaysthose moments

when the hidden side comes to the surface and we glimpse the magic of the forces of
nature at workwithin us.Thisisthe magicof Synthesis.It issomething totally new to the
world, and something we are barelyreadyfor as a species.Old knowledge is alwayssafe,
but new knowledge is heresy. This is a journey we will have to feel our way into as
pioneers.Weare a generation born on the cusp of a great turning point inconsciousness,
and our only responsibilityisto thoroughly enjoythat privilege.

4 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.


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Ra Urn Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.


by Ra Uru Hu, founder of The Human Design System

"The Human Design System is not a belief system. It doesn't

require that you believe in anything. It doesn't require that you
believe in me. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a
concrete map to the nature of being. It is a logical way in which
we can see ourselves.

With Human Design, just knowing the simple mechanics of

your design is enough to make a vast difference in your life. The
irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at
the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the
cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn't matter
how intelligent we are. It doesn't matter the labels that we
attach to that intelligence - whether we call it "enlightened" or
whether we call it "genius". There is a vast underlying ignorance
of how our bodies operate.
The Human Design System is a reading of your genetic code. This ability to be able to
detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals
our complete nature in all its subtleties. However, it is not necessary for you to know
Human Design in great depth. That is the job of the professional analyst. What this work
aspires to communicate is simply the surface mechanics of your nature. That will give you
grounding in your life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your life process.
These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. The way in which our
genes operate is purely mechanical, and the moment we try to interfere with their
operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, our genes will
have their way.
We are passengers in these bodies. We are passenger consciousness experiencing life
going by. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not. Yet at the same time, we are
totally dependent on it. This is the tragedy of a sick body. We are totally dependent on our
vehicles. To learn how to operate them properly immediately brings benefits. This is not
complex and it will not be in complex language. It is very straightforward and very
logical. It is accessible to anyone of any age. It is knowledge for the world.
In my teaching of Human Design and the training of Human Design analysts, students of
mine have ranged from fourteen years old to being well into their eighties. There is no
limitation and there is no barrier denying anyone from grasping these essential truths
abou~ themselves. This is not simply about saying, "Aha, I'm this or I'm that". This is not
just another profiling system. It is about having the opportunity to do something with

6 Human Design Intemational Training Manuals.

Ra UIU Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

the knowledge.It isabout being ableto be ableto act on it and experiment with its,logic.
Thisbringsthe remarkableexperienceof finding and ultimately livingone's true life.
Alllearning,that is real learning,takes seven years. Ittakes approximatelyseven years to
change almost allof the cellsinthe body ('almost' because most of the cellschange, but
the nerve cellsand the bones stay the same). Welivein a seven-yearcycle.The moment
that you beginto come to your own nature, the moment that you allowyour bodyto live
its lifewithout resistance,you begin a deep processof de-conditioning.Sevenyears later,
you emerge, quite literally,as a new being:yourself.
It's one of the great jokes that human beings don't get to liveout their own lives.It is
because they don't get to liveout their own livesthat lifeseems to be such a difficult
experiencefor them. Weknow that there is a lot of kant around about being yourself.It
is all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself,but first you
have to knowwho that self is.
In my professional work, I have now given between five and six thousand individual
readings.Whereverthat has been, and regardlessof culture or country,Ihavefound there
to be one prevailingdisease.That disease is self-hatred, and it thrives wherever you find
something about yourselfthat you would liketo change. Self-hatredvaries in intensity
from beingjust beneath the surface of the consciousnessto being full-blown. It is the
most human of ironiesthat self-hatred is truly misplaced because most people do not
knowthemselves.Theyactuallyhate the wrong person.Theyare actuallydissatisfied
with the wrong person.
Most human beings don't likethemselves, and they don't likethemselves because they
truly do not know who they are. Most human beings have never livedthe experienceof
being themselves, nor seen the beauty of what their true lifeholds. It istime to see that
this is not, as the ancients claim,the planet of suffering,but infact, an opportunity for a
glorious awareness.
Human Designisnot about guarantees or promises.Thisis not sayingthat ifyou liveout
your own nature, you're going to be the wealthiest or the most beautiful. It is not about
being better or best. It isabout being yourself.
Lifeis a duality,and this is revealedthrough our moralities.There is alwaysgoing to be
this and that. There is alwaysgoing to be the good and the bad.There isalwaysgoing to
be successand there is always going to be failure.That is the nature of what it is to be
human and to liveout the spectrum of human experience.
The moment that you liveout your own nature and you enter into lifecorrectly,this isthe
moment that you get what is correctfor you. Youget the correct careerand you get the
correct relationships.So, you see, it does not matter whether you are a successor not,
because there willbe no suffering, despite your state. Youwillbe livingout your nature
and it willbe clearto you that what isthere for you is right for you. Whateverthat might
be. Only then, finally,will there be no part of you that can say: "I wish I could be
something or somewhere else".

Human Design International Training Manuals. 7

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

We are overwhelmedin our western culture with improvementpropaganda.The

hucksters cry 'be thinner, wiser, faster, richer'. There are all kinds of purveyors of teachings
who beckon us to follow 'their' way. All human beings suffer from the propaganda of
generalisations. Without knowing oneself, one can so easily be lost in this propaganda.
Youdo not haveto changeanything.It is simplya matter of becomingyourselfand
becoming aware of yourself.
The Human DesignSystem opens the door to the potential of self-love.Findingself-love
is also about finding a greater love, a love for life and a love for others through
understanding. Throughout this LivingYourDesignTraining,in seeing yourself and in
comingto understand how you can liveout your own nature, please pay attention to the
importance of that inyour relationshipswith others. So many of our difficultiesinthis life
are because we have great difficultiesin our relationships,whether they are our career
relationships or whether they are our personal relationships. What is true for the
individual,a lackof understanding about one's own nature, isalso true for relationships.
Relationshipsoperate out of genetic imperativesbased on mechanicallaws.
Tobe yourselfisto bring into your lifethose beingsthat are trulyfor you.Thisknowledge
is about how you do that simply,so that you too can benefit from the best possible
associations. Correct associations aUowyou not only to be seen and understood by
others, but also allow you to understand them. As a parent, this has been an essential
ingredient inthe well being of my children.
Human Designis logical,mechanicalknowledge.It is not theorising nor philosophy.It is
about being able to do practicalthings with knowledge that brings practicalbenefits. I
hope you enjoy "LivingYourDesign".Enjoythe fact that there reallyis knowledge in the
world that is truly valuable. Enjoythe fact that you too can participate in becoming a
healthy self-lovinghuman being."


8 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

This symbol appears many times within the field of Human Design.
Revealed along with the system, it is know as the 'juxtapose' and
represents the fundamental duality of alllife.
Atthe heart of the Human DesignSystem liesa single,vitalbeating heart.
It iscalledjuxtaposition UnifiedTheory(JUT).It is in fact, a veryadvanced
and complexscientifictheory of our universebased on 9 dimensions.The
details of JUTare not for the faint-hearted, and one needs more than a
rudimentary understanding of theoretical physicsto begin to penetrate the logicalcore
of this knowledge.Therefore,inthis first training, we willkeep everythingas simple and
clearas possible.
In simple language,juxtaposition Theory is about chickensand eggs. Whichcame first?
The answer accordingto Human Designis neither.They began together, inseparablebut
opposite, not integrated but juxtaposed. The word juxtaposition points towards the
existence of two forces that stand next to each other. They do not become one. In fact
the juxtaposition of two forces creates a th irdforce. This is a basic pattern that also lies at
the heart of the Human Design revelation; that all life is a duality and has always been so,
even from the beginning. With duality, you have friction, and out of friction comes life
The basis of juxtaposition Theory is that the universe is not one single entity, as the name
'UNI verse' suggests. In fact, we live in a 'Si verse', because it is made up of two very
different sets of forces. The universe that we see and that our scientists study is actually
only an aspect of the greater duality.Toput it simply,we can only see halfthe story.
When physicists first began studying the elements of the atomic world, they found
something rather extraordinary that was very puzzling to them. They discovered that
particles and waves, the building blocks of life, seemed to regularly transform into one
another. Obviously, they knew that this was impossible, so they begun to speculate that
they themselves were actually affecting the experiment. This gave rise to a whole new
exciting set of theories involving further dimensions. Superstring Theory is the name of
the most popular current model for explaining our universe, and it is based on the
existence of other dimensions beyond our 3 dimensional perceived world.
According to juxtaposition Theory, the physicists are getting closer to the truth. We live
in a four dimensional world (the 4th dimension being time/space) and anything we
measure, scientifically or otherwise, is limited by these four dimensions. Metaphysically
speaking, we inhabit the Yang world of Light. Sut there exists alongside our perceived
world another world. Alongside our world, juxtaposed, is the Yin world of Darkness. The
Yin world is a five dimensional world and cannot be seen by us, even though its laws
govern all existence.
If you are now feeling lost, let me give you an image. Our perceived universe is a foetus
growing in the womb of another unseen universe. In other words, we think we are alone,

1 If you are interested in knowing more about Juxtaposition Theory or the physics behind Human Design, we rocommend 'The
Neutrino Biverse', from the special interest series of the Genekeys audio library.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 9

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

but something else knows that we are not! This is exactly the image that was given when
the Human Design System was revealed. We are an unborn entity, and until we are born,
we will not be able to see the bigger picture. Interestingly enough, the very latest
scientific theories are based on a model known as the 'Braneworld', which postulates that
our universe is surrounded by a membrane that obscures us from the higher dimensions.

The whole point of all this is to understandthat Human Designis founded upon
something that we cannot see, and thus it has to be tested rather than believed. One of
the greatest challenges to a sceptical mind is the correlation between who we are and the
time of our birth. Human Design is not about proving anything on the mental level. It is
the experience of actually living our design that will finally prove the value of this
knowledge to each one of us. The proof of the pudding, as always, lies in the eating.

'Between the Conscious and the Unconscious

The Mind has put up a swing:
All earth's creatures, even the supernovas,
Sway between these two trees,
And it never winds down.
Angels, animals, humans, insects by the million,
Also the wheeling sun and moon;
Ages go by, and it goes on.
Everything is swinging: heaven and earth, water and fire
And the secret one slowly growing a body.

Kabir saw that for fifteen seconds,

And it made him a servant for life'.


10 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.



Big Bang

Yin Yang

--6 Quarks: 6 Leptons

Up, Down, Strange, 3 Types of Electrons

Charm, Beauty, Truth 3 Types of Neutrinos

Neutron - Proton Electron - Neutrino

The Atom The Neutrino

10% of the Massof the 66'000'000'000 per second
Biverse(Universe) per cm everywhere,all the time

Some time around 15 billion years ago, according to the physicists, an event took place
that they call the Big Bang. This was the beginning of what we call the universe. The most
extraordinary thing about that moment is that everything that has mass existed in an
object that was smaller than a single atom. That is very difficult to imagine. Something
ignited that and so the universe began to expand. As it expanded, it divided up into a
basic duality.
In the above illustration, we can see the beginning of the dualistic universe in which we
live. The first thing that happened after the Big Bang is that everything divided into two
families. Here, we are using the eastern terms YIN and YANG to represent MATTER and

The Yin family is fundamentally material. The Yin family is made up of six quarks.'
Scientists gave these things nice names. These quarks are called Up, Down, Strange,
Charm, Beauty and Truth (sometimes also called Bottom and Top). Two of these six
quarks, namely Up and Down, come together in two groups and they form what we call
the proton and the neutron. These strange sounding objects make up the material
building blocks of the universe.
The Yang family isfundamentally energy, or at least it was always considered to be until fair-
1yrecently. This family is made up of leptons, and you may notice that there are six of them
as well - three different types of electrons and three types of something called neutrinos.
These 2 families then join together; that is the electron from one side comes together
with the proton and neutron from the other side, and as we learned in school, they form
the atom. The stars, the trees, the birds, you and me, we are all atomic in nature. The joke

Human Design International Training Manuals. 11

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

inthis isthat ifyou count up everythingwe know as atomic inthe universe -allthe stars,
the galaxiesand super clustersand planets, in other words everythingthat we know and
can see - you are going to discoverthat it only represents 10% of the mass of the whole
universe.It is only 1/10 of the physicalmaterial of the universe.The rest of the universe
is known rather obscurely as 'dark matter', and that is what the scientists have been
And then the neutrino entered onto the scene. For a very long time, the scientists
thought that the neutrino was just pure energy. However,in 1995 they discoveredand
proved that the neutrino bears an infinitesimalmass. What we now know is that the
largest of the neutrinos is about one-millionth of the weight of a proton. That is
extremely light, but nonetheless it is material.The other fact that is known about the
.neutrino isthat it travelsslowerthan light,which means that it cannot be pure energy.
Neutrinos are only made in stars.They are the breath of stars. Our sun issuch a star, and
out of that star comes an endless stream of neutrino information which is material
information passing through us. There are more neutrinos than anything else in the
universe.Foreverysquare inchof spaceon our earth, three trillionneutrinos pass through
that place, every second allthe time. These tiny bits of information are penetrating us
every second all the time, which means that we live in a vast information-field.This is
what the ancients referredto as the 'Prana' or 'Chi'.

12 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

By Ra Uru Hu
I had a house in Ibiza. It was called Cas Coxtu. When I stepped out and left everything
behind, I left that house. In the back of the house was an ancient ruina, where the
original house had once been. It died about 300 years ago. All that was left was one room.
The rest were all broken down walls, but that one room had been ,fixed up by the
previous owner of the house so it could be used as a kind of study or extra bedroom. It
was not very pretty but it was functional. I had a friend of mine who was an English poet,
and he had no place to live and I told him that he could come and live in this ruina.
Some time later, he would return the service, because one day he came to me and said: "I
have a place for you to live. You should really get off the ground. You've been on the
ground too long. Why don't you come and live in this ruina that you gave to me. I have
to go to England anyway."

Cas Coxtu

So I moved into this ruina, into this one room. It had a platform inside, with a desk and a
bookshelf, which was full of books and herbs. My friend was a herb collector. There was
also this one door, which had an ancient old key - one of these huge iron keys. Around the
time that my daughter was born, I used to draw in diaries. They were symbol diaries of my
life and contained no words. They only contained my drawings. On every single page
there was a drawing of this key. That was many years before all this. Anyway, there was
this wonderful key that opened up this door. There was also a Dutch couple. They were
fascinated by my life process. I was quite notorious by that stage and considered by most
people to be dangerous. They were fascinated with me and they would come once a week
and collect me. They would bring me to their house and they would turn on their tape
recorder and they would just let me talk. I talked about what I was going through in my
process. They would give me a nice lunch, they would give me some pesetas and then
they would send me home. It kept me alive.
On January 3rd, 1987, a day like any other day, I visited them as usual. They had picked
me up in the morning. I was disturbed that day because I had an enormous pain in my
mouth, a toothache. When the day was done, my host said to me: "Do you need
anything?" I said: "Do you have anything for a toothache?" and he offered me something

Human Design International Training Manuals. 13

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

homeopathic which had no effect on me. Then they drove me backto the highwaynear
my ruina.
I give names to everything.I even give names to the things I cook. I livedwith a dog at
that time. Hewas the onlyanimal in my lifethat was never a pet. Heneverwas anything
close to being a pet. Hisname was BarleyBaker.Allmy animals have last names. Barley
was savage. Hewas a natural born killer.He had a master that never fed him because I
never had anything. So he had to feed himself,and so he would hunt sheep. Hewould do
allthe things that carnivoresdo. The onlything was that he knew me from the moment
that he was two days old, when he was given to me bythe daughter of a friend of mine.
So he knew my scent and he was all right with me. But he did not likepeople. Iwatched
him one day killa dog in a dog fight. Hewas savage.So I arrive.It is dark. It iswintertime
-andit is dark early.I arriveat the bottom of the hill,at the highway,and the moment I
step onto the path Ican feel him.Ifyou livethat kindof a lifeyou have a deep connection
to animals. Hejust immediately picks up my smell and he knows that I am there and
- comesand hesayshello.Weclimbupthe hillandwhenwegetto thetop ofthe hill,there
is a terrace.Wego along the terrace and as we are walkingalong the way,what is infront
of me is the originalfront door of the house. But the only thing that was there is the
archway.The wallsand the ceilingwere gone. Youcan lookthrough the archwayand you
can see the room that the ruina was.The room they had built for their first childbecause
it was the smallest room in the house. The room sat over a cistern, an empty well.The
welldried about two hundred years ago. It iswhy the house was given up. So this room
was sitting overa cavern.Insideof the room there was a butane bottle that ran a littlegas
stove and above the platform where I slept hanging from a beam there was a ke~sene
lantern. This lantern had never been on, because it was out of kerosene and I could not
afford either to get it nor did I know where to get it. 50 I am walkingalong with Barley
along this terrace and when Iget outside of the main entrance to the house, outside of
the archway,Ialreadybegin to feel uncomfortable. Idon't knowwhy, but anywayinthat
moment Ifeel a tightening in my stomach muscles.Istep through the old archwayand I
realise, because it is a shock to me, that there is light underneath my door. This is an
ancient Ibizadoor. It has this one big iron key.There is onlyone key.Youcan't breakthat
lock.It is not the kind of door where you can get in. But it was more that light that dis-
turbed me. Occasionally,I would have a candle but rarelydid I have light. Iam an Aries.It
is easy for me to go to sleep at five o'clockinthe afternoon and get up at four o'clockin
the morning. I lived in my own world. It did not make any differenceto me. So I was
standing there and there was light under the door and Barleywho normallygoes ahead
of me is behind me. I am veryaware of the fact that he is behind me and that he is not
. interested in all of that. He is not moving. It was the firstjoke for me because the door
was verycloseto me and I shouted at it. I shouted: Who is there? This is my joke. The
ruina sits on a hillthat goes down into a valley.On the other side,there isa whole ringof
hills.So inthis night, inthe darkwith this stripof light under the door Ihear myown voice
echoing through the valley.Who isthere?
AsIgot closerto the door Ithought that maybethe Englishpoet who told me that Icould

14 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

live in this ruina, maybe he had made another key and maybe he was there. So} got
closerto the door and Ishouted louder into the door onlyto hear my echo. So Itook this
magicalkeyof out mypocket. Ican remember putting the keyinthe keyholeand turning
it and I push the door. When I push the door there was a lot of things going on at the
same time. When I push the door Iwas stepping into the doorway. Barleywas coming
quicklynow towards the house and as I push the door open and as I stepped on the
threshold a lot of things happened. It ishardto tell these things sequentially.Theyalljust
happened together. I saw the lantern above my bed. It was lit.There was a flame in the
lantern and the lantem was turning clockwiseover my bed. At the same moment that I
was aware that the lantern was turning, Barleyhad just come in the door and fell down
likesomebody had shot him. Hiswhole body collapsed.Ientered into something which I
don't know how to describe. Mywhole body seemed to explode. There was a kind of
pressure in my head. Inthe moment of this pressure Ihear this...
The way in which we experience things is conditioned through our history and our
culture,our bac~ground.Ispent most of my lifebeinga veryarrogant man and somebody
who demeaned the intelligenceof others. I respected no Authority.There was no one
who was going to impose his nature, his will or his thoughts on me. I had never been
humiliated in my life.But, all of a sudden, there was this dark hard, cold, male voice,
frightening,witha flavourof intelligencethat Ididnot knowand it saidto me: IAreyou
readyto work?' Mybody exploded. I mean the water in my body exploded.I had rivulets
of water coming off the top of my skull.I had a whole pool of my own water that Iwas
standing in. Iwas likeone of these people that runs a marathon for 25 kms and they get
totally dehydrated and there is no water inthe body.The moment that allthe water was
out of my body,everysinglemuscleof my body began to cramp.It is hardto describethe
intensityof the pain. Painisa verysubjectivething. Ihave an enormous tolerancefor pain.
Inthat experience,I have never known anything so painful in my whole life.That iswhy I
callwhat was happening to me a rape. Mybody was violated. Iwas in agony.Allof that
happened very quickly.Allof that perception: the dog, the light, the voice, the water.
Therewas a moment where Iassumed that Iwas about to die.It seemed veryclearto me.
Somewhere insideof me I knew that something was ripping me apart. Then something
very strange happened. There was this sensation. It started in my right hip. I know the.
place.Asa matter of fact, I never have been massaged except for once. The person who
did the massage, when they got to that point they said: Oh,you can't touch this point.
Itwas verystrange.Thisplace iswherethe energy body,the energy suit - that is how Icall
it - started. It feels likewhen your foot or your hand goes to sleep.There isthis deafness,
the dumbness but it isalso a kindof tingling.It issort of likethat. It started in my hip and
it moved both down and up at the same time. It did not eliminate my pain but it did
something to it. I don't know what. Foreight days I livedwith this energy sheath around
my bodywhich made it verydifficultfor me to followthe instructions of the voice.Itwas
very difficult for me to grip a pen. It was almost impossible.The first day I did not
reallythink that Icould do that betause Icould not feel it in my hand. Asidefrom the fact
that iswas painful.The onlytime that the pain would go awaywas when the voicetalked
to me. Itwas a strange thing. The moment that there was this thing talking to me allof

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

a sudden it disappeared and I - sort of - floated ina kindof state, where you are there and
you are not there. There is something else there. I have never known anything that was
so profound that it made me feelant like,tiny,absolutelymeaningless.One has to be very
careful about anthropomorphising one's experience. I know what I was dealing with. I
was dealingwith a Designcrystalbundle. It came from the core of our planet and it came
into the cavernthat was below my ruina.The Human DesignSystem is not in the world
because of me. It is inthe world because everybodywas seeded with that information in
those eight days, the whole planet. We were all receptiveto the Neutrino stream that
poured through that crystalbundle. The realityis that the energy that Itook in was Yin
energy, form energy. That was my experience. But to describe it physically is to
understand that this was something incrediblyviolent. Iam designed for shock.The only
.thing that surprisesme about any of this isthat Isurvivedto tell the tale.

16 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

In1987 an extraordinary event took placeon this planet. It was seenwith the nakedeye
on a mountaintop in Chile.It was one of the first times in recordedhistory that human
beings witnessed a supernova.A supernova is the death of a star, a vast explosion of
unimaginable intensity. That star, now known to scientists as 1987A, bombarded our
planet for severalminutes with a deluge of subatomic information with its dying breath.
When it actually reachedus, for fourteen minutes, everybody on this planet received
three times asmany Neutrinos asnormal.
Around the same time on a Mediterraneanisland called Ibiza,a man had a deep shock
experienceon January3 of that year.He describedthat event as being penetrated by a
voice.This mystical experiencelastedeight daysand eight nights during which he never
slept but only listened. He was given immensely detailed descriptions of how our
universefunctions, and out of this he was given the Human Design system. After this
experience,he changed his name and becameknown to the world as Ra Uru Hu. After
about a year of trying to bring himself backto reality, Rabegun to experiment with the
revealed knowledge and soon realisedits power. Since 1992 Ra Uru Hu has been the
transm itter ofthe Human DesignSystem.
Accordingto the voice,the universestarted in a different way from how most physicists
currel1t1yseeit. Accordingto the voice,the universewas not born at the big bang; rather
the big bang was a conception. That means that the entire universe is one single living
entity and it is not yet born. Therefore,there aremany things that we cannot know. The
voice told the story of creation in its own language.In the beginning there was a cosmic
Yin egg, and this egg contained within it all the material of the universe.This echoesthe
current standard scientific theories that postulate that all the potential material of the
universewascompressedinto a tiny object about the sizeof an atom. The voice went on
to saythat insidethis egg was something that could be described asa crystalstructure. It
is not really a crystal,but the image of a crystalhelps usto understand how it works.
There was also a yang seed and within the yang seed there was also this crystal-like
structure.Then somethingremarkablehappened.The seedhit the egg at some untold
velocity.When the two of them met, those embedded crystalsshattered into zillionsof
aspects, which then spread throughout the expanding universe in patterns known as'
fractals. A fractal is basicallya mathematical figure that divides and subdivides infinitely
whilst retaining its originalpattern. In other words,the universeisrather like a hologram.
Everything that we can imagine, all forms of life on this planet and even inanimate
objects,areendowed with crystalsof consciousnessthat came from the original yin/yang

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.



DesignCrystal PersonalityCrystal
The Vehicle The Passenger
The form "1AM"

In a human being these crystalsof consciousnesshaveplacementswithin the body.The

PersonalityCrystal,an aspectof the original yang PersonalityCrystal,sits up in what we
callthe HeadCentre.In the illustration on the following page,you canseethat this isthe
centre at the top. This PersonalityCrystalmanifestswho you think you are.
The Design Crystal,an aspectof the original Yin egg, is located in what is known asthe
Ajna centre, the second centre from the top. This Design Crystal manifests your
biogenetic vehicle,in other words, the body.
Thereweretwo predictionsthat camewith this knowledge in 1987 that at the time were
contrary to establishedscientific paradigms.The first wasthat the programming agent of
the universe are the trillions of subatomic particles known as neutrinos, whichf
through matter all the time, and accordingto Human Design interact directly with the
genomes in DNA. At the time that was impossible as neutrinos were thought to have
zero mass.In 1997 scientistsdiscoveredthat neutrinos do havemass.
The secondprediction hasyet to befound by science.It isan explanation of how gravity
works, which is one of the major remaining mysteries of sciencetoday; The answer is
where nobody is looking yet: the existenceof magnetic monopoles. Allmagnets known
to sciencehave North and South poles,which attract eachother and repelsimilar poles.
Since the 1920's the concept of a magnetic pole that attracts everything has been
proposed but never found, perhaps becausenobody knew where to look or how to
recogniseone. According to 'The Voice',scientistswill discoverthe magnetic monopole
asthe causeof gravity.
This third component of the human synthesis sits in the sternum in what we call the
G Centre.The magnetic monopole hastwo different functions. The first function isthat
it holds ustogether in the illusion of our separateness.In other words, it makesus believe
we are separateentities from each other. Secondly,being a 'mono-pole', it acts like a
magnet with only one pole; that is it only attracts. It exerts a puli from outside of usthat
guides us along our path or geometry, which we call our destiny. It is responsiblefor
drawing certain people into our lives and for moving our bodiesthrough life. The name
we give it is Love.

18 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright]ovian Archive Europa 2000.


"The Driver"
Directionin space

Imagine that we have a limousine. This limousine can be compared to the Design Crystal,
our body. In our limousine, we each have a driver. The driver knows precisely how to drive
the vehicle, he knows the roads, he has the maps and he knows where to go. The driver is
the magnetic monopole. It knows exactly where it is going. It knows exactly what the
geometry is and it drives the vehicle along that path of geometry.
The Personality Crystal, which is only who we think we are, is neither the vehicle nor the
driver. The Personality Crystal has no idea where it is going. It is the passenger in the back
seat of the car. And you know what a good passenger is supposed to do?

Look out the windows and enjoy the ride ...

But leave the driver in peace!

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

Imaginefor a moment that you were given a pair of sunglassesto put on. These are not
normal sunglasses,however.These sunglassesallowyou to see neutrinos.Theyallowyou
to see the subatomic world.
Closeyour eyesand put the sunglasseson.
The worldaround you isalive.Everywhereyou lookyou see energy vibratingand moving
in swirlingpatterns. Lookdown at your own body.There is no body.Just a condensation
of the swirlingpatterns around you. Lookdown at what you once thought were your
. feet. Everycell of your body is a tiny crystal. There are so many in your single foot that you
cannot comprehend it, and they all seem so busy! In every second crystalsare leaving
your foot and moving down into the earth. In every second trillionsof new crystalsare
emerging from the earth and coalescingin your foot. Yourentire body is breathing like
this with the earth. In every nanosecond your body is dying and being reborn. Youare
bleeding out into the red sea of creation.
Look again at the crystals moving in and out of your body. These are cells dying and
growing.Everysinglecrystalseems to know exactlywhat it isdoing. It seems to move in
coordination with allthe other crystals,alone and yet separate. It remindsyou of a flock
of birdswheeling inthe sky,totally movingas one. Go now with your imagination down
into the depths of one of those crystals.Enter into the cell itself. It's so busy in there!
Trillionsof other crystalsare at work, building and maintaining the cell.These are the
proteins and amino acids, the workers of the cell, and the genes that are issuing the
instructions, telling everything where it's supposed to go. The insideof the cell is huge,
stretching almost to the horizon. But like a huge galaxy,there seems to be a centre
around which everything wheels. This is the nucleus of the cell, a hub from where
everything is held together.
Move into the centre of the nucleus. Now you are in the subatomic world, a world of
protons, electrons and neutrons, spinning around the central core of. the cell. Keep
moving towards the centre. Allowyourselfto be drawn into the awesome presence of
that centre. Let go and surrender as the unseen force catches you in its whirlpool and
sends you spinning in ever decreasingcircles,into the vortex of darkness at the centre of
the cell.Allaround you a terrific noise is building, likethe wild winds unleashed in a
hurricane.Eventhough you feeldisoriented, there is no need to be afraid.The force-field
that you are caught in is infact what we inthe outside world callLove.It is here right at
the core of everylivingcellinyour body. It isthe livingglue of all creation.
Finally,you have come to a standstill. You are right in the heart of the cell itself. It is
utterly silent here. There is no pressure whatsoever. You look out and around you the
entire universeseems to be softlyturning. Everythingis revolvingaround YOU.Youare at
the centre of your own universe.Youare inthe magnetic monopole of a singlecell.
Lookingout from your cushion of quietness deep within your cell,you see other cells
blinkinglikestars inthe distance acrossthe infiniteexpanse of your subatomic body.They
too aresoftlyturning. Everythingseems to be going somewhere. Curiousto know more,

20 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

you jump instantaneously into the nearest. star you can see and find yourself'\,,/ithin
another monopole, at the heart of another tiny galaxy.Yousoon realisethat even though
you are at the centre of your own little cellulargalaxy,you are in fact part of a wider
picture. Allthe monopoles are turning in a vast arcaround some distant point. Youjump
into another star,then another and another....
Youare movingthrough the energetic cellularstructure of your own body, monopole by
monopole. Youare astonished that everypart of your body, down to the tiniest microbe,
has its own monopole that seems to knowexactlywhere it isgoing. It isas though there
issome master programme that runsthrough the entire bodyof your universethat holds
everythingtogether in an amazing pattern. Evenwhat you had previouslythought of as
invadingviruses,you now see also have monopoles that fit perfectlywithin this pattem.
As you travel from star to star through the different organs and functions of your inner
universe,you become more and more certain that everything is revolvingaround some
other kindof great inner galactichub.
Now let go. Youcan feel the force again. Thistime it is so powerfulthat it frightens you.
It seems to be pullingyou towards itself.Youlook around yourselffor a referencepoint,
but everything else is being pulled into that same awesome place.Youknow what it is,
and ina,split second, you remember that you cannot fight its power.Inthat fraction of a
second you just let go into your whole being. Leavethe Driverin Peace!Yousurrender
your Controlover your life,and from the moment you relax,you realisethat what you
were afraidof is infact Love.Yourbody is held together by love.
Nowyou are not fighting, you are moving with love.Youare not dizzy,even though you
cannot see where you are going. Youfeel likea leafswept along on the breeze, or a cloud
floating majestically through the skies of your being. Finally,almost without your
realising it, you find yourself home. You have arrived at the centre of centres, deep
within the sternum in your ribcage. From here, you can see the entire universe of your
body turning around you. The silence is exquisite.The acceptance you feel for who and
where you are isabsolutelytotal. Youremember this place.It isthe placewhere you know
your own perfection. Youare at the centre of your own universe.Youare in the Prime
Magnetic monopole of your body.This is a place that many have visited - mysticsand
poets, saints and seers. It has been given many names bymany cultures,and isthe source
of allseeking.It is right here insideyou, and it's been here allalong.
Takea deep breath and releaseallthe yearningwithin you in a great sigh...Youreallycan.
let go of thinking you have to do anything in lifeor get anywhere, or achieve anything.
No matter how you are designed, your monopole is in charge.Allyou have to do isplay
with your strategy.The monopoles coordinate the rhythm and timing of everythingelse.
Inyour own centre, followingyour own design, you haven't to make any effort. This is a
place where everything makes sense. It is a place you have often forgotten in your busy
world outside. But it has always been here, this centre. You have heard about it, read
about it, and you have experienced it in your quieter moments. It is no illusionor mere
idea.It isas realas anything inthe universe.Thisplacewithin you iswhereyour driversits.
It is where all is known. It contains the secrets of your destiny and your connection to

Human Design International Training Manuals. 21

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everyone you ever meet. It holds the future and the past, and yet it remains in the
Welcometo the place where you are held in communion with all other forms and life
within the universe.And one more thing ...Yourown monopole, along with allothers, is
held in a trajectory around another great monopole far, far away. Everycentre revolves
around another centre, and the force that holds them altogether in this great dance is
love.Enjoya few moments now incontemplating how perfect everythingis.Perhapsyou
might liketo travelbackinto your past and see the unfoldingof your lifebehind you,with
its ups and downs, its surprises,trialsand wonders. Perhapsyou may liketo take a peek
. into yourown future as you continueto followthe trajectoryfromyourpast through
time and space... Perhapsyou mayjust liketo sit and drift in the moment, not following
anything at all, but just enjoyingthe flow of your breath as your mind flowswherever it
OK,ifyou stillhave your sunglasseson, you can take them off now,and remember,when
you open your eyes, your centre is alwaysthere. Whatever happens in life,your centre
remains.Forwhatever reason,your own monopole has brought you to a knowledgethat
will always hold you within this centre. It's what Human Design is all about. It's about
staying in your own centre, no matter what happens in your life.Open your eyes when
you are ready,take a few nice deep breaths, and have a littlesmileto yourself.

22 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright )ovian Archive Europa 2000.


~ -~ ~,~.!i !i ~ ~ ~

at ~

~ ~ H
== iiii

Theillustrationaboveshowsthe Human DesignWheelthat liesat the heart of this whole

system.The wheel is an ancient spiritual symbol used by many culturesto describethe
inner workings of the universe.This wheel is literally a synthesising mandala for all life;
and asyou cansee,it is made up of variousparts. In this chapter,we will discussboth the
inner wheel and the outer wheel, aswell astheir relationship,andfor the first time we will
introduce the Bodygraph, the graphic in the centre of the wheel. As a synthesis, the
Human Design System brings together many different aspects from many different
cultures and times.

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§i ii ~ i\i . iii ...



If you takea lookat the illustrationabove,youwillseethat runningaroundthe rimofthe

insideof the wheelthere are 12 symbols.These representthe twelve signsof the Western
zodiac,Aries,Taurus,Geminietc. Astrologyisjust one of the components that makes up
the Human Design synthesis, and there is something important to understand here
beforewe go any further.Asa synthesis,Human Designis much more than the sum of its
parts. It is not a hotchpotch of different systems someone hasjust thrown together. It is
the mysticalrevelationof how those systems are designed to interlockwith each other. It
has come into the world now because the time is right for humanity to begin its next
great leap in consciousness.The Human DesignWheel is the completion of a millennial
jigsaw puzzle.Weare currentlyentering an age of synthesis.Those of us used to working
with a singlesystem, whether left-brain or right brain oriented, may have to adapt our
thinking to accommodate this natural evolution.
As you read the pages of this manual, remember that you are entering brand new
knowledge.Human Designrideson the shoulders of many other systems, both mystical
and scientific,and in doing so, it can see further than most. Becauseall Human Design
calculationis founded upon birth-time, it is often mistaken for a new form of astrology.
It is not astrology,although it owes much to that ancient science. Human Designdoes
however use astrologicalcalculation,and here iswhy....

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24 RaUruHu.AllRightsReserved2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

In order to verify why astrological calculation is valid, you have to understand the
Human Design wheel is a graphic that represents the universe. All around us, in every
direction, we are surrounded by an enormous star field. It is this star field which generates
the neutrino stream th~t percolates the whole universe. In Human Design terminology,
this has been nicknamed the 'neutrino ocean'. Stars radiate neutrinos in all directions,
creating a weave of rippling subatomic information that floods space. Now think about
the planets of our solar system. Imagine the planet Mars for example. It gets caught in the
neutrino stream like a fly in a web. In other words, as Mars orbits around our sun, it gets
in the way of the neutrino stream before it reaches us here on earth. The moment Mars
gets in the way of the stream, then that neutrino stream has to go through Mars. Because
the neutrino stream is material, it bears an infinitesimal mass, and this mass is going to
interact with the material of Mars.

If you have a black car and a white car, and they bang into each other, you will get a little
black paint on the white car and a little white paint on the black car. This is more or less
what happens. when the stream goes through Mars. The neutrino stream is actually
changed by Mars, and after being filtered by Mars, the stream comes through all of us
here on earth. As you will see,the same cosmic programme influences us all, but we each
manifest that programme uniquely. The way in which we do this is through these crystals
of consciousness that are within us. To understand how these crystals work, imagine two
diamonds that are cut differently and have different shapes and facets to them.
If we take these two diamonds and we put the same source of light through each of
them, what emerges from the other side are two totally different patterns. That is how
we work. We all live in the same neutrino programme and we are all being affected in the
same way, but we each translate that program through the crystals within us in a totally
unique way.
This is why we need the astrological wheel. As we shall see, knowing the positions of the
planets at two very specific times will allow us to see our own unique imprinting within
the neutrino stream.

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"" ~ ~ ii ~ ~ ti
~ "'~IO~. ~

.. Si

n ~

n ~ ~ f

The outer wheel is full of numbers. You can seethat it is divided into 64 sections.This
division into 64 relatesto two things. Firstly, it relatesto the ancient Chinesewisdom
known as the I-Ching, or the Book of Changes.The I Ching is a rather extraordinary
ancient text that hasbeenpopularisedasan oracle.However,the I Ching,asanyonewho
has studied it in depth knows, is much more than an oracle.Its originators had hit upon
a veryprofound pattern. What makesthe I-Chingso extraordinaryis certainly not what it
says,becauseit is actually rather dated, its language being patriarchal and sexist.What
makesit so extraordinary is its mathematics. It is basedon a binary mathematical model
that centreson the number 64.
The I-Ching is a metaphor for life, told in symbolicform. It consistsof 64 symbols called
'hexagrams',eachmade up of six lines.These hexagramsarewoven into a certain order
that reflects the cycles and seasonsof life. Simply put, a hexagram is basically an
archetypeof information. It is like a mini-dictionary. In Human Design,the 64 hexagrams
arestretched out around the wheel,their 6-line structure acting rather likethe degreesof
a circle.Thus this circlehas 384 lines.The sequenceof how the-hexagramsfollow each
other on the archasbeen revealed.It hasnot been made up.
The second associationto this division of the wheel into 64 is in the field of genetics.
DNAismadeup of two strandsof nucleotides,one strand beinga perfect reflection of the

26 Human DesignInternationalTrainingManuals.
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other. This basic binary is also the foundation of the 'Yin' and 'Yang' of the I Ching. Our
genetic code is also made up of four 'bases' which are arranged in groupings of threes.
Each of these chemical groupings relates to an amino acid, and forms what is known as a
'codon'. There are 64 o~ these codons in our genetic code. Similarly, in the I Ching there
are only four basic permutations of yin and yang (known as bigrams), which are also
arranged in groups of threes, known as 'trigrams'. In the same way that the two strands
of our DNA reflect each other, each trigram of the I Ching has a partner~ and together
these two symbols create the hexagram; the basis of the I Ching.



Phe VaJ
Leu TCs
Phe Tyr
Leu . TCs
~s T~
Trp' Ser
Cys TCs Ser Ser Ser

In other words, when Watson and Crickdiscovered the principle of the genetic code in the
late 1950's, although they didn't know it, what they found out was that the genetic code
has exactly the same mathematics as the I-Ching, discovered more than 5000 years ago.
Thus the Human Design Wheel is literally the stringing out of our genetic code. It is like a
planetary genetic clock that we can use as a tool to read the design of anything that is
alive, from a man to a plant, so long as we know when it was either born or created.

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright )ovian Archive Europa 2000.


This illustration above shows you that every hexagram has a specific place and
measurement of arc inthe wheel.The wheel isa circleof 360 degrees and each hexagram
therefore coversa space of 5 degrees, 37 minutes and 30 seconds of arc.


Transferring the macrocosm into the microcosm

This iswhere we see the magic of Human Designat work.Aswe have seen, the orbiting
planets impact on us through interferingwith the neutrino stream from deep space. We
use the innerwheelto locatetheir positions inthe macrocosmand then wetransferthose
positions into the outer wheel (the hexagram wheel). Inthe illustrationabove, we have
an example of a calculation.We can see somebody who was born when the sun was
moving acrossthe zodiacal constellation of Aquarius,represented by the symbol made
up of two wavy lines.
We can also see that the corresponding division in the I-Ching wheel is the 13th
hexagram. Beyondthat, we do not use the astrologicalwheel becausewe are not looking
at aspects of angles around the wheel like astrologers do. Human Design is about
pinpointing this information directlyin the body. Once we can see these same patterns
within ourselves, we can literallysee our cosmic genetic imprinting.This final piece of
magic is done-bymeans of a further matrix known as the Bodygraph.

28 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

At the centre of the two wheelsr we can see another graphic made up of nine centres
connected by a network of channels. This is the Bodygraph.The Bodygraphis perhaps
one of the most important parts of the Human Designrevelation. It is a human body
graph. The voicethat revealedthe Human DesignSystem referredto the Bodygraphas a
Raverwhich was its own word for human. The Bodygraph allows us to translate the
neutrino information directlyinto the body so that we can see how we are imprinted.
The Bodygraphis made up of three different components from three different ancient
sciences.It is the synthesis of these components and is thus greater than the sum of its

The first componentyou notice are these shapes knownas the nine centres.These
centres are based on the Hindu-Brahman tradition where they are known as 'chakrasr. In
Indian yogic traditionr the chakras are seen as hubs of subtle energy within the body. In
Human Designr we call them centresr and unlike the Indian traditionr there are nine
instead of the traditional seven. Please understand that Human Design is not the chakra
system anymore than it is astrology. It is a synthesis. We will discuss the relevance of each
of the>nine centres in depth in Part 2 of this manual.

Eachcentre has a differentfunction.

1 If you are interested in knowing more about keynotes and channels, we recommend 'Circuits, Channels and Gates' from the
Education section of the Personal Study Audio Series.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 29

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Head... Pineal. ..1nspi ration.. .the
Pressure to translate Existence
Ajna...Anterior & Posterior
Pituitary Mind...Cogitating and
the process of Mental Awareness
over time....
Throat...Thyroid and
Parathyroi d Meta bo lism....
Manifestation. ...Expression

locator, H eart...Thym us!Stomach!
senseof Directionand Love Ga11...Wi11and Commitment

Solar Plexus...
System...Immunity... Kidney!Bladder!
Intuition and the Pancreas...
Emotions and the
process of Physical
Awarenessin the. , process of
Now! Awareness
in the Wave....

SacraI...Ovaries!Testes...Fertility and Sexual ROOt...Adrenal Glands... Kundalini...

energy...the power to sustain activity... Pressure to move and the balance
between Fear and Trust

Between these nine centres lies a network of channels. These channels are the second
main component of the Bodygraph. The channels are rooted in the tradition of the
Zohar/Kabbalatradition, being a development of the JudaicTree of Life.These channels
act as connecting forces between the centres. Basicallythe channels are about bringing
together the energies of two different centres and thus generating something new, a
thirdthing. They representthe quantum principle.The 64 hexagrams areconnected with
each ?ther through channels. Each channel has a name and description related to its

Human Design International Training Manuals.

30 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

The third component of the Bodygraph is found in the numbers. At either end of each
channelwherethe channelopens into a centre,you will seea number.Theseopeningsare
called'gates'and there area total of 64 of them. The gatesrelateto the 64 hexagramsof
the outer wheel. In other words, what we arelooking at isa simple number coded system
that allows usto translate the neutrino information directly into the body.
Let'slook at an exampleto seehow this works. Inthe example below,you canseethe sun
in the middle of Aquarius,in the 13th hexagram;we can now take that information and
seewhere it belongs inside the Bodygraph.All we haveto do is find the corresponding
position to the 13th hexagramin the Bodygraph,in other words,the 13th gate.The 13th
gate happensto be in the yellow diamond shapedcentre, known asthe G Centre.Now
we have a way of locating stellar neutrino information deep within the chemical
processesof our bodies.

» ~


In addition to their traditional names, all the gates and channels have keynotes. Keynotes
are one of the most important ways of learning Human Design, and as you journey
deeper into this labyrinth of knowledge, you will discover deeper layers of keynotes. You
can find a detailed list of the keynotes of all the gates and channels in the Appendix at the
back of this manual. Don't worry that you don't understand what they mean at this
stage. These keynotes contain such a wealth of knowledge that it is beyond the scope of
the current book.1

, If you are interested in knowing more about keynotes and channels, we recommend 'Circuits, Channels and Gates' from the
Personal Study Audio Series - We also highly recommend Richard Rudd's other book on the subject: 'Circuitry - A Complete guide
to Circuits,Channels and Gates -' available from

Human Design Intemational Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Tothe newcomer,Human Designcan often seem likelearninga whole new language.You
hear all these strange new terms. Some names come from scientificfields, others from
the realm of the esoteric;some are Eastern,others Western.Manyof these names seem
to come from behind some kind of veil. In other words, they are new. Have you ever
wondered where names come from?
Indulgeyourselffor a moment. Youare after allreadingthis, and as the words spillacross
your mind they are havinga deep effecton you.Wordsand names are likespiritsthat have
a lif~of their own. Stripped of their pretensions and meanings, they simplyexist as pure
vibrations inthe ether.
In Sanskrit they have a word, 'maya'. It means many things, but above all it means
illusion.The Eastern mystics have often spoken of our world as a 'maya', an illusion.
Interestinglyenough, the root of the word 'maya' comes from 'ma', which means 'to
measure'. We humans are measurers...That iswhy we are here. We are here to measure
the illusion.Weare here to give everythingaround us a name.
A name is thus a vibration. It is the sound that something or someone makes. It is the
crystalisation of an object or a person into sound. That's the interesting thing about
names, that they already exist before we find them. In a sense, they let us find them.
Naming is reallyabout unveiling.It'salla matter of waiting.
Workingwith Human Designis reallynot about study and knowledge.It's about playing
with Truth.There isabsolutely no guarantee that you will'get' it. The deeper we go into
our designs,the more we willsee that lifeisabout letting go of being incontrol. It makes
no difference whether you understand any of these words. You cannot study to be
yourself. You can only 'be' yourself.There are no techniques that ensure you will be
yourself.There is nothing you can DOabout any of this. What this course will perhaps
show you is what is not you. Yousee, you can't 'become' who you alreadyare. Youcan
only removewhat you are not. And it's not as ifyou have to do anything to removeyour
conditioning either. There is no therapeutic technique in this. It's purely a matter of
understanding. Forallyou logicalminds,we are sorry,but overon the red side,things just
sort of happen...5hit happens.
The onlything you need isa spiritof play.Ifyou find your mind fullof questions, have a
laugh at yourself.You are not here to understand words. You are here to understand
Being. Words words words. Human design is filled with words. But just like the
Bodygraph,they are not the territory.They simplypoint the way.Ittakes the body seven
yearsto learna new language, a new pattern. Don't get caught up inthe blackwriting.Be
inthe red writing.Ittakes sevenyearsto forget your mind.Just take the words inthrough
your body. Breathethem in.That is enough. Youdon't have to make sense of them. Let
time work its magic.Listento the words as though you were listeningto a pieceof music,
or the song of a bird.Travellightlythrough this new world.

32 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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You are going to discover secrets within your body. Your mind simply shows up alon.9side.
Your mind cannot know Truth. Your body contains all Truth. The answers you seek lie in
your blood. They are to be found in the mystery of the red.

"Indesign information,
wehaveatreasure map.Themapforeachindividual isaccessible
availableyet it requires
studyin orderto understand
itsstructure.In learningto readyourown
map andto followits path,you embarkon a journeyintothe coreofyourbeingat a true
cellularlevel.Overa periodof timeyoubeginto seethechanges that livingtrulywhoyouare
brings.It istheadventure oflifeandajourneyweallarehereto make.Enjoytheride."

Ra Uru Hu

3 For those of you who are interested in studying the planets and their keynotes in more depth, we recommend "Planetary
Imprinting" from the GeneKeys Personal Study audio series -

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.


This section is about explaining how a calculation is done. There are two different
calculations necessary to set up an individual design. One is called the Personality
calculationand the other is calledthe Designcalculation.This is where we first see this
interplayof the consciousand unconscious inour lives.

Inorder to calculatea Human Designchart we must have a person's time, date and place
of birth. Manyof us are uncertain of our birth time, so we need to be rather careful in
approaching this knowledge.There are various techniques such as astrology, dowsing
and muscletesting that claimto discovera person's correcttime of birth, but even these
should be approached with care. Ifyou are unsure of someone's time of birth, the best
thing to do is contact your nearest professional Human Design analyst and ask their
advice. Sometimes a Design may change very little in a whole day, at others; a few
seconds may make a world of difference.
The Human DesignSystem is knowledge for our children.The more accurate the birth
time, the more accurate and penetrating the chart. In the future, by getting our
birth-time to the second, we will be able to probe the very deepest recesses of our
genetic makeup.Thisispossibleby means of a highlyadvanced branch of Human Design
knowledge known as the GlobalIncarnation Index2
ForHuman Designpurposes, the exact moment of birth istaken as the moment that the
baby's body has left the mother entirely. It is not when the umbilicalcord is qJt. We
recommend that birth times be recordedas closeto the second as possible.Clocksshould
be tuned to the atomic clock,availableoverthe internet.

, For further information on the Globallncamation Index please visit the Genekeys shop - it is listed under the 'Black key'.

34 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright)ovian Archive Europa 2000.

The planets in Human Designhave a fascinating impact on our design on account of the
neutrino stream. Becausewe use the Earthto represent the primalYinquality in Human
Design, many of the traditional archetypes ascribed to the planets by astrology have
mutated and evolved as 'we humans have evolved. Planetary imprinting is a very
profound subject, and is one outside the scope of this present training. However,below
isa simplifiedtable of some of the Keynotesascribedto the planets in Human Design.


0 SUN - Personality Expression

e> EARTH - GroundinglBalance

<t MOON - Drive

61 NORTH NODE - Direction (future)

U SOUTH NODE - Direction (past)

MERCURY - Communication

9 VENUS - Values
d' MARS - Immaturity

JUPITER - Law/Protection

"2 SATURN - Discipline

et» URANUS. Unusualness

tf NEPTUNE - Illusion PLUTO - Truth

3 For information on planets and their meaning in Human Design, we recommend 'Planetary Imprinting' from the Genekeys
transcriptions & audio series.

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Below is an illustration of how we calculate an individual Bodygraph. This is where
Human Designdiverts from traditional astrology because as you can see, we are looking
at 2 wheels rather than one. The wheel on the right side with the blackcolour coding is
the wheelof your personalitycrystal.Inother words,this isthe neutrino informationthat
was imprinted in your nature at the exact time of your birth.This is a calculationthat an
astrologer would use in order to create your horoscope.The other wheel on the left with
the red coding isthe wheel of your Designcrystat whichwe willdiscussbelow.

Integrated Field


Inthe wheel over,you can see the positions of the planets, the earth and the lunar nodes
plotted in the wheel. The coloured spokes represent the hexagram numbers that
correspond to the specific planetary positions.

36 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Youcan see that the natal North Node is in the middle of the zodiacsign of Taurus and
its corresponding hexagram isthe 2nd hexagram.The firstthing you may note isthat all
this information iscoded into the Bodygraphbycolours and numbers. It is infact, a very
simpleand graphicsystem.Everythingfrom the personalitywheelis coded into the
Bodygraphinblack.Sothis North Node inthe 2nd hexagramgets coded to the 2nd gate,
which we find in the centre in the middle of the Bodygraphknown as the G Centre (see
below). You will also notice in this instance that although the 2nd gate is coloured in
black, the entire channel is not coloured in. That is very important. The North Node
activation of the 2nd hexagram can onlyaffect one side of the channel.The other side of
the channel (the 14th gate) is left white because there is no planet that activates it. You
can double-checkthis by looking backto the wheel again and finding the 14th gate (in
Scorpio).You will see that there was no planet in this position to impact the neutrino
field.Thus we onlycolour in half of the channel.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 37

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Desian Personalitv
0611 .. 5150
Et) 621 575@
<C 413V
601v 253
¥d' 402
495 .. 206
4- 261 101 4-
"2 43 73 "2
~ 121 121~
W 484 483W
~ 72; 336(,g)

Astrologers,likethe scientists,onlyhave halfthe story.Wehave a second wheel.Thisisa
prenatal calculation because it is made whilewe are still insideour mother's womb. This
calculationis made exactly88 degrees of the sun before our birth.That is approximately
88 or 89 days before we are born.Wealwaysarriveat the design calculationbytravelling
88 degrees backwardsfrom the time of birth, so it does not matter whether you are a
full-term baby or premature. Inthe case of premature births, the foetus' neo-cortex will
simplydevelop more rapidlythan usual.

Here is how it works:

A DesignCrystal(with its magnetic monopole embedded within it) detaches itselffrom

the earth's core and enters the man in preparation for fertilisation.Certain couples can
'sense' the presence of this crystal before they even conceive. Next, a single sperm
carrying the Design Crystal enters the egg during copulation. It isn't necessarily the fastest
swimmer that gets the prize. It is simply the one carrying the goods! (in other words, the
Design Crystal). Once the Design Crystal is inside the egg, it starts to design the body of
the foetus. It will continue to work on this body until the neo cortex - the very special
brain facility common to all humans- is completed.

38 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Metaphorically speaking, the neo-cortex is the back seat of our limousine, which 'l)1eans
that this is our capacity to look out in a self-reflected universe. When the Design Crystal
has built the neo-cortex, the foetus and its magnetic monopole send out a signal, which
brings the Personality Crystal into the body. Because the Personality Crystal incarnates
from above, as it were, man has given it many names; here in the West, we know it as the
'soul'. This incarnation always occurs 88 degrees of the sun before birth. This means that
our personality has approximately three months to adjust to the vehicle before birth.


Manypeople ask why the Designcalculationis done at this specificperiod of 88 degrees
before birth.The answer is both complexand verysimple.The complexversion,which is
also the logical version, is only covered during Advanced Human Design Training.
However,in a nutshell, the 88 degrees between the personalityand the design creates a
geometry in the wheel that insures that all life goes on evolving.The simple version is
that this was the information that the Voicegave. The number 88 also has a symbolic
archetypal resonance, being a representation of the double genetic helix,as well as the
traditional number for infinity.
The design calculationis done inthe same way as an astrologicalcalculationexcept that
it is qone for this particular prenatal moment. In the same way as the personality
calculation,the positioning of the planets is coded into the Bodygraph,although this
time they are coloured in red. Inthe example below,you can see the planet Jupiter inthe
26th gate. Youwillfind the 26th gate in the HeartCentreand you can also see that half
of this channel is coloured in red.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 39

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Desian Personalitv
0611 ... 5150
~621 575$
<t 413V 511(t
(6233 21(6
433 11U
601V 253 ~
¥ 496
... 206 ~
261 101 4-
73 "2
121 0


Thesetwo sets of informationare differentinterms of their values.The personalitywheel
and allthe information in blackiswhat you have consciousaccessto; in other words,you
can workwith this information.Havingconsciousaccessis likesitting on the side of a hill
and looking down at a road in front of you. Youcan see the trafficon the road and the
people in the cars, as well as the direction they are going in. In other words, you can
participate in the process.The personality data is what is familiarto you. It is who you
think you are.
The real magic of Human Design is to be found in the information coded in red. This
allowsus to see behind the veil of the unconscious. Everythingcoded in red operates at
an unconscious levelwithin us. It represents our genetic inheritance. This is what you
haveinheritedthroughyourbloodas a theme from your parentsand yourancestors.In
fact at the genetic level,we have more in common with our grandparents than we have
with our parents.Thusthis informationin redissomethingthat you haveno conscious
access to. Beingunconscious,these themes operate as though we were in a tunnel. In
other words, you don't know what is going on inside the tunnel. You have no idea
whether there istrafficin it, orwhich waythe carsmight be moving.Neitherdo you know
whether these cars willcome out of the tunnel or not. Youcan only wait and see. Your
unconscious will always be a surprise.These are aspects of your nature that you only

40 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

come to recognisewith age. Forexample, ifyou havethe 'Channelof Struggle'defi!ledas

part of your design,then you probablydon't think of yourselfas someone who struggles.
The olderthe person, the more they recognisetheir unconscious.


The juxtaposition of both Personalityand Design in the Bodygraphis one of the most
revealingaspects of any design. Essentially,the Personality,being conscious, represents
who you think you are, whilst the Design represents how you are genetically

I2Wm PersonllJltv
0432 13e0
Q) 232 76E&
<C ~~: 1~~
14 .336
52 493
~ 114.
v 17'
V 252
23. .246

i 322.
. 534
'*' 322
53' .
(,0) 41,' 44~

In the above example, we can see a Human Designchart split into both its Designand
Personalityaspects. Lookingat the Personalityactivations in your Designallowsyou to
see who you think you are, so this person thinks that they are both a good listener
(Channel13/33) and very sensitive (Channel19/49). However,when you look across at
the Designactivations on the left, you will see the other side of the story. We do not
readilyidentifywith our Designactivations,thus, what th isperson does not knowabout
himselfisthat despite thinking he is a sensitive listener,what actually happens in.hislife
is that his mouth is always open and he's always talking. When you look at your own
Designinthis way,you willoften see suchjokes.
Inthe example below,you can also see that there are activations that are coloured both
red and black. This means that a gate is being activated from both the conscious
personality information and the unconscious design information. Such activations tend
to oscillatebetween being conscious and unconscious.Sometimes we are aware of that
part of our nature and sometimes we are not. There is always a potential gift in such
activations because it is the one place in our design where we also may glimpse the
unconscious as it becomes conscious.

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Conscious and
Unconscious Definition

Inconclusionthen, these two greatwheelsrepresentthe two crystalsof consciousness
withinus.Everyhumanbeingisinthissensea bi-incarnation. Wearemadeupoftwovery
differentsets of forcesthat are heldtogether by a third, neutralforce,the magnetic
monopole.Whenwe die, these two crystalsof consciousnesswithinus willgo their
separate ways.The Personalitycrystalcan be accessedconsciously,but the Designcrystal
is something you can only react to. Finally,the Human Design Bodygraph is the
integrated fieldwhere we can read both streams of information as a synthesis.

Integrated Field

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Personal it v
574 11th Gate

3540 "Ideas"
5 56th Gate
--+- "Stimulation"
426 ~
632 "2

The first thing that most people's eyes are drawn to when they look at a Bodygraph isthe

colours. No matter how deeply you study Human Design, always remember this: these

colours tell you everything you need to know about a person.

Having taken the two calculations and integrated them into the Bodygraph, the first

thing that we are looking for in Human Design is where gates are activated at either end

of the same channel. This means that the whole channel is coloured in as well as the

adjoining centres at either end. This is called definition.

In the above illustration we can see how this works:

The green centre (known as the Ajna centre) is connected to the brown Throat centre by

a single channel (the 11/56) known as the Channel of Curiosity. You can see that both

gates at either end of this channel (the 56 and the 11) are activated from the design
information in the red column on the left. This is an unconscious definition because it is

coloured entirely in red.

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Sowhat isdefinition?Ifyou imaginethat the Bodygraphisan electricalcircuitboard,then
whenever you see a channel that is coloured in, energy is always flowing along that
pathway between those two centres. Definitionrepresentsan absolute consistencyinour
nature. It is an energy that willalways be functioning within you, everysecond of every
hour of everyyear,until you are dead. This iswhy definition is the one and onlything in
your lifethat you are ever going to be able to relyon. This is not to say that you can rely
on it to be good or bad. Youcan simplyrelyon itto be you.
Definitibn isthe great chance foryou to be yourself.Thisinformation isvitalto you. Since
it does not change, it isthe onlything within yourselfthat you can consistently relyupon
to make healthy decisionsinyour life.Whereveryou see colour inyour chart, it represents
a part of your nature that was fixedat birth. Definitionisthe core of who you are.

Throat Split
off from

Here is somebody whose mind (the Ajna)is alwaysconnected to their throat. Therefore
this issomebody that willalwaysspeak their mind.The connection is made through the
channel 11/56 which is calledthe Channelof Curiosity,a design of a searcheror a seeker.
The 11th gate isthe gate of ideasand the 56th gate isthe gate of stimulation.Transferred
to the example this means that this person always has ideas that they want to share in

44 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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order to stimulate others. Both the 11th gate and the 56th gate are coloured in re~.This
means, ifyou recallour earliermetaphor, that their ideas come out of a tunnel. Inother
words,this issomeone who just opens their mouth and out pours allkindsof ideasthat
they didn't even know they had. Withthis kindof design, everydinner party is a success
because they can talk to anyone and keep everyonestimulated.
However,ifyou gather together allof this person's friendsand you askthem to comment
on them, they willallsay at the same time: "ah! he alwayshas lots of ideas but he never
does anything with them". This person knows that he never turns his ideas into action
and is probably deeply frustrated about this. The reason for his dilemma is simple.The
circuitrystops at the Throat centre, the centre of communication. Ifthe Throat centre
were connected to one of the body'sfour motors (the Root, Heart,SolarPlexusor Sacral)
then this person would have the possibilityto turn communication into action byacting
on his ideas.It isnot as though it is hisfault that he iscaught inthis dynamic.There is no
connection or definitionto the body's energysystems. Ifour friendunderstood hisdesign
correctlyhe would know exactlyhow to deal with this dilemma. Infact he would not be
ina dilemma at all.Hewould be rather relaxed.Hewould understand that he isnot meant
to do anything with hisown ideas other than share them and inspireothers to action.
Definitionis who we are. It is what we are designed to liveout. The person above can
alwaysrelyon their abilityto expresstheir ideas,eventhough they do not knowwhythey
alwayShave so many ideas.Youcan't tell such a person to stop expressinghis ideas.That
iswho he is.It is infact, the onlythingthat istrulyconsistentin hisnature.

Apart from Reflectors,who have no definition, there are four possible configurations
relating to Definition.Generallyspeaking, the different types of split definitions have a
greater need for other people in their life in order to bridge the splits and give them a
sense of integration in life.

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When you look at any Bodygraph you can also see that there are places that are
undefined. Thereareundefined channelsand usuallythere areundefined centres.Weare
a binary of defined and undefined areas.These centresand ~hannelsin white represent
our conditioning field. They do not operate consistently and are therefore unreliable.
Below on the left we can see the design of Mozart, and on the right we can see his
conditioning field. In his case,his greatest conditioning was in his Throat centre,which is
his expression.

46 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Whereveryou see a centre, channel or gate that is not coloured in, you are looking at
something that is deeply attractive to you. There is a simple reason for this. Our genes
demand that we are attracted to our opposite. Infact, with Human Design,one could go
one step further than this and say that our very chemistry is magnetised towards our
conditioningfield.The white centres are what we long for in life.InMozart'scase,we can
see that the onlything he could not be incontrol of in hislifewas hisexpression,and this
is what he longed for the most, to express his genius. As we all know,this was also the
cause of much of the pain in his life.
Becauseundefined centres are inconsistent, they tend to become themes that we chase
after inour lives.Thus they arethe main reasonwhy most human beings do not livetheir
design. We have this false assumption that livingout the open centres in our design is
what we are supposed to do. The result of this is usuallyfrustration and failure in life,
because it is rather likechasing after one's tail. Ifit isn't meant to be consistent, then it is
best understood that way.

Manythousands of babies are born each minute with the same design, and yet stillthey
turn out to be very differentfrom each other. The reason is conditioning. Consideryour
design chart for a moment. Youare lookingat a frozen moment intime; an imprint, like
a photograph. But although the imprint doesn't change, the conditioningfieldaround it
does. In other words, every gate, channel or centre that is not defined in your design is
constantly open to fluctuations from the environment. Therearetwo mainsourcesof our
conditioning. The first is the planets. Rememberthat the planets are constantly moving
around the wheel affecting the neutrino field as it streams through us. As the planets
move, they open and closethe gates that they move through.

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In the example above, we can see a normal Bodygraph within the wheel on the left. Now
look at the Bodygraph on the right. You can see the positions of the planets (in blue) at
another given moment during the life of this person. You will also notice that during this
particular planetary transit, all of this person's undefined centres are in fact defined. In
other words, the planets have activated gates in this person's design, even though they
don't have those gates defined inherently.
We are all in this sense m irrors for the celestial bodies that are constantly invoking a deep
ongoing genetic program inside us. This is why people often experience similar patterns
in their lives at similar times. Tracking and understanding planetary conditioning r~quires
an accurate ephemeris and is a fascinating and rewarding subject that is offered as a
separate training. Planetary transits can literally condition our behaviour patterns and lure
us down all kinds of inappropriate roads. At this moment in time, the most important
thing for us is that we grasp our own design and begin to follow its Strategy. This is the
only thing that will protect us from being a victim of planetary conditioning.
The second source of our conditioning is the people around us. In order to understand
how human beings condition each other, we have to comprehend what a human aura is.
These days, the word aura is something of a buzzword in new age circles. The aura we are
talking about here is the measurable electromagnetic field that all human beings emit. A
human aura extends about as far as twice your outstretched arm in all directions. Thus if
you are within 6 or 7 feet of someone, you are effectively conditioning each other's
design. This is what we know as the 'chemistry' between two people.
Prior to Human Design, the 'chemistry' between people has been a nebulous affair. Now,
by overlapping two Bodygraphs, we can see an exact map of the chemistry between any
two people. Thus we can have a deep insight into the power of attraction. As we have
seen earlier, we are always attracted to what we are not, in other words, the white areas
in our design. We all seek those people who will define a channel and bring colour into our
desig~. Below is an example of what happens when two people come into each other's
auras. '

48 Human Design International TlClining Manuals.

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Think about what conditioning reallyis: when you come into the world, your design is
constantly in the aura of your mother, your father and your family.Thus you get deeply
conditioned to allthose things that you are not. Bythe time you are seven yearsold,that
conditioning is lockedinto your behaviour patterns.
So when you start lookingat the designs of your familymembers and of people closeto
you ... your friends, loversand colleagues,you willoften discoverthat you still have the
same energies inyour life.Youwillsee that you have been automaticallydrawnto people
who makethe same chemicalconnections as your parents.Thisiswhy certain people can
seem so familiarto you even when you don't knowthem. Theyare bringingyou the same
energy connections as your parents.
In seeing what is open in your design, you can trace back where you have been
conditioned. You can clearly name your soft spots, where you are open to be influenced
by others. Thus you are able to see where unhealthy conditioning took place in your early
life. It is important to understand that we cannot escape conditioning. It is everywhere.
Anylifeform - animals,plants and even inanimateobjects- can connectto us and
influenceour natureand our bodychemistry.

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

The first step in freeingyourselffrom your old patterns is to see where you are
conditioned, and then you have to start the process of not identifyingwith these forces.
Thiscan lead to great wisdom and a deep sensibility,but it isa task that takes time. You
cannot be there tomorrow. Youcannot be truly free of your childhood patterns until the
knowledge of who you are gets under your skin and reprogramsthe actual cellsin your
body.This is a processthat takes seven years because this isthe time span for your body
to be physicallyrenewed.
Let'ssee how the person in the example below is being conditioned. Let'ssee what they
are most attracted to in lifeand what they long for.Mechanically,allwe haveto do to see
this is lookat the open centres, find out their names and lookfor their keynotes.Wecan
referto the graph on page 30 showing the centres and their functions. In this example,
we can see four open centres: the Head centre, the G centre, the Heart centre and the
Solar Plexus centre. Therefore this person has four places in them that they are under
pressure to try and fulfil,even though they can never rely on these four places to be

The open Head centre tells us that this person is attracted to inspiration but experiences
that he cannot control when and where it comes. What they are inspired by is totally
dependent on who they are with. Their potential gift is actually to know who is inspiring.

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50 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

The open G centre is an indication that this person is constantly trying to fin~ their
direction in life.Through this centre they willprobablytry to hold onto loveto givethem
a firm sense of identity.They may feel lost and don't know ifthey can findtheir way.Due
to their openness, this person willnever reallyknow who they are, although this is not a
handicap. Loveand direction willalways remain inconsistent for such a person. In other
words, who they are is condit~onedby whom they are with. Theywillbe something of a
chameleon.Theirpotential wisdom isto knowwhichway iscorrectfor them bysampling
many different ways and directions in life.In this way they willalso learnto taste many
possibilitiesof love in their life.
The open Heart centre shows that this person is also conditioned to be willful.This is
someone who constantly makes promises he cannot keep.Wheneverthis person tries to
be willfulintheir lifethey willdamage their health because it isnot naturalfor them. Their
potential wisdom liesin knowingwho does havethe willpowerto get things done on the
The open SolarPlexuscentre tells us that this person constantly tries to make emotional
decisions.Theyareconstantlytaking inthe emotional energiesof those around them and
probably feel deeply disturbed by identifying with them. Because of this, they will
constantly be torn between hope and pain, expectation and disappointment. Their
. wisdom isto know how emotions workand to maintain an emotional coolness
and balance in allsituations.

Manystudents who get intouch with Human Designare inclinedto think that definition
is superiorto lackof definition.This is not true. Defined/ Undefinedis simplya duality,
likeday and night. The value of definition isthat it is reliableand fixed, but at the same
time it islikea verylimitedthin line.What is undefined isvulnerableto conditioning, and
it is this that makes students believethat definition is somehow better. The undefined
open areas in our chart have an enormous potential for experience and wisdom. An
undefined centre is neither empty, nor broken nor does it need fixing.Definitionshows
you what kindof a student you are,and the undefined areastell you where you willgo to
school in life.The undefined areas are likethe courseswe willtake at the universityof life.
Rememberthen, that these open centres are the onlyplacewe can finallygraduate!

There is also another analogy for the duality of defined/undefined. Definitions are like
transmitters. In living out our definitions we send our energies into the world. The open
centres are likereceivers.Through the open centres we soak inthe energiesof the world
around us. Infact,the open centresinour designdo not onlyreflectthe chemistryof those
around us, they also magnify it. Thus an undefined Solar Plexus centre will
magnifythe emotions of those around us, whether that isjoy, anger or sadness. Because
of the inconsistencyof the open centres in our design, they are never of value for our
personal processinlife,but their huge potential makesus veryimportant for other people.

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.


In Human Design circles, you may often hear the terms Self and 'Not-Self' used when the
realities of conditioning are being discussed. This terminology has evolved in order to see
more clearly the differences between how your design operates when you follow your
strategy and how it operates when you do not. Below are some simple definitions.
Self is your true behavioural nature that emerges without resistance into the world.
Not-Self is a conditioned programming overlaid upon your true Self.
The moment Not-Self behaviour emerges into the world it meets resistance and goes on
meeting resistance. Your Not-Self is created by your upbringing, your society, your
parents, peers and the world in general.
Be clear that when you look at your Human Design chart the open centres are not to be
confused with your Not-Self. In and of themselves they are innocent parts of your nature
that are the most vulnerable to conditioning. Because they are your true gifts, they can
also easily become your wounds. The Not-Self is a dysfunctioning of ALL your centres.
The white ones are trained to behave as if they were coloured in and the coloured ones
are where we meet the resistance from trying to live what we are not. You can only really
meet resistance where you are fixed. For example, you may have an undefined Throat
centre and a defined emotional centre. You try to attract attention because that is the
Not-Self strategy of an undefined throat, but you meet the resistance in your emotions
because that is where you are fixed.
When you first begin to become aware of your Not -Self, you slowly become aware of your
True Self hiding behind it. All you need is patience, in order to see every possible variation
of your Not-Self and the resistance it goes on meeting again and again. The more clearly
you can seeyour Not-Self (and it is uncomfortable) the more clearly you can seeyour True
Self. In simply seeing the Not-Self, the programming loosens its grip. After seven years,
very little of the Not-Self programming remains and you are left as you were intended be.
Remember that the Not-Self itself is still there; it is the programming (conditioning) of
the Not-Self that has fallen away. When this happens you live from your true self; simply
surrendered to life as it moves through you, making its own choices whilst you stand by
the side watching the process.

The purpose of Human Design is to show your uniqueness.The first step to knowing
yourself is seeing your definition. The first step in being yourself is relying on that
definition. The next step Human Designtakes you to is ~o seewhat is open in you, in
order that you can recognise where you have been conditioned. Becoming yourself
requiresthat you stop identifying with the open centres.It takessevenyearsto cleanout
the conditioning. Thesesevenyearsareajourney in which the awarenessof who you are
gradually beginsto overcomeyour old conditioned behaviour patterns.The lastthing to
give up trying to be in control of our livesisthe mind. Oncethe pattern of who you areis
set in the cellularstructure of your body,only then canyou let go of your mind. Everybody

52 Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright)ovian Archive Europa 2000.

can become themselves, but it takes seven years of patience and experimentation;.
The rewardthat comes in recognisingyour own nature isworth the effort. Knowingand
understanding your design protects you from being a victim of your conditioning.To be
yourselfisto be fundamentally healthy.Ifyou areyourselfand you get ill,you onlyget the
diseasesthat your bodycan manage. Whenyou do not liveyour design, you are far more
likelyto get illbecause you constantly confront yourselfwith energies that you are not
geneticallyequipped to handle. Human Designis a tool that can tell you how your body
is designed and how it is meant to run properly.
Mysticallyspeaking, Human Designhas the potential to show you that you are a tiny cell
movingthrough a vast body.Whenyou stop interferingwith your life,then you allowlife
to move you in the way that is best suited to you. This not only brings you utter
fulfilment, but also allows you to transcend your own design. Ironically,it is only by
surrenderingto our limitationthat we can finallyfind our freedom.
It isobvious that hearingabout your unique design and livingit are two differentthings.
To liveaccordingto your nature takes great courage. Youcan learn to understand your
design intellectually,but livingyour design can only be learned from life itself. Human
Designis a logicalsystem and logic requires repeated testing to verifythe truth of the
pattern. It is wonderful that you don't have to believe any of this. You can see for
. it works.
Human Designknowledge is of great benefit to children and parents, since knowing a
child'sdesign means that they can be guided in the direction of their nature rather than
being drivenawayfrom it. Childrencan thus grow up with a feelfortheir own true nature.
For most of us adults, the road back to our true nature is difficult due to a lifelong
conditioning.Ittakescourageto staywiththe process. .

Havingoutlined the originsof Human Designand its components, we willnow move on

and take a detailed lookat each of the nine centres.Wewilldiscusswhat it means to have
them both defined and undefined.

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.


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54 Human Design International

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Training Manuals,






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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.


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Onevery dark spring night in the latter part of the eighteenth century, a man set up his
homemade high magnification telescopeand gazed up at the stars.The date was 13th
March 1781, and it wasa date that would changethat man'slife. Indeed,eventhough he
never knew it, it was a night that would change the lives of every human being for
centuriesand centuriesafter he had died.
His name was William Herschel.A musician originally born in Germany,he lived in Bath,
England where he struggled to make his living as an astronomer. In the year 1781
however,all that changed,as he found himself gazing for hours on end at an uncharted
object shining faintly in the night sky.At first, he had taken it for a comet, but after
tracking it all night, he becameincreasinglycertain that he was looking at an unctJarted
planet. He wrote to the Astronomer Royal the following morning, and it was soon
confirmed that he had in fact discoveredanother planet in our solarsystem, outside the
orbit of Saturn and invisibleto the nakedeye.He had discoveredthe planet Uranus.
In traditional astrology,the discoveryof a new planet marks a shift in the consciousness
of humanity asa whole. Indeed,the end of the eighteenth century was ih many ways a
seedingtime for the world we seearound ourselvestoday. Electricitywas discovered,the
industrial revolution was in full swing and the world was opening up to all kinds of
technological advancesin communication, science,travel, health and education. It was
the height of the so-calledAge of Enlightenment. It is not that the discoveryof Uranus
set all thesethings in motion, but rather that it standsasa symbol of the paradigm shift
that humanity was going through at that time. In fact, we are still very much going
through that shift. The discoveryof Uranushinted at an expanding of humanity's limit of
vision. Indeed;it wasWilliam Herschelwho advancedour understanding of nebulae,the
hazy clouds that surround dying stars. He even went on to be the founder of stellar
astronomy,the study of the region beyond our own solarsystem.Our modern senseof a
galaxy'sshape isvery similar to what Herschelproposed hundreds of yearsago. Uranus,
the great Romansky god, had brought radicalchangeto the world.
In the cosmology of the Human Design System it was the discovery of Uranus that
symbolically markedthe next great step in humanity's evolution asa species.It was, said

5 For those of you who are interested in studying the nine centres and their gates in more depth, we recommend 'The Nine Centres'
from the GeneKeys Reference audio (or transcription) series, For a simpler introduction, try 'An Introduction to the Nine Centres'
from the Education Series -

56 Human Design International

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Training Manuals,
Archive Europa 2000.

The Voice,the beginning of the last great mutation. The graphic representation<:>fthis
consciousness shift is seen in our change from being a seven centred being to a
nine-centred being. Fromthis moment on, allsystems that looked at humanity though
the traditional Saturn-based paradigm were past their sell-bydate. It has not been until
very recently however, that we have had a truly updated version of ourselves. Human
Design has often been referr:edto as a 'Uranian system', as it is the new map, the
synthesis built out of the old systems, which shows us the kind of creatures we are
becoming. Accordingto the Voiceand its unusual language, we are about to make the
biogenetic leap from Homo sapiens to something known as a Rave.

A Raveis the revealed name of a new kindof human being. The prefix'Ra' comes from
both the Sanskrit and Native American Sioux meaning 'fire' or 'heat'. The word 'rave'
comes from the Latin 'rapere', meaning 'to seize by force'.The coming changes to our
world and the way in which the human body willmutate are not in our hands. It is our
genes that willseizeus byforce.However,until 2027, the Ravedoes not techn icallyexist.
Inthe same way that a physicalgenetic mutation brought about the metamorphosis of
Neanderthal man into Cro-Magnonman, another mutation is about to spread through
the hdman race.Evenso, the mutation is present in the genes of everyhuman being on
this planet, which means that at some levelwe are all expecting this event. The human
tendency is alwaysto anthropomorphise such things, thus we givethe mutation names
like'The New Age'or we see it as a coming Ascensionto some higher plane.


Ifyou look at the traditional seven centred Hindu Chakrasystem and then you compare
it to the nine centred Bodygraph,you can see that it is rather likemoving from a two
dimensional map to a three dimensional map. Whereas the old systems tended to see
evolution as a ladderthat we climbed,the Bodygraphfunctions rather likea hall of mir-
rors, or a labyrinthwhere energy flows in all directions simultaneously.As one learns in
the more advanced levels of Human Design training, the Bodygraph encapsulates a
knowledgethat istruly multi-dimensional,containing secrets within secrets.
The first thing to have clear in our minds at this point concerns the nine centres
themselves. Many people still refer to these centres as chakras.This is no longer an
appropriate terminology.The Bodygraphis not so much a meditation tool as a map that
describes an individual'suniqueness, role and direction in life.The nine centres act as
information hubs within the body itself. At all times, we should remember that the
Bodygraph is only a map. It is not the territory. The nine centres exist as a
multi-dimensional grid that describesthe inner workings and interconnectedness of all
human beings. It is our personal experienceof these centres that bringsthe knowledge

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

A fairly frequently asked question in Human Design concernsthe colours of the nine
centres themselves.Why are the centres coloured in the way they are? Unfortunately,
there isno simple answerto this question, aswe were not given this information asa part
of the Human Designrevelation.However,there may be someinsights we cangleanfrom
a closerobservation.The four centresin brown arethe Root, the Spleen,the SolarPlexus
and the Throat. Thesefour centres representthe structure of life itself. The Root is the
pressureto stay alive,whilst the Spleenand the Solar Plexusfilter this pressurethrough
individual survivaland group interaction. The Throat ensuresthat the pressureto bealive
is metabolised through these two types of awareness.The two centres in red are the
Heart and the Sacraland both share a theme of surrender,the Heart representsthe
surrenderof the individual egoto becomeapart working within the whole, and the Sacral
representsthe greater surrenderof all beingsto life itself. The two centres in yellow are
the G and the Head,and these two centres sharea common mystical theme; the G is
evolution through Love and the Head is our evolution through Consciousness.Finally,
standing out alone isthe Ajna centre in green.This istruly the colour of humanity, for it
representsthe fertility of the human imagination and isthe essenceof what we reallyare.
We are a mental speciesliving in a mental'maya/. Green is after all, the colour of our

58 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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The Bodygraphisessentiallyan energy map. Itshows us how energyflows in our lives,as

well a,swhere it comes from and how and when it motivates us. One of the great
revelationsof Human Designisthe incompletenessof the definitioninour Bodygraph.As
individuals,no one person isevercomplete. It isthis fact that drivesus to seekwholeness
in the outer world,whether that leads us to loveor drugs or Godor any other thing that
might bringus some sense of beingwhole.The ironyis that we are designedto be
incomplete.Weare designedto be incompletebecause likethe cellswithin our bodies,we
are designed to move as one totality where everycellis interdependent with everyother
cell.As we journey through our seven-year cycleof deconditioning, we are essentially
moving from a state of co-dependence to the reality and freedom of our true


In the Bodygraph there are four energy centres, known as 'motors'. These centres are the
Root, the Sacral, the Ego/Heart and the Solar Plexus. It is in fact the individual 'wiring' of
these four motors that ultimately divides human beings into the four Types that we will
study in Part 3 of this manual. Each of the motors has its own set of very different
qualities and functions within the Bodygraph, and we will look at each in the context of
its functionality. However, it is always important to remember that these four centres do
have an underlying fundamental relationship - they are each a source of energy in our

6 If you are interested in learning more about these and other channels, we recommend you listen to 'Circuits, Channels and Gates'
from the GeneKeys Education audio series.

Human Design Intemational Training Manuals. 59

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As we heard earlier, the correct functioning of our design is referred to asthe true Self and
the incorrect functioning as the not-self. When we come to examine each centre in turn,
we will see that they each have healthy strategies and unhealthy strategies. This
knowledge is actually one of the first things you learn when you do the Human Design
education programme. I have included detailed tables of both true self strategies and
not-self strategies in this manual. This is an intricate knowledge that is really outside the
scope of this manual, but I hope that you find it interesting and helpful in looking at these
tables and applying their strategies to your own experiences. If you would like to know
more about this fascinating aspect of Human Design, you are recommended to contact
your national oragnisation and ask about the education programme.


We begin at the Root centre because it is the centre of beginnings. It is represents the very
pressure of existence. According to the physicists, before the Big Bang, all the material of
the u~iverse was compressed into a space the size of a tennis ball. That is a great deal of

60 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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pressure.Inmicrocosm,the Rootcentrecausesa similarpressure- that is,it force~us to

live,grow and evolve.Ifwe areto liveand survive,we have no choicebut to submit to this
pressure.Alllifebeginswith this stress.Stressisthe foundation of who we are,just as the
Root centre isthe foundation of the Bodygraph.
At the very top of the Bodygraph is the Head centre and at the very bottom of the
Bodygraphis the Root centreeThese two centres have a deep connection to each other
because they are both pressurecentres. Inother words, being a human being israther like
being in a pressure sandwich.Whilstthe Head centre brings mental pressure inthe form
of doubt, confusion or inspiration,the Rootcentre isa verydifferentkindof pressure.This
isthe pressureto evolveand adapt to the world and to life.It isthe veryfuel of evolution
and isthe purest and most powerfulenergywithin us.The ancient Hindushad a name for
this energy;they calledit Kundalini,the 'serpent power'. Formillennia,many yogis have
attempted to harness this power through meditation techniques and yoga. Many have
gone mad, as the same pressurethat can make us healthy can alsodestroy our bodies and
minds. .

Biologically,the Root centre isassociated with the adrenalinesystem and with our stress
hormones. Stress in life is something that you have to take advantage of rather than
somefhing that you have to sufferfrom. Stresscannot be avoided.Stressisan important
fuel, whi~hactually helps us to master difficultsituations. Youcannot fight against this
vital fuel, and when you do, you can find yourselfeasilydepressed, in particularthrough
the gates that connect the root to the Sacralcentre.Aswe have seen, the Root isa motor,
and it isthe onlyone of the four motors inthe Bodygraphthat has no directaccessto the
Throat. The moment a motor can connect through definition to the Throat, the energy
of that motor can be expressed and manifested.The energy inthe Root isfar too strong
to be directlyconnected to the Throat. Ifyou lookat the Bodygraph,you willsee that the
onlywaythat the pressurefrom the Root centre can reachthe Throat is ifit is 'processed'
through another centre or centres. Thus, stress in itself is merely a 'fuel' that energises
certain deep biochemicalprocesses within us. How we cope with stress in our lives is
always connected to our own unique Root centre and the way in which its gates are
defined or undefined.

Betweenthe Root centre and the Sacralcentre are three channels known
as the energy formats. These three channels generate three great
42 .3 9 archetypal energy frequencies that operate through our bodies and our
lives.We have cyclical,developmental processesthrough the Channelof
Maturation (53/42), logicaland focused processesthrough the Channel
of Concentration (9/52) and unpredictable, mutative processesthrough
the Channelof Mutation (3/60).

Human Design International Training Manuals. 61

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Below are representedeach of the gates of the Root centre and the themes of their
pressurein the world. The understanding of gates and channelsis very profound and is
outside the scopeof this manual.All the channels,gatesand circuits arestudied in depth
during the Advanced training programmes.

58 - To Correct

38 - To find Purpose
54 - To Rise up
53 - To Begin
60 - To Mutate
52 - To Focus
19 - To Need
39 - To find Spirit
41 - To Desire

The two other centres that directly process pressure from the Root centre are the Solar
Plexus centre and the Spleen centre. The Solar Plexus processes this as three types of
emotional pressure - the pressure of need (Gate 19), the pressure to find spirit (Gate 39)
and the pressure of desire (Gate 41). In the Spleen centre, the same vital energy from the
Root centre creates the pressure to stay healthy through its connection to our immune
system. This also manifests in three potential ways - the pressure of ambition (Gate 54),
the pressure to find purpose (Gate 38) and the pressure to perfect (Gate 58). It is
interesting to note that it is these last three primal pressures that ensure we humans stay
healthy and alive - we have to be materially successful, we have to have a sense of
purpose in life and we have to continually improve our lives. One only has to look around
oneself in life to see the truth of this in human beings.

Because of the hexagram structure within the nine gates of the Root centre, two themes
emerge as the essence of this centre. These are the themes of Joy and Stillness, and they
are related to. the 58th and 52nd Gates respectively. It is one of the many paradoxes
within the Bodygraph that it is in the centre of Stressand Pressurethat we find the source
of Stillness and Joy. These two themes whisper a secret to each of us about the nature of
stress - as long as we begin something either;out of stillness or joy, then no matter how
stressful our endeavours, we will remain grounded in the Root centre. We are either able
to remain inwardly still through potentially stressful times or we rise to the occasion and
meet;the challenge with joy. This is the Golden Rule for the Root centre - do not begin
anything in life, unless it is rooted in either a place of stillness or a sense of joy.

62 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Likethe undefined Head centre, the undefined Root centre can be placed under great
pressure.Rememberthat when a centre is undefined (when it is white), it is not only
vulnerable but it will also magnify any connection to it. Somebody with an undefined
Root centre can end up appearing to be deeply hyperactiveas a result of conditioning,
with predictable consequences.
There is nowhere where Human Designhasgreater relevancethan in understanding the
mechanicsof a family relationship. Let'stake the example of a child with an undefined
Root centre. Rememberalso that we are always attracted to our opposite in life (the
undefined or open centre is alwaysattracted to the defined). So little Billy invites one of
his new friends overto tea. The moment that that friend comesover and hooks up Billy's
undefined Root centre, the resulting magnification of his root energy can be explosive.
Thesetwo children aregoing to be highly energisedtogether and this can easilyappear
to the parentsto be a problem.
In a classroom environment, the collective aura will ensure that all nine centres are
continuously defined, and this isthe kind of arenawhere a child with an undefined Root
centre isgoing to be under enormous pressureand stress.Thiswill usually result in a high
level of restlessness,which can so easilybe misreadby parents and teachersalike and is
often ~ven punished. Sucha child is usuallyaccusedof being unable to concentrate and
sit still. Furthermore,it can be assumedthat the child needssome specialkind of help or
therapy,which will result in them feeling even more helplessand humiliated.
There are an enormous number of children who have no motors defined. So many of
these childrenareput on coursesof drugs or suppressants.They arefalselydiagnosedto
be hyperactiveand unhealthy.This is simply not true. When they can be educated in the
nature of their design and how to live with it, then they will no longer identify and give
authority to energythat doesnot belongto them. Theycantake advantageof it, butthey
do not haveto be ruled by the conditioning nor out of control in it.
Conditioning is not the enemy. Ignoranceof conditioning is. Any conditioned field can
bring positive impact. It is however always going to be inconsistent and assuch is not


Under conditioned pressure,the undefined Root centre can often manifest unusual
behaviour. The other response that can often be experienced is the opposite to
hyperactivity- in otherwords'stagefright'. Peoplewith undefinedrootenergycanoften
'freeze up' in tense and stressful situations. They can actually be frozen by the strong
adrenaline energy rushing through them. An undefined Root centre is either going to
love a crowd or beterrified by a crowd.Theywill either riseon the surgeof adrenalinethat
is magnified through their chemistry,taking advantageof the surplusenergy,or they will
tend to avoid the crowd for fear of being overwhelmed. Many singerswho perform on
stage haveundefined Root centresand enjoy the adrenalineenergyof the crowd.

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What isessentialto grasp about allconditioning isthat we cannot affordto giveauthor-

ity to what we are not. In other words, somebody can pressurise us at the mental level
(through the undefined Head centre) to think about a certain dilemma that has to be
resolved.But if it is not our dilemma inthe first place,then it is not our responsibilityto
carry that unresolved burden. The same thing is true for the undefined adrenaline
system. One does not have to get lost in the pressure.One can either take advantage of
it or avoid it. The key is to recognise what belongs to you and what does not. In
recognisingwhat you are not, you can eliminate its pull overyou.The net result isa great
potential for wisdom.
The person with an undefined Head centre who does not suffer from the conditioned
pressure of that Head centre, has the potential wisdom to recognisewhich inspirationis
reallyof value.Their gift is to see who can truly be inspiring.Inthe same way,someone
with an undefined Root centre can understand better than anyone else the nature of
stress and how it operates. There is a great advantage in these undefined centres when
we can escape being a victim of their conditioning. When we can use Human Design
knowledge inthis way,we can reallytransform our lives:

'In my own design, I have an undefined or open emotional system. And for over a decade now, I
have been teaching people about the emotions. Through my open solar plexus, I have
experienced the full emotional spectrum. For so long in my life before I understood my
mechanics, I gave authority to emotions that did not belong to me. It brought chaos into my
personal life and chaos into my professional life. In understanding my own mechanics, I no
longer give authority to what I am not. I am healthy for that. Along with this understpnding
has come wisdom about the emotional plane and how it operates.'
Ra Uru Hu

This dichotomy within us of having centres that are defined and centres that are
undefined is our greatest challenge,yet it brings the greatest rewards.It brings valued
knowledge.This isknowledgethat isof value not only to oneself,but alsoto others in our
lives.We have now seenthrough the Root centre that human beings are always under
stressby design.We are under stressto stay alive and be healthy and communicate with
eachother. This iswhat it meansto be human. It isthe fundamental pressureof life.

64 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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In the example above, we can see the Designchart for Sting. Asyou can see, he has an
undefined Root centre.This means that he can easilybe overwhelmed byother people's
stress. Peoplewith undefined Rootcentres alwayshaveto be carefulabout allowingother
people to put them under pressure. Sting needs to be very wary of making a rushed
decision in lifebecause someone else isfeelingstressed and ispushing him, for example,
to meet a certain deadline.Hisundefined Rootcentre willamplifyanother person's stress
and over the long term can be very destabilising to his health (note the only other
undefined centre isthe Spleen,which representsthe body's immune system). Aslong as
he giveshimselfenough physicalspacefrom other people, as wellas not identifyingwith
their stress, he can enjoy both the calm of having an undefined Root centre, and the
rushes of adrenaline he obviouslygets when he performs before largeaudiences.


In the example over, we can see that Brad Pitt has a strongly defined Root centre
(strongly because there are also several gates defined other than the definition itself).
Bradissomeone who actuallythrives on adrenalineand stress.Ashis onlydefinition,and
being connected to the Spleen centre, we can see that adrenaline is healthy for him
because it is actuallythe only consistent theme in his life.Heissomeone that willalways
love high-energy environments and situations in lifethat push his limitsand make him
feel excited.Wheneveryou see connections in the Bodygraphbetween the Root centre
and the Spleen centre, there is a biologicalneed in that design to pump the adrenaline
through the immune system. Inother words,these are people that need regularexercise

Human Design International Training Manuals. 65

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in life,and they can feel verystagnant ifthey are lockedin situations that do not excite
them. Theyare not the kindof people who liketo sit behind desks for hours on end. Like
Brad,such people feel at their best when they are up against the odds.


WHENALONE Pressureto beproductive No pressure

HEALTHY Ability to releaseand processstressin par- Neverallows itself to bepressuredor

STRATEGYOFTHE ticular ways.Comfortablewith its own hurried into making a decision.Canenjoy
needs.Usesstressconstructivelyasfuel the rushand adrenalineof stress,and can
for creativeprocessesand endeavoursin dealwith pressurewithout being
'THEGIFTS' the world. Knowshow to useits pressure overwhelmed by it. Doesn'tsuccumbto
around others without overstressing pressureto do things more quickly.The
them. more it is pressured,the lessit responds.
Alwaysableto withdraw into its original
UNHEALTHY If the pressureis repressed,andtherefore Triesto get things done asquick as
OF not releasedin an effort to pleaseothers, possiDlein orderto releasethe pressure.
severehealth and or emotional problems Makeshastydecisionsunder pressure
can result.Expectsothers to be capableof from others.Tendencyto go hyperor get
'THETRAPS' dealingwith the samepressure,totally carriedaway bythe rush,then eventually
overpoweringand overloadingthem, and bucklesunderthe pressureof running off
ultimately driving them away. other people'sstress.Unableto taketime
to dischargeand unwind.Judgesitself for
being lazy.

66 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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. The Root centre is a pressure centre and a motor.
. Its biologicalattribute isthe adrenalinegland.
. The theme of the Root centre is the pressure to be, to evolve,and to adapt in the
. The defined Root centre has a fixedway of dealingwith stress and the pressure to be
aliveinthe world.
. The undefined Root centre experiencesstress as something coming from others.
. The Golden Rulefor the Root centre is - do not begin anything in life,unless it is
rooted in either a placeof stillnessor a sense of joy.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 67

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It is astonishing how little human beings know about their own nature. Takefor example
the human voice. Where does it come from? If you ask somebody where their voice
comes from, they are probably going to tell you that the words that come out of their
mouth originate somewhere in their mind. We tend to be mind oriented. We tend to
assull)ethat what we say has been nurtured mentally.Butwe knowverylittle about the
actual 'mechanicsof our voice.

68 Human Design International

Ra Uru Hu, All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian
Training Manuals,
Archive Europa 2000.

The Throat centre is the primary focus of the entire Human Bodygraph. If you iIT)agine
that the Bodygraph is a map of a town, then the Throat centre would be the centre of the
town. It is the most complex of all centres, having a total of eleven gates, and every
single one of these gates has a voice. The eleven voices and their themes can be seen in
the example above.
In the Bodygraph, all the energy flow is under pressureto get to the Throat. Having begun
with the Root centre, we have seen the primal forces that drive us. Now we see how
energy is actually metabolised and transformed within the body itself. In looking at the
Throat centre, we are looking at the essence of what it is to be a human being, and every-
thing about being a human being is about manifesting.

The Throat centre is our centre of manifestation and metamorphosis. Biologically,this is
where the Thyroidand the Para-thyroidglands are located. These glands are endocrine
glands and act'as metamorphic agents in the body.They govern our metabolism - how
we break down our food, how we burn energy,whether we are fast or slow,whether we
digest quicklyor not, whether we are big or small, skinny or fat. Allthese things are
rooted in the Thyroidsystem. The fact that the Throat centre is related to the Thyroid
glan~ meansthat any metamorphicprocesscan only be initiatedthroughthe Throat
centre. It isthus the centre that brings change into our lives.Becausethe Throat centre
governs so many vital biological processes in our bodies, if we do not honour the
strategy of our Type,it is here that things first begin to breakdown within our bodies.

The Throat centre is the apex of manifestation. Manifesting has two essential aspects:
verbal manifestation and manifestation as action. In other words, in the Throat centre we
find both the capacity to communicate in language and the capacity to manifest activity.

Human DesignInternationalTrainingManuals. 69
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~rrmaryG~it~~ Qi'

PrimaryGate of
Identification 16
-- - -

Pfittt!1)'~t~ of 31 8 33
(Lomrt1unicafion 2Q
Action(,IridIfl~ntity ,,~- Primal)' Gates of Identity

The primaryfunction of the Throat centre iscommunication.Thisisverbalmanifestation,
and it isthe specialgift human beings have of articulating in language. There is nothing
more quintessentially human than our ability and indeed our necessity of sharing our
unique experiences of life through language. It's important to understand that
communication isnot about telling people what to do. Neithercanthe Throat centre tell
oneselfwhat to do. The whole businessof 'doing' has its source inthe four motors'inthe
Bodygraph.The throat is not a motor. It is rather likethe gearbox in a car.That is,on its
own, it cannot set your car into motion, but it stillhas a deep relationshipto the engine.
Communication and action are two themes that are thus deeply linkedwith each other.
Communicationensures us that we are not here alone, sinceit isthe onlytool we haveto
logicallyexpressour nature to each other. Through communicating before acting,we can
see beforehand what isviable in our livesand what isn't.


The secondary function of the Throat centre is action. Whenever the-Throat centre is
connected to one of the four motors in the Bodygraph,there arises the possibilityof
action and the ability to 'do'.

70 Human Design International Training Manuals/-----

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The body has four motors: the Heart centre (the ego and will-power), the Solar ~Iexus
(the emotions), the Root centre (adrenaline and stress) and the Sacral centre with its
generative capacity. The second function ofthe Throat centre is to physically manifest, to
act rather than speak. When the throat is connected through definition to one or any of
the four motors, then you have somebody who is a doer.
However, even if doing is p<?ssible,the law of the Throat is: Speak before you Act.
Communicate first. Somebody who has a defined Throat centre can alw~ys speak, and
someone with a defined Throat centre connected to a motor can always do. Usually, such
people speak too much and 'do' too much.
What the mechanics of a defined throat tells you is: be careful about how and what you
use your energy for. Don't talk about everything, and don't give your energy away to
every impulse in life. If you speak at the wrong time, you won't be heard and if you act at
the wrong time, you will meet resistance.


In a defined throat, the words can come from six different areas.As we haveseen,most
of us think that we speakout of our minds, but this is an important misunderstanding.
We are conditioned to communicate from the mental plane. Human Design shows us
that t~ere arefive different placeswhere our words can come from, and the mind is only
one of them. Now, let's return to the first function of the Throat and think about where
our voice actually comesfrom.
The Throat centre is there to manifest speech,and it acts like the diaphragm of your
stereo speaker.In other words, depending on which centre the Throat is connectedto,
that centrewill speak'through' the Throat

Example: Tony Blair

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Ifyou have the G centre or Selfconnected to the Throat, then your identity is going to
speak. Anybody who has this kind of configuration in their chart needs to realisethat
whenever they speak it is coming from their true identity, and thus they can be very
vulnerableto criticism.When you criticisethem, they tend to take it verypersonallyand
can feel deeply hurt because they speak out of their very identity.Such a person may be
also be veryuncomfortable with what they say and how they expressthemselves because
their voice is not coming from their mind, and thus it may not alwaysagree with their
A person that has the G centre - the self - connected to the Throat but no defined Ajna
has a mind that is always trying to write a script. Let's say this person has a problem with
their friend and wants to talk about it. Their mind will immediately go to work on the
problem, trying to figure out what to say and when to say it. Finallythey come to the
point where they say to themselves: "Right, I know exactly what to say to them and I
understand what the problem is". However, when they actually meet this friend of theirs,
they get a big shock because they open their mouth to resolve the whole issue and it is
their self that speaks, not their mind: "Hello,you look great. Let's go out and have
dinner."Allthe time, their mind insideis racing:"Whydid Itell them that? Whydon't you
tell them what's wrong? What is the matter with you? Areyou sick?Areyou afraid? Do
you have a problem?"This kindof dilemma exists because people think that their words
come from their mind and inthis case they don't. They come from the Throat centre.

Example: David Beckham

If you have the heart centre connected to the throat, then your ego is going to speak. A
person with the heart centre connected to the throat will always begin their sentences
with "I","Me" or "Mine". With such people, even though it can seem that they are always
talking about themselves, you cannot tell them to stop because that is their nature. You

Human Design International Training Manuals.

72 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

can begin to see now that there is no choice in the way in which we speak. It is all'down
to what is connected in our circuitry.

The generalresponseto people with this 'ego voice' is resistanceand projection. The kind
of things they are usedto hearingfrom others is: "Why do you alwayshaveto talk about
yourself?" or "Why do you haveto be so selfish?"and "Why areyou such'an egoist?" If
they are not clearabout their voice, these people will be conditioned strongly by others
into thinking that there is indeed something wrong with them. But there truly isn't
anything wrong with them. This is simply where their words come from. When these
people articulate, they do so from their will power, their ego power.
The moment they take those comments and projections seriously, and they try to
suppresstheir ego voice,yielding to the conditioning, isthe moment that they get into
physicalproblems. If you suppressa part of your nature, you will damagethe associated
organ systems in the body. Thus, such people can experienceongoing problems and
disturbanceswith their heart and their stomach, becausethese arethe organsassociated
with the Heart centre. If the person knows that they speakout of their Heart centre and
that certain people may feel uncomfortable, they are no longer made to feel guilty or
ashamed.They can trust their ego voice, becausethat istheir way of speaking,and they
can learnto refuseto listen to people who try to condition them to be something else.

Example: Adolf Hitler

When you have the spleen connected to the throat, your words come from your
intuition, your taste. This is a very spontaneous voice and these people articulate how
they are feeling in the now. If they do not know that, they can suffer from frustration
becausethey cannot saywhat they want to say.What actually comesout of their mouth

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is neverwhat they expect to come out, and this givesthem a sense of inadequacyabout
the waytheir mindworks.However,th issense of inadequacyand fear of what they might
say isonly because all human beings are conditioned to expect their mind is going to do
the speaking.A person with the Spleen connected to the Throat is alwaysgoing to give
you a running commentary about how their body isfeeling,and particularlyso when they
are feeling uncomfortable!
The other great potential of the Spleen centre is spontaneously clarity.Thus, when the
Throat is connected to the Spleen, instinct can be immediately expressed and the body
can actuallytalk. It is important to understand that this kindof configuration ina chart is
based on that individual'slymphatic system expressing a spontaneous truth based on
their own body's survivalmechanism. It can emerge out of fear or out of the body's
cellularmemory of an event inthe past. Aboveall,the throat to spleen connection isthe
only placewhere our bodies can actuallycommunicate through language.

Example: George Bush

Ifyou have the SolarPlexuscentre connected to the Throat, you have somebody who is
alwaysgoing to expresstheir feelingsand emotions. There is often a sense of emotional
drama intheir words.Sometimestheir words are fullof hope and sometimes they are full
of despair. The conditionjog they hear from others is to stop being so emotional.
Everybodytells them: IIYo~haveto control yourself.Youcannot talk so emotionally." As
we have seen, you cannot change the way you are designed, and you cannot tell these
people to be different, because they speak out of their emotional wave, which is
sometimes up and sometimes down. Ifthey try to suppresstheir emotions, there isa risk
to their health. Such people usually succumb to the conditioning pressure, and they
literaliygive up hope of ever being themselves.

74 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Example: John Cleese

When the Throat isconnected to the Ajnacentre,to the mind, then the mind willspeak.
Onlythose people who have this kind of configuration talk directlyout of their minds.
They yerbalise their thoughts and mental concepts and they fit into the cliche of
someone who can alwaysspeak their mind. There are so many people whose minds are
not connected to the Throat or whose Ajna centres are open and undefined. They are
often frustrated throughout their lifethat they neversay what they want to say,and they
usuallyend up thinking that there is something wrong with them or that others never
seem to listento what they say.

Example: Sean Connery

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When the Throat is connected to the Sacralcentre, it is our lifeforce that speaks, but it
onlyspeaks naturallyin response.Thislast connection between the Sacraland Throat isa
unique one because the Sacralalso acts likea diaphragm in a similarway to the Throat
(you may notice that these two centres are in certain aspects, a mirror of each other).
Whereas the Throat speaks through whatever it is connected to, the Sacral responds
energeticallythrough whatever it is connected to. In this instance, there is only one
channel that linksthese two centres together (known as the Channelof Charisma).Thus
we have wordsthat often rush and bubble out of the Sacralcentre because they are liter-
allycharged with its vitality,or lackof vitality.
Knowingwhere yourvoicecomes from makes an incredibledifferenceinyour life.Youcan
express yourself as you are and not feel guilty in doing so. It takes a burden off your
shoulders.Anintrinsichonesty goes with that, becauseyou areallowedto be yourself.For
example, ifyou are an egoist, and you speak through your "I",that is allyou can do. It is
simplyyour nature to be that way.
Wehave vast generalisationsthat are at work in our civilisation.Weare full of prejudices
and judgments, because we try to change people's nature allthe time, telling them to be
different. Seeingwhere your voice comes from enables you to recognisethat we cannot
fix people and that we do harm to them by not respectingtheir voice.The first thing to
understand is that it isthe Throat that speaks and not the mind. This isthe first step in
breakingprejudicesabout what is morallyright or wrong. Don't be a victim of somebody
else's oppression - of somebody elsetellingyou what is right or wrong. Human Designis
not moral. It has no inherent prejudicesand no dogma. Human Designisabout showing
peopletheiruniquenessandgivingthem the dignityto bethemselves. !

The fact that it isthe Throat that speakstakes you to a neutral ground. Whatever isgoing
to be connected to it willspeak, and you cannot change, fIXor erase that fact.

The Throat centre is very complex.It has elevengates, whichtranslate into eleven
differentpotentialvoices.Thinkaboutwhatit islikeforsomebodywhoseThroatisopen
and undefined.Weknowthe definedThroatisgoingto speakdependingon what it's
connectedto. However,the undefinedThroat is turned on by conditioningand is
therefore inconsistent. If you're at a dinner party, and there are five or six people with a
defined Throat and one person with an undefined Throat, it is the undefined throat that
is usually doing all the talking. They're blabbing all night. Their Throat is under enormous
pressure from 'everyone else, and when they get home that evening that Throat oftheirs
can be physically sore.
People with undefined Throats always wants to speak but are so often frustrated,
because it is not up to them what they say, or when they say it. Obviously, if they do not
understandtheir own design,this can be very confusingand disturbingfor them.
Undefined Throats are uncertain about their ability to express themselves. They have to
knowthat their Throat centre speaks inconsistently. The undefined Throat often has the

76 Human Design International Training Manuals,

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experience that it seems so easy to speak to some people, whereas with qthers,
communicating clearlyisfar from easy.Inthe end however,it's alldown to the individual
chemistry between the two people.

Someone with an undefined Throat has a thyroid system that isunder pressurefrom their
environment. This means that their metabolism is physicallyput under p'ressureby the
presence of certain people. This is not to say that suchjpeople are unhealthy for the
undefined Throat, but that if an undefined Throat speaks without awareness through
such conditioned pressure,itwilleventuallydamage the delicatehormonal balanceof the
thyroid. Atypical resultof this is a gain in body weight.
The most important thing to understand ifyou have an undefined Throat isthat you are
designedto be silent. That isthe natural state of an undefined Throat, because it is not
designed not to speak. It isdesigned to be silent until the moment that it is necessaryto
communicate, and until it can respond to communication from another. The moment
that someone with an undefined throat istryingto controltheir speakingthey are going
to get ill.
Unaware people with undefined Throats can have many difficulties in terms of
articulation.They can develop speech problems or speech impediments. Hereyou find
people who have problems with their tonsils, their larynxor their vocal chords.They can
experience regularsore throats and can suffer from hoarseness. It is healthiest for them
to have important conversations inpublic placeswhere they can be private, for instance
in a restaurant or a cafe.Therethey have people around them, many who can connect up
the circuitryof their Throat, but that do not want anything from them. The realityisthat
the undefined Throat is essentiallyvulnerableand ifyou have an undefined Throat, you
need to recognisethe nature of that vulnerability.The other thing isthat the undefined
Throat alwayshas to come to gripswith the fact that anybody who has a defined Throat
who is in their life is conditioning their speech pattern. One needs to understand that
conditioning is not a negative. Youcannot escape it. It is everywhere.Human beings are
even conditioned by other life forms - animals, plants, and even inanimate objects!
Human Designis not about escaping or fixingthe conditioning. It issimplyabout seeing
it, and in seeing it, no longer being a victim of it.

Thinkabout the natureof the undefinedThroatina partnership.Yourpartnerhastheir
Throatdefined,andthey haveitdefinedina specificway.Let'ssayforexample,that they
haveit definedthroughthe channelbetweenthe Throatandthe ego (21-45).Insucha
case, the ego willspeak through the Throat and its languagewillbe possessivein
expression - "Ihave" or "Idon't have". Ifyou have an undefined Throat, and your lover has
this whole channel, then every time you have a conversation together it is always through
that channel. Not surprisingly, whether you likeit or not, the conversation is always about

Human Design International Training Manuals,

Ra Uru Hu, All Rights Reserved 2000, Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

what you have and what you don't have,and it's alwaysmaterialisticbecause that is the
nature of this channel. Butthis is not your voice.Thisalso means that the other ten ways
that you would have as an opportun ityto be able to expressyourselfare not availableto
you. Not onlythat, but you also become conditioned to seeing everythingwith your lover
in terms of what you have and what you don't have,which is not natural to your nature
together but issimplythe result of conditioning.
It is not just a question of not knowing where your voice comes from. In not knowing
your Design and your mechanics, you don't know how others are conditioning you
verbally.Neither is it a case of anyone doing anything wrong or bad. When someone
conditions you through their chemistry, they don't have any choice in the matter,
whether they are aware of their design or not. The Throat centre is where we manifest
and wherewe articulate.Torecognisehow things workwithin you takes a vast burden off
your shoulders. It means that you don't have to be what you're not. Thus, you can learn
to recognisewhen the forcesand people around you are unhealthy for you, because they
do not allowyou to be yourself.

A childwithan undefinedThroatmaylearnto speakverylate.Theyhaveto be allowed
time to learnto speak.There is no need to be nervous about this, nor is there reason to
panic. Such children do not need therapeutic help. However,there are things that a
parent can do to help encourage such a child in their developmental process. The first
thing is that they have to be patient and not put the children under pressure by forcing
them to speak.A childwith an undefined Throat willdevelop their skillsonly ifyou don't
put any pressure on that Throat: "Speaknow. Say it properly.Say it correctly",these are
the worst kindof things that such a childcan hear.
When a childwith an undefined Throat begins to speak, they can experiencedifficulties
in articulating because there is this pressure on them to try to get the words out. It will
take them some time until they get into gear. It usuallytakes such a child much longer
than normal to adjust to verbal patterns. At the same time, they can have an incredible
gift for mastering languages ifthey develop at their own pace.
Childrenwith open Throats are not natural 'doers' in life.Correctactions for such children
have to be learned because they are not inherent. They need a sensitive touch from
parents who understand how to encourage the gifts of the undefined Throat. So often,
these children end up being compared to their brothers or sisters who have defined
Throats and are put under huge pressurefrom their families.
Whether childrencan develop their potential or not depends on the nurturing that they
get, and that nurturing isdependent on awareness.It isso humane to understand some-
body's design, and in particular between parents and children.When the childwith the
undefined Throat becomes comfortable with speaking, it is because their parents have
lovedthem and just helped them to go through their processwithout undue pressure.

78 Human Design International Trnining Manuals.

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One of the gifts of an undefined Throat is that these people can easilypick up different
kind of accentsor dialects.They areat easewith all kinds of different ways of speaking
becausetheir speechpattern is always being conditioned by who is around them. There
is absolutely nothing wrong with having an undefined Throat. It is simply a mechanical
fact, and assuch you can learn a great deal from it. With an undefined Throat, you can
immediately know how you arebeing conditioned by the quality, tone and expressionof
your voice. Becausethe throat also governs manifestation, it also rulesour actions, so if
you havean undefined Throat, others are'alsoconditioning your actions.This is a deep,
deeptruth for you to learn.The undefined Throat should neverbe in a hurry to speakand
act. You have to find out what you can rely on inside yourself, becauseyou certainly
cannot rely on your Throat - that isyour actions or words in life. It is impossible.
However,this does not mean that you cannot take advantage of having an undefined
Throat. It simply meansthat you canonly rely on your throat to speakinconsistently.The
dichotomy of defined/undefined isjust the two sidesof the samecoin. One is no better
than the other. A defined throat is reliable, but also very fixed in its process of
communicating. It is limited to the defined aspect in the throat - in other words, they
havea fixed way of talking for their whole lives.If you havean undefined throat, you can
becorT,levery wise about the nature of communication. You can recognisewho can talk
clearly and who cannot. You can recognisewho gets things done and who can't get
things done.Youcanexperienceall the different voicesofthe Throat centre becausethere
is no limitation for you. This is the real gift of an undefined Throat. Everyundefined
centre is a window on wisdom. You become wise through what is not defined in you
rather than through what isdefined.


It is very difficult to know somebody's chart by simply watching them. We have been
discussingthe way in which different people talk out of defined and undefined Throats.
However,there are often many dynamicsat work in someone's design. If for example,
somebody in a group is dominating the talking, it could be someone who hasthe Ego
motor connectedto the Throat - the Throat is defined and they aretalking out of their
Ego and thus they control the environment. It may equally be someone with an
undefined Throat and an undefined Ego, which is pumped up by everybody around
them, and is blasting out an endlessstream of words.The only differenceisat the end of
the evening, the defined Throat feels okay becausethat is the nature of the defined
Throat, to be able to releasespeechnaturally. But by the end of the same evening, an
undefined Throat most likely will end up suffering from a sore throat or a difficulty in
digesting their dinner. Remember,the Throat centre is all about metabolism - it is about
how we digest life - how we move energy through our bodies and transform it into
action or words.
Just like the scienceof genetics, Human Design is not a cut and dry affair. There are so

Human Design International Training Manuals. 79

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many possiblevariationsthat go to make up an individualdesign. There are people with

undefinedThroatswhoarebrilliantspeakers.Bill Clintonis a classicexample of that. He
is a master speakerand debater. Someone with an undefined Throat can be enormously
capableof articulationsimplybecausethey recognisehow the whole processof speaking
works in others, and they learn from that. They can have great language skillsand very
powerfulvoices.There are a lot of famous singerswith undefined Throats: ElvisPresley,
John Lennon,LucianoPavarotti.
This illustratesthat it is never easyto judge a design from the surface.Another example
in this vein is a person with a defined Throat where the connection that defines the
Throat isunconscious(colouredin red) inwhichcasethey do not speak consciouslyat all.
They may find it very difficultto articulate, and are always surprised when their words
come bubblingto the surfaceas though they havejust emerged from a tunnel. Theycan
be very surprised by what their unconscious says, and it almost always disagrees with
their mind. This can be both amusing and very destructive to the personality. Such
people may become veryuncomfortable with the words coming out of their mouth and
they end up nevertrusting their voice.They may even refuseto speak. Ifyou are looking
for a mute, you arejust as likelyfind one with a defined Throat as you are an undefined

People so often complainthat there is a lackof communication in the world. Ironically,
this is untrue. It issimplythat the communication itselflacksclarity,because people are
unaware of the nature of their Throat centre. Ifyou don't know where your own voice
comes from, then you reallynever know how to trust the design of your own Throat. If
you are not talking in your voice,you are not properlyable to share your experiencesin
life,because you are nevertalking as yourself.


Because the Throat is so complex, the most important element in allowing it to operate
correctly is your Type and Authority, both of which we will study in Part III of this
manual. Only by following the mechanics of your Type and your Authority can you ensure
that your words and actions will emerge correctly. So many people speak and act too
soon or too late. The Golden Rule of the Throat centre is - follow your Type and Authority
and the timing will always be perfect.

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WHENALONE Ableto speakand/or act

HEALTHY Consistentand reliabletool for A versatile,spontaneousvoicewhose

STRATEGYOFTHE communication. Knowingwhereits true capacityto speakdepends.onwho it is
voice comesfrom meansit canspeakits with. It communicatesbestwhen given
own truth. When connectedto a motor, it space.Canexperienceall the different
hasthe capacityto act andthe voicesof the throat centre. Comfortable
satisfactionof moving forwards in life. with silenceasits natural state.Waitsto
be initiated to speakor act by others.

UNHEALTHY Triesto beverballydominar)t, speaking

OF Canspeakor act too readilyor
THENOTSELF inappropriately,talking too much and without invitation, inappropriatelyor at a
thus losingits impact. Becausethe verbal wrong time. Fearsit won't know what to
style isfixed, it canseemoverwhelming sayandtries to rehearseconversations
'THETRAPS' to others,especiallyif strategyis not ratherthan allowing for spontaneity.Tries
beingfollowed. If not connectedto a to initiate andends up sufferingfrom
motor, makesclaimsbut is unableto exhaustionand severehealthproblems.
follow them with action.
Alwaystriesto attract attention to itself.


. TheThroat
centreisthe centreof manifestation(speechanddoing)
. Biologically,it relatesto theThyroidandthe Para-thyroidglandandthus itsthemeis
. TheThroatisthemostcomplexofallthecentres,
with 11 gates.
. All energiesleadto theThroatcentreto manifestin wordsor in action.
. Theprimaryfunctionof theThroatiscommunication.
. Communicationleadsto doing when the Throat is connectedto one of the four
. TheThroatcentreisnot motor.It isa gearbox.
. AdefinedThroatcanalwaysspeakand/oractbut isfixedin itscommunication/doing.
. An undefinedThroatspeaksinconsistentlyandhastheir speechpatternconditioned
. The GoldenRuleof the Throatcentreis -follow your Typeand Authority and the
timing will alwaysbeperfect.

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The Throat Centre has so many functions within our body. Perhaps its deepest is the
regulation of our breath. Sincethe Throat governs our metabolism, it also governs our
breath patterns. Most people do not breathe correctly because they do not live as
themselves. One of the deepest processesthat we undergo as we decondition ourselves
from our early patterns is the alteration and freeing of our breath patterns. As our
breathing naturally deepens, our chemistry undergoes subtle alterations. Our very
vibration changes. The meditation below is a contemplation of the different breath
patterns of the four differentTypes.Itcan be readquietly alone or aloud among a group...

Settleyourselfcomfortably,howeveryou wish.Thisisquite a long meditation so don't be
concerned about moving or taking it too seriously.It's perfectlyfine for you to simplysit
there inyour own reverie.Just soak up whicheverparts you happen to enjoy....
OK,take a few deep breaths and closeyour eyes ifyou wish.There are no rules here.Take
a few moments with me to consideryour Throat centre. Beginto tune in to the area of
your upper chest and the gracefultriangular curveof your collar-boneas it meets at the
base of your throat. Becomeaware of the back of your neck and feel the gentle arch of
your upper vertebrae as the bones disappear one by one into the mysterious depths of
your craniumto connect with your Ajnacentre.The Throat centre is incrediblyunique. It
isso complexand yet so vulnerable.Tryto feelthis paradox around your own throat now
- its strength and its vulnerability.Moveyour necksoftlyfrom side to side and around in
gentle circles or semi circles - explore your neck and throat with gentle random
movements Feelthe musclessoftly stretching and the throat beginning to soften and
melt allow this whole area of your body to soften,... Exhalea few deep breaths and
allowany tensions to begin to dissolve Most of us carrythe tensions from our throat
either in our upper shoulders and back or deep within our belly.Youmay notice how as
you relaxyour throat, your breath naturally begins to deepen and slow.all on its own.
Notice how quicklythe rest of your body responds and relaxeswhen your throat begins
to unwind and your structure beginsto softlysink downwards inyour body.
You need to understand something absolutely crucial about your Throat centre here
today - you needto understandthat it isthe keyto a great secretin yourlife.Youcan
forget for a moment allthe other centr~sand their functions... ifyou onlyunderstand the
way inwhichyour Throat operates itwillbe enough on its own to utterlytransform your
life.The secret of the Throat is the secret of breathing, and the secret of breathing is the
secret of effortlessness.
Effortlessness.That's a niceword. It'sa word that iseasilybandied about these days...and
yet how many people have you ever met who you would say lead a purelyeffortless life?
Think about what that might mean for you, with your design. To livean effortless life
...what might that look like?Imagineit for a few moments - indulgeyourselfwith your
own fantasies... (allowtime for this)
As you begin to explore what this effortless YOUfeels likeand looks like,you may well

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make the connection between effortless and your Typeand Strategy.YourTypea~d its
Strategy are your true path towards this effortlessflowing life....
Come backagain to your breath for a few moments. Notice how it may have changed. Is
it more rhythmical?Deeper,slower,faster even? See how your breath begins to find its
own inner cadence whenever you imagine yourself truly livingas YOU.The only thing
that stops you from breathing,likethis is conditioning. Yourown conditioningtraps you
over and over again into trying to make things go the way you think they ought to go.
Whydo youthinkitsso hardto simplywait?Whatcouldbe easieror morefreeingthan
simplywaiting? Whydo we all have to try so hard in life?Weonly have to let go. Weall
know that. We are all here exploring Human Designin all its depths when the deepest
truth can so easilyelude us. Weare simplylearningto wait. Weonly have to surrender to
our design and everythingsimplyhas its flowwithout us doing anything at all....
Consider the Not Self.The more you understand what you are not the more you
understand how you are livingwhat you are not, the more you realiseyou've never
reallywaited. You've never reallygiven yourself the chance to see if it works. Waiting.
Waitingis nectar to our breath. Waitingis so simple,so beautiful, and so easyto miss....
If you are a Reflector,consider the way in which you are designed to breathe. Consider
that for a few moments... Some of you may know a reflectorinyour own life,or perhaps
you ar~ lookingforwardto knowingone think of what it means to breathe correctlyas
a reflector it isthe essence of breathing as yourself.
Reflector,you have no fixed breath pattern, The rhythm and timing of your breathing is
alwaysdictated bythe people you have around you.Thinkabout that...and this istrue for
all types in varying degrees - and especiallyfor those of you with undefined Throats.
Thinkof some of the people who are closeto you inyour lifeand see how your breathing
subtly changes as you bringeach to mind. Findout how the differentdesignsimpact your
breathpatternsindifferentways...playwiththat fora minuteor so ....
Now, if you want to truly know your own breath pattern, bring a Reflectorto mind. It
makes no differencehow you respond to a Reflectoron the surface inyour personality -
it is the mirror of their design that captures the secret of our breath. You may have a
Reflectorin the room, breathing with you now, holding and synthesising the group
breath. Tune into the reflected breath that isyours and enjoy looking inthat mirrorfor a
few moments as you breathe with the Reflectoryou have in mind...
Takea few moments now to inwardlythank your Reflectorfor the role they play in the
group or community, and as an archetype of the communities around the world as a
whole. Remember before we leave the Reflector...theyaren't vulnerable as you may
imagine.Theyare great pillarsof strength ineverycommunity,ridingand whirlingon the
energies and breaths that they chose, surfing and dancing on the very breath of the
planets themselves....
If you are a Projector,or have a Projector in your life or are waiting to reallyknow a
Projector, consider now, the Projector's breath. Like the Reflector, the Projector's
breathing is hidden in the peoplearound them. Unlikethe Reflector,who merges with

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everyone and anyone without choice, the true Projectorbreath is only to be found in
certain people. If you are a Projector,so much of your breathing is about waiting.
Projector...youare the only type that has 2 breath pattems in your life ... you have the
waiting breath and you have the breath of recognition.
Come now into your first breath pattem - the waiting breath. Thisbreath pattern isthe
backdrop to your life. It is how you breathe as you move about the world. It is tied
uniquelyto whatever is undefined in your design. Picturenow your own definition,or if
you aren't a Projector, picture if you can, the definition of a Projector that you
know...chose someone who is close to you if possible,and if possible someone whose
design you can more or less recall.Youdon't have to remember it perfectly - just the
essence will suffice...looking at the definition now...Iookingat the coloured centres in
your design, become aware of the centres,channelsand gates that lieundefined...that are
still left there in the white. Allowthe colours to fall into the background for a moment
and lookinto the white inyour design -look into your undefined world.Thisiswherethe
waiting breath lies.Although it is not who you are,this white area inyour design iswhere
you reflectthe breathing of anyone in your life,allthe time. It is here that you measure
the people around you - it is here that the great gift of your design lies- your incredible
abilityto know who is right for you and who is not - to know who belongs inyour aura
and who clearlydoes not. Feelthe quality of this waiting breath... feel its coolness, its
patience, its openness - feel how your waiting breath adapts to all beings, humans,
animals, plants and places.This breath, this waiting breath is in fact your anchor in the
world. Whenever you are nervous, afraid or feeling out of control, know that your
waiting breath istryingto tellyou something about whoeveror whereveryou are -,spend
a few minutes now to feel the quality of your waiting breath - even though it can be so
changeable, feel how reliableit is in telling you about who you are with and where you
within yourself- try to findthe hidden rhythm within the ever-changingdips and curves
of your waiting breath.
Projectors - you have another breath - the recognition breath. This breath is
unmistakeable for you. It is far more than just a physicalbreath - it is a frequency that
only engages within you at specifictimes in your life, and it can only be activated by
specific auras of certain other people. Projectors - consider your definition now
- consider what iscoloured in your design - ifyou are another Type,think of a Projector
you know,and try to imagine how this isfor them...concentrate on the definition in your
design. Think about what that reallyis - its like a signal code hidden in the chemical
circuitryof your body. Yourdefinition isso incrediblyspecific- it was imprintedwhen you
were born by the movement of planets and star systems so far away they can barelybe
conceived - the fact that a certain planet activated a certain gate in your design is only
the surface - ifyou were born a split second later, or a metre to the left from where you
were, you would have been imprinted differently and your definition would have a
totally differentfrequencydespite the fact that it would remain the same on the surface.
Feelinto your definition - Projectors- feelthe frequencybehindthe definition- feelhow
specificand refinedit is - try to understand that only a few people inthe world can ever

84 Hurnan Design International Training Manuals.

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truly resonate with this frequency. Spend a minute or so to consideryourfrequency)nthe

light of allthe people you know. This is an exerciseyou can alwaysdo with yourself - it
can be an enormous keyfor you inyour life. See ifanyone you know resonates totally to
the frequencyof your definition ...ifyou cannot find anyone, perhaps you recallsomeone
from your past who did resonate to you totally - maybe someone you only met even for
the briefest of moments, or it .couldbe someone you livewith or know extremelywell.
Asyou recallthis someone who totally meets you,who sees you utterlyfor.who you truly
are, know that you are now experiencingyour recognition breath - notice how different
it is from your waiting breath. See how it spreads throughout your body - how it
literallyfillsyou from head to toe - feel it now - this is the recognition breath -
whenev~ryou feel this you know that something wonderful is about to happen in your
life - and feel how these two breaths livetogether within you - the waiting breath and
the recognition breath - one an anchor,the other onlyto be sparked bythe presence of
another specificaura. Projector- see how helplessyou are in trying to create your own
life - see how surrendered you must be in the waiting breath powerless to hurry life-
along - relaxnow into your waiting breath and smile inwardlyto yourselfknowing that
everything comes to you in its own time.
Now we are going to change the tempo of the breathing inthe room entirely.Now we
come to the Sacralbreath - Generatorsand ManifestingGenerators.Yoursisthe breath of
lifeitself.Thisbreath, this Sacralbreath isthe breath of our earth, isthe breath of Gaia.All
livingforms, everycell,everyplant, everymammal, birds,reptiles,fish,insects,allbreathe
from the Sacral.Considerfor a moment how awesome the Sacralreallyis. Ifyou have a
defined Sacral,then you breathe with alllife.Youarethe sourceof alllifeinform. Go now
inyour mindto the area of your sacrum,the triangular bone at the base of your spine.The
sacral area comprisesthe area of the lower and middle abdomen. It is the centre of life,
the Hara,the Dan Tien, the grail - an overflowingcup, constantly streaming forth and
generating life,fertility,vitality,feeding the planet itself.
Feelyour breath deepen as you rest your awareness inyour sacralaera, whether you are
defined or undefined in your Sacral,it makes no difference.Youare either a source or a
receiverof the lifeforce.Forthose of you with a defined Sacral,imaginefora moment the
Sacralcentre inyour chart, and notice how similarit isto the Throat centre, almost equal
in complexity,a lowermirrorofthe Throat. Feelthis connection inyour body between the
cranium,the Throat and the Sacral,the craniosacral.Rockgently on your sacral,and allow
the rockingto gently pump the spinalfluids between these two essential nubs, likethe
two ends of a see-saw.Feelnow why the Throat centre isso deeplyconnected to the way
in whichwe all breathe. Gentlytouch the tongue onto the roof of the mouth behind the
upper teeth, and allow itjust to sit there. Continue the gentle rockingrhythm and allow
the undulations of your spine to send a gentle flowof energy - whichyou can perceiveas
light, or a tingling, or a warmth - rockingup your spine, going over your cranium in a
loop, coming down behind your nose, passing through your tongue like an electrical
switch, and feel the current passing down the front of the sternum, fallingdeep into the
abdomen and the belly,and passing through the point of the perineum at the base of

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your torso. As you continue to rockthe Sacral,feel this orbital breath passing up your
spine, overthe crownof your head, down the front of your body,deep into your belly,and
back up your spine. The ancients callthis pathway the microcosmicorbit, and it is the
source of the Sacral breath. As you continue to rock, feel this orbital energy gently
opening up your breath pattern, allowingyou to relaxdeeper, and fillingyour body with
the juices of life.
Ifyou are a ManifestingGenerator,be aware as you respond to everything around you,
that the source of your response lies in this movement of the Sacralbeing transformed
and metabolized into physicalmovement. Wheneveryou respond pay attention to how
your body moves immediately before you become consciouslyaware of even having
made a decision. Your body simply moves because your sacral physically responds,
causing you to get up, sit down, go for a walk,do some work,whatever the movement
turns into in the world.Tryto understand, ManifestingGenerators, how powerless you
are to control this awesome energy within you that constantly seeks to be active in the
world. As you go about your life,often so busy and energetic, try to remember where
your movement comes from.
Everyone in the room take a deep breath and listen to the breath pattern of the
Manifesting Generator. Feel this power like a pregnant belly ready to explode into action
at anytime.
Feelthe breath pattern in the room responding almost with urgencyas we contemplate
the ManifestingGenerator,as though the whole room wants to explode into action.Take
a deep breath, and contain this feelingfor a few moments. Noticehow you are breathing.
Noticehowthe roomisbreathing. (

Ok.Now we have to releasethis energy. In a few moments, I willsay the word 'release',
and as Ispeak this word, allowyour bodyto move in any way it wants. Youcan stand up,
you can walk,you can make sounds, you can sit there, you can do nothing - just let the
coiled energy of the Sacralmove your body now, and observe the energy in the room.
Ok.,whereveryou are now, whatever you are doing,just notice your breath pattern. We
are in the breath pattern of a Manifesting Generator. This is how it feels to be a
ManifestingGenerator,allday long.
Letyourselfhave a deep sigh, allowyour body to begin to slow down. Feelthe rhythm of
your breath slowing, softening, feel the manifesting power drifting away. Feelyourself
sinkinginwards,backinto your Sacral.Allowyour bodyto come to a rest, in its own time.
It does not matter where you are, it does not matter what type you are,just allowyour
body to expressits natural rhythm.
A few more deep breaths, as we come into the energy and the breath of the pure
Generator.Closeyour eyes, and picture again the Sacralcentre and the Throat centre,the
engine and the gearbox. Inthe pure Generator,there isno directconnection between the
engine and the gearbox. Feelhow different the breath patteyh is of the pure Generator.
Feelthe stillnessof the pure Generator.Feelthe reservoirof v~talitythat iswaitingwithin

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that stillness.Takea few deep breaths into your belly.

Unlikethe ManifestingGenerator,the breath of the pure Generatorisenclosedwithin one
area of the body - the belly.Ifyou are a pure Generator and you liveaccordingto your
strategy, your breathing willalwaysemerge from your belly.Takea few deep breaths into
your belly,and feel as though there is a balloonthere that expands as you are breathing,
pushing against the kidneys iind the back of the spine, pushing up against the lower
ribcage,pushing out through your navel,and pushing down towards the ground through
your perineum. The ancients calledthis the Sea of Creation.Generators,as you breathe,
learnto see that waiting isyour most relaxedstate of being.Giveyourselfa break.Youare
not a ManifestingGenerator or a Manifestor,you are something entirelydifferent. Relax
inthe knowingthat the reservoirof energyand potential that liesdormant inyour Sacral,
in your belly,is simplywaiting for the right moment, stimulus, person or event, in order
to engage correctly.Feelthe deliciouslazinessofyourdesign.
Now draw your attention to the group breath, as we have fallen into the rhythm of the
group Sacral.If your Sacral is defined, this energy field is your home. If your Sacral is
undefined, knowthat you can alwaysenjoythe Sacralwithout being overwhelmedby it.
Knowthat your enjoyment of the Sacralisthe same as your enjoyment of lifeitself.You
cannot avoid it, you can onlyembrace it and surf on its endless vitalcurrents and waves.
Finally,we come to the most unusual breath of all - the breath of a Manifestor.The
Manifestorbreath istotally unlikeany other breath. Whereasallthe other breath patterns
of allthe other types are intimatelylinkedwith one another, the Manifestorbreath stands
alone, in defiance of the other Types.In order to understand the Manifestorbreath, we
need to understand the nature of vibration.
Considerfor a moment again the breath of a Reflector.Picture in your mind a harp, an
aeolean harp, a windharp, a beautiful wooden instrument threaded with golden strings.
Asthe wind blowsthrough the harp, the notes sound one above the other, fallingand
risingwith the currents that flowfrom the wind.This isthe vibration of the Reflector.
Considerthe vibrationof the Projector.Like a tuning fork,finelytuned to only one
vibration. And that vibration will only sound, when another tuning fork, exactly the
same, isplaced beside it.
And the vibration of the Generator, the rhythmic vibrations, like the steady, gentle
pounding of the waves along a beach.
Andthe ManifestingGenerator,the quickeningcadenceof the galloping hoovesof a herd
of wildhorses hurlingthemselves acrossa grassyplain.
Allthese vibrations emerge from the interplayof one tone against another - the fusion
of two vibrating forces. Consider now the vibration of the Manifestor. Imagine the
rhythmic beating of a drum. Image everycellin your body sounding with the rhythm of
a beating drum. Nowallowthe rhythm of the drum to speed up, getting faster and faster,
the beats and pulses getting closerand closertogether, as their energy becomes faster
and faster and faster. Soon the drumbeats become so closetogether that they actually
become one sound, a vibration so fast, so pure, so raw that it stands alone among all

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others. This is the sound and the breath of a Manifestor. Every time a Manifestor enters
the room, this vibration enters with them, sending a charge around the room unlike any
Take a deep breath. Feel the vibration of the Manifestor. Although the breath may be slow
and deep, the vibration is so fast it can hardly be detected. And yet it is never missed. If
you are Manifestor, or you know a Manifestor, try to understand how they stand alone
simply through the power of this breath. If you are not a Manifestor, try to understand
that to the Man ifest or their breath, their vibration does not seem fast at all. To them, the
rest of the world moves in slow motion.
Tryto understand the impact of the aura, of the breath of the Manifestor. As we tune into
the Manifestor breath in this room, feel the sense of awe that comes with this most
ancient of breaths. It is where we all began. In the language of the IChing, it is the primal
Yang Yang from which all life sprung.
Sit for a few moments now in all these different vibrating fields and diverse breath
patterns of all the Types that are in this room. See how they all interlink and flow one into
the other. Find your own breath within the group breath now. And rest your awareness in
that breath, and relax into the naturalness of your own breathing and your own vibration.
Spend a few moments to enjoy being grounded in your own breath pattern, and yet still
able to experience the beauty of all the other Types and their variations around you in this
room. The secret of Human Design is that is shows you how to breathe. The simple
formula of your Type and your Strategy shows you over time how to breathe. And when
you know how to breathe correctly there really is nothing else to do.
Softly open your eyes now, take a few breaths, and slowly come back into the room in
your own way.

88 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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The Sacral centre is the second most complex centre in design, after the Throat. It has
nine gates. In many ways, the Sacral is in fact a mirror of the Throat centre. It generates a
frequency, which leads to what appears to be doing, and it also has the capacity to speak,
although without articulation. Likethe Throat, the Sacral operates like a diaphragm, but
instead of speaking according to whatever centre it is connected to, the Sacral generates
a burst of life force that can only emerge as a response. This vital response that comes
from the Sacral can emerge in three main ways:

. It can come as language, but only when the Sacral is directly connected to the Throat.
. It can take the form of sub-vocalsounds and grunts. The classicSacralsounds are the
'Ahuh' and the 'Unun', which are the Sacral centre's way of saying yes and no
. Itcantakethe formofan innercommitmentasthe lifeforcewithinone'sbodysurges
towardsa certaindecisionthat one is confrontedwith. Ifthe sacralresponseto a
certain decision is 'no', then there is no surge of positive energy.

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The Sacralspeaksby making noisesand sounds,and it is this spectrum of sounds that

vibrate through the Sacralcentre that addsto its profundity in our human life. The main
difference between the Sacraland the Throat isthat the Throat is a gearbox for all the
energy systemsin the body, while the Sacralis the most powerful energy source in the
body.The Throat isnot a motor, whereasthe Sacralisthe prime motor in the body. In the
image above, you can seethat the Sacralactivations in the wheel createthe impression
of an energyvortex operating in a spiral in the body.The Sacralcentre representsthe life
force energy itself. It is literally a generator of life, and onceturned on, it is neverturned
off. It isturned on when we areborn and it isturned off when we die. However,the Sacral
does requirephasesof regenerationand rest in order to rechargeits batteries,otherwise
its generating capacityturns into de-generating,and exhaustion isthe result.
It is through the Throat that metamorphosis can take place. But the Sacralcentre is an
energy font; it is an empowerment field for life itself. Within it lies the nature of our
sexuality, our genetic imperative to reproduce,find intimacy and nurture. At the same
time, the Sacralmoves us. Any being that honours the nature of their Sacralis at the
pinnacle of power.

The Sacralcentre is the root of human fertility and is related to the ovariesin a woman
and the testes in a man. Becauseof this, the Sacralcentre is different from any other
centre in that it is the only centre that operatesdifferently for women than it does for
men. This has to do with its capacity to generate.What it generates is life itself, and
having done so, it begins a slow degeneration into death. In a man, the peak of
generation isaround 18 yearsof age and in a woman it is between 33 and 34.There isan
obvious difference in the peaking of Sacralpower. In women it comes much later than in
men. Becausethe function of the Sacralcentre is to power life itself, it empowers our
survival in life. In essence,it isa fertility centre and unlike all the other centres,it does not
really need to reachthe Throat centre. It can propagate life on its own. Thus its main
themes aresexuality,fertility and vitality.

Anyone with a defined Sacralcentre hasan enormous power at their disposal.Suchpower
can either work generatively and creatively or it can become degenerative and
destructive.It all dependson that person'sunderstanding of how their Sacralcentrefunc-
tions. Somebody with a defined Sacralcentre can alw~ys be involved with activity,
although this activity doesnot necessarilyhaveanything to do with manifesting activity.
A defined Sacralgenerates a constant energy buzz in the body, and that humming
energy hasto go somewhere.It is often experiencedasa restlessmotion likewalking and
not knowing where to go, or the need to just burn energy by moving along and being
active. It often generatesthe need to be involved in repetitive activity such as shuffling
papersall day or cleaningthe house over and over againwithout being ableto stop. The

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bottom line isthat Sacralpeople can find it difficultto sit still until they have exha.usted
their generative reservoirs, which usually happens at the end of the day.


If you hand a Sacralperson a tennis racket and a tennis ball, they will probably start
hitting it. They keep on hitting it out of their Sacralfrequency until they get totally
exhausted. The important thing for a defined Sacral is to know when they are involved in
the right activity. They always have to go through a barrier of frustration, and if they do
not make it through that barrier, but give in because of the frustration, then the activity
is not right for them. When a Sacralbeing moves through the frustration barrier and
continues inthe same activity,then their true power beginsto emerge.
In the tennis analogy, this person keeps on hitting the ball but they do not get any
better. At a certain point, they get a trainer for suggestions of how to improvetheir play.
The trainer givesthem advice and when they are back on the tennis court, they hit the
ball inthe same way as before but they stilldo not seem to reallyimprove.Ifthey do not
liketennis, they throw the racketon the ground and swear not to do it again. It's usually
at this point that they give up altogether. Ifthey reallylovetennis, they stay with it the
process,and they discoverthat at a certain point, their game suddenly makes a quantum
leapar,tdtheyget better,allbecausetheywaitedforthe pointofmetamorphosis.If Sacral
people are committed to what they do, they have the energy to endure the time of
frustration and they have the patience to wait for the metamorphosis to come.
The Sacralperson never realises when this point of metamorphosis happens. It just
happens. The time of being stuck inthe Sacralfrequency can be very short or very long.
But when metamorphosis finallydoes happen, they shift to a whole new levelof skillor
competence untilthey get stuck on that level,and the same processoccursalloveragain.
ThisSacralprocessof getting stuck isreallythe roadto mastery.Alldefined Sacralcentres
are here to master something. That istheir tremendous gift.
The nature of the Sacralfrequency is to keep on feeling as though it gets stuck. This is
becausethe Sacralbeing generates. Itdoes not manifest.There isno metamorphosis built
into being Sacralbecause that can onlycome through the Throat. A Sacralperson needs
to understand that their periods of getting stuck are a vitaland natural part of their life,
so that they do not get caught up inthe frustration.

The other way for Sacral people to avoid frustration lies in the recognition that the Sacral
speaks. Anything that is connected to the Sacral, the Sacral will speak for. Just as words
come out of the Throat, sounds come out of the Sacral. Whatever is connected to that
Sacral always has the potential to release that information through sounds.
As we discussed earlier, the Sacral centre is rather like a lower mirror of the Throat centre
as you look at them in the Bodygraph. Indeed, before the Throat centre was fully
developed in humans, it was the Sacral that was our only means of expression and

Human Design International Training Manuals. 91

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communication. The mutation that took place in the larynx of our ancestors finally
allowed man to begin to manipulate sound into language. However, before this stage in
our evolution, man relied entirely on the Sacral centre for survival. In other words, before
we could talk in language, we spoke in grunts and sounds.
Thus, Sacral beings need to be introduced to this concept that the daily sounds that they
hear themselves making are in fact coming from a place of real power and truth within
them. Obviously, this does not mean that all people with defined Sacral centres (70% of
humanity incidentally) have to communicate in grunting sounds! But it does mean that
they should pay respect to such sounds. The other revelation that comes from th is comes
in the form of a little joke, which is that it's impossible to begin a conversation with a
grunt! This is actually a rather profound statement because it says something about the
Sacral centre that is very important to understand. What it says is that the Sacral centre
cannot initiate, and this is the biggest difference between the Sacral and the Throat: the
Throat initiates communication, whereas the Sacral responds.

Aswe haveseen, Sacralpeople need to pay attention to the sounds that they make.They
often speak in sounds likegroans, sighs, and growls.Most importantly however, is that
they allowthemselvesto respond rather than initiate.The true Sacralvoiceonlyfunctions
in response,and itwillalwaystell them what to enter into and what commitment isright
for them. Becauseof this tremendous generating frequency inside them, Sacralpeople
are alwayswaitingforthe opportunity to respond, so that they can knowtheir own truth.
Their primal lifeforce sounds are alwaysa barometer of their energy level.The essential
thing for a Sacralbeingisto understand that their power onlyreallyfunctions in response.
Thus their mantra in lifeis: Donot initiate. Nevertake the first step.
The moment that they try to initiate,they lose alltheir power.
Whenever a Sacral person is asked something from the Throat, it is being offered
manifestation. Perhaps the hardest thing for Sacralbeings to accept is that their Sacral
response is not aware.Inother words,they are putting their trust intheir lifeforce,rather
than anyof their awarenesscentres. Ifyou ask a Sacralperson: "Doyou want to go out for
dinner?"and you hear them answer: "ahunh" then that istheir truth coming out of their
Sacralcentre. Ifa Sacralperson is in a partnership with a Throat person and their partner
says to them: "Let'sgo out for dinner." and the Sacralperson says: "Unun",then their
Sacralis telling them not to go out for dinner! The Throat person will probably want a
reason for their response but the Sacralperson has no wayto counter that. Thisisone of
the reasonsthat others so often manipulate Sacralpeople'- because they do not trust in
this impulsewithin them.
AllSacralpeople have to know that anybody that has a right to be in their life has to
respecttheir response in sounds. The Sacraldoes not have that articulatedvocabulary,so
it cannot ever give a reason for a decision it makes. Sacralpeople often describe this
processas lifemakinga decision'through' them, which isexactlywhat is happening. The

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92 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. CopyrightJovian Archive Europa 2000.

Sacralresponse isso pure that it bypassesallawarenessaltogether. Itdoesn't matter what

you think or feel,the lifeforce knowswhat is right for you.
The Sacralis verypowerful in response.As long as the Sacralis making its commitments
through their sounds, the energywillbe there to reach metamorphosis. Whensomebody
asks you: "Doyou want to play tennis? - and the Sacralperson says:"Unun",then that is
their truth and they should n~t do it because the energyto do it issimplynot there. They
will not have the commitment to move through the different levelsof feeling stuck in
order to attain a levelof mastery.Others are always manipulating Sacralpeople because
they do not listen to their lifeforce but instead give their decision over either to their
mind or their emotions.


When the Sacralcentre is connected to the Throat, either directlyor indirectly,you have
generative force that is readyto manifest.These people often witness their responses as
physical movement rather than sounds. In other words, you might ask such a person:
'would you liketo come out for lunch?' and their immediate response is to physically
stand up. That is how generative power is immediatelyconverted into the potential for
manifestation. At other times, the response may emerge as words, but the words will
alwa~ carrythe enthusiasm or disinterest of the Sacrallifeforce.What is interesting for
such people is that they have to learnto respond to their response. In other words,they
may hear themselves say 'yes', but then their real response emerges and either confirms
or denies their 'yes'. Inother words,they often have to allowthemselves to change their

Remember,the quality of the Sacraltruth willalwaysbe dependent on which centre the
Sacralis connected to. Ifthe Spleen centre is connected to the Sacral,it isthe existential
awareness that willcome out in sounds. Sacralbeings are at their best when they have
been asked someth ing, because then they can respond and then they willexperiencethe
power of their Sacral:"Do you likethis?" they may hear, and if they hear themselves
respond "Unun"or make a sound that is uncertain or not affirmative,the Spleencentre is
telling that person that it is not healthy for them to do this. Thus, when the Sacralis
connected to the Spleen,this issomeone who is constantly respondingto lifefrom deep
within their immune system. The Sacralsounds in such a person always indicatewhat is
or is not healthy for them inthe now.

When you have someone with a defined Sacralconnected to the G centre, you have a
person that responds through their identity.The three channels that connect the Sacral
to the G centre are known as the 'tantric' channels.They act as conduits for the lifeforce
of the Sacralto empower the identity.Peoplewith these channels actually'identify' with

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their energetic responses to life. In other words, the Sacral centre empowers them with a
sense of life makinga decisionor commitmentthrough them. The theme of these
people isto surrender to the lifeforcethat moves them without the need for awareness
to guide them. These people can have a unique experienceof surrenderingto a greater
forcethan themselves.


Sacralpeople are the great quitters inthe world.Theyso often findthat they cannot stay
with th ings because they rarelyanswerwith their Sacral.Becausethe Sacralissuch a very
powerfulmotor, other people feelthat and want to take advantage of their Sacralpower.
So many Sacralpeople make commitments that end up being a torment for them. Their
main disease is frustration with their lifebecause they don't feel fulfiled.The root cause
of these problems isthat Sacralpeople do not know how to trust intheir Sacral.Trustfor
a Sacralperson isalwaysabout waiting.Theyare not here to initiate,so they haveto wait
and see what lifebringsthem. It is so easyfor Sacralbeings to give away their energy to
the wrong things and people because they do not know how to wait. Sacralpeople are
designed to wait, and ifthey do not learnto let things come to them intheir own time,
they will miss hearing their response and missthe entire purpose of their lives.This is in
fact the Golden Ruleof the Sacral,whenever it isdefined - Wait, Don't Initiate.

TheundefinedSacralisalwaysopento Sacralconditioning.Thepersonwithanundefined (

Sacralis always going to be interested in how lifeactually works. Whereasthe defined

Sacralisthe most industriouspower on the planet, ifyou reallyget to the bottom of an
undefined Sacral,you willfind that they don't reallywant to work too much in life.They
will love to just relax and let others do all the hard work. However,when you look at
someone with an undefined Sacral,this is not usuallywhat you willsee"because this is
one of the most easilyconditioned of allthe centres.

The undefined Sacralisextremelysensitiveto the energy levelsin both people and places.
Peopleare the keyto a healthy undefined Sacral.The undefined Sacralcan never relyon
their sounds tellingthem their truth. What they do issimplymirrorthe truth of the Sacral
person intheir aura.Thus they haveto be verycareful,because their vitalityis dependent
on the people around them. Ignorant of their mechanics, they always run the risk of
having their power sapped and burnt out by simplybeing in the presence of the wrong
people. It isveryeasyfor someone with a defined Sacralto end up running around on the
'borrowed' energy of someone intheir aura, whether that might be their child,friend or
lover.Becausetheir Sacralsystem is much more sensitivethan the defined Sacral,they are
not biologicallyequipped to handle that kind of energy consistencypumping through
their bodies, and they pay the pricethrough breakdownand exhaustion. Ifyou have an

94 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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undefined Sacral,you have to remember that you are putting other people's fueJ into
your own system, so you had better ensure that their fuel is the right kind for your
vehicle. If you put petrol in a diesel engine, it will seize up, and then you will need help.

The undefined Sacralis fascinated by relationshipsand sexuality.It isveryeasy for these
people to become illor depressed through entering into the wrong relationships.Both
their sexuality and their fertility are conditioned, which means it depends entirely on
whom you arewith. Thiscausesthe most harm to teenagers with an open Sacralbecause
they do not understand how their Sacralcentre works.What usuallyhappens isthat they
are conditioned by their first sexual experience, and they end up thinking that that is
what sexuality is always like.The undefined Sacralcentre has to be very careful in early
relationships.Theywill need to experiment to avoid being unnaturallyconditioned.
It isteenagers above all others who need to know that their sexualitydepends on what
their partner offers them. In other words, it can be a totally different experience if they
change their lover.They need to know that sexuallyspeaking, they can be conditioned
into any role,from being totally asexualto being completelypromiscuous.Thisisalways
a deep revelationto them because they willalwaysmeet certain people with whom they
feel ov,erwhelmedbythe sexual chemistry.Insuch cases,they can realisethat it is simply
the aura of the other person that is conditioning them, and they don't necessarilyhave
to do anything about it.
Knowingabout the nature of your undefined Sacralalso leadsto the avoidanceof being
caught up in self-judgment and plagued by guilt or shame. There is nothing more
innocent and beautifulthan an undefined Sacral.It isa windowthat reflectsthe nature of
sexualityitself.Ifa person with an open Sacralcentre is told by their partner: "Youare a
terrible lover",they canjust relaxinthe clear knowledgethat it is not their fault, because
they can only mirrorwhat their partner issexually.
Human Design is a wonderful tool in deconditioning the nature of an individual's
sexuality.But the greatest gift it holds for an undefined Sacralis that it enables you to
always find the correct relationships in life. Knowingyour design, you can see which
partner is correct for you, and accept the conditioning of that partner without being
identified with that conditioned field. Partnership and sexuality is one of the most
essential aspects to the human experience.It is sad to recognisethat mos~ of the pain
that comes with partnerships isthe result of 'Not Selves'choosing other 'Not Selves'.

7 For further information on Human Design as it relates to sexuality, we invite you to listen to 'The Design Of Human Sexuality - Part
1: Genetic strategies for reproduction' from the GeneKeys Special Interest Audio Series -

Human Design International Training Manuals. 95

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In the example above, we can see two people, Jane and Michael,and the combined
chemistry of their relationship together. Here we can see a classicexample of Sacral
conditioning.Jane's undefined Sacralcentre is immediately defined by Michael'sSacral.

96 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Firstof all,this is a deep attraction for both of them. However,Michael'sdefined.Sacral

willdominate the energetics of this relationship.Wecan see how his Sacralis connected
to both his spleen and his emotional system via the Throat centre. Jane takes in all his
waves of emotional energyas wellas hislevelof health. Addedto this, both the Heartand
Root centres are defined and connected. That is an enormous amount of conditioned
pressure and vitalitythat is going to pour through Jane's undefined Sacralsystem. Ifshe
is not clearwhat isgoing on, she willriseand fallon the tides of Michael'slifeforce,which
isso connected to his emotional state. Inother words, when he's in a bad mood, she can
feel polluted and sapped by hispresence.
The onlyproblems in relationshipscome when we identifywith the conditioning. IfJane
moves away from Michaelwhenever she feels his Sacralenergy becoming sluggish,the
chances are they won't get into a fight! Remember that the undefined centres in our
design mirrorand amplifythe conditioned field.Jane willfeel the Iowwave corning long
before Michaeldoes because her undefined Sacralis essentiallya barometer of hisenergy
levels.DefinedSacralsaretremendously powerfulas we have seen, but they need time to
regenerate when they are tired, and this usually means they need to either sleep
(preferablyalone) or be left alone entirely.
Ifyou do not know who you are, it is not possibleto enter into a relationshipcorrectly.
Neither is it possibleto either grasp or accept the nature of the sexual bond that you are
entering into. Ifyou cannot find the correctpartner, your relationship isgoing to end up
being built on trying to change each other, rather than a truthful acceptance of each
other. It is onlywhen you enter into a relationshipas yourselfthat you are going to get
the rewardsof that relationship.8

WHENALONE Purecreativepotential waiting to beput Lacksimpulseto becontinually busy.
into action.
HEALTHY Hasconsistent,reliableaccessto energy, Ability to surrenderto the buzzof the
AUTHENTICSELF releasedthrough response.Has generatorworld without getting involved
tremendous staying powerto see in it. Allows others to vitalise it, letting life
something through oncethe sacral flow through it, knowing when to
'THEGIFTS' respondspositively.Canrelaxin the withdraw and discharge.Ability to step
knowledgethat it neverhasto initiate, backand allow others do the work it
surrenderingto its own responsestrategy. doesn't want to do. Enjoysdiversityof
Patienceevenwhen frustrated. sexualroleswithout identifying with any
particularone. .
UNHEALTHY Canget so stuck andfrustratedwaiting Triesto take on too much and over-
THENOTSELF that it forcesthe issueprematurely,thus commits, unableto sayNo, especially
losing its power.Canexhaustitself when influencedby a defined Sacral.Puts
through trying to initiate its own itself undergreat pressureto work,
'THETRAPS' direction in life. Hasa tendencyto quit becomingfrequently ovelWhelmedand
things enteredinto incorrectly.Through exhaustedby other people'senergy.Once
lackof patience,compromisesits power awayfrom that energy,cannot sustain
and ends up doing things it hateswith workload, losesconfidenceand crashes.
peoplewho do not initiate it. Eitherrepressessexualityor identifies
with sexualconditioning from others,
leadingto needinessand confusion.

8 If you are interested in Human Design and Relationships, we highly recommend 'Understanding our Design in Relationships
- A Complete course in Partnership Analysis' available from our online shop at

Human Design International Training Manuals. 97

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. The Sacral centre is the most powerful motor of the life force.
. This centre is different according to gender.
. The themes of the Sacralcentre are sexuality,fertility,vitality,movement, and
. It has a specialfrequency:it gets stuck,moveson to anotherlevel,and gets stuck
. The Sacral speaks: it makes sounds.
. The defined Sacral has to wait to respond.
. The undefined Sacral has no fixed sexual identity.
. The Golden Rule of the defined Sacral is: Wait, Don't Initiate.

98 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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There are three awareness centres in human beings. These are the Spleen, the Ajna and
the Solar Plexus. These are the only centres within us through which we can actually be
conscious of what is going on around us. Only these three centres actually allow us to
experience life as a self-reflective awareness, and each of them has the capacity to guide
us through life. Each of the other six centres is purely mechanical. These days in the 'New
Age', there is a great deal of hype about the importance of awareness as a goal of the
enlightened. Through Human Design, we can see the mechanical truth written in our
genes. In order for someone to be awake, it is not necessary to even be aware. It is
necessary only to live according to one's Design, following the strategy of Type and
Authority. Whether someone is aware or not depends entirely on their Design, and as we
know, that depends only on when and where we are born. Seen through Human Design,
awareness is simply a lens that functions through our individual Design. There is no goal.
There is only you, perfectly designed the way you are.

Human Design International Training Manuals. 99

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= ==
= ... ""
- 1 Iiii
- ~


== !!.!!

..ii n ~ ~ ~

The Spleencentre represents our body consciousness.It is our primaryawareness,and is

a form of existentialawarenessthat we sharewith allother forms of life.However,despite
its importance,this existentialawareness isfundamentally weak.
Eachof the three awareness centres has a frequency.The mind, the Ajna centre, has a
frequency over all time. The Solar Plexus, being emotional, has a frequency that is a
moving wave that continually oscillates back and forth. The Spleen centre is
fundamentally weak because it can onlyspeak once. Itcan onlyspeak inthe now, because
it is a spontaneous response. It is what we callintuition, gut instinct or the hunch. The
Spleen isthe source of our capacityfor spontaneous judgment of what is correct or not.
Becausethe Spleen centre operates in the now, it never repeats its first response. Ifyou
do n~t listento yourinstinctsimmediately,then you willmisstheirwarning,and their

100 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Human awarenesshas evolvedover time, and each awarenesscentre representsa
different phase in the evolution of our awareness. The Spleen centre is in fact the oldest
awareness centre. In this centre we find the beginning of our evolutionary process. We can
call it our primary awareness, because we inherited it from our animal beginnings. If we
take a look at the design of plants, mammals, birds and insects in the graphic below, we
find that they all have the Spleen centre as their only potential to guide their lives. All of
these life forms are guided by the existential awareness of the Spleen centre, the centre
of awareness in the "now",





pw;ibIo <:o;1II<dio...
with human,



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People with defined Spleen centres can often be people who take their health for
granted in life.The defined Spleenbringsa consistencyof feelinggood within one's body.
Becausethe immune system of a defined Spleen isbasicallystrong, when such people do
become ill,it means that the disease has overloadedthe splenicsystem and they could be
indanger. Havinga defined Spleendoes not precludethat you willalwaysbe healthy.The
fact of the matter is that the defined Spleen is often so strong that it can prevent you
from recognisingthat there is something the matter with you. Therefore people with
defined Spleensshould ideallyhave regularmedicalcheckups done, to make up fortheir
defined Spleenmasking potential problems.

There are essentially three types of defined Spleen - manifested Spleens, generated
Spleensand projected Spleens.

Example: Peter Sellers 0461 v~40
E9 261 634<:9
CC584 236(C
cO.-J04 ~CO
U!'f !]tU
9 2O4y 2949
9 161... 5769
d 634 'fa6cf
~ 611 384~
~ ~1 i43}
~I!P 3"6""20
V F ~5~
\QJrltn ~6~

Ifthe Spleen is connected to a motor (other than the Sacral)which is in turn connected
to the Throat centre, you have a manifested Spleen.These are people whose immune
systems are extremely powerful. They can literallyeat 'or ingest anything and their
immune system willprotect them. Suchimmune systems generallyrequireequallystrong
medicines, such as antibiotics, should the body become ill.The down side of having a
manifested Spleen is that being so powerful, it is not particularlysensitive and usually
does not giveany warning ifthe body isoverloaded.Thus, these are also people who can
seem'extremely healthy untilthey suddenlydrop dead!

Human Design International Training Manuals.

104 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Example: Nicole Kidman

If the Spleenis connectedto the Sacralcentre, no matter what elseis in the design,you
havea generatedSpleen.If the Sacralisalsoconnectedto the Throat (aswith Manifesting
Generators),then you still have a generated Spleen, although this type of immune
system is more akin to the manifested spleen. GeneratedSpleensoperate at optimal
health when they are respondingto life. Becauseover 70% of this planet is peopled by
Generatorsor Manifesting Generatorswho do not follow their strategy,but insteadtry to
live like Manifestors,the generalhealth level among humanity is not nearlyas high as it
should/could be. GeneratedSpleensliterally generatea 'feel good' energywhen they are
following their strategy in life. As long as there is no defined emotional centre in the
design,the defined Spleenwill always know instinctively which medicine and/or diet is
correctfor it, but only in the moment that it responds.

Example: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
If the Spleen is defined but neither connected to a motor and the Throat or the Sacral
centre, then you have a projected Spleen. The projected Spleen is the more sensitive of
the three types of defined Spleen, but its health depends entirely upon working correctly
in conjunction with the right people. If a defined Spleen succumbs to the conditioning of
one of the other awareness centres in the design, such as the emotions or m ind, then in
all likelihood, disease will be the result. Projected Spleens neither generate health through
response nor manifest it naturally. Health for the projected Spleen depends on being
recognised by the right people. Only then can the particular quality of the channel or
channels linking the Spleen be correctly lived out. For example, if you have the channel of
Struggle (28/38) in your design, then you need people around you that don't try and

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make things easier for you. Such people will actually prevent you from following your
nature, whichwilleventually make you ill.

0!l~ .&.2620
E9224 452Ef>
<C 675V §!1(C
0172 2540
U182 464U
91!r 5S39
9 ~v 3$39
d602 v 103d
1 336v .. 45 ~
"2 &,.(2... 61' '2
~ ;114... 51,10

i.. ~2(Q)



Example: Freddie Mercury
V 63' Ef>
<C296 104(C
0 I!fiA ~6n
U26 5 §6U
9 ~'14 ... . v 5949
9 396 5039
d 44 6T;Jd
1J7P3 326q
"262 3132
~ .1 .
'f !J3A ~4'
(oIr!13 ~6(Q)

When the Spleen centre is connected or defined to the G Centre,we find something
rather fascinating. Since the G Centre is about our direction and identity, when it is
directlyconnected to our immune system, the result is someone whose very identity is
rooted in survival.There is, in fact, only a single direct channel that links these two
centres, the channel 57/10, known as the Channelof Perfected Form.These are people

106 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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whose direction in life is always rooted in their intuitive, spontaneous behaviour..Since

the Spleen centre is only interested in individual survival, such people are designed to act
only for themselves, and as long as they trust their bodies and their immune system, their
behaviour will always be correct.

Example:ArnoldSchwarzenegger 10 ,~ .to3160
Ea 442 416(f)
CC 266v 27'(C
fAr 23cO
9 236 ::v
122 9
9 42'V
d 345A v 142cJf
~ 60' v546 ~
2 253 1722
c\~ v 2'~
'V646 V 47' t.f!

~f!I1 ~3(o)


Aswith the Spleento G,there isonlya singlechannelthat directlylinksthe Spleencentre

to the Ego Centre,the Channel of Surrender,a design of being a Transmitter (44/26).
People with this definition in their design have an instinctivegift of understanding the
needs of the community. When the Spleen is backing up the Ego,you have someone
whose individualhealth isdirectlyconnected with how successfulthey can be at working
with other people. Here, an individual'shealth is directly connected to their material

See Example under Sacral centre

When the Spleencentre is connected to the Root centre, there is alwaysa deep need for
the immune system to be literallypumped with the adrenaline from the Root. Thus all
three channels between these two centres are under pressure to physicallyexercise.
People with definitions here always need to push their bodies physicallyin order to
remain healthy.These are people who willfeel good when they are physicallychallenged
as long as they riseup to meet that challengewith acceptance and joy.

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The hospitals of the world are full of people who didn't trust their hunches. Being a
spontaneous awareness that exists only in the moment, the defined Spleen centre
demands spontaneity in return for survivaland health. If you do not know that your
intuition is a part of your mechanics,and that your very survivaldepends on it, you are
going to miss it. There are so many people with defined Spleens that are sitting in the
accident wards of clinicsand hospitals telling the person that isfixingtheir broken leg or
arm: "Ijust knew it, Ijust knew it was going to happen, I don't know how, but I simply
knew it".They had a hunch, or an instinct, but they didn't honour it because they didn't
know that they could trust in it. Such hunches are rooted in the defined Spleen centre.
The truth isthat human beings are not unaware of their own nature. Everyhuman being
experiencesthe various aspects of their design. However,what we do not recognisenor
understand iswhich part of our nature istruly consistent and reliable.The moment that
you know you have a defined splenic centre, and that you know you can rely on your
awareness in the now, then and onlythen are you protected in life.Knowingthis about
yourselfmeans that you avoidthe common trap of allowingyour mind to talk you out of
listeningto your instincts.Remember,your mind does not have inner Authority,and it is
so easyfor it to overwhelmyour immune system.
The mind and the immune system do not understand each other. Imagine somebody
with a defined Spleen iswalkingdown the road and they.pass infront of a shop window.
Inthe window there is a sign indicatingthat there is some kindof lecture about to start
on the inside.Our friend stops there for a moment to read the sign when a man in the
doorway says to him, "are you coming in?" In that split-second, our friend's defined
Spleen centre; his immune system, has a hunch not to go inside.Then the conditioning
begins.The person inthe doorway turns to our man, saying, "look,it's free, you'll find it
intereSting,and ifyou don't likeit, you can alwaysleave."

108 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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This all seems very reasonable to the mind, thus ourfriend decides to ignore his iml!lune
warning, and enters into the lecture. .
As we saw earlier, the Spleen centre is the weakest ofthe three awareness centres, but this
does not mean that it is wrong. It is weak in terms of the conditioning we receive through
the other two awareness centres, the Ajna and the Solar Plexus. Whereas bur emotions
can overwhelmus and our mind incessantlytalks to us, our immune system only
whispersto us,and because itsfrequencyisonlyinthe now,it only whispersthe one time.
Thus in the case of our friend in the above example, if he doesn't listen to the funny
feeling that tells him not to go into the lecture, he willundoubtedly pay the price,so he
ends up catching the flu from the person he sits next to and it takes him three weeks to
get over his illness.Allthe time he is lying there in bed recovering,he is thinking to
himself:" knew it, Ijust knew Ishouldn't have gone in there'. The energy that it took to
recuperate, and the time disturbed, allof that was unnecessary.
If you have a defined Spleen centre and it is the Authority in your design, it is of great
value to know that there is an awareness within you that is always reliable and
trustworthy. The awareness of mechanics frees you. It frees you to be yourself, and the
by-product of your being yourself is being healthy.


Example: Florence Nightingale
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Likeall undefined centres, the undefined Spleen has its gifts and its handicaps. It has a
huge potential as a placeof victimisation,and a profound potential as a centre of wisdom
and sensitivity.There is nothing or no one more physicallysensitivethan an undefined
spleen. Suchpeople have an immune system that is essentiallyopen, and likea sponge,
they soak up the general levelof physicalhealth and wellbeingwhereverthey go. There is
a Human Designjoke about undefined spleens, which is that they make wonderful
doctors but lousy nurses. The joke hides a profound truth about the nature of an

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

undefined Spleen because being so open, it is a natural barometer of health in others,

thus its great potential isdiagnostic rather than soothing (a benefit of a healthy defined
spleen). The other side of the undefined Spleen is that it soaks up ill-health as well as
good health, which means that eventually it becomes ill itself if it remains in an
environment that is unhealthy.


Wheneveryou see an undefined Spleencentre,you knowtwo things about these people.
They do not consistentlyfeel good and they are deeply impacted byfear.The undefined
Spleen is here to processand learnfrom fear. It would be true to say that their whole life
process is tested by fear, and as long as they accept this, they can become wiser and
stronger. A person with a defined Spleen is not without fear, but it is under control,
because due to the frequencyof the Spleen centre, which isabout being inthe now,the
fear isconstantly counterbalanced. However,undefined Spleenshave to learnto see fear
as their allyrather than their enemy.They also have to understand that in addition, they
take in and magnifyother people's fear.Thus ifthey deal with fear in a healthy way,they
have to confront every single fear they have, going through them one by one, so that
they become lessand lessafraiduntilthe fear isgone. Eachfear that they mastered makes
them stronger and they can reach a point, eventually,where they are totally fearless.But
first they have to honour their fear without tryingto either suppress or fix it.



One of the greatest places of conditioning in Human Designis through the undefined
Spleen and its inconsistent pattern of feeling good and feeling bad. Because of this
vulnerability,people with undefined Spleens can spend a lifetime being conditioned to
feel good and bad by the energetics of others. If you have an undefined Spleen this
doesn't mean that you will never feel good. What it means is that you will have togo
through allthe things in lifethat do not feel good, in order that you then learnabout all
the things and people that do make you feel good. With an undefined Spleen,you can
become very sensitive to your environment, because you gain a vast amount of
experience by taking in the ill health (mental, emotional or physical) of others. The
golden rule of Human Designis:allhuman beings alwaysseek out what they are not. For
the undefined Spleen,feeling good can be the greatest.trap of all, because whoever or
whatever makes you feel good may not be right for you.
Imaginefor a moment a woman with an undefined Spleen.Thiswoman grows up feel-
ing uncertain and fearfulabout her environment. Herhusband has a defined spleen and
also happens to be an alcoholic.Thus everytime the husband comes backinto the house,
through conditioning, the woman immediately begins to feel safe and good about
herself again. However, the husband is a drunk and over time becomes abusive to that

110 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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her. Naturally this relationship is unhealthy for the woman but because of the
conditioning to her undefined Spleen, she cannot escape the vicious circle. The very
person that abuses her also gives her the illusion of stability and feeling good. Life is filled
with such examples of co-dependent relationships, and the majority ofthem are because
one partner has an undefined Spleen and the other has a defined Spleen. In such cases, it
is typically the partner with the undefined centre that becomes the most needy.

All human beings seek out what they are not. There is nothing more attractive to
someone with an undefined spleen than the idea of being spontaneous. And there is
nothing more dangerous to their well being than being spontaneous. This is a basic
mechanicaltruth for the undefined spleen, and it is their Golden Rule.These people
simply arenot designedto be spontaneous.They can nevertrust the now. An undefined
spleenignorant of their own mechanicsisso attracted to spontaneity in order to find the
feel good factor and maketheir fear disappear.But they pay a high pricefor that. In order
to decondition an undefined Spleen, you have to first of all overcome the drive and
temptation to be spontaneous in life.

Peoplewith undefined Spleencentresare invariablyinterested in own their health or the
health of others. If you have an undefined Spleen,your immune system is by nature
vulnerable. However,being vulnerable does not mean that it hasto be unhealthy or is in
any way weak. It is very important again to remember that these undefined centres
alwayscarrywithin them a potential for wisdom; in this caseto bewise concerningone's
health and well being. If someone with an undefined Spleenis living accordingto their
design, they will be naturally cautious about what they eat and about what kind of
medicines they use.They may tend to be much more holistic in their approach than
someone with a defined Spleen.For instance,they are far more likely to have a greater
tendency towards being a vegetarian,or towards homeopathy or alternative medicine.

The great gift of the undefined Spleenis sensitivity.This is not emotional sensitivity, but
sensitivity through the body.Becausethey areopen,thesepeople caneventually become
very clearabout what kind of energiesthey arefiltering. Many professionalhealershave
an undefined Spleen centre. When they step into somebody's aura, there is a
spontaneous recognition that takes place through the connection. They can actually
experience another person's illness. The undefined Spleen has the sensitivity to tell
whether someone is healthy or ill, thus they are a kind of barometer to ill health in
others. However,such wisdom and clarity only comes when they do not identify with
what is not them. In other words, they haveto understand that they areabsorbing and

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experiencing the ill health of others, and by taking it in, they can read it and thus either
offer help or learn to avoid those very same people.
Ifpeople with an undefined Spleen try to identify with whatever they are feeling, they can
easily become hypochondriacs and end up being paranoid about being infected by
others. They often assume they are constantly ill.People with undefined Spleens have to
make sure that they stay in the aura of sick people for only a short time. Ifthey spend too
much time around sick people, they themselves are likelyto become ill.


Aswas mentioned above,the splenicsystem can be compared to a washing machine.You
may fillit with dirty clothes, but ifyou don't plug it in, it won't wash anything. It isvery
important to understand that the Spleen is not a motor and therefore it cannot behave
likeone. However,the moment it isconnected to a motor, it isimmediatelyenergisedand
begins to clean our dirty laundry!Thus ifyou have an undefined Spleen centre and it is
suddenly defined by a planetary transit moving through your design, instead of feeling
good, what is more likelyto happen is that you may get ill.As soon as the process has
passed through your system, you willhave accessto the feel-good. It is because of such
planetary transits that undefined Spleenshave regularnatural clean-outs, becoming sick
at almost the same time each year.


Definedversus Undefined - Anexample
Belowwe can see two examples of different Spleenconfigurations in children.It is often
bywatching childrenthat we can learnthe most aboutthese centres and how they work.
ChildB,with the undefined Spleen begins lifewith a far more vulnerableimmune system
than child A, who has a manifested Spleen. Child B will get most of the childhood
diseases: the mumps, the measles etc. Ifthere is anything going around, this childwill
catch it. These are the first childreninthe classthat come home with a cold.

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Assumingchild B isfortunate enough to have good health care and proper shelter, love
and a proper diet, and if they are allowed to recuperate fully,their immune system will
grow stronger from each experience. One of the most important things to remember
about children with undefined Spleens is that they should not be sent back into the
world, sent backto schoolfor example, untilthey have reallyhealed from a sickness.This
is not the moment that their nose stops running.Youalwayshaveto givethem a couple
of extra days.
Thisisveryimportant for these children.Onlyifthey are allowedto heal properlywillthey
buildup a healthydefence mechanism.Forexample,childBcatches a cold.The cold isone
week coming,one week staying and one week going. Butthe moment that the one week
of staying is overand the basicsymptoms are gone, this is not the time to send the child
back to school. This advice drives many parents crazy, because they don't want their
childrenunder their feet. Theyhaveto go to work.Theyareso gladthat their childrengo to
school so that they can have a quiet day at home and do their thing. Theydon't want to
have their childrenrunning around the house when they seem to be okay.However,this
advice of allowingtheir childa couple of extra recoverydays is vital for their long-term
health. Ifthe parents send them to schoolagain too early,they willonlycome backa few
days later,even sickerwith the next illness,and this willreallyhurt their immune system.
Once an undefined splenicsystem deals with a virus successfully,that virus never has a
chance again. In going through the healing process, the immune system develops a
memory and a capabilityto handle that same virus again. This is the same premise as
vaccination.We infect childrenwith the virusso that their immune system recognisesit
and learns how to defend against it. Thus child Bhas the potential to livedeep into old
age as long as they are allowedto develop their immune response properly.Infact, child
Bhas the kind of system (being undefined) that can actuallyallow him to get more and
more healthy as he grows older. The extent of this possible old age is of course
dependent on him not being spontaneous. It is dependent on him honouring the
mechanics of his design.
Child A has a manifested Spleen centre. You can see that the Spleen is connected to two
motors (the ego and the root), which are in turn connected to the Throat. This is a very
strong immune system that can take a lot of punishment, but that is not at all sensitive.
Child A is less likelyto catch all the childhood diseases, or get sick that often, which of
course doesn't mean that he will never get sick. However, when he does get sick, he gets
very sick. This is the kind of child for example, that will run an extremely high
temperature. Since he already has a defined immune system that is consistently working,
when he does get sick, it shows that his immune system has really been overwhelmed. It
is quite common for somebody with a defined Spleen likethis to go through their whole
life eating and imbibing whatever they like, without any major illness, until one day, out
of the blue, their system reaches a point of overload and they die of a heart attack. The
immune system carried the load all of those years, keeping their physical problems veiled,
only to finally collapse under the pressure.
Child A will most likely need strong modern medication such as antibiotics if he gets ill,
since his body is equipped to handle such things. Child B however, may be better off with

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homeopathic medicineor herbs, which are gentler on his system. This is not to say that
defined spleens always need antibiotics and undefined spleens should never take such
things. These are simplygeneralisationsthat may helpthe parents of each childattune to
their child. Child B with his undefined Spleen may not be able to handle modern
medication. Hisparents should consider carefullywhat they put into his body.Undefined
Spleens are usually very much concerned about their diet, their environment and the
quality of the water and the air.Thus, you can see that is often the people with the
undefined Spleen centres that are the healthier people in the long run, because they
constantly care about health. Bydesign they can livea healthy lifewith enough sleep and
exerciseand with a Iowtoxin intake.
ChildAwith hispowerfullydefined Spleencentre maywell grow up with little interest in
health education because he assumes out of the way he feels that he is alwayshealthy.
One thing is certain; he will never have the kind of empathy with a wide range of
illnessesand/or diets that childBhas.
The important thing to see from the above comparison isthat there is no good or bad in
Human Design.It is not better to have a defined Spleenor an undefined Spleen.Theyare
simplytwo differentjourneys in life.The most important th ing of allisto understand the
nature of your own Spleen system so that you can take the appropriate measures to
safeguard your health. Above all however, health hinges upon us livingout the correct
strategy and Authority in our individualdesign. It doesn't matter how much you know
about health, ifyou don't followyour strategy, you won't ever be truly healthy.



WHENALONE Generalwell-being Sensitivityto well-being in oneselfand

HEALTHY Hasa reliableimmune systemwhich Acceptsthe inconsistencyof physicalwell-

AUTHENTIC SELF maintainsthe body'sequilbrium being,knowing that it iswhat makesit
throughout illnessand health.Cantrust sensitiveand highly attuned to the body's
hunchesand intuition in the now, and can needs.Adept at diagnosingill-health and
act spontaneouslyif the spleenis the diseasein others or environment. Isnot
authority. Hasa fixed way of processing afraidof fear itself,but learnsto bewise as
fear,leadingto a deepinner senseof to its nature by not suddenlyreactingto it
security. or trying to fix it. Enjoysauraof defined
spleenswithout becoming dependent.Is
UNHEALTHY A senseof invulnerabilitycan leadto an Constantlychasesafterfeeling good and
THENOTSELF overloadingof the systemand sudden tries to fix its own inconsistencythrough
seriousand unforeseenhealthproblems. diet, therapy,relationshipsor helping
Not listeningto huncheswhen the spleen others.Getscaught up in how it feels
'THETRAPS' isthe main authority, or following physically,"becoming its own problem".
.huncheswith a definedsolarplexuscan Triesto bespontaneousin orderto feel
leadto physicalproblems,diseaseand better and makethe fear go away.Will
danger. sacrificeits own securityfor the sakeof
well-being. Becomesdependentand
possessivein relationships.

114 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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. The Spleencentre isour oldest awarenesscentre, our body consciousness.
. Itsfrequency is in the now and its fears are about survival.
. The mainthemes of the Spleencentre are: health, feel-good, survival,fear
. Biologically,it relatesto the lymphaticsystem, the spleen and the spleen cells.
. The function of the Spleen centre isto keep us healthy and alive.
. A defined Spleenhas to honour their gut feeling to stay healthy.
. Anundefined Spleen has to pay attention to its health. Itcan never be spontaneous.
. The GoldenRuleof the undefined Spleen is:Spontaneity can killyou.

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.


There isnothing more compelling than the human mind. It isour gift asa speciesto have
this capacity to be able to conceptualise the world around us, to be able to give
everything a name, to be able to store and communicate the human experienceand to
be able to enrich our specieswithin an ongoing expanded educational base.The mind
dominates our lives and our world, and it dominates our perception of ourselvesand
everything that surrounds us.
The Ajna centre is our secondawarenesscentre,and it representsour mental awareness.
Fueledby the pressurefrom the Head centre, its function is to conceptualisethoughts
and expressthem in languagethrough the Throat centre.

Between 85,000 and 90,000 yearsago our mental consciousnessbegan to evolve.At
that time we went through a processthat opened up the potential of the Ajna centre.
That processwas.a physicalgenetic mutation that changedthe function of the human
larynx. Before that time human beings had always been able to drink and breathe
simultaneously. However,this capacity was lost after the great mutation occurred. In
essence,what happenedwas that the larynx dropped in the throat, thereby allowing the

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vocal chambers to open up, leading to the development and articulation of complex
sound patterns. That period in our history marked the beginning of our language
capability, ending our need to communicate solely through primal sounds such as sighs,
groans, and growls. The result of this transition was the rapid development of new areas
of the human brain as we learned to communicate in deeper and more complex ways.

TheAjnacentreiswherethe anteriorandthe posteriorpituitaryglandsarefound.These
are very important endocrine glands because they are the headquarters of the
instructionsfor the wholebody.Wehumansleada mind-dominatedlife,becausethe
pituitaryglandsare in chargeof sendingout the hormonalinformationthat willbe
metamorphosed by the Thyroid glands. They give instructions both about the
maintenanceofthe insideofthe bodyandthe outsideworld.


Mental awareness dominates our lives.It dominates the way in which we perceivethe
world in which we live.As a species,we take our minds veryseriously.Essentially,when
we are dealing with the mind, we are in fact dealing with two processes, a collective
process,which isvisual,and an individualprocess,which is acoustic.Ofthe two, it isthe
visual process which dominates. The other thing to keep in mind is that when you are
dealing with the mind,you are in essence dealing with a time machine.Aswe have seen,
each of the three awareness centres has a differentfrequency.Inthe mind, the frequency
is across time, and there are three variations:the abstract collectivemind is about the
relationship from the present to the past. The logical collectiveprocess is about the
nature of the mind interms of the present projected into the future. Finally,when you are
dealing with the individualprocessittakes place ina pulse,whichwe cantheoreticallycall
'the now', because it isexperiencedas the present. Thesethree aspects make up the time
machine we callthe mind.


The mind isnot a motor. Thus, we should be warywhen approachingthe mind, because
where there is no motor, there is no capacityfor any kind of manifesting or doing. The
Ajnacentre isthe only awareness centre that is lockedawayfrom the body's energy sys-
tems, because it has no direct accessto a motor. It isflankedon both sides bythe Throat
and the Head centre, which are both non-motors. This is not true for the Spleen centre,
which we have alreadyseen, has direct connections to the Sacraland the Root. It is cer-
tainly not true for the Solar Plexuscentre, which is a motor itself.So what exactly is the
mind for? The answer is simple and twofold: communication and research.The mind is
there for communicatingthe essenceof what it isto be human.Thisiswhy it hasthe
capacityto lookat lifeinmanydifferentwaysallat the sametime.

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In Human Design analysis, there is a very important term known as Authority. Authority
represents each person's unique way of making decisions in life, and there are two basic
categories of Authority. Firstly, there is outer Authority, which is essentially the capacity
to be authoritative for others. All minds have outer value to others. Secondly, there is
inner Authority. This is the place within yourself where you can always find a reliable "yes"
or "no". Inner Authority is related to the subject of Type, which we will explore later. The
golden rule when dealing with the Ajna centre is that, regardless of whether the mind is
defined or undefined, it never has inner Authority. It is not up to our minds to make
decisions. It is up to our minds to do research.
Since human beings are a duality, the mind is also dualistic. It is dualistic in the way in
which it processes information. In other words, it can always show you the advantages
and disadvantages of any decision, ranging ahead in time to the possible outcome, and
diving into the past for evidence of another possible outcome. It can research that
decision in great depth, but the only thing it cannot do is actually make the decision,
since it has no capability to judge one side over another.
Essentially, the mind is like a banana republic where some little corporal, whose only
purpose is to keep the records and do the research, all of a sudden becomes the leader of
the nation. This is when everything falls apart. Our minds are petty dictators. They would
like to be in control of our lives. And because of the power of mind, and the way in which
we are taught from birth to use our minds to make decisions, these little corporals are in
control of our lives. The result is torment, confusion and suffering.

Imagine that you have a problem with somebody and you really want to straighten it out.
You want to talk to them about it so that you can get it off your chest. The most
important thing to remember isthat your m ind is only there to look at the duality of what
the problem is, and not to decide on a course of action. Let the m ind compare all the sides
of your argument. When the research is complete, regardless of the personal preference
you feel towards one side or the other, understand that this is not the time to jump and
pick up the telephone. In the ignorance of your Type, you are unable to know what
strategy will work for you. In ignorance of your true place of inner Authority, there is never
proper timing.
One of the deepest experiences possible regarding the nature of the mind can be
experienced by anyone with a defined Sacral centre. Because Sacralpeople respond to life
via their Sacral centre, which is unaware, they offer a prime example of how the mind
plays tricks on us. For example, when a Sacralperson is asked: "Would you like to go out
for lunch?" and they heartheir Sacralsay "ahuh", the next thing that might happen isthat
the mind jumps in with an idea, saying: "what I'd really like is Italian food." But, in truth
they do not know that. It is simply the mind running away with the Sacral response. If
they are then asked: "would you like to eat Italian food?" and their Sacral says "uhun", the
mind only jumps in again with another idea, and so the game goes on.

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The point of the above example is that it shows how fickle the mind can be and therefore
how illequipped it is to guide us in life.Only when we find our true Authority in life, can
the mind take its rightful place as servant rather than master. However, the decondition-
ing of the mind can be a tricky business because we are all so conditioned from birth to
make decisions with our minds. Any time you attempt to make a mental decision and
turn it into action, the consequences of that decision will haunt you for the rest of your
life, because the m ind cannot let go. Your m ind will always be wondering about the other
possibilities of not taking the decision; did Ido the right thing? Did Ido the wrong thing?
What might have happened if such and such had happened?
The only thing that you can rely on the mind for is to be of value to others. It is not that
the mind is without value. In fact, it has enormous value. It is a tool for communication
so that you can find out for yourself what you think you have experienced in life. It has
nothing to do with the decisions we actually make throughout our lives. It is simply there
to set up a perspective, to look at both sides of something without saying which side is
better. Its essential job is to do the research.

As we saw at the beginning of this section on awareness, all awareness is rooted in
different patterns of fear. The fear of the Ajna centre is called anxiety. This anxiety is
purely mental and it is what makes human beings worry.The anxiety from the Head
centre is about not being able to understand or make sense of our lives.It isthe anxiety
of not knowing something. The anxiety from the Throat centre is about not being
understood, or about not being able to communicate with clarity. Whenever
communication fails,anxiety will rise to the surface and as we know, it can lead to all
kinds of problems, both physicaland psychological.When you can see your mechanics,
and you can see that your mind can never be your innerAuthority,onlythen is it possible
to eliminate anxiety.
Eachof the 6 gates of the Ajnacentre manifests a different kindof anxiety.


47 - Futility
24 - Ignorance
4 - Chaos
11 - Darkness
43 - Rejection
17 - Challenge

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As we have seen, the mind has three possible modes of operating. Two of them are visual
and the other is acoustic. The visual processing of mental information is either logical or
abstract. Logic is about understanding a pattern and projecting it into the future, while
abstract refers to the need to make sense out of what has happened in the past.
The acoustic mental process is rather unique and can be very difficult. Essentially, it is
about findinga rationalefor a uniqueawareness,or in other words,it representsthe
translation of inner knowing into language. However, in the Ajna centre it is the visual
sense that dominates. In the spleen, the most important sense was smell, and the nose
dominates. Here in the Ajna, it is sight that dominates, and thus the eyes become very
dominant, for the simple reason that we take in information through the eyes.


Alldefined centres represent that which isfixed in our nature. Thus, ifyou have a defined
Ajnacentre then you have a fixedway of thinking.The way inwhichyou think is reliable
and trustworthy (as a researchcentre), but at the same time, there isa deep limitation in
this. Youcan onlythink in that particularway.

Ifyou have a defined mind,this is highlyunlikely!Youare a mental person bydesign, and
you have a particular kind of neurocircuitryin your brain which demands that you
constantly processeverything mentally.Thisis particularlytrue for people with the Head
centredefined. .

You cannot escape who you are. This is one of the great wonders of Human Design.
Conditioning targets us in our defined centres as well as our undefined centres. Imagine
what it is like for somebody in the so-called New Age, who has a defined Ajna centre.
Their mind is fixed, and they are a truly mental person. Then one day a friend of theirs
shows up, having just come back from a long journey to the East. The friend happened to
spend several months with an Indian guru whose main teaching is to drop the mind. The
friend also happens to have an undefined Ajna centre. In such an undefined mind, the
mind is like a waterfall, with everything just pouring through from all kinds of directions
all the time. The experience of "No mind" is wonderful for them. In fact, it is a truth for
them, because they are always open to the mind around them. So, the friend comes back
from India and says to the person with a defined mind: "you know, you should really go
and study with this man because no-mind is such wonde,rful experience". And so they go
and meditate together. However, the person with the defined mind naturally is unable to
stop his mind, and feels like he is a failure. He can then become obsessed with trying to
eliminate what iS,infact a very beautiful part of his nature.
You can see from the above example how dangerous generalisations can be. A lack of
education in the nature of who you are is mechanically dangerous, not only to your
psychic well-being, but also for your physical health.

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If you have a defined Ajna centre connected to the Throat, you are someone who can
alwaysspeakyour mind. However,the abilityto be able to speakyour mind doesn't mean
that it issomething that can do well.Manypeople with this kindof configurationfallinto
the trap of talking about things and then neveractuallyfollowingup on their words.This
can leadto deep-seated feelingsof inadequacyand/or the perception of others that they
are hypocriticaland 'flaky'.The ~nswerforsuch people,as alwayswith Human Design,lies
in a clearunderstanding of their own mechanics.

Aperson with an undefined Ajnacentre istruly a person with an open mind.Whereasthe
defined mind isfixed and focussed depending on its definition,the undefined mind can
be logical,inspirationalor abstract. The quality and intensity of their thought process is
entirelydependent on whoever is around them. Wealwayshave to remember in Human
Design that the open centres in our design are our areas of greatest potential and
greatest confusion. The undefined mind is a sign of intelligence in this respect. Such
people are intelligent rather than intellectual.Manyof the greatest minds in historyhave
been undefined: Freud,Jung, MarieCurieand Einstein(above) are allclassicexamples of
undefined minds.Andyet, one only has to lookat the personal livesof such people to see
how chaotic the undefined mind can be at managing lifeitself.
So often, people with undefined minds compare themselves to the people around them
who have defined minds. They wonder why they cannot easily sustain a consistent
thought process when alone, and thus they often end up either devaluing their mind
altogether, or trying desperatelyto be intellectual.Undefinedminds can be verygood at
looking as though they are intellectual,studying everything and anything they can get
their hands on. Theyare often collectorsof reamsof information,booksand even objects,
but no matter how much they know or have, it never givesthem a sense of peace. Such
people are veryvulnerableto anxiety,even though they may not show it, and they can
have a deep fear of being alone. The reason for this is that they do not understand that
they can neverfixtheir mind.The undefined mind isnot designed to be consistent, rather
it ranges from being totally empty to over brimming with ideas, concepts, details,
opinions etc.
The veryfluid nature of the undefined mind isthe source of its dynamic, ever-changing
intelligence.These arepeople who can holda conversationwith anyone and alwaysadapt
their thinking to the other person. They can be logicaland factual with one person and
artistic and abstract with another. Their mind knows no bounds, and thus can have
extraordinaryvalue as an outer Authorityfor others, but is helplessas an inner Authority
to guide them in their own lives. In an undefined mind, the entire process of
conceptualisingis conditioned by others.
Let's invent an example of how the undefined mind is conditioned: You have an
undefined mind and you are sitting in a cafe, and behind you there is a person with a

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defined mind who happens to be dreaming about going to Paris for a holiday. Because
you are sitting in their aura, a subtle chemistry passes between you, which your mind
picks up on. Almost immediately, you find yourself thinking about taking a holiday, and
wondering what Paris is like at this time of year! On the way home, you pass a travel
shop, book a trip to France and a week later you are on the plane. Have you any idea what
kind of a holidaythis willturn out to be? Inthe first instance, it isn't even your holiday!
So you arrive at your destination and immediately everything begins to go wrong: the
place is dirty, the weather is awful and you spend the whole time wondering what to do
and wishing you were backat home. The finalstraw isthat on the third daythere, you fall
down the steps and breakyour leg.
The moralof the story is: if you have an undefined mind, be careful you don't take
someone else's holiday.Peoplewith undefined minds are forever identifying with other
people's thoughts, concepts, opinions and ideas. These are very impressionable minds.
The gift of such people is that if they learn to stop identifying with anything they think,
they actually become mind readers, not in an esoteric sense (although that is also
possible), but in the sense that they can empathise with anyone. They can just sit with
someone and watch what their mind does. Whatever crosses their mind, someone in a
group will probably say it.
The undefined Ajna centre is a wonderful processor of mental information. Such minds
also store huge amounts of information as memory, even though they cannot
necessarily access what they have remembered. Certainthoughts and concepts that they
took in at some point in their past aretriggeredin the presenceof certain people, but
such memory recallis never in the hands of the undefined mind. They simply haveto
learnto surrenderto the magic of not knowing something until they know it! An
undefined mind canalwaystell whether someoneelseismentally clearor confused.Their
role isto sharemany different waysof thinking with others, and if they let go of trying to
make senseof their lives with their minds, they can be totally free of prejudice and
mental judgment.

The Ajnacentre is neverthe boss. It is the research centre. There are all kinds of
generalisations in the world that can be deeplypainful.We have already seen the
generalisation that leadsto people with undefinedminds thinking that they should
always be able to concentrate their minds consistently. However your mind works, it is
perfect, and knowing the design of your mind can show you the nature of that
perfection. As for the boss,true Authorityisalwayssomewhereelse in one's design, and
we will discuss this further in Part 3.

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Knows only a fixed mental way of thinking

No consistent thought pattern.

HEALTHY Has an inbuilt structure for processing or Fluidand adaptable thinking, able to soak
AUTHENTICSELF computing information. Feels very up new ideas and concepts, without
comfortable with concepts, enjoys the becoming fixed on any of them. Enjoys
"research", reviewing and organising of having no fixed way of processing thoughts.
'THEGIFTS' information in readiness for Enjoysthe openness and versatility of
communication. intelligence. Accepts uncertainty.

UNHEALTHY Can totally dominate the life,making Tends to worry about not understanding
OF decisions that overrideother true
THENOTSELF and remembering things. Compares itself
authorities. Can create all kind of anxiety unfavourably to defined minds. Triestoo
from trying to work out decisions hard to be intellectual, holding on to fixed
'THETRAPS' mentally. mental processes, concepts or opinions.
Needs to be certain.


. The Ajna centre isour secondawarenesscentre. It is our mental awareness.

. The frequencyof the mind is over all time and its fear is calledanxiety.
. The main theme of the Ajna centre isthe conceptualisingprocess
. Its biological attribute isthe pituitary glands.
. The true function of the Ajna centre isto do research.
. The mind hasno decision-making capabilities.
. The defined Ajna centre hasto trust its fixed way of thinking and processingmental
. The undefined Ajna centre knows many different ways of thinking, but isinconsistent
in and of itself.
. The golden rule when dealing with the Ajna centre isthat, regardlessof whether the
mind is defined or undefined, it never has inner Authority.

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MIND the mind-traffic(this is actuallythe whole list)
2.meditate (a focussed way of doing 1. above) book collection(by subject,size,alphabeticalorder,etc)
4.go from room to room in your home and notice all the unfinished things you left
"momentarily" to go and do something else. Turn the bathtaps off and call the
emergency plumber. your wardrobe and consider the clothes you bought that you loved in the shop
but find you don't want to wear. Givethem to the friendyou went shopping with. Make
a "mental"note to shop alone and at quiet times when the changingcubiclesaround you
willbe empty and ask the shop assistant to leaveyou alone. Useyour correctauthority to
decidewhat you buy.
6.reviewhow many times you have listened to someone ravingabout their new hobby,
gone out in a burst of enthusiasm to spend a fortune on equipment to try this yourself,
kept it (unused) for months and got rid of it at half it's originalprice.Giveyour gym club
membership to a friendwho lovesexercise.
7.realisethat when you go upstairs/into a room to do something and forget instantly
why you went there this is not necessarilya sign of premature senilityand relaxas you
retraceyour steps to retrieveyour lost intention.
8.say something a friend was about to say 2 seconds before they do and enjoy their
astonished expression.Considera career as 'The GreatStupendo' to run alongsideyour
other work.
9.stop yourself every time you begin a sentence with "Well, I think.." . You will be
speaking for whoever you are with. Forthis reason avoid people with clipboardswho
button-hole you inthe street for your opinions; it's a pointless exercise.
10.laugh at your list-writingcompulsion (examine how elaborate it has become, e.g. the
sub-lists and listof essentialsextracted from the main list) ina vain attempt to pin down
allthe data passingthroughyour mind. Askyourselfifyou would need counsellingifyou
lost your personal organiser.
l1.avoid attending hypnotist's stage shows unless you want your awful Elvis
impersonation to be seen by everyoneand not recallone second of just how foolishyou
looked. If the person inviting you along owns a camcorder be sure that your correct
authority says yes before agreeingto go.
12.notice how often you drive to work/to collect tb,e kids/to the supermarket "on
automatic pilot". Ring the dentist/hairdresser/vet and apologise for missing your
appointment because youjust drove to work/to collectthe kids/to the supermarket.
13.write a shopping list, go shopping (having left the list on the kitchen table because
'your mind was elsewhere') and see what you buy. Areyou unconsciouslyshadowing
someone else and pickingthe same items off the shelf, or responding to special offer
advertising?Whenyou get home, lookat the listyou wrote to compare them. Go backto

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the shop for the 2 essential items you didn't get. a medicaldictionaryand decide, sequentially,that you have each of the diseases
listed, and possiblya few more no-one has discoveredyet. Liedown untilthe thoughts
have gone away completely. .
15.never, ever,answer the door to anyone sellinganything - unless you want to be the
only fully triple-glazed, right-wing activist at your localJehovah's Witness church (no
offence intended to any such Persons reading this; the example quoted is purely for
illustrativepurposes).Givethanks for the "coolingoff"period availableforallmajorfinan-
cialtransactions potentially signed in haste.
16.attend a NewAgeexhibition (without your creditcards)and see whether you can get
through the day without deciding to drasticallychange your diet/lifestyle/beliefsystem
at least once.[unless you have made the decision in accordance with your correct
authority, naturally]
17.see what happens if you have a 'media fast' - no newpapers/TV/internet,etcfor as
long as you can bear it.
18.1ieawakeworryingthat you might not be ableto findanother 83 things to add to your
list before someone asks you whether the listisfinished. Realisethe listis neverfinished.

Elaine Rogers
Emotional Manifestor

[Iwould liketo deny all responsibilityfor this article,which was jointly and severallythe
work of colleagues,friends, people in the Library/cafe/supermarket/park/bus/street and
anywhereelse Imay have been when Ithought Iwas thinking about ideasfor this article.]

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There is no other centre in Human Design that has greater impact than the Solar Plexus
centre. The Solar Plexus is the source of all our feelings, emotions and sensitivities. When
you first come into contact with your own design, regardless of whether your Solar Plexus
is defined or undefined, the knowledge of how your emotional nature actually operates
can be the greatest liberation of all.
We have already seen that in the Bodygraph there are fO,ur motors and three awareness
centres, but the only centre that has the potential to be both is the solar plexus. This is
why it is so powerful, in both a negative way and a positive way. As you learn about your
own Solar Plexus, many of your oldest emotional patterns will become clear to you. You
may understand, heal or let go of old hurt and guilt from your past. Above all, you may
learn how to be compassionate towards yourself and others, as you see the awesome
power of this centre and the grip it has over the mass of humanity.

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TheSolarPlexuscentre beganto evolveasour third awarenesscentresometime between
the birth of Jesusand Buddha.As a species,we are only at the beginning of discovering
what emotional awareness actually is. In essence, emotional awareness is about
experiencing ourselvesdirectly as one entity, in other words, as a spirit consciousness.
Accordingto the 'Voice',this new awarenesswill be physicallyborn into the world in the
year 2027 asa genetic mutation. After this date, childrenwill beginto be born with what
may appearto be a genetic defect within the solarplexussystem.In truth, these children
will be the first real 'Raves'to be born on our planet, and it will take many hundreds of
yearsfor the mutation to spreadinto the genepool and for humanity to begin to realise
itself asa single entity.
Spirit awarenesswill be something very special,becauseit can neverexist within a single
person. In other words, you cannot attain it in a cavein the Himalayas.Spirit awareness
only emerges when two emotional people step into each other's aura and their
emotional wavesinteract with eachother. The combined energyfield where their waves
arein resonancetogether iswhere spirit awarenessispossible.This iswhat the two waves
of the Aquarian Symbol really mean.The Aquarian Age isto be an Age of massspiritual
awakening.We have no idea what that will be like. We cannot imagine how it feels to
sharea consciousnesswith someone elseoutside of our own body.
It is important to understand that this spirit will evolve when our mental processcomes
to an end. This meansthat people haveto understandwho they are.As long ashuman
beingsdo not acceptwho they are,the mind will not let go, becauseits frequency is over
all time. Spirit consciousnessis where our future lies,and we are a bridging generation
that can helpto plant this seed.Our own evolutionary step isto dealwith the SolarPlexus
centre asa powerful motor, and fully understand its true design.

Biologically,the SolarPlexuscentrerelatesto the kidneys,the pancreas,the prostate
glandandthe nervoussystem.Peoplewho areunableto dealwith theiremotionalnature
arelikelyto sufferin theseareasof their body,or in associated
areas.An examplemight
beemotionalproblemsthat leadto waterretentioninthe bodyandweightproblems.

The frequency of the SolarPlexuscentre neither operatesin the now nor does it operate
over all time. It operatesin a wave. The Solar Plexuscentre releasesa wave pattern that
we experience as an eternal cycle from hope to pain, from expectation to
disappointment, from joy to despair and back again. Furthermore, becausewe are all
moving in space,this wave is really a spiral from which we can learn, rather than a circle
into which we are locked.Our next evolutionary step is to learn to recognisethis wave
pattern, accept it and eventually transcend it. This is what will lay the foundation for
spirit to emerge. Understandingthe frequency of the emotional motor is a prerequisite
for creating emotional stability. The collective power of all the SolarPlexuswavesacross

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our planet literallycreates the chaos of the world in which we livetoday. Thus the most
important knowledge of our time is to explain the nature of the emotional system to
people so that the planet can find inner peace. As this knowledge is spread and people
begin to become aware of their emotional wave, it will seem as though a huge mirror
layered in dust is finallybeing cleaned and polished. And when the mirror is clear,the
whole vibration of the earth willchange, and finallywe willsee our true face reflectedin
the glass.
Hope Hope

The Individ,l Em!tionalWave
Pain Pulse



As an awareness centre, the Solar Plexus centre has its unique patterns of fear, just likethe
Ajna and the Spleen. As they move through the seven gates of the human emotional
system, these fears are experienced as seven types of nervousness.


36 - Inadequacy
22 - Silence
37 - Tradition
6 - Intimacy
49 - Nature
55 - Emptiness
30 - Fate us

These seven fears are very powerful because of the nature of the Solar Plexus as a motor.
They are not fears that are static; they operate in waves, which means they can suddenly

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disappear and then reoccur,as the emotions surge and plummet. Solarplexus fears are
the kind of fears where mountains can become molehills and molehills can become
mountains. They are allconnected to the nature of the wave itself.What this also means
is that solar plexus fears are the least trustworthy fears in the moment, but they will
revealthe truth inthe long run.


Just as the Ajna centre has its golden rule of having no inner Authority,so too does the
Solar Plexus centre have its golden rule. Whenever you are dealing with a defined
emotional system, whether in a person or a relationship,there is no truth inthe now. In
other words, you have to wait out the wave in order to be clear.Thus allemotional fears
are fears that can only be truly dealt with once someone has moved through their wave
and come out the other side.


There are essentially two kinds of people on this planet: emotional people and
unemotional people. Becauseof the confusion of conditioning and the ignoranceof our
own unique designs, this divisionis often not at all clear.The emotional people have no
general understanding of their emotional wave, and the unemotional people are condi-
tioned to think that they are emotional. The result isa planetary frequency of emotional
chaos and sufferingrather than harmony and clarity.
Likealldefined centres,the defined SolarPlexusisoperating 24 hours a day,from birth to
death. Such people are governed by their own emotional nature, whether they realiseit
or not, and as we have seen, this nature isan emotional wavethat consistentlywashes in
and washes out again.
Whenthe solarplexus isconnected to the Throat, the emotions can manifest in language
and in action.Thisisthe most volatileand chaotic kindof emotional chemistry.The two
direct channels between these two centres have a deep potential anger stored within
them and ifsuch people are not waiting to be clearbeforethey expresstheir feelings,the
results can be hurtful and inappropriate.

When the solar plexus is connected to the Sacral, the emotions tend to emerge as Sacral
sounds, like growls, sighs and groans. This is also the only direct link between our
emotional nature and our sexuality,and thus it may come as no surprisethat it governs
our genetic strategies for mating. Allthe different variations of the emotional wave are
releasedthrough this channel.

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When the Salar Plexus is cannected to. the Raat, the ematians are under enarmaus
pressure,which isexperiencedas nervaus energy ifthere is no.further definitian to.either
the Sacralar Thraat.ln this kindaf chemistry,the ematians can anly be accessedthraugh
ather peaple's chemistryar thraugh sparadicplanetarytransitsthat may releasethe

When the salar plexus is cannected to. the Ego.,we have the meeting af two. very
pawerful matars; the ematianal drive and the pawer af will.This type af ematianal
chemistry requiresa canstant balancingaf these two.energies;the individualematianal
wave and the energy af the within the community.

The great theme af all ematianally defined peaple is patience. With the Salar Plexus
centre defined,the wavefram hape to.pain isalwaysaperating. The keyiswaitingaut the
wave.Whenthese peaple are ematianally excited and fullaf hape, they haveto.wait aut
the whale span af the wave befare they make a decisian.They have to. understand that
hape isanly an energy runningthraugh their chemistryand nat an awareness.Whenthey
are ematianally depressed and feeling the pain ar angst af the ematianal system, they
still have to. wait aut the wave befare making any decisian. Just likepleasure, pain is
simplyan energeticthat maves thraugh the bodyfram time to.time. It has nathing
with clarity.

As we have seen, the galden rule far the Salar Plexuscentre is: 'No.Truth in the Naw'.
What this means isthat ematianal peaple are nat designed to. be spantaneaus. Theycan
never knaw samething as a certainty because their decisian making pracess is nat fixed.
It takes time. In arder to. find any kind af ematianal clarity they have to. wait far a
minimum af three appartunities. Asan example, ifyau are ematianally defined and yau
meet sameane far the first time, yau can never reallyknaw if yau likethem because
everything will be caloured by yaur wave. Ifyaur wave is dawn, yau may nat respand
favaurablyto.them, and then when yau meet them again a week later,yau may decide
they are actually rather wanderful, because yaur wave hflscame up. The third time yau
meet the same persan, yau will have a much clearer picture because yau will have
experiencedthem thraugh the differentnuancesaf yaur awn ematianal chemistry.Then,
yau can begin to.get a feelingfar whether yau reallylikethem ar nat.
It is sa camman far ematianal peaple to. make rash cammitments based an being high
in their wave.They are feeling good ane day,and sameone asks them to. do.samething
with them tamarraw, and in that mament af feeling gaad, they say yes. The next day,

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when they wake up feeling differentabout the world,they remember making a

commitment for that day but they are no longer inthe mood to go. Thus they are faced
with a dilemma;should Ibreakthe commitment and riskthe consequences,or go against
my will? Emotional people who make decisions too quickly are often facing such
situations. The keyisto alwaysremember to sleep on it. Ifyou sleep on it, you willavoid
the dilemma altogether. Emotional people always wake up feeling differently about
things the following day.Thus'they have to allow themselves to take thne with their
decisions,no matter what others say or how much pressurethey are being put under.
Evenwhen you havewaited long enough, emotional clarityisnevera certainty.Thisis not
the absolute Authority of the Spleen centre, which says yes or no in the now, with no
ambiguity. Neither is emotional Authority like the mind, which is totally subjective.
Emotional claritycan only ever be about 80% certain, because it never stops changing.
Thus, for an emotional person, waiting is the only way to have a sense of whether
something iscorrector not. Emotionallydefinedpeople haveto understand that they are
not dealing with awareness, because the solar plexus has not yet evolved into this
potential. They are dealing with a terrificallypowerful emotional motor that wants to
jump to action at the least sign of excitement or disturbance.

There is a true responsibilitythat goes with having a defined Solar Plexuscentre in your
design. This is to understand the power of the emotional aura. When an emotional
person feels good, it is not only you who feel good, but also everyone around you. In
other words, you transmit the frequency of your emotional wave out into your
environment. That isquite a power;to make others feel good or bad. Ifyou are up on your
emotional wave, and you go in for a job interview,your chances are improved. Ifyou're
on the emotional Iow end of the wave, and you go infor the same job interview,it isn't
going to work so smoothly.The emotional being thus controlsthe environment around

Emotionalpeople have a deep need to recognisetheir nature and understand their wave
pattern. Anybodywho iscloseto them also has to accept them when they are up on their
wave and accept them wh~n they are down. Emotional people have to be especially
carefulin taking people into their life.Ifthey want to make new friends or find a partner,
they can never trust in a spontaneous coming together. They have to meet people
repeatedly,not onlyto knowthe other person better, but alsoto see how the other reacts
to their own changing wave.
Emotionallydefined people can cause confusion in relationshipswithout even knowing
they are doing anything. They have to learnto see that they can make others instantly
uncomfortable simply by changing the way they feel inside. The source of all
manipulation and guilt lieswithin the interplay of the defined and undefined Solar Plexus

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centres. We have to remember that an undefined centre will magnify the vibration of any
defined centre, thus, if you are emotional and happen to be feeling good about someone,
they will feel twice as good about you. This can be very misleading, especially when you
meet the same person again and your wave has shifted. They may come across in a much
cooler way, and if you take it personally, you may end up thinking that they are rejecting
you, while all along, it was your own emotional wave conditioning the environment.
Emotional people can always know where they are in their own wave by watching the
responses of the people around them with undefined emotional centres. In seeing their
emotional impact on others, they can learn to treat those people with greater care, and
in particular, stop doing harm to undefined emotional people, who have no choice but to
innocently mirror their emotional wave.


Giventhe dominanceof the mental field on this planet, human beingsare forever
making up reasons for everything.This is actually one of the things that human beings
do best. Givingreasonsto emotional chemistry is one of the greatest causes of suffering
on our planet. The tendency is to make up a reason so that one can try to fix, change,
escapethe wave, or else blame it on someone or something else.Wewilldo anythingjust
to avoidacceptingour feelingsas perfect.
When emotional people go up on their wave, they generally make up a reason for it.
Similarly,when they are down in their wave, they find another reason for it. The reason
can be anything: the government, their lover,their job or their friends. Naturallythere is
no clarityinthese reasonsbecause there is no reason inthe first place.Wegive reasons in
order to try and change the way we are feeling. Ifwe have a reason, we feel we may be
able to do something about it. It is all a matter of human beings being uncomfortable
when they are not in control. Ifyou are emotionally defined and are feeling sad one day,
people willtend to ask you what iswrong. Youcan watch this inyour own life.Listento
the reasons you want to give in response to that question. Infact, there is no reason. Its
alljust chemistry.
Women understand this at a biological level. Because women go through a regular
menstrual cyclein which their chemistry is constantly changing, they are generally less
apt to lookfor reasonsfor emotions. They knowthat the changes intheir moods are due
to a mechanicalfunction of their body.They don't go around saying, "l have my period
so I'm going to quit myjob." Inother words,they don't turn chemistry into a reason.

Byexplaining the mechanics of the emotional system, there may be the assumption that
something can be done. This is not true. Knowing how the emotions work does not give
you any power or advantage. What it gives you is recognition of the fact that you cannot
escape your basic emotional mechanics. Knowledge is not power, nor can the emotional
wave be controlled. It is our inner chemistry, and is not meant to be controlled. The only

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thing you can do is watch the wave curvingup and slidingdown again. However,being
aware of your emotions opens up the opportunity for a different form of experience,
because it eliminates the identification with the experience.This is pure meditation in
action.The awarenessthat the highend of the wave soon becomes a Iowend enablesthe
emotional being not to identifywith the peaks of hope and the troughs of pain anymore.
Awareness can help to accept the wave pattern as something natural and even
transcendent. '

Most emotional people livea lifetimeof fighting the Iowend of the wave.Peoplewant to
be only happy, and ifthey are not, they assume something must be wrong with them.
They are desperate to find the high end of the wave and feel likea failurewhen they
notice that the Iowend of the wave keepscoming back.It is reallya blessingto recognise
that this isallonlya mechanismthat has to be understood and surrenderedto. Eitherend
of the wave can be beautiful in the sense that it does not have to disturb one's inner
tranquility.That iswhat awarenessisfor.Awarenessisnot about givingtranquilityto your
nervous system. Weare aliveand this nervousnessdrivesus. Butthere isa deeper kindof
tranquility.It is deep insideus, and it is rooted inthe simple understanding of how one's
vehicleworks.There isnothing more to itthan that. Ifyou accept how yourvehicleworks,
the by-product is innertranquility.
Ifemotional people go through the whole spectrum of their wave, their knowledge can
be extraordinarilydeep, because it includes all the single perceptions at the different
points along the wave. Imaginea photographer who wants to understand the nature of
a flower. The splenic photographer goes out, sees the flower and takes one picture
spontaneously. Forthem, it is perfect. Butfor the emotional person, a singlepicture can
never be enough. They haveto take a whole serious of pictures of that flower.They have
to stay out there the whole day long, watching the changing light, experimenting with
perspective,trying differentfilmsetc. Bythe end of the day,they know how that flower
looks inthe dawn lightas wellas the dusk light, and allthe differenttimbres in between.
Theycouldfilla portfoliowith allthose impressions.Theyeven knowthe fragranceof the
flower because they have touched it and smelt it.
Eventhough emotional people may feel they are at a disadvantage because they cannot
be truly spontaneous, they have a different gift in life.The emotional person operating
throughout their wave has many, many perspectives upon any subject. It is these
collectedperspectives,as one moves through the wave, which bringsgreat depth to the
emotional being. Whenyou know somebody through your wave,you knowthem with a
great deal of depth. Yousee various aspects of their nature depending on where you are
in your own wave, and by the time you get through the full cycleof that, you have
grasped their essence.This is the true gift of the emotional being, and yet none of it is
possible unlessthey cultivate patience.

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We have alreadyseen that all undefined centres are open and vulnerableto the
conditioningof those centresthat aredefinedinothers,or bythe chemistryof another
undefinedcentrethat happensto completea channel.Wealso knowthat undefined
centres act like amplifiers of the defined centres. With this in mind, we can turn to the
undefinedemotional centre and discoverone of the great misconceptionson this
planet. This is that the majorityof people who think they are emotional or over-
emotionalare infactthe veryopposite.Ifone wereto do a statisticalanalysisof allthe
peoplewho are taking up the couchesof therapists,psychologistsand psychiatrists
around the world, you would most likelydiscover that an extraordinarily large percentage
of them have undefined emotional systems. In other words, these people are
continuallygoing up and down on the emotional wave of somebody else, magnifying it
and identifyingwith it.

Peoplewithundefinedemotionalsystemsareoftenthe greatvictimsonthisplanet.They
havea tendencyto sufferfromemotionalinstability,often beingchaoticbecauseallof
their life they have felt out of emotionalcontrol.They usuallyalso suffer from a
deep-seated fear of rejection,which is rooted in their childhood. Growingup, undefined
emotional people take in and reflect backthe chaotic emotional waves of others and at
some point they are usuallypunished for that. Theycan also be verydisturbed because of
the enormous pain they store in their emotional system, which they are totally
unequipped to handle.They are the most vulnerablepeople in the world.
It isinthe SolarPlexuscentrethat we find guilt, blame and shame, and nowhere arethese
afflictionsmore apparent than inthe undefined emotional system. Emotionalpeople can
veryeasilymanipulate undefined emotional people who are unaware of their design, and
they often do so, even at an unconscious level. The result is that the undefined
emotional centre takes on a great weight of guilt that is actually stored as memory
within their bodies. They are not genetically designed to handle these emotional
burdens, because they do not belong to them. Thus, they try to get rid of them in
seeking out some form of therapeutic help.
When an undefined emotional person understands their own mechanics, it is reallya
huge relieffor them, and they begin to let go of all these patterns that have never
belonged to them. Nowthey can understand whytheir emotions often seem volatileand
overwhelming,and whyfor example,they can go from beingcalmto beingfurious inthe
blinkof an eye.Theycan begin to realisethat there has never been anything wrong with
them, but that their emotional state depends entirelyon who is intheir aura.Just seeing
their mechanicstakes an enormous burden offtheir shoulders. Emotionallyopen people
are actuallydesigned to be totally cool when they are on their own, and they need time
to be aloneto cleanout allthe emotionalconditioningthat are constantlytaking in.
Through the mechanics they also learn that they can never make an emotional decision,

134 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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because it willnever be their own decisionunless it comes from a cool placewithin them.
Whenever an undefined emotional person feels uncomfortable inthe aura of someone,
they have onlyto remember to simplyleavethe room, and go awayto be on their own.

It is one of the ironiesof our genetics that we are onlyattracted to what we are not. Our
genes determine our survival as a species, which means that they have to keep on
bringing together unusual genetic material in order to further the possibilities of
evolution. In other words, it is the undefined centres in your design that are the most
attractive to you in life.Let's think about the implications of this for the Solar Plexus
centre, which is not onlythe place of emotions, but alsothe source of pleasureand pain.
Ifyou have an undefined SolarPlexuscentre, you are going to be geneticallyattracted to
emotionally defined people. It istheir potential to bring realpleasure into your lifethat is
going to turn you on. The very chemical capacity of their sexuality,whether through
need, desireor passion, iswhat is going to condition you.
Let's say you have an undefined emotional system and you meet someone who is
attracted to you and they're emotional. Through the conditioning, you are going to be
even more attracted to them. Then imagine how disappointing it is for you to wake up
with them the next morning when they are at the Iowend of their wave.Their Iowwave
is mirroredin you, and thus their discomfort with you is magnified inyour discomfort in
being with them. The result is chaos and misunderstanding.
Whether we are emotionally defined or undefined, patience is a guiding theme for us
when it comes to our relationships.Generallyspeaking, when most relationshipscome
together, it results in a defined solar plexus. Thus, the majority of human couples are
emotional in their definition as a partnership and have to recognise mechanicallythe
golden rule of the emotional centre. 'No truth in the now' means that it is essential for us
to wait things out in order to find our clarity.


There are great advantages to the undefined emotional centre, but only when we
become aware of it. Likeany undefined centre, it holds great potential forwisdom. Inthis
case, the wisdom is about emotions. Bytaking in other people's emotional wave, the
undefined Solar Plexuscentre is a barometer of the emotional health of those around
them. Theyarethe onlyones who can ultimatelytell us whether the emotionally defined
are making any progress in learningto be patient. The undefined emotional person has
to learn to come to terms with the sensitivity of their emotional system. We cannot
escape emotional conditioning. However,we can learnto surf the wavesthat are rightfor
us, and undefined emotional people know that apart from pain there is also great
pleasure in meeting emotionally defined people. The great pleasures of the solar plexus
are sexuality,food, passion, excitement, romance, and music. This centre is rooted in
quality of lifeand sensuality.

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If you have an undefined emotional system, you need to understand your own
childhood. Let'sconsider the themes of childrearing and abuse. Abuse can be physical,
sexual, emotional or mental. Imagine what it is like when you have a child with
emotional definition, and you have a father who is undefined emotionally.When that
childgets angry with the parent, the parent gets twice as angry with the child.This kind
of energy pattern goes on escalating until finally the parent snaps, and something
terrible happens.
One of the classicpatterns learned by the undefined emotional child is called 'making
nice'. To avoid the escalation of emotion in the household, the child becomes the
peacemaker in the family, going to enormous lengths to try and keep everyone calm.
They do this in order not to have to suffer the reflected emotional pain. The other
direction such children may take isto externalisethe reflectedpain by rebelling.Usually
such children become angrier and angrier until they're placed in some kind of therapy.
There are an enormous number of childrenwith undefined emotional systems that are
being medically treated for no reason whatsoever. This is the great danger of
generalisations. You cannot treat everyone as though they are the same. Considerfor
example, a childwith an undefined emotional system who is sent to a therapist with a
defined emotional system. The chaos begins all over again because the childwill never
knowtheirtrue naturewhenfacedwithsuchconditioning. .


The emotional system runs the world.There isa great deal of unhealthiness inthe way in
which the emotional system is currently manifested in the world. The biological
associationsto the SolarPlexusincludethe kidneys,the pancreas and the prostate. There
is a real danger of problems in these areas if those with an undefined Solar Plexus are
constantly identifyingwith the emotional wave and giving Authorityto emotions that
don't belong to them. Ifyou have an undefined SolarPlexus,yourwhole lifeisabout pro-
tecting your stomach. The moment that the emotional wave comes into the undefined
emotional system and it gets magnified, it can create great physicaldiscomfort. Usually
this is often experiencedas a queasiness or tightness in the stomach. Overtime, this can
lead to far more serious problems inthis area.
Inthe same way,the defined SolarPlexusthat does not .waitout the wave and wait for
claritywill make the wrong decisions,which will ultimately lead to illnessand disease.
Many modern h~alth issues across the planet are a direct result of the collective
misunderstanding of the emotional motor. The huge riseinprostrate cancerfor example,
is a result of the male population being uneducated as to their own emotional nature. If
people could learnto wait, who knowshow the world might change?

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WHENALONE An up and down wave of emotions that Emotionallystill.
bringsdeepclarity after time.
HEALTHY Experiencesa very rich emotional depth in Ability to watch and surfthe emotional
AUTHENTICSELF life.The highsand the lowsof the wave wave,soakingup the highs andthe lows
bring passion,excitement andeven beauty without identifying with anyof it or
in the melancholy.Sexuallyexciting, allowing emotions to drive it. Nevermakes
'THEGIFTS' attractive andwarm. Appreciatesthe lows an emotional decision,but waits to be
asmuch asthe highs.Playshardto get in cool. Doesn't run from confrontation, but
decisionsand cultivatespatience. acceptsemotional conditioning without
identifying with it.

UNHEALTHY Hugelyimpatient, makesspontaneous Canfeel overwhelmedbythe emotional

OF environment andtry to avoid
THENOTSELF decisionswithout waiting for clarity.Tends
to identify with a particularphaseof the confrontation at anycost. Liesto itself and
wave,making decisionsfrom that point - others out of not wanting to rockthe
'THETRAPS' e.g.a Iow or high point. Makesup external boat. Seeksthe high end of the waveand
tries to resolveor processemotional
reasonsfor feelings,ratherthan simply
problems.Allows itself to bedriven by
acceptingthe inner chemistry.Asa result, emotions of others,or canbecomeso
tries to escapethe Iow end of the wave, scaredof emotions that it runsawayfrom
alwaysseekingthe highs. people and relationshipsaltogether.

. The SolarPlexuscentre willeventuallybe our third awareness,our spiritconsciousness.
. Inour current evolutionarystep, we are learningto dealwith the SolarPlexuscentre as
a powerfulmotor.
. Itsfrequency isthe wave and its fears emerge as nervousness.
. The themes of the SolarPlexuscentre are:feelings,emotions, and sensitivity.
. The function of the SolarPlexuscentre is:emotional clarityand emotional wellbeing.
. The defined SolarPlexuscentre is alwaysthe Authority:there is No truth inthe now.
Wait out the wave.
. The undefined SolarPlexuscentre has to avoidallemotional decisions.
. Biologically,it relates to the kidneys, the prostate, the pancreas and the nervous
. The Golden Ruleof the defined SolarPlexus:there is no truth in the now.

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What do you mean Idon't have feelings?!!!
Perhaps one of the greatest discoveriesthat have emerged through the Human Design
System isthat, emotionallyspeaking;there areonlytwo types of people inthe world.One
of them isfrom Marsand the other isfrom Venus.Wealwaysassumed that women and
men were emotionally different, but it turns out that you can be a man and be from
Venus and you can be a woman and be from Mars!
The revelation of the defined centre and the undefined cen~re has massive implications.
We are all victims of generalisation. Nowhere is this truer than in our emotional lives.The
Solar Plexus centre has the greatest social impact on our planet. For one thing, it is
responsible for violence and war. Thus, whenever I am face to face with an undefined
SolarPlexuscentre comingfortheir first Human Designreading Ialwaysfeel rather out of
my depth. The information Iam about to give them about themselves isgoing to shake
the very bedrock of who they think they are. Their whole life they will have been
identifyingwith the emotions that they feel.Iknowthat it isprobablygoing to take them
years to disentangle all their emotional patterns. It may take even longer if they have
been working with a therapist, unless they are fortunate enough to have found a
therapist who has learned not to interferewith people's designs.
Thisisthe issueof this article- how to tell people that they have no feelingsof their own.
Ifwe are to make such outrageous and potentially dangerous statements, we had better
be able to backthem up with understanding and experience.Personally,Iwould nevertell
someone such a thing, but try to find a wayto drawthem into the workingsof their own
design and let them discover it for themselves. Having no feelings of your own is too
much fuel for the not-self. If you think you have no feelings, it gives you a licenseto
abuse, blame and manipulate anyone you like. I can hear the court-case now: 'Your
Honour,it wasn't me that killedhim. Itwas hisfeelingsthat made me!'
A recent question from a student of mine was: 'I know two people with undefined
emotional centres (the centre remains undefined together) and they fight likecrazyall
the time. How isthis possible?'
Theanswerissimple- it wasn'tthem whowerefighting- it was their parents.
If you have an undefined Solar Plexus and you know something of Human Design,
I implore you to look at the designs of your parents. If neither of them happens to be
emotionally defined, it was probably your grandparents. Someone other than you is
responsiblefor your patterns and it is never your fault. That is the sentence that has to
sinkdeeply into the cellsof your body.It isn't your fault. The undefined emotional centre
is a dumping.ground for emotional garbage. I am reminded of PhillipLarkin'sfamous

Theyfuckyou up~your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.
Theyfillyou with the faults they had
And add some extra,just for you.

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The point is that it isn't even your Mum and Dad's fault either. It is simply the way
conditioning works in a world where we don't knowwho we are.There is no blame and
there is no need of shame, but most undefined emotional centres are filledwith both.
The undefined emotional centre is so sensitive to the feelings of others that it
unconsciously learns deep behavioural patterns that try to keep it away from the
emotions of others. Its prime pattern is to avoid conflictat all cost, and there are many
ways of avoidingconflict - denjal,withdrawaland pre-emptive attack beingjust a few.
The other ironyis a deep Freudiantruth that I have seen over and over again through my
HD practice. We seek out the same patterns in our relationships as we had with our
parents. Wemay chose intimaciesthat looktotally new, but the chemistryturns out to be
the same, and the verything we aretryingto escape isthe thing we findourselvescaught
in. Forthe undefined SolarPlexuscentre, this isalla huge journey.Youhaveto learn how
to hold your own space. Youhave to learn not to blame and not to hide, which means
that you have to catch yourselfin mid-pattern and accept that pattern without trying to
change it. Ifyou are stillavoiding,then you are stilla victim.Onlywhen you have begun
to clean out your own insidesfrom your old patterns can you begin the delicate process
of extricatingyourselffrom the emotional patterns of others.
At this stage, that is as deep as I am prepared to go into a minefield.Myoverallpoint is
that if you have an undefined Solar Plexus centre, the mines are not outside yourself.
Theyare not people with emotionallydefined centres.Whoeveryou are with willactivate
the mines because they are insideyou.The mineswere planted a longtime ago inthe first
seven years of your life,and those mines have to be individuallyclearedand dug up. The
good news is that once they are gone, they are gone forever!


"Howare you?" "Howare you feeling?" Dangerousquestions, these, asked unwittingly
everyday.Peopledon't want the realanswer.The safest response,the one I usuallygive,
is "Fine,thank you". IfI'm feeling particularlywhimsicalIask, "Howlong have you got?"
That's guaranteed to make the inquirerbackaway hurriedly.
Actually,the first response is usuallytrue, ifit could be qualified."Fine,thank you, as long
as I don't looktoo hard" is more the mark.Ifyou have a defined emotional centre, this is
about as closeas it gets.
Manyyearsago Ifound the followingpoem by DHLawrence,and it appealed to me then;
it appealsto me even more now:

The feelings Idon't have, Idon't have.

The feelings Idon't have, Iwon't say I have.
The feelingsyou say you have,you don't have.
The feelingsyou would likeus both to have,we neither of us have.
The feelingspeople ought to have,they never have.
Ifpeople say they've got feelings,you may be pretty sure they haven't got them.
So ifyou want either of us to feel anything at all
You'dbetter abandon all ideasof feelingsalltogether.

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All my life I have been at the mercy of my emotions. I thought everybody felt like I did. I
realised that how I felt had a powerful and sometimes devastating effect on those around
me. People were "fine" when I was "fine" and in a good mood. It gave them a very
pleasant ride. If I were not so fine others usually gave me a wide berth - I was too much
to cope with. "Histrionic" and "sentimental" are two of the kinder epithets that have been
used to describe me.

Whenever I needed to share my feelings, I did not want people to fix things, just to listen
and try to understand. I just wanted to feel valid. The words a) "Snap out of it", or b)
"You'll be all right: you always are" , although a) possibly well meant, and b) true, are
woefully inadequate at the best of times. At the worst of times, they just added fuel to
the fire. I m ight as well have been from another planet as far as others were concerned. I
felt people went out of their way not to upset me, and this pussyfoot approach made it
worse. I learned that not to let go was best, and became good at pretending. The real
thing was too real.
Sometimes the extremes these emotions took me to were quite frightening. The
ecstasies could be great, but the agonies were sometimes almost unbearable. I always
wanted to be cool, calm and collected, but I could never rely on this, no matter how hard
Itried. Anywhere, anytime I could erupt into an emotional outburst, positive or negative,
a bit like not even knowing you were near the edge of a cliff until you fell off. You do not
have to do this to know it will hurt when you get to the bottom.
I now know that both my parents were undefined emotionally. My very presence
obviously sparked things in them I was not aware of at the time. I was taught that you
kept your feelings to yourself and did not display them in public. This hurt, too. I can
remember at one family funeral that my hand was gripped tightly and "Don't you dare
cry" whispered in my ear. I understand why, now, but did not understand then. Where else
did you cry, if not at family funerals?
Over the years I realised that it was not a good idea to rely on the feeling of the moment.
Decisions made at either end of the emotional roller coaster were not the wisest, I
discovered. Meditation helped the extremes, and led to a greater state of awareness
about how emotions worked, and how not to get attached to them, but this was not
My first Human Design analysis was a revelation. There was nothing wrong with me: I did
not need to be fixed. The discovery of the chemistry of the wave in a defined emotional
centre, that prism of delight and pain, and most of all how it affects both myself and oth-
ers, was true enlightenment.
Reasons were no longer important, just the thing itself. All that need for validation could
stop and I could enjoy the roller coaster for the first time.
So,how do I feel now? - FINE!

Ros Taylor

Emotional Manifesting Generator

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I have an undefined emotional centre. be filledup inthis centre has been my life
pursuit. Emotions have intrigued me forever.This pursuit has taken me into so many
situations without care,without thought, just the seeking of the pasSion.The absolute
blissthat fills you upandtransformsyou intoanotherplace,a cocoonofpurefeeling,no
mind, no instinct, everything else dissolvesinto oblivion.A sense of "this is what being
human is about" just to swim in this sea of feeling,simply,feeling an energy so intense,
so pure. So clear,there is no confusion, no denying its Presence.
Mymost favourite thing was being in crowds of people, e.g. at a concert, anything live
that got all the emotional people emoting all over the place. You could just be so
immersed in the atmosphere, it was amazing Ididn't recogniseat the time why (loved it
so much, until HD,now I know what the attraction Was.
When (livedinthe USA,a time in my lifewhen Iwas exploringthe meaning of life,Icame
acrossa young Gurufrom Indiawho became my teacher for a while. What intrigued me
and attracted me to this teaching was the way I felt when I was with these people. The
b\issyou can feel inan open emotional centre in a group of thousands ismagical. "How
we delude each other, and ourselves". The problems came when I didn't feel this bliss.
When Iwas on my own and couldn't find a way to connect with this inner feeling. What
was wrong with me? Why could I feel it in the presence of these "enlightened" people,
and yet not have this experiencefor my veryown? This had to be something special. I
thought this was the answer to life,this feeling of bliss,what everyonewas lookingfor
and should have.
r realisenow how my whole lifehas been conditioned byfeelings. Lookingfor what feels
good and trying to fixwhat feels not so good. Thisbecame my authority in everything I
So,the price ( have paid for this passion is myself.Everything(am has been totally over-
shadowed by the pursuit and wonderment of this centre. I now realisethe enormity of
our open centres and why we become such experts inthese areas, because that's where
we spend our lives.

Linda Lowrey
Unemotional Manifesting Generator

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The final three centres, the Heart Centre, the G Centre and the Head centre may at first
glance appear to have little in common with each other. The Heart Centre is one of the
four motors, the G Centre stands alone. as neither a motor nor an awareness nor a
pressure centre, and the Head centre is a pressure centre like the Root centre. However,
these three centres do share a commonality, and that commonality is direction. The Heart
governs our direction on the material plane, the G governs our direction in relation to all
other objects in the Biverse, and the Head governs the direction of our evolving
consciousness as a species.

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iii1 2 ~ § ~ ~ =
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The Heart Centre, also known as the Ego Centre, is an energy system within the body. It is
one of the body's four motors. It is the centre of willpower and ego. Although it looks
rather small and simple with only four gates, th is centre is actually very powerful and very
complex. Thematically, the Heart Centre is all about living on the material plane, and it
represents the will to survive on the ma~erial plane in established communities. This
centre is about making our daily bread, it is about living in harmony with each other, and
it is about bonding and bringing children into the world. As a directional centre, it alone
is responsible for the creation of all our societies and cultures.

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21- TheHeartMuscle
51- TheGallBladder
26 - TheThymusGland
40 - TheStomach

In its biological nature,the HeartCentreisvery complex. Eachof its four gatesrepresents

a crucial aspect of our physiology. In the 40th gate, you have the stomach. When the
stomach isfull, the Egofeelsgood, but when the stomach is empty, the willpower in the
40th gate is driven to go out and find something to eat. In the 26th gate, you havethe
thymus gland, the gland responsiblefor the creation of our immune system. When a
fetus is in the womb, it is the thymus gland that actually designsthe immune system.
Thus this channel 26/44 isthe only direct connection between the Egoand the immune
system in the Spleen.
Forthe first three yearsof life,the thymus gland establishesthe way in which the immune
systemwill work. The power of the Egoisour main shelterfrom diseasebecauseit isthe
Egothat releasesB-cellsthat fight disease.Physiologicallyaswell asmetaphorically,the
Ego is a warrior. The other two gates of the Heart Centre are the 51st gate, which
representsthe gall bladder,and the 21st gate, which representsthe heart muscle itself.
Becausewe find all theseorganssystemsof the body within this centre,it isobvious that
it can bethe sourceof many physicalproblems if a person is unawareof its mechanicsin
their individual design.

When we talk about the Heart Centre there is something that is very important to
understand.There is a distinction here between will asenergy - aswe find it here in this
centre - and the philosophical concept of free will. Willpower is a powerful energythat
arises out of the Heart Centre, but free will is something altogether different. As
provocative as it sounds, accordingto Human Design,free will is nothing more than a
myth. Intheir greatvanity, human beingsthink that they havea freewill. And yet, science
has actually shown that everything that we think, say or do is initiated in the deep gray
areasof the brain; lessthan one half-secondbeforewe areconsciouslyawareof it in our
neo cortex. In other words, if I go to move my hand,the neuronsthat sent the message
to move my hand actually fired before I 'decided'to move it. As any Generatorwho lives
their design immediately experiences,free will is an illusion. It is life that chooses.We as

144 RaUru Hu.All RightsReserved2000. Copyright)ovianArchiveEuropa2000.

individualshave no choice.Weare cellswithin a huge organism,and the collective'mind'

of the organism chooses through us.
It is only when we identify with our choices that we actually participate in the great
illusion of free will. When we awaken through living our own design, we are able to step
back from the role we are playing, which is essentially what our design represents.
Through our surrender,we see lifeplayingand choosing, and likegood passengers, we
can sit back and enjoythe ride.'Human beings are reactive rather than creative.Freewill
impliesthat we control our own process,but intruth, we do not. Human beings are here
to manifest consciousnessinform, but they have no control over any of this. Infact, the
veryexpression "freewill"is a contradiction in itself,because willpoweralwayshas to be
directed towards a goal. Thus it can never be free. It has to be related to something that

Another of the great generalisationswe are conditioned to believein concernsthe issue
of willpower.Oursocietiesexpect that we should allhave an endless supply of individual
willpower. However, Human Design shows us again that all such things are
relative.There are those in the world who have consistent accessto willpower.We call
them strong-willed.These are usuallyeither people whose Egois defined and connected
to the Throat or whose Ego is defined and connected to the Sacral.Only through
definition can the Egoand its willpoweremerge consistently.
There are vast numbers of people who are born with undefined EgoCentres,and these
people have inconsistent willpowerby design. Becauseit is human nature to surviveand
succeed, willpowertends to be a value that is exalted, and we are seen as handicapped,
lazy or weak when we do not have this wilful capacity. As in the case with all the
undefined centres, the strength of this kind of conditioning can break a person's spirit,
causing them to suffered terribly within themselves because of what they perceive as
The defined Heart centre, as long as it is either connected to the Sacralor Throat, is
designed to make promises.It isdesigned to commit its willpowerto goals and targets. If
suchpeopledo not use the powerof their Egoin this way,they willnot livetheir full
potential. When a defined Egomakes a promise, you know they have the power to back
it up. Thisdoesn't mean they will necessarilyback it up and keep their promise, but the
point is they have the abilityto do so. This is why it is so important for them to make
promises that they want to keep;otherwise others willsoon losetrust inthem.

People with defined Egos should never let anybody repress their sense of "I". The Ego
tends to have a very bad reputation in the world. Society tends to condition us that the
Ego is arrogant and selfish and should be transcended. For someone with a defined Ego,
this is never possible. A defined centre is a fixed theme from life to death. If you have a

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defined Heart centre in your design, enjoy the fact that you are an egoist! You have a
natural sense of self-valueand self-esteem.There isnothing more human than someone
with a defined Ego.Ifthey commit their energy in a healthy way,they willgiveyou their
absolute loyalty.Defined Egos need to work in life.They have a mechanism inside of
them, which alwaystells them when to work and when to rest.
The Ego is a greatly misunderstood power in the world today. Ironically,it is the
undefined Egosthat havesuppressed the defined Egosinthe world.Egoisan energythat
can appear arrogant, even though that is simply its natural power emerging. Egos are
taught from childhood to represstheir natural sense of power.These are people who are
not easily overruled by others. Ifthey suppress their nature by trying to be 'humble' in
order not to upset others, the chances are they will suffer an illnessof the stomach or

The undefined Heart Centre is always looking for willpower. These are people who are
conditioned to be go-getters when by design they are not. They wish they had the
courage to be willful,and they are determined to prove to themselves and others that
they can be.The undefined Egoalwaysthinks it has something to prove.Theyare always
comparingthemselves to allthe defined Egosand askingthemselves questions like"Why
can't Iget what they have got? Whycan't Ibe faster or better than them? Ironically,such
people havenothing to prove.Aswe haveseen, allhuman beingswant what they are not.
People with undefined Heart centres have to understand that they cannot relyon their
willpowerto be consistent. Ifyou have an undefined Egoand you want to conquer the
world, you had better make sure that the person beside you has a defined Ego,so that
you can take advantage of their conditioning. Peoplewith undefined Egosoften have a
huge problem with self-esteem, undervaluing themselves greatly. However, if they
understandtheirown mechanics,they willsee that there is nothingwrong withthem,
and thus they never need feel a failurein life.
For the undefined Ego, hearing and understanding these dynamics can lead to a real
release in the pressure they put themselves under. Undefined Egos are classic
overachievers.Theytry to out-compete everyoneelse because of the inherent insecurity
they feel in not having a defined Ego.Ofcourse, these people don't knowthat they have
an undefined Ego, and their ignorance leads inevitablyt<;> disaster, usuallybased around
their health. The Heart centre is calledthe Heart centre for good reason. It isthe heart of
what it is to be a human - to work,to make money,to support the familyand the
community, and to be rewarded for doing so. An undefined Ego has to understand its
limits.These are not people who can push their wayforwards in lifebysheer forceof will.
Ifthey forcethemselves inlife,it isusuallytheir heart that paysthe price.Manyundefined
egos end up dyingof heart attacks.

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Let's imagine a scenario:Youhave an undefined Ego,you are a smoker and you want to
give up smoking.Allof a sudden, one day,you see an advertisement for a therapist who
specialisesin empowering people to give up smoking. Yousign up fo'rthe programme.
The only problem is that, unbeknown to you, the therapist has a defined Ego. The
scenario that follows is one..of the classic reasons for what psychology calls 'the
transference of Authority'.You;'the clientsurrender your Authorityto this therapist with
a defined Ego. The reason you surrender is because the conditioning is so strong.
Remember that undefined centres reflect and amplifythe chemistry around them. So,
from the moment you sit down with this therapist, you are being conditioned by their
willpower.When you are with them, you feel such a huge empowerment within your
body, and you are absolutelyconvincedthat you can and willgive up smoking.
Youleavethat person's officewith a great swellingfeelingof powerwithinyou;asthough
you could do anything you pleased. Then, an hour or so later,out of the aura ofthether-
apist, you begin to slideback into your old habit, and beforeyou know it, you are having
a cigarette again. Naturally,you feel weak, guilty and self-judgemental. However,every
time you return to the therapist, you feel the same power welling up within you and
because you keep identifying with it, you keep going back in the hope that you can
somehow make it last. Ofcourse,you cannot fixwhat is not broken inthe first place,and
so you begin to slide into a pattern of feeling inadequate and disappointed in both
yourselfand others. Patterns such asthe one above are incrediblycommon at alllevelsof
our society.The undefined Egoisthe breeding ground for co-dependent relationships.
Reflectionand magnification isa veryimportant realityto grasp.Whenthe therapist said
to you that you could do anything you wanted through the power of your will,and you
believedhim, it wasn't your ownwillpowerthat wascoursingthroughyourbody.Itwas
his willpower, and you were magnifying it through your undefined Ego. It was all
conditioned in you, and the moment that you brokethe aura, you went backto having
an undefined, open Egosystem that operates inconsistently.

The Golden Rule of the undefined Ego is very simple: don't make promises. There is
nothing more damaging to the health of an undefined Egothan tryingto make and keep
a promise.The simplereason for this isthat the undefined Egocan never knowthat they
have the consistency of will to back up their promise. They may be able to force
themselves to keeptheir promise, but at what cost to their own health?These people are
not designed to be wilful, and if they pretend to be (and many of them do a very
convincingimitation), their heart, stomach and immune system may wellpay the price.
The undefined Egoshould simplyavoidputting themselves insituations where they have
to be willful.Wheneverthey make a promisethey can literallybreaktheir heart.

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Therealityis that willpower for the undefined Heart centre is wholly dependent on the
people around them. They can actually take advantage of the conditioning of defined
Egosaround them when they understandtheir own mechanics.They can be even more
competitive than defined Egos, and they can enjoy that competitiveness without
identifying with it. Becausetheir Egois undefined,they can bevery sharpjudges of other
people.They canfeel who iscapableof what within a community, family, organisation or
business.Ultimately their great wisdom is to show others how to value themselvesfor
their own abilities,and how to makethe most out of those abilities by gaining maximum
rewardfor the minimum input of energy.


WHENALONE Has consistent access to will power. No impulse to be wilful.

HEALTHY Has a natural sense of self-esteem. Has no need to make promises in life. Has
AUTHENTIC SELF Handles the competitive field through nothing whatsoever to prove to anyone.
exerting its will power or not. Can thrive Enjoys and takes advantage of the
on the material plane through making conditioning of defined egos
'THE GIFTS' deals, bargains or promises that ensure it is (e.g: competitive field) but can let it go at
valued. Knows that it is here to work, but any time. Loves to spend money.
its true aim is to make enough money so
as not to have to work.

UNHEALTHY Can engender distrust in others if it shies Compares itself unfavourably with defined
THE NOT SELF away from striking a bargain or making a egos and tries to overachieve in life by
promise. Can become illif it allows its will sheer force of will, driven by lack of self
power to be controlled or suppressed. worth. Either believes it is competitive and
'THE TRAPS' However, can lose the trust of the com- damages its heart and stomach, or shies
from competition for fear of losing. Makes
munity if it overvalues its own importance.
promises it can't keep.
Shies away from having to work and loses
its true power and sense of self-esteem.


. TheHeartcentreisapowerfulmotorthat drivesourv-.:illpower.
. It hasveryimportantbiologicalattributes:the heart,stomach,gallbladderandthymus
. Thethemeof ~heHeartcentreisto surviveon the materialplane.
. A definedHeartcentremustkeepitspromisesfor itsownself-esteem.
. TheGoldenRuleof the undefinedegois:don't makepromises.

148 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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In the geographical centre of the human Bodygraph, is a diamond-shaped centre called

the "G".Also sometimes known as the Self Centre, no one knows for sure why it is called
the "G".It is one of the mysteries of the Human Design revelation. What is for sure is that
the G Centre governs our direction in life. It acts like an individualglobal positioning
system within us, holding us on our trajectory as we hurtle through space. As such it is
one of the most important and extraordinarycentres inthe Bodygraph.

To understand the GCentrerequiresan understanding of the magnetic monopole, which
we have already heard about in Part I of this manual. The magnetic monopole, we may
recall,is likea magnet with only one pole, and allthat pole does isattract. The monopole
is rather likethe centre of our galaxy,in that it creates a centre around which all else
revolves.The centre of our galaxyinturn, revolvesaround another greater centre, hidden
from our view. Within this spinning picture, every object has its own monopole, and
together, all the monopoles spin in harmony. In other words, what the magnetic
monopole does is holds us alltogether in increasinglywider fractal patterns that are all
knitted together. It issomewhat similarto being a cellwithin a great body.The monopole
actually creates the illusionthat each cell is separate from each other, even though each

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cell is a tiny fragment of the greater pattern. In this last respect, the G Centre shows us our
individual identity in relation to the whole.
This attractive force that holds everything together in the biverse is the true source of all
love. In other words, love is the force that holds the universe together. In Human Design,
we distinguish different forms of love. There is this greater love that moves us through
life, connecting us to our destiny or geometry. Then there is sexual love, which is rooted
in the emotional system, and finally there is love as attraction, which arises when people
meet each other in a channel. This is called electro-magnetic love. In the G Centre, the
main theme is love of the self. This love pulls everything into its oneness again. As we saw
above, the secondary function of the magnetic monopole is to give us our correct
trajectory in life as we move through space.Thus, the nature of our identity is about love
in movement.


The eight hexagramsof the GCentreform two giant crossesin the zodiac.Both of these
crosseshavenames.The first one is calledthe Crossof the Vesselof Loveand it is made
up offour gates- the 10,15, 25 and 46. The secondcrossiscalledthe Crossof the Sphinx
and is made up of another four gates - the 1,2,7 and 13. The names of these crosses
show us the two great themes of the G Centre;the Vesselof Love being about love and
the Sphinx being about direction.

Loveof the Self

Loveof the Humanity

The Crossof the Vesselof Love representsthe four archetypesof the love of the self,
which we study in depth during the Advancedlevelsof Human Design.

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The Crossof the Sphinx representsthe four archetypesof direction. Its name is derived
from the ancient astrologicalarchetypesof the sphinx:the man (13),the lion (7),the bull
(2) and the ancient sign for Scorpio,the eagle(1).
Thesetwo crossesarevery magical.They areexactlyequal in their distanceto eachother
in the wheel. In order to move from one GCentrehexagramto the next it takesexactly 8
steps.This isbasedon the fact that the Chinesebrokeup the I-Ching into 8 groups which
they called houses, with each house consisting of eight different hexagrams. To
understand this graphically,look carefully at the bottom three lines (calleda trigram) of
eachhexagramaround the wheel.Youwill seethat eachof the eight housesof the wheel
ismade up of hexagramswhose bottom three linesareidentical.In other words,the eight
hexagramsof eachhouse sharethe samefoundation.

The symmetries of the G Centreare endlE7ss. If for instance,you look at the 1st and the
2nd hexagrams,you will seethat they areexact mirrors of eachother.The first hexagram
is all yang lines,while the secondhexagram is all yin lines. No matter where you look in
the wheel and whichever hexagram you look at, you can see its exact mathematical
opposite mirrored in the opposite side. You can see that this wheel is like an ancient
mandalafor all life, asit graphicallyrepresentsthe duality of life.
If you look againat the hexagramsof the Vesselof Love,you will seethat they areall cusp
hexagrams,meaning that they form the points where two astrological signs meet. For
example,you may seethat the 25th hexagramispartly in Piscesand partly in Aries.Thus,
the four hexagramsof the Crossof Lovecovereight zodiacalsigns,whereasthe CrosSof
the Sphinx includesthe other four remaining zodiacalsigns.

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a iI! !i D .. ""

The point of all this geometry is that collectively,the hexagrams of the G Centre
represents the lead hexagram of each of the eight houses of the I-Chingas well as being
directlyconnected to all twelve signs of the zodiac.These eight gates of the G Centre
represent the macrocosm that becomes the microcosm in us. 'Asabove, so below'. The
GCentreiswhere everythingflowsinwardto the magnetic monopole, and the monopole
isthe core of lovewithin each of us.

The sacred geometry of the GCentreis an archetypethat man has unconsciouslyaligned
himselfwith for millennia.The eight hexagrams of the Crossof the Vesselof Lovealso
markthe beginning of the four seasons.
The spring equinoxtakes placewhen the sun isinthe 25th hexagram on March21st. The
summer solsticealwaysoccurswhen the sun is inthe 15th hexagram on the 21st ofJune.
The autumn equinox iswhen the sun isthe 46th hexagram on September 21st and the
winter solsticebegins when the sun enters into the 10th hexagram on December 21st.
Seeingthese patterns rooted inthe GCentreactuallyallowsus to use the Wheelas a kind
of geneticclockto map the cyclesand seasonsof our individuallivesas wellas the
movementanddirectionofthe totality.9

9 If you are interested in this subject further, we recommend the Global Cycles CD from the GeneKeys Special Interest audio series.

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Biologically,the G Centre relates to the liverand to the blood. We know that alcohol is
destructive for the liverand thus it is also destructive for the self.It can literallydestroy a
person's identity.It isalsoof note that once damaged, livercellscannot be replaced.There
is a great tradition in stating the spiritualnature of the liver,which has its root in ancient
Indo-European ideas about the)mportance of the liver.Manyancient cultures believed
that reincarnationtook place through the liver.In Human Designterms, this is correct,
because the magnetic monopole is directly responsible for our incarnating process. It
draws us into the body and it takes us out of the body.


Peoplewith a defined G Centre have a fixed identity.They also have a fixedpotential for
love and a fixed direction in lifeinwhich they haveto trust. Forexample, ifsomeone has
their identity defined through the channel 46/29, known as the Channel of Discovery,
they are hereto discoverwhat lifeis,otherwisethey cannot liveout their true identityand
ultimately be fulfiledin life.
The defined G Centrealwayschases after the undefined G Centrebecause essentiallythe
defined Giseternallylookingfor itself.Inthis sense, it isfundamentally narcissistic.People
with defined G's have a fixed way of being. Their character, morality and culture are
consistent, and because ofthis, they are alwayslookingforsomeone just likethem. When
the defined Gmeets the undefined G,what they actuallymeet is a mirrorof themselves,
and they say to themselves: "They are just likeme. I feel terrificwith them". The most
common relationshipsare those between a defined Gand an undefined G.Thisisjust the
basiclawof being attracted to what you are not.

Because the defined G Centre is a fixed aspect in someone's design, it is impossible for
such people to understand what it is like not to have a fixed sense of self. This difference
can lead to misunderstandings between people with defined and undefined G Centres.
For example, the defined G Centre assumes that the person they are with (who has an
undefined G) is exactly like them, and wh~n the undefined G is in their presence, this is
exactly true. However, the moment the undefined G goes out into the world, their
identity changes depending on whom they are around. This often leads to the defined G
feeling frustrated with the undefined G because they begin to hear that they are living a
double life.Belowis an example of this kindof conditioning. .

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Youcan see from this relationshipthat JiIIdefines Jack's G Centre. It is actually defined
through the 13/33, known as the Channel of the Witness, one of the main themes of
which is retreat. Thus Jack is quite happy living with JiII in their home. He is actually
conditioned by her to stay at home and enjoy the privacy of their life together. However,
the moment Jack walks out of the door of the house, he is released from the
conditioningfield.Then he goes to see hisfriend Bill,who also has a defined GCentrebut
who conditionsJackthrough the 29/46, the Channelof Discovery.SuddenlyJacktakes on
a seeminglynew identity.Heleaveshisrole of being a witness and becomes a pioneer. He
finds himself going out to all kinds of wild parties with his friend Bill.This is how
conditioning works.The irony here is that Bill,in his fixedness,cannot understand why
Jacklivessuch a boring home life,and JiIIthinks Billissimplya bad influenceofJack.Both
think they know the 'real'Jack.Peoplewith defined G Centresreallydo have a fixed way
of being, and as long as they accept that that isthem, they can alwaysfind fulfilment.

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jack's GCentre



Fromthe above example, you can have a fairlygood impressionof what it might be like
to have an undefined G Centre.With his undefined G Centre,jack has no fixed sense of
identity.In other words, he changes, and often quite dramatically,depending on who is
connecting up hisG Centreand how.The truth is,no one knowsthe 'real'jack, and least
of alljack. Peoplewith undefined G Centreshave no fixed sense of identity or direction.
Such people have to understand that there is nothing wrong with having no fixed
identity.Forinstance,it can be verydifficultfor them to feelcomfortablewith a singlerole
in life, but this need not be a handicap. The undefined G Centre is like a chameleon,
blending with whomever they are around and fitting in everywhere, but at the same
time, nowhere.


Ifyou have an undefined G Centre,it simplyisn't possiblefor you to know who you are.
Youare no one and everyone. In a nutshell, you are whomever you are with; since the
person standing next to you is conditioning which role you are playing.Therefore the
great conditioningfor the undefined GCentreisto try and seekwho they are. Remember,
human beings alwayswant to be what they are not, and the undefined G Centrewants
to find a fixed identity in life. They really want to know who they are. Because Qf
generalisations,it isassumed bymost people that you aresupposed to knowwho you are
and what you want in life,and especiallyin the New Age. People think there must be
something wrong with them if they don't know who they are and what they are
supposed to do in life.
Forthe undefined GCentre,not knowingwho you are is not a handicap.It isnot the same
as not knowinghow you operate. Aslongas you understand your inherent designand its

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mechanics,you have no need to philosophicallyguess what your nature is.Youare who

you are with, and it always changes. So many people with undefined G Centres spend
their whole lives trying to get to the bottom of who they are. This is why the
understanding of one's design can be such a profound liberation.Havingan undefined G
Centre means that you can embrace anyone because you mirror who they are. This
doesn't mean that you have to likethem or dislikethem. It simply means that you can
identifywith them and they immediatelyfeel comfortablewith that. The undefined G is
rather likebeing on a divinestage. Youget to wear allthe costumes and playallthe roles,
but underneath you willalwaysknowthat you are acting.


With its eightfold sacred geometry, the G Centre acts rather like a compass within us,
locating both where we are,and where we need to go next. It is no wonder then, that so
many undefined G Centres spend their lives feeling lost, since they do not have an
internalcompassthat tellsthem where to go and what to do. The undefined GCentrehas
an inner compass that only spins accordingto the G Centres of other people. In other
words,with an undefined G,your direction inlifeisentirelyinfluencedby others, whether
you likeit or not, or whether you know it or not. Thesepeople are deeply impressionable
to other people who define their G Centre, and it is very easy for them to become
immersed in somebody else's identity and life.

There isa GoldenRulefor the undefined GCentre,which is:'Ifyou are inthe wrong place,
then you are with the wrong people'. This simple mantra is all about place. Aswe have
seen, the undefined G is conditioned to go in certain directions accordingto the people
they meet in life.Inthis sense, they are designed to be guided by others, though not in
the normal sense of the word. By experiencing different directions coming through
different people, the undefined G learnswhich direction is right. The secret to knowing
which direction is right isthe physicalplace you end up in. Ifyour inner compass doesn't
feel right ina certain house, restaurant, country or workplace,then the one who took you
there was not the right person.


Undefined G Centres have to see the beauty of their mechanics. Everybodywho has a
defined G Centre is their servant! Allthe defined G's show them where everything is,
taking them to the important people, places or jobs. This is the great advantage of the
undefined GCentre.They never haveto worryabout where to go, because it isalwaysup
to others. That is a wonderful thing to know,and simplyknowing the mechanicsof this
willchange their life.Instead of feeling lost, the undefined Gcan enjoywhat is shown to
them. Theycan enjoythe placesthey are brought to, and they can take advantage of the
guidance of others. Iffor example,you have an undefined G Centreand you are looking

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for a new placeto live,allyou need do iscalleither your friends or a few agenciesand tell
them. Then you sit back,wait and experiencewhat others have selected for you.Just by
physicallygoing to each place,you willknow immediatelywhichone isright for you.This
is simplysomething you feel by being there.
Furthermore, if someone has found the right flat for you, you have to understand that
you don't owe them anything.Youdon't haveto become their partner ortheir friend,and
you don't need to hold on to them just becausethey were of seNice.Youeither pay them
for their seNice,or ifthey happen to be a friend, you simplythank them. This isthe way
the open G Centre loses its vulnerability.Ifyou ever try to locate your own flat, or try to
find your own direction in life,you are always vulnerable. If you have a undefined G
Centre, then your gift is ultimately to be able to recognise what is the right direction by
experiencing many different directions.

The final big theme of the G Centre is love.Whereas the defined G Centre has a fixed
experience of love,the undefined G is always uncertain about it. There is nothing more
tantalising to an undefined G Centrethan a person who brings a sense of love into their
life.The undefined G is forever trying to hold on to love in their life.They can be very
uncomfortable with the fact that both loveand a sense of directionfor them comes and
goes. It can make them very unhappy and leavethem with a sense of feeling lost. They
have times intheir liveswhen they knowwhere to go and other times where they don't.
It isso important to understand that this does not mean that they cannot find consistent
love in their life.Rather,for the undefined G, love is something that is alwaysa mystery
because it alwayscomes from others, and it comes in many guises and roles.Theysimply
have to be verypatient and wait to see what kind of love lifeoffers them. The moment
they stop trying to chase after love,they allow it to come to them, and when it comes,
they alwaysknowwhether it isright for them or not.


As you can see, the undefined G has many traps to avoid and many gifts to offer.These
people have to let go of trying to direct t,heirlife.They have to surrender to something
outside of them, and when they do so, they can reallysee the eternal dance of life.They
can see the vast movement of all the monopoles around them in all beings. They also
have to understand that they are never going to have a fixed identity in their life.That
does not matter, nor does it make any differenceto them. The most important point
about the undefined G Centre is that they are not here to initiate. They are here to be
initiated by others. When they are able to accept this about themselves, their true
potential emerges.
So many of the dilemmas that haunt the human experience are simply the result of
ignorance.In not understanding the mechanics,one is so easilypropagandised by other
people, by books, teachings or philosophies.The greatest potential of the undefined G is

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to truly understand the nature of love and the nature of direction, and direction in the
larger sense of the word - the direction of humanity - where we are all going together.
However,the vast majority of undefined G's lead a lifeof uncertainty.They lead a life in
which they are afraid more than anything of never finding love, and a lifein which they
are never reallycertain that they are going in the right direction, Ultimately,there is no
better guide inlifethan an undefined GCentre.Byletting go of their need for identityand
love,they are ableto step into anyone else'sshoes and offertruly loving,correctguidance.


NATURALSTATE Fixed sense of self.
WHEN ALONE No fixed sense of identity.

HEALTHY Has a reliable sense of self and knows what Deep sensitivity to environment and
STRATEGY OF THE location. Knows it will never know who it
AUTHENTIC SELF it is able to give. Has a defined way of
offering love and does not need to cling to is. Enjoysthe mystery of playing many
love coming from another because it roles that are conditioned by others and
'THEGIFTS' always knows it can return to itself. Has an surroundings. Allows others to be
ability to know where and how it wants to way-showers without becoming attached
make its progress. Potentially has a defined to them. Surrenders to not knowing
sense of its quest or mission in life. where it is going next. Allows love to
come and go without holding on to it.
UNHEALTHY Can get depressed if it represses what it Tends to get lost in who or what it has
THE NOT SELF knows deep down about itself, in order to merged with. Tries to find and hold on to
please others. Can behave/feellike an love, and to assume a strong identity often
drawn from others. Worries about not
undefined G if it has never got to know
'THE TRAPS' itself. Will feel lost and have no sense of its being in control of its own life, and tries to
latch onto things and people that give it a
place or direction in life.
false sense of security and solidity.


. The G Centrehas two themes: loveand direction

. Its biologicalattributes are the liverand the blood.
. The hexagrams of the GCentreare allan equal distance from each other. (45 degrees)
. The defined GCentrehas a fixed identityand thus a fix~dway of experiencingtheir self.
. The undefined G Centre experiences love and direction through the conditioning of
defined G Centres.
. The GoldenRuleof the undefined GCentre:'if you are inthe wrong place,you are with
the wrong people'.

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Just as we began our journey through the centres with a pressure centre, we end our
journey with a pressure centre. Wehave travelledfrom the Root to the Head.Just as the
Root centre representsthe pressure of the form to stay aliveand evolve,the Headcentre
representsthe pressure of consciousnessto find its way deep into the form. Aswe saw at
the beginning,we humans are ina pressuresandwich.Wehaveseen how our directionon
the material plane is focussed through the power of the Ego Centre, and how our
direction as an evolvingspecies is focussed through the Lovewithin the G Centre.Now
we can see how our direction as a consciousnessis focussed through the mind through
the medium of the Headcentre.

The Head centre is unique within the Bodygraph.Although it is a mirror of the Root
centre, it does not have accessto any centre other than than the mind,which it dulyputs
unQercontinual pressure.This is the verypressure of consciousness itself.This continual
pressure that the Head centre exerts of the Ajna centre ensures that the human mind
cannot stop thinking and therefore evolving.It iswhat we know as inspiration.
Thispressure of inspirationis often a difficultpressure to deal with. It can bring about a
great deal of mental anxiety,because inspirationis alwaysabout what has not yet been
grasped.Thisiswhythere must be doubt and confusionthat come with the pressure.On
the other side, there is a genuine sense of wonder and mystery that can follow the

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inspirationalprocessas it emerges from the Head centre.The moment that this pressure
is present, in other words,when the Headcentre is defined, it creates the pressure on the
brainto conceptualiseand make sense of the inspiration.
Inspirationis rooted in both our visualand acousticlife.It comes from within us, but only
as a result of experience.In other words, you see something or you hear something, it
goes through you, and suddenly it comes backto you as a question. Something that you
see or hear creates a mental pressurewithin you that you have to somehow resolve,and
this pressurecan lead to a deep anxiety.

The Head centre is associated with the pineal gland. It is the outlet from the deep grey
areas of the brain into our neo-cortex. It opens up into the Ajna centre where our
pituitary glands are,the master endocrine glandsfor the functioning of our body system.
One wayto understand the function of the pinealgland isto imagine it as a kindof bor-
der guard. Itsits in its littlebox on the border,and it has a flap that it can liftup and down
to allow passage in and out of its border. In other words, it filters information between
the deep grayareas and the neo-cortex.Thisispreciselywhat happens between the Head
and Ajnacentres.
What people normallyassume when they hear the word "inspiration"isthat it is coming
from the outside. However,as we have seen, it actually comes from insideus, sincethe
vast majority of our mental processes actually take place in the dark. We don't know
anything about them. Morethan 90%of our mental processtakes place inthe deep gray
areas of the brainwhere we have absolutely no accessto them. Inspirationcomes from
within as a result of experience.
There are three basicpressures inthe Head centre:


64 - To Make Sense of
61 - ToKnow
63 - To Understand

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Someone with a defined Head centre always creates the potential for inspiration in their
environment.They actuallyput everyoneelse under pressureto think! How they
condition others is dependent on the nature of their definition in the ~.ieadcentre. They
can inspire flashes of inspiration (61/24), they can invoke doubts and/or answers (63/4)
or they can create confusion and/or resolution concerning the past. Such people are
always fueling a specificconceptualising process, which means that there is a mental
pressure in these people to understand, make sense or know exactly what their
inspirationis about. The bottom line isthat they cannot stop thinking, and they are not
designed to! The final point of importance regardingthe Head centre is that it is not a
motor, not does it directlyconnect to one. Infact, it ismore cut offfrom the four motors
than any other centre inthe Bodygraph.Peoplewith defined Headcentres should always
heedthiswarning:inspirationisnot about doing- it is about reviewing.

The anxietyof the Headcentre isessentiallythe anxietythat comes with tryingto explain
a deep concept that you see within your mind. The anxiety is about whether you can
communicate your innerconcept clearlyto someone else.


Inthe example above, you can see a verycommon configuration in Human Design.
Notice that the Head centre is defined to the Ajna centre but there is no connection
through to the Throat. In such cases,there is a terrificmental pressure on this person to
expresstheir thought process. Everytime they are able to expressthe innerworkings of
their mind,they willfeel a temporary release inthe pressure.Ironicallyhowever,without
the consistent connection to the Throat, these people can never say what they want to
say when they want to say it. Theyare dependent on others to condition the timing and

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style of their expression.Thisisthe design of anxiety,and it isalsothe design of someone

who can be enormously inspiringfor others. The price you pay for being inspiringto
others is this continual pressure to make sense of your own thought process. 50 often,
these people can feel very uncomfortable.They can suffer from headaches or migraines
or problems with their eyes. This does not mean to say that they are unhealthy or that
they cannot be deeplyfulfiled.Asever,it is simplya matter of honouring one's Typeand
This kind of mind, being cut off from the Throat, is known as a projected mind. Ifyou
have such a mind in your design, the keyfor you is to wait for others to invite you to
speak. If you have the courage to resist the pressure to speak, your aura will do the
talking, and the pressure of your Head centre will actuallyforce the other to inviteyou
into a conversation.



If you have an undefined Head centre, then the process by which you conceptualise is
always conditioned from the outside. Think about that for a moment. It means that
other people influencethe way you actuallythink. Inother words,you have no fixedstyle
of thinking. Youmay have a fixedstyleof expressionlikethe example above (the channel
from the mind to the Throat), but you cannot think in a consistently similar pattern.
These people are conditioned in terms of what inspires them. What fuels their
conceptualising process is coming from the outside. An undefined Head centre suffers
from a mental pressure,which is simply not theirs but is conditioned and magnified in
them wheneverthey step into the aura of a defined Headcentre. Ifyou have an undefined
Head'centre and you think there isa mental concept that you need to somehow resolve,

162 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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you are probably being conditioned, either by someone else, or the transit of a planet. All
you need to do is relax and allow it to pass. Otherwise, you will end up with your head in
a complete spin because you are trying to understand something that is unnecessary to
understand. The resulting anxiety can be very uncomfortable for you because you have
no fixed way of processing these nagging questions within you.
Conditioning is not the enemy. Ignorance of conditioning is. Any conditioned field can
bring positive impact, including the Head centre. What is essential to grasp is that we
cannot afford to give Authority to what we are not. In other words, somebody can
pressurise us at the mental level to think about a certain dilemma that has to be resolved.
But if it is not our dilemma and it is not our Authority, then it is not our responsibility to
carry that burden that we cannot resolve in the first place.

The sameconditioned patterns in the Head centre operate in the sameway in the Root
centre. However,when you know what is you and what isn't you, you have a huge
advantage in life becauseyou don't have to get lost in the pressure.You can take
advantage of it or avoid it altogether. In recognisingwhat you are not, you can totally
eliminate its pull over you. The net result is a great potential for wisdom. In the Head
centre,this wisdom isthe potential to be ableto recognisewhose aura really is inspiring,
and whose aurasimply leavesyou feeling confused or pressured.
As human beings,it isa fact that we areunder constant stress.Weareunder stressto stay
alive and remain healthy through the Root centre, and we are under pressure to
communicate and inspire each other through the Head centre. These are the two
essentialprocessesthat humanity is designedto go through - evolution and involution
- to grow and know.

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Continualpressureto resolvethought
Lackof mental pressure
HEALTHY Acceptsmental pressurewithout trying to Knowsthat questionsareneverits own
STRATEGYOFTHE questions.Thereforedoesn't take on the
AUTHENTIC SELF turn it into action or escapeit. Knows
confusion,doubt and clarityasnatural pressureof other people'sneedfor
processeswith their own innertiming and answers.Alwaysopen to new insightsand
'THEGIFTS' resolution.The ability to uplift and mental sparkscoming from who is in its
empower otherswith both insightsand aura,and lovesto be "filled" with
inspiration. inspiration.Enjoysthe pressureto know
more without becoming identified with it,
or overwhelmedby it. Withdrawswhen
confusedor doubtful. Canknow clearly
who is inspiring andwho is confusing.
UNHEALTHY Turnsmental pressurein on itself, allowing Caneasilybecomelost or overwhelmedby
THENOTSELF itself to bedriven into deepanxiety,self- doubt and confusion which actually
doubt or depressionwhen it can't resolve belongsto others. Endsup trying to
the pressure.Attempts to resolvethe resolveother people'squestions.Takeson
the worriesof others and triesto release
'THETRAPS' pressurethrough outside action, making
mental pressurethrough action ("I want
hastyand inappropriatedecisions.Inability
this resolvednow"). Unableto cleanthe
to remainpatient, resultingin missed
headout and relaxin its own space.
opportunities for inspiration.

. The Head centre is a pressure centre but not a motor.
. The Head centre's theme is inspiration.
. Its biological attribute is the pineal gland.
. It fuels the mental conceptualising process.
. The defined Head centre has a fixed inspiration.
. The undefined Head centre is inspired by who is in their aura.

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This third and final Part of the Living Design manual is really the most practical and
accessibleinformation you will learn.Whether you are using this programme to further
your own personalinterest in HDor whether you intend to train to the next levelor even
the professionallevel,this information about Type,Strategyand Authority isthe essence
of Human Design itself. This is the information that changespeople's lives. No matter
how keenyou may be to learn more about the depth and detail of Human Design,it all
comesbackto Type,Strategyand Authority in the end. If all you cantell someone ishow
their Type works and what their Authority is, you are giving them the most powerful
information they can ever receivefrom anyone.The simplest truths arealwaysthe most
The majority of this section of the manual is focused on Type. Strategy is in fact a
by-product of Type,sinceyou can only accessyour strategy by first knowing your Type.
We havealsodiscussedAuthority, our own unique decision-makingprocess,throughout
this manual. Authority is a deeply complex subject that is fully covered in the
professional Analyst programme. However,you can find a brief summary of the main
Typesof Authority after the following section on Type.

According to the current statistics, the human population is made up of an estimated
6 billion people. Despite this incredible diversity, Human Design reveals that we are in fact
not nearly so complex as we like to think. According to detailed and verifiable statistical
analysis of thousands of birth charts, it has been shown that there are only four basic
Types of human beings. Despite the fact that each Type still has millions of different
variations, it is classified by a pattern that is very simple to understand, and each Type has
a strategy that is very easy to follow. The four names given to the Types are: Manifestors,
Generators (including Manifesting Generators), Projectors and Reflectors.
Type is the most important aspect of Human Design. By only knowing your Type, you can
immediately begin the process of finding out your own nature. It is a tool to help you
accept yourself and recognize your own values. To live your Type is to release your true
being into life. It is nothing lessthan being yourself. Your Type and its strategy are rather
like the user's manual that goes with your particular genetic vehicle. It allows you to live
the life you were born to live.
As you may already have begun to see, Human Design is a vast and complex science with
many far-reaching implications. However, the simplicity of this system is revealed in the
ease of its practical application to any human being's life. Essentially, all you need to know
in life are two things - your Type and your Authority. Whilst your Authority governs your
decision making process, your Type is the mechanical strategy stamped within your
genes. It governs how you enter into any situation in life. Authority comes after that,
when,you are required to make an actual decision. By only knowing these two things
about yourself, your life can be healthy and deeply fulfilling.

166 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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AUTHORITY;a summaryl
As you can see from the illustration below, there are in fact, a total of eleven different
modes of Authority within the field of Human Design. Each type of Authority represents
a different way of making decisions. However, for the purpose of simplicity, we have only
discussed the most common types of Authority in this training. These are summarised
briefly below:

1. EmotionalAuthority- Waitout the emotional wave before making any kindof

2. Sacral Authority - Wait to respond, ensuring that you are not being
conditionedby someone near you to take a decision
3. SplenicAuthority- Followyour spontaneous instinct without hesitation
4. No Authority - Reflectorsand mental Projectors - talk your decisions
over with as many different people as possible before
decidingon a course of action

'For those who are interested in exploring the subject of Authority in more depth, we recommend
'Authority' from the PersonalStudy Seriesin the GeneKeysaudio library.

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168 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Many people are deeply skeptical when they first hear about Human Design. To many it
looks likeanother 'new age' self help system or cult. If you know anything about Human
Design, you know that it is nothing but practical, and all you have to do is try it. You can
study Human Design for the rest of your life and never get to the essence if you don't
actually apply it in your own life. It isn't about believing in anything. It is about
experimentation. Allyou need io do isto experiment with the pattern and the strategy
of your Typeto see its power inaction. Overninety percent of the world's population has
a design to wait, and over ninety percent of those people have probably never tried
waiting. Experimentation relievesyou from trusting in something. Youget to test it for
yourselfand then you find out whether it'svalid.Most Human Designwebsites now have
a free chart service,which means that anyone can easilyfind out whichTypethey are and
immediatelybegin their experiment with their design.


Manifestor Generator Manifesting Projector Reflector

Type is derived from definition in the Bodygraph, and in its classification, it is both the
Throat Centre and the Sacral Centre that play the key roles. There are only two basic
possibilities that determine Type - there are energy types and there are non-energy types.
In order to be an energy type, you must have either a defined Sacral Centre and/or a
motor center connected to the Throat. (The 4 motors are: the Sacral (the primary life
force energy), the Heart/Ego (the ego, will power), the Root (the adrenal pressure) and
the Solar Plexus (the emotional system ).In order to fit into the non-energy category, you
cannot have either a motor defined to the Throat or a defined Sacral. Any other configu-
ration in the body graph will confirm that you are a non-energy type. The two energy
types are the Manifestor and the Generator and the two non-energy types are the
Projector and the Reflector.
Type in Human Design has nothing to do with the many personality types found in
popular or esoteric psychology. We are talking about the existence of four distinct
genetic Types, which determine our psychology, health, sexuality, relationships and even
our dream life.This Type structure establishes the genetic order of the totality.
We will discuss each Type by looking at it through a variety of different lenses: Technical
Definition, Role in History, Gift and Handicap, Strategy, Relationship, An individual
Example, Metaphor, and Some famous examples. At the end of the section on each Type

Human Design International Training Manuals. 169

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there is also a piece entitled The Red Issue'. This is a series of articles on each of the Types
by the author. These short articles represent a living response to knowing each of the
Types and watching them in the real world.

170 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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To be a Manifestor,you have to have one or more of three motors directlyor indirectly
connected to the throat, and the SacralCentrecannot be defined. Inother words, ifeither
the Heart/Ego, Solar Plexus or Root Centres are defined and connected to the Throat
Centre,you have a Manifestor.Statisticallycomprising only 8% of the population, the

Eachofthe fourTypesinterlockswitheachother,creatinga naturalgenetichierarchyon
our planet. These evolutionarygenetic roles are currentlyundergoing major changes as
we transform from being a seven-centred being to a nine-centred being.Historicallyand
mythicallyspeaking,the role of the Manifestorhas alwaysbeen that of the kingor high
priest. Theyhave ruledthroughout history,simplybecause they are the onlypure 'doers'
and thus it has been easy for them to gain all the power and authority. They have
established the basic human laws,and allthe spiritual and material hierarchiesthat we
see today are a result of their attempt to maintain control in order to avoid being
challenged. This is a distinctly patriarchal and male energy, known as the Yang/Yang
principle.Becauseof the current evolutionarychanges, the traditional rule of Manifestors
is coming to an end. Geneticallyspeaking, the age of the Manifestorcame to an end in
1781 around the time the planet Uranuswas discovered.

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The one Typethat everybodydreams of being isthe Manifestor.This is because it isthe
one Typethat is immediatelycapable of acting on its words. Manifestorsare designed to
'do', as opposed to the other three Types, who are all designed to wait. Thus, the
Manifestor'sgift isjust this - to act independentlywithout waiting. Becauseof this gift,
it often seems to Manifestorsas though the rest of the world is somehow going in slow
motion. The Manifestorcan get things done without interacting with other people, and
inthis respect, Manifestorsdo not easilyfit within society,as they are alwaysperceivedas
It is because Manifestorsare designed to operate 'independently' within the hierarchical
structure of the four Types,that their very gift often becomes their greatest handicap.
Societyholds a general concept that all human beings should depend on each other, and
society doesn't likeexceptions.This is why Manifestorsare usuallyvehemently resisted
from the moment they are born. They are regarded as dangerous and unpredictable,
which ironicallyiswhy everyone idolizesthem.

Let'sfirst talk about how Manifestorchildrenare treated bytheir parents. The parents of
Manifestorchildrenareoften stressed, becausefrom a veryearlyage, their childrenappear
to be beyond control. Theydo not behave likethe other childrenthey compare them to,
and thus many parents attempt to deal with this problem using hard discipline.
Unfortunately,Manifestorsdo not respond wellto enforced controls,sincetheir nature is
to be independent. Froma veryearlyage, most Manifestorsreceivethe message that they
are not permitted to be themselves, and the result is a latent anger that builds inside
them as their self-esteem slowlygets eaten away.The irony is that most parents think
they are doing the best for their child by discipliningthem in this way, and yet for the
Manifestor,it feels likebeing put insidea cage.
Depending on their conditioning, Manifestor children will respond to this kind of
enforced control in one of two ways - they either rebelor conform. Ifthey rebel,they will
rebelagainst the whole world,and the chancesarethat they willend up feelingangryand
cut off from other people. Theywillbegin to believethat they need no one and that no
one needs them. Ifthey conform, they willdeeply represstheir rage and livea lifebased
on fear.The greatest fear of the Manifestoristhat they willbe punished simplyfor being
who they are.
So how should parents react when they discoverthey have a Manifestorfor a child?They
need to realizethat they have a childthat willneed different standards from most other
children. All children need some discipline, but the parent needs to understand the
sensitivityof their childto discipline.Everytime they tell their childnot to 'do' something,
itwillfeel asthought the world has cavedinto that child.Thus,parents need to treat their
Manifestor children with respect. They have to teach them to simply ask permission
before they do something. That way, they won't be so hurt when they are denied

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172 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

permission to do something. Furthermore, ifthe parents do have to deny them permis-

sion,they alwayshaveto give a sincereand logicalreason whythey cannot do that thing.
Manifestor children need to learn good manners and courteous behaviour more than
other children,they can protect their childrenfrom being hurt and punished later intheir

When we talk about strategy in Human Design,we are talking about behaving in such a
way so as to eliminate resistance and support the process of becoming oneself. Your
strategy is not a philosophy or a gimmick. It is simplythe way in which your vehicle is
geneticallydesigned to operate. Thisiswhy ifyou don't liveyour strategy,you feel unful-
filledand cannot find true peace in life.
The Manifestor'sstrategy is different accordingto their age. As a child,they should be
guided to ask permission before they do something. As an adult they have to inform
others beforethey do something. Thisistheir law.Thisistheir wayto eliminate resistance
in their livesand to protect themselves from being alienated and misunderstood. When
they obey th is law,they willlearnfor themselves what a differenceit makesto their lives.
Peoplestop resistingtheir actionsand support them. Thismay seem so simplefor a
Manifestor,but you have to understandhow difficultit is for them to tell anyone
anything before they do it. It issimplynot something that occursto them, and they often
resent having to inform others of their actions. However,if the Manifestor has the
courage to experiment with this strategy, they will find out for themselves what a
differenceit makes.
Remember,it is never too late to start being who you reallyare. When you start living
your Type,you willsee how rewardingthat can be. Youdiscoversomething insideof you
that was alwayshidden due to conditioning.Youfind that place insideyourselfthat you
can alwaystrust to knowwhat to do about anything in life.Yourstrategy isa wayto dis-
coveryour uniqueness so that you no longer have to compare yourselfto others. It lets
you know that it really is okay to simply be you. The other thing that your strategy
ensures is that you willfind your inner essence and learn what the true purpose of your
lifereallyis.Thesethings naturallyunfold 'tihen you begin to followyour strategy.

For every Type, there is an emotional version. Emotional Manifestors have to wait out
their wave before they know when, why and whom they should inform about what. The
defined Solar Plexus means that they always have to await clarity first, so the emotional
Manifestor can't just do, since they cannot know what they are about to do is correct in
that moment. It can feel like a real burden for such people to hold back the emotional
energy and wait. However, it always pays off in the end.

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EachTypehas a specialarchetypalquestion.The Manifestor'squestion is "WillI be
allowed?"Asdoers, they don't need anybody to act and therefore they are deeply reluc-
tant to ask others. They can feel as though they are giving over their power to others
when they inform,so they usuallydon't bother informingand just take what they want
when they want it. Theirgreatest fear iscompounded inthose words "WillIbe allowed?"
Most Manifestorsneverlearnhow to askor how to inform,and thus they do end up being
punished, which feeds their distrust of others, and so the circlecontinues.

BecauseManifestorsare able to do what they want to do when they want to, this is how
they tend to behavewhen it comes to relationships.Especiallyinmen, this can emerge as
an attitude of: "Youare mine. I am taking you". Relationshipsthat begin inthis way will
end in disaster. Added to this, Manifestors have a latent theme of anger carried from
childhood, thus ifthey do not enter into a relationshipcorrectly,they bring this theme
into the relationship.Manyproblems of violence in relationshipsstem from Manifestors
who did not followtheir strategy to begin with. Manifestors need to be courteous and
inform the other person that they want them. Thisis the hardest thing in the world for
Manifestorsto do! It usuallymakes them angryjust to think about it - "Whydo I haveto
tell her? Doesn't she know?Doesn't she see it?"...
AllManifestorshave to facetheir initialfearswhen they informsomeone that they loveor
want to be with them. Theydo not know how they willbe answered.Theysimplyhaveto
trust inthe integrityoftheir strategy.Ifit doesn't workout, itwould neverhaveworkedout.
Let'stake an exampleof how a Manifestornot informingcan damage a relationship:
A Manifestor is sitting with his partner and they are watching lV. The Manifestor is a
smoker,and he finds he isout of cigarettes, so accordingto hisnature, he simplygoes out
to get a new pack at the shop down the road.The moment he leaves,his partner begins
to worryabout where he may have gone. Manifestorsare totally unpredictable, and she
has no idea where he may have gone. These are the kindof fears that a Manifestoraura
can elicit. Sothe partner beginsto get reallyangry and imaginesall kindsof scenarios in
which the Manifestor is playing out her fears. All of this is totally unknown to the
Manifestor,who comes backfrom the shop smilingwith a pack of cigarettes. Ofcourse,
when he returns five minutes later, he faces a storm of anger and protest - "Wherehave
you been? Whydo you alwaysdo that? Whydidn't you say where you were going?"The
Manifestorisabsolutelyshocked because in his mind all he did was innocentlygo out for
a packet of cigarettes. Hehas no way of understanding why hispartner turns that minor
incident into such a drama. Then the fireworksbegin and a shouting match ensues, in
which all the Manifestor's stored rage from childhood erupts. Everytime a Manifestor
encounters this kindof resistance,it brings up allthe anger from their childhood.
Allalong, some simple information would have averted the crisis.Ifthe Manifestorhad
simply informed his partner "I'mjust going out for ten minutes to get some cigarettes",
there would be no resistanceand no crisis.

174 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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George Bush is a Manifestor. If we look at his design, we can seethat he has the Solar
PlexusCentre connected directly to his throat, which is in turn, connected to the Ajna
Centre.Becausethere areno breaksin the energeticflow of channelsin his design,he isa
single definition emotional Manifestor.
Let's now look at his design in the light of everything we have learnedthus far in this

Looking at Bush'sdesign,we may notice that a great dealof hisdefinition iscoloured red.
This meansthat theseparts of his designwere imprinted from his unconscious.Wherever
you seesomething coloured in red, that is a part of your nature that operatesasthough
it were in a tunnel, in other words, it operatesunconsciously.Unconsciousdefinitions can
either be great gifts in life, or they can be very disturbing. The most powerful channel in
Bush'sdesign,the 35/36 channelofTransitorinessistotally unconscious.This meansthat
Bush himself may not easily identify with being an emotional person, nor will he easily
identify with being a Manifestor. His emotions emerge out of a tunnel, sometimes
surprisinghimself and others with their unexpectedpower. If you alsohappento havean
emotional system likethis (defined by a redchannel)then it can beextremely difficult for
you to know what you are feeling in any given moment. Bush has an extremely deep

Human Design International Training Manuals. 175

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emotional nature, but most of the time he may appear unclear or hazy,since his emo-
tional wave is alwaysmoving inwaysthat he himselfcannot see.


Bush has emotional Authority.This means that his decision making process is primarily
govemed by how he feels about things emotionally. As we know, the Solar Plexus
operates in a wavefrequencythat prevents anyone who has it definedfrom knowingany-
thing in the Now.He is designed to take time in making his decisions.Becausehis Solar
Plexusdefinition is also unconscious,he willneed to give himselfeven longerto be clear
about hisdecisions.Thisisthe kindof person who potentiallyhas enormous powerwhen
he is making other people wait for his decisionto be clear.Hisnatural decision making
strategy isto 'play hard to get' before he makes a cleardecision.

Because of the way we are conditioned, we do not naturally come to our decision-
making capacity easily. Bush has many undefined centres, which represent his
conditioning field.Weshall lookat each of these in turn to see how easilyhe can be led
awayfrom his Authority.Giventhat hisemotional definition is connected directlyto the
Throat Centre,he ismost likelyto react emotionallyto situations, rather than waiting for
clarityto emerge in its own time. Becausehe isalsoa Manifestor,he willverylikelyact out
his emotions without waiting, which can be verydangerous for both himselfand those
around him.
We have also noted that Bush has the Ajna Centreconnected as part of his manifesting
definition. This means that he will naturally try to manifest what his mind thinks. We
already know that the mind has no natural inner Authority to make decisions. In
combination with such a powerfulemotional system that doesn't knowwhat it isfeeling
most of the time, Bush's mind is his own worst enemy. Whenever he feels unclear, his
mind will attempt to assume control of the situation by forcing a premature decision,
which will then eventually turn against him.

Bush'scorrectstrategyas an emotionalManifestoris to wait to be clearand then to
inform when he is clear, and only then to finally act. If he". doesn't respect the mechanics
of his design he willonly ever meet resistance and rejectionfrom others. This is not the
design of a rash man. Thisisthe design of a man who can be deeplystable within himself
in times of crisis,This is the design of a man who will make everyone around him wait
until a true resolutionemergesovertime. Then he can be sure of his own ideasand
thoughts and can deliverthem clearly,at the correcttime, making sure everyone isfully
informed of everything he intends to do.

176 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Bush has many undefined centres,three of which ate motors (Root, Sacraland Ego),
which means that energetically he will be deeply conditioned by those around him.
Through the Root Centre, Bush will be conditioned by the pressure'of other people's
stressto makedecisionsbefore he is readyto do so.Through the Ego,hewill either make
decisionsout of a basiclackof self-worth or believehimself highly competitive when this
is clearlynot the case.Through"the SacralCentre,Bushwill be conditioned to give more
than he is capableof giving, and he will probably believe himself to have more energy
than he actually does.All this conditioning can leadto exhaustion and ill health.
Through the undefined G Centre,Bushwill be far more susceptiblethan he thinks to the
idealsof those around him, and if those around him do not respecthis Authority, they
will finally condition him to be someone he doesn't really like. Through the undefined
Spleen,he is conditioned to want to be spontaneousand decisive,which will be directly
detrimental to his own immune system. Finally,through the undefined Head Centre,
Bush may have a tendency to need mental answersto questions that confuse him or
causehim doubt. Ironically,his mind is not hereto answerhis own doubts, rather to per-
ceivewhich doubts areworth listening to and which are not.

Wealwaysneedto rememberthat most Manifestorsareuncontrollable and dangerousin
an unhealthy way, becausethey do not follow their strategy. If you look at their open
centres,you canalwaysseewhere their weak points are.Peoplealwayslive out what they
are not. Thus, most Manifestors are deeply unhappy becausethey suffer from being
controlled. However,when you tell a Manifestor how their life is supposedto look, they
alwaysknow you are right, somewheredeep insidethem.
Everyone of these open centresin Bush'sdesign hasthe capacityfor wisdom, but only
when he follows his strategy and Authority.
The undefined Root Centre can give Bush a natural air of calm when he is not
succumbing to other people's pressure.He is designed to ride through stressful times
without being deeply affected. Likewisethe undefined Sacralwill enable Bushto clearly
'read' the energypatterns of others, seeingwho is capableof doing what work and how.
Peoplewith undefined SacralCentresarenot reallyhereto do hardwork. If Bushisableto
harness his manifesting potential, he will achieve an enormous amount in a much
shorter time than those around him. Havingan undefined EgoCentremeansthat Bushis
not someonewho is hereto prove anything to anyone,and when he takes advantageof
this, he can be seen as someone who always has a senseof fairness aswell as a deep
understanding of the material world and the ways in which it works.
Through his undefined Spleen,Bushknowswho is healthyfor him to be around and who
is not. Healsowill havea natural attunement and empathy with the sufferings of others
and the needto improve the world around him. Finally,through his undefined G Centre,
Bushwill havea deep attunement to which direction he needsto take in life and which
people will support this direction.

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Through analysingBush'sdesign we can therefore see both his not-selfpatterns and the
potential of histrue self.Knowingsomeone's design in this way immediatelyallowsyou
to see how closely someone is living according to their nature. We always need to
rememberthat the whole worldoperates accordingto the lawsof the not-self because of
the waywe are conditioned at an earlyage. There is no blame in this. George Bushhas a
deep potential within him ifonly he had the right people around him and ifhe knew how
his strategy was supposed to work.As long as Manifestorstell others what they is going
to do before they do it, they can use their power without being constantly threatened or
rejected.The Manifestorhas to be allowedhispower in order to be uncontrollable.Thisis
their nature and their purpose. Manifestorsare the most metamorphic of allthe Types,
and George Bushis a great example of this.

Johannes Kepler, Elisabeth Klibler Ross, Krishnamurti, Hermann Hesse, Jack Nicholson,
BruceSpringsteen,MaoZedong, AdolfHitler,Robert De Niro

During this discussion of Types, we will use the metaphor of a football team to
understand the role of each of the Types in relation to each other. In this team, the
Manifestorswould be the forwards.Theyare the talent, the ones we allliketo glamorise.
Theyare the ones that get things done; they arethe goal-scorers.Theirstyle isoften wild,
unpredictableand fullof genius. Theyhave a lot of fans, the audience alwayseither loves
them or hates them and the press constantly talks about them. But they pay a pricefor
being in that limelight, and the price is often the sense of isolation that comes from
others resisting and resenting their true nature. Ifthey can learn humility at the same
time as retaining their wildness,then they can livedeeplyfulfillingand powerful lives.

The Issueof The Manifestor- WhencanIgo home?
Something beautiful and extraordinary is happening to allthe Manifestorslivingon our
planet right now. Asa genetic type, they are in the sunset of their life.Manifestorsare in
many ways the most alluring of all the types. Livingat their zenith, they are truly
inspirational,as they manifest onlybeauty.Aschildren,Ma.nifestorsare delicateflowersor
rare orchids needing specialcare accordingto their design. Aboveallthey need freedom
and wide-open spaces in their relationships and their lives.If you are the parent of a
Manifestorchild,you should knowthat your childisprobablyyears ahead of most other
children of their age. You need to consider very carefullywhat kind of upbringing this
childneeds.Theydon't necessarilybelong inthe standard school hierarchicalsystem. You
willhiweto find the right soilfor this rarity.

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Now more than ever, it is important for Manifestors to be allowed space to manifest. And
this of course is one of their biggest questions: 'wit! I be allowed?' For the child, the
answer lies in the hands of the parents. For the adult Manifestor, the path of
deconditioning is a testing one. .

Manifestors do not really belong on our planet anymore. We are in the midst of a huge
mutation of our species. During such 'interesting times' in histOlY there is a deep
preponderance for people to feel confused about the role and direction of the human
race. Where are we going so fast? In as few as fifty years the main sources of our fossil
fuels will have been burned up. What then, will we do?
Sincethe discoveryof Uranusin 1781 our species has entered the final stage in what can
only be described as a process of heating up. We are making the transition from the
seven-centred being to the nine-centred being. The two dormant centres were the Ego
and the Solar Plexus. The Ego has brought with it the illusion of freewill and the Solar
Plexus is bringing the potential of an awakened spiritual consciousness.
Where do Manifestors fit into all of this? Well, they were the only ones who used to
appear to have free will! For most of the world before the industrial revolution, individual
freedom was largely restricted to the rich or powerful. There were really only two classes
of humans: leaders and followers. Manifestors, being only 8% of humanity, were the
archetypes of the strong leader types. Now, particularly in the west, we can see the rise of
a vast middle class of workers who are becoming increasingly more independent. One
fifth of humanity today is between the ages of 10 and 19. This figure represents such a
huge bulge in the global population that in about 10 or 20 years the world is going to
have the largest workforce anyone has ever seen. This is the first great ripple of the
awakening ofthe Generator consciousness. The old leaders are still around, but their time
is fast declining.
The Chinese I Ching is built upon four binary symbols, known as 'bigrams'. The Manifestor
is represented by two unbroken lines: the so-called 'Vang-Vang'. The Human Design
revelation tells us that the yang-yang crystals in incarnation are presently going out of the
world of form. They will literally fly into the sun where their collective consciousness will
become part of our greater body. Now, this does not refer to Manifestors directly, but to
their crystalline counterparts. Nevertheless, every Manifestor will resonate to the fact that
they are a material aspect of an energy that is leaving this plane of being. In other words,
we are entering an age where the 'Vin' will dominate and the. other crystal types will
finally begin to manifest their true power - the power of waiting.
So it is within this climate that the Manifestor now lives, an ancient force in a world that
is passing them by. And as with all natural declines, the Manifestors will have their say
before they go. In fact, they will go out with the greatest bang the world has ever known,
since this is how they arrived. If you are a Manifestor, this life you are living right now is to
be cherished so deeply, as though it were your last. It is for you to display your greatness
without any boundaries or limitations. If you could imagine your last ever life on this
beautiful planet, imagine what that would look like, and then go and create it.

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As a Generator,I have experienceddirectlythe awesome presence of a Manifestorliving

right at the heart of their dream. Ifeelprivilegedto havewitnessed this severaltimes and
I have stood rooted to the spot each time. And Ido not want to givethe impressionthat
this lion's roar is allthere is to a Manifestor,because that is reallyonly one small flash of
who they reallyare. Intruth, Manifestorsare allpussycats.Theyare actuallywonderfully
naive. They are naive in the sense that they do not really resonate with the rest of
humanity's need to work.Theyare not reallyconcernedwith 'being useful'.Mostof them
reallyjust want a quiet lifewhere they are left alone to do their own thing.
One of the saddest sights I have seen in Human Design are Manifestorswho are not
livinglife as though it were their last life,but are biding time, hoping it willget better,
waiting for something to happen. Ifyou are a Manifestor,you have to save yourselfand
you have to do it totally alone. You have to wait, likeall of us, but when the moment
comes to act, then you must inform allthose concerned and run the riskof rejection.
The Manifestor has to accept rejection very deeply at a cellularlevel.Rejectionis their
issue.They have to see that they were born rejectedand they willdie rejected,but ifthey
have livedtheir design well,those who matter willnever rejectthem. They willbe loved
and honoured for who they are: simple, powerful, untameable, freedom loving people
who would probably rather be remembered as absolutely ordinaryrather than as anyone
So the Manifestorquestion 'when can I go home?' is reallya 'not-self' Manifestor
question.Theyaren't reallyconcernedwith the future,as it does not belongto them.
Theyarehereto enjoybeinghere.Ifyouarea Manifestor,this lifeyouarelivingisa likea
gift from the gods. Yourgenetic responsibilitiesare over.Whateveryou do now is
entirely for you, and your only real responsibility is to enjoy your reward by being yourself.

180 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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It is veryeasy to spot a Generator in the Bodygraph.Youhave onlyto look at the Sacral
Centreand see ifit is defined. Ifit is,then you have a Generator.SinceHuman Designhas
evolved,we have learned to distinguish between two distinct types of Generator:pure
Generatorsand ManifestingGenerators.A pure Generator is someone who has a defined
SacralCentrewith either an undefined throat or a throat connected to a non-motor. A
Manifesting Generator has a defined sacral and a motor (including the sacral itself)
connected to the throat. The ratio inthe population is:37%Generators,33%Manifesting
Generators.Overthe past few years,there has been much hot debate within the Human
Designcommunity overwhether the presence of the ManifestingGenerator means that
there are in essence five Types rather than four. What is most important in terms of
awakening people through their Type is that although there are distinct differences
between the two variations,there are four strategies, not five.

Metaphoricallyspeaking, the Generator's role in history has been one of enslavement.
Generators have long been controlled and manipulated by the Manifestors,since the
Manifestors have always appeared to have the power. Over 70 % of humanity have
therefore lived likeslaves, being kept ignorant of their true potential and being deeply
frustrated from being unable to compete with Manifestors.The new role of Generators
however,issomething verydifferent.Withthe natural declineof the Manifestor'spower,
comes the awakeningof the true potential of the Generator,which isto become the true

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builders and creators of the world. As Generators give up initiating and trying to copy
Manifestors,their responses to lifemake them capable of building absolutely anything.
The clear commitment of a single awake Generator is an awesome power to contend
with. Theyare after all,the essence of creation and creativityitself.

Making up over 70% of humanity, the Generator is the most common of all the four
Types.Welivein a Generatorworld. Generators have an enormous wealth of energy and
power, although they cannot use it directly.Aswe have seen, the keyto the Generator's
power is response,and there is nothing more powerfulthan a Generatorwho acts out of
When a Generatorwaits,they become likea magicalblackholethat attracts everybodyto
them. Becausethe SacralCentre represents the energy of life itself,this centre exerts a
certain pull overeveryonewithin its orbit. Whena Generatorwaits, what happens isthat
others come overand askthem, becausethis ispreciselywhat they are designed for.Every
Generator has a deep fear that if they do nothing, no one will ask them anything, but
every Generator who has the courage to wait soon sees how unfounded this fear is.
Generatorsare something likethe priestessesof Delphi,inthat you haveto come to them
and ask, otherwise they giveyou nothing. This isthe perfection of being a Generator.
The great handicap of all Generators is impatience. Most Generators have been brought
up to see waiting as a road that leads nowhere, and the result is that they spend their
whole livestrying to make things happen for themselves. The irony is that even ifthey
succeed in attaining their dreams, they remain deeply unsatisfied, because they never
waited to see what their dreams really were. This is where manifesting propaganda
enslaves Generators. Whilstthe Manifestor usuallyknows what they want and actively
seeks it, the Generator cannot know what they want until it comes to them and they
respond to it. Thus the dreams of a Generator unravel as they go along, but they can
never reallyknowwhat they are untilthey have attained them.
Whenyou meet a forty orfifty-year-old Generatorwho has never livedand doesn't know
their design, they have no idea who they really are. It is very difficult for them to
suddenly change their whole lifebywaiting to see who they reallyare. It can be a fright-
ening thing for such people as they are so used to being someone that they are not. They
are afraidto be themselves and can be veryuncomfortable with the new selfthat begins
to emerge as they respond to life.Whenyou firsttry to liveyour design, you haveto start
at the surface.It takes seven years of hard work to begin the processof being yourself.It
isno easybusiness. "

Ina certain sense, a Generatorcannot knowanything unlessthey are asked.Becausemost
Generators are not correctly understood from an early age, they never develop their
natural pattern of response.These are childrenthat need to be asked everything in order

182 Human Design International TJaining Manuals.

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that they can feelthe quality of their response.Thus, most Generatorsgrow up under the
shadow of expectation.They are expected to knowwhat they likeand what they want to
be inlife,and ifthey do not know,they are expected to go and find out. NoGeneratorcan
go and find out what they do or do not want in life.They have to wait'and see. They do
not even knowwhat they want to eat untilthey respond. Asan example,a Generatorthat
claims to be a vegetarian cannot be livingtheir design correctly,because they do not
know how they willrespond until the lunch isplaced beforethem. Eventhqugh they may
have responded to not eating meat for 10 years, there may always come a day when
suddenly their response changes, and they eat meat. The problem, as always, is
conditioning, and particularlyfrom the mind. Whether a Generator has a defined or
undefined mind, it willtend to undermine their response bypreempting what they think
they want. The mind maywellsay 'mmm, when Iget to the restaurant, I'm going to have
pasta', and when they get there, they totally deny their spontaneous response from
telling them what they reallywant.
Over70 % of our planet is frustrated. Over70% of our planet is made up of Generators.
The two themes go together. Most Generatorstoday are in the wrong jobs, livingwith
the wrong people, eating the wrong food and consequentlyfeel a lackof true purpose in
life.The main reason for all this frustration is ignorance, and because parents do not
understand how to raisechildrenas Generators.The Generator childhas to be raisedin a
way where they feel no pressure whatsoever to know anything un~ilthey are asked. For
example,you cannot say to a Generator "Goand clean up your room".Youare not giving
them a chance to feel their sacral respond. Eventhough they willprobably respond 'no'
to being asked to clean up their room, you still need to allowthem this chance to hear
their own response.Then, once you have giventhem their integrity,you can reasonwith
them that the room has to be tidied!

When Generator children answer with their true voice, they are usually told that this is not
polite. The Sacral Centre makes a wide range of grunting, squealing and mewing sounds!
Thus these children are forced from an early age to stop making sounds and to articulate
in words. This is where the conditioning begins. By being allowed these early response
sounds, Generators develop the correct patterns in life, both emotionally and mentally. If
they are not encouraged to express themselves through healthy (even if sometimes
uncomfortable) sounds, their doorway to the truth closes and they are cut off from
developingself-esteem and self-love.

The strategy of the Generator is to wait to respond. This strategy is all rooted in the power
of the SacralCentre.As we have seen in the chapter on the SacralCentre, it can only
express a response through the centre it happens to be connected to. In other words, the
Sacral can only respond through one of five centres - the Root, Throat, Spleen, Solar

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Plexusand G. Everydecision that a Generator or ManifestingGenerator makes must be

rooted in one or more of these five connections. One of the best waysto understand the
expression 'wait to respond' isthrough the negative variation.In other words,you could
also say that the Generator's strategy is to resist the temptation to initiate. Generators
should never take the first step. Action for them always arises out of receptivity.
Generators have to trust inthe power of waiting and come to gripswith being patience.
Allthe power of the Generator lies in their response. In responding, Generators ensure
that it isalwaysthey who set the terms, rather than those who ask them. Aspure energy
types, Generators also have to see that their strategy is always at work, 24 hours a day,
every day.Their Sacralis the source of lifeand it willgo on responding to lifeas long as
they are alive.In fact, Generators are responding to life allthe time. There are so many
types of response. Youcan respond to sounds - rain drops on the windowpane or the
wind inthe leavesof a tree. Youcan respond to people ina conversation.Youcan respond
to things you see - a flyerin a shop windowor a signpost. Essentially,alllifeisa response,
which iswhy Generatorsarethe essenceof life.The response of a Generatorcan have the
tonal quality of the sacralsounds or it can be simplya silent response,a feeling inside.As
long as a Generatordoesn't initiate,they are alwayson track.Generatorswho experiment
with their strategy almost alwaysget immediate rewardsand slowlylearn to trust their
role in life.
Strategy in Human Design is the key to eliminating resistance. The Generator eliminates
resistance through waiting to respond. When Generators follow their strategy, their
tendency to overwork and over commit themselves is one of the first things in their life
that comes into harmony and balance. They begin to feel their own life power and learn
to share it productively with others on their own terms. If they ignore their strategy, they
tend to get stuck in the wrong careers and the wrong relationsh ips, and instead of seeing
their life force generating, they just observe it degenerating into decay.

One of the most powerfuland deeplyfrustrating combinations is a defined SacralCentre
and a defined SolarPlexusCentre.Thesepeople have a strategy to wait to respond which
is deepened by having emotional Authority as well.They have to wait to respond and
then they haveto wait again, to be clearabout their response.Ifthey trust intheir design,
they will be a deeplysurrendered and patient person. Ifthey cannot learnpatience, they
can be very unhappy,frustrated or angry with their lives.
EmotionalGeneratorscannot respond immediately.They,haveto play hardto get. When
they are asked: "Doyou want this job?" and they hear themselves answer: "ahuh" they
have to add: "eventhough it feels perfect right now, I have to sleep on it. Can (let you
know next week?" This is their correct behaviour pattern, because they cannot know
what to generate unless they have gone through their emotional wave. The emotional
Generator should get used to saying: "Yes,buLl' sincethe lawof the SolarPlexusCentre
must ~Iwaysbe obeyed - 'there isnotruth inthe now'.EmotionalGeneratorshaveto see

184 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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that being emotionally defined is not a burden. It is simply not about spontaneous
knowledge. It is a way of hearing, seeing and learningthat takes place over a movement
in time. However,that full movement has much greater depth than the fraction of a
second that the splenicsystem recognizes.



Thisquestion:"WillI be asked?"isthe deepestfearof everyGenerator:

sense doesn't have to be vocal.More broadlyspeaking,it means, "WillI get the
opportunity?" or more succinctly," IfIdon't do anything,willanything ever happen?" For
Generators, there is only one way to answer this question, and that is by waiting and
trying it out. Inthe beginning, everyGenerator has to learnto ride out their frustration.
We are dealing here with the SacralCentre,the centre of life itself, and life has its own
timing. IfGenerators can't wait to be asked,they can never respond, and ifthey cannot
respond, they cannot know what is right for them. Generators get more frustrated
because they do not want to wait to respond. They do not think that they willbe asked
the right questions. The great irony of being a Generator is that they have the easiest
opportunity to become awake of allthe four Types.Their path to enlightenment is very
simple.Allthey have to do is respond. Nothing else.Ifthey livethat, they will actuallysee
what and who is perfect for them and they willeventuallysee why the timing moves in
the way it does. The Generator is designed to flow with the current of life,taking their
cues as they appear.The strategy isthat easy,but the challengeisovercomingthe fear of
not being asked.

ManifestingGenerators- Youaredifferent!

ManifestingGenerator PureGenerator
There has been much talk in recent yearswithin the Human Designcommunity overthe
differencesbetween pure Generatorsand ManifestingGenerators.Independent statistical

Human Design International Training Manuals. 185

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surveys have been run on the subject of the Typesover the past years, and some inter-
esting discoverieshave come to light. One such discoverysuggests that there is in fact a
profound differencebetween Generatorsand ManifestingGenerators.Thisdifferencewas
found, somewhat ironically,when detailed analyses was done between the four Types
when they are asleep!
When we are asleep, we operate through a different matrix, known as the 'Dreamrave~
which shows how we are programmed by the neutrino stream differentlywhen we are
asleep.The bottom lineisthat at this levelof awareness,pure Generatorsand Manifesting
Generators are programmed as ifthey are different Typesaltogether. However,on wak-
ing,they fall into the same category once again.
What allthis researchis suggesting isthat the two types of Generatorare infact verydif-
ferent at a profound level.Certainly,anyone who has livedwith and observed both types
of people can experiencethis differenceveryclearly.The fact that both the Generatorsare
aligned far more closelywhen awake shows that they are only similar on the surface.
However,when we are lookingat Typeas a genetic construct, we are only reallydealing
with the surface of humanity. Type is, after all, an extremely broad categorization of
humanity. For the purposes of this training, we are only interested in these surface
mechanics, rather than the hidden and deeper implicationsof statistical research.The
most important aspect of Typeis strategy, because strategy has the power to transform
a single person's entire life.The conclusion of this discussion is therefore that even
though there may be fiveTypeswhen asleep,there are four when we are awake,because
the only thing that is important when we are awake is that we follow one of the four
Manifesting Generators, you are very different from pure Generators, but there is no
getting awayfrom the fact that you are designed to followa Generatorstrategy!

We know then, that both GeneratorTypes have to wait to respond, since both oper;lte
out of the power of the SacralCentre.However,the greatest differencebetween the two
happens after they respond. Once the pure Generator has responded, they have to go
through all the classicsacral stages of development (see the chapter on The Sacral
Centre), i.e.they go through the stage of feeling stuck, make a breakthrough, then feel
stuck again. This is how manifesting occurs for the pure Generator. However, for
ManifestingGenerators,it isverydifferent. Oncethey have responded, they can go right
into the action aftertheir response.Inother words,they can behave likea Manifestoronce
they have responded, without the experienceof moving through allthe different levels
of mastery.What often happens to ManifestingGenerators in this respect is that they
move through their processwith much greater speed than pure Generators,and indoing
so they usually skip some of the essential steps along the way. It is very common for
ManifestingGeneratorsto have to go back to these steps that they have missed earlier

186 Hurnan Design International Training Manuals.

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on, and as long as they responded correctlyinthe first placethey willnot mind havingto
retrace their steps. The great joke about the two kinds of Generators is that neither is
better or quickerthan the other. They both arrive at the goal at the same time, but
indifferentways. .

The second difference that has been observed concerns how Manifesting Generators
respond. Often the ManifestingGeneratorwillrespond by immediatelytaking action. For
example, someone may ask them: "would you like to go out for dinner?" and their
response might be to stand up and start putting on their coat. However,the Manifesting
Generator then has to respond to their action to know that it is correct.Thus they may
find themselves at the door with coat in hand, onlyto realizethat they would rather stay
and eat at home. Inother words, they have to respond to their response.This is a subtle
but powerfuldifferencebetween the two types of Generator.

TheManifestingGeneratorisina sense,a hybridType.Theyarea combinationofthe two
energy types, the Manifestorand Generator,and they have to balance gifts and
challengesfrom both sides,for example,they haveto processboth the anger of the
Manifestorand the potentialfrustrationof the Generator.Theycan bethe most erratic
and impatientof allthe Types,but they also havethe greatestpotential.Belowis an
extract from the Gene Keys Profiling Packon Manifesting Generators. We thoroughly
recommend these packs for all beginners to HD as they illustrate Type, Profile and
Authority with great depth and simplicity.

Youarea ManifestingGenerator.Youarea pureenergydynamowith the greatestpotential of
all the Types,evenincluding the pure Generator.Likethe pure Generator,your successand
fulfilment in life isdirectlydependentonyour ability to bepatient.Yourstrategyin life isto wait
to respond.Patienceislikelyto bethe hardestlessonandthegreatestgift inyour life,andin this
respectyou areyour own worst enemy.Within the four Types,you are something of an
anomaly.It isasthoughyou area Manifestorthat hassomehowbeencompressed to fit inside
a Generatorvehicle.Thiscanbea deepdilemmaforyou sincetheManifestorpart ofyou always
wantsto leapinto actionwhilethe Generatorstrategyalwaysholdsyou back.Youaresomeone
that hasto learnthings the hardway! Everytimeyou leapinto somethingwithout waiting to
respondyou will meetresistance,both from othersandfrom life itself
As a ManifestingGenerator, you aredesignedto bedoingwhat you lovein life.If you arenot
fulfilled,you will bedeeplyfrustratedandangry.Thewayforyou to find fulfilment istwofold:
Youmust follow your strategy of waiting to respond,as well asyour Authority (outlined
Onceyou haverespondedto something,you needto double-checkthat it is somethingthat
reallyfeelsright for you.Many times,you will beginsomethingonlyto find a short while later
that it doesn'tfeelright. Thisisnormaland correctforyou. If it doesn'tfeelright,it isn't right.

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Whenyou arerespondingto lifecorrectlyyou haveanadvantageoverall the otherTypes.Unlike

the pure Generator,you do not haveto master things by riding out your frustration. Your
strategyof waiting onlygovernshowyou beginnewexperiences. Onceyou arein the door,your
manifestingpowertakesover.Havingtwo Typesliving underthe sameroof hasasmanyperks
as problems.Yourhighestpotential is to counterbalancethe raw powerand presenceof the
Manifestoralongsidethe patienceandsurrenderof the Generator.

In a certain sense, pure Generators have it easy. They do not have to harness the
dramatic power of the ManifestingGenerator,and they do not have to deal with such a
deep levelof impatience and anger that goes with that Type.Morethan any other Type,
the pure Generator is here to attain mastery in life.Once they have learned to relaxand
respond, pure Generators have to understand their life as a journey through different
plateaus. Eventhough it feels likethey keep getting stuck at a certain level,they soon
discover that they are never stuck. The moment a Generator is feeling stuck it is an
indicationthat they are about to make an evolutionary leap in their process of mastery.
Ironically,it is at this very point that most Generators give up. So long as the pure
Generator begins their process correctly(relationship,career, etc), they will always find
the staying power to move through the different levels to mastery. Ultimately,this
staying power istheir own sense of fulfillmentinwhatever they are doing.

Despitewhat our conditioning may likeus to believe,Generators are not here to initiate
their relationships.Generators can never walk up to someone and tell them that they
want to be with them. UnlikeManifestors, Generators always need someone else or
something outside them to initiate their response. When it comes to relationships,
Generators have to learn to play with their own strategy. People new to Human Design
often ask the question: " What happens when two Generators are in a relationship
together? Ifneither of them can initiate the other, what on earth do they do?"

To answer the above question, you have to understand the difference between 'playing'
and not initiating. If you are a Generator, it doesn't mean that you can't walk up to
someone and say good morning. Obviously,that would be somewhat extreme and
impractical.Being a Generator means that you have to learn to 'flirt' with your own
energy field. As a Generator,you cannot embark on a preconceived conversation with
someone, but you can begin a conversation and then wait to see which way your
response moves. No one knowswhichway the conversation willgo until it goes there, if
indeed it goes anywhere!This is how two Generators use their own strategy within a
relationship.One of them has to assume the role of the initiator,even though they are
not designed that way.It is rather likeplayingwith a ball.Someone has to throw it first,

188 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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and then they can get a response going. An example of this might be one Generator
turning to another and saying: "would you like to'go out tonight and have Chinese
food?" to which the second one can respond and know what is right for them. However,
the Generator that first asks the question has no idea of whether they themselves would
like to have Chinese food, since the idea did not come as a response. Thus the second
Generator has to fire the same question back to the first one, so that they can also feel
their own response.The final'resultmay be that they both decideto stay and eat at
home! Although,this may seem a banal example,it is actuallya verydynamicand
powerfulway for Generatorsto manage their relationships.
Generators have to be very awake to the sounds that they make. If one of their friends
happens to ask them one day: "Areyou happy in this relationship?" and they hear
themselves groaning in response, it actuallytells them veryclearlywhat they reallyfeel.
ManyGeneratorsactuallyend up inrelationshipsthat are detrimental for them and cause
them deep frustration. The cause is usuallybecause they decide that they likesomeone
through their mind rather than having the patience to wait and see who life brings to
their door.

Becausethe emotional Generator has a strategy of playinghardto get, they are designed
to actuallytorment their potential admirers!The strategy of the Generator is to wait to
respond, and the Authorityof the emotional system isto wait to be clear,therefore these
are people who cannot afford to make commitments right away. The emotional
Generator has to keep meeting people a number of times in order to take them in
through their changing emotional wave.That isthe onlyway they can truly get to know
anyone.The conditioning of the emotional system isextremelypowerful.Sincethe Solar
PlexusCentre isthe hub of pain and pleasure, it is where our passions are stirred. When
we meet someone and fall in love(or lust)with them, there issuch an overpoweringurge
to act on our passions, and yet for the emotional Generator,th is is extremelydangerous.
If the emotional Generator is able to truly play hard to get, they will discover which
passions are fleeting and which are consistent. Only then can they find the right
relationshipswith the right people.
Entering into a relationship correctlycan be a very magicalthing, because it no longer
matters how longthat relationshiplasts. Ifit begins at the right time and inthe rightway,
then it willend in the right way,if indeed,it does end. Such relationshipscan end
naturallyand beautifully,with no blameor guilt.Goingout of a relationshipcorrectlyis
just as importantas beingin a relationship.What usuallyhappensto human beingsis
that they meet through their 'Not-Selves', meaning that they are not chemically correct
for each other and do not know how to be together. Thus the tension steadily builds up
until the relationship falls apart, and unfortunately it takes them a seven-year cycle to
release the pain of their relationship from their physical bodies. If you did not enter into
your relationship properly and you don't go out properly, you carry a wound inside of you,
and that wound conditions you negatively in every other relationship you meet. Every

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

time you meet someone in this life,your only imperative isto be yourself.Ifyou are not
being your true self,then you never meet the experiencesthat truly belong to you, and
you never realizethe intense pleasure that comes when you are being yourself.


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julia Roberts is a pure Generator. We can see that her Sacral Centre is defined to both the
Solar Plexus and the Spleen Centres, but it is not connected to the throat. She also
happens to have 2 other separate definitions, one between the G Centre and the Throat
and the other between the Ajnaand the Head Centre.Thisgivesjulia three areas of sep-
arate definition, making her a triple split definition emotional Generator.


.Becausejulia is a triple split definition, she is a complex"person.The channels that are
coloured in black in her design are the two channels connecting to her SacralCentre,
which means that she willreallyidentifywith being a Generator,with being both splenic
and emotional, as,well as with the theme of being frustrated. Herother two definitions
are unconscious (in red) and willtherefore be more of a mysteryto her.She may not see
herselfas a leaderof others and as a'strong mental type. Theseare areaswhere she iswait-
ing for others to recogniseher.

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190 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

julia's real power lies in her SacralCentre. She has'an immense creativity out of this
centre.It will bedifficult for herto sit still for long becauseof the energy'that isconstantly
powering through her Sacral.As a Generator,her natural strategy isobviously to wait to
respondto life, rather than initiate action. This meansthat shewill always benefit from
having a receptiveattitude to>vyards life. If she cultivates patience, shewill soon seethat
all things cometo her in their own timing, without her having to initiate anything.
As a pure Generator,julia is hereto master whatever her sacralenergy commits itself to.
Onceshe hasmade a commitment from this deep placewithin herself,shewill stay with
it no matter what. Becausethe Sacralis not connected to her Throat, it will have a
progressiveenergy frequency, like a car moving from Iow gear to high gear.Shehas to
learnnot to succumbto the times when shefeelslikesheisstuck in a certain gear.As long
as she makesthe right commitments in the first place,breakthroughs will alwayscome
for her in anything she attempts.


As an emotional Generator,julia is one of the most powerful and deeply conditioned

people on the planet. She is conditioned to be impatient and frustrated. The simple
advice of waiting for things to follow their own coursewill change her whole life. The
simple adviceof waiting to beclearbeforemaking any decisionwill changeherwhole life.
Emotional Generatorscan besoeasilylost in their livesasthey chaseafter everything that
they think they want. Everything in her life will come to her if she waits - the right love,
the right friends,the right work, the right wealth etc.
The emotional Generatorhasone of the most challengingpathstowards deconditioning.
They haveto wait to respondand then they haveto wait again,in order to be clearbefore
making the decision.They haveto really play hard to get. julia needsto learn restraint.
This is not about repressingher enthusiasmor herfeelings, but about riding them out. If
she puts off all decisions,shewill immediately lead a healthier, happier life.


julia only hastwo undefined centres- the Root and the Ego.Thesethemes thus become
the two things shewill seekthe most in life - shewill try to prove herselfthrough the Ego
and she will constantly succumb to pressurefrom others in order to be free from that
pressure.Shehasto follow herAuthority in order not to be suckedin by the conditioning
from these two centres.By playing hard to get, she will not become a victim to other
people's need for her creative energy, nor will she become a victim of someone else's
stress.By not trying to initiate action in life,julia will not be caught in the trap of feeling
that she hassomething to proveto the world and shewill not try to useher will to push
againstthe flow.

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

Asa triplesplit definition,Julianeeds a great deal of time inorder to processher decisions.
She also needs time in order to get to know people well.As a complex design, she has
many diversefacets to her nature. Thisiswhy she is able to playa wide varietyof roles as
an actress.It is nevera disadvantage for a triple split definitionto take longerthan others
in absorbing things. Bythe time they have processed their information,they will have a
far deeper view of any givensituation than most other people could ever have.

Pure Generators: Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Carl Gustav Jung, Mozart, Madame Curie,
luciano Pavarotti, Dustin Hoffman, Greta Garbo, Madonna, ElvisPresley, Wait Disney



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Pele is an example of a Manifesting Generator. He has the Sacral Centre defined to the
Root Centre,which is split off from the Ego connectedto the Throat. He is a split

Oneofthe most famous footballersof alltime, Pele'sdesign isan interestingone. Hissplit
definition also divides him into the two aspects of his Type.The SacralCentre, being

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192 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights ReselVed 2000. Copyrightjovian Archive Europa 2000.

connected to the Root Centre,means that this is a man who naturally responds from a
deep survival need. His is the pressure to mutate, or bring something new into the world.
His survival depends on being able to have an impact on others. On the other side of his
definition, he has an Ego Centre connected directly to the Throat Centre. This channel,
known as 'the Money Line' would make Pele a Manifestor, were it not for his defined
Sacral Centre.
Having such a powerful split definition can create great difficulties if one doesn't know
how to follow one's strategy. Pele was, in a sense, a divided man. One part of his nature
was deeply willful and headstrong (the Ego Manifestor definition), while the other was
quietly powerful but at the same time unpredictable. He was a man who had to learn
patience. He had a yin side and a yang side. As a man, he would more readily identify with
his yang, manifesting side. For Manifesting Generators, it is really difficult to wait and be
receptive when they have such proactive designs.
Ironically,Pele's own Ego would have been his greatest enemy. In such a design, the Ego's
need for material success and fame threatens to undermine the deeper need to be
creative. Every time he acted out of his need for attention, he would be misunderstood
and resisted. This usually creates deep anger in Manifesting Generators. Every time he
waited and responded, he would create something really beautiful. This was reflected in
his style of football, which showed real flashes of unpredictable genius.

By lookingat his undefinedcentres,we can immediatelysee where Pele suffered
wheneverhe leaptintothingsout of hisEgo.Beinga Generatorisa deeplyalienconcept
for most modern people.The Generatorlivingtheir designdoes not try to manifest
whatevertheythinktheywantinlife.Rather,the Generatorallowslifeto shapethem,and
by respondingmoment by moment,their perfectlifeevolves,through knoweffortof
Pelehad an undefined SpleenCentre,whichmeans that he was plagued byfears - the fear
of inadequacyand the fear of responsibility.Wheneverhe liveda lifefrom his not-self,he
would react out of these fears,instead of realizingthat they were not reallyhisown fears,
but simplythe conditioning of those around him. The gift of the undefined Spleen isto
understand the fears of others, but this can only happen when one has become totally
detached from the actual feeling of fear. Whenever Peletried to manifest, his immune
system would be the first placeto suffer.
Pele had an undefined Solar Plexus centre. He was always trying to avoid emotional
confrontation. Whenever you see an undefined Solar Plexus centre you can be certain
that this person learned to defend themselves from emotions as a child.There are many
defence strategies that we learnas children,from aggressionto repression.Peoplewith an
undefined SolarPlexusare often both addicted and terrifiedof the emotional domain, all
becausethey have neverbeen able to controlthe emotions they feel.It isnevertheir fault.
Asthey begin to let go of their need to control their emotions and understand that the
emotions are not theirs in the first place,they begin to feel happierand clearer.

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright jovian Archive Europa 2000.

Pele also has an undefined G Centre.The gift of this centre is to always be in the right
place at the right time, a specialgift for a footballer! It also means however,that one can
never be sure of love.Forthe undefined G Centre,lovecomes and it goes. It empties and
it fillsdepending on who it is around. Ifyou have an undefined G Centre and you don't
know this, it can be deeply disturbing because you willput allyour energy into finding a
loveand then trying to hold onto it. The other aspect of the Gis identity.Fora footballer
likePele,having an undefined Gcould be a realgift. Hehad no singleroleon the pitch. He
could playanywhere, in any position, and at any time.
Finally,Pele had an undefined Ajna Centre and an undefined Head Centre.This was a
naturally intelligent man. An open Ajna signifiesan open mind, but it also signifiesan
uncertain mind. Aslong as Pelewas tryingto figure out anything from the mental plane,
he was lost. Hisopen mind could be a great gift for his communication with others. It
means that he would naturallyunderstand other waysof thinking. Peoplewith undefined
minds may often have rather chaotic personal lives.With no fixedway of thinking, they
can try desperately to create structure in their lives to give them a sense of mental
certainty.The undefined mind isnot meant to be certain.That is its gift. It isalwaysopen
for something newto come in. InPele'scase,the certainty he was lookingforwould never
be found in the people around him or in any external or mental structure. Certaintyfor
him layinfollowinghissacralresponses overtime. The more he relaxed,the more things
would come hisway.
Finally,the open HeadCentre.ForPele,lifewas alwayssupposed to be an inspiration.Ifhe
was trying to make his lifebe something it was not, he would alwaysfeel overwhelmed
by confusion. This is not the design of a mental being. This is the design of a deeply
physical man with a strong need to live right in the heart of the community, on the
physicalplane. The mental plane will alwaysfascinate the undefined Head Centre, but
there will never be any answers to be found there. As with any design, the more you
understand what you are and what you are not, the more free you become within
yourselfand inthe world.

Mother Teresa, Vincent van Gogh, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alois Alzheimer, Marie Antoinette,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Charlie Chaplin

In our metaphoricalfootballteam, the Generatorsare the defenders.They are the
backbone of humanity. They have to wait until the ball comes to them, and if they can
acceptthis limitation,then they cantrulyexcelat whateverthey do. The Manifesting
Generators are also, likepure Generators, natural defenders. They have to let the ball play
into their hands while resisting the temptation to rush to the place of action. If they
manage to wait, then when the balldoes find them they can move with great speed to
the forefront ofthe game and scoregoals alongsidethe forwards (Manifestors).The glory
is alltheirs ifthey manage to wait.

194 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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THE ISSUEOFTHE GENERATOR- How do I khow when I am responding?
TheSacralCentreisamagicalthing.I amnot surethat anyonecaneverreallyunderstand
it. It hasno awarenessof its own. It'sthe wayin whichthe godsdecidewhat getsdone
downhere.If you lookat the SacralCentreinthe bodygraph,youcanseethat it israther
likea lowermirrorof the ThroqtCentre.It hascertainsimilaritiesto the throat aswell -
onebeingthat it talks.OK,I'll redefinethat - it makessoundswithout usinglanguage.
Over70%of humanityisdesignedto makesoundswithout usinglanguage!Whatdoes
it allmean?!!!

Well,hereismy experience:
I amEnglish.Youknowthe English,they haveanobsessionwith awholehostof sounds
that the bodyemitswithout usinglanguage,in particular,soundsthat emergethrough
bodily orificesother than the mouth. Havingsaidthat, grunting at dinner partiesis
generallyfrowneduponoverhere.ThuswhenI first learnedfrom RaUruHuthat unlessI
gruntedmore I wouldn't find enlightenment,I did wonderwhich UFOthis man had
steppedout of.
Now,sixyearson,I understandthat thewayRahasalwaystaught aboutthe SacralCentre
isactuallysimpleandto thepoint.'Doyouwantto go outfor dinner?''Uhhuh'.Youcan't
put it muchsimplerthan that. Youcannotbeginaconversationwith agrunt,whichsays
everythingyouneedto knowaboutthesacral.ButHumanDesigncontinuesto growand
mutate.Myown experience of the sacralisfar subtlerthanthat. Anyonewho knowsme
well alsoknowsthat I makea wholezoofull of noisesduringthe day,especiallywith my
2-year-oldGeneratorson.ButthewayI makedecisions, that issomethingdifferent.Every
Generatoror ManifestingGeneratorhasauniquecombinationof gates,linesandplanets
hookedto their sacral.Everyoneof usisdifferent,andthe wayinwhichweallrespondis
I have thought about these things for a long time now. I have watched myself
respondingandnot responding,andI haveonebigconclusion-
Life is nothing but response.Initiate - Respond.Cause- Effect.Evena Manifestor
initiating actionin their life is respondingto somecausesomewhere- the firing of a
neuralpathwaysomewhereinthe brain,the movementof a distantstarsystemaltering
the chemicalsignalswithin the nervoussystem...Nothingexistsexceptresponse.Inthe
quantumfieldof theconsciousness of theuniverseeverythingisconnectedto everything
else.Everythingisrespondingto everythingelse.
Anyway,I don't want to philosophiseanyfurtherthan that. So,Generators,
Forgettryingto workout howto Respond.
Instead,workout what Resistance
is.Itellyou,it isn'thard.IfyouareaGeneratorandyou
youcanbesurethat youhavejust initiated.Thisisthe lawof awakening

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- The great mystic Gurdjieffonce said: 'in order to escape from prison, you first have to
admit that you are inprison.' Ifyou are a Generator,you have to work out what it means
to NOTrespond. The better you become at avoiding resistance,the more you will find
yourselfinwhat I callthe ResponseField.

The ResponseFieldisthe term Igiveto the state of consciousnessreached bya Generator
livingout their true nature. Inthe beginning, as I begun to experiment with waiting and
responding and not responding, I made small successes. Everynow and again, I would
encounter a synchronicity,a moment of magic when the timing of the universewould
revealitselfto me without my havingdone anything.As Icontinued experimenting with
my strategy, synchronicitybecame more and more commonplace, until now I hardlygive
it a thought. It seems to me as though a fieldof energy has softly lowereditselfover me
until I am livingfullywithin it. This isthe ResponseField.It is a state of being when you
cannot help but move in flow with life.Peoplethink there is such a thing as luck.People
think there is such a thing as magic.Myexperienceis that there is nothing but luckand
nothing but magic. I livewithin that field now. That doesn't mean I don't suffer and it
doesn't mean my life is all plain sailing.It does mean that I don't have to worry about
where Iam going.The ResponseFieldshoulders allthe responsibilitiesfor me. I havejust
learned how not to initiate.

ChuangTzu,the Chinesesage,oncesaid:'Easyis Right'.
Well,People don't believe him! I mean, no one believes him! We are so impressed by
people who hammer down doors to get what they want. We are impressed by the
difficultand the complex. For most people, resistance is the norm. Youcan still have a
successfullifewithin the maya and liveinthe not-self.Well,I suppose you would have to
redefinethe word 'Success'.Forthe Not-Self,successissimplygetting what you think you
want. Forthe true Self,successisto be YOU,even ifyou get nothing.

Thinkabout resistance...
Youpickup the phone to order a mailorder product and its engaged. Resistance.Not-Self
pattern: you callagain and again until maybe someone picks up the phone. Youpush
through the resistance,buy your products and three weeks later you receivethe wrong
products. We all know these little stories from our own lives, but our tendency is to
simplypush on regardless.TrueSelfpattern: you don't try again. Ifthe door doesn't open
easily,wait and see. Perhapsanother willopen somewhere else.Wereallydon't believein
things being easy..
Now, I know that there are designs that are supposed to struggle and there are designs
that are here to learn from trial and error. If you have such a design, you have a few
additional lawsto workingout what resistanceis.Ifyou have,forexample,the channel of

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196 Training Manuals.
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Struggle,there is a struggle that is so enliveningfor you that you don't experience it as

struggle at all.Itjust fillsyou with your own spirit.Andthere isa struggle that pulls your
spirit down. It tires you out, its unfulfilling,it hurts and you feel trapped. See. Resistance
is easilyspotted. Unfortunately for many of us, it isn't so easy to spot in'the beginning
because it reallyisthe norm. Trialand error - another simple law:did you discoversome-
thing worthwhile?Ifyou are a trialand errorperson,then you can onlyknow resistancein
hindsight. Youhave to try and'bang the door down to realiseit was the wrong door.
For years, I have listened to people within the Human Design community, myself
included,tryingto explainand describewhat it means to respond as a Generator.Forme,
it reallyisn't my truth or practicalto have someone ask me a question and then grunt
responses throughout the day until Iarriveat some kindof emotional clarity.Iam simply
being honest about this, and I have 6 yearspractiseat respondingconsciously.Ithink this
kind of exercise can be a great revelation at the beginning of our journey in Human
Design,and its quite clear that there are designs that do operate likethis all the time.
Response for me has always been so subtle. Most of the time, its deeply internal, as
though my whole being were arrivingat a decisionand that decision isonly clearwhen I
have waited long enough. When the decisionis made, I literallycannot stop myselffrom
acting, as the terrificforce of the motor powers me into action.
I have described my decision-makingprocess of choosing food in restaurants as likea
flockof birdswheeling incirclesbefore they select a suitable tree to roost infor the night.
They begin bycirclingthe whole wood, then the circlesget smallerand smalleruntil they
are circlinga singletree, until eventually,they select a singlebranch and land in an exact
spot. Forme, it's usuallythe stickytoffee pudding.
Mypoint isthat everyperson's response is absolutelytheir own, and it is my feelingthat
we have been looking in the wrong direction if we reallywant to understand how a
Generator reallyworks.Ina new educational programme over here inthe UK,I now have
my students learn how to do their own basicNot-Selfreading,and it can be a verypow-
erfulexperiencefor people. Myfocus is upon learningmore about how our designs meet
resistance and how to see your Not-Selfin action, because when you can identifyresist-
ance, onlythen can you find you way out of the prison that keeps your lifefrom being
easy and magical.
Sacralpeople comprise70% of humanity.Weare the archetypeof being human. Wehave
been called builders or powerhouses, but we are much more than that. We are the
essence of intelligenceand creativity.Wearen't here to be led by anyone or anything.We
are here to create a field of Light around this planet that can be seen for light years in
space. We are life itself converted into a human frequency. We are the very Heart of
The more time that passes with Human Design in my life,the more I am sure of the
greatest secret it bringsto me - That secret isthe secret of the Aura.Ifyou know how to
be yourself, your aura begins to hum. It communicates in a quantum world beyond
thoughts and words - it isthat world where we connect to the source of alllife.

Human DesignInternationalTrainingManuals. 197

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Ifyou want to understand any of the 4 Types,you have to watch them inthe world.You
have to see how they move, how they change as they awaken, how they interact with
others. That is the secret to understanding the ManifestingGenerator.Little reallynew
has been noted about this type for a long time, and yet they comprise one third of our
human species.When Ifirst began studying HDthey were stillcalled'sacralManifestors',
whichgives us alla clearideaof how fast this knowledgeisevolvingas wellas how young
it still is.
The true Manifestoraura is that of a warrior.It declaresout loud: 'Be warned! I am here.
Anythingmay happen!' Muchof this declarationispurelydefensive,sinceManifestorsare
actually very vulnerable. If you have an aura that carries such power, you can easily
become a target. And yet, so many people misunderstand the Manifestor.They are not
built to be tough. They have no sacral after all. I like to see the Manifestor like the
cheetah inthe animal kingdom. Theyare the fastest creatures alive,but their bodies are
veryslight.Theycan onlysustain their speed for short bursts (the typicalhunt isover in 2
minutes), after whichthey have to rest for at least four hours to buildup their strength. I
think many people involved in HD misunderstand how sensitive and vulnerable
Manifestors reallyare. And they are very easily manipulated through their undefined
The Generator aura isthat of a Buddha. It declaressimply:'I am availablefor lifeto flow
through me'. As the Manifestor aura is yang, the Generator is yin. It is likethe hollow
vesselthat cannot be grasped. Itshapes itselfaround the moment inperfect symmetry to
the immediate environment. Just as the Manifestoraura keeps lifeat bay,the Generator
is likea blackhole, invitingall lifeinwards,irresistibleand infinite in depth. And yet, the
Generator has the limitation of its vehicle.It is not built for speed but for sustainment
(please understand I am still speaking metaphorically).Forthe Generator,life moves at
the pace it must move at, through the limitation of its gearbox.
Enterthe ManifestingGenerator.Canyou do the formula?Yes,we havea WarriorBuddha.
There is no aura on earth like this. The true Manifesting Generator aura is a perfect
coincidenceof yin and yang. At once effortless and yet endlesslycapable of moving at
light speed for sustained periods of time. These people are the true archetype of what
humanity is capable of. Ifyou colour in every gate in the bodygraph, what you end up
with is a ManifestingGenerator.Ifthere isa golden childamong the Types,these are the
The secret for the ManifestingGenerator is the secret of the feminine.They represent a
fusion, or a struggle, between male and female poles. The untamed wildness of the
Warriorand th'e silenceand surrender of the Buddha.If}'QUare a ManifestingGenerator,
which one would you rather control your life?Ladiesfirst, if you please. Yourlife is an
expressionof this cosmicbalancingact. Everytime you let the warriorlead,the Buddha is
pulled off centre and the resistance you meet is extraordinary.But when you allowthe
Buddhato guide your lifeinpatience and quiet trust, then your aura reallybeginsto bum
with light.Yourpotential bursts out all around you for allto see, but it isyour abilityto
hold it in checkthat impresses people the most. Youcan achieve more in one lifetime

198 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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than a Generator can in one hundred (the pure Generator living their nature is not
interested in achievement). Sadly,very few ManifestingGenerators are able to anchor
themselves enough inthe feminine to fulfiltheir true potential.
Ifyou are a ManifestingGenerator inthe processof awakening,take heart from this: For
the first 3.5 years,you willstillallowyour man to go bargingthrough the door, knocking
your woman to the ground. After3.5 years,you willnaturallybegin to take more interest
in the Generator (you can leain much from pure Generators).After 7 years, well, you
know who willbe wearingthe trousers, don't you?
So the answer to the question is:you are both Typesand neither. It isalla matter of who
comes first.

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Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.


A Projectorissomeonewith no motor connected to the Throat Centreand no defined
SacralCentrein their design. Projectorscan be so complex that as many as eight of the
possible nine centres are defined without the potential of generating or manifesting.
Becausethere isno meansof either manifesting or generating energy,the Projectoristhe
first of the two non-energytypes. 21% of the world's population are Projectors.

Historically, the Projector has had the least opportunity to fulfill its potential, because the
rulership has always been in the hands of the energy types. Basically, Projectors have
never been recognized for their potential. The natural place for the Projector is at the top
of the hierarchy of the four Types, since they are designed to guide the energy types, and
in particular Generators. As the Generators begin to regain their natural power as creative
builders, it is the Projectors who will emerge as the adm in istrators and leaders of the new

The first thing to recognize about the two non-energy types, the Projector and the
Reflector,isthat their greatestgift isto beableto guide and understandthe energytypes.
Their true role.isto managethe energytypes. Projectorshavea talent of recognizingthe
capabilitiesof the energytypes and of guiding these people in the most efficient use of
their energy.This istheir gift. Their handicapisthat they do not haveconsistent accessto
energy within themselves, but have to rely on others recognizing their gifts. In other

200 Human Design Intemational Training Manuals.

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words, they are the only Type that depends solely on others in order to fulfilltheir
purpose in life.Although they are at the top of the hierarchy,they are not given the
power. Ironically,the power is given to the Generators,who do not reallyknow how to
use it without the help of Projectors.Thus, these two Typesare designed to be deeply
Beinga non-energy type doe~, not mean that you do not have any energy. In fact, the
opposite can appear to be true. Because Projectors do not have consistent access to
generative or manifesting power,they are designed to use the energy of others. Thiscan
either make them invaluableto others if they know their design, or a drain on other's
resources if they do not know their design. One of the great themes of the Projectoris
exhaustion. Ifthey try to behave as an energytype, they soon become exhausted.
Projectorsare great organizersand networkers,and they have the gift of bringingpeople
together inthe right combinations in order to achievespecifictasks. Theyare the natural
middlemen between the two energy types, and it is ultimately down to them to know
how to maintain harmony inthe world.


There is really only one thing that a Projector ever wants in life; they want to be
recognizedfor who they are, so that they can put their gifts into action. The great secret
for Projectorsispeople.Theyhaveto havethe right people intheir life,and fora Projector,
the right person is only someone who recognizesyou. Anyonethat does not recogniz~
you is a drain on your resources.It is a fact that Projectorsactuallyget more recognition
than any other Type,because it is intheir design to be seen. However,other people often
only see what they want to see in Projectors,rather than seeing who they actually are.
Thisgives riseto great resentment in Projectors,which is one of their themes in life.The
Projectorwho does not insist on working with people who recognizethem willend up
feeling bitter inside.
BecauseProjectorsare rarelyseen for who they are,they are often confused themselves
about what it means to be recognized.Inthe example on page 200, you can see that this
Projector has two separate definitions, one from the G to the Throat and the other
between the SolarPlexusand the Ego.This istherefore someone who has to be recog-
nised either for his identity as a leader (the Channel3/31), or for the depth of his emo-
tions and his ease in dealing with all kinds of people (the Channel 37/40). Ifsomeone
comes up to this person and tells him how amazing his mind is, even though that may
sound very flattering, it is not true recognition, since this person has no defined mind.
These kinds of recognition can so easily land the Projectorin trouble because they like
hearingthat kindof thing! However,relationshipsfounded on the wrong recognitioncan
never work out wellfor them. When the Projectorabove hears someone say to them: "1
always feel so inspiredwhen I am with you", every cell in their body literallylights up,
because that person has truly recognizedthem.

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As we heard earlier, Projectors often suffer from fatigue and exhaustion. Many Projectors
actually end up in life with debilitating diseases and a shorter lifespan than normal. The
single cause of all these is misplaced commitment. Projectors have a genetic need to be
seen, and if they cannot wait for recognition to find them, they spend their life trying to
attain recognition and make all manner of compromises in the process. With their
undefined Sacral, it is very easy for Projectors to take on the burdens and commitments
of others. In fact, every Projector needs to understand that ~very person in their life who
does not recognize their needs and respect their design is a physical burden on their
energy system and health. For Projectors, there can be no compromises. If they are not
recognized, there is no relationship possible with that particular person, and it is never a
personal thing when they are not recognized, it is simply that there is no match between
their chemistry and someone else's.
When you have a Projector chart in front of you, you have to realize that you are dealing
with someone who feels they have never lived to their full potential and they probably
feel resentful of that fact. They have probably never waited to see who recognizes them
because they didn't know that they could simply trust in waiting. Most people are
terrified of waiting. When you are looking at a Projector's design with them, all you need
do is describe the channels that are defined in their design and they will feel recognized.
That feeling of recognition is the key to their passage through life. If they do not feel it,
they simply have to move on. As a Projector, if you do not wait to be recognized for who
you are, the energy you take in from those around you will make you physically sick. It will
put you into the wrong environment and you will continue to attract auras that are
unhealthy for you. As a Projector, you are not someone who is supposed to take on the
burden of doing all the work of others. Your true role is to guide the energy types and let
them do all the things that you are not equipped to handle.

Everychild isconditioned by its parentsto be a 'doer'.When a Projectorchild comesinto
the world, all it wants isto be seen.Therearemany different types of Projectorsand each
one has to be seen for their respective gifts. The mental Projector needs to be
intellectually recognized when they are young and nurtured in that direction. The
emotional Projectorneedsto be recognizedfor their depth of feeling and given time and
spaceto processlife through the emotional wave. The Splenic Projector needs to be
encouragedt~ trust in their instincts from the very beginning of their life. Thesearejust
three examples of the hundreds of possibilities of how Projector children need to be
raisedaccordingto their design. Parentswho fail to recognizetheir children deny them
the possibility to early realizationof their full potential. They do that in ignoranceof the
mechanics,becauseparentswant their childrento grow and to be happy.They think they
can makethem happy and successfulin trying to show them how to be a Manifestor,and
in making them independent and showing them how to find what they want without
relying on others.

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Projector children are actually very easy to nurture as long as you know their design. Ifyou
give them the right recognition, they can really excel.

In Human Design,there is a cleardistinction between those who have a design "Todo"
and those who have a design 1I"To wait". Likethe Generator,the Projectorhas a design to
wait, but unlikethe Generator,they are not simplywaiting to respond.The Projectorhas
to wait for a specificinvitation rather than a broad set of energetic responses.Whereas
the Generator responds all the time, the Projector only receives invitations once in a
while, making their 'style' of waiting very different, and in many ways, much harder.
Projectorsare waiting for investorsto recognizetheir special skills,and the invitations
that are correctfor them have to be perfectlytailored to fit their design.
The strategy of a Projectoris not a moment -by-moment strategy likethe strategy of the
energy types. It is only a strategy that needs to be applied for major decisionsin life.The
formal invitationsthey are waiting for in lifeare basicallyonlyabout four things: the invi-
tation to love,the invitationto career,the invitationto bond with others and the invita-
tion to a place to live.Forthe rest of their lives,the Projectorsimply has to followtheir
Authority,whatever that happens to be.
What most Projectors discover when they hear about their Type, is that they
immediately resonate to the keyword"invitation".They also get to see that instead of
waiting to be invited in life,it is usuallythey that do allthe inviting.Intheir restlessness
and deep insecurity,Projectorstend to treat others the way they themselves should be
treated. However,this is not how their mechanicswork.The Projectorhas to understand
that if they relax and stay silent, their aura does the talking and soon brings out the
invitation of others. When the Projector learns to trust in the silent magic of their
chemistry,many opportunities begin to come their way.
The mantra forthe Projectoristo wait forthe formal invitationthat isjust right forthem.
That is how their strategy eliminates resistance in life,and this is how their lifeloses its
sourness and finallybecomes sweet. Everything elsewillunfoldfor them, ifthey just trust
in the mechanicalstructure of their chemistry.

CanI be Noticed?
The golden question for everyProjectoris "can I be noticed?" Projectorsneed more than
any other Type to understand the power of their aura. The Projector's aura is very
specific.It is a bio-energetic field that can be felt across a room, and it is coded to a
certain verydistinct frequency.Anyonewho is not attuned to that specificfrequencywill
never reallynotice the Projector,and anyone who is attuned to their frequency cannot
help but pickthem out across a crowded room. The Projector'saura is magical.Not only
does it ensure that they willget exactlythe right recognitionand draw it towards them,
but also it servesto protect them. Anyonewho isnot naturallydrawn into the Projector's
aura is not going to be healthy for them. Allthe Projectorreallyhas to do is sit backand
wait to see who comes forward and who does not.

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We know that every Type has an emotional version, and this emotional definition
redefinesthe strategy. We know that a defined SolarPlexusis alwaysthe Authority in a
chart, and for the Projectorthis means that they cannot accept an invitation right away,
becausethere isno truth inthe now forthem. Theyhaveto sleepon it and then they have
to be re-invited.Obviously,this strategy is verytesting, since it often seems as though
they are throwing away a perfect opportunity. However,they soon learn that what
appears to be a great invitation when they are up in their wave can turn into a horrible
commitment when they are down intheir wave.Thus an emotional Projectorhas to test
each invitation for authenticity by pushing it away or delaying it. If the invitation is
perfect, then their aura willnaturallycoercethe other person to renewtheir invitation.
Weare allconditioned to be polite and answerspontaneously whenever someone invites
us for a job or an event. However,an emotional person can never be spontaneous. Take
the example of an emotional Projector child with the channel 40/37 (Channel of
Community).Thischildhas to be invited to the potential of their definition without the
pressure of accepting the first time. They have to be invited into groups without any
pressure (e.g.which playgroundthey want to be in)to stay with that group. Such a child
has to be allowedtime to consider things and alwaysneeds to be re-invited.Onlyifthis
childis inthe right community willthey grow and develop correctly.Ifthey are put under
pressure to accept the invitation, the chances are they will end up in the wrong
community and willbe deeply unhappy.

Aswe have seen, the Projectorhas to receivea formal invitationto loveand to bond with
others. This is the only way that they can correctly enter into a relationship. So, for
example, if a woman happens to be interested in a male Projector,contrary to popular
culture, she will have to do the inviting.She may liketo invite him home for dinner for
example. Iftwo Projectorsare interested in each other, they will have to go through an
extended courtship in which they both invite each other. This is the only situation in
which a Projectorcan invite another person. The fact of the matter is that there must
alwaysbe a formal invitationwhere Projectorsare concerned.
Projectors are here to be able to manage energy. They are masters of reading energy
through their undefined SacralCentre.Forthe Projector,what is important is the quality
of the energy that is offered to them. Ifyou invitethem to McDonalds,they will have a
different impression of the kind of energy they have aV,ailableto manage than if you
invitethem to a fancy restaurant. EachProjectorneeds an invitation that matches their
frequency.Most important of all is the nature of the invitation. Ifyou don't invitethem
at all,but inste~dyou tell them that you want to be with them, then that relationshipwill
be fullof bitterness.
Non-energy types always get more recognition than energy types; they get more
opportunities to find partners than the energy types. Energy types have a built in

204 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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limitation in terms of how they meet others, but Projectors are designed to be noticed.
Their biggest downfall in relationships is their inherent 'need' for energy. If they do not
enter into a relationship in exactly the right way, then they will always fall in with the
wrong person, and in doing so they will usually become the 'needy' partner in the rela-
tionsh ip. Projectors have to be very clear that just receiving an invitation from a nice look-
ing person does not mean that that is the right kind of relationship for them! It simply
means that the basisof finding out ifthere can be a match isestablished..
Projectors have a unique role in the world because they represent the only part of the
population that transcends class and status, in the sense that they can be born poor and
end up being very rich. They can be the kind of people that are born without culture and
end up being deeply cultured. In other words, they are designed to move through the
strata of the social structures of our society. The Projector is there to do well with their
This is why they have to be very clear that they are being recognized by an energy that it
makes sense for them to manage, because it is out of managing that energy that they are
going to have their future. They have to make sure that there is a place for them to go in
that recognition. They need the energy, either of an energy type or another Projector or
Reflector that defines the sacral.


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Virginia Woolf is a single definition Splenic Projector. She has the Spleen connected to the
Throat and then to the Ajna, and the majority of her definition is unconscious. As we have

Human Design International Training Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

already seen, unconscious definitions influence our behaviour patterns often without our
own realising it. They can therefore be either very gifted or very disturbing. Often they are

In order to really understand any Projector, you really need to have a competent
knowledge of channels, gates and Human Designcircuitry.Sincethe Projectorneeds to
be recognisedfor who they are, rather than who they are not; we need to understand the
definitions in their design. At first glance, we can see immediately that Virginiawas a
woman who was both instinctive and cool (Spleen), as well as someone who could
always speak her own mind (Ajnato Throat). Forher, recognition was to be invited to
speak, as well as being someone who was purely spontaneous. This is the design of
someone who cannot know anything other than the Now. For example, if one of
Virginia'sfriends were to expect her to be able to make any plans about the future, that
would immediately make her feel uncomfortable. She was not here to know anything
about the future, least of allher own. Evena simplequestion, such as 'would you liketo
have dinner tomorrow night?' is not a question that anyone with this kind of Splenic
Authority can answer.They can onlytell you when tomorrow night arrives.
Virginiahas two channels in her design - the 43/23, the Channelof Structuring,a design
of genius to freak,and the 48/16, the Channelof the Wavelength,a design of Talent.Her
genius was to innovate a structure for her talent. The 23/43 isan acoustic channel - it is
the voiceof the muse.These are people who often hear their own innervoice (in her case
it simplyemerges through her unconscious'tunnel') when they speak.Allkindsof things
can come out of their mouth, often at the wrong time, which is when they may be
easilymisunderstood (hence the 'freak'). ForVirginia,writing was a natural outlet for this
kindof mind. Indeed,she was one of the firstwritersto invent the styleof writing known
as 'stream of consciousness'.The 43rd gate isa gate of deafness - at leastto the outside,
which means that she was not a woman who was hear to listen to others. She was here
to express herself.Recognitionfor her was to be listened to, rather than being expected
to listen.
The 48/16, Channel of Talent, is just that. She was born with a talent for unusual
expression.Thischannel ispart of the logicalcircuitry,which demands repetition inorder
to attain mastery.Thisisthe design of someone who needs to find one singleoutlet for
her talent and then to immerse herselfin it, totally identifyingwith her own art (the 16th
gate is the gate of identification).IfVirginiawanted to find the right agent or publisher
for her work,she would need someone who understood her genius and her unusualness,
as well as someone who listened to her without pressuring her about the future, and
someone who in no way interferedwith her creativeprocess.Ifshe were to find the right
lover,they would.have to be extremely understanding about her. She might appear
deeply selfish and incommunicative,when in fact; she had no choice but to be utterly
obsessed by her work. Her talent demanded that she be deeply focussed on only one
thing. Forher, it was writing.

206 Human Design International Tlaining Manuals.

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For Virginia, as for any Projector, the not self is all about her need to be recognised. The
undefined centres in her design led to all kinds of personal problems because of her not
following her strategy correctly. Her design is to deal with no one unless they allow her to
be her. Because she begun to live only for the moment, she behaved in what was per-
ceived as an unusual way. It was assumed that there was something wrong with her. She
was given all kinds of advice from doctors about how she should live and what she need-
ed to in order to heal herself. Ironically, she was merely being herself. Whenever Projectors
are not recognised, they begin to feel resentful inside.
Virginia was not here to be emotional. She had an undefined Solar Plexus Centre.
Naturally, she could never avoid the conditioning of emotions, but she was never here to
get lost in them. For splenic people, life is very simple - it is all about living
spontaneously.Emotional people cannot often easilyrelateto that, sincetheir livesareso

We havealreadyseenthat Virginia was not hereto yield to other people'spressureon her

(undefined Root). Her undefined SacralCentre meant that she needed a great deal of
spacefrom others. It wasveryeasyfor herto bedraggedinto the energypatterns ofthose
around her, leading to a false impressionof how much she was capableof. This is what
usually leadsProjectorsdown the roadto exhaustion.The undefined GCentremeant that
herown direction in life wasdirectly dependent on beingaround the right people,and the
undefined Egomeant that she might haveinherently felt shehad something to proveto
the world. All of these factors contributed to her difficult personal life, and ironically, it
was all becauseof the people she lived around. Clearlythere were those who in her life
who recognised and understood her, and those who did not. Projectors often make
compromises with others simply becausethey are driven by a deep genetic needto be
seenand heard.Waiting for the right people to come at the right time is alwaysthe key
for them.
The SplenicProjector is here to only trust their first impressionsof people. In the first
spilt-secondthat they meet someone,they know whether they will be recognisedor not.
If they do not trust that incrediblyfast awarenessfrom their immune system, they will
inevitably become involved in relationshipsthat are not healthy for them. One can see
how easily such a person can be pulled away from their nature, especially by the
powerful and persuasiveemotions of others.

When you look at the charts of many great leaders,saints and geniusesyou will seethat
a disproportionate number of them are Projectors.Youwill also seethat most of them
had disastrous personal lives and great dilemmas in their relationships. Contrary to
history, genius does not haveto automatically leadto personalproblems.The image of
the suffering artist is a not-self archetype.If Projectorswere able to trust their inherent
nature and wait for the right people, they would find the correct energetic relationships

Human Design International Training Manuals. 207

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to support them in life. For Projectors, relationships really are the deepest issue, and they
are also the simplest. Every Projector has at least one definition in their design. Those are
the things they are here to be seen for, not what is undefined. When their gifts are truly
recognised then what is undefined becomes their wisdom. Virginia Woolf knew all about
emotions because she wasn't emotional. When they have the courage to hold out for
only the perfect recognitions, Projectors can thrive, but they can never thrive without

Nelson Mandela, J.F. Kennedy, Queen Elisabeth 11,Fidel (astro, Josef Stalin, Karl Marx,
Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, MickJagger, Barbara Streisand, Marilyn Monroe, Woody Alien,
Steven Spielberg, Princess Diana, Thomas Gottschalk, Berthold Brecht.

Inour metaphoricalfootball team, Projectorsarethe midfielders.Theymove between the
forwardsand the defenders (Manifestorsand Generators).Theyset up the ballfor the for-
wards, and feed it backto the defenders.Theirskillisto directthe entire game by coordi-
nating with the other playersas and when they are needed, seeing where the energy can
be efficientlyused in order to create a goal. In fact, they are the most recognisedof all,
since it is reallythe Projectorswho keep the wheels of the world turning.


The Issue of Projectors - Howlong do Ihave to wait?

There is one big keyto understanding Projectors, and it can only be found by looking at the
bigger picture. We know that statistically, Projectors make up 21% of the population. That
means that for every five people, more or less, there is one Projector. Those are interesting
numbers, especially when they are considered within the context of how Gene Pools oper-
There is a mysteriouscircuitwithin the Bodygraphthat iscuriouslyknownas the WA.The
WAholds the secret to the choreographyof all human gene pools. One day,when these
aspects of Human Designare explored in more depth, we willbe able to see how group-
ings of individualdesignscome together in the same way as cellsbind together to create
the organswithin our bodies.Forthose who baulkat the ideathat we have no choice,this
isfrighteningstuff.The WAshows how differentHuman Designsarecollectivelyorganised
and herded together to perform certainfunctions within the greater body of humanity.

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Imaginethen, that humanity isa body likeyour own body.There are only4 types of cells,
each with their own sub-programming. At one extreme, you have a small amount of
'rogue' cells, independent bodies that are designed to operate outside the loop of the
mainframeprogramming. Ironicallyhowever,these Manifestorcellsarejust as dependent
upon the whole as any other type. Theyare simplyprogrammed to appear independent.
At the other extreme, you have a tiny percentage of early-warningcells- these unusual
cellshave no programmingof their own but aredesigned to take accurate readingsof any
cellularenvironment they move through. Ineverysub-culture you willfind a few of these
cells reflecting the health of the local environment. Their role is to warn the overall
intelligenceof the body of any potential disruptions to the organism. They are called
Reflector cells.

The bulkof the cellularlifeof the body (91%)is made up of the two most common kinds
of cell - Generator cellsand Projectorcells.These 2 types are designed to interlockwith
each other. The Generator cellscollectivelycreate the lifeof the organism.They are pure
energy cellsbuzzing day and night, maintaining and building the whole. Projectorcells
are unique. They have no propulsion of their own, so they drift around on the endless
energy currents created by the Generator cells.Youmight imagine how easy it would be
for a Projectorcellto feelthat it had no purpose within the body. However,each Projector
cellactuallyhas a veryspecificpurpose (some have more than one), but that purpose can
only be realisedwhen certain energy cells(Generators)dock in with the Projectorcellto
receiveinstructions. Sincethe Projectorhas no propulsion, it is powerlessto initiate this
process, but has to allowthe Generator cellsto recognisethem and dock in within their
own timing. This recognition process takes place through a coded lock and key

Human Design International Training Manuals. 20g

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programme built into these 2 types at birth. In other words, every Projector holds
multiple keysthat fit an enormous arrayof locks.When a keydoes not fit a lock it isvery
Through the knowledge of the WA, we know that the basic genetic unit is S. These
human groupings of mainly Generatorsand Projectorsare also known as 'Pentas'.The
nuclearfamily isa family of five. Statistically,that isfour Generatorsand one Projector.As
an archetype, the role of this fifth Projector is to maintain the stability of the 4
Right, this next part is where it gets spooky, so hang on to your seatsand try and stay
with me!...
Just as this fifth Projectordraws together the 4 Generatorsto form a penta, this penta
then takes on a life of its own. It also seekssomething greater to dock into, and this is
known as an 0C16. Pentas (groups of 5 human beings) seek out another Projector,
known asan alpha. Alpha Projectorsnaturally dock together with three pentas, making
16 people (including the alpha).The moment you have 16 peopletogether, you actually
have the foundation of an entire gene pool, which then continues to grow
Right. I am going to stop there. Whether you were able to follow any of that or not, I am
trying to makea point - which isthat if you area Projector,you aregenetically coded to
have others (specifically Generators) recognise you and approach you. This is the
foundation of the successof humanity asa species.The Projector'srole is pivotal for life
to be coherently organised.But there isa great irony to it all for the Projector - whichis
that there is nothing for them to do until they are recognised.EveryProjector knows
when the keyfits. Everycell in their body lights up. They also know when it only 'sort of'
fits. Those are the critical moments for Projectors.If the fit is not perfect, they have to
smile sweetly and turn away.
So how long does a Projector have to wait? Well, forever. There is a deep secret for
Projectors going through their deconditioning - that is, waiting itself transforms the
cells.The reliefof not trying to makekeysfit when they do not want to fit, releasesa huge
pressurefrom the Projector'slife. But it isalsoclearfrom my own experienceof observing
Projectorsthat they arenot alwaysableto immediately throwaway keysthat do not fit.
Sometimes those keysmay provide their livelihood, and they haveto hold on to them
until they find the correct keysto replacethem. That takes courage - to wait knowing
something iswrong and you arepowerlessto change it. I havea vast admiration for any
Projector going through their deconditioning, and I have also learned that I can never
move forward'in life without the presenceof Projectorsin.key rolesaround me.
Projectors,if you cannot be patient, there is no hope for any of us...

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Technicallya Reflectorisvery easyto determine becausethey haveno definition. In other
words, all the centres remain white. However, having said this, they do have a lot of
activations acting as potentials, sticking out of the single centres.The Reflector is an
extraordinary being, making up lessthan 1%of the population of our planet. Evenso,we
arestill talking about billions of people, given the population sizeof humanity. The most
important thing to understand about the Reflectoristhat the way in which they process
experienceis different than any of the other Types.

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In the image above, you can see the three other Types that we have looked at arranged in
a triangular structure, with the Reflector in the middle. In terms of the genetic hierarchy,
the Reflector has a unique view and role. The Manifestor, Generator and Projector are all
solar Types, which means that they operate in a generalised imprinting program rooted
in the neutrino stream coming from the sun. The Reflector is the only Type that can be
described as 'lunar' since it operates in an imprinting program that is reflected through
the movement of the moon as it passesthrough the solar neutrino stream.

In history, the Reflectors,like Projectorshave been generally ignored, since the energy
Typeshaveruled throughout our history.The future liesin a new direction however,with
the unfolding of the natural genetic hierarchy.The Reflector'splace in this new order will
be as an embodiment of the ultimate form of social and global justice, since their
potential isto reflect everything around them with perfect equanimity.

212 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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Because Reflectors have no fixed definition in their design, there can be a quick
assumption that they are somehow more vulnerablethan the other three Types.This is
not strictlytrue. We have already seen that the undefined centres are not necessarilya
handicap ifthey are operating correctly.Infact, we have shown throughout this manual
that it is the undefined centres that can be the deepest windows on wisdom. It is true
that Reflectorsare indeed vulnerable, but if they know their design clearly,they are
absolutelyprotected from identifying with anything at all. Because the Reflector's
chemistry magnifieseverythingand everyone,they have the potential to see everything
that is really happening in a way that no one else can.They are a keyto a global
consciousness, because they participate through their openness in filteringthe general
The roleof the Reflectoristo be one with the totality. Theyare extremely important to us
because their unique perspective is much closerto our future emerging consciousness
than forexample,the perspectiveof a Manifestor,whichis deeply selfishin comparison.
Theirgreatest abilityisto read others. Addedto this, Reflectorshavea deep kinshipto the
moon,andthustheyhaveanopportunityfora mysticallifethat mostof uscannotknow.
Theycan knowa deep connection to a celestial body in an ongoing and profound way. In
a certain sense, Reflectorsrepresent the moon on earth. .

The greatest handicap of a Reflector is their greatest gift; their openness and
vulnerability. If they do not knowhowthey function,and if they identify with what they
are mirroring, they will easilyget lost and confused. Becauseof their impressionability,
they can become very dependent on those around them and therefore they have to be
very careful aboutwhothey allow into the inner circleof their lives.Reflectors come into
the world full of wonder, but so often, having metthe not-selfofthe world,they suffer
from a deep disappointment.

Reflector children obviously need a deep understanding from their parents and peers.
Fromearlyon in their life,they needto begiven a great dealof personalspacesothat they
can learnto discriminatebetweenallthe differentaurasthat movein and out of their
chemistry.Contraryto what many peoplethink,Reflectors do not need any more
attention than other children.Indeed, it is children such as Manifestors that will need a
greatercare. Reflector children do not need to be protected from other people or children.
They need to be right in the heart of the community or school so that they can learn from
all those who are around them.
The Reflector child has to learn that the world is made up of all kinds of forces and
people. They have to learn that there is no good and no bad in the world, but only
different perspectives and energies. Thus their early upbringing needs to provide a haven
where they always know they can go to shake off the conditioning that they are
constantly taking in. This is a habit that needs to be encouraged in their lives; that they
regularly withdraw to their own space or take a walk or play for a while on their own.

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The parent of a Reflector child has a special responsibility. They need to ensure that their
child grows in a balanced way without identifying with all the natural tension of life.The
parent also needs to understand their child's monthly lunar cycle in order to help them
find their deepest stability in life.

SinceReflectorshave no fixeddefinition intheir design, it appears at first as though they
have nothing fixed in lifethat they can relyupon. However,there is an element in their
livesthat they can relyupon, and this factor isthe moon. Sincethe moon moves around
the entire Human DesignWheelonce in everymonth, it also opens up a regularpattern
of energy in our chemistry each month. Movingveryquicklyin comparison to the other
planets, the moon activates every single gate in the wheel during each monthly cycle.
Thissets a deeplystable pattern of conditioning at the core of their lives,so long as they
are aware of it. This is where Reflectorscan find stability.In other words, for them, they
have regularcycleseach month where they can liveout allthe other 3 energy types. For
example,they may have 3 days in everymonth when they are a Manifestor,then 4 when
they are a Generator, etc. It is important for Reflectorsto know about these rhythms
within themselves inorderthat they take advantage of them fully.Ideally,Reflectorsneed
to learnto work with a Human Designephemeris because this givesthem the abilityto
chart the movement of the moon in detail.

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Being a Reflector means that the way in which you process information can only take
place after each lunar cycle.Thus, when Reflectors have to make a major decision in their
lives, they always have to wait out the lunar cycle. In other words, if for example, they
have to decide on a new job, they have to be given one month to make Liptheir minds.
Duringthat month, they also needto talk about their prospectivejob with as widea
varietyofpeopleaspossible.Feedbackfromthe auraofothersisanessentialpartoftheir
process. "
The reason that Reflectorsneed to talk things over with others is not because they are
seeking advice from people, but rather that they simply need to collect their thoughts
during the cycle.Eachconversation on the same theme can bring a differentperspective
of what is reallygoing on insideof them, because each time it is reflectedback through
their chemistry through a different person's aura. At the end of the cycle,they are in a
position to know exactly whether they can accept or reject the job. Although it may
appear to be an unusual way of makingdecisions,this isthe Reflector'sStrategy.

QUESTION:Can I be myself?
The big question for a Reflectoris always:"(an I be myself?"It is so important to tell
Reflectors:"Ves,you can. There is a 'Vou'to discover."Thiscan be very relievingfor them
to hear because it takes away their greatest pain, which is that they feel as though they
are invisible.However,the only way that Reflectorscan truly be themselves is overtheir
monthly lunar cycle.They have to understand that they are a moving, ripplingrhythm
that repeats and repeats endlesslyuntil the day they die.
The Reflectorgoes through their lunar rhythm 14 times a year.That pattern is who they
are.Reflectorsare one of the few types of designthat have no innerAuthority.Thismeans
that there isnoth ing insideof a Reflectorto say to them that yes and no iscorrect.Intheir
processthey must accept the Authoritythat comes to them from being with others. The
people who the Reflectorshares their life with define who they are, thus they have to
chose verycarefullywho they liveand workwith. Atthe deepest level,this isexactlywhat
the Reflectorishere for:to be open to the outer Authorityof the world around them, and
to take it in and to filter it. But they don't filter the world as blindconditioning.They do
have an inherent structure, but it is a moving lunar structure that is at the heart of their

As we havejust seen, the Reflectorhas no definition and no inner Authority.Therefore,
they have no direct mechanical way to either affect or understand the nature of any
relationship that they are about to meet. The Reflectordoes have certain repeating
themes, which exist in their gate activations, but as a Typethey are completely open.
There issomething rather unusual to understand about Reflectorsin relationships:which
isthat they are alwaysat the mercyof the person who wants to have a relationshipwith
them. A relationship with a Reflectoris a deeply narcissisticrelationship, because the

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people that meet the Reflectorget themselves backcompletely.Inother words, ifyou fall
in lovewith a Reflector,you have reallyfallen in lovewith yourself!Thisiswhat Reflectors
do. They alwaysmirrorthe other person.
In life,people who do not likethemselves often fall in love with themselves through
somebody else, and often through Reflectors.Thiscan be a discoveryprocessfor people
to find themselves, but for the Reflectora relationship is only of value when it is fertile
and productive. Forexample, if the Reflectoror their partner gets pregnant, then the
Reflectorreallyfeels likethey are in a relationshipfor the first time. Reflectorswho have
children almost always feel good about their relationship. Naturally, this does not
necessarilymean that their relationshipswork.
Reflectorscan have a very hard time because they are not here to be secure in their
decision-making process. They can become dependent on those who do have the
Authority to make their decisions for them. For the Reflector,there are no rules in
relationships.There isonlythe Authorityof waitingout their lunarcycleto be clearbefore
they enter into a relationship.Thisisthe onlywayfor them to knowwhether someone is
right for them. Each Reflector holds a deep hope within themselves that the rest of
humanity will figure out who they are, so that they don't have to be messed up
reflectingeveryone'spain, and instead they can reflecttheir truth.


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RichardBurton is our famous example of a Reflector.A man of extraq~dilJarytalent and
depth, Burton is totally undefined in all of the nine centres.As we know, this is either a
recipe for being totally distracted and confused, or the potential for a great natural
wisdom. Beinga Reflector,wek,now that Burton had no reliablemechanisminsideto tell
him what to say yes or no to, and thus his life was all about finding the right people
around him in whose Authority he could trust. Becausehe had the gift of being open to
anyone, he was also open to those that were not good for him, and it was perhapsthis
that led to both his fame and his downfall. In the light of this, we will analysehis design
In a slightly different way from our other examples.By also looking in more depth at his
personalstory,we canseewhat kind of issuesa Reflectorreallydoesfacein the realworld.


The son of a coal-miner and born in the industrial heart of Wales,RichardBurton wasthe
twelfth ofthirteen children. Hegrew up in the auraof many brothersand sisters,which as
a Reflectorwould give him a deep senseof stability, had it not beenfor his father, who
was an irreverentman and an alcoholic.As a Reflector,his childhood requiredthat he had
space and understanding from his siblings and his parents, neither of which were
particularly true. The result was that Burton couldn't wait to escape the cramped
poverty of hisearlylife. It wasclearto him that hewasvery different from all those around
him and his only escapewas learning and books,of which he readone a day.

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Once he was at school, Burton's intelligencewas immediately recognizedby histeacher,

PhillipBurton,whose surname he lateradopted. Findingan allywho was healthy for him,
the young Burton excelled at school and was awarded a rare scholarship to Oxford
University,enablinghim to finallyescapethe difficultaura of hischildhood and pursue his
dream of becoming an actor.
With all his undefined centres and particularly his open G Centre, Burton made the
consummate actor, being able to adopt any role that suited him with ease. He also
became well known for the power and resonance of his voice, reflectingthe potential
gifts of having an undefined Throat Centre.Throughout his acting career, he played an
enormous arrayof roles, saying in his own words: "I'veplayed the lot; a homosexual, a
sadisticgangster, kings,princes,a saint, the lot."
Richard Burton was famous for his sexual exploits and constant womanizing. His
undefined sacral led him to experiment with many women and even try homosexuality
at one point in hislife.Hisfame reallyexplodedwhen he playedalongsideLizTaylorinthe
epic 'Anthonyand Cleopatra',although itwas not so much the filmthat shot him to fame
so much as the scandalof his love affairwith LizTaylor.Thus began the relationshipfor
which he became famous and his subsequent 'fall from grace'. Hisrelationshipwith Liz
Taylorwas explosive,passionate and erratic,leadingto two divorcesand a growingaddic-
tion for alcoholand women.
Burton'slifewas characterisedbyhisdeep-seated confusionabout what made him happy
and who he reallywas. As a Reflector,it is clearthat he tried to find stability inthe auras
of other people, and in many cases,those who were clearlynot healthy for him. Hewas
in many waysthe archetype of a deeplydisappointed man, and caused a huge scandalin
Britainwhen he refused to play a role of Winston Churchillfor the BBC,labelinghim as
'inhumane'. Burton's disappointment seemed to be for the whole of humanity rather
than anything personal, and those who knew him closelyspeak of him as a man 'too
sensitive for his own good'. It seems that he was at his happiest when he was acting
either on stage or for film, since these were the times when his depth of genius came
through the clearest.LizTayloronce said of him,that when she first faced him acrossthe
stage, she was genuinely terrified on account of him losing who he was and totally
forgetting himselfin the part he was playing.She said that there was no way she could
possiblycompete on stage with 'a man who was not there'.

Belowis an example of a typical lunar monthly chart given to a Reflector.Eventhough
this chart was done for the month of December,it de~onstrates the lunar patterning
sequence throughout this person's life.Usinga Human Designephemeris, it isfairlyeasy
to track your ~wn.Iunarcycle,regardlessof whether you are Reflectoror not. It can givea
deep revelationabout your own personal biorhythm.

218 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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I Dec15 I

I Dec24 I

. 25.7.1953


50 Generator Lunar Birthday: Cycle Begins Sacral (1 day)

1 Projector CreativeBurst G Centre (3 days)
11 Projector Ideas/Caution Ajna (11/2 days)
38 Projector Struggle Spleen (1/2 day)
54 Projector Transformation Spleen (2 1/2 days)
13 Projector Retreat GCentre (1/2 day)
49 Projector Materialneeds Emotional (1/2 day)
30 Projector Desire/Fantasy/Expectation Emotional (1/2 day)
55 Projector Low$pirit/HighSpirit Emotional (1 day)
63 Projector Doubt Ajna (11/2 days)
25 Projector Initiation Ego (1 day)
21 Manifestor The Peak Ego (1 day)
42 Generator Closing of Cycle Sacral (11/2 days)
24 Projector Inspiration Head (5 1/2 days)
62 Projector Organisation/Service Ajna (2 days)
7 Projector Leadership GCentre (2 days)
64 Projector TakingStock Head (3 days)

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Yourmonthlycycle isclearlydividedinto 2 phases- an introverted'study'phaseand an

extroverted 'communication' phase. In saying that, it doesn't mean you can't
communicate in the first phase or that you can't study in the second. These are simply
general patterns in your particularcycle.
The cyclebegins each month with the moon inthe 50. Thisactivates your unconscious
sun in the 27th gate, which is about looking after yourself. It is also when you have
generative energy, so it's a major point in your month. It's likea mini birthday in each
month when it comes round, so it beginsyour monthly prcx;essof figuringout what you
are going to care about that month and what is of value to you within the community
(50). It's about providingfor yourself,NOTothers. It's interesting that you will have to
keepcoming backto this everymonth. Itsaysthat you can onlyhelp others when you put
yourself first. It sets the tone of each lunar cyclewith 'OK,what do I want for MEthis
month ?'
Youthen have about 16 daysas a Projector,which is basicallyabout your study period.
Here'sthe storyline:
Once the tone of the month is set by the 50, you have a creative burst when the moon
goes into the 1. This yang energy gets the ball rolling.Again,this is creativity that is
inwardfacing rather than outward. The fact that there is no further lunar definition for
the next 3 days means that this creativeenergy lastsfor that long as a theme.
Next the moon definesthe channel of Curiositybygoing into the 11th gate of ideas.Out
of the creativeenergyflow new ideas.Becarefulnot to get overexcitedat this point. The
ideas are not grounded. They are the beginning of a process. This activates your
personalitymercuryinthe lineof caution. Becarefulwhat you communicate. Thisphase
lasts until the next definition about 1 and a half days later.
Nowthe moon goes into the 38 and activatesyour designearth inthe 28, (nowyou have
severaldayswith a definedspleen becausethe moon followsbygoing into the 54).Thisis
when the ideas have to be grounded. Youhave to struggle at this point, and ifthere is a
point inthe month when you may get ill,it ishere.Thisiswhen you haveto take the thing
that you are studying and ground it in the material realm (channel of transformation
32/54). Youhaveto transform your mental ideasinto something lastingand practical.
Then the moon goes into the 13 and takes you deeper into retreat. Thisis a natural time
for you to be alone and reflect on the struggle you've just gone through. Youwill also
need this little pause in order to deal with the next 2 days,which mark your emotional
cycle.Youwillhave 3 definitions,allin differentstreams: the 49, when you have to figure
out your material needs, the 30 when you are moved by desires,fantasies and dreams
and the 55 when the emotions mayor may not beginto clearso that you can make sense
of what is happening to you. These 2 days are alwaysgoing to be foggy for you because
you cannot yet see clearlywhat processyou are in. Youare still in the introverted half of
the month. This isnot a good time to make any decisionsbecause you may feel nervous.
Onthe other hand this can be a veryrichtime as well.The 55 isthe gate of spirit,so it can
giveyou a realsense of depth.

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The emotional period is immediately followed by doubt. You doubt whether what you
are feeling is really the truth. The doubt really tells you to wait until things are clearer.
Also,this activatesboth your Pluto's,which meansthis isa realkeymoment in your cycle.
Thisiswhenyou haveto comeupwith anexcuseto go backindoors.' .

Next you have your only 2 days of ego definition. The 25 is a real test for you every
month. This is the Channelof Initiation. All the inward energy of the month is about to
turn into outward energy so there is great pressurein this particular moment in your
cycle.The test isto hold out from releasingthe energyand the ideasunlessthey arecalled
out or invited. All your Projector days say just this, in fact. Don't do anything unless
someone callson you first. If you can hold out for this one day,then you will alwaysget
your reward when the moon goes into the 21 becausethen is the natural time for
manifestation. It isthe peakof your month. This isa day you alwaysneedto know. Put it
in your diary becauseyou will seethat all the energyof your cycleis moving towards it. It
is the natural time for you to reachothers with all that you haveworked on inwardly in
the month.
After the manifesting peak,you get a little rest. Forthe next 11 daysor so,the energy is
going outwards and it isthe natural time for you to be invited out and recognised.If you
wait, you should seethis. The 21 isfollowed by the 42, which isthe gate that endsyour
lunar cycle.It is the gate of completion. It gives you this power to follow through with
your processuntil the end of the month.
Then the 24 comesand brings out your natural brilliancein the 61 line 2.This isa time of
inspiration for you and for how you impact others. It is the best time to communicate
your inspiration (again it needsto be invited).
The next 4 daysof your cycleareessentiallyyour most transpersonaltime of the month.
You finish with 2 logical definitions, which point you towards the future. For the first
2 days,you havethe 17/62, which is the design of an organisational being. So you get
everything together at this time. Yousort out what the month hasbrought you and you
get readyfor the next beginning. It isalsowhen you can best communicate with others.
It is when your 'Bodhisattva' line gets defined, so it is a natural time of seNice in the
world. This is the time at the end of your month energetically, so if you have been
waiting out an important decision (your strategy) for the month, it is here, with the
moon in the 62, that you get all the details (gate of detail) so that the decision can be

The penultimate 2 days are marked by the 7/31, the design of Leadership.Your
organisational capacity opens up your greatest opportunity to influence and guide
Finally,and rather neatly, your month finishes with the 64/47, activating your design
moon in the 47.1-the line of 'TakingStock'.This isall about you finding inspiration from
your own past. In other words, it isyour time to sit backand take stock of your month and
all that it hasbrought you.This isa quiet time that isreallyall about you clearingout your
auraand turning inwardsonce again.The fact that your lunar cycleendswith your design

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moon inthis gate and line is a wonderful piece of Reflectorchoreography!

Then you are backto the same theme of personal needs with whichyou began the cycle.
This is where you say: "OK,this bodhisattva stuff is fine, now I've got to have time to
myselfagain to clearout allthese auras Ihave been taking in".
So you can see how your energydiaryshould be laidout. It beginswith generative power
in the 50 and peaks with manifesting power inthe 21. Beforethe 21 isabout YOU,after
the 21 is about OTHERS.Inthe middle you have to deal with a lot of mundane struggle
and emotion. Afterthe 42nd gate closesthe cycle,it's basicallya cruise back down the
other side of the mountain (the only potential difficultyhere could be the moon in the
24 sincethose next 5 and a half dayscan be irritatingifno one shows up to Iistento your
inspiration!) However,if you wait, it will naturally be the time when you are around
Now,you have the pattern, you can watch for it. Youmay not see it all immediately,but
given a year or so, you should be clearlyable to fall into the rhythm of it. It can provide
you with an incrediblestability in life.Thisis where you learnthat a Reflectorhonouring
their cycleis in fact the most stable human being of all the 4 Types,despite having no

Uri Geller, Rosalyn Carter (wife of Jimmy Carter), Graham Greene

Inour football team, the Reflectoristhe goalkeeper.Theyare a rare breed, being perhaps
the most crucialsinglemember of the team, even though they themselves do not move
around the field like the other players. They operate according to different laws, for
example they are able to use their hands whereas the other players cannot. They are
perhaps the most limited and at the same time the most unlimited people among us,
and their perspective istruly unique.

The Issueof Reflectorsand the Fourpaths to Enlightenment
Sincetime immemorial,man has hankeredafter a state of transcendence from the form
in which he finds himself locked.This state has been calledso many different names -
nirvana,moksha, brahman, satori, enlightenment, awak~,ning...
Thisissueof enlightenment isdeeplyingrainedwithin the Human DesignRevelation.The
actual terminology is important here since Design notes a difference between
enlightenment and awakening.Awakeningis referredto as being in absolute alignment
with our originalnature. It is as simple as being oneself. Enlightenment isa rather more
slanted terminology, since its etymology hints towards the word 'light'. In other words,
enlightenment, as a word,can be deeplydivisiveand misleading.Todwellwithin the light

222 Human Design International Training Manuals.

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is to dwell in an extreme, and many enlightenment teachings over the centuries have
sought to escapethe darkersideof human nature. Awakeningisa broaderterm - you can
be awake and in the light or asleep and in the light and you can be asleep in the dark or
awakeinthe dark. .

Enlightenment, in manyways,issomething of a con.The light can be so deceptive;it can

so easilydrawyou awayfrom where you are reallymeant to be. Most of all,it can prevent
you from accepting yourself as you are now. To the Not-Self, enlightenment is the
ultimate lure.I have even conned you allby using the term inthe title of this article.But
Human Designis not concerned with enlightenment. Ifyou awaken,you willattain the
states you are meant to attain, at the right times with the right people and in the right
Many teachers have over the centuries attempted to categorise the paths to
enlightenment and awakening. Buddha himself divided these paths into four broad
categories.So often, great cosmictruths arisedirectlyfrom deep genetic truths. There are
four types of vehicleand therefore there are four mechanicalpaths to awakening (and
four types of spiritualpropaganda!).Theyareallrooted ina common theme of surrender:
Manifestorsare here to surrenderto Freedom.The more deeplya Manifestorrests in their
true nature, the more powerfultheir urge to be free becomes. Bydesign, Manifestorsare
archetypes of pure freedom, even though within the maya, this is an illusion. For a
Manifestor, freedom comes before everything, even before love. The propaganda of
Manifestors brings us the concept of freewill.This is the 'Youcreate your own Reality'
propaganda. This is 'we are the planet of choice'.Spirituallyspeaking,this is symbolised
by the path of Yoga- a proactive path towards awakening (this is 'Yoga'as a teaching
rather than the western body-centred discipline).When a Manifestorcomes to Human
Design,they actually appear to make their awakening happen. Giventhe power of their
conditioning, this may not be as easy as it sounds.
Generators and Manifesting Generators are here to surrender to the Now. The awake
Generator actuallygoes in the opposite directionfrom the Manifestor(albeit to towards
the same source). Whereas the awake Manifestor takes control of their own life,the
awake Generatorsurrenders control.The surrenderof response isthe continual surrender
to the next moment. This is the propaganda of 'nothing is up to me, it's all out of my
hands'. Spirituallyspeaking,this path isembodied inthe IndianVedicteachings known as
'Advaita',but it can also be found in other teachings such as the ChineseTaoTe Ching,
which centres on the concept of 'wu wei' - the art of doing nothing. Sinceit appliesto
over 70% of us, it is amusing how unpopular this kindof teaching reallyis.The Not-Self
Generator much prefersthe Manifestorpropaganda that says:'no, Ihave a choiceand I'm
going to make a difference!'
Projectors are here to Surrender to the Other. Likethe Generator, the Projector has a
design to wait. But the awake Projector cannot simply wait for the next moment to
define them, they are actuallydefined bytheir relationships.Spiritually,this issymbolised
bythe path ofTantra, the union of two or more energies leadingto transcendence (again,
this is 'Tantra' in its purest form, rather than the modern western sexual interpretation).

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The secret of the Projector'strue path liesin the mastery of the undefined sacral,which
alwaysdepends on the correct alignment of their own and someone else's energies.The
spiritualpropaganda of the Projectorpath isallbased on cooperation and love.Thisisthe
teaching that we are all one and that only by joining together can we attain
transcendence. One can see how this is actually the most natural of all teachings, since
Projectorsare the most natural teachers. It isthe natural direction of humanity, and yet
Projectorscannot impose this way on others.
Reflectorsare here to surrender to their own Existence.The awake Reflectoris a living
archetype of transcendence. Theirverybeing testifies that there isno individualself.This
is symbolised by the spiritual teachings of negation - that all form is emptiness for
example, as Buddha taught (one wonders about his design). The myth of Buddha is a
wonderful archetype of the Reflector- sitting beneath a tree for seven years until the
deconditioning revealsthe truth that there is no one sitting under the tree after all. For
such a relativelysmall part of the population, the propaganda of this path is enormous.
The Reflector'spropaganda is the propaganda of enlightenment! They represent the
extreme. Fora Reflector,the repetition of the truth 'th is isn't me' directlyresonates. Every
time the Reflectorlooks in the mirrorand identifieswith what they see, they stop being
a clearmirrorfor others.
The Reflectoralso bears testimony to a great truth - that beneath our designs, we are
that as well.Onlywhen we resonate our designs through our correctpath willwe become
aware of the background emptiness in which we live and move and have our being
(symbolisedin everychannel,gate or centre that we have undefined). Anyawake being,
whether Manifestor,Generator or Projector,will attain the same transcendence as the
Reflector,but each willsimplyperceive it differently.Our individualpath isdirectlylinked
to the definitions in our design, which is why the Reflectorhas no distinct path of their
own. Theirs isthe so-called'path lesspath'.
The Mayainwhich we liveholds such deliciousironies - perhaps the greatest of which is
that there isany such thing as awakening,let alone any path towards it.The mysticshave
always held that we are already awake. And yet, we are each designed to seek out a
higher truth. Collectively,humanity is a passage in which a rolling consciousness is
flowering.Weare allbeing used by consciousness,whether through the authentic self-or
the not self.From the viewpoint of pure consciousness,no duality exists, but from our
viewpoint within the maya, we are each limitedthrough the perspective of our designs.
There is no spiritual teacher who has ever existed who has not been limited by the
perspective of their design. Eventhe Reflectoris limited byseeing things in an unlimited
I begun this article with the intention of writing about. Reflectors,and now find that I
have in fact written about allthe types, and a great deal more.That actually symbolises
the Reflector beautifully.All the above paths to transcendence have been so deeply
intermingled and <:onfusedthat it extremely difficultfor anyone to know which path
belongs to them. The Not-Selfisgenerallyonlycomfortablewith imitation, which iswhy
it seeks outside Authority and a structured path. Everyonethese days wants fast food,
pre-prepared spirituality.

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So,one finalcaution- especiallyforthose with undefinedmindsand undefinedHead

Centres!Allof the confusionabout awakeningand enlightenmenthas come about
becauseof the mind.Undefinedmindshate to be uncertain,even though it is their
nature. And worse stillisthe undefined Head Centre.71%of humanity has an undefined
Head Centre!That means that two thirds of the human race is stilltrying to figure out
questions that do not matter to them. So, ifyou have an undefined Head Centre,enjoy
the inspirationof teachings and structures, but don't try and workthem out. Lettime and
the simplicityof your strategy answer allthese questions for you.

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Throughout the course of this manual, we have explored many facets of the Human
Design System. In the end, it all comes down to you. Do you have the courage and the
patience to try it out for yourself? Knowing your Type and following your strategy really
is the simplest and deepest panacea for transforming a person's life.
We hope that this manual has encouraged you to explore your strategy. Human Design is
a logical system and we are grateful for any student who is not willing to believe what we
say.This is why we invite you to find out its validity for yourself so that you can truly gain
confidence in being who you are. Everyjourney begins with the first step. Good luck and
enjoy the experiment.

An Afterword by Richard Rudd

There is a certain sentence one regularly hears from many people who are new to Human
'I have already done a lot of work on myself '
The truth is that the more work you have done on yourself, the harder it will be to decon-
dition all of that work. I speak as one who knows! I did a lot of work on my 'not self' as
well. I was really into polishing my not self! And it's not about devaluing all that work
either. It all has its value in the end.

If you have found Human Design, you must be a naturally lucky person, but you may also
be damned! You have to have double luck for the knowledge to take root inside you.
There are no prerequisites for awakening. This is the only thing that can never be read
from your chart - who will get it and who will not is still one of the true mysteries. It
doesn't matter how good a student you are - you could know more about Human
Design than Ra Uru Hu himself and not get it - or you could only ever hear 2 sentences
about your strategy and get it. You can be the most impatient person on this earth, but
if your design makes the commitment to the process, you will learn to be patient within
your impatience.
It's a maddening business is Human Design.
So, after years of digging, I have only one diamond.
I would say: tread softly. Human Design isn't about innerwork - it's about sheddingall of
that - and once its gone, we really get to see that it's really about inner play. It isn't
serious at all. In fact, it's bloody hilarious.

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Belowisa complete indexof the master keynotesforeverychanneland gate inthe Human
Designbodygraph.The name of each channel and gate iswritten in blackand in the case
of the gates, these are drawn from the originalheadingsfrom the traditional IChing.The
Keynotesof each channel andgate can also be seen below each heading, highlighted in
blue.Inadvanced Human Designanalysis,these keynotescan be strung together to create
themes and stories that reflectthe behaviouralpatterns in our lives.Takingthe simplest
example of the 1st gate, you could say that someone with this whole channel in their
design is designed to be a creative role model who is here to make their
contribution through selfexpression.

Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote
1 TheCreative 8 HoldingTogether 8-1 Inspiration
Selfexpression Contribution A designofa creative
2 The Receptive inGreatMeasure 2-14
14 Possession TheBeat
oftheSelf PowerSkills A designof beingkeeperofthekeys
3 Difficulty at the Beginning 60 Limitation 3-60 Mutation A designof energywhich
Ordering Acceptance fluctuatesand initiates,pulse
4 Youthful Folly 63 After Completion 63-4 Logic
Formulisation Doubt A designof mentaleasemixedwith doubt
S Waiting 15 Modesty 5 -15 Rhythm
Fixedrhythms Extremes A designof beingin the flow
6 Conflict 59 Dispersion 59-6 Mating
Friction Sexuality A designfocusedon reproduction
7 The Army 31 Influence 31- 7 TheAlpha
The roleof the self Leading A designof leadershipfor "good" or "bad"
8 HoldingTogether 1 The Creative 8-1 Inspiration
Contributions SelfExpression A designof a creativerolemodel
9 TheTamingPowerof 52 KeepingStill 9 - 52 Concentration
the Small- Focus Inaction A designof determination,focused
10 Treading 20 Contemplation 20 -10 Awakening A designof commitment
The behaviourof the self The now to higherprinciples
10 Treading 34 ThePowerofthe Great 10 - 34 Exploration
The behaviourof the self Might A designof following one'sconvictions
10' Treading 57 The Gentle 10 -57 PerfectedForm
The behaviourof the self Intuitive sight A designfor survival
11 Peace 56 The Wanderer 11 -56 Curiosity
Ideas Stimulation A designof a searcher
12 Standstill 22 Grace 12 - 22 Openness
Caution Openness A designof a socialbeing
13 The Fellowshipof Man 33 Retreat 33 -13 The Prodigal
The Listener Privacy A designof a witness
14 Possessionin GreatMeasure 2 The Receptive 2-14 Beat
PowerSkills The Directionof the self A designof beingkeeperof the keys
15 Modesty 5 Waiting 15 -5 Rhythm
Extremes Fixedrhythms A designof beingin the flow

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Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote
16 Enthusiasm 48 The Well 16 - 48 The Wavelength
Skills Depth A design ofTalent
17 Following 62 Preponderance of the 17..62 Acceptance
Opinions Small - Detail A design of an organisational being
18 Work on what has been 58 The Joyous 18 - 58 Judgement
spoilt - Correction Aliveness A design of insatiability
19 Approach 49 Revolution 49 - 19 Synthesis
Wanting Rejection A design of sensitivity
20 Contemplation 10 Treading 20 -10 Awakening A design of
The now The behaviour of the self commitment to higher principles
20 Contemplation 34 The Power of the Great 20-34 Charisma A design where thoughts
The now Might must become deeds
20 Contemplation 57 The Gentle 20 -57 The BrainWave
The now Intuition A design of penetrating awareness
21 BitingThrough 45 Gathering Together 21 - 45 Money
The hunter, huntress The gatherer A design of a materialist
22 Grace 12 Standstill 22 - 12 Openness
Openness Caution A design of a social being
23 Splitting Apart 43 Breakthrough 43 - 23 Structuring
Assimilation Insight A design of individuality
24 Returning 61 Inner truth 61-24 Awareness
Rationalising Mystery A design of a thinker
25 Innocence 51 The Arousing 25- 51 Initiation
The spirit of the self Shock A design of needing to be first
26 The Taming Power ofthe 44 Coming to meet 26 - 44 Surrender
Great - The egoist Alertness A design of a transmitter
27 Nourishment 50 The Cauldron 27 . So PreseNation
Caring Values A design of custodianship
28 Preponderance of the 38 Opposition 28 - 38 Struggle
Great - The game player The fighter A design of stubbornness
29 The Abysmal 46 Pushing Upward 46-29 Discovery
Saying yes Determination A design of succeeding where others fail
30 Clinging Fire 41 Decrease 30 - 41 Recognition
Feelings Contraction A design of focused energy
31 Influence 7 The Army 31-7 The Alpha A design of leadership'
leading The role ofthe self for "good" or "bad"
32 Duration 54 The MarryingMaiden 32 - 54 Transformation
Continuity Ambition A design of being driven
33 Retreat 13 The Fellowshipof Man 33 - 13 The Prodigal
Privacy The Ustener A design of a witness
34 The Power of the Great 10 Treading 10 - 34 Exploration
Might The behaviour of the self "A design of following one's convictions
34 The Power of the Great 20 Contemplation 20-34 Charisma A design where thoughts
Might The now must become deeds
34 The Power of the Great 57 The Gentle 34 - 57 Power
Might Intuition A design of an archetype

228 Human Design International Tr.lining Manuals.

Ra Uru Hu. AllRights Reserved 2000. Copyright)ovian Archive Eul'Opa2000,

Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote
35 Progress 36 The Darkeningohhe Light 35 -'36 Transitoriness A designof being
Change Crisis aJackof allTrades
36 The Darkeningof the Light 35 Progress 35-36 Transitoriness A designof being
Crisis Change aJackof allTrades

37 The Family 40 Deliverance 40 -37 Community A designof being

Friendship Aloneness a part seekinga whole
38 Opposition
Thefighter -
28 Preonderanceohhe
Great The gameplayer
28-38 Struggle
A designof stubbornness
39 Obstruction S5 Abundance 55 - 39 Emoting
The provocateur Spirit A designof moodiness
40 Deliverance 37 TheFamily 40 - 37 Community A designof being
Aloneness Friendship a part seekinga whole
41 Decrease 30 Clingingfire 30 -41 Recognition
Contraction Feelings A designof focusedenergy
42 Increase 53 Development 42 - 53 Maturation
Growth Beginnings A designof balanceddevelopment,cyclic
43 Breakthrough 23 Splitting Apart 43 - 23 Structuring
Insight Assimilation A designof individuality
44 Comingto Meet 26 TheTamingPowerof the 26-44 Surrender
Alertness Great-The egoist A designof a transmitter
45 GatheringTogether 21 BitingThrough 21 - 45 Money
The gatherer The hunter,huntress A designof the materialist
46 PushingUpward 29 TheAbysmal 46-29 Discovery A designof succeeding
Determination Sayingyes whereothersfail

47 Oppression 64 BeforeCompletion 64 - 47 Abstraction

Realising Confusion A designof mentalactivityand clarity
48 TheWell 16 Enthusiasm 16-48 TheWavelength
Depth Skill A designof talent
49 Revolution 19 Approach 49 - 19 Synthesis
Rejection Wanting A designof sensitivity
50 The Cauldron 27 Nourishment 27 -50 Preservation
Values Caring A designof custodianship
51 The Arousing 25 Innocence 25 - 51 Initiation
Shock Thespirit of the self Adesignof needingto befirst
52 KeepingStill 9 TheTamingPowerof the 9-52 Concentration
Inaction Small- Focus A designof determination,focused
53 Development 42 Increase 42 - 53 Maturation
Beginnings Growth A designof balanceddevelopment,cyclic
54 The MarryingMaiden 32 Duration 32 -54 Transformation
Ambition ontinuity Adesignof beingdriven
55 Abundance 39 Obstruction 55 - 39 Emoting
Spirit The provocateur A designof moodiness
56 TheWanderer 11 Peace 11-56 Curiosity
Stimulation Ideas Adesignof a searcher
57 The Gentle 10 Treading 10 - 57 PerfectedForm
Intuitive sight The behaviourof the self A designfor survival

Human DesignInternat!onalTrainingManuals. 229

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Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote
57 The Gentle 20 Contemplation -
20 57 TheBrainWave
Intuition The now A design of penetrating awareness
S7 The Gentle 34 The Powerof the Great 34-§i Power
Intuition Might A design of an archetype
58 The Joyous 18 Work on what has been 18-58 Judgement
Aliveness spoilt - Correction A design of insatiability
59 Dispersion 6 Conflict 59~ Mating -

. Sexuality Friction. A design focused on reproduction

60 Limitation 3 Difficultyat the Beginning 3 - 60 Mutation
Acceptance Ordering Energy which fluctuates and initiates, pulse
61 Inner Truth 24 Returning -61-24 Awareness
Mystery Rationalising A design of a thinker
62 Preponderance of the 17 Following 17-62 Acceptance
small-Detail Opinions A design of an organisational being
63 After Completion 4 Youthful Folly 63-4 Logic A design of mental ease
Doubt Formulisation mixed with doubt

64 Before Completion 47 Oppression 64-47 Abstraction

Confusion Realising A design of mental activity and ciarity


230 Hurnan Design International Training Manuals.

Ra UrJ Hu. All Rights Reserved 2000. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000.

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