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Climate Change

Group : 2

The effects of global warming on the climate of the Earth are countless. Global warming has
different effects in every country, and broad changes in weather patterns are referred to as
climate change.

One significant result of climate change is that the melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers on
Earth has accelerated due to the rise in average temperature.
As a result, there has been an increase in floods in some countries and a faster rate of coastal
erosion. This has caused the sea level to rise. The life cycles and traveling habits of animals
and birds are also changing as a result of ice cap melting. Particularly heavily impacted are
polar bears, who depend on sea ice to move between different hunting areas.
The intensity of floods can also rise as temperatures rise. Higher temperatures cause the soil to
dry up more quickly, which is further compounded by variations in rainfall.

Climate change-related issues go beyond just rising temperatures. Climate change will result in
more frequent and extreme weather patterns for many nations. For some, this has brought more
intense storms, along with the following flooding and landslides.
Climate change's impacts can be harmful for plants and animals, even while they can disturb
human lifestyles. A lot of living things are very sensitive to even small variations in the
temperature on average.
For example, variations in temperature can affect the seasons when plants blossom and
produce fruit, which has an impact on the animals. They depend on these plants for their life

So, what can we do to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide released into the

At the individual, national, and international levels, a number of actions can be performed to
minimize the release of greenhouse gasses. Governments from all around the world have been
attempting to cut their greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. The Directive of 2005 and the
Paris Agreement of 2016 were accords reached at significant climate change conferences.
Governments are under pressure to act as a result of growing public concern about the effects
of climate change and a more pronounced presence of environmental organizations.
Reducing our use of fossil fuels for power generation and transportation is an important step
towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gasses.
In order to achieve this, it is one of the possible ways, such as using renewable energy sources.

Transportation modes are beginning to change, and numerous nations have committed to
process diesel engines. Although there are still concerns about how the electricity used to
power these automobiles is produced, there is a lot of interest in switching from
gasoline-powered cars to electric ones. Additionally, some manufacturers are considering
creating fuel cell vehicles.
In addition to reducing the amount of CO being produced, steps are being taken to remove CO
from the atmosphere and so reduce the effects of global warming. It might be possible to absorb
Carbon Dioxide at power plants before it is released into the atmosphere and store it
underground. Growing more trees, which will collect the Carbon Dioxide through
photosynthesis, is an alternate strategy that several nations are using.
Absorption of carbon dioxide and water is followed by the use of sunlight energy and the
presence of chlorophyll to create glucose and oxygen through a process known as
As the raw material for other carbohydrates like starch, glucose is essential.

Word Equation for photosynthesis is:

Carbon Dioxide + Water → glucose + oxygen

The conclusion is that rising sea levels, ecosystem breakdown, and more extreme weather are
the main risks of climate change that result from the Earth's atmosphere being warmer. The
impact of global warming induced by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions is diffrent.

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