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The alpha variant of the coronavirus began to spread rapidly in the spring of 2021.
But more transmissible variant has emerged. It was Delta. When a person infected with
Alpha, they transmit it to on average 5 person. Then he/she feel sick and isolate themselves.
With delta, the same thing takes place. A few days later, the alpha infects about 16,000
people, while the delta infects the rest of the population. Considering that Delta will have
infected more than ten times as many people. Since Alpha has no one left to infect, it dies
out. Viruses are incredibly effective organisms. Viruses can and do go extinct, though. There
are tree main ways that can happen. A virus might run out of hosts. Many places in the world
were closed, attention was paid to social distances and masks were worn to slow the spread
of COVID 19. Most viruses have the effect of killing people. If a virus kills everyone, the virus
will extinct because there will be no one left to kill. This happened in Australia in 1950s. With
the overrun of European rabbits in Australia, scientists released a virus called Myxoma to
control the population. Millions of European rabbits died as planned. But as the virus spread,
it mutated and its lethal effect gradually waned. The second way a virus could go extinct is an
effective vaccine. The third way for a virus to become extinct is when a virus is outcompeted
by another virus like Delta and Alpha. The species will continue to produce variants. Because
vaccines ae highly protective against infection, it can work. However, viruses can hide out in
animals, so these might not prevent all infections.
COVID 19, which was initially thought to have emerged from bats or other animals,
has affected us all. The first symptoms of the virus were high fever and cough, which
subsequently brought shortness of breath. Not many people were expected to be affected,
but about 500,000 people died. The pandemic period has affected many people badly,
especially the poor. The most important factor in the spread of this virus was related to the
density of the country or city. It spread faster in areas with a large population. Vaccines were
released to prevent the virus, and many people hesitated. In this process, we heard a lot of
fake news and superstitions, and I think many of us have realized how important science is.

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