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Contractualism is a political theory based on the idea of a social contract between a

ruler and their subjects. This theory originates from Hobbes' political view who
asserts that we, as human beings, are the least political animal. Thus, if we lived in
the state of nature, i.e a chaotic scenario where there is no authority or law, we would
be in constant fear and our passions would take over. Therefore we consciously
decide to give up our right to everything (right of nature) and surrender to a fully
empowered sovereign that will provide to create a civil society where our main right,
right to life, is protected.

Of course there are some lacks in Hobbes' theory. First and foremost, if we hand over
all our rights, we ought to obey everything the authority thinks is good, even if we
deem it is unjust. In fact, only the sovereign can establish what is good or evil and we
have no right to rebel because we surrendered our liberty. Secondly, a political body
endowed with full powers, can easily turn into a dictatorship that does not respect our
right to life. In this case subjects can revolt but, doing this, they will lead to social
disorder and come back to the state of nature. Lastly, impartiality is not guaranteed if
there is only one person that rules without restrictions.

Nevertheless, an absolute power that rules over in a fair way is the best option.
Decisions are taken quicker than in a republic and the risk of having defectors in the
upper echelons is significantly reduced. Furthermore the sovereign must enforce laws
and increase his authority. If it does not, it would lead to civil wars where people do
not respect moral justice and the outcomes are violence, chaos and injustice. In
conclusion is evident that the sovereignty should be: unlimited, undivided and

314 words

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