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Please go through each statement, which ever you feel correct,

put “√” tick mark otherwise put “X” mark against each

1) Money does not grow on trees.

2) Money is filthy and dirty.

3) Money is evil.

4) I am poor, but clean (or good).

5) Rich people are crooks.

6) I don't want to have money and be stuck up.

7) I will never get a good job.

8) I will never make any money.

9) Money goes out faster than it comes in

10) I am always in debt.

11) Poor people can never get out from under.

12) My parents were poor, and I will be poor.

13) Artists have to struggle.

14) Only people who cheat have money.

15) Every one else comes first except me.

16) Oh I could not charge much.

17) I don't deserve that much salary.

18) I don't deserve that much income.

19) I am always losing money.

20) Luck is not favoring me in money matters.

21) It is very difficult to become rich.

22) We have to work very seriously to become rich.

23) I am not good enough to make money.

24) Never tell any one how much you are earning and how much you have in bank.

25) Never lend money, if you give it is very difficult to get it back.

26) A rupee saved is a Rupee earned.

27) Save for future.

28) A depression could come at any moment.

29) I resent others having money.

30) Money is the root of all evils.

31) I don't know how people are making that much money.

32) It is better to be poor, than becoming rich and bad.

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8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33

From the day we born we have bombarded with negative suggestions. Not
knowing how to counter them, we unconsciously accept them and bring them
into being as our experiences.

Here are some examples of negative suggestions.

o “You can’t”
o “You will never amount to anything”
o “Our village people can’t do this type of thing”
o “Girls should not behave like this”
o “Boy should not cry like girls”
o “City people are fast”
o “Village people are dull and lazy”
o “You must not do this”
o “You will fail definitely, with my experience I am saying.”
o “If that was so easy everybody would have done it , why they have
not done it.”
o “This idea will not work, so many business people are there, do you
think “they have not get this idea.”
o “It is very difficult to achieve.”
o “You have not got chance”
o “For everything luck should be there, you are bad luck”
o “Your thinking is wrong”
o “It’s of no use we have already tried.”
o “It is not what you know, but who you know”
o “The world is spoiling”
o “If are able to cheat then only you can make money”
o “This is not time for good people.”
o “Don’t take money from others”
o “What is the use, no body cares.”
o “There is no point to trying so hard”
o “You are too young to do this”
o “You are too old to take this risk”
o “Now a days things are getting worse and worse”
o “Life means all the time we have to struggle.”
o “Life is endless grind”
o “Don’t believe others blindly”
o “There is no real love now a days”
o “You just can’t win”
o “Be careful that place is not good”
o “In that town all the time people will get disease”
o “You can’t trust soul.”
o “Simply if you enjoy how you can make money”

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8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33
If you want to be successful financially you got to know the difference between
opinions and Facts. You can’t blindly accept financial advice the people from
mediocre level talk. You financial survival depends upon facts, not some friend or
advisors wordy opinions


Millions upon millions of people have made life decisions based upon opinions
handed over down from generations to generation…………..
And they wonder why they struggle financially.

Slno. Opinion reality

1 “You should marry him. He ‘ll make good husband”
2 “You don’t marry to her. You’ll struggle for life”
3 “Find secure job and stay there all your life”
4 “ people in I.T field make more money”
5 “They have big house. They must be rich”
6 “He has big muscles. He must be healthy”
7 “He belongs to XXX community, that community people are
8 “Don’t believe that town guys”
9 “There is not enough money for everyone to be rich”
10 “The earth is flat”
11 “Humans will never fly”
12 “ south Indian people are active compared to north Indian
13 “North Indian people can make more money than south Indians”
14 “The earth is flat”
15 “He is smarter than his sister”
16 “Bonds are safer than Stocks”
17 “people who makes mistakes are stupids”
18 “They will never sell for such low price”
19 “She will never go with me”
20 “ He will not listen to any one”
21 “this area people don’t spend much money”
22 “investing is risky”
23 “I will never be rich
24 “ I did not go to college that is why I will never get ahead”
25 “You should diversify your investments”
26 “ you should not diversify your investments”
27 “ Making lot of money is possible only for some people, you and
I can’t make like that’

Like that make your own list from your friends, relatives and other circle where
you spend much of your time.
All the time aware about which is their opinion and reality.

“Whatever you think real is your reality of your life.”

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8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33
If you think “YOU CAN” You can,
If you think “YOU CAN'T” You can not,
both ways you are right.
………Henry Ford

It is not the events our lives that shape us,but

our beliefs as to what those events mean

Are Your Beliefs Limiting Or Empowering You?

Like it or not, our beliefs play a big role in determining the quality of our lives.

If you believe that math is tough, there is someone out there who believes it is easy.
If you believe that theory subjects are easy, there someone who believes theory subjects are tough.
If you believe that it is easy to make a crore rupees, there is someone out there who believes it is impossible.
If you believe that times are tough, there is always somebody out there who believes it is a great time to make money!

At this time, many people would argue, but what if the beliefs I have are really true?

What if I am really not good at selling?

What if it the economy is really down and going to stay down?
What if there are really no opportunities around?
What if it cannot be done? What if I don't have what it takes?

What you must understand is that the beliefs you have are never absolutely true.
Beliefs are not proven facts.
BELIEFS are nothing but perceptions, opinions, generalizations we make about the world around us.

For every belief you hold, no matter how much you think it is true,
there is always somebody out there with a totally opposite belief.
To them, their belief is as valid as yours is to you.

Beliefs are never absolutely true,

but it becomes totally true for the person who believes in it!

This is simply because whatever we believe becomes our reality.

The essence is for us to constantly challenge ourselves by examining the effects of our beliefs,
and finally to adopt empowering beliefs that will lead us to success.

Remember : once accepted our beliefs become the commands to our nervous system and they have
the power to expand and destroy the possibilities of our present and future.

“Belief is a feeling of certainty about some thing”

Most of our beliefs are generalizations about our past,
based on our interpretations of painful and pleasurable experiences.

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8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33
“ A man thinks, feels and believes,so is the condition of his mind, body and circumstances”.

Challenge is
1. Most of us do not consciously decide what we are going to believe.
2.Often our beliefs are based on misinterpretation of past experiences.
3.Once we adapt a belief, we forget it's merely and interpretations.

? ? ? HOW TO CHANGE A BELIEF ? ? ? ?


1. The most effective way- associate massive pain to an old belief and tremendous
pleasure to adopting a new empowering one.

2. Create doubt about the old belief

3. Laugh at the belief.
4. De sensitize the belief


 Write down Dis- empowering beliefs and break the beliefs
 Write down New empowering beliefs and start apply in life

Dis empowering belief New empowering belief

Dis empowering beliefs lead to Misery : Empowering beliefs lead to Abundance

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8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33
How to create your own affirmations

Start by taking some time to think about areas in your life

you would like to improve and how you might want your life to be.
It is worth taking some time over this process. Write the most
important ones down in a list.Now look at each item on the list
and write out a few positive statements for each. They must be positive
and in the present tense, focus on what you do want, not on what you don't want.

For example if my list of things that were important to me

included... "A fulfilling BUSINESS" My affirmation might look
like this
“I have a wonderful BUSINESS that fulfils me on many levels.”
Creating your own affirmations is the perfect way to get the right affirmations for you.

Example Affirmations

Affirmations for Health

 Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health

 Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul
 My body heals quickly and easily

Affirmations for Abundance

 I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds
 The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
 I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

Affirmations for Love

 I know that I deserve Love and accept it now

 I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied
 I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday

Affirmations for Weight Loss

 I am the perfect weight for me

 I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
 I choose to exercise regularly

Affirmations for Self Esteem

 When I believe in myself, so do others

 I express my needs and feelings
 I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful

Affirmations for Peace and Harmony

 All my relationships are loving and harmonious

 I am at peace
 I trust in the process of life

Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

 Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises

 My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship
all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open.

 I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart

and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

Corporate office
8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33
Corporate office
8-2-293/82/J/B/33. Journalist colony
Jubilee Hills. Hyderabad 33

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