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Signs of totalitarianism -


Enrollment number-00717703819

Prof.Ms.Rumi Roy
Name of the subject-POLITICAL SCIENCE

I am sincerely thankful to Vivekananda College of Professional
studies for providing me with the opportunity to write a research
paper on the topic “signs of totalitarianism-features”
I am thankful to Professor Ms. Rumi Roy for guiding me in every
stage of this research paper. Without her support it would have
been very difficult for me to prepare the paper so meaningful and
Through this research paper I have learnt a lot about
totalitarianism and get the opportunity to explore this topic
understand it to its dept .I hope this research paper will be helpful in
providing information and knowledge about totalitarianism

The term totalitario  is coined by Benito Mussolini in the early 1920’s By the
beginning of World War II totalitarian had become synonymous with absolute
and oppressive single-party government. Originally totalitarianism had positive
connotation. It arose from criticism of parliamentary democracy the slogans were
taken by democratically oriented opponents of authoritarian movements who
gave it a negative connotation. At present, totalitarianism has a clearly negative
tone. It is complete opposite of democracy. Some theoreticians raise doubts
about empirical usefulness of the concept of totalitarianism, replacing it with the
concept of authoritarianism. Totalitarian government is a government in which
the state has complete control over the individual. It is a kind of government
which prohibits parties of different opinions and ideology restrict individual
opposition.  It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and
direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not
permit individual freedom. This type of government has extremely high control
over private and public life.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the definition of totalitarianism is a

“form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that
seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the
government “1. Totalitarianism is dictatorial and utopian .All citizens are expected
to approve its ideology or suffer the consequences .A totalitarian state is usually
led by a dynamic leader who appears to provide a sense of security and guidance
towards a brighter future followed by a single political party. The totalitarian state
pursues some special goal, such as industrialization or conquest, to the exclusion
of all others. All resources are directed toward its attainment, regardless of the

Features of totalitarianism

Encyclopedia Britannica definition of totalitarianism available at : (last visited on March 16, 2020)
Totalitarianism is a kind of government in which individual has no freedom .it
subordinate all aspect of individual life to the authority of government it is often
believed that totalitarian government is a solution to political or economical
problem in a country. Irrespective of the brutality and lack of freedom given to
individual l. it is often seen that in the beginning totalitarian government receives
overwhelming support for its ideas and goals. It has been proven from historical
knowledge that such government had a tremendous negative impact on people
and their tradition .Such government often emerges from developing countries to
build their economy. It is considered beneficial for countries who have suffered
any political, social or economic downfall. At beginning they become very popular
and get support of large number of people in the country. This popularity is due
to the government promises of ideal society.

For a totalitarian administration it requires a charismatic leader and for its

popularity there should be development in transportation and in communication,
to spread ideas, goals and to get support of large number of people. A central
concept in the totalitarian system is the attainment of a specific goal and this
specific goal is the reason of the existence of totalitarian government it is also
essential to keep the regime in power.

In totalitarian state the whole power is in the hand of one person, the party ruler
who became a supreme ruler. There is no opposition party, as such state does not
permit or give the opportunity to people to oppose them. There is no election as
such even if they have its fake. The citizen does not have any choice to decide
their leader. Those who oppose or disagree with the government are killed or
either treated brutally. There is no freedom no choice no rights, no privacy of
individual. Everything is in the hands of the government, the leader is not
answerable to citizen, he/she is above the law, he has a power to change the law
to achieve the goals according to his convenience. Law is a tool for him to control
each and every individual. When such government came into power all legal
social, political traditions are swept away.
 Traditional social institutions and organizations are discouraged or restricted.
Diversity and individualism are made to disappear and are replaced by mass
conformity to the beliefs and behaviors recognized by the state.

Totalitarian government makes also the use of violence to keep people under
control. It can kill anyone who disagrees with or challenges the power of the
state. One of the essential components of totalitarian regime is a secret police
force which is used to eliminate anyone who is suspected of being a threat to the
authority of the state. The operations of the police in a totalitarian regime are
often unpredictable and may not follow any procedures in accordance with the
law. Such police violence creates a sense of terror in all citizens and further
represses any dissent towards the government.

Another effective way through which totalitarian government can control their
citizen is by the use of propaganda. The government appeals to an emotional
rather than rational side of its citizens. It explains everything in terms of the goal.
It makes the goal appears to be attainable, and it often falsifies data in order to
make it seem like the economy is growing and that tremendous progress has
been made.

Through propaganda, a totalitarian government always tries to rationalize its

ideas and gives the appearance that it has the best interests of the public in mind.

Media censorship
The media can be used by totalitarian regimes as a means of manipulation and
control with the ultimate goal to secure their political power. The government use
the media to always meant to be shown on television with the purpose to praise
the achievements and to glorify the great leader .Nothing which can harm the
party or leader image can be shown. Media is totally under the control of
state .Only good things about the government could be shown. People have to be
made to believe that there is no other reality than the one constructed and
presented by the media. The reality of the party is hided so the party receives full
support from people. In totalitarian state there is no place for public opinion, the
people are made to believe which the party wants the people to believe.
Disagreement is not tolerated; there is no right to speech in such totalitarian

Totalitarian Regimes
Both Communism and Fascism used aspects of totalitarianism as part of their
governments. In general, both used dictators, only allowed one political party,
and denied many individual rights. Police terror was used for control and to get
rid of any opposition. Controlling media sources (newspapers, television, radio
etc.) with propaganda and limiting what was reported helped influence what
people thought. However, Fascism believed in an extreme form of nationalism
and pride in the country, while Communism focused on the spread of their beliefs
worldwide. Communism did not allow private property and eliminated social
classes. Fascism believed that each class had a role to play in society and
supported private property. During the 1920s and 1930s, four major totalitarian
governments developed – one was Communist, and other three were fascist.

Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1929
to 1953.He ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died because of his
brutality. He launched a series of five year plan to transform peasant society
into industrial superpower. His development plan was centered on
government control of the economy and included the forced collectivization
of Soviet agriculture, in which the government took control of farms .Millions
of farmers refused to cooperate with Stalin’s order and as a ;punishment
either they were shot or exiled. He eliminates everyone who might opposes
him .The power of secret police was expanded and encouraged the citizens
to spy on one another or millions of people were killed or sent to gulag
system forced labor camp. Soviet history books were rewritten to give him a
more prominent role in the revolution and mythologize other aspects of his
life. He made an attempt to rewrite history. His government also controlled
the Soviet media.
Italy under Benito Mussolini

 In Italy, a liberal government was overthrown and a fascist regime under the
leadership of Mussolini was set up in 1922.Italy was struggling economically
and politically. Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party fought with the Communists
for political power and won. Mussolini promised to restore the power and
glory of the Roman Empire. One of the ways to do this was to expand Italy’s
empire.. These invasions elevated Mussolini’s popularity and control. When
Mussolini expounded the doctrine of everything within the state nothing
outside the state, nothing against the state in a speech in 1925, he brought
forth the essential nature of a totalitarian state. If nothing could stand outside
the state, there could be no free markets, no free political parties, no free
families and no free churches. Under a totalitarian regime, the state controls
nearly every aspect of individual life and does not tolerate activities by
individuals or groups that are not directed by the state’s goals.

Japan under Emperor Hirohito and Hideki Tojo- When the Great
Depression hit Japan, many citizens blamed the government for the economic
problems. Military leaders gained public support and won control of the
government. Because the military kept Emperor Hirohito as the symbolic leader.

Germany under Adolf Hitler

Germany was devastated after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles forced
Germany to reduce its military, give up land and colonies, and pay reparations
or damages for the war. Accepting this war guilt left Germans angry and
insulted. Their economy was also in trouble as a result of the reparations,
inflation, and the Great Depression. Adolf Hitler joined a Fascist group called
the National Socialist German Worker’s Party or the Nazis. Hitler and the
Nazis gained popularity and power through propaganda and close relations
with government officials. Eventually Hitler was given the position of
Chancellor. Hitler ended democracy and took absolute power. He outlawed
Communism and all other political parties. He also gave the Germans someone
to blame for many of the problems: the Jews. He encouraged feelings of anti-
Semitism, discrimination against the Jews. Hitler refused to follow the Treaty
of Versailles and began to rebuild the military. He ignored the League of
Nations as he began to expand Germany’s borders into Austria and
Czechoslovakia. These actions gave Germans a sense of extreme nationalism
and confidence. In 1939, Hitler’s invasion of Poland prompted Great Britain
and France to declare war on Germany.

North Korea under Kim Jong Un(still under totalitarianism)

North Korea is one of the repressive country. In 1948 it became a totalitarian

state. After the death of Kim Jong Il his son Kim Jong Un become the leader of
DPRK. The human rights in North Korea are severely limited. There is no right of
freedom, the only radio, television, music and news providers that are deemed
legal are those operated by the government. The government strictly monitors
the activities of foreign visitors and they excluded from places and regions which
the government prohibit them to enter. It is considered that the human right
record of North Korea is worst in the world. It has public executions and arbitrary
detentions. Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment, public executions, extrajudicial and arbitrary detention, the absence
of due process and the rule of law, imposition of the death penalty for political
reasons, the existence of a large number of prison camps and the extensive use of
forced labor; there is severe restriction on the freedoms of thoughts, conscience,
religion, opinion, and expression, peaceful assembly and association and on
access of everyone to information, limitation imposed on every person who
wishes to move freely within country and abroad there has been complete
violation of human rights and fundamental freedom of citizen and especially
women, trafficking of women for prostitution or forced marriage. North Korea is
officially a secular state and the constitution provide “freedom of religious belief”
but the government tries to repress the religious activities of unauthorized
religious groups. The country has failed to protect the “right to food” of citizen. St
Eritrea is also a totalitarian state today which is also suffering from huge human
Scope of the study
To understand the political condition of a country is difficult .The political state of
a country can change or lead to transition because of war, economic or political
conditions of the state therefore the enlargement of the scope of totalitarianism
is necessary. As in the world, different countries has different political conditions
in order to understand what is totalitarianism it is important to firstly understand
what it is then when a country transform to totalitarian form of government, why
the people support it ,what its feature to differentiate it from other type of
government. In the world there are various forms of government it is important
to know which were under totalitarian regime and which are still under it and the
condition of these countries.
Research problems
Q. What are the characteristics of the political system known as totalitarian?

Q. how has totalitarianism been evidenced in society?

Q. Which were the states under totalitarian regime and what were there
conditions and what is the condition of the country which is still under

The present research paper study in mainly doctrinal and analytical .Keeping in
view, the researcher utilized the conventional method of using libraries consisting
of secondary sources like various books on totalitarianism, rise of totalitarianism
by eminent authors like. Hannah Arendt and George Orwell etc. Various websites
on totalitarianism.

From the collected material and information, researcher purposes to critically

analyze the topic of the study and tries to reach out the core aspect of the study.

Totalitarianism is an attempt to remove individuality, free thought, freedom.
Propaganda serves to dangerously sway the opinions of citizens to that of the
regime. There is complete control of government in personal and social life of the
people which cause total dominance of by the government. Using of terror to
instill fear in people, which leaves no choice for the people but only comply with
them. By using the formula for oppression, totalitarianism regime has been able
to thrive temporarily throughout history. totalitarian state target religious
behavioral or political groups and populations and also tries to control the
population There has been loss of millions of lives and extreme violation of
human rights. – the total collapse of all social and ethical norms, widespread
political terror, mass deportations and murders, ubiquitous death It is ironic how
what may initially be regarded as the savior to a downtrodden society ends up
being its ultimate downfall. Totalitarian government, like all tyrannies, certainly
could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without
destroying, by isolating men, their political capacities. But totalitarian domination
as a form of government is new in that it is not content with this isolation and
destroys private life as well. It bases itself on loneliness, on the experience of not
belonging to the world at all, which is among the most radical and desperate
experiences of man..

The origin of totalitarianism –Hannah Arendt


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