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1. Meaning and features of
(a) Totalitarian State,
(b) Authoritarian State and
(c) Liberal Democratic State.
2. ​Meaning and features of
(a) Unitary and
(b) Federal States
(c) with reference to U.K. as a Unitary state,
(d) U.S.A. as a Federal State and
(e) India as a federal state with subsidiary unitary features,
(f) comparison between unitary and federal state.
3. ​Meaning and features of
(a) Parliamentary and
(b) Presidential forms of government (U.K. and U.S.A.).
(c) Comparison between Parliamentary and Presidential forms of government.


1. Identify two key points of difference between a parliamentary and presidential
form of government (2020)
2. State two features of unitary state (2019)
3. India is described as a federal state with subsidiary unitary features identified
two of these unitary features (2018)
4. state two features of a liberal democratic state (2017)
5. on what basis are the states classified as unitary and federal (2016)
1. Distinguish between totalitarian states and liberal democratic States( 2020 )
2. India is described as a federal state with subsidiary unitary features explain
3. Discuss any three features of a liberal democratic state (2019)
4. explain any three features of a Parliamentary form of Government (2019)
5. explain three differences between parliamentary and presidential forms
of government (2018)
6. explain four features of an authoritarian state (2018 )
7. what are the characteristics of a federal state?( 2017)
8. explain why India is characterized as a Quasi Federal state (2017)
9. What is meant by liberal democratic state?. discuss any four features of such
a state(2016 )
10. compare the federal systems of The United States of America and India


Q1. meaning and Features of totalitarian government
1.​ Total control of the ruler​:
it is based on the concept of total centralization of powers in the hands of the top ruler and
his party or a Totalitarian state the three basic parts of the government that is the
executive, legislature and Judiciary stand centralised in the hands of the top leadership of
the ruling party or establishment.Executive power is used with an iron hand. legislative
power is used to put the stamp of legitimacy on the laws policies and decisions of the top
leadership and Judiciary is used to uphold and justify the actions and functions of the top
2. ​No pluralism is allowed​:
totalitarian state stands for a monolithic society with one leader, one party, one ideology, one
government and one rule. it does not believe in liberalism and sharing of power. it is
opposed to socio-economic-cultural pluralism.​The ideology of the ruler is the ideology of
the people of the state and everyone has to accept it.There exist only one elaborate ideology
of the ruler which regulate all political activity within the state
3.​ No civil liberties are allowe​d:
the rights of the people depend upon the wishes of the ruler.Only those rights are given to
the individual which are considered ​good for the “health of the state.”​ mass media, civil
society and all public and private institutions work under state control and power. There is
little respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual and the state is considered to be
the end, and the individuals the means.
4. ​no political participation is allowed:​ the struggle for power is kept confined to the ruling
group. no dissent or opposition is tolerated..Through propaganda and officially sponsored
mass movement the rulers try to show their “popularity and representativeness”Change of
rulers is sudden and characterized by big and often violent changes in all policies​ One party
is political and legally dominant​ the party provides the only institutionalized basis for
political competition, recruitment and opposition.
5.​ No concern for public opinion​:
. only that part of public opinion is projected which suits the ruler.There is complete absence
of any kind of social, economic and political check upon the ruling establishment. People
have little role in the decision making decisions are made by the rulers and imposed upon
the people . The public in a totalitarian state is not supposed to have their own opinion. they
are only the components of the state and they have to think, live and act as a state wishes
them to do so.
6​. Based on the exercise of force and coercion:
the basis of all state action is force. force is used to command obedience and to instill fear
of state authority among the people.Totalitarian state always depends upon force ,military
power, secret service police power for maintaining the power and position of the ruling
establishment or the ruler..A totalitarian state emphasizes constant mobilization of the
population for winning mass support for the ruler and for providing his rule with the
democratic clock. the region is legitimise by mobilise consent and forced and directed
political participation of the people.Of the state is unlimited
7. ​ No difference between state and Society
there exists no difference between the state , Society government and the party .State
Power penetrate in almost every aspect of the social economic political religious culture and
ideological life and activities of the people .mass media ,Civil society and all public and
private Institutions work under the state control and power .state is an all powerful institution
exercising unlimited authority power and control over its all people and their all social
economic political and cultural organisations and associations in the society.​ As
mussolini said ​“everything within the state ,nothing outside the state and nothing
against the state”
8. No faith in internationalism
Totalitarian state has no faith in internationalism or peaceful coexistence of the states and
regards war as an instrument to progress and power. Totalitarianism glorifies the nation and
emphasizes the idea of the state as a power system. for a totalitarian state national interest
is above all international organisations , regional organisations and international laws.It
does not believe in liberalism and sharing of power .
9.Lack of independent judiciary
There is a lack of independent judiciary totalitarian state ​stands for rule of the ruler and
not rule of the law ​.The executive control both the legislature and the judiciary.The
constitution of the state is used as a clock for legitimising the power of the ruler of the
powerful leadership. Judiciary is there only to administer justice in accordance to the law
made by the ruler. it does not have the judicial power to declare any law made by the ruler
as null and void. it cannot provide justice to the citizens against the state or the ruler. The
Judiciary is digitally controlled by the government and civil liberties stands seriously
10. ​State is considered to be the end and the individuals as the means
The state has full control over the whole life of the individual no part of his life is beyond the
control of the state it claims jurisdiction over the whole society. totalitarian teaches that​ “we
live move and have a being in the state” ​in a totalitarian state the “​individual life is not
his own but it is a trust given to him by the state and to be used in the service of the
state”​It is a state of truly sovereign authority which dominates all spheres of the country .It
practices of cult of state worship. authority of the state is unlimited the individuals are the
component of the state that they have to think, live and act as a state which is them to do so.
11.​No freedom of press and media
press and means of mass media are owned and run by the state.Press and all other means
of mass media do not enjoy any functional freedom in fact these are ​used as instruments
of propaganda and projecting the “ justness , legitimacy and charisma of the top
leadership” ​and his ruling party
(a) north korea under kim jong un.
(b) Iraq under saddam hussein,
(c) italy under mussolini and
(d) germany under hitler etc.

Q2. meaning and features of authoritarian state

1.excessive control of the ruler​:
The state control is not total but excessive. Centralisation is considered ideal but along with
it, unlimited devolution or sharing of authority is also tolerated.In an authoritarian state there
exist Excessively powerful and strong position of the executive in the political system .in an
authoritarian state the presence of the three organs of the government is in place, yet the
executive enjoys a very dominant position in the political system.​ ​It is the most powerful
organ of state power and it dominates the legislature and even judiciary. even when a
democratically elected head of the government starts using his power in an authoritarian way
and starts behaving like a dictator or autocrat. the state gets transformed into an
authoritarian state​“All authority and powers are concentrated in the hands of few that
is the government whose rule is essentially not responsible. the people participate in
few of their decisions but are subject to all of them”​ .The state is governed by one very
powerful ruler or a civil or military Dictator or Junta.
The power is either in the hands of a military dictator or civilian junta.
2. civil liberties enjoy low priority​:
The citizens are entitled to Limited freedom. Scant importance is given to civil liberties and
freedoms of the people. censorship to control over press and media is maintained directly or
indirectly. Government control over the individual rights , judiciary ( protector of individual
rights )and mass media( link between citizens and government ) is considered justified in the
interest of public good. Only those rights are given to the citizens which are very essential
and in the absence of which the citizens may revolt. It pays more emphasis upon the duties
of the people rather than rights towards the state.
3. limited, controlled and manipulative political participation is allowed​:
An authoritarian government is neither a true Representation of the People nor responsible
and accountable to them .In an authoritarian state Manipulative politics is practiced.Several
attempts are made to secure manipulated , committed and full support from one or some
organisations or parties of the people.Even some political organizations are floated to
demonstrate popular support for the authoritarian regime .big limitations are imposed on an
open political competition i.e upon political parties and elections.mostly their exist only one
political party That is used and exploited for securing the ends and objectives of the ruling
4. Limited and controlled pluralism ​:
Limited and regulated openness is permitted. Limited political pluralism is used to keep the
people and their organizations divided.It ​uses an ideology​ or some ideological principles for
justifying​ the use of​ political power and authority​ by the authoritarian ruler.There is
absence of a dominating political ideology such as communism or fascism, although
racialism or fundamentalism or nationalism or theocracy often provides some basis for
attempted political uniformity.
5. Limited freedom of Press and media and less role of Public opinion
An authoritarian state tolerates the presence of mass media and civil society but always
tries to ​use it ​for securing and ​protecting the legitimacy and credibility of the ruling
party ​Censorship or control over press and media is maintained indirectly or sometimes
even directly. In fact press and media is often used by the ruling party To build and maintain
the public opinion in the favour of the ruling party or group.
6. Basis of rule is coercion camouflaged with constitutionalism
In an authoritarian State manipulations and suppression constitutes the basis of the power
of the rulers .manipulative politics is practiced.Modernization or traditionalism is used to win
popular support for securing some credibility .Religion or an ideology is often used to secure
support and serve the ends of the rulers. In authoritarian regimes, power is exercised and
maintained with the help of several ideological principles and through the exercise of
coercion camouflaged with constitutionalism.the political rulers also use force or coercion to
command political uniformity and obedience when manipulations fail to work.
7. Lack of independent and strong judiciary
Judicial Independence is not respected And authoritarian ruler or group always tries to use
Judiciary for securing favourable judgement and interpretation of state laws and policies
.The executive through manipulations and suppression influences the judgement passed by
the judiciary .The judiciary in an authoritarian state is neither independent nor strong enough
to act against the state.Executive enjoys a dominant position over the legislature and
8. Maintain a certain distance between state and society
In an authoritarian state the ruler controls the state and the government ( both legislature
and judiciary )but maintains a certain distance between state and Society.The ruler did not
interfere in the society directly till the time it is not clashing with its ideology. the state is
under the direct control of the ruler but the society is controlled indirectly from a distance
through manipulation.In fact indirectly and through manipulation civil society is kept divided ,
weak and under control. it is even used for securing support for the power holders.
9.Less faith in internationalism
the authoritarian state Is not totally opposed to the concept of internationalism in fact in a
very manipulative way it uses internationalism as a weapon for the development of the state
first rather than the whole of the Nations .an authoritarian state becomes a part of only
those International organisations and regional organisationsAnd follow only those
International laws ,treaties and agreements that help them in achieving their National interest
and shows aversion to those which goes against their national interest.all their Foreign
policies are planned to achieve their National interest .
Examples :
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Pakistan under Mohammed Ayub Khan and Pervez Musharraf
(d) Saudi Arabia

Q3.meaning and Features of liberal democratic state

Ans 3.
1. Representative government ( imp for short )
It is a representative government as it is
(a) elected by the people.the members of the Legislature are elected by the
people for a fixed term
(b) Right to vote is available to all without any discrimination
(c) election of representatives by the people is free secret uncoerced and
(d) Government repens represents the people and is accountable and
responsible to the people. it has to continuously demonstrate and prove its
representatives less popularity
(e) people can change the government to elections
2. civil liberties
All rights and freedoms which are essential for human beings to live with dignity are
provided in some other form . rights and liberties like right to freedom of speech and
expression ,freedom of press ,freedom of political participation , freedom to form
Association, right to equality etc are provided in some way .for example in India it is
provided in part 3 AS fundamental rights in America it is provided under the bill of
rights in UK it is provided through Magna Carta.
3. Defined and specific role of the executive
The executive unlike In Totalitarian or authoritarian state is not very powerful or
dominant. It is supposed to Work within defined limits either under the constitution or
through conventions in an unwritten constitution. the main work of the executive is
only and only to implement the policies and laws made by the Legislature .The
formulation of the policies is done by the permanent executive as they are more
qualified expert and non political in nature while the work of the political executive is
only to implement the policies. in a Parliamentary form of Government the executive
is directly and continuously responsible before the Legislature and ultimately before
the people and public opinion while in a presidential form of Government the
executive is directly responsible before the people and public opinion.
4. Limited government ( imp for short )
A liberal democratic government is limited in nature as
(a) it exercises only those Limited powers that are granted to it by the
(b) the government holds office only for a limited period for a fixed tenure after
which it has to seek fresh mandate from the people
(c) The powers of all the three organs are granted in a manner which helps them
to act out well their roles and practices system of inter organ checks and
balances that limits the power of the Other organs and prevent arbitrariness
on the part of any one organ
(d) government is accountable to the people for its actions
(e) Judiciary keeps a constant check on the government as a Guardian of the
constitution and Protector of fundamental rights and freedoms of the people
5. social and economic checks and balances (short )
in a liberal democratic state there exist a large number of social and economic
associations and interest group of the people which enjoy a large amount of
autonomyAnd therefore They play a very Vital role and are able to keep a check on
the acts and policies of the government.
6. Political checks and balances
The three organs of the​ ​Government are held by different hands and are never
United and under the control of the same man and a body of men.All the three
organs work in such a way that they keep a constant check on each other so that
none of the organ becomes arbitrary. the executive keeps check on the Legislature
and the legislature keeps a constant check on the executive by various means and
the Judiciary keeps a check on both the Legislature and executive so that they work
within the define spheres granted to them by the constitution. both the executive and
the Legislature in a combined way appoints the judiciary. so , all the three organs
keep a check over each other and thereby balances the power so that it may not be
accumulated in one hand for one organ
7. Free and open struggle for power among several political parties
There is free and open struggle Power among the several political parties who freely
select and field their candidates in elections from various constituencies.In fact open
and free struggle is a Hallmark of liberal democratic state people have the right to
form their own political parties and are free to use their political rights. There is an
open struggle for power where only fair means are used to to win the election. the
political parties accept the popular verdict in elections. all political parties have full
faith in peaceful and constitution means of getting political power.
8. Freedom to form and manage political parties and Association
People have the right and freedom to form their political parties or to join any existing
party of their own choice. people also have the right to change their political parties
later on.A person does not need to be a member of any political party in order to
contest election he or she may also contest an election as an independent candidate.
The party which gets the majority of legislative seats get the power to rule and other
party start acting as opposition parties. people are free to form political associations
as well.
9. clear distinction between state , society and civil society
Unlike the totalitarian state and authoritarian state the liberal democratic state do not
interfere or does not try to control the society and the Civil Society. in fact ​civil
society ​which is a collective name for several non government organisations or
groups , associations and all social economic and professional organisations Acts as
a cushion between the people and their state. the Civil Society Act both as a check
upon the government as well as an instrument of communication among the people
.A clear distinction among state , society and civil society is made and respected by
all. each accepts the value and role of the other.
10. Special place for the protection and promotion of the interest and welfare of
the people belonging to minorities
liberal democracy gives special importance to the need for security , protection and
promotion of the rights, freedom and welfare of the people belonging to minority
communities. Some special steps are always taken in a liberal democratic society to
encourage and Secure active and alert participation of the minority community in
political processes , public policies and decisions. liberal democracy believes that
the People's power is Supreme and majority and minority the opinions of both matter
for a healthy society.
Example :
1. USA
2. UK

Q4.meaning and features of unitary state

1. Single central government
2. presence of local governments
3. Single constitution
4. Single uniform administration
5. Supremacy of the Parliament
6. single citizenship

Q5. Describe UK as a unitary state

Ans 5: UK is the oldest unitary state in the has all the hallmark features of the unitary
state which are as follows :

1. Single central government​: the UK is a unitary state. All powers are in the hands of
one single central government. The laws made by the British Parliament apply to all
people and places of the UK. The british prime minister and council of ministers use
all executive powers. It can alone legislate the entire state. The unitary system
provides for the creation of an all-powerful central government with full centralisation
of powers.
2. Status of Local government​: local governments operating in all areas of the UK
derive their powers from the Central Government. However, these enjoy full
functional autonomy. Their boundaries and powers can be changed at will by the
central government. These local governments work as an administrative unit or
department of the central government.The local governments do not right a power
from the constitution but from the central government. these local governments are
created and maintained by the statutes of the British parliament
3. Single unwritten and very flexible constitution​: the constitution of the UK is not
written and does not enjoy a supreme status. Although the constitution is unwritten
but still there are some written parts in form of Acts and statue but they can also be
changed by a majority government in the house of common.. The UK's constitution is
very flexible as it can easily be amended By a simple majority in house of common. It
can easily accept itself into changing social needs and environment.
4. Supremacy of the British parliament ​: The British Parliament is sovereign and it
can make/unmake/amend any laws which apply to all the people and places of the
UK . British supreme court has no power to declare any law unconstitutional. There is
no division of power and all power rests with the government of the UK. The judiciary
does not enjoy the power of judicial review. In the UK, the parliament is sovereign
and has the power of law-making. In a unitary state like the UK, a single judicial
system works. The states do not have a judiciary of their own.thus it is not the
constitution or the Judiciary which is Supreme in Britain but it is the parliament that
enjoys the supreme status.
5. Role of conventions​: in the UK, people follow political customs, traditions,
conventions and culture. They have been followed since ages. They are binding on
the people of the UK. The constitution of the UK is not written so people follow
traditions and culture.
6. Single uniform administration​: UK ensures single, uniform administration for the
whole of the state. The British political system is characterised by a ​single
executive, single legislature and single judiciary​ for the whole country. The laws
of the British parliament govern all people, places and institutions and all public
organizations and administration. It exercises power over all the people and places a
single, strong administration for the whole follows the system of single
citizenship being a unitary state.
Q7.Describe the meaning and features of a federal state
Ans 7.
1. Division of power
2. dual administration
3. dual citizenship
4. bicameral legislature
5. written , rigid and supreme constitution
6. special role of the judiciary
7. equality of federating States

Q6. Describe USA as a federal state

Ans 6 :The United States of America is a Federation of 50 states.features of USA as a
federal state can be discussed under following heads :
1. Division of power in USA
(a) Powers given to the federal government ​:The US constitution grants ​18
powers to federal government​-to impose and collect taxes; foreign
relations, Declaration of War, currency and coinage, defence, interstate
commerce,treaties, interstate commerce, weights and measures currency
college etc.
(b) Powers prohibited to the Federal government ​: federal government cannot
suspend the writ of habeas corpus; it cannot make laws establishing a
religion’s supremacy; It cannot grant titles of nobility etc. Congress cannot
pass laws allowing the government for unreasonable searches and seizures
and every citizen’s right to seek justice through public trial and impartial jury;
(c) Powers vested in the states: ​All those powers which are not vested in the
Federal Government and which are not prohibited to the state have been
vested with the states.​The residuary powers are vested with the states of
US Federation States​ .states enjoy territorial and political integrity and
guarantees a republican form of government. Territory of no state can be
changed without its consent.
(d) Powers prohibited to the states: ​they are prohibited to make alliance or
treaties with foreign state; mint money, maintain army, declare war, leave
union, interfere in citizens rights, this franchise a person on grounds of caste,
Creed, color, religion, sex, place of birth.
(e) Power given to both federation and the states:​Common powers of the
center and state are that they both can borrow money, establish and maintain
courts, make laws, take property for public purpose, spend money for general

2. Dual administration of the USA​:

the US constitution provides for a dual polity- the federal government at the national
level and the state government in each state of the USA. These states have their
own constitution​ and the federal government is governed by the US constitution.
There are only two restrictions on the state:
(a) Their constitutions have to be republican in letter and spirit.
(b) No state constitution can violate or be in any way against the US constitution.
Each state enjoys autonomy in the exercise of its powers and functions in its
own territory . The Federal government exercises power in the whole of the
USA and over all its people but only in respect of the spheres given to it by
the constitution.USA has a ​dual system of Administration for all the three
organs i.e legislature, executive and judiciary.
3. USA’s written constitution​:
the division of powers between the federation and the states has been affected by a
written constitution. The constitution clearly demarcates the powers of the federation
and the states. The powers between the centre and the state government are
specified so that it is easy to resolve any deadlock between the two.
4. USA’s rigid constitution​:
with a view to prevent a unilateral and easy amendment of the constitution or reject a
method of amendment has been laid down by the US constitution. The constitution
can be amended by a collective action of the federal governments and the state
governments. An amended proposal has to be initiated by either ​2/3rd majority or
both the houses of the US congress ​or by a constitutional convention summoned
by the congress acting under demand made by the 2/3rd of the several state
legislatures. An amendment proposal thus gets incorporated in the constitution after
its secular ​ratification by 3/4th of the several state legislatures​ or by special
conventions in at least 3/4th states. It is a rigid method and only 27 amendments
have been made so far.
5. USA’s constitution as the supreme law of the land​ or supreme position of the
the US constitution is the supreme law of the land. ​Both the federation and the
states derive their powers from it ​and have to exercise them in accordance with
the provisions of the constitution.​ Every law passed by either of them must
conform to the provisions of the constitution. ​The constitution of no state in any
way can violate the US constitution.
6. Independent judiciary ​:
the presence of an independent judiciary has been incorporated in the US
constitution. The US judiciary has all the features which are considered essential for
the independence of the judiciary in our political system. The judiciary has been kept
independent of the control of the congress and the president. A clear cut division of
power has been administered among the 3 organs of the government. The supreme
court has been given the ​power of judicial review​ which enables it to reject all such
laws and orders of the federal government and the state governments as are held to
be unconstitutional or violate any provision of the US constitution. This role has been
assigned to the judiciary in the true spirit of federalism.
7. Bicameral US Congress​:
the US congress has made a federal legislation that is to say the congress is a
bicameral legislature. In its lower house i.e.​ the house of representatives,​ the
people of the United States have been given representation. In the upper house i.e.
the ​Senate​, the states of the US Federation have been given equal representation.
The Senate represents the state of the federation. In other words, in the US, all the
people of the country have been given equal representation in the Senate. Each
state has been given 2 seats in the US Senate.
8. Dual judicial system : ​United States of America each state has his own judicial
system which interprets and applies the state laws made by the state legislature and
protects the state constitution. along with that there is a common Federal judicial
system which interprets and applies the federal laws made by the Federal legislature
i.e Congress. any dispute between the state Judiciary and Federal Judiciary will be
settled by the federal Supreme Court of USA.
9. Equality of all states
The Constitution of the United States of America recognises the equality of all the
federated states. Each state irrespective of the size and population sends​ two
representatives to the Senate​ .This principle of equality is protected under the
constitution and representation of two members from each state in the Senate is an
unamendable feature of the constitution
10. Dual citizenship
the US Constitution grants double citizenship to all the citizens.Each American
citizen has been granted a uniform citizenship of The United States of America and
along with that each citizen is also granted with the citizenship of the particular state
in which he or she is living .

Q8. Differentiate between a unitary and Federal State

Ans 8.

Basis unitary federal

1.Distribution of power In unitary form, all powers In the federal

are vested with a ​single government, the ​division
central government​. It’s of powers exists ​in
authority is supreme. It which Subjects of national
alone can legislate for the importance are vested
entire state. Local with the central
governments make rules government and local and
under powers delegated regional functions are
by the central with the state
government. governments. Each works
within a definite and
defined sphere of
functions granted by the

2. administration In unitary state, there is A federal state has a​ dual

single, stable and administration for
strong administration centre and federal units
for all the three organs of for all three organs of the
government.( single has
system for executive, a) uniform administration
legislature and of single central
judiciary)There is the government;b) State
existence of an all administration‘s which are
powerful central run by governments of
government exercising federating units and
power over all the people which differ from state to
and places. state or region to region.
Administration is ​simple Each citizen has to obey
and uniform​ in laws–​ central laws and
organization and directs state laws​ of the state of
an approach towards which he’s a resident
local and national issues.

3.constitution in a unitary state, The In federal state, the

constitution ​may be constitution is​ written
written or unwritten which lays down the
according to the will of the division of powers
people as there is no between Center and
division of powers State. It is necessary to
between the central state make it a binding on
governments. Also, it is Central and federating
mostly flexible​ and can states. Also the federal
be amended easily as Constitution is​ mostly
And when required due to rigid ​and it cannot be
the presence of a single easily amended.
legislature which can
amend the constitution by
simple majority and in
order to keep pace with
the fast changing

4.citizenship in Unitary state, there is In federal state, there is

single citizenship​. Every dual citizenship​. – one
citizen has the citizenship common citizenship for
of the union government. the entire state and the
No complexities out of the second citizenship of the
whole citizenship arises. province in which a
citizen lives or resides.
Example in the USA an
individual enjoys both
citizenship of the USA
and state of which he’s a
member. Also

5.Judiciary in unitary state, the In federal stateThere

central government exists a ​dual judicial
legislates for the entire system ​.There exists a
state. There is a​ single federal common
integrated judiciary​. judiciary​ to interpret and
There is a uniform system apply the federal laws
of judicial administration along with the ​state
and uniform judiciary​ to interpret and
implementation laws apply the state laws. the
made by the parliament judiciary is supreme and
.the judiciary ​ does not impartial. It protects the
have the power of supremacy of the
judicial review ​that is it constitution​. It has the
cannot declare any law power of judicial review
passed by the Parliament to declare any law Pass
as null and void. in unitary by the Federal
state there is mostly government or state
Supremacy of the government as null and
Parliament void if it is against the
constitution. It acts as a
guardian protector.
Judiciary also has a
special role to play in a
federal state as it
interprets the
constitution​ and Ensure
that both the centre and
the state are working in
accordance to the powers
given to them and if at all
there is a dispute
between the centre and
the state , the Judiciary
through interpretation of
the Constitution settle the


Q.Describe India as a federal state with subsidiary unitary features

Ans :​ ​FIVE unitary​ AND ​THREE Federal​ features to be explained ( COMPULSORY)
rest to be written in self explanatory form. ( IF U HV TIME )

Q9.meaning and Features of Parliamentary form of Government

Ans 9:
1. Difference between nominal and real executive
2. structure of the real executive involves wheels within a wheel
3. close and continuous relationship between the legislature and the executive
4. ministerial responsibility
5. non fixed tenure of the real executive
6. political homogeneity and secrecy of office
7. prime minister as the head of the government
8. very strong position of the Prime Minister as the leader of the Parliament and Nation
9. Prime Minister along with the cabinet can get the legislature dissolved
10. Examples : INDIA , U.K JAPAN
Q10. meaning and Features of Presidential form of government
1. No difference between nominal executive and the real executive
2. separation of powers between the legislature and executive
3. fixed tenure of the executive and the Legislature
4. responsibility of the ministers only towards the head of the state and not the
5. political homogeneity of the cabinet is not essential
6. cabinet works only as an advisory body to the head of the state
Q11.Differentiate between parliamentary and presidential form of government
Ans 11.

Basis Parliamentary presidential

1.Type of Executive In the Parliamentary form of In the presidential form of

Government the executive government there exist a
has ​two parts​ (a) ​nominal single unified executive
executive who is head of the who is both the​ head of the
state(b)​ real​ executive who state as well as the head
is the head of the of the government.​ all the
government. the ​nominal work is done on his name
executive is supposed to and in actual practice also
work on the aid and by him only. he ​performs
advice of the real all the ceremonial
executive.​All the functions as well as the
ceremonial functions Are real function​s to be
exercise by the nominal exercised by the executive
executive while all the real
functions are exercised by
the real executive

2.Relationship between in Parliamentary form of In presidential form of

legislature and executive Government the executive is Government the ​executive
very closely related to the is independent of the
Legislature. in fact the Legislature.​ The
executive is made out of membership of the two is
the Legislature​. The leader incompatible; ​that is one
of the majority part get cannot be a member of the
appointed as the Prime executive and the legislature
Minister and all other at the same time. both
ministers are also drawn executive and legislature
from the members of the exercise its power only in
majority party. all ​ministers respect of its allotted
should be a member of sphere,​ that is the
the Legislature. ​All non legislature only makes the
members will have to secure law and the executive only
the membership of either enforces the law. Executive
House of the Legislature has no right to participate in
within a fixed period to be a the activities of the
Minister. Thus the Legislature. the​ executive
executive and legislature is not the member of the
share a ​close and Legislature ​and is therefore
continuous relationship not accountable before
.​The Prime Minister and the Legislature
other ministers participate in
the working of the
Legislature and​ both of
them together frame the
law and enforces the
law​.​Executiv​e being a
member of the Legislature
is ​accountable to the

3.Tenure In Parliamentary form of In the presidential form of

Government the ​tenure of Government the​ executive
the real executive is not has a fixed and definite
fixed.​ They remain in the tenure.​ the legislature ​can
office ​as long as the enjoy remove​ the executive only
the majority​ in the through a complicated
Legislature. the maximum process of ​impeachment
tenure of the executive is and that too only on ​certain
four or five years. in definite charges​.In
Parliamentary form of presidential form of
Government the tenure of Government the​ legislature
the ​Legislature is also not also has a definite tenure
fixed​. the maximum tenure and before the expiry of
is four or five years but the which it ​cannot be
legislature ​can be dissolved​ by the executive
dissolved​ before the
tenure ​by the executive

4.Ministerial responsibility in Parliamentary form of In the presidential form of

Government the concept of Government the ministers
ministerial responsibility has are ​individually
three dimensions(​a) responsible only to the
responsibility of the Minister president​ who can remove
towards the head of the them at any time without
state(b) individual giving any reason.Ministers
responsibility of each owe little responsibility to
minister towards the the Legislature. the
legislature(c)Collective legislature can exercise
responsibilities of the only some indirect control
Council of Ministers along over the ministers by
with the Prime Minister constituting investigating
towards a legislature committee

5.Political homogeneity In the Parliamentary form of in presidential form of

Government all the government the political
members of the Council of homogeneity of the
Ministers are from a single cabinet is not essential.
political party ​or are the president has a right to
bounded Together by a appoint any person to head
single political ideology.this any government
helps the Minister to department. He ​can
collectively work as a appoint persons
committed and dedicated belonging to different
team. political parties ​or men of
eminence to high offices .

6.Role of the cabinet In The Parliamentary form of In The presidential form of

Government ​cabinet government the ​president
headed by the Prime is a real master of his
Minister is the most cabinet.​ only function of the
powerful centre of power cabinet is to perform the
in the government. all major functions given by the
policies ,decisions ,laws president. all the decisions
even War and Peace of the President of binding
decisions are in the hands upon his ministers and they
of the Prime Minister and hold office only as long as
cabinet. he wants them to continue
In Parliamentary form of in the office the​ cabinet
Government The ​criteria only works as an
for appointing t​he advisory body​ to the
ministers are not really their president the advice given
qualifications but ​their is not binding on the
status and their loyalty ​in president .In the presidential
the party hierarchy. form of Government The
therefore the cabinet is not a criteria for appointing the
body of professionals in fact ministers​ is that they must
it may consist of ​amateurs be ​qualified enough​ for the
also. department that they work
for. Therefore the cabinet is
an organisation of
professional experts
selected by the president for
running the administration.



Q1.What is meant by a limited government in liberal democracy ?
Q2.What is the meaning of social and economic checks and balances in a democracy
Q3. give one example each of a unitary state which is Democratic and one which is a
totalitarian communist state( uk and china )
Q4. how is liberal democracy a representative Government?
Q5. explain how the distribution of powers is actualised in a federation.
Q6. what is unitary federalism
Q7. with whom are the Residuary powers vested in( a) USA (b) India
Q8. what is meant by cabinet dictatorship which type of government would you associate it
Q9. give two examples of:
1.totalitarian state ( north korea)
2.authoritarian state (china)
3.unitary state ( india , UK )
4.federal state( USA , canada )
5.parliamentary state( india , UK)
6.presidential state( USA, brazil, mexico)
Q10. name the following
(a) A large state with unitary government ( china )
(b) A small state with federal government( switzerland)
(c) Two states with a mixture of parliamentary and presidential form of government
(france and russia )
Q11.What is the difference between Iron curtain and bamboo curtain and for which type of
government these words are used?
Q12.The existence of A Supreme Court is a necessity in a federation. Why?
Q13. Explain the factors that make the central government powerful in a federation
Q14. Why is a written constitution important for a federation?
Q15.How is a federation formed?
Q16.Give an example of a federal and Quasi Federal state.
Q17. Coalition government is formed in which type of government? State an example of
coalition government.
Q18. how does the legislature control the executive in :
(a) parliamentary and
(b) presidential form of government
Q19. Explain what do you mean by civil liberties and their role in democracy
Q20. what do you mean by political checks and balance in liberal government
Q21.write any four merits and demerits of liberal democracy
Q22. on what basis the states are classified into
(a) unitary and federal ( division of power , centralization of administration )
(b) Presidential and parliament ( relationship between executive and legislature and the
type of control by executive over legislature)
(c) Authoritarian , liberal and totalitarian ( type of control and the status of civil liberties )
Q23. what do you mean by civil society

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