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a. What is your understanding of Political Science?

Political Science deals with the study of many things

in our society. It deals with the study of power and
politics, how it control and impact on different
things, from domestic and international on different
views and perspective. It gives us detailed
understanding on political ideas and ideology, on
processes and policies, institutions and behaviors. It
leads us to understand different groups, classes and
government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and even war.

b. What is the primary objective of studying

Political Science?

The primary goal of studying political science

is for students to acquire specific knowledge in the
field. It also give students background in political
science which is valuable for citizenship and
political action, as well as for future careers in
government, law, business, media, or public service.

c. Why is it important to distinguish between

Politics and Political Science?

The key difference between political science and

politics is that political science is a subject that
deals with the composition and function of the
nation’s government while politics concerned with the
actions of nation’s governance, with the purpose of
achieving and using authority or power.
Political science and Politics are two terms that
are often confused when it comes to their meaning.
Actually there is some difference between the two
terms. Political science is a social science subject
that deals with the science of politics i.e, studies
of State and Government. On the other hand, politics
refers to the issues, problems and political
activities of the state. Political Science is
concerned with study of the origin, nature, and
functions of the state, government and all its
institutes while politics deals with the day to day
activities of the government. The principles of
Political science are universal whereas politics
differs from state to state and within a state from
time to time. Either directly or indirectly every one
of us is involved in politics while only the students
of social discipline are involved in political


a. What is Sovereignty?

Sovereignty is the full right and power of a

governing body over itself, without any interference
from outside sources or bodies. In political theory,
sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme
authority over some polity. In international law, the
important concept of sovereignty refers to the
exercise of power by a state. De jure sovereignty
refers to the legal right to do so; de facto
sovereignty the ability in fact to do so (which
becomes of special concern upon the failure of the
usual expectation that de jure and de facto
sovereignty exist at the place and time of concern,
and rest in the same organization).

b. How do you differentiate State from nation?

The elements of State and Nation are different:

The State has four elements—population, territory,
government, and sovereignty. In the absence of even
one element, a State cannot be really a State. A state
is always characterized by all these four elements. On
the contrary, a nation is a group of people who have a
strong sense of unity and common consciousness.
Common territory, common race, common religion, common
language, common history, common culture and common
political aspirations are the elements which help the
formation of a nation, and yet none of these is an
absolutely essential element. The elements which go to
build a nation keep on changing.

2. State is a Political Organization while Nation is a

social, cultural, psychological, emotional and
political unity:
The State is a political organization which fulfills
the security and welfare needs of its people. It is
concerned with external human actions. It is a legal
entity. On the other hand, a Nation is a united unit
of population which is full of emotional, spiritual
and psychological bonds. A nation has little to do
with the physical needs of the people.

3. Possession of a Definite Territory is essential for

the State but not for a Nation:
It is essential for each State to possess a fixed
territory. It is the physical element of the State.
State is a territorial entity. But for a nation
territory is not an essential requirement. A nation
can survive even without a fixed territory. Love of a
common motherland acts as a source of unity. For
example, before 1948 the Jews were a nation even
though they had no fixed territory of their own. When,
in 1948, they secured a definite and defined
territory, they established the State of Israel.

c. Is sovereignty as an essential element of a

state permanent? Why?

By far the most important characteristic of the

state is its sovereignty. It is the characteristic
which distinguishes the state from all other
associations. It denotes the supreme power or the
final authority from which there is no appeal.

a. What is the distinction between government and


A state is a geographic entity that enjoys

sovereignty while a government is an organization that
creates, defines, and enforces the laws of the state.
A government is given legislative, executive, and
judicial powers to administer the state while the
state must have people, land, sovereignty, and
government in order to be recognized. Both have
different types, but while a state exists on its own
and remains as it is no matter who runs it,
governments can be replaced according to the people’s
will. A state is the territory while a government is
the entity that administers or manages the territory.

b. Do you think that Democracy works well with the

Filipino way of life?

c. Would you like the federal governments to be

adopted in the Republic of the Philippines?
Qualify your answer.
d. Identify some flaws of a democratic form of
government as perceived by the Filipinos.


a. What is embodied in the preamble of the

b. What are the essential requisite of a good
c. What can you say about the new constitution of
the Republic of the Philippines?

a. Why is it important for a student in Political

Science to learn his country’s basic legal system
and the philosophy behind it?
b. What are customs? Why are these sources of law?
c. Are law and ethics the same? Explain your answer
and why?


a. As a citizen, what can you contribute to your

b. Why is registering and voting required for
Filipino Citizen?


a. Are the words suffrage and election the same?
b. What is the Philosophy behind the secrecy of
the ballot?
c. What is the importance of election in a
democratic society?

a. What is the importance of political parties in
democratic society?
b. Are interests groups effective in influencing
public policy? Why?
c. What do you think is the important
characteristics of political environment?


a. Are the views and commentaries expressed by

media people considered opinion?
b. What is the influence of mass media in shaping
public opinion in the political environment?

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