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8 CHELMSFORD AVE., BLACKHEATH, NSW. 2785. PH /FAX 02 47877429, 0403834250
Australia number " RQH on world ZKLQJHLQJ li89
You have to wonder what the
future holds for Australia. Any
attempt to change anything now seems
to arouse intense levels of apathy or
intense levels of antagonism. Bring in
laws to curb problem gambling - no
way we should be free to blow our
families future on the pokies. Change
alcohol licensing and sales laws - no
way we should be free to kill ourselves
any way we want and charge all the
associated costs up to the taxpayer.
Change tobacco sales laws - no way
(ditto for previous alcohol laws). Bring
in a mining tax - no way. All those multi
nationals should be able to take out of
Australia all the minerals and money
they want and leave us taxpayers to fix
up all the damage they cause. Reform
water licensing and irrigation - no way.
We would rather have dead rivers than
dead towns. Regulate advertising of
junk food to children - no way. It is our
children's inalienable right to be obese,
and stricken with diabetes. Carbon tax -
no way. Who said the environment is
important? What did it ever do for me?
The new Aussie mantras are - "Where
is my money", "give me more money",
"I want a handout even though I am
well off", "what about me", "get your
eyes off my money", "it's all mine,
mine, mine do you hear me? - Mine!!"
This is in context of Australia as having
one of the highest rates of gambling,
alcohol abuse, depression, poor health,
obesity, junk food consumption, drug
abuse etc. etc. If Australians stopped
smoking, gambling, drinking, eating
fast food, and stopped taking drugs -
they would have more money than they
ever thought possible and they would
be much healthier and happier. All in all
I think Australia does not have great
future - not because of carbon taxes or
anything like that but because of our
innate conservatism, intellectual lazi-
ness, intolerance, subservience, intran-
sigence, willful stupidity, a lowest com-
mon denominator view of the world,
and apathy, all combined with a streak
of latent racism, homophobia and con-
tempt for the natural environment. Peo-
ple rabbit on about lizard people, con-
spiracies and evil planetary overlords
taking over and destroying the planet
but the truth is that humanity does not
need the interference of such beings -
we are quite capable of doing the worst
possible things to the planet and our-
selves without the help of anyone or
anything else, just by way of our group,
or individual, psychological distur-
bances. The problem here is that we
will have no one to blame but ourselves
- this is one of the prime reasons that
people subscribe to conspiracy theories-
they can always blame someone else -
even though they don't know who
they are, what they look like, or
where they live - it is all their fault,
not mine. Needless to say there are
many good, honest and loving people
out there who go about there work with
little fanfare or acknowledgement but
the overwhelming din of negativity as
typified by Tony "Hanrahan" Abbot and
the climate change whingers ("skeptics,
deniers") drowns out much of the good
side of Australia. There will be a price
to pay for all this dark negativity and
that price will be paid by future genera-
tions - the ones who can't turn around
and say "show me the money' - there
might just not be any money or any
environment left. It is possible to see
psychological and emotional damage
being done to people in general
Greetings Earthlings. Welcome to the
latest belated catalogue from spaceship
Blackheath. Since we last spoke there
have been assorted natural disasters -
earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, ty-
phoons, tsunamis, nuclear meltdowns,
droughts, famines, heatwaves, floods,
local storms, blackouts, volcanoes, ash
clouds, as well as new wars breaking out
and the old ones becoming more and more
problematic. There have been mass mur-
ders, phone hacking scandals, credit de-
faults, credit bailouts, the book trade has
gone to the dogs, etc. etc. Other than
that everything is fine. I turn my back
for an instant and suddenly everyone
thinks they can do what they like..well its
just not on I tell you!!.
I have been so busy lately that it has
been hard to find time to put finger to
keyboard and get a catalogue out to my
loyal and trusted subscribers. I hope
there is something of interest for you. If
you know anyone who would like a copy
feel free to give them my contact de-
tails. Lets hope the world calms down a
little and that the rest of the year is
more peaceful.Ben
because of the toxic psychic atmosphere that ensouls the Australia and the
planet. Many people I talk to feel as though they are being subject to some
kind of continuous psychic attack and that there is a type of negative energy
that descends on them when they feeling vulnerable or low. The constant
negativity feeds the shadow aspect of humanity and gives rise to separate-
ness, fear, greed, selfishness, hatred, racism, superiority (which masks inferi-
ority), alienation, addiction, exploitation, and more - all aspects of the human-
ity's shadow. The group emotional/astral/psychic body of is becoming inflamed
with the result the corresponding body within the individual is, likewise in-
flamed, and it de-energises us, makes us ill, depressed and reactive. After
many years spent as idealist hippy of the 70's and a student of new age teach-
ings of the 80's, I felt we were headed for a glorious lentil and rainbow fuelled
future where we would all sit around under Bodhi trees becoming enlightened
and that everyone would be healthy, well fed, and loving. My initial utopian
idealism has given way to being completely nonplussed at the low level of
mindful, heart based spirituality within the community as a whole and, that a
wholesale lack of empathy exists which, some say, masks a group sociopathic/
psychopathic condition. I now feel that we have chosen the path of greatest
resistance - the path of destruction and annihilation. In other words we have
chosen the hard way out. Don't think your land, seeds, gold, survival kits, guns
etc. will save you - all must and will change and much will disappear (that in-
cludes your gold and guns) and be transformed so that something new can
arise. Don't believe those who name dates and times for apocalypse, dooms-
days etc. - I figure that we will all know when the time is at hand - maybe long
into the future maybe next week. Knowing exact dates and times will save no
one. These things are all determined by the group consciousness of humanity
which, is in accord with spiritual evolutionary plan for humanity. Nothing is
fixed, all is transmutable, all can change in twinkling of an eye if the nature
and level of consciousness likewise changes - but you would have to say that it
seems that humanity has set it's course and despite all the knowledge, infor-
mation and wisdom that is available, our selfishness will make sure we board
the boat to cross the river and, that the tempests and storms that meet us will
shatter and destroy all our concepts and perceptions of our reality and, we will
be left only with only the vestiges of our physical world and we must hope that
our souls will be an island for us amidst the treacherous turmoil and despair.
All decisions and actions, no matter how small or insignificant, create a harvest
of karma. Make sure that all your actions, thoughts and deeds are for the
benefit of the greater good. We are entering the harvest time and if anyone is
locked into mass consciousness, they will pay the karmic price of the masses -
i.e a one way ticket to hell or it's equivalent. What is hell? It is an astral plane
location where we go after death and where we have to live out our actions
from the viewpoint of the ones we harmed. We suffer in the same way we
made others suffer.
For all those who claim climate change is not real, who see that some gi-
gantic conspiracy is taking place and that the future of the world is at stake if
we act to curb pollution - stop and meditate, detach, listen to Mother Earth.
Find the heart beat and the rhythm of nature - let this be your guide. Ask
Mother Earth what she wants. Find ways to serve and act with constructive
love and compassion. Many who promote anti global warming theories are
allowing dark energies - energies of dense toxic materialism to manifest on the
planet. These energies are seen in the likes of Tony Abbott, Monckton et al. It
is time to go within and deal with the internal pollution and process out from
your psyche, that which is toxic and dark. The anti warming group is really a
focus for those who are resistant to change either on objective or subjective
level. Change is all there is and in our personal lives we can choose accep-
tance and sublimation or catharsis and destruction, which brings with it annihi-
lation of the all. It has been said that the earth is not expendable but that
humanity is. There is a magnificent, splendorous, kaleidoscopic, evolutionary
jump in consciousness taking place so either get on board or get out of the
way - the arrow of time waits for no one. Ben.
remember your magnificence remember your magnificence remember your magnificence remember your magnificence anita moorjani anita moorjani anita moorjani anita moorjani
"Toda Toda Toda Today, the new technologies of
Third Industrial Revolution - distrib-
uted communications and distributed
renewable energies - are taking us to
a new biosphere economy. The hu-
man race is becoming technologically
interdependent and interconnected.
What is sorely missing, however, is a
leap in human empathy, beyond na-
tional boundaries to biosphere
boundaries. We need to create
social trust on a global scale if we
are to create a seamless, integrated,
just, and sustainable planetary econ-
omy. We can no longer afford to limit
our notion of extended family to
national boundaries, with Americans
empathizing with fellow Americans,
Chinese with Chinese, and the like. A
truly global biosphere economy will
require a global empathic embrace.
We will need to think as a species -
as homo empathicus - and prepare
the groundwork for an empathic civili-
zation imbedded in a shared bio-
sphere." Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin - -- - Author, The Author, The Author, The Author, The
Empathic Civilization: The Race to Empathic Civilization: The Race to Empathic Civilization: The Race to Empathic Civilization: The Race to
Global Consciousness in a World in Global Consciousness in a World in Global Consciousness in a World in Global Consciousness in a World in
Crisis Crisis Crisis Crisis -- -- -- -- Taken from Economic Recov- Taken from Economic Recov- Taken from Economic Recov- Taken from Economic Recov-
ery Will Fail Without Our Trust. ery Will Fail Without Our Trust. ery Will Fail Without Our Trust. ery Will Fail Without Our Trust. "The
transition to biosphere conscious-
ness has already begun. All over the
world, a younger generation is begin-
ning to realize that one's daily con-
sumption of energy and other re-
sources ultimately affects the lives of
every other human being and every
other creature that inhabits the Earth.
The Empathic Civilization is emerging.
A younger generation is fast extend-
ing its empathic embrace beyond
religious affiliations and national iden-
tification to include the whole of
humanity and the vast project of life
that envelops the Earth. But our rush
to universal empathic connectivity is
running up against a rapidly accelerat-
ing entropic juggernaut in the form of
climate change. Can we reach bio-
sphere consciousness and global
empathy in time to avert planetary
collapse? - Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin Jeremy Rifkin -- -- -- -- Taken Taken Taken Taken
from 'The Empathic Civilization': Re- from 'The Empathic Civilization': Re- from 'The Empathic Civilization': Re- from 'The Empathic Civilization': Re-
thinking Human Nature in the Bio- thinking Human Nature in the Bio- thinking Human Nature in the Bio- thinking Human Nature in the Bio-
sphere Era sphere Era sphere Era sphere Era
This is the original NDE description that Anita Moorjani
submitted to The Near Death Research Foundation in
August 2006. The owner of the site, Dr. Jeffrey Long, an
oncologist, contacted Anita within hours of her submitting
it, asking follow up questions, which are below the the
experience description. Shortly after, this story went viral,
spreading to hundreds of thousands of people all over the
world via email.
EXPERIENCE DESCRIPTION: I had end stage cancer
(Hodgkins Lymphoma), and was being cared for at home. I
was connected to an oxygen tank, and had a full time nurse.
But on this morning, February 2nd 2006, I did not wake up. I
had fallen into a coma. My husband called my doctor who
said I needed to be rushed to hospital. The senior oncologist
looked at me and told my husband that it was now the end,
and that my organs were now shutting down. I would proba-
bly not make it beyond the next 36 hours. However, the on-
cologist said he would do whatever he could but prepared my
husband that I would most likely not make it, as my organs
were no longer functioning. They determined this because
my body started to swell up, and I had open skin lesions.
They started me on a cocktail of medication on a drip, and
poked me with tubes and pipes for nourishment, drugs and
oxygen. I thought that I was drifting in and out of conscious-
ness during this time, because I was aware of everything that
was going on around me. But it was confirmed to me later by
my family and the doctors that I was in a coma the whole
time. I saw and heard the conversations between my husband
and the doctors taking place outside my room, about 40 feet
away down a hallway. I was later able to verify this conversa-
tion to my shocked husband. Then I actually crossed over
to another dimension, where I was engulfed in a total feeling
of love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had the
cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what
role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand
scheme of things, and generally how life works. The clarity
and understanding I obtained in this state is almost indescrib-
able. Words seem to limit the experience I was at a place
where I understood how much more there is than what we are
able to conceive in our 3-dimensional world. I realized what
a gift life was, and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual
beings, who were always around me even when I did not
know it. The amount of love I felt was overwhelming, and
from this perspective, I knew how powerful I am, and saw the
amazing possibilities we as humans are capable of achieving
during a physical life. I found out that my purpose now
would be to live heaven on earth using this new under-
standing, and also to share this knowledge with other people.
However I had the choice of whether to come back into life,
or go towards death. I was made to understand that it was not
my time, but I always had the choice, and if I chose death, I
would not be experiencing a lot of the gifts that the rest of my
life still held in store. At first, I did not want to come back,
because my body was very sick, and I did not want to come
back into this body as the organs had already stopped func-
tioning and I had all these open skin lesions. But it seemed
that almost immediately, I became aware that if I chose life,
my body would heal very quickly. I would see a difference in
not months or weeks, but days! I then started to understand
how illnesses start on an energetic level before they become
physical. If I chose to go into life, the cancer would be gone
from my energy, and my physical body would catch up very
quickly. I then understood that when people have medical
treatments for illnesses, it rids the illness only from their body
but not from their energy so the illness returns. I realized if I
went back, it would be with a very healthy energy. Then the
physical body would catch up to the energetic conditions very
quickly and permanently. I seemed to become aware that this
applies to anything, not only illnesses physical conditions,
psychological conditions, etc. I became aware that every-
thing going on in our lives was dependant on this energy
around us, created by us. Nothing was real we created our
surroundings, our conditions, etc. depending where this
energy was at. The clarity I felt around how we get what
we do was phenomenal! Its all about where we are energeti-
cally. I somehow knew that I was going to see proof of this
first hand if I returned back to my body. It felt as though I
was drifting in and out between the two worlds, this physical
world and the other side, but every time I drifted into the
other side, I seemed to go deeper and experienced more
scenes. There was one where I saw how my life had
touched all the people in it it was sort of like a tapestry and
I saw how I affected everyones lives around me. There was
another scene where I saw my brother on a plane, having
heard the news I was dying, coming to see me (this was veri-
fied to me as when I started to come round, my brother was
there, having just got off a plane). I then saw a glimpse of
my brother and me and somehow seemed to understand it
was a previous life, where I was much older than him and
was like a mother to him (in this life, he is older than me). I
saw in that life I was very protective towards him. I suddenly
became aware he was on the plane to come and see me, and
felt I cant do this to him cant let him come and see me
dead. Then I also saw how my husbands purpose was
linked to mine, and how we had decided to come and experi-
ence this life together. If I went, he would probably follow
soon after.
In addition, I seemed to understand that, as tests had been
taken for my organ functions (and the results were not out
yet), that if I chose life, the results would show that my or-
gans were functioning normally. If I chose death, the results
would show organ failure as the cause of death, due to cancer.
I was able to change the outcome of the tests by my choice!
I made my choice, and as I started to wake up (in a very con-
fused state, as I could not at that time tell which side of the
veil I was on), the doctors came rushing into the room with
big smiles on their faces saying to my family Good news
we got the results and her organs are functioning we cant
believe it!! Her body really did seem like it had shut down!
After that, I began to recover rapidly. The doctors had been
waiting for me to become stable before doing a lymph node
biopsy to track the type of cancer cells, and they could not
even find a lymph node big enough to suggest cancer (upon
entering the hospital my body was filled with swollen lymph
nodes and tumors the size of lemons, from the base of my
skull all the way to my lower abdomen). They did a bone
marrow biopsy, again to find the cancer activity so they could
adjust the chemotherapy according to the disease, and there
wasnt any in the bone marrow. The doctors were very con-
fused, but put it down to me suddenly responding to the
chemo. Because they themselves were unable to understand
what was going on, they made me undergo test after test, all
of which I passed with flying colors, and clearing every test
empowered me even more! I had a full body scan, and be-
cause they could not find anything, they made the radiologist
repeat it again!!!! Because of my experience, I am now shar-
ing with everyone I know that miracles are possible in your
life every day. After what I have seen, I realize that abso-
lutely anything is possible, and that we did not come here to
suffer. Life is supposed to be great, and we are very,
very loved. The way I look at life has changed dramatically,
and I am so glad to have been given a second chance to ex-
perience heaven on earth.
Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?
Yes. The experience was much more than words can express.
Putting words to it makes the experience smaller and more
limited. What I saw, perceived, and felt, and the clarity I
experienced about life, was more than anything we are able to
conceive, so words have not been created to describe it.
At the time of this experience, was there an associated life
threatening event? I was dying of cancer, and the doctors had
said I only had about 36 hours to live. It was at this point
where I started drifting between another dimension and this
At what time during the experience were you at your highest
level of consciousness and alertness? Probably at the time
when I was given the choice whether to go back.
How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness
during the experience compare to your normal every day
consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alert-
ness than normal
If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during
the experience was different from your normal every day con-
sciousness and alertness, please explain: Even though I was
in a coma, I seemed to be going in and out of consciousness,
so I was aware of both sides. I was also aware of conversa-
tions taking place outside the room, beyond my earshot.
Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday
vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors,
brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/
transparency of objects, etc.)? Yes I was aware that I was
still in the room even though to others, my eyes were closed
and I was not awake, I was still able to see everyone in the
room, and at the same time experience the other dimension,
as if it existed simultaneously.
Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, every-
day hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recog-
nize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)? Yes. I was able to
hear what was being said by the doctors and my family out-
side the room, well out of earshot.
Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from
your body? Uncertain
What emotions did you feel during the experience? Felt tre-
mendous love, more than anything I have experienced on
earth. I felt very loved, like no matter what I did, I would still
be loved. I did not have to do anything to deserve it or prove
Did you meet or see any other beings? Yes. I was surrounded
by many beings, including my father and my best friend who
had passed on. I did not recognize the other beings, but I
knew they loved me very much and were protecting me. I
became aware that they were there all the time, even when I
was not aware of it.
Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events
during your experience that could be verified later? Yes. I
saw and heard a conversation taking place between my doctor
and my husband outside of my room and down a hallway. I
saw my brother on a plane coming to see me. Both of these
were verified, including the conversation beween my doctor
and husband, which I repeated word for word.
Did you have any sense of altered space or time? Yes. I felt I
was in the other dimension a lot longer than I really was. The
amount I saw and learned would have taken a lot longer in
this dimension. Also, with the medical tests that were done,
even though the tests were done, the results were dependant
on my choice of whether to come back into life or not. That
really changed my concept of time!!
Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, univer-
sal order and/or purpose? Yes. The clarity was amazing! I
understood why I had the cancer, I understood how people
get what they do, and I understood that life is a gift, but we
dont realize it. I understood that we are very, very loved, no
matter what. We dont have to do anything to prove our-
selves to god, and there is no heaven or hell. I realized
we create our own heaven or hell here on earth, and I learned
the key ingredients for creating my own heaven on earth!
Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?
Yes. I reached the point where I felt I had to make the choice
whether to go back to life or onward into death. My best
friend was there (who had died of cancer 2 years before) and
she told me that this was as far as I could go or I would not be
able to turn back. You have come to the edge. This is as far
as you can go she said. Now go back and live your life
fully and fearlessly.
Did you become aware of future events? Yes. I was aware my
body would heal very quickly, and it did. I was aware that all
the tests would show phenomenal results, and they did. They
found no trace of any disease on my scans, my biopsies, etc.
My organs are functioning normally, my appetite came back,
and I was made aware all of this would happen. It has only
been 6 months since my NDE, and I am still awaiting all the
other gifts that were shown to me. However, I can see my
life changing in a direction where all of this is very possible.
One of the things I saw was a very long life ahead of me!
Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts
following the experience you did not have prior to the experi-
ence? Yes. I have been much more intuitive since the experi-
ence. When I am alone, I often get the awareness of being
surrounded by beings (the same beings I felt when I crossed
over), and being very, very loved that same feeling I got
during the NDE.
Have you shared this experience with others? Yes. Within
days after it happened, as soon as I was well enough to talk, I
started sharing it with my close family members my hus-
band, my brother (who I had seen on the plane), my mother.
We were all very emotional and in tears. And the were all
shocked with my account of events, the test results which I
knew would be normal because I chose to come back, the
conversations I heard. Then they saw the speed of my re-
covery, the shock of the doctors who could no longer find any
trace of cancer it has changed my whole family. I also
shared with my best friend who has been by me during this
experience, and it has changed her life too. Going out and
meeting people after coming out of hospital changed a lot of
people, because the last they saw or heard of me, I was on my
death bed! I had looked very, very sick, and could not walk
or breath properly at that time. Now I looked totally healthy
and normal. The first time I walked into a group gathering
after coming out of hospital, everyones jaw dropped. They
looked at me as if they had seen a ghost. They could not be-
lieve how quickly I had recovered everyone thought I was
going to die! Then I shared my experience with everyone in
the room, and all of them believed me because they had seen
the before and after. Some of them said I had changed
their lives.
Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE)
prior to your experience? Yes. I have read about NDEs but
never expected to experience one. My NDE felt completely
different to anything I have read because there was no light,
tunnel, no religious figure, and I did not see my whole life
flash before my eyes. While I was experiencing it, I had no
idea that I was experiencing an NDE or an out of body ex-
perience. It felt very normal at the time. It was only after
that I realized I had slipped to another dimension.
How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days
to weeks) after it happened: Experience was definitely real I
knew it was real because nothing else could explain the mi-
raculous way my cancer just disappeared from my body!!! (I
have the scans and medical tests to prove it)! And the charge
I felt from the empowerment and the understanding nothing
else could explain the shift I felt in my way of thinking!
Were there one or several parts of the experience especially
meaningful or significant to you? The whole thing was very
powerful I cannot imagine anything more empowering hap-
pening to me. However, two main things impacted me one
was being able to change the outcome of the test results. That
made me realize that nothing is solid (or real). We can change
anything. The second thing, even more impacting, is how my
body went from being almost dead from cancer to totally
healthy without a trace of illness in such a short time! It not
only makes me feel that everything (including cancer) is not
real (a shift in consciousness made it disappear!) but it also
makes me feel very powerful, and I have a totally different
understanding of life now.
How do you currently view the reality of your experience:
Experience was definitely real. First of all, I am enjoying the
wonders of my healthy body. I havent felt this way in a
while! Secondly, I feel very connected in a way I never
have before. Sort of guided. I dont feel afraid of anything
anymore. I know I wont die until I complete everything I
came here to do. And even then, I am not afraid of death.
Many, many more coincidences have been occurring in my
life since the experience (hence the guided feeling). Things
have been falling into my lap when I have wanted them, the
right people call, I have been bumping into the right people,
getting e-mails which answer questions I need answered, etc.
Life has just become a lot easier, however it has only been a
few months since I have been well. I am still feeling very
high, and at the moment am still feeling the reality of the
whole thing.
Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of
your experience? Yes. I have become even closer to my fam-
ily, but my social circle has changed. A lot of my old friends
have drifted away from me because I am not the same person
they used to know, but I have made a few new friends since
this experience, who know and accept who I am now.
Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as
a result of your experience? Uncertain. I was never very reli-
gious to begin with. I still dont believe in any particular
religion, however this experience has transformed my
belief in the afterlife into knowledge that it is really true
Following the experience, have you had any other events in
your life, medications or substances which reproduced any
part of the experience? Yes. I am able to go back to that
connected feeling of being loved, and feeling the other be-
ings surrounding me, particularly when I am sitting still in a
quiet environment.
Did the questions asked and information you provided so far
accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?
- Dr. Jeffrey Long, NDERF.My questions:
1. You write remarkably well!!! Have you lived in any Eng-
lish speaking area of the world for any period of time?
2. You had Hodkins Lymphoma. Was this diagnosed by
biopsy? How was the diagnosis made?
3. How long after the chemotherapy was started did all the
lymph nodes you had go completely away?
4. The fact that the medical tests, already done, would have
their outcome changed depending on your choice is remark-
able. If you had chosen not to return to earth, do you have a
sense when the medical tests would have changed- after your
choice in earthly time, or would your choice have affected the
tests at the time the blood was drawn which, in earthly time, I
understand would have been before you made your choice to
return to earth. Any further comments you have on this
would be greatly appreciated.
5. You said It not only makes me feel that everything
(including cancer)is not real (a shift in consciousness made it
disappear!) but it also makes me feel very powerful, and I
have a totally different understanding of life now. As a doc-
tor who treats cancer, any further insights you have on this
would be greatly appreciated.
6. Would the doctors who treated you be interested in com-
municating with me? We would all need your prior approval
to share information about your medical diagnosis and treat-
ment. If your doctors were interested in writing up your ex-
perience to publish it as a case report in the medical litera-
ture, I would be delighted to help in any way that I can. This
could certainly increase the awareness of NDE in your coun-
Anitas response:
Thank you so much for your response, and on your compli-
ments to my English! I attended a British private school for
my entire schooling here in Hong Kong, as this used to be a
British colony up until 1997. There were British schools set
up specifically for the children of the British officers and
most of the large corporations in Hong Kong were also run by
British. After I finished school, I did some further studies in
Manchester, UK, but returned to Hong Kong after I finished.
I married someone here, who shared a very similar back-
ground as myself a fellow ethnic Indian born and raised in
Hong Kong, with no real attachment to our parents native
country. I have also been working here in Hong Kong.
Before I go further, I just want to share with you that your e-
mail gave me goose-bumps. When I had my NDE, and I was
able to see and perceive certain aspects of my future, I per-
ceived that one of the reasons I had to go back was because I
was supposed to touch and inspire peoples lives. In that
state, I somehow knew that I was meant to inspire thousands,
maybe tens of thousands of people. But it was not clear how
I was meant to do it I just knew I was supposed to be doing
something to inspire people. I specifically got the feeling that
I didnt need to do anything for this to happen, I just had to be
myself and enjoy life. Then recently, I had been thinking
about this, and now that I am well and want to do something
productive with my life, I have been trying to figure out what
it is I am supposed to do that inspires others. And this morn-
ing I got your e-mail which said Over the years, tens of
thousands of people will read your experience and, I am sure,
be inspired. I now understand why I was made to feel I did-
nt have to do anything!! I was doing it by having the
NDE!!! Regarding your questions I am sorry if the answers
seem a bit long, but I want to make it as clear as possible:
About 3 and a half years ago, I had a needle biopsy on a
swollen lymph gland at the base of my neck where it meets
my shoulder on my left side, and the results indicated I had
Hodgkins Lymphoma. A scan then preliminary staged it at
1A at that time, however more tests still needed to be done.
If I can explain some details, which I did not think was
necessary in my earlier account as it had nothing to do with
the NDE itself: My best friend had just died of cancer she
had a sarcoma in her chest area. The sarcoma had been re-
moved surgically, and then she was given chemo. Her physi-
cal condition deteriorated very badly after starting the chemo,
and continued to deteriorate until she died. Her family felt
very strongly it was the chemo that killed her, not the cancer.
I was with her through her experience, and watch her suffer
through her chemo experience, which was horrific, and then
watched her die. This was my friend whom I had known
since grade school, and we had grown up together. When I
was then subsequently diagnosed the same year she died, I
was shocked, as were a lot of people in our circle of friends. I
was very, very afraid of chemo, so refused treatment, and
went to see a naturopath who specialized in cancer treatment.
At first, the swollen lymph nodes seemed to be shrinking, and
we felt the therapy was working, and I was very happy that I
would not have to have chemo. But although they got
smaller, they did not disappear completely. I was living in a
lot of fear at that time fear of the cancer, and fear of chemo.
I cleaned up my diet, did colon therapy, and took all the pills
the naturopathic doctor gave me. But around 2 years ago, the
lymph nodes seemed to be growing again, and so the doctor
changed my therapy, and also sent me to a herbal specialist.
Again, it seemed to come under control for a little while, but
around 1 year ago, I started to develop fluid in my chest area,
and also my left arm became swollen. My doctor then per-
formed a pleural effusion, and then the fluid came back and
he performed the effusion several more times. During this
time, my glands were getting more and more swollen, until
January, 2006, when my health deteriorated dramatically in a
span of 2 or 3 weeks. My breathing became more and more
laboured, I was always out of breath, and I needed to carry a
portable oxygen machine. I was losing weight, I could not
eat, as I felt full all the time, my muscles were deteriorating
to the point where I could not walk and was using a wheel-
chair, I had skin lesions which were oozing, and by February
2, I could not move. I could not open my eyes, get out of
bed, let alone even walk. I just accepted that this was it, I
was going to die, and I just completely let go. I did not feel
any pain, or discomfort. I was not on any medication at that
point just a state of total release. My husband rushed me to
hospital, and I was assigned an oncologist who, after examin-
ing me, said its too late. There is nothing I can do. My
husband pleaded with her, and she then relented to assign
someone else, as she felt it would be a waste of her time, or
perhaps she did not want my death on her record. She was
very annoyed with my naturopathic doctor, and felt it was his
responsibility to send me to the hospital earlier, and made it
clear that it was his fault that I was going to die. The scans
showed that the lymphoma had spread throughout my body,
and my organs were compromised. My feet and hands now
began to swell like balloons, and my face was all swollen.
The oncologist said her organs have already shut down she
is dying of organ failure. Listening to my husbands pleas,
she called another oncologist, who said to my husband I
cant promise anything, Ill see what I can do. However, the
next 24 hours are critical. She is too unstable to even perform
a biopsy to determine what drugs to inject. We will also be-
gin to run the tests right away on her organ functions as all
symptoms seem to indicate failure. This was the conversa-
tion that took place outside my room, some 40 feet away, and
I heard and saw it, so I had obviously left my body at that
time. Anyway, I then became aware of all the needles poking
me, and some kind of chemo drugs went into me, but I dont
know exactly what the mix was. And I was connected to an
oxygen machine, a food tube, something that monitored my
heart, pulse, blood pressure, etc. etc. The next morning,
(after drifting between the two worlds through the night and
after making my decision to come back into life) I started to
feel more awake, and started to feel slightly more grounded in
this world than that one, and that was when the doctors came
in and said my organs were showing normal function. I was
still a bit fuzzy, and said something like oh, I thought we
knew that already. My brother had arrived, having been on
a plane overnight, and by that evening, I was really awake
and ready to sit up. My whole family started celebrating.
Within 4 days, my progress was remarkable, and I was trans-
ferred from the ICU to a normal private room. There was
significant reduction in my lymph nodes within those 4 days.
Because it now looked like I was going to make it, the doctor
called for a wound specialist to look at my skin lesions.
When he first looked at them, he said that surgery would be
needed as the skin had been eaten away, but he would wait
until I became stronger. However, my wounds healed mi-
raculously over the weeks, and never needed surgery (one on
the neck and one under the arm). About a week after coming
out of ICU, they performed a bone marrow biopsy, and could
not find anything, and about 10 days after that, they per-
formed a lymph node biopsy. When I was sent for the lymph
node biopsy, the radiologist could not find a lymph node big
enough to even suggest cancer, however the oncologist
pushed him to mark a lymph node on my body anyway which
they biopsied and found nothing. Each time, I knew the test
results were going to be negative. The oncologist however,
wanted to run these tests so that he could determine what
chemo drugs to use, but since he could not find anything, he
said it is because I am responding extremely well to what he
is currently using, so he will keep giving me that. I said that
if the cancer seems gone, why do I have to keep having the
chemo, but he insisted that, even though my recovery was
remarkable, he had to be sure to give me at least the mini-
mum number of cycles, because of the state I was in when I
came in. He said he originally thought I would need a lot
more cycles, but was now reducing it drastically to the mini-
mum he ever gives which is six. I dont know why, but I did
not suffer major side effects from the chemo. I was so
charged by my NDE, it was as if nothing was going to get me
down, and I now lost my fear of the chemo, and knew that I
was going to be fine better than fine. In answer to question
3, the lymph nodes were visibly reduced by about 80%
around 4 days after the chemo. However, the biopsy was
done about 2 weeks after that, where they could not find a
lymph node to even suggest cancer. They were waiting for
my body to be stronger before conducting the biopsy, which
is why it was not done earlier. The bone marrow biopsy was
done earlier, where they did not find anything. Question 4:
This is one of the points that is so hard to express with our
limited 3 dimensional language. Time seems to have a com-
pletely different meaning on that side. What I felt was that all
possibilities exist simultaneously it just depends which one
you choose. Sort of like being in an elevator, where all the
floors of a building exist, but you can choose which floor to
get off on. So if all the future possibilities exist for me to
choose from, then I assume all the past scenarios exist too.
So depending which future possibility I choose, that will also
determine which past automatically comes with it (I chose
life, so it affected the past, choosing the appropriate test result
for the organ function). I hope I am making sense. Its very
clear in my thoughts, but it is hard to write. When I was
being presented the choice, I actually saw a vision of my lab
report which said, on the heading: Diagnosis: Organ Failure.
Then on the body of the report: Death due to organ failure
caused by Hodgkins lymphoma. When I actually saw the
report after coming back, the sheet of paper looked almost
identical, and the heading matched word for word: Diagno-
sis: Organ Failure, however, the body read: There is no evi-
dence of organ failure. I actually got goosebumps looking at
that report, knowing what it could have read. Question 5: I
now know that a lot more exists than we are consciously
aware of or capable of understanding. Each day, I am under-
standing more and more since the NDE. I am finding out that
there are things I now feel I know or understand, which I
never did before. The best example I can think of is: imag-
ine there is a huge warehouse, which is dark, and you live in
this warehouse with one flashlight. Everything you know
about this warehouse is seen through the light of this one
small flashlight. Whenever you want to look for something,
you may or may not find it, but it does not mean the thing
does not exist. It is there, but you just havent flashed your
light on it. You can only see what your light is focused on.
Then one day, someone flicks on a lightswitch, and for the
first time, you can see the whole warehouse. The vastness of
it is almost overwhelming, you cant see all the way to the
end, and you know there is more than what you can see. But
you do see how all the products are lined up on all the
shelves, and you notice just how many different things there
are in the warehouse which you never noticed, never even
conceived having existed, yet they do, simultaneously with
the things you know existed (those are the things your flash-
light had been able to find). Then, even when the light switch
goes back off, nothing can take away the understanding and
clarity of your experience. Even though you are back to one
flashlight, you now know how to look for things. You know
what is possible, and you even know what to look for. You
start viewing things differently, and it is from this new
springboard that your experiences start to happen. And so I
find that in my daily life, I am referring referring to different
aspects of my experience at different times, and I am under-
standing things in a different way, and knowing things I did
not know I knew. I saw all people as energy, and depending
where our energy level was, that was the world we created for
ourselves. The understanding I gained from this was that if
cancer was not in our energy, then it was not in our reality.
If feeling good about ourselves was in our energy, then our
reality would be positive. If cancer was in our energy, then
even if we eradicated it with modern medicine, it would soon
come back. But if we cleared it from our energy, the physical
body would soon follow. None of us are as real or physical
as we think we are. From what I saw, it looked like we are
energy first, and physical is only a result of expressing our
energy. And we can change our physical reality if we change
our energy. (Some people have mentioned I use the term
Vibration). For me, personally, I was made to feel that in
order to keep my energy/vibration level up, I only had to live
in the moment, enjoy every moment of life, and use each mo-
ment to elevate the next moment (which then elevates my
future). It is in that moment of elevating your energy level
that you can change your future (like my test results). It
sounds very simplistic, but it felt very deep when I was ex-
periencing the understanding of it. Question 6: As yet, I have
not told my doctors of my NDE, because they seem a little
old fashioned, and I dont know how they will respond.
However, I am willing to give it a try. I am seeing them on
Thursday morning for a general check up, and I will broach
the subject. It had occurred to me earlier to mention it to
them, but the time never felt right. They had commented
however, all through my stay in hospital, at how remarkable
my recovery was. I will keep you informed as to how it goes
with them, and as long as they agree, I have no problems with
you communicating with them. I hope I have been able to
answer your questions. I am very excited about being posted
on your site, especially at the thought of being on the archives
of the exceptional experiences. My brother forwarded me the
link to your site about 10 days ago, as he started to read up on
NDEs after my experience, and I started to fill out the ques-
tionnaire immediately.
[Subsequent to this writing, Dr. Peter Ko, oncologist from the
US, took an interest in this case, and flew to Hong Kong to
meet Anita. He made a copy of all the relevant information in
Anita's medical records and studied them in great detail. His
comments to her was "Anyway I look at it, you should be
dead! After reviewing the records, he submitted his findings
to cancer institutes around the globe, all of whom responded
they have no record of any such event occurring before. Dr.
Ko conducted a public forum with Anita, and was also inter-
viewed on the radio about his findings of her case, which has
been recorded and and can be heard on this site.] Copyright
Anita Moorjani 2006 - 2011 All Rights Reserved
Planet Earth Doesn't Know How To Make It Any Clearer It Wants Everyone To Leave - EARTH-
According to a statement released to the press Tuesday, the planet Earth has "just about run out of ways" to
let its roughly 6.9 billion human inhabitants know it wants them all to leave.Following a recent series of dis-
astrous floods along the Mississippi River and destructive tornadoes across much of the United States-as well
as a year of even deadlier natural catastrophes all over the world-the Earth said its options for strongly im-
plying that it no longer wants human beings living on it have basically been exhausted."At this point, I think
I've stated my wishes quite loudly and clearly," the Earth's statement to all of humanity read in part. "I
haven't exactly been subtle about it, you realize. I have literally tried to drown you, crush you, starve you,
dehydrate you, pump you full of diseases, and suck your homes and families into swirling vortices of death.
Honestly, what more is it going to take for you people to get the message?" (...) In a sharp rebuke to both the
planet and the mainstream scientific community, Republican leaders in Congress responded this week with a
scathing critique of what they deemed to be the Earth's "pathetic and extremist viewpoints." "What we're
seeing here is the same old scientific mumbo jumbo and partisan rhetoric that the Earth has been spewing out
for millennia," Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) said. "We're not going to be bullied by a celestial body that has time
and again failed to deliver on its promise to glorify and reward mankind with its bounty."Immediately follow-
ing these statements from the human race, the Earth emitted a loud sigh, which shifted multiple tectonic
plates and caused massive earthquakes on five continents.
Australia's place in the global
web of climate denial. Graham Read-
Climate sceptics, deniers, contrarians call them what you
like are engaged in a fight for column inches, radio waves,
TV talk-time and community sentiment. In Australia, the is-
sue has turned decidedly unsavoury, with climate scientists
revealing inboxes chock-full of hate and Government advi-
sors being slurred as Nazis.
But as a memo from US Republican communications guru
Frank Luntz revealed in 2003, the most important aspect of
climate change denial is not to throw hate, but to sow
doubt. Should the public come to believe that the scientific
issues are settled, their views about global warming will
change accordingly. Therefore, you need to continue to make
the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the de-
bate.Doubt is the product of the climate change denial indus-
try an industry which is tightly knit, well resourced and
globally linked. Hot on the heels of climate sceptic Lord
Christopher Monckton's visit, part-funded by the Association
of Mining and Exploration Companies and supported by min-
ing billionaire Gina Rinehart, will be Vclav Klaus. The
president of the Czech Republic, a long-time denier of the
evidence of climate change, is being flown to Australia to talk
about the "mass delusion" of climate change. Then, once
president Klaus has done his bit for the cause, in comes yet
another denier of the risks associated with human-caused
climate change Lord Lawson. This conveyor belt of climate
denial is no unhappy coincidence. Australia is an important
hub in a long-standing global assault on climate science coor-
dinated by a network of think tanks and front groups, many
with links to fossil fuel and mining companies. Earlier this
week in The Age newspaper, Professor Bob Carter, an adjunct
(unpaid) research fellow at James Cook University in Queen-
sland, wrote one of his many columns questioning global
warming. Despite the fact that the World Meteorological Or-
ganisation has declared the decade just gone to be the warm-
est on record, Professor Carter claimed the world had gone
through a "slight cooling". Writing in The Age today, John
Cook, founder of the blog Skeptical Science, explains the
methods Professor Carter uses to confuse readers, such as
employing half-truths, cherry-picking data and conveniently
ignoring other multiple lines of evidence. Earlier this month
in The Conversation, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, direc-
tor of the Global Change Institute at the University of Queen-
sland, searched the leading science journals for peer-reviewed
papers on climate change written by Professor Carter and
other sceptics, and found only one. The paper had claimed
that natural variation in the climate could account for most of
the observed global warming, but when a group of genuine
climate change researchers examined the paper they found it
seriously flawed. The conclusions made in the paper, wrote a
group of eminent scientists in a response in the same journal,
were "not supported by their analysis or any physical the-
ory". In other words, Professor Carter and his co-authors had
come to a conclusion which even their own analysis had
failed to support. With this being Professor Carter's only
foray into the peer-reviewed literature, it is odd that he should
be held up as a climate expert. Yet he is touted as an expert,
regularly, and not just here but in the United States and the
UK by numerous organisations that deny the risks or even the
very existence of human-caused climate change. As well as
being the sole science advisor to Australia's Institute of Public
Affairs (IPA), Professor Carter is also listed as an advisor at
the US-based Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI)
where Lord Christopher Monckton is the chief policy advi-
sor. The SPPI emerged from another think tank the Centre
for Science and Public Policy (CSPP) which Greenpeace
has discovered was launched with a grant from oil giant
Exxon. Robert Ferguson, the SPPI president, was the execu-
tive director for CSPP and Lord Monckton an advi-
sor. Professor Carter is also the chief science advisor to the
Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition
(ICSC), where again he teams up with Lord Monckton , who
is a policy advisor. Australian Viv Forbes is also an ICSC
advisor, as well as being an advisor to the Australian Climate
Science Coalition and chairman of his own Carbon Sense
Coalition. The Carbon Sense Coalition also includes former
cat palmist Ken Ring amongst its advisors. When long-
serving coal industry director Mr Forbes isn't advising to or-
ganisations spreading misinformation on climate science, he
is serving as a director at coal export business Stanmore
Coal. On Friday, Professor Carter will be in Washington with
a swag of contrarians as a keynote speaker at a conference
dedicated to climate denial mistitled the Sixth International
Conference on Climate Change. The conferences, which
started in 2008, have been organised and sponsored by the
Heartland Institute a free-market think tank which has been
heavily funded by fossil fuel companies including Exxon, the
oil and gas billionaires the Koch brothers and the oil and
banking family the Scaifes. Professor Carter was also a key
speaker at the first conference in New York, the second also
held in New York, the third in Washington, the fourth in Chi-
cago and the fifth in Sydney. These have included Alan
Moran, a researcher at the Institute of Public Affairs, Profes-
sor Ian Plimer, a geologist and mining entrepreneur and South
Australian Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi. Lord Monckton
has also spoken at two of the conferences. Alongside Heart-
land, Australia-based groups have given sponsorship. The
IPA has sponsored three conferences and the Lavoisier
Group, Carbon Sense Coalition and the Australian Libertarian
Society (ALS) have each sponsored twice. The ALS treasurer
is Tim Andrews, who in 2009 spent a year in the US with the
Koch Associate Program set up by the same Koch brothers
which have helped fund climate denial and the "grassroots"
Tea Party movement in the US. A series of Greenpeace USA
reports have claimed that the companies, foundations and
trusts of Charles and David Koch, of the oil and gas company
Koch Industries, have ploughed more than $US55 million
into think tanks and groups which challenge human-caused
climate change. The Lavoisier Group, which was founded by
Hugh Morgan, former head of Western Mining Corporation,
is an organisation devoted to climate denial. Mr Morgan is
currently a member of the Liberal-led Coalition's business
group advising on its climate policy. The Competitive Enter-
prise Institute, another free-market US think tank receiving
funding from Exxon, co-ordinates the Cooler Heads Coali-
tion, which includes the Lavoisier Group among its mem-
bers. In Australia, one of the most enthusiastic supporters of
climate denial has been the IPA which is not required to re-
veal its funders. Lavoisier founder Mr Morgan is a former
director of the IPA and his son William is currently on the
board. In its latest attempt to confuse the public on climate
change, the IPA will bring Czech Republic president Vclav
Klaus to Australia late next month. President Klaus gives
away some subtle clues to his long-held position on climate
change in the titles of his talks. Perth gets "Threats to freedom
in the 21st century", Sydney gets "Climate change the

dangerous faith", Melbourne enjoys "The mass delusion of climate change" and Brisbanites get to hear "Climate change a
new ideology". After president Klaus flies out with his measured analysis still ringing in the ears, Australians will then be
treated to climate sceptic Lord Lawson, president of the London-based Global Warming Policy Foundation yet another
think tank devoted to confusing the public about climate change. Presumably Lord Lawson will not be too concerned at miss-
ing president Klaus' talk, given that last October he gave the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) annual lecture in
Cambridge. GWPF also has friends in Australia. Professors Plimer and Carter are both on its "academic advisory coun-
cil". The IPA also brought Lord Lawson to Australia in 2007 (Lord Monckton's sister is Rosa Monckton, who is married to
Dominic Lawson Lord Lawson's eldest son). This time, the debate, to be held in Sydney in about five weeks time, is being
organised by The Spectator magazine and its editor Tom Switzer, a long-time researcher at the IPA. With all of this noise
being generated in the coming weeks over climate change, Australians could be forgiven for thinking there is a genuine de-
bate over the causes of rising global temperatures, melting ice-sheets, retreating Arctic ice, acidifying oceans, rising sea-
levels or the many other direct consequences of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. No doubt there is a
debate and no doubt, either, that it is being manufactured. Graham Readfearn is a freelance journalist and writer covering
the environment and sustainability.
Scientists hit back amid fresh death
threats..By science reporter Sarah Clarke
The Executive Director of FASTS, Anna-Maria Arabia, says
she received a fresh death threat only this morning. (ABC
Breakfast)...Top Australian scientists have united in a new
campaign to defend their credibility amid fresh death threats
aimed at key climate change scientists. In an unprecedented
move in Canberra today, more than 200 scientists will con-
verge on Parliament House to call on politicians to help stop
misinformation in the climate debate. Their concern is that
the hysteria has now escalated and is spilling over into at-
tacks on their work and threats to their personal safety. Anna
Maria Arabia is the CEO of the nation's peak scientific body,
FASTS - the Federation of Australian Science and Techno-
logical Societies. Ms Arabia, who is launching the 'Respect
the Science' campaign at Parliament House today, told ABC
News Breakfast she had received a fresh death threat only
this morning. "We know there have been some very serious
death threats in the past, this is completely unacceptable," she
said. "[I had] an email threatening my life. No scientist
should ever have to have their life threatened simply for do-
ing the work they need to do." Earlier this month, a number
of the country's top climate change scientists, including sev-
eral at the Australian National University (ANU), were tar-
geted by death threats and reported receiving abusive phone
calls for months. ANU was forced to move its scientists to a
more secure location and introduced other security measures.
Ms Arabia says today's campaign launch is aimed at restoring
public confidence in science, as the hysteria in the climate
debate spills over into attacks on all research. "It is really
aimed at looking at the misinformation campaign that's being
run against the scientific evidence largely coming from the
climate change debate ... and seeing how that is undermining
the nation-building work of our scientists," she said. "So it's
really asking the public to have the confidence to respect the
science, because there is a very robust methodology behind
the scientific information that we use to make decisions every
day." Ms Arabia says the misinformation campaign is largely
being run by climate deniers. "It's unfortunate, because it's
aimed at creating confusion, and it really places a question
over the validity of the scientific process," she said. The
group of scientists hope that by detailing how the process
works, the public will better understand the intense scrutiny
the science must undergo in the peer review process, before
major decisions can be made. Chief scientist Ian Chubb, who
provides advice to government ministers and the Prime Min-
ister, says science results are rigorously tested. "It is about
ensuring that people understand that there is proper science,
properly conducted, properly reviewed and properly de-
bated," he said. "And the consequences of that debate may
change the way we think or they may confirm what we think,
but there's a process that underpins everything we do. "I think
it's too easy for people to pick one little bit of this or that and
constantly ram it home, because there are a lot of people in
the world who know that you don't have to be bright, you just
have to sow doubt."
INTUITIONEvery one of us possesses the faculty, the interior sense, that is known by the name of intuition, but how rare
are those who know how to develop it! It is, however, only by the aid of this faculty that men can ever see things in their true
colours. It is an instinct of the soul, which grows in us in proportion to the employment we give it, and which helps us to
perceive and understand the realities of things with far more certainty than can the simple use of our senses and exercise of
our reason. What are called good sense and logic enable us to see only the appearances of things, that which is evident to
every one. The instinct of which I speak, being a projection of our perceptive consciousness, a projection which acts from the
subjective to the objective, and not vice versa, awakens in us spiritual senses and power to act; these senses assimilate to
themselves the essence of the object or of the action under examination, and represent it to us as it really is, not as it appears
to our physical senses and to our cold reason. "We begin with instinct, we end with omniscience." H. P. BLAVATSKY
"A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social con-
sciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history. On the other hand, an activism that is not pu-
rified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom, and compas-
sion will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions. When, however,
the deepest and most grounded spiritual vision is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all
existing political, economic and social institutions, a holy force - the power of wisdom and love in action - is
born. This force I define as Sacred Activism."
Andrew Harvey (The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism) "
Cold Fusion: Devices In 3 Months Cold Fusion: Devices In 3 Months Cold Fusion: Devices In 3 Months Cold Fusion: Devices In 3 Months, Mass Production by End Of
2011 JANUARY 21, 2011
Last Saturday scientists at the University of Bologna, Italy, led by Andrea
Rossi and Sergio Focardi announced that they developed a viable cold
fusion process. The demonstration device is capable of producing 12,400 W
of heat power with an input of just 400W. A private invitation only press
conference was held and the device was demonstrated to the 50 or so
witnesses including scientists from the University of Bologna. In addition,
the scientists say they are already beyond the prototype stage and plan to
start shipping units within 3 months with mass production by the end of
2011. Despite much higher ratios of output these first commercial devices
would produce around 8 units of output for every 1 unit of input in order
to safely and reliably operate. Rossi also stated that they are working on a
1 megawatt facility comprised of 125 reactor modules. The cost of the
energy produced would be cheaper than 1 cent per kWh which is several
orders of magnitude cheaper than any conventional fossil fuel energy
sources. Rossi said: "We have passed already the phase to convince some-
body," he wrote in his forum. "We are arrived to a product that is ready
for the market. Our judge is the market. In this field the phase of the
competition in the field of theories, hypothesis, conjectures etc etc is over.
The competition is in the market. If somebody has a valid technology, he
has not to convince people by chattering, he has to make a reactor that
work and go to sell it, as we are doing." The demonstration was also
attended by a representative of Defkalion Energy, based in Athens, who
said that the company was interested in a 20 kW unit and that within
two months they would make a public announcement. Giuseppe Levi, a
nuclear physicist from INFN (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics),
helped organize last Friday's demonstration in Bologna. Levi confirmed that
the reactor produced about 12 kW and noted that the energy was not of
chemical origin since there was no measurable hydrogen consumption. Levi
and other scientists plan to produce a technical report on the design and
execution of their evaluation of the reactor. Meanwhile Focardi And Rossi's
paper on the reactor has been rejected by peer-reviewed journals on the
basis that they don't have a current theory to explain the results of the
reaction. "Rossi and Focardi have applied for a patent that has also been
partially rejected in a preliminary report. According to the report, "As the
invention seems, at least at first, to offend against the generally accepted
laws of physics and established theories, the disclosure should be detailed
enough to prove to a skilled person conversant with mainstream science
and technology that the invention is indeed feasible." So here we have
once again deliberate acts of sabotage by establishment science against
new energy solutions simply because they threaten scientific dogma and
fanatical establishment beliefs. Rather predictably we also have a deafening
silence from the world's controlled corporate media who must be wonder-
ing how long they can maintain the silence before critical mass is
achieved? (if you pardon the pun). Time after time we are seeing legiti-
mate attempts to bring new energy technologies thwarted by mainstream
fear. If they can get working devices to market this year then none of the
mainstream peer review will matter anyway. As Focardi rightly says "he
has not to convince people by chattering, he has to make a reactor that
work and go to sell it, as we are doing." Focardi And Rossi's website -
The limits of conspiracy theories June 9, 2011 . Conspiracy theories are curious things.
They can pop up out of nowhere, like the one about Barack Obama setting up FEMA concentration camps in which to imprison Republi-
can voters. They can be durable stand-bys, like the one about HAARP being a secret earthquake weapon which conspiracy theorists
pounced on to try to make mileage out of the earthquakes in Japan and Christchurch this year.
And they can be just plain bizarre, like the one about Lady Gaga being a puppet of the Illuminati and the one about Hillary Clinton being a
shape-shifting reptile. Dr Neil Levy, a philosopher and principal researcher at the Florey Neurosciences Institutes, says there are several
things that contribute to belief in conspiracy theories. One is our tendency to overestimate our own ability to understand events. Another
is our lack of appreciation of how in modern society, much knowledge isn't the product of lone individuals or institutions (who might easily
be mistaken or dishonest) but the product of deeply interconnected systems. These different streams of knowledge and evidence come
together to create a knowledge base that is remarkably sound. One example of this is GPS satellites. Few of us on our own would have
the know-how to test Einstein's theory of general relativity to see if it really is true, much less the ability to design GPS satellites and the
rockets that launch them. Yet here we are with GPS satellites orbiting all around us, using Einstein's theory to direct pizza delivery drivers
to our door. (And, of course, there are still cranks who claim that Einstein was wrong). ''It is a perennial temptation to think that one can do
better than the distributed network of experts,'' Levy says. ''Though the distribution of cognitive labour is something that goes quite far
back in human evolution, it is far more pervasive than we are evolved to deal with. We expect to have some grasp on how things work.
''Today we can't have more than the shakiest grasp (if that) in many areas, no matter who we are: the knowledge is too specialised and
detailed for us to acquire. Given we have this expectation (which generates what has been called the illusion of explanatory depth), we
find it difficult to take things on trust.'' Levy says it isn't necessarily irrational to believe in conspiracies because, after all, conspiracies do
exist. ''I think there is a slow slide into irrationality: as the number and the (apparent) independence of the sources who support the official
story increases, so does the irrationality,'' Levy says. ''What separates a conspiracy theorist about 9/11 from someone who accepts the
official story is the number of independent agencies they must believe are in on it. Maybe there is an elite group within the CIA who could
be relied upon to plant explosives and keep quiet about it (though in this age of leaks I wouldn't count on it), but the conspiracy theorists
require that the engineers' associations who have rejected their claims that the buildings can't have been destroyed by planes are in on it,
as are many journalists, and firefighters and (others). ''Things are even worse with the moon landing, given the literally thousands of peo-
ple in NASA who would have needed to be bought off.'' All in all, Levy says, you rarely do better by rejecting the ''official'' story. ''In com-
plex societies we are all in relations of epistemic dependence: we simply cannot hope to cut ourselves off from the distributed systems of
knowledge production (media, government, economists, academia) and come to a better understanding of the world,'' he says. ''I think
that for many conspiracy theories, the explanation of why they are accepted is very similar to the explanation of why people reject climate
change and evolution: a mistaken and hubristic belief that a lone blogger (or a small network of bloggers) can do better at explaining
events than thousands of well-qualified experts.'' What do you think? Are you a conspiracy believer, or do you know people who are?
Which conspiracy theories do you find the most plausible, and which do you think are just silly? If you do believe in a particular conspiracy
theory, what kind of evidence would it take to make you reconsider your belief?
Who is behind climate change deniers?
David McKnight. August 2, 2008
When the tobacco industry was feeling the heat from scien-
tists who showed that smoking caused cancer, it took decisive
action. It engaged in a decades-long public relations cam-
paign to undermine the medical research and discredit the
scientists. The aim was not to prove tobacco harmless but to
cast doubt on the science. In May this year, the multibillion-
dollar oil giant Exxon-Mobil acknowledged that it had been
doing something similar. It announced that it would cease
funding nine groups that had fuelled a global campaign to
deny climate change.
Exxon's decision comes after a shareholder revolt by mem-
bers of the Rockefeller family and big superannuation funds
to get the oil giant to take climate change more seriously.
Exxon (once Standard Oil) was founded by the legendary
John D. Rockefeller. Last year, the chairman of the US House
of Representatives oversight committee on science and tech-
nology, Brad Miller, said Exxon's support for sceptics
"appears to be an effort to distort public discussion". The
funding of an array of think tanks and institutes that house
climate sceptics and deniers also worried Britain's premier
scientific body, the Royal Society. It found that in 2005
Exxon distributed nearly $3 million to 39 groups that
"misrepresented the science of climate change by outright
denial of the evidence that greenhouse gases are driving cli-
mate change". It asked Exxon to stop the funding and its pro-
tests helped force Exxon's recent retreat. The chief scientist
of New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmos-
pheric research, Dr Jim Salinger, knows all about misrepre-
sentation. Two months ago, he was named by an Exxon-
funded group, the Heartland Institute, as a scientist whose
work undermined the theory that burning carbon was a cause
of global warming. The Heartland Institute - essentially a free
market lobby - emphasises that "the climate is always chang-
ing". Salinger's research studied variation in climate, so his
research was enrolled in the denial campaign.
Variations in the climate are normal, Salinger said, but this
did not in any way weaken conclusions about the dangers of
burning oil and coal. "Global warming is real," he said, and
demanded reference to his work be removed. The institute
refused. The Heartland Institute received almost $800,000
from Exxon, according to Greenpeace's research based on
Exxon's corporate giving disclosures. Another regular piece
of evidence in the denial lobby's PR campaign is the "Oregon
Petition". This urges the US Government to reject the Kyoto
Protocol and claims there is "no convincing scientific evi-
dence" for global warming. It is said to be signed by 31,000
graduates, most of whom appear to have nothing to do with
climate science. The petition originated in 1998 with a scien-
tist, Dr Frederick Seitz, who had been president of the US
National Academy of Science in the 1960s (and a tobacco
consultant in the 1970s). The petition was accompanied by a
purported review of the science that was co-published by the
George C. Marshall Institute. This institute received at least
$715,000 from Exxon Mobil since 1998. Claims about the
world cooling, not warming, are common in the world of
deniers. Cardinal George Pell referred to this possibility re-
cently. In his recent book Heat, George Monbiot gives the
example of the TV presenter and botanist, David Bellamy,
who is also a climate sceptic. He told the New Scientist in
2005 that most glaciers in the world are growing, not shrink-
ing. He said his evidence came from the World Glacier Moni-
toring Service in Switzerland, a reputable body. When Mon-
biot checked the service they said that the Bellamy claim was
"complete bullshit". Glaciers are retreating. In Australia, the
main group that tries to undermine the science of global
warming is the Lavoisier Group. It maintains a website with
links to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (over $2 million
from Exxon), Science and Environmental Policy Project
($20,000) and the Centre for the Study of Carbon Dioxide (at
least $100,000). The Lavoisier group is certainly influential
in the Federal Opposition. A senior figure in the group told
Guy Pearse, author of High and Dry, a study of climate pol-
icy in Australia, that there "is an understanding in cabinet that
all the science is crap".But perhaps the oil companies' PR
campaign is not the main reason for the success of the climate
change deniers. There are at least three others. First, the im-
plications of the science are frightening. Shifting to renew-
able energy will be costly and disruptive. Second, doubt is an
easy product to sell. Climate denial tells us what we all se-
cretly want to hear. Third, science is portrayed by the free
market right as a political "orthodoxy" rather than objective
knowledge. The tide slowly turned on tobacco denial and the
science was accepted in the end. But climate is different.
There are no "smoke-free areas" on the planet. Climate denial
may turn out to be the world's most deadly PR campaign.
David McKnight is an associate professor at the University of
NSW. He researches media, including public relations, and is
the author of Beyond Right and Left: New Politics and the
Culture Wars.
Merchants of Doubt...How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from To-
bacco Smoke to Global Warming. By Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
The troubling story of how a cadre of influential scientists have clouded public understanding of scien-
tific facts to advance a political and economic agenda. The U.S. scientific community has long led the
world in research on such areas as public health, environmental science, and issues affecting quality of
life. Our scientists have produced landmark studies on the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain,
and global warming. But at the same time, a small yet potent subset of this community leads the world
in vehement denial of these dangers. Merchants of Doubt tells the story of how a loose-knit group of
high-level scientists and scientific advisers, with deep connections in politics and industry, ran effective
campaigns to mislead the public and deny well-established scientific knowledge over four decades. Re-
markably, the same individuals surface repeatedly-some of the same figures who have claimed that the
science of global warming is "not settled" denied the truth of studies linking smoking to lung cancer,
coal smoke to acid rain, and CFCs to the ozone hole. "Doubt is our product," wrote one tobacco execu-
tive. These "experts" supplied it..Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, historians of science, roll
back the rug on this dark corner of the American scientific community, showing how ideology and cor-
porate interests, aided by a too-compliant media, have skewed public understanding of some of the most
pressing issues of our era.
"Life is like arriv-
ing late for a
movie, having to
figure out what was
going on without
bothering every-
body with a lot of
questions, and then
being unexpectedly
called away before
you find out how it
Joseph Camp-
bell (Creative My-
thology: The
Masks of God 4)
Impending doom: the report says without swift action the Impending doom: the report says without swift action the Impending doom: the report says without swift action the Impending doom: the report says without swift action the
fight to save species could be lost fight to save species could be lost fight to save species could be lost fight to save species could be lost. (Supplied : Linda Cash )
Scientists are warning of a potential marine massacre with a mass
extinction of sea life akin to the death of the dinosaurs.
A new report says the seas are battling pollutants, overfishing and
warming, and warns that without swift action the fight to save species
could be lost. The International Program on the State of the Oceans
report brought together coral reef ecologists, toxicologists and fisher-
ies scientists and when they compared notes, the result was grim.
Co-author Professor Ove Hoegh Guldberg, who specialises in reef
ecosystems, says scientists found "unprecedented warming". "We're
seeing acidification in the ocean and now we're starting to see a drop
in oxygen concentration throughout the major part of the ocean," he
said. "Now it's impacting directly on sea life, but the other is that it is
a potential early step towards conditions which are associated with
so-called mass extinction events." Professor Guldberg does not want
to be alarmist, but says a growing human population is to blame for
many of the changes. He warns the pressure will only increase, with
the world's population set to grow by another 3 billion people in the
next 30 to 50 years. "As human populations have expanded in
coastal areas - and it's really boomed throughout the world - you've
had the modification of coastlines by the very fact that by destabilis-
ing vegetation you get nutrients and sediments going out in those
coastal waters," he said. "That's had a tremendously damaging effect
in our neighbourhood. In South-East Asia for example, the entire loss
of marine ecosystems that used to be there and used to support peo-
ple." Dr Alex Rogers is the scientific director of the International Pro-
gram on the State of the Oceans and a professor of conservation biol-
ogy at Oxford University. He says when he got together with his col-
leagues they realised changes in ocean temperatures were occurring
much faster than they had expected. "The changes that people had
been predicting would happen in the lifetime of our children, or our
children's children, are happening really now before our eyes," he
said. Professor Guldberg says concerns about marine environments
often take a back seat both in public debate and scientific research.
"They did a study last year where I counted the number of peer-
reviewed papers on climate change on the land versus the sea and
there were 20 more papers, 20 times as many papers, associated
with problems on land versus the sea," he said. He says the sea pro-
vides up to a quarter of the world's protein and is concerned about
the proliferation of dead zones if nothing is done. Dead zones are
areas where oxygen levels in the water drop to zero, a condition
known as anoxia. He says in these conditions only certain species
survive. "It won't be fish that we like to eat. There are animals and
plants - well in fact I shouldn't say animals but more plants and bac-
teria, green slime, that will prosper in the anoxic environment," he
said. Professor Guldberg says the ocean is the life support system for
the planet's atmosphere and if uncontrolled degradation continues,
the threat of mass extinction is real and does not just apply to the
sea. "If we barrel along as we are right now, there's an increasing risk
that we will be entering into one of these mass extinction events," he
said. "This is where you essentially get a runaway set of conditions
which will be very unsustainable as far as human or any other life
that we have on the planet today." "This comes back to the fact that
the ocean is central to the climate and conditions across the entire
Professor Guldberg says to control the pace of change the world must
move to zero emissions within the next 40 years. The report's find-
ings will be presented at the United Nations headquarters in New
York this week
Warming oceans cause largest move-
ment of marine species in two million
years (26 June 2011) http:// Warm-
ing ocean waters are causing the largest move-
ment of marine species seen on Earth in more
than two million years, according to scientists.
In the Arctic, melting sea ice during recent
summers has allowed a passage to open up
from the Pacific ocean into the North Atlantic,
allowing plankton, fish and even whales to
into the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific. The
discovery has sparked fears delicate marine
food webs could be unbalanced and lead to
some species becoming extinct as competition
for food between the native species and the
invaders stretches resources. Rising ocean
temperatures are also allowing species nor-
mally found in warmer sub-tropical regions to
into the northeast Atlantic. A venomous
warm-water species Pelagia noctiluca has
forced the closure of beaches and is now be-
coming increasingly common in the waters
around Britain. (...) "The implications are
huge. The last time there was an incursion of
species from the Pacific into the Atlantic was
around two to three million years ago." Large
numbers of species were introduced from the
Pacific and made large numbers of local At-
lantic species extinct. "The impact on salmon
and other fish resources could be very dra-
matic. The indications are that as the ice is
continuing to melt in the summer months, cli-
mate change could lead to complete melting
within 20 to 30 years, which would see huge
numbers of species migrating. "It could have
impacts all the way down to the British Isles
and down the east coast of the United States."
He added: "With the jellyfish we are seeing
them move further north from tropical and
subtropical regions as a result of warming sea
temperatures." Researchers say the invading
plankton species is likely to cause widespread
changes to the food web in the Atlantic ocean
as the invading species are less nutritious than
native species, which are eaten by many fish
and large whales. Changes in populations of
tiny animals called copepods, which are an
essential food source for fish such as cod, her-
ring and mackerel, are already being blamed
for helping to drive the collapse of fish stocks
as the native species of copepods have been
replaced with smaller less nutritious varieties.
This has resulted in declines in North Sea
birds, the researchers claim, while Harbour
porpoises have also migrated northwards
North Sea after sand eels followed the pole-
ward movement of the copepods they ate.
Ground-breaking medical discovery reveals the
missing natural element that prevents -- even
cures -- the bodys painful degenerative diseases
-- naturally and at no cost!
I am honored and proud to inform you that my research over
18 years -- in addition to my medical training and subsequent
33 years as a doctor -- has exposed the simplest natural cure
to a vast number of health problems. What you will is that we
in medicine are trained to use chemicals to treat pain and dis-
ease when all the body needs is water -- a simple and abun-
dantly available natural element. Yes! Only water! This is the
reason why we in medicine have made so many deadly mis-
takes! We are routinely treating symptoms, signs and compli-
cations of drought in the body with toxic chemicals that kill
more rapidly than the dehydration itself! Who in his/her right
mind would want to take toxic chemicals when all that their
body needs is water -- free water -- natural water, the ultimate
medication of choice to cure pain and prevent disease? The
commercial "sick-care" system and the drug industry do not
want you to know that in most health problems you are only
thirsty and not sick! They survive and thrive if we remain
ignorant of the knowledge of the different ways our bodies
show we are thirsty -- that we are suffering from local or re-
gional drought. When there is shortage of water, some parts
of the body are forced to go without water. In this report, you
will get to know how the drought-stricken parts reflect dehy-
dration, and how you can recognize that you are truly thirsty.
You will recognize why "dry mouth" is not a sign of thirst, but
why different pains are! Understanding dehydration will em-
power you to become much healthier and live longer. There is
more to it than just drinking water. You will need to invest a
little bit of your time and concentration and begin to under-
stand the subject. You might think: "I now know I need to
drink water; that is enough." But you knew that all along.
What you did not know -- and need to know -- is why and
what happens if you too become forgetful and complacent,
like millions of others who did not drink water until they got
seriously sick -- with this or that disease -- but actually died
of dehydration. Also remember, the body is not a container
that can be replenished when empty. When dehydration has
become symptom-producing, the reversal of its complications
take time and understanding. This is the information you
need. Secrets of "water cure" were revealed to me in the
unlikeliest place you could imagine -- in a Middle Eastern
political prison. It was 1979 when all hell broke loose and I
was caught in the inferno. After graduating from St. Mary's
Hospital Medical School of London University and having
the honor of being selected as the resident doctor in my own
medical school, I returned to Iran, where I was born, to set up
medical centers and clinics for those in need. I became very
successful in this endeavor. Then the political volcano
erupted. You saw it on the television screens. Angry masses
engaged in the violent overthrow of the Shah and the Iranian
government. There was a tragic side to this historic event.
Almost all professional and creative people who had stayed in
the country were rounded up and taken to prison to be investi-
gated, tried, and "dealt with" as quickly as possible. Some
people were shot on the first day or two. Their
"revolutionary" trials consisted of establishment of identity,
pronouncement of guilt, followed by the sentence. The trial
would last no more than ten minutes. Other people were
given a little more time before being "processed." I was lucky
to be among the latter group. I suppose my skills as a doctor
were useful to prison authorities, hence the delay in my being
"processed." Evin Prison where I was held was built for 600
persons. At one point, it was "sardine-packed" with 8,000 to
9,000 prisoners. At the height of their revolutionary fervor,
when segregating different political factions, prison authori-
ties used some cells built for six to eight people to isolate up
to 90 persons. One third would lie down, one third would
squat, and one third would have to stand. Every few hours,
prisoners would rotate position. The nightmare of life and
death in that hell-hole haunted everyone and tested the mettle
of both the strong and the weak. This is when the human
body revealed to me some of its greatest secrets, secrets never
understood by the medical profession. For most of the prison-
ers, who ranged in age from 14 to 80, pressures of the excep-
tionally harsh life caused much stress and ill health. Destiny
must have chosen me to be there to help some of these des-
perate people. One late night, about two months into my im-
prisonment (I had begun with six weeks in solitary confine-
ment), my destiny revealed itself. It spoke to me in the loud-
est of words and forever changed my life. It was past 11:00
p.m. I was awakened to see an inmate in excruciating stom-
ach pain. He could not walk by himself. Two others were
helping him stay upright. He was suffering from peptic ulcer
disease and wanted some ulcer pain medication. His face
dropped when I told him I had not been allowed to bring
medical supplies with me to prison. Then the revolutionary
breakthrough occurred! I gave him two glasses of water. His
pain disappeared in minutes and he could begin to stand up
by himself. He beamed from ear to ear. You cannot imagine
the joy of relief he experienced, even in those harsh surround-
ings. "What happens if the pain comes back?" he asked.
"Drink two glasses of water every three hours," I told him. He
became pain-free and remained disease-free for the rest of his
time in prison. His "water cure" in that harsh environment
totally amazed me as a doctor. I knew I had witnessed a heal-
ing power to water that I had not been taught in medical
school. I am sure no other such observation has ever been
made in medical research. If water could cure a painful dis-
ease condition in that stressful environment, surely it needed
further research! The penny dropped there and then. I realized
that my destiny as a healer had brought me to this "human
stress laboratory" to teach me a new approach to medicine
and to reveal many other hidden secrets about the human
body. I opened my eyes. Instinctively, I realized why I had
come to prison! I stopped thinking about myself and started to
think about doing medical research in the prison. I began to
identify the health problems that "blossomed" due to the
stress of prison. By far the largest number involved ulcer
pains. I treated those who came to me with what proved to be
the best "natural elixir" -- water. I found water could treat and
cure more diseases than any medication I knew about. It was
again past 11:00 p.m. I was on my way to a sick inmate when
I heard a piercing groan from one of the cells at the end of the
corridor. I followed the sound and found a young man curled
up on the floor of his cell. He seemed to be totally detached,
giving out deep, piercing groans. "What is wrong?" I asked.
He did not react. I had to shake him several times before he
could reply. "My... ulcer... is killing me." "What have you
done for the pain?" I asked. He told me: "Since one o'clock...
when it started... I have taken three Tagamets... and one full
bottle of antacid. But... not only has the pain not stopped... it
has got worse since then." (At that time, prisoners were able
to get medications from the prison hospital.)
By now, I had a much clearer understanding of peptic ulcer
pain. What I did not realize until then was the severity it
could reach when not even strong medications could stop
it. After examining his abdomen for possible complications, I gave him two
glasses of tap water. Just over one pint. I left him to visit another sick inmate.
Ten minutes later I returned.
Groans of pain no longer filled the corridor. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Much
better," he replied. "But I still have some pain." I gave him a third glass of water.
And his pain stopped completely within four minutes. This man had been semi-
conscious, on the verge of death. He had taken a huge amount of ulcer medica-
tion -- with no result. And now, after drinking only 3 glasses of tap water, he
became pain-free, sitting up and socializing with his friends. What a humbling
discovery! And I thought I had received the best medical education in the world!
During the years of my captivity, I cured over 3,000 ulcer cases with only water
in the Evin Prison -- "my God-given stress laboratory." All thanks to water.
Plain, simple, cost-free medicine for everyone. Water that we all take for
granted! Water that the medical profession has dismissed as unworthy of re-
search! Since my eyes were opened to water as a natural medication, I have seen
it heal and alleviate hundreds of traditionally incurable sicknesses and chronic
pains. I have seen water completely reverse conditions such as: Asthma. Angina.
Hypertension. Migraine headaches. Arthritis pain. Back pain. Colitis pain and
chronic constipation. Heartburn and hiatal hernia. Depression. Chronic fatigue
syndrome. High cholesterol. Morning sickness. Overweight problems. Even heart
problems needing bypass surgery. All these disease conditions responded simply
and permanently to water. Ordinary water. Any water you feel comfortable to
drink. Clean tap water is as good as any. I have used water to cure people who
were suffering from "incurable" diseases. I have cured people who suffered for
10 years, 20 years, even 30 years from painful conditions produced by dehydra-
tion. As I said, it has taken me 18 years of full-time research -- on top of my
medical education and many years of clinical experience -- to make the curing
miracles of water available to people. I have left no stone unturned to develop
my research - even when it meant I had to stay in prison longer than officially
sentenced. When I was finally declared innocent of the charges that had been
leveled at me -- and offered earlier release from Evin Prison -- I asked to remain
incarcerated for a while longer to complete my research -- it actually took me 4
months longer! I was in the middle of serious research that I needed to complete
at any cost. Evin was the greatest "human stress laboratory" any serious research
scientist could find. Life in prison was still very risky. There was no law or order.
Any guard could do what he wanted, even cause someone to be shot on whim.
But I had to stay longer and complete my research. The prison officials could not
believe their ears, but they agreed. By then the whole prison community was
confounded by my work. The officials began to acclaim the work as theirs, and
praised prison as an environment for "scientific research." By the time I left
prison -- after 2 years and 7 months -- I had gathered enough clinical data to be-
gin changing the way medicine is practiced -- to make it into a truly science-
based, people-friendly healing art. My message was simple. "It Is Chronic Dehy-
dration That Painfully and Prematurely Kills." I left all my possessions and my
country in the middle of the night in the fall of 1982. I escaped over its borders
into Turkey. In November 1982, I reached America, and continued the scientific
aspects of my research. I was eager to share my findings with medical research-
ers here. I naively thought that what I had discovered would be considered im-
portant by leaders of medical research in America. Alas, neither the American
Medical Association, nor the National Institutes of Health would have anything
to do with this medical breakthrough! Even though I have presented my clinical
findings and their scientific explanations at international and world conferences,
and published them in serious medical journals, these institutions have refused to
acknowledge them. They refuse to study the medicinal effects of water in place
of the drugs they routinely push their members or followers to use. Extracted
from A New Medical Discovery published on Used
with permission Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned
researcher, author and advocate of the natural healing power of water, was born
in Iran in 1931. He attended Fettes College in Scotland and was a graduate of
St. Marys Hospital Medical School of London University, where he studied un-
der Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of peni-
cillin. Dr. Batmanghelidj is the author of Your Body's Many Cries for Water,
Water Cures: Drugs Kill : How Water Cured Incurable Diseases and Water: For
Health, For Healing, For Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! For more infor-
mation visit


Aries Aries Aries Aries
One of the worst moments of a person's life
is when they finally realize that they're mortal
and are going to die, especially when it's a
person like you who only sees the cement
truck at the last second.
Taurus Taurus Taurus Taurus
You've been looking for true love for so long
now that you've forgotten to do anything
else, which should give you a clue as to why
you didn't enjoy Comic-Con.
Gemini Gemini Gemini Gemini
You just don't see what place slingshots have
in today's modern world, which is yet another
reason why you are such a terrible parent.
Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer
Your irrational fear of sharks will disappear
forever this week and be replaced with an
extremely educated and informed fear of
Leo Leo Leo Leo
The universe would like to thank you for
your participation, hopes you know that you
were really great, and wishes you luck in all
your future endeavors.
Virgo Virgo Virgo Virgo
You'll probably be surprised how quickly you
become used to your new life, but then again,
since you'll leave most of your frontal lobe
back in your old life, maybe you won't be.
Libra Libra Libra Libra
Your theory that "After this, they won't dare
to elect another one of those bastards"
sounds hopeful, but it flies in the face of
everything we've learned in the past 20 years.
Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio
You're generous to a fault, that fault being
that you've acquired a reputation as the guy
who always comes up with the ransom
Sagittarius Sagittarius Sagittarius Sagittarius
You'll uncover startling proof that there is in
fact nothing more to life than sitting around
watching True Blood all day.
Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn
The events of your life will continue to un-
cannily mirror those depicted in the film
Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Next week: Htel
Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius
Please try to keep in mind that high summer
temperatures do not indicate the end of the
world. The magma flowing up from the
cracks in the earth, however, bear thinking
Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces
You'll continue to brag about how well your
career is going, although most people would-
n't call repeatedly visiting every all-you-can-
eat buffet in the tri-state area a "career."
An overwhelming body of evidence points to drastic changes in
diet as the primary explanation for the increase in cancer
Cancer: A Disease of Civilization?
by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
Even today, we find huge disparities in the incidence of cancer
worldwide, with increased rates seemingly tied to the adoption of a
refined diet and other harmful habits. Hungary, for instance, has a
cancer death rate of 272.2 per 100,000 (men) and 138.4 per
100,000 (women). Contrast this with Mexico, where the death rate
among men is 85.0 and among women 78.9 per 100,000.
"Civilization" is not only a chauvinistic term but is such an all-
encompassing concept that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what
aspects of it have contributed to the dramatic rise of cancer in the
last century. Certainly tobacco has been a major culprit. Hungary
has the highest rate of lung cancer in the world. I have visited that
country four times and always came away shocked at the amount of
smoking. On one trip I visited a number of famous medical facilities
and never did my hosts fail to offer me cigarettes. When I met with
one of the country's highest ranking scientists, he nonchalantly
chain-smoked throughout the entire meeting. After the fall of Com-
munism, downtown Budapest became plastered with ads for Ameri-
can cigarettes. Philip Morris, makers of Marlboro, sponsored tele-
vised rock concerts and young women in Marlboro suits dispensed
free samples of Marlboro cigarettes. Concertgoers who agreed to
smoke the cigarettes received a complimentary pair of "designer
Marlboro sunglasses." There is no doubt that smoking has played a
role in the rising rates of cancer. However, an overwhelming body of
evidence points to drastic changes in diet as the primary explanation
for the increase in cancer. Indigenous people of regions across the
globe seem protected so long as they eat the diet that their ances-
tors ate for millennia. But once they adopt Western dietary habits,
cancer appears and then begins its inexorable climb towards the
same astronomical heights as are seen in the societies they emu-
late. Some scholars who studied vegetarian cultures have con-
cluded that it was the high fruit and vegetable content that kept
these native peoples from getting cancer. Conversely, some re-
searchers who focused on northern populations in which meat was
prominent have advocated a meat-based diet for cancer protection.
Others have ascribed the healthfulness, longevity and lack of cancer
in indigenous populations to the intake of specific nutrients (such as
the "laetrile" found in such abundance in apricot kernels, a staple of
the Hunza diet). But no single, simplistic answer will fit these tre-
mendously varied cultures. In my opinion, what these diverse popu-
lations ate is much less important than what they did not eat (at least
until recently): "white" foods, specifically white sugar, white flour,
and salt. The addition of these foods to their diet was disastrous to
their health, as it has been to ours. White sugar and white flour are
especially harmful, because these "high glycemic" foods are quickly
absorbed into the bloodstream, where they wreak havoc with the
regulation of insulin and blood sugar levels. This is a major factor in
increasing rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Unfortunately, white
sugar, white flour, and refined sweeteners are ubiquitous in the
Western diet. They are found in sodas and other sweet drinks,
breads and snack foods, beer and ice cream, you name it. But even
"natural" forms of carbohydrates may not be as innocent as once
thought. Whole wheat flour, potatoes, and other seemingly healthy
foods also have a high glycemic index and may not be safe to con-
sume in anything except small quantities. Atkins Vindicated;
Robert Atkins, MD, has been preaching against a high-carbohydrate
diet for 30 years, much to the chagrin of the medical establishment.
A recent cover story in the New York Times Magazine (7/7/02) vindi-
cated the low-carbohydrate, high-protein and high-fat diet advocated
by Atkins, citing a growing body of research which suggests that a
diet of carbohydrate-rich foods is no guarantee of good health, let
alone weight loss. In fact, as the American public has increased its
consumption of carbohydrates and decreased its consumption of
fatty meat, obesity rates have skyrocketed. In 1998, more than 50
percent of adults in the US were overweight. Obesity and type II
diabetes among American children have also increased. At the
same time, levels of physical activity have declined, further contrib-
uting to soaring rates of obesity and obesity-related illnesses in the
US. The list of diseases linked to obesity is a lengthy one. According
to the American Cancer Society, obesity contributes to hypertension,
lipid disorders, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gall-
bladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory prob-
lems. And as body mass index goes up, rates of cancer also in-
crease, by as much as 80 percent in women.
The Key to Cancer Prevention; It seems clear to me that cancer
was not a major medical problem in recorded history until the last
150 years. And even today, populations that eat an indigenous diet
rarely, if ever, get cancer. (Unfortunately, such populations are ex-
ceedingly scarce in this century.) However, in reviewing the evi-
dence from these cultures as well as our own, the key issue for can-
cer prevention does not seem to be whether the diet is vegetarian or
meat-eating, or whether it contains high quantities of fat and protein.
The single most drastic change in the Western diet, which has oc-
curred simultaneously with rising rates of cancer among those who
consume it, has been the cheap availability of white flour, white
sugar, and refined sweeteners such as corn syrup, as well as their
inclusion in just about every food in the marketplace. The key to
cancer prevention may turn out to be avoidance of the same foods
that make your blood sugar run wild and that cause a plethora of
other illnesses.
References: American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures 2001, p.
Atkins RC. Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution. NY: Avon, 2002.
Taubes G. "What if it's all been a big fat lie?". New York Times Magazine,
July 7, 2002.
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. is an internationally known medical writer who has
written eleven books and three film documentaries, mostly on the question
of cancer research and treatment. The former assistant director of public
affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, for 25 years
Moss has independently evaluated the claims of various cancer treatments,
conventional and nonconventional. He currently directs The Moss Reports,
which are detailed written reports on 200 varieties of cancer diagnoses. He
is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's
Who in HealthCare, etc.
Dr. Moss is the author of such groundbreaking books as Antioxi-
dants Against Cancer, Cancer Therapy, Questioning Chemotherapy,
and The Cancer Industry, as well as the award-winning PBS docu-
mentary The Cancer War. He also wrote the 1994 Yearbook article
on alternative medicine for The Encyclopedia Britannica. For more
information visit
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER ; The news and other items in this newsletter
are intended for informational purposes only. Nothing in this newsletter is
intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Copyright 1996-2002 CancerDecisions. Used with permission.
Cancer is a disease that has many causes. One of the more recent
culprits of cancer is asbestos which is linked to mesothelioma can-
cer. Many people feel that mesothelioma is something that could
have been prevented and have hired specialized mesothelioma
lawyers to see if they can build a case for compensation. The best
way to combat these allegations is with knowledge; knowledge
about mesothelioma symptoms and possible treatments. Cancer
doesn't have to be something that puts you into a legal battle, al-
though beating cancer should ultimately be your goal.
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
ASTRAL PLANE..One of the most vital things every aspirant has to do, is to learn to understand the astral plane, to comprehend
its nature, and to learn both to stand free from it and then to work on it. . . . The moment a man can "see" on the astral plane, and can
achieve equilibrium and hold steady in the midst of its vibrating forces, that moment he is ready for initiation. . . .The appearance of the
astral plane when first definitely seen by the "opened eye" of the aspirant, is one of dense fog, confusion, changing forms, interpenetrating
and intermingling colours, and is of such a kaleidoscopic appearance that the hopelessness of the enterprise seems overwhelming. It is
not light, or starry clear. It is apparently impenetrable disorder, for it is the meeting ground of forces.. ... . . The astral plane is the plane of
illusion, of glamour, and of a distorted presentation of reality. The reason for this is that every individual in the world is busy working in
astral matter, and the potency of human desire and of world desire produces that constant "outpicturing" and form building which leads to
the most concrete effects of astral matter. . . . Add to these forms that persistent and steadily growing scenario we call the "akashic re-
cords", which concern the emotional history of the past, add the activities of the discarnate lives which are passing through the astral
plane, either out of or towards incarnation, add the potent desire, purified and intelligent, of all superhuman Lives, including those of the
occult planetary Hierarchy, and the sum total of forces present, is stupendous. All play upon, around and through every human being, and
according to the calibre of his physical body, and the condition of his centres will be his response. Through this illusory panorama, the
aspirant has to make his way, finding the clue or thread which will lead him out of the maze, and holding fast to each tiny fragment of real-
ity as it presents itself to him, learning to distinguish truth from glamour, the permanent from the impermanent, and the certainty from the
unreal. . . .No glamour, no illusion can long hold the man who has set himself the task of treading the razor-edged Path which leads
through the wilderness, through the thick-set forest, through the deep waters of sorrow and distress, through the valley of sacrifice and
over the mountains of vision to the gate of Deliverance. He may travel sometimes in the dark (and the illusion of darkness is very real); he
may travel sometimes in a light so dazzling and bewildering that he can scarcely see the way ahead; he may know what it is to falter on
the Path, and to drop under the fatigue of service and of strife; he may be temporarily sidetracked and wander down the by-paths of ambi-
tion, of self-interest and of material enchantment, but the lapse will be but brief. I have said elsewhere, that there is no such thing as the
astral plane or the astral body. Just as the physical body is made up of matter which is not regarded as a principle, so the astral body as
far as the mind nature is concerned is in the same category. This is a difficult matter for you to grasp, because desire and emotion are
so real and so devastatingly important. But speaking literally from the angle of the mental plane, the astral body is a "figment of the
imagination"; it is not a principle. The massed use of the imagination in the service of desire, has nevertheless constructed an illusory
glamorous world, the world of the astral plane. During physical incarnation, and when man is not upon the Path of Discipleship, the astral
plane is very real, with a vitality and a life all its own. After the first death (the death of the physical body) it still remains equally real. But its
potency slowly dies out; the mental man comes to realise his own true state of consciousness (whether developed or undeveloped), and
the second death becomes possible and takes place. This phase covers the Process of Elimination.
THE ASTRAL (EMOTIONAL) BODY... (1) The refining of the emotional body. The emotional body is simply a great reflector. It
takes colour and movement from its surroundings. It receives the impress of every passing desire. It contacts every whim and fancy in its
environment; every current sets it in motion; every sound causes it to vibrate, unless the aspirant inhibits such a state of affairs, and trains
it to receive and register only those impressions which come from the intuitional level via the Higher Self, and therefore via the atomic
subplane. The aim of the aspirant should be to so train the emotional body that it will become still and clear as a mirror, so that it may
reflect perfectly. . . . What words should describe the emotional body? The words: still, serene, unruffled, quiet, at rest, limpid and clear.
How should this be accomplished? In several ways, some at the direction of the aspirant, and some at the direction of the Master. a. By
the constant watching of all desires, motives and wishes, that cross the horizon daily, and by the subsequent emphasising of all those that
are of a high order, and by inhibition of the lower. b. By a constant daily attempt to contact the Higher Self, and to reflect His
wishes in the life .c. By definite periods daily directed to the stilling of the emotional body. . . . Each aspirant must discover for himself
wherein he yields most easily to violent vibrations, such as fear, worry, personality desire of any kind, personality love of anything or any-
one, discouragement, over- sensitiveness to public opinion; then he must overcome that vibration, by imposing on it a new rhythm, defi-
nitely eliminating and constructing. d. By work done on the emotional body at night, under the direction of more advanced egos, working
under the guidance of a Master. (2) When illusion and glamour have both been overcome, the astral body fades out in the human con-
sciousness. There is no desire left for the separated self. Kama-manas disappears, and man is then regarded as consisting essentially of
soul - mind - brain, within the body nature. This is a great mystery, and its significance can only be understood when a man has controlled
his personality, and eliminated all aspects of glamour and of illusion. This is accomplished by accomplishing. This mastery is achieved by
mastering. This elimination of desire is brought about by conscious eliminating. Get therefore to work, my brothers, and clarificaton of the
problem must inevitably ensue. There is no astral plane except in the consciousness of the fourth kingdom in nature, for man is "under
illusion" in a sense different to the conscious awareness of any other kingdom subhuman or superhuman. I despair in making my mean-
ing clear. How can one who is subject to the illusions of the senses, as are all human creatures, conceive of the state of consciousness of
those who have freed themselves from the illusions of the astral plane, or realise the state of awareness of those forms of life which have
not yet developed astral consciousness? It is the dual nature of the mind which causes this illusion. . . . Yet it is this very illusion which
renders up to man eventually the secret password into the Kingdom of God, and brings about his release. It is this maya itself which
serves to guide him into truth and knowledge; it is on the plane of the astral that the heresy of separateness has to be overcome. . . . The
secret science of the Master of Wisdom is the secret of how to dissipate the fogs and mist and darkness and gloom, which are produced
by the union of the fires in the early stages. The secret of the Master is the discovery that there is no astral plane; he finds that the astral
plane is a figment of the imagination and has been created through the uncontrolled use of the creative imagination, and the misuse of the
magical powers.
Illusion is the mode whereby limited understanding and material knowledge interpret truth, veiling and hiding it behind a
cloud of thought-forms. Those thought-forms become then more real than the truth they veil, and consequently control man's
approach to Reality. . Quotes taken from Ponder On This a compilation of writings by Alice A. Bailey
august 2011 Booklist august 2011 Booklist august 2011 Booklist august 2011 Booklist
UFO, Mysteries, Conspiracies, Unexplained. UFO, Mysteries, Conspiracies, Unexplained. UFO, Mysteries, Conspiracies, Unexplained. UFO, Mysteries, Conspiracies, Unexplained.
U1. Ultimate Encounter; Barry, Bill. The true story of a UFO kidnapping. The Travis Walton story. What began as the un-
explained disappearance of Northwood lumberman is now regarded by experts as the most remarkable and most controversial
UFO kidnapping on record. M/p., 1981, Corgi, 205p., $10.00.
U2. UFO A Deadly Concealment; Sheffield, Derek. The official cover up. Presents all the evidence in the Belgian UFO case
and encourages you to draw your own conclusions about the existence of alien objects in our skies and authorities attempts
to hide this from us. T/p., 1996, Blandford, 275p., $12.00.
U3. From Out Of The Blue; Randles, Jenny. The incredible UFO cover up at bentwaters NATO air base. The most docu-
mented close encounter between the military and E.T. intelligence ever made. T/p., 1991, Global Comm., 192p., $12.00.
U4. MJ-12 And The Riddle Of Hangar 18; Beckley, Timothy Green. The last 8 presidents have been in on the ultimate de-
ception. Now for the first time all facts about this cosmic Watergate are being released to the public because you have a right
to know the truth. T/p., 1989, Inner Light, 207p., $12.00.
U5. Ultimate Deception, The; X, Commander. A shocking disclosure. The most sensational government conspiracy of our
time is finally revealed to the world by a retired military officer. T/p., 1990, Abelard, 127p., $10.00.
U6. Stranger At The Pentagon; Stranges, Dr. Frank E. Actual photos of spaceship commander who had no fingerprints,
could read mind and whose garments could not be burned or destroyed. T/p., 1991, Inner Light, 127p., $10.00.
U7. Contact; Greer, Stephen. Countdown to transformation. The CSETI experience 1992 to 2009. Learn how the CSETI
contact protocols have led to ongoing and rapidly increasing contact with inter stellar civilizations and how these contact
events are building to an astounding crescendo. We are now on the final countdown to the transformation of life on earth. T/
p., 2009, Crossing Point, 455p., $15.00. ( underlining)
U8. Disclosure; Greer, Stephen. Military and government witnesses reveal the greatest secrets in modern history. This is the
definitive story of the greatest secret in world history. T/p., 2001, Crossing Point, 570p., $15.00.
U9. Alien Liaison; Good, Timothy. The ultimate secret. Documents the systematic cover up of information about UFOs by
the intelligence communities of the world. Takes the investigation of UFO phenomena to a new level. M/p., 1992, Arrow,
247p., $8.00.
U10. Above Top Secret; Good, Timothy. The worldwide UFO cover up. Examines hard evidence amassed in declassified
official papers and the accounts of reliable witnesses. Proves beyond reasonable doubt that UFOs are a chilling reality in the
skies of Earth and that there is a chilling conspiracy by politicians. T/p., 1988, Grafton, 590p., $14.00.
U11. Mysterious Unknown; Charroux, Robert. Explains how man came to our earth from other worlds and how those who
lived in prehistorical times possessed knowledge and wisdom still remains to be rediscovered. M/p., 1973, Corgi, 318p.,
U12. Psychic Warrior; Morehouse; David. The true story of the CIAs paranormal espionage program. Blows the lid off the
governments top secret projects and exposed the Stargate scandal. M/p., 1997, Penguin, 258p., $10.00.
U13. Weather Warfare; Smith, Jerry E. The militarys plan to draft mother nature. T/p., 2006, Adventures, 382p., $15.00.
Solomon Islands Mystery; Boirayon, Marius. Accounts of giants and UFOs in the Solomon Islands. T/p., 2009, Boirayon,
231p., $12.00.
U14. Persecution And Trial Of Gaston Naessens, The; Bird, Christopher. The true story of the efforts to suppress an alter-
native treatment for cancer, AIDs, and other immunologically based diseases. T/p., 1991, Kramer, 318p., $20.00.
U15. Forbidden Science; Milton, Richard. Exposing the secrets of suppressed research. T/p., 1995, 4th. Estate, 265p.,
U16. Angels Dont Play This Haarp; Manning & Begich. Advances in Tesla technology. The U.S. government has a new
ground based Star wars weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. This new system manipulates
the environment to influence and change seismic activity, weather and more. T/p., 1995, Earthpulse, 213p., $15.00.
U17. Inside The Gemstone Files; Thomas & Childress. Howard Hughes, Onassis &JFK. Mind control and conspiracy se-
ries. Brings the reader closer than ever to the Gemstone intrigue some of the wildest, most controversial material in history of
conspiracies. T/p.,1999, Adventures, 250p., $17.00.
U18. Abominable Snowmen; Sanderson, Ivan T. Legend come to life. The story of sub-humans on 6 continents from the
early ice age to now. T/p., 2006, Adventures, 523p., $20.00.
U19. Living Energy Universe, The; Schwartz & Russek. A fundamental discovery that transforms science and medicine.
Every idea and awareness ever experienced throughout time is still contained in the memory of the universe. Consciousness
and the soul survive the bodys death. God exists and is still evolving. This model of universal living memory is permanently
reconfiguring both the scientific and spiritual landscape. T/p., 1999, Hampton, 301p., $16.00.
U20. Pyramid Power; Toth & Nielsen. The secret energy of the ancients revealed. Revised an updated. The latest informa-
tion on pyramids around the world, instructions on building your own. T/p., 1985, Destiny, 205p., $15.00.
U21. Riddle Of The Pyramids; Mendelssohn, Kurt. New light on one of the Earths most ancient mysteries. Who built the
pyramids? How did they do it? What was their purpose? Were they the power behind the creation of a totally new form of
society. M/p., 1977, Sphere, 208p., $10.00.
U22. Pyramids; Tydesley, Joyce. The real story behind Egypts most ancient monuments. Cuts away modern myth and preju-
dice to reveal the truth behind the conception, design and construction. Traces the pyramid building society back to its roots,
showing how the pyramids were built and how they helped build Egypt. T/p., 2004, Penguin, 262p., $12.00.
U23. Orgone Accumulator Handbook, The; DeMeo, James. Construction plans, experimental use and protection against
toxic energy. Updates information on the construction of orgone energy blankets, shooters, box accumulators, bion packs,
with diagrams and photographs. T/p., 1989, NEW, 155p., $14.00.
U24. Plague Wars; Mangold, Tom. A true story of biological warfare. Identifies the real plague warriors, those behind the
new weapons of horror. T/p., 1999, Macmillan, 402p., $13.00.
U25. Great Depression Ahead, The; Dent, Harry S. How to prosper in the crash that follows the greatest boom in history.
Long and short term tactics that will allow everyone to manage their assets correctly. T/p., 2009, Schwarz, 376p., $14.00.
U26. Coming Plague, The; Newly emerging diseases in a world out of balance. The world is unprepared for the coming
plagues. T/p., 1995, Virago, 749p., $12.00.
U27. Sphinx And The Megaliths, The; Ivimy, John. Takes us through the Middle East, Egypt, discussing pre Christian relig-
ions and their teachings, and giving an answer to the famous riddle of the Sphinx. Sifts through archaeological, mythological
and astronomical evidence and concludes that Stonehenge was an Egyptian colony established by the priests of the sun god
Ra. T/p., 1976, Abacus, 191p., $10.00.
U28. Arcturus Probe, The; Arguelles, Jose. Tales and reports of an ongoing investigation. Explore the tales of the Arcturian
experimental way station, v.24.4. through the transmission of the Mars experience to the neighbouring blue planet, V.24.3,
Earth, where a more cautiously and intelligently supervised repeat performance would be played out in a continuing inves-
tigation of which we all play a part. T/p.,1996, Light Technology, 203p., $15.00.
U29Sixty Seconds That Will Change The World; Hadfield, Peter. The coming Tokyo earthquake. The author predicts a
massive earthquake that will collapse Japans industrial production will lead to a worldwide recession. Discusses the geology
of the Tokyo area and from there he discusses how many buildings will be destroyed and how many people will be killed. H/
c., 1992, Tuttle, 207p., $14.00.
U30. Abduction Enigma, The; Randle, Estes, & Cone. The truth behind the mass alien abductions of the late 20
. Century.
Are aliens forcing humans into sexual contact against their wills? The pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place. T/p.,
1999, Forge, 416p., $14.00.
U31. Elixir And The Stone, The; Baigent & Leigh. The tradition of magic and alchemy. A rich and ambitious book which
adds up to little short of an alternative history of the intellectual world. Puts into true context those shadowy alchemists and
magicians who have haunted the imaginations of people for many centuries. T/p., 1997, Viking, 453p., $17.00.
U32. Realm Of The Ring Lords; Gadiner, Laurence. Beyond the portal of the twilight world. From the author of interna-
tional bestsellers; Bloodline Of The Holy Grail and Genesis Of The Grail Kings. Controversial and uniquely comprehen-
sive book of messianic descent compiled from the most intriguing histories ever written. The magical history of the Ring
Lords, alluded to in J. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings, has been consigned to legend and half remembered battles be-
tween good and evil. T/p., 2000, Viking, 405p., $21.00.
U33. Bloodline Of The Holy Grail; Gardner, Laurence. The hidden lineage of Jesus revealed. A remarkable achievement in
the field of genealogical research. The revelations are entirely fascinating and will be appreciated by many as real treasures of
enlightenment. Here is the vital story of those fundamental issues which helped to shape the Christian Church in Europe and
the Crusader states. H/c., 1996, Element, 489p., $25.00.
U34. Genesis Of The Grail Kings; Gardner, Laurence. The explosive story of genetic cloning and the ancient bloodline of
Jesus. Drawing on cuneiform textx, cylinder seals and long suppressed archives, reveals the truths behind the alchemical
Bloodline Of The Holy Grail. Anti gravitics, history of god, monatomic gold, longevity and the star fire magic of Eden. T/p.,
2000, Bantam, 424p., $10.00.
U35. Lost Secrets Of The Sacred Ark; Gardner, Laurence. Amazing revelations of the incredible power of gold. By access-
ing Rosicrucian archives in liason with eminent nuclear physicists, traces the Ark's adventurous course from Sinai to Jerusa-
lem and beyond and examines its stunning power to transmute gold into an anti gravitational state. T/p., 2004, Element,
444p., $15.00.
U36. Paranormal, The; Gordon, Stuart. An illustrated encyclopedia. Charts a course through a confusing ocean in which
genuine marvel is mixed up with make believe and misperception. Draws on many sources from all round the world and of-
fers a coherent voyage through worlds which are hard to define. H/c., 1992, BCA, 374p., $17.00.
prophecies, they tell of the catastrophes to come in and after 2102. T/p., 1996, Element, 379p., $15.00.
U37. Search In Secret Egypt, A. Brunton, Paul. After spending a night alone in one of the chambers of one of the pyramids
the author came into contact with many strange forces. He puts forward the theory that the pyramids and the sphinx were
created by emigrant colonists from Atlantis who had command of the elemental spirits. Classic. T/p., 1980, Rider, 287p.,
U38. Vision Tomorrow; Harold, Edmund. A terrifying glimpse of the future by the famous clairvoyant. Takes the reader
through past, present and future scenarios, revealing through his clairvoyant faculty images of cataclysmic earth changes to
come. T/p., 1981, SPV, 210p., $14.00. (signed by author)
U39. Nostradamus; Brennan J. H. Visions of the future. Nostradamus was right about our past. Dare we believe that he was
right about our future? T/p., 1992, Aquarian, 224p., $13.00.
U40. Great Pyramid Decoded, The; Lemesurier, Peter. Basing his ideas on a hint left by Edgar Cayce, the author draws on
recent research the author suggests that the pyramids whole design derives from a simple number code. When this code is
applied to buildings passages and chambers a message appears to be an evolutionary blueprint for mankind. T/p., 1977, Ele-
ment, 350p., $18.00.
U41. Sirius Mystery, The; Temple, Robert K. G. Was earth visited by the intelligent beings from a planet in the star system
Sirius? Suggests that the Dogon tribe have preserved knowledge from intelligent visitors from the Dog Stars solar system.
M/p., 1976, Futura, 304p., $14.00.
U42.Threat, The; Jacobs, David M. The secret agenda; what the aliens really want and how they plan to get it. The secret
alien agenda is profoundly ominous and it must be confronted. This is chilling book. T/p., 1999, Pocket, 287p., $12.00.
U43. Cosmic Top Secret; King, Jon. The unseen agenda. Points to the existence of an as yet unseen and sinister agenda be-
hind all the official concealment. T/p., 1998, New English Library, 470p., $12.00.
U44. Alien Encounters; Jacobs, David. First hand accounts of UFO abductions. The darkest secrets of the universe revealed.
Interviews with 60 people and 300 independently corroborated accounts to present the most shocking accurate portrayal of
E.T. abductions ever presented. M/p., 1993, Virgin, 336p., $12.00.
U45. Witnessed; Hopkins, Bud. The true story of the Brooklyn bridge abductions. While certain facts here suggest that the
aliens motives may be altruistic, others point towards a systematic programme of genetic study and experimentation on hu-
mans. The evidence in this book is too credible, too comprehensive and too powerful for anyone to ignore. T/p., 1996,
Bloomsbury, 399p., $14.00.
U46. Alien Base; Good, Timothy. Earths encounters with E.T.s Concentrates on worldwide reports of actual encounters with
E.T.s Shows that there are a hardcore of such cases which cannot be dismissed or understood properly and shows earth is
being used as an alien base. T/p., 1998, Century, 419p., $14.00.
U47. Covert Agenda, A; Redfern, Nicholas. The British governments UFO top secrets exposed. Crashed UFOs and alien
bodies held by the British military official sources speak out. Rationally controlled machines from beyond earth are rou-
tinely penetrating Britains airspace and the military has little or no control over the violations. H/c., 1997, Schuster, 345p.,
U48. Underground Alien Bases And Tunnels; Sauder, Richard. What is the government trying to hide? There are more
underground bases than you think, and theres more going on than just planning to keep the president alive in a nuclear war.
50 pages of photos and illustrations. T/p., 1995, Adventures, 142p., $14.00.
U49. Underground Alien Bases; Commander X. Flying saucers come from inside the Earth. Aliens have established under-
ground bases around the planet. Ancient tunnel system has existed on earth since the time of Atlantis. Entrance ways can be
found in most major cities. Some officials have taken the side of the aliens. T/p., 1990, Abelard, 127p., $11.00.
U5O. Cosmic Conspiracy, The; Deyo, Stan. 4,000 year glimpse into the history of the Illuminati, Tesla, UFOs, weather war-
fare, electro gravitic propulsion, and more. T/p., 1980, WATT, 200p., $15.00.
U51. Manna Machine, The; Sassoon and Dale. What exactly was manna? In their search for the answer the authors think
manna was a form of alga cultured in a machine and that the mysterious texts of the Zohar are an instruction manual for that
machine. Throws new light on the possibility of an ancient ET visitation. H/c., 1978, Sidgwick, 282p., $17.00.
U52. Guardians Of the Universe; Story, Ronald. Shows that there are practical and cultural explanations as to why the
Dogon have incorporated knowledge of the Sirius system into their rituals. Offers different explanations to those provided by
Von Daniken. Has a large bibliography of books on the ancient astronaut theory. H/c., 1980, Book Club, 207p., $12.00.
U53. Situation Red; Stringfield, Leonard H. The UFO siege an update on strange and frequently frightening encounters. A
valuable contribution toward ending the long Air Force censorship. Careful evaluation of hundreds of U.S. and foreign scare
reports weeding out hoaxes and dubious claims and considers cases involving competent and reliable observers. H/c., 1977,
Doubleday, 223p., $15.00.
U54. Lost Continent Of Mu, The; Churchward, James. Story of how Churchward followed the trail of Mu literally to the
ends of the world and how he eventually pieced together a picture of a civilization lost in the mists of time. M/p., 1974, Fu-
tura, 286p., $14.00.
U55. Beyond The Time Barrier; Tomas, Andrew. Yesterday, and tomorrow are as real as today. Can the time barrier be bro-
ken? How do prophets see the future? Did Egyptians leave a coded forecast of the future? M/p., 1974, Sphere, 160p., $7.00.
U56. Atlantis; Tomas, Andrew. From legend to discovery. Suggests that Atlantis was east of Mexico and the east of Egypt
and was Platos Atlantis called Aztlan by Central Americans. M/p., 1973, Sphere, 155p., $7.00.
U57. Other Atlantis, The; Scrutton, Robert. Unlocks the secrets of an amazing, forgotten civilization. Atlanteans colonised
the ancient world from the North Atlantic to South America, Spain, to Palestine and further. Contains a full translation of the
Oera Linda. H/c., 1977, Spearman, 260p., $13.00.
U58. Celtic Mysteries; Sharkey, John, The ancient religion. Large format illustrated hardcover that covers all aspects of
Celtic religious teachings. H/c., 1975, T & H., 96p., $16.00.
U59. Secrets Of Nostradamus, The; Ovason, David. The medieval code of the master revealed in the age of computer sci-
ence. Verifies the predictions of Nostradamus, using the latest computer technology. He is revealed as the greatest prophet
since biblical times. Demonstrates beyond doubt that it is possible to predict future events several centuries before they hap-
pened. H/c., 1997, Century, 512p., $20.00.
U60. Sirius Connection, The; Hope, Murry. Unlocking the secrets of ancient Egypt. Reveals thrilling insights into the ex-
traordinary world of Ancient Egypt and explores the origins and significance of extensive knowledge, practices and beliefs.
By embracing ancient wisdom we can gain knowledge, enlightenment and understanding and create a peaceful future for the
planet. T/p., 1996, Element, 251p., $17.00.
U61Pyramid Power; Flanagan, Dr. G. The millennium science. Pyramid energy and measuring technologies. The hidden
maths of the pyramids. Effects on plants and water. Biocosmic energy is explored. Effects on brain rhythms, meditation, and
thinking. Tools exercises and ideas for health and self exploration. T/p., 1997, Earthpulse, 173p., $15.00.
U62View Over Atlantis, The; Michel, John. We all live within the ruins of an ancient structure, whose vast size has hitherto
rendered it invisible. The entire surface of the earth is marked with the traces of a gigantic work of prehistoric engineering,
the remains of a once universal system of natural magic, involving the use of polar magnetism together with another force
related to solar energy. This is a classic on ley lines. T/p., 1975, Abacus, 186p., $13.00.
Health And Healing Health And Healing Health And Healing Health And Healing
H1. Transition to Vegetarianism; Ballentine, Rudolph. An evolutionary step. Designed for real people in real life situations.
Shows the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. T/p., Himalayan Institute, 1999, 307p., $18.00
H2. Way of Hope, The; Monte, Tom. Michio Kushis anti aids program. The drug free way to strengthen the immune system
through macrobiotics. This is the story of 10 men each of whom saw a dramatic decrease in AIDS related symptoms. The
results compare favourably with those from any medical treatments. H/c., 1989, Warner, 263p., $12.00.
H3. Zen Shiatsu; Masunaga & Ohashi. How to harmonize yin and yang for better health. Zen shiatsu philosophy, theory,
techniques, application. Self Shiatsu and specific diseases. T/p., 1989, Japan, 176p., $25.00.
H4. Biological Transmutations; Kervran, Louis. The understanding of biological transmutations requires nothing more than
the casting aside of al rigid thought while studying them. If you need iron take manganese, if you need calcium take organic
silica. The movement of life proceeds from the constant changing of one element into another. Great book. T/p., 1972, Swan
House, 163p., $17.00.
H5. Healing By Water (or Drinking Sunlight); Hartley-Hennessy, T. A new yet very ancient approach towards disease. A
history and an explanation. The water of the sun, the power of water, the golden waters of the Nile, the fountains of Greece,
hydrotherapy through the ages, the sun water compress, health and longevity. H/c., 1950, Daniel, 262p., $25.00.
H6. Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter; Pearson, R. B. Bechamp, Pasteur and fermentation. Bechamps microzymas or little
bodies. Real immunity. Spiral bound facsimile reprint. Original 1942, Health Research, 148p., $10.00.
H7. Bechamp Or Pasteur; Hume, E. Douglas. This work uncovers a lost chapter in the history of biology and in so doing
proves the incorrectness of the germ theory and immunization campaign. T/p., 1976, Custodian, 259p., $12.00.
H8. Culpeppers Complete Herbal; Culpepper, Nicholas. Contains a comprehensive description of nearly all herbs, with
their medicinal properties, and instructions for making up the herbal remedies. With colour illustrations. H/c., 1960s?,
Foulsham, 429p., $12.00.
H9. How To Stay Out of The Doctors Office; Wagner, Dr. Edward. With Sylvia Goldfarb. Comprehensive guide to a new
method of improving health through nutrition and supplements. A to Z listing of ailments, excerpts from lectures, case histo-
ries. Stacks of valuable information. H/c., 1990?, Bookman, 323p., $12.00.
H10. Natural Physicians Healing Therapies, The; Stengler, Mark, N.D. Proven remedies that medical doctors dont know.
A vast storehouse of highly effective healing remedies. Gives a thorough understanding of natures most powerful remedies
and the wisdom to guide us in the right direction. A to Z list of remedies and listing of health conditions and therapies. H/c.,
2001, Prentice Hall, 562p., $19.00.
H11. Hormone Heresy; Sellman, Sherril. What women must know about their hormones. The missing factor in hormonal
balance is not oestrogen but natural progesterone. Natural progesterone is one of the most effective ways to prevent osteopo-
rosis. There are safe and effective solutions to hormonal imbalance at whatever age it occurs. Important reading. T/p., 1996,
Get Well, 173p., $13.00.
H12. Third Element Of Blood, The; Bechamp, Antoine. Contains the elements of the microzymian theory of the organiza-
tion of living organisms and organic materials. T/p., 1994, Ziggurat, 217p., $13.00.
H13. Magnetism And Its Effects On The Living System; Davis & Rawls. Presenting new scientific discoveries based on
the effects a magnet has on all living systems. T/p., 1988, Acres, 132p., $15.00.
H14. Magnet Therapy; Bansal, H. L. A drugless treatment of 150 common diseases. H/c., 1988, Motilal, 283p., $10.00.
True Power Of Water, The; Emoto, Masaru. Healing and discovering ourselves. You will learn of the unique properties and
its ability to improve your health. T/p., 2005, Beyond, 179p., $13.00.
H15. Your Bodies Many Cries For Water; Batmanghelidj, F. You are not sick you are thirsty. A preventative and self edu-
cation manual. T/p., 1997, Global Health, 186p., $16.00.
H16. Your Health At Risk; Jeffreys, Dr. Toni. What doctors and the government arent telling you. An essential guide to
health risks the government wont tell you about, and illnesses your doctor cant treat. T/p., 1998, Howling, 317p., $13.00.
H17. Exposed; Schapiro, Mark. The toxic chemistry of everyday products and whats at stake for American power. T/p.,
2007, Chelsea, 216p., $14.00.
H18. Sweet Poison; Hull, Janet Starr. How the worlds most popular artificial sweetener is harming us. Chronicles a grip-
ping battle with the manufacturers of and the campaign to publicize its dangers. T/p., 2000, Vision, 220p., $12.00.
H19. Psi Healing; Stelter, Alfred. Fantastic medical cures being performed daily by psychic healers around the world. Absent
diagnosis, acupuncture, thought transmission, psychic surgery and more. M/p., 1976, Bantam, 308p., $8.00.
H20. AIDS And The Doctors Of Death; Cantwell, Alan. An inquiry into the origin of the AIDS epidemic. Government
sponsored viral vaccine programs that used gay men as guinea pigs. 1989, Aries Rising, 239p., $14.00.
H21. Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing, The; Null, Gary. A comprehensive A-Z listing of common and chronic
illnesses and their proven natural treatments. T/p., 2004, Bottom Line, 500p., $20.00.
H22. Bottom Lines Health Breakthroughs 2004; Compilation. Aging and seniors health, Alzheimers, asthma and aller-
gies, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and more. 2004, Bottom Line, 342p., $18.00.
H23. Better Health With Foot Reflexology; Byers, Dwight C. The original Ingham method. A practical guide which in-
cludes an introduction to each anatomical system of the body and a step by step guide in applying the tenets of reflexology.
Each section is amply illustrated to aid in practical application of the technique. T/p., 1983, Ingham, 226p., $16.00.
H24. Politics Of Cancer, The; Epstein, Samuel S. A powerful and scientifically accurate documentary on environmental
carcinogens. Gathers in one place all the various interrelationships between cancer and public policies. H/c., 1978, Sierra,
583p., $19.00.
H25. Healing HIV; Kaiser, Jon D. How to rebuild your immune system. Combines aggressive natural therapies with the
newest available standard medical therapies to formulate the optimal treatment program for individuals with HIV. Describes
the success of many of Dr. Kaisers patients are having as they rebuild their immune systems and actually heal from their
HIV disease. T/p., 1998, Health First, 362p., $18.00.
H26. Health, Radiation And Healing; Ash, Dr. Michael. Natural sources of radiation, man made radiation, radiesthesia,
pendulums, radioactivity and smoking. H/c., 1962, Darton, 162p., $15.00.
diabetes, stroke, and more. 2004, Bottom Line, 342p., $18.00.
H27. Chiropractic Philosophy; Strauss, Joseph. Explains all there is to know about chiropractic. H/c., 1993, FACE, 213p.,
H28. Hypnosis in Health And Sickness; Ambrose & Newbold. The emphasis is on the interaction of body and mind in the
origin and development of illness, and on the importance of hypnotherapy in the treatment of nervous disorders. Midwifery,
dentistry, obesity, and more. H/c., 1957, Staples, 196p., $10.00.
H29. Prescription For Life; Perkins, John. The Jason Winters story. What Sir Jason Winters discovered is so amazing the
he overcame poverty, conquered cancer and defeated death. This is a handbook for your survival against every physical and
emotional battle you will ever face. T/p., 1997, Promotion, 295p., $13.00.
H30. Ayurvedic Healing; Frawley, David. Presents in detail Ayurvedic methods of constitution balancing and treatment for
80 common diseases. Diet, herbs, oils, aromas, gems and mantras. T/p., 1997, Motilal, 368p., $14.00.
H31. Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth; Kelder, Peter. The international bestseller expanded to include the newly
discovered lost chapter T/p., 1998, Harbor, 106p., $12.00.
H32. Ancient secret Of The Fountain Of Youth Book 2; Kelder, Peter. A companion book. You can discover the youth
restoring anti aging program thats taking the world by storm. 1999, Harbor, 302p., $15.00.
H33. Medical And Dental Hypnosis; Hartland, John. Its clinical applications. Describes in detail the exact routines for the
induction and deepening of the hypnotic trance. Classic in the field. H/c., 1973, Tindall, Bailliere, 389p., $16.00.
H34. Complete, System Of Self Healing Internal Exercises; Chang, Dr. Stephen. Covers underlying principles, the phi-
losophy of Taoism, energy theory, the 7 glands, the internal exercises. Also covers Taoist meditative, contemplative, and
breathing exercises. Classic. T/p., 1986, Tao, 224p., $17.00.
H35. Chin Yao Lueh. (Prescriptions from the golden chamber); Trans. By Hong-Yen Hsu & Su-Yen Wang. A Chinese
medical classic. A primary source on the etiology and treatment of internal disease in ancient China. Covers internal medi-
cine, surgery, pregnancy, therapy, and dietary rules of the ancient Chinese. Describes 40 different diseases in relation to their
prevention and radical healing by supplementing the spleen and kidneys. T/p., 1983, OHAI, 240p., $15.00.
H36. Easy Guide To Ayurveda, An; Davis, Roy Eugene. The natural way to wholeness. Our awareness flows more easily
and we can express more freely when our mental, emotional, and physical states are at their most favourable levels of func-
tional efficiency. This helpful book explains how to experience inner balance and authentic spiritual growth. T/p., 1996, CSA
Press, 155p., $13.00.
H37. Tao Of Health Sex And Longevity, The; Reid, Daniel. A modern, practical approach to the ancient way. Combines
personal experience with the original research and presents the issues and answers of practical concern to a western audience.
Covers every aspect of health with concise information on diet and nutrition, fasting, breathing and exercise, medicine, medi-
tation and sexual yoga. T/p., 1989, Pocket, 406p., $16.00.
H38. Chi Self Massage; Chia, Mantak. The Taoist way of rejuvenation. Pieces the entire system of Chi massage in a logical
sequence in such a way that once you have it shown to you, you need only 5 or 10 minutes of daily practice daily. It will im-
prove health in many ways. T/p., 1986, Healing Tao, 145p, $15.00.
H39. Chi Nei Tsang; Chia, Mantak & Maneewan. Internal organs Chi massage. Presents a whole new understanding and
approach to healing with detailed explanations of self healing techniques and methods of teaching others to heal themselves.
Ways to avoid absorbing negative, sick energies from others. T/p., 1990. Healing Arts, 385p., $20.00.
H40. Take Control Of Your Health; Hollingsworth, Elaine. Expansive book detailing all aspects of natural therapy tech-
niques for good health. T/p., 2007, 354p., $17.00. (lge format)
H41. Laugh With Health; Koch, Manfred urs. The complete illustrated guide to health, diet, nutrition, natural foods and
recipe preparation. T/p., 1986, Renaissance, 234p., $16.00. (lge. Format)
H42. Chinese System Of Using Foods To Stay Young; Lu, Henry C. Explains the Chinese tradition of eating for health,
longevity and shows how familiar foods from your supermarket will help you build up your immune system. T/p., 1996, Ster-
ling, 192, $12.00.
H43. Theory Of Disease, A; Guirdham, Arthur. Looks at how religious, philosophical and cultural background affects our
health as well as self awareness, age, social structures, social status, and economic background. This is an usual look at spiri-
tual causes of disease. H/c., 1963, Duckworth, 152p., $15.00.
H44. Cosmic factors In Disease; Guirdham, Arthur. Disease is due to a conflict between our personalities and the universal
principle of life, a clash between the cosmos and our own chaotic selves. Very interesting information. H/c., 1963,
Duckworth, 152p., $15.00.
H45. Taoist Cosmic Healing; Chia, Mantak. Chi Kung colour healing principles for detoxification and rejuvenation.
Teaches the reader how to use the major acupuncture points in the hands to activate, open, and balance the chi meridians
throughout the body. This practice allows the student to detoxify and rejuvenate the major organ systems and when combined
with the specific body positions and the Chi Kung stance, to heal others. T/p., 2003, Destiny, 228p., $27.00.
H46. Ayurvedic Beauty Care; Sachs, Melanie. Ageless techniques to invoke natural beauty. Presents both ancient and mod-
ern Ayurvedic secrets for beauty care. Includes many recipes for natural care of the skin, hair, nails and yoga exercises for
physical and mental health. T/p., 1994, Lotus, 285p., $14.00.
H47. Miracle Man, The; Pellegrino Estrich, Robert. The life story Joao De Deus. Is Joao a modern Christ? Read this rivet-
ing account of the greatest healer of our time. Puts our reality at risk, defying the certainties of medical science. T/p., 2001,
Estrich, 141p., $13.00.
H48. Book Of Miracles, The; Raven Wing, Josie. The healing work of Joao De Deus. Firsthand, inspiring account of the
daily miracles of healing that have taken place at the Casa De Dom Inacio in the interior of Brazil. An in depth look into a
world that most only dream of. This book is filled with inspiration and hope and is a most beautifully written first hand ac-
count of Brazils most famous healer. T/p., 2002, Raven Wing, 224p., $14.00.
H49. Scientific Vegetarianism; Szekely, Edmund Bordeaux. Guide to organic ecological nutrition. Purpose, essentials, diet
and soil, psychosomatic diet, the dangers of meat. T/p., 1974, Academy, 47p., $5.00.
H50. Essene Way Of Biogenic Living; Szekely, Edmund Bordeaux. New perspectives, new horizons, new frontiers. The
Essene way, Essenes and their teaching, Essene communions, the sevenfold peace, biogenic living education, meditation, and
dwelling, and more. T/p.,1984, IBS, 183p., $14.00.
H51. Healers Unlimited; Lambert, Colin. Magnetic energy healing of the future. Nearly everyone has the ability to be used
as a channel for the healing energy or loveforce lying dormant within waiting to be recognised. T/p., 2000, Peaceful living,
223p., $15.00.
H52. Grape Cure, The; Brandt, Johanna. Alltime classic of natural healing. T/p., Provoker, 168p., $5.00.
H53. Macrobiotic Guidebook for Living; Ohsawa, George. And other essays. Classic of macrobiotics. T/p., 1985, GOMF,
130p., $10.00.
Your Bodys Many Cries For Water; Batmanghelidj, F. You are not sick you are thirsty. A preventative and self educational
manual. For those who prefer to adhere to the logic of the natural and the simple in medicine. T/p., 1998, Global health,
182p., $15.00.
H54. Complete System Of Self Healing; Chang, Dr. Stephen T. Internal exercises. Taoism, energy theory, circulation the-
ory, seven glands, internal exercises, Taoist meditation and breathing, immortal breathing and more. T/p., 1986, Tao, 224p.,
H55. Health In The Space Age; Griffin, La Dean. Compiles scientific and authoritative results of research into the healing
powers of herbs and natural remedies. Comparisons are made to orthodox medicines and their possible side effects. H/c.,
1982, 542p., $10.00.
H56. Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth; Kelder, Peter. International bestseller expanded to include the newly dis-
covered lost chapter. H/c., 1998, Doubleday, 106p., $15.00.
H57. Flower Remedies; Mansfield, Peter. Comprehensive introduction to flower remedies. Explains the principles of flower
essences, how they are made and how one can use them as part of personal health care. T/p., 1995, Tuttle, 208p., $10.00.
H58. Cure For All Cancers, The; Clark, Hulda. New research shows there is a single cause for all cancers. This book pro-
vides exact instructions for their cure. Including over 100 case histories of persons cured plus 2 revolutionary electronic cir-
cuits one to diagnosis and to monitor progress and one to zap parasites and bacteria. T/p., 1993, New century, 623p.,
Psychic Phenomena, Reincarnation, Astral Travel, Chanelling. Psychic Phenomena, Reincarnation, Astral Travel, Chanelling. Psychic Phenomena, Reincarnation, Astral Travel, Chanelling. Psychic Phenomena, Reincarnation, Astral Travel, Chanelling.
P1. Daybreak; Summer Rain, Mary. The dawning ember. Answers the questions raised in 1000s of letters from readers and
looks at prophecy, Native American history, metaphysics,, dream symbol interpretations, and includes a comprehensive list
called the Phoenix files nuclear facilities, military installations, toxic waste dumps, hurricanes, tornadoes, poleshifts and
more. T/p., 1991, Hampton Roads, 619p., $25.00
P2. Revelation Of Ramala, The; Ramala Centre. Classic. Death and rebirth, astrology, free will, reincarnation, religion,
space brothers, and much more, Channelled information published anonymously. T/p., 1982, Spearman, 288p., $12.00.
P3. Motherwit; Mariechild, Diane. A feminist guide to psychic development. Exercises for healing, growth, and spiritual
awareness. Affirmations, meditations and other psychic tools for furthering feminist growth. Material from occult traditions
and eastern religions adapted to the needs of women today. T/p., 1981, Crossing, 155p., $10.00.
P4. Teachings Of Silver Birch; Austen, A. W. ed. Silver Birchs story, the divine plan, prayer, sleep, reincarnation, spiritual
gifts, spiritual law, spirit guides. T/p., 1988, Psychic, 243p., $12.00.
P5. Prayer And Meditation, Jesus And Kuthumi; Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. The message of this book is simply that you
can pray, you can meditate, you can contact God. The God of Gods is within you. Dictated to the messengers Mark and Eliza-
beth Clare Prophet. T/p., 1978, Summit, 306p., $13.00.
P6. Remote Perceptions; Smith, Angela Thompson. Out of body experiences, remote viewing and other normal abilities.
Discusses methods for seeing other times and other places with the objectivity of a scientist. Explore your potential for per-
ceptual abilities. T/p., 1998, Hampton Roads, 277p., $14.00.
P7. Reflections On The Path; Puryear, Herbert. Based upon the readings of the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce. Reincarna-
tion, guides, gurus, kundalini, and much more. M/p., 1986, Bantam, 210p., $12.00.
P8. Moldavite: Starborn Stone Of Transformation; Simmons & Warner. Investigates Moldavite in its scientific and
mythic dimensions and especially in regard to its spiritual application. Moldavite is an awakener and accelerator of our spiri-
tual evolution. T/p., 1988, Heaven And Earth, 178p., $13.00.
P9. Techniques Of Astral Projection, The; Crookall, Robert. Precise descriptions of various techniques by which the astral
body may be projected from out of its physical couterpart. H/c., 1974, Weiser, 111p., $20.00.
P10. Beyond Belief; Coyle, James. The ultimate mind power instructional manual. T/p., 2010, Vivid, 315p., $17.00.
P11. Astral Projection; Fox, Oliver. A record of out-of-body experiences. Detailed, scientific and first hand account of a
series of conscious and voluntarily controlled astral projections. H/c., 1962, University, 160p., $20.00.
P12. Remote Viewing Secrets; McMoneagle; Joseph. A handbook. An insiders perspective. Bypasses the hype and focuses
on how remote viewing is practised. Gives you everythying you need to know to develop your abilities. T/p., 2000, Hampton,
296p., $20.00.
P13. Beginners Guide To Reality, A; Ramtha. An introduction to Ramtha and his teachings. Describes the colourful lifetime
of Ramtha the enlightened one and summarizes the introductory teachings given to beginning students at their first meeting
with Ramtha. H/c., 1997, JZK., 138p., $20.00.
P14. Love Is The Key; Jennings, Hanneke. By Lord Sananda. Master class series. Lord Sananda offers insights into creating
the reality in which we choose to live in, harnessing our God given powers of intention to create abundance and joy in our
life. Living within this mastery and recognizing the ego for what it is so that we can fulfill our mission on Earth. T/p., 2000,
Universal Light, 180p., $15.00.
P15. Liquid Light Of Sex; Clow, Barbara Hand. Understanding your key life passages. With a focus on mid life, Clow ex-
plores how the life force energy the liquid light of sex can be unblocked and creatively channelled to permit successful
movement through these potentially turbulent periods. T/p., 1991, Bear, 237p., $20.00.
P16. Journey Of Souls; Newton, Michael. Case studies of life between lives. This book uncovers the mystery of life in the
spirit world after death on the earth. The author has developed his own hypnotic technique to reach his patients hidden
memories of the hereafter. How it feels to die, spirit guides, choice, soulmates, purpose, soul groups and more. T/p., 1996,
Llewellyn, 278p., $16.00.
P17. The Ringing Cedars Of Russia; Megre, Vladimir. T/p., 2005, Ringing Cedars, 209p., $16.00.
P18. Future Sex; Davis & Royal. Can we recover from our addiction to monogamy? What might sex be like on earth in the
near future? Where did our sexual premises start? Is there sex on other planets? Provocative combination of channeled mate-
rial, historical analysis, and stimulating psychological insights into the sexuality of the coming new age. Read for yourselves
the sometimes shocking but always intriguing sexuality of ET races. T/p., 1991, A T E., 215p., $17.00.
P19. Earth Pleiadian Keys To The Living Library; Marciniak, Barbara. Handbook to inspired living, calling on us to re-
store and return value to the human being, and to recognize the Goddess energies and the power of blood as connections to
our DNA and our heritage. T/p., 1995, Bear, 254p., $12.00.
P20. Bringers Of The Dawn; Marciniak, Barbara. Teachings from the Pleiadians. Step forward as a member of the family
of light; have the courage to in all the days you walk this planet to live that light and to share that light with all you encounter.
Compiled from more than 400 hours of channeling. T/p., 1992, Bear, 246p., $14.00.
P21. Entangled Minds; Radin, Dean. Extrasensory experiences in a quantum reality. Shows how we know that psychic phe-
nomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis are real based on scientific surveys from thousands of controlled
lab tests. Reveals the physical reality behind our uncanny telepathic experiences and intuitive hunches. T/p.,2006, Paraview,
357p., $16.00.
P23. Have You Been Here Before; Fiore, Edith. A psychologist looks at past lives. Your present problems may be locked in
a previous life. Reincarnation therapy holds the key. M/p., 1978, Ballantine, 242p., $10.00.
P24. You Live After Death; Sherman, Harold. This book answers the most impoetant question you will ever there
life after death? You can use your own logic to gain understanding of the afterlife and its tremendous importance for all of us.
M/.p., 1972, Fawcett, 192p., $7.00.
P25. Journey Home; Rinar, Tonika. A true story of time and inter dimensional travel. Takes you into other worlds and di-
mensions, explaining remarkable experiences and the paranormal, embracing past life regression, ghosts, angels, and spirit
guides. T/p., 2005, O Books, 262p., $16.00.
P26. Diamond Light; Starre, Violet. Djwhal Khul channeled. Presents esoteric teachings similar to those given by Alice A.
Bailey. The original teachings were somewhat difficult to understand without a Theosophical background and it is the Mas-
ters wish current wish that he contribute a short book that is simple and clear to the New Age reader. Covers Atlantis, karma,
ascension, time, etheric levels, 7 rays, and more. T/p., 2000, Light Technology, 154p., $18.00.
P27. On The Edge Of The Etheric; Findlay, Arthur. Survival after death scientifically explained. Classic. M/p., 1971,
Corgi, 159p., $15.00.
P28. Between Two Worlds; St. Luke with Shamana. Speaks of the great divide between energies now, of the down and out,
of the division between religions, colours and belief systems. All of you are evolving at your own speed, but with my guid-
ance, my vessel and I, you may find these coming changes so much easier to flow through. T/p., 1998, With Wings Of Light,
583p., $16.00.
P29. Alignment To Light; Soskin, Julie. Discusses the energies now affecting our planet,. It explains how we can all work
with these energies to raise our consciousness and align to light. T/p., 1994, Ashgrove, 124p., $15.00.
P30. World Within, The; Cerminara, Gina. An explanation of what reincarnation holds for the tragedies and frustrations of
daily life. This study looks into spiritual, sexual, physical and racial aspects of living to demonstrate that there is one eternal
self, with a carry over into successive incarnations. This important book is essentially a study of the implications of reincar-
nation especially in relation to art, psychology and religion. This book uses Edgar Cayce readings. H/c., 1973, Daniel, 214p.,
P31. Journeys Out Of The Body; Monroe, Robert. The classic work on OBE experience. Astral sex, scary trips, mind bog-
gling other dimensions and provides practical tips on how to get out of your body. T/p., 1977, Broadway, 280p., $16.00.
P32. Far Journeys; Monroe, Robert. Mesmerizing odyssey that takes you even further beyond the known dimensions of the
physical universe. Written with great insight and wit offers a new awareness of the untapped resources and limitless possi-
bilities of the human mind. T/p., Broadway, 290p., $18.00.
P33. Ultimate Journey; Monroe, Robert. Charts the area that lies over the edge beyond the limits of the physical world. It
presents a map of the interstate the route that opens to us when we leave our physical bodies, with its entry and exit ramps,
signposts and hazards. It tells how Monroe found the route and travelled it, and uncovered the reason and purpose of this pio-
neering expedition. T/p., 2000, Broadway, 301p., $20.00.
P34. Cosmic Journeys; McKnight, Rosalind. My out of body explorations with Robert Monroe. Explorations of non human
energy systems, interactions with highly evolved beings, concepts about the makeup of the many levels of the universe, views
on the afterlife and the animal dimensions, the nature of healing and guidance, a look at the future, and more. T/p., 1999,
Hampton, 292p., $17.00.
P35. Phenomena Of Astral Projection, The; Muldoon and Carrington. One hundred cases of OOB travel. A classic investi-
gation into phenomena which baffles conventional science. T/p., 1987, Century, 222p., $15.00.
P36. Projection Of the Astral Body, The; Muldoon and Carrington. Gives a vivid account of astral experiences and instruc-
tions in the techniques of projecting the astral body. Classic. T/p., 1992, Rider, 319p., $18.00.
P37. Leaving The Body; Rogo, D. Scott. A complete guide to astral projection. A step by step presentation of 8 different
systems of out of the body travel. T/p., 1983, Prentice Hall, 190p., $16.00. (some highlighting)
P38. Glimpses Of Life Beyond Death; Bushby, Tony. What happens to us when we die. A unique collection of peoples
encounters with the afterlife. T/p., 2004, Joshua, 155p., $15.00.
P39. Seth Speaks; Roberts, Jane. The eternal validity of the soul. A complete book by thr personality who has dictated
over 6,000 pages on the universe beyond the 5 senses. H/c., 1972, Prentice Hall, 516p., $18.00.
P40. Dialogues Of The Soul And The Mortal Self In Time; Roberts, Jane. The story of Jane Roberts realization that de-
spite her belief in the eternal validity of the soul, her physical being is still on a mortal schedule with death and dissolution.
H/c., 1975, Prentice Hall, 141p., $15.00.
P41. New World View Of Paul Cezanne, The; Roberts, Jane. A psychic interpretation by Jane Roberts. H/c., 1977, Prentice
Hall, 246p., $13.00.
P42. Nature Of The Psyche, The; Roberts, Jane. Its human expression. H/c., 1979, Prentice Hall, 225p., $15.00.
P43. Individual And The Nature Of Mass Events, The; Roberts, Jane. Pinpoints the unconscious beliefs pervading science
and religion, medicine and mythology. H/c., 1981, Prentice Hall, 304p., $15.00.
P44. Dreams And Projections Of Consciousness; Roberts, Jane. Teachings on dreams, inspiration, trance states and crea-
tivity, the nature of the human ego and personal ego reality. H/c., 1986, Prentice Hall, 385p., $16.00.
P45. Adventures In Consciousness; Roberts, Jane. An introduction to aspect psychology. H/c., 1975, Prentice Hall, 288p.,
P46. Further Education Of Oversoul Seven, The; Roberts, Jane. A novel. H/c., 1979, Prentice Hall, 196p., $14.00.
P47. God Of Jane, The; Roberts, Jane. A psychic manifesto. H/c., 1981, Prentice Hall, 261p., $15.00.
P48. If We Live Again; Roberts, Jane. Public magic and private love. A collection of essays and poetry explores the connec-
tion between love, enhanced perception and unofficial speculations. H/c., 1982, Prentice Hall, 201p., $15.00.
P49. Afterdeath Journal Of An American Philosopher, The; Roberts, Jane. The world view of William James. H/c., 1978,
Prentice Hall, 241p., $16.00.
P50. Emirs Education In The Proper Use Of Magical Powers; Roberts, Jane. Illustrated by Lynne Cherry. H/c., 1979,
Dellacorte, 138p., $15.00.
P51. Unknown Reality; Roberts, Jane. Volume 2. H/c., 1979, Prentice Hall, 814p., $18.00.
P52. Dreams Evolution And Value Fulfillment; Roberts, Jane. Volume 1 & 2. H/c., 1986, Prentice Hall, 288p., 558p.,
$40.00. (2 volumes)
P53. Conversations With Seth; Watkins, Susan M. With intro by Jane Roberts. 2 volumes. The story of Jane Roberts ESP
classes. H/c., 1980 & 1981, Prentice Hall, 617p., 289p., $40.00 (2 Vols.)
P54. Within The Light; Sutherland, Cherie. 20 remarkable accounts of near death experiences and how they changed peo-
ples lives. Each describes how they came to be close to death, what happened during their experience, and how their lives
were changed afterwards. M/p., 1996, Bantam, 322p., $12.00.
P55. State Of Mind, A; Knight, J. Z. My story. Intimate story of Knights life. Born into dire poverty, raped at the age of 4
and overcame many obstacles to fulfil her destiny. H/c., 1987, Warner, 445p., $12.00.
P56. Soul Flight; Tyson, Donald. Astral projection and the magical universe. Presents a captivating history of astral practice
that goes back to prehistoric shamans, medieval witches, Golden dawn magicinas, spiritualists, Theosophists and Christian
mystics and saints. Fairy sightings, UFO abductions, lucid dreaming, NDEs, Doppelgangers, remote viewing. Presents a vari-
ety of techniqies and practices for achieving your own astral experiences. Astral guides, self defence, and etiquette. T/p.,
2007, Llewellyn, 341p., $20.00.
P57. Sedona Guidebook, The; Compilation. Featuring a select group of teachers and the channels through whom they speak.
Lyssa Royal, Robert Shapiro, Janet MacClure, Jananda, Nova 8. Featuring Zoosh, Vywamus, Joopah, Germane, Bearclaw
and more. Ancient and future history, inter dimensional adventures, physical/evolutionary view and more. T/p., 1991, Light
Technology, 236p., $15.00.
P58. Science Of The Spoken Word, The; Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. How to decree effectively, how to overcome fear and
enslaving habits through decrees. How to contact the creative word and direct its power into every problem. 6 full colour
healing thoughtforms for your meditation and visualization. T/p., 1991, Summit, 218p., $17.00.
P59. Soul Purpose; Thurston, Mark. Discovering and fulfilling your destiny. Edgar Cayces wisdom for the new age. Pro-
vides a 5 step program of self study that enables you to discover your purpose in life. Cayces message is as relevant today as
it was to those people who heard it in their personal readings. T/p., 1989, Harper, 196p., $12.00.
P60. Ruth Montgomery ; Herald Of The New Age; Garlard, Joanne. The spiritual odyssey of the worlds leading psychic
authority. Montgomery tells her own fascinating story covering all aspects of her life. Includes her predictions of the sweep-
ing changes that are ahead for us. M/p., 1986, Fawcett, 274p., $12.00.
P61. Phoenix Rising; Rain, Mary Summer. No Eyes vision of the changes to come. Takes us on a sometimes frightening
journey through time, viewing the upheavals to come through a unique perspective, on timeless paths that few have ever trav-
elled. T/p., 1993, Hampton Roads, 170p., $14.00. (some hi lighting)
P62. No More Secrets No More Lies; Cori, Patricia. A handbook to starsees awakening. Exposes the covert mechanisms
operating in the global arena, calling us to shine the light of truth upon our darkest fears. We are shown how our mutating
DNA is preparing the way for our star filled journey. T/p., 2004, Light Works, 226p., $15.00.
P63. Ramtha; The White Book; Weinberg, Steven Lee. Ed. H/c., 1986, Sovereignty, 217p., $40.00.
P62. Morya; Prophet; Mark & Clair. The Darjeeling master speaks to his chelas on the quest for the Holy Grail. T/p., Sum-
mit, 412p., $15.00.
P64. Great White Brotherhood, The; Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. In culture, history and religion of America. They are the
Ascended masters guiding this system of worlds. T/p., 1987, Summit, 385p., $18.00.
P65. Dont Think Like A Human; Kryon. Book 2. Confusion, past lives, science and more. T/p., 286p., Kryon, $17.00.
P67. Alchemy Of The Human Spirit; Kryon. A guide to human transition in the New Age. The implant, New Age healing,
prophets, karma, ascension, harmonic 9944 and more. T/p., 1998, Kryon, 376p., $18.00.
P68. End Times, The; Kryon. New information for personal peace. Healing and disease, Jesus Christ, and more. T/p., 1998,
Kryon, 172p., $15.00.
P69. Echoes From Eternity; Vilencia, Jeff. Learn how to record voices from spirit dimensions. Participate in an unusual
experiment proving there is life beyond deaths curtain. Not only can you converse and record the posthumous voices of fa-
mous individuals, but by performing the various experiments detailed here. T/p., 1988, Inner Light, 70p., $10.00.
Magic, Occult, Shamanism Magic, Occult, Shamanism Magic, Occult, Shamanism Magic, Occult, Shamanism.
M1. Book Of Ceremonial Magic, The; Waite, Arthur Edward. A complete grimoire. Provides the key passages from the
principal magical texts of the 14
., 15
. And 16
. Centuries. The grimoire contains; the preparation of the operator, initial
rites and ceremonies, lesser key of Solomon, the method of Honorious and more. Classic. 1973, Citadel, 336p., $20.00.
M2. Complete Manual Of Occult Cartomancy; Grand Orient (Arthur Edward Waite). A manual of cartomancy in 2 vol-
umes. Assembled by a master of mysticism, who spent decades sifting the literature, this intriguing collection of mystical
card and other divination systems includes; Cagliostros mystic alphabet, the golden wheel of fortune, the art of invoking
spirits in the crystals, divination by dreams, the occult science of jewels and dozens of other uncanny occult secrets. Over 60
traditional systems of divination are listed from aeromancy to xylomancy. H/c., 1972, University, 249p., 7 277p., $45.00
the set.
M3. Wisdom Of The Wyrd, The; Bates, Brian. Teachings for today from our ancient past. Gives a rich description of the
creative, organic vision of the world which our ancestors held at the centre of which were the shamans , powerful figures
who mediated directly with the spirits and the pulse of the earths rhythms. Shows practical techniques and meditations and
how we can rediscover and reclaim our sacred heritage. T/p., 1996, Rider, 306p., $17.00.
M4. Lightseeds; Wabun Wind & Anderson Reed. A compendium of ancient knowledge and contemporary crystal knowl-
edge. Shows you how to choose crystals, clean and care techniques, tapping innate psychic abilities,, healing, ceremonies and
rituals. T/p., 1988, Prentice, 191p., $14.00.
M5. Secrets Of The Talking Jaguar; Prechtel, Martin. A Mayan shamans journey to the heart of the indigenous soul.
Brings to life the sights, sounds, scents, and colours of a Mayan village...its magical personalities, beauty, material poverty,
800 year old rituals. H/c., 1998, Tarcher, 283p., $20.00.
M6. Singing The Soul Back Home; Matthews, Caitlin. Shows you how you can bring the rich wisdom of the shaman into
your daily life, whatever your creed or religion. Teaches you to explore your inner space, journey between thy everyday
world and the spiritual realm of the shaman. T/p., 1996, Element, 246p., $12.00.
M7. Practical Pendulum Book, The; Jurriaanse, D. With complete instructions for use and 38 pendulum charts. T/p., 1984,
Weiser, 60p.,? $12.00.
M8. Practical Guide To Geomantic Divination, A; Regardie, Israel. Very unusual book on using symbols for divination.
M/p., 1972, Aquarian, 64p., $8.00.
M9. Secrets Of Kahuna Magic; Steiger, Brad. Heal the sick, control the weather, telepathy, raise the dead, and much more.
M/p., 1971, Award, 157p., $10.00.
M10. Moonchild; Crowley, Aleister. One of Crowleys rare works of fiction. Based on Crowley own experiences with
magic, drugs, basing characters upon his own Brotherhood of the Silver Star. M/p., 1972, Sphere, 301p., $12.00.
M11. Magic Of Incense, Oils And Brews, The; Cunningham, Scott. A guide to their preparation and use. Classic. T/p.,
1986, Llewellyn, 165p., $13.00.
M12. Sacred Mushroom And The Cross, The; Allegro, John M. Sketches in the origins of the primitive fertility cult with
an exciting plunge into the catacombs of antiquity where mythology and mycology mingle in a poetic, hallucinatory haze of
credible speculation. It is a dazzling foray into the obscure hinterlands of comparative philology. T/p., 1970, Abacus, 253p.,
M13. Intoxication; Siegal, Ronald K. The universal drive for mind altering substances. Covers different aspects of the drug
problem, of the usefulness and dangers of psychoactive substances, and of their role and importance in medicine, in religious
rituals, and in daily life. T/p., 2005, Park Street, 372p., $17.00.
M14. Complete Idiots Guide To Wicca And Witchcraft, The; Zimmerman & Gleason. The legend and lore of Wiccan
traditions, guidance for practicing ritual, ground rules for casting magick circles, writing spells, and more. T/p., 2000, Alpha,
363p., $18.00.
M15. Truth Or Dare; Starhawk. Encounters with power, authority and mystery. Spells, rituals, myths, aphorisms and games
designed to awaken us from an enchanted sleep of compliance to patriarchal forms of authority. T/p., 1990, Harper, 370p.,
$15.00. (signed by author)
M16. Separate Reality, A; Castaneda, Carlos. 2nd. Book. Continues his attempt to see beyond the surface realities of life.
Hallucinogenic drugs were only part of it. T/p., 1990, Arkana, 268p., $13.00.
M17. Journey To Ixtlan; Castaneda, Carlos. The lessons of Don Juan. 3rd. book. Castanedas unique record of initiation
into the mysteries of sorcery of becoming a man of knowledge under guidance of one the most remarkable personalities
to emerge from anthropological investigations. T/p., 1990, Arkana, 281p., $13.00.
M18. Tales Of Power, Castaneda, Carlos. 4
. Book. Completes his long apprenticeship in the mysteries of sorcery. De-
scribes the culmination of his extraordinary initiation. T/p., 1990, Arkana, 284p., $13.00.
M19. Second Ring Of Power, The; Castaneda, Carlos. 5
. Book. Introduces the reader to dons Soledad, whose mission is to
test Castaneda by a series of terrifying tricks. T/p., 1990, Arkana, 286p., $13.00.
M20. Art Of Dreaming, The; Castaneda, Carlos. Gates of dreaming, inorganic beings, stalking the stalkers, and more. T/p.,
1994, Harper, 260p., $11.00.
M21. Magical Passes; Castaneda, Carlos. The practical wisdom of the shamans of ancient Mexico. Reveals a series of body
positions and physical movements that enabled sorcerers, and their apprentices, to navigate their own sorceric journeys.
These movements allow the reader to achieve new levels of physical, psychic and intellectual vitality. T/p., 1998, Thorsons,
225p., $14.00.
M22. Wheel Of Time, The; Castaneda, Carlos. The shamans of ancient Mexico, their thoughts about life, death and the uni-
verse. This is a collection of quotes derived from Castanedas books. The quotations, by themselves, show a strand of conti-
nuity which was not dictated by the teacher, Don Juan Matus, nor by the student, Carlos Castaneda. It seems to be an inde-
pendent trend set in motion by the shamans of old Mexico themselves. Accompanying the quotations, Carlos Castaneda has
written his personal commentaries. Together, the quotations and commentary create a counterpoint of ideas that will be of
great interest to all students of shamanism. H/c., 1998, LA Eidolona, 290p., $29.00.
M23, Magical Journey With Carlos Castaneda, A; Castaneda, Margaret Runyan. Here for the first time are insights into
the woman whose influence in Carlos Castanedas life might have led him into the path bearing the road sign Don Juan.
Incorporates the authors first hand experiences with the enigmatic sorcerers apprentice. The author was married to Casta-
neda for 13 years. T/p., 1997, Millenia, 186p., $16.00.
M24. Goddess; Getty, Adele. Mother of living nature. Covers all aspects of the cults of the goddess. With colour and black an
white plates. Large a4 format. T/p., 1990, T & H., 96p., $15.00.
M25. Diary Of A Drug Fiend; Crowley, Aleister. An account of Crowleys personal experiences with cocaine, heroin, and
ether and the dreadful realization of the inevitable end to which his addictions must lead him. M/p., 1972, Sphere, 382p.,
M26. Legend Of Aleister Crowley; Stephensen & Regardie. Valuable and honest appraisals of the real Crowley. Classic. T/
p., 1970, Llewellyn, 157p., $11.00.
M27. Healing Drum, The; Diallo & Hall. African wisdom teachings. Explores the Minianka view of the human being and
the cosmos relative to daily work, celebration, herbal medicine, dance, trance, initiation and death. Music is both a remedy
physical and emotional imbalances harmonizing the visible and invisible worlds. T/p., 1989, Destiny, 213p., $10.00.
M28. Song Of Heyoehkah; Hyemeyohosts Storm. The long awaited second novel by the best selling author of Seven Ar-
rows. Little Wolf, a follower of the Old way, is sole survivor of a village massacre. Ashe travels, his adventures mirror an
inner search along the hidden pathways of the mind and the heart. This is a vision quest, a search for meaning, harmony, and
balance that returns the reader to the time of the Medicine ways, the place of imagination and the very heart of human na-
ture. A magical reading experience. T/p., 1981, Ballantine, 301p., $20.00.
M29. Witchs Dream, The; Donner-Grau, Florinda. A healers way of knowledge. A renowned student of do Juan Matus,
the author entered the world of spiritual healing as an anthropologist. This is the extraordinary account of her experiences
with Dona Mercedes , an aged healer in a remote Venezuelan town known for its population of spiritualists, sorcerers and
mediums. Interwoven with haunting stories is Florindas dramatic tale of self discovery. T/p., 1997, Arkana, 287p., $13.00.
M30. Long Trip, The; Devereux, Paul. A prehistory Of Psychedelia. The archaeology of ecstasy a pioneering study that
explores the widespread use of psychedelic substances throughout human history. Our modern culture is eccentric in its re-
fusal to integrate the profound experiences offered by these natural substances into our spiritual life and traditions. Modern
western cultures recent experimentations raised the awareness of archaeologists and anthropologists, leading them to recog-
nize the use of hallucinogens in surviving traditional societies. T/p., 1997, Arkana, 298p., $19.00.
M31. Mystery Of Manna, The; Merkur, Dan. The psychedelic sacrament of the bible. Reveals an unbroken tradition of
western psychedelic sacraments, from Moses and manna to Jesus and the Eucharist. Shows that this was not a heretical tradi-
tion, but instead part of a normal, bible based spirituality, a continuation of the ancient tradition of visionary mysticism. This
is a strong contribution to our growing realization that psychedelics and religion are closely linked. T/p., 2000, Park Street,
186p., $20.00.
M32. Pharmako/poeia; Pendell, Dale. Plant powers, poisons, and herbcraft. Offers a mesmerizing guide to psychoactive
plants from their pharmacological roots to the literary offshoots. Reactivates the ancient connection between the bardic poet
and the shaman. A litany to the secret plant allies that have always accompanied us along the alchemical trajectory that leads
to a new yet authentically archaic future. T/p., Mercury House, 1995, 287p., $32.00.
M33. Candle Burning Rituals; Finbarr. A new guide to an ancient art. Rituals for luck, money, fortune, love, harmony,
protection, self improvement, inspiration and encouragement. T/p., 1983, Nu Life, 72p., $10.00.
M34. Occult Tibet; Brennan, J. H. Secret practices of Himalayan magic. Brings the ancient magical techniques of Tibet to
the west. Presents techniques based partly on Tibetan Buddhist practice and partly on shamanic Bon. Stimulating chakras,
trance states, sound, rhythm, chanting, drumming and dream yoga. T/p., 2002, Llewellyn, 207p., $17.00.
M35. In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse; Matthiessen, Peter. Reveals the larger issues behind the Pine Ridge shoot out. Corpo-
rate exploitation of uranium deposits in the Black Hills. Classic. T/p., 1992, Harvill, 646p., $11.00.
M36. Drumming The Spirit To Life; Helm, Russell Buddy. Let the goddess dance. Whether youve never hit a drum before
or youve been playing for years, this book has something to offer you. T/p., 2000, Llewellyn, 185p., $10.00. (Slightly water
affected and no CD).
M37. Sacred Journey, The; Streep, Peg. Ed. Prayers and songs of native America. The extraordinary spiritual legacy of
Native America is brought to life in this collection of prayers and songs from many tribes. Illustrated with exquisite watercol-
ours. H/c., 1995, Bullfinch, 104p., $13.00.
M38. Sacred Hoop, The; Broder, Bill. A cycle of earth tales. A unique experience of historical fiction. From a retelling of
Genesis to the saga of the stem god. Illuminates in fiction the chronicle of our changing relationship with the earth, the gods
and the universe. T/p., 1992, Sierra, 237p., $10.00.
M39. Listen To The Drum; Jones, Blackwolf. Blackwolf shares his medicine. Listen at the deepest level, experience the
magic of Mishomis, read about Bimadisiwin, learn how to walk in balance, learn Anishinaabe remedies for psychological
healing and personal growth. T/p., Commune a key, 194p., $12.00.
M40. Turtle Island Alphabet; Hausman, Gerald. A lexicon of native American symbols and culture. Collects a lifes re-
search into one exquisite volume that reveals the deeper meanings of the culture. Features stories and poems that strikingly
reveal how symbols are integrated into everyday Native American life. T/p., 1992, St Martins, 204p., $15.00.
M41. Dictionary Of Aphrodisiacs; Wedeck, Harry. A literary and historical survey of aphrodisiacs from antiquity to the
present day, their objectives, techniques and effectiveness. T/p., 1962, Citadel, 256p., $12.00.
M42. History Of Magic And The Occult, The; Seligman, Kurt. Outlines western civilizations battle to come to terms with
its various demons from those of remote Mesopotamia and those of an enlightened eighteenth century to those of our mod-
ern culture. Examines the forces that have bewitched, bedeviled, or charmed the imagination and reveals magics contempo-
rary lure. Classic. H/c., 1997, Gramercy, 342p., $15.00.
M43. In The House Of The Moon; Elias & Ketcham. Reclaiming the feminine spirit of healing. Interweaves traditional val-
ues with insights from ancient and contemporary thinkers. Examines the major phases of a woman's life. Natural remedies
that can be used to complement conventional treatments to promote health, emotional well being, and spiritual enrichment. T/
p., 1995, Hodder, 390p., $16.00.
M44. Irish Folkways; Evans, E. Estyn. Describes the diversity of folk customs and of locally made tools. Traces their origin,
bridging the centuries between the prehistoric past, and reveals the intriguing discoveries to be made in many corners of Ire-
land. T/p., 1989, RKP, 324p., $14.00.
Religion, Mysticism, Yoga Religion, Mysticism, Yoga Religion, Mysticism, Yoga Religion, Mysticism, Yoga
R1. Game Of the Wizards; Ponce', Charles. Astrology, tarot, alchemy, kabbalh, I ching may make you think of fortune
telling, but, Ponce' argues that there is a deeper significvance to these systems. They all arose out of the human imagination
and thus carry certain insights into the structure of the psyche. T/p., 1991, Quest, 179p., $14.00.
R2. Karma, reincarnation and Rebirth; St. Ruth, Diana. How karma affects our life, our personality and our future. Goes
beyond the concepts of birth and death. With compelling narrative, exercises, and mediations explores this Buddhist natural
law of karma, offering us an understanding of how karma is the key to our behaviour and the way we operate in the world.
The law of karma is the law of ourselves, the law of our inner selves. T/p., 2002, Thorsons, 158p., $13.00.
R3. Journeying East; Dimidjian, Victoria Jean. Conversations on aging and dying. Some of the Wests foremost spiritual
teachers to share their thoughts on aging and the end of life process. Ram Dass, Norman Fischer, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister
Chan Khong, and more provide new perspectives and offer comfort and support. T/p., 2004, Parallax, 157p., $14.00.
R4. Peter, Paul And Mary Magdalene; Ehrman, Bart D. The followers of Jesus in history and legend. Reveals the fascinat-
ing stories of Jesus 3 most important followers; Simon Peter, The Apostle Paul, and Mary Magdalene founders of modern
Christianity. What can we learn about these followers of Jesus as real, historical figures? What can we know about who they
were, what they did, what they believed, what they taught, how they lived? They came to play an important role in the imagi-
nations of those who embraced the Christian religion at its very foundations. H/c., 2006, Oxford, 285p., $27.00.
R5. Jung And Christianity; Clift, Wallace B. The challenge of reconciliation. Presents Jungs thought clearly and simply,
outlining the contributions and challenges he presents to the church and analysing these in the light of Christian tradition and
in relation to our current dilemmas and possible future directions. T/p., 1898, Dove, 169p, $12.00.
R6. Twin Deception, The; Bushby, Tony. Recently discovered biblical texts reveal that Jesus Christ had a twin brother who
was one of his trusted disciples. T/p., 2006, Joshua, 364p., $17.00. (has underlining)
R7. Crucifixion Of Truth, The; Bushby, Tony. Startling new evidence of forgery and fiction in the New Testament. T/p.,
2005, Joshua, 320p., $16.00. (has underlining)
R8. Secret In The Bible, The; Bushby, Tony. The lost history of the Giza Plateau and how temple priests of the great pyra-
mid preserved evidence of life after death. T/p., 2005, Joshua, 344p., $15.00. (has underling)
R9. Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, The; Eisenmann & Wise. The first complete translation and interpretation of 50 key docu-
ments withheld for over 35 years. H/c., 1992, Element, 286p., $16.00.
R10. Super beings, The; Price, John Randolph. The secrets of the masters are revealed in this book so that you can develop
and use the miracle powers of the supermind. T/p., 1981, Quartus, 123p., $11.00.
R11. Science Of Breath; Ramacharaka, Yogi. Classic. Complete manual of the oriental breathing philosophy of physical,
mental, psychic and spiritual development. M/p., Health Research, 88p., $10.00.
R12. God Delusion, The; Dawkins, Richard. T/p., 2006, Black Swan, 448p., $10.00. (has underlining)
R13. Left Hand Of God, The; Lerner, Michael. Taking back our country from the religious right. An invaluable, timely and
blunt critique of the current state of faith in government. Challenges the left to give up its deeply held fear of religion. H/c.,
2006, Harper, 408p., $16.00.
R14. Branching Steams Flow In The Darkness; Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen talks on the Sandokai. A collection of lectures that
reveal the insight, humour and intimacy with Zen that made Suzuki Roshi so influential as a teacher. Points out a path of
practical wisdom for today and it can touch the inner experience of the interdependence of existence, open ears to hear har-
mony of difference sameness. T/p., 1999, UCP, 191p., $16.00.
R15. Nine-Headed Dragon River; Matthiessen, Peter. Zen journals. Remarkable, memorable non fiction. Sensual, austere,
sinewy yet full of warmth, eloquent yet reverent, polished clean by silence and awe. A clear gift to us from a complex man
who has schooled himself to speak of central things with a most honourable exactitude. T/p., 1998, Shambhala, 288p.,
R16. Infinite Circle; Glassman, Bernie. Teachings in Zen. One of Americas most distinctive Zen teachers illuminates 2 key
texts the heart sutra and the identity of the relative and absolute as well as the Zen Bodhisattva Precepts. Based on work-
shops he gave as abbot of the Zen Community Of new York, and they contain within them the principles that became the
foundation for the Greyston Mandala of community development organisations and the Zen Peacemaker Order. T/p., 2002,
Shambhala, 142p., $16.00.
R17. Zen Buddhism; Barrett, William Ed. Selected writings of D. T. Suzuki. The greatest writings of the 20
. Centurys
foremost authority on Zen are here brought together to form the most accessible and definitive overview of Zen philosophy
today. Includes a basic historical background as well as a thorough overview of the techniques of Zen practice. Terminology,
fundamentals, experiential processes and essence. T/p., 2006, Three Leaves, 369p., $17.00.
R18. Candle Of Vision, The; A.E. The autobiography of a mystic. T/p., 1974, Quest, 175p., $10.00.
R19. Wine Of The Mystic; Yogananda, Paramahansa. The Rubaiyat Of Omar Kyayyam. A spiritual interpretation. Intro-
duces the complete commentaries of Paramahansa Yogananda on an enduring treasure of world literature. With illustrations.
H/c., 1994, SRF., 225p., $20.00. Bihar, 166p., $8.00.
R20. Breath by Breath; Rosenberg, Larry. The liberating practice of insight meditation. Brings a timeless meditation to life
for people today. Shows how the practice of breath awareness is quietly, profoundly transformative and supremely practical.
H/c., 1998, Shambhala, 215p., $16.00.
R21. Inner Life Of Krishnamurti, The; Sanat, Aryel. Private passion and perennial wisdom. Explores the myths at the heart
of the controversies surrounding this beloved and complex man. Much interesting and enlightening information. T/p., 1999,
Quest, 324p., $15.00.
R22. Finding Of The Third Eye, The; Alder, Vera Stanley. Classic. A guide to attainment through the path outlined by the
ancient wisdom. Covers breathing, colour, sounds, numbers, diet and exercise, astrology, meditation and more. T/p., 1978,
Rider, 185p., $10.00.
R23. Dharma Rain; Kaza & Kraft. Sources of Buddhist environmentalism. An essential sourcebook for all those concerned
with the philosophical and spiritual basis of a truly ecological world view. Includes classic Buddhist texts, writings by con-
temporary teachers and scholars, and resources for environmentally oriented practice and activism. The material illumines
new ways to integrate spiritual and ecological awareness, for Buddhists and non Buddhists alike. Contributions from Dalai
lama, Dogen, Gary Snyder, Joanna Macy, Thich Nhat Hanh, Milarepa, and many more. T/p., 2000, Shambhala, 490p.,
R24. Living Dharma; Kornfield, Jack. Teachings of 12 Buddhist masters. Presents the heart of Buddhist practice as taught
by 12 highly respected masters from South East Asia. Offers practices clarifying the essential attitude that will allow each
person to discover the truth of the Buddhas teaching here and now the living dharma. Provides an introduction to the basic
tenets of Buddhism and a look at the Buddhist tradition as taught in Burma, Thailand, and Laos. T/p., 1996, Shambhala,
320p., $17.00.
R25. Cave In The Snow; MacKenzie, Vicki. How an English woman, the daughter of a fishmonger from Londons east End,
has become a Buddhist legend and a champion for the rights of women to attain spiritual enlightenment. Fabulous story. T/p.,
1999, Bloomsbury, 210p., $15.00.
R26. Tibetan Art Of Serenity, The; Hansard, Christopher. How to heal fear and gain contentment. Drawing from deep per-
sonal knowledge of Tibetan teachings, and easy to follow exercises and inspiring case studies, shows us how we can stop
living with our fears and start living our lives. Explains the 12 types of fears. Without fears we are better able to connect
with our deepest selves. T/p., 2006, Hodder, 229p., $16.00.
R27. Heal Your Spirit, Heal Yourself; Dorjee, Dr. Pema. With Janet Jones and Terence Moore. The spiritual medicine of
Tibet. Tibetan medicine works with the whole person, giving a practical description of the workings of the Tibetan medical
system, and offering explanations and examples designed to help the modern western reader understand and apply its princi-
ples in every day life. The ancient texts of Tibetan Medicine are in fact revelations of the highest truth, and in passing on the
Highest Truth this book is intended to be of service. T/p., 2005, Watkins, 313p., $18.00.
R28. Simple Path, A; Dalai Lama. Brings together profound, accessible teachings by on the 4 noble truths with extraordi-
nary images that offer insights into the rich cultural heritage of Tibetan Buddhism. Inspires us to embrace the way of compas-
sion and peace in our lives and to find a deeper satisfaction in every day life. H/c., 2000, Thorsons, 176p., $18.00. Also soft-
cover @ $15.00 R29.
Zen And The Art Of Making A Living; Boldt, Laurence G. A practical guide to creative career deign. Everyone is the artist
of his or her own life. Discover what you really want to do. It then provides practical, active steps to finding or creating that
work. Provides innovative ideas and strategies. T/p., 1999, Penguin, 639p.,
R30. Quest For The Cross; Thiede & DAncona. By the authors of the Jesus Papyrus. What is the evidence for the existence
and survival of the cross of crucifixion? This book centres on a long ignored fragment of the titulus cruces the inscribed
headboard from the True Cross on which Christ died. H/c., 2000, Weidenfield, 205p., $22.00.
R31. Jesus Of The Apocalypse; Thiering, Barbara. The life of Jesus after the crucifixion. T/p., 1995, Bantam, 462p.,
R32. Jesus Papyrus, The; Thiede & DAncona. The most sensational evidence on the origins of the gospels since the discov-
ery of the Dead Sea scrolls. T/p., 1996, Wiedenfeld, 193p., $14.00.
R33. Crudens Complete Concordance To The Old and new Testaments; Cruden, Alexander. With notes and Biblical
proper names under one alphabetical arrangement. H/c., 1977, Lutterworth, 783p., $24.00.
R34. Complete World Of The Dead Sea Scrolls, The; Davies, Brooke & Callaway. The discovery, meaning and signifi-
cance of the most important ancient manuscript finds of modern times. Catalogue of the scrolls, historical and religious in-
sights, guide to expert interpretation, investigation into ancient Qumran, the authorship and their significance for modern
Christianity and Judaism. Also factfiles, reconstructions, photos, and more. 216 illustrations 84 in colour. T/p., 2002, T &
H., 216p., $19.00.
R35. Angels; Hauck, Rex ed. The mysterious messengers. Contributions by Joan Borysenko, Raymond Moody, Thomas
Moore, Terry Lynn Taylor and others. Companion to the NBC television series Angels. A distinguished host of experts
illuminates the ever more central role that these heavenly emissaries play in our lives, our world, and our future. Interspersed
with the interviews are the mesmerizing stories of angelic encounters flash visitations that transform lives. H/c., 1994, Bal-
lantine, 316p., $22.00.
R36. Tibetan Wisdom For Western Life; Arpaia & Radgay. Spirituality, relationships, performance and health. Presents
marvelous ways to bring about peace and healing to ones life. Quick and simple meditation techniques designed to address
the eveeveryday aspects of western life. Apply these techniques to improve spirituality, relationships, and health in just 15
minutes per day. A practical book for readers of all religious traditions. T/p., 1999, Beyond Words, 260p., $18.00.
R37. PaGaian Cosmology; Livingstone, Glenys. Re inventing earth based goddess religion. Brings together a religious prac-
tice of seasonal ritual based in a contemporary scientific sense of the cosmos and female imagery for the sacred. Eco spiritu-
ality grounded in indigenous western religious celebration of the earth sun cycle. T/p., 2005, iUniverse, 339p., $20.00.
R38. Cosmic Consciouness; Bucke, Richard Maurice. A classic investigation of the development of mans mystic relation to
the infinite. This study of the evolution of the human mind is a pioneering work which is as valuable today as it was when it
was published in 1910. At intervals certain individuals have appeared who are gifted with the power of transcendent realiza-
tion or illumination. Their experiences constitute a definite advance in mans relation with the infinite. A work of extraordi-
nary mind, worthy of careful examination and study. T/p., 1969, Dutton, 384p., $12.00.
R39. Man Visible And Invisible; Leadbeater, C. W. Classic. Examples of different types of men as seen by means of trained
clairvoyance. 3 diagrams and 22 coloured illustrations. H/c., 1920, Theosophical, 152p., $30.00.
R40. Meetings With Remarkable Men; Gurdjieff, G. I. Contains the only available information about the early life of Gurd-
jieff, one of the most renowned spiritual masters of the 20
. Century. We are shown a new way of facing life, which touches
us directly and gives us a foretaste of another order of reality. T/p., 1985, Arkana, 303p., $13.00.
R41. Technique Of The Master, The; Andrea, Raymund. The way of cosmic initiation. T/p., 1953, AMORC, 174p., $15.00.
R42. Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ, The; Levi. The story of Jesus, the man from galilee, and how he attained the
Christ consciousness open to all. Brings to light the intimate details of Christ's life upon which the gospels are silent, written
from the original Akashic Records by a student who devoted 40 years to prepare for the task. T/p., 2006, DeVorss, 274p.,
R43. Whispers From Eternity; Yogananda, Parahamsa. Prayers, invocations to the world's great spiritual teachers, chil-
dren's prayers, and experiences in superconscious. H/c., 1959, SRF, 186p., $15.00.
R44. Sayings Of Yogananda; Yogananda, Paramahansa. The counsel offered in this book rings with the authenticity of
Yoganada's God realization. H/c., 1974, SRF., 126p., $14.00.
R45. Paramahansa Yogananda In Memoriam; Yogananda. The master's life, work and mahasamadhi. T/p., 1986, SRF.,
125p., $12.00.
R46. Autobiography Of A Yogi; Yogananda, Paramahansa. All time classic. H/c., 1971, SRF., 516p., $18.00.
R47. Man's Eternal Quest; Yogananda, Paramahansa. This is a book about god - about God's place in man's life, in his
hopes, will, aspirations, accomplishments. H/c., 1976, SRF., 484p., $17.00.
R48. Holy Science, The; Yukteswar, Swami Sri. Demonstrates by explanation of parallel passages from the Hindu and Chris-
tian scriptures, the essential unity of the great religious teachings of east and west. Explains the universal evolution of con-
sciousness, energy and matter. H/c., 1984, SRF., 98p., $13.00.
R49. Exploring The Great Beyond; Farthing, Geoffrey. Takes us on an exciting journey into inner and outer space. De-
scribes the astral light, describes the elemental kingdom,. Covers magic, mesmerism, plant telepathy, spiritualism, psychism
and more. Based on writings of Madam Blavatsky. 1978, Quest, 214p., $11.00.
P PP Psychology, Philosophy, Sciences. sychology, Philosophy, Sciences. sychology, Philosophy, Sciences. sychology, Philosophy, Sciences.
S1. Mythic Life, A; Houston, Jean. Learning to live our greater story. Presents Jean Houstons real story and her true teach-
ing. Draws on her personal history and vast cultural knowledge to show how we can experience in our own lives the greater
human story that is revealed in key myths and discover our real potential. T/p., 1996, Harper, 340p., $14.00.
S2. Magic Of Conflict, The; Crum, Thomas F. Shows how to turn conflict into opportunity for choice and change. Based on
the philosophy of Aikido This book mixes theory and practice with anecdotes and exercises that will help the reader resolve
the conflicts of everyday life and turn frustration into fascination. H/c., 1987, Simon & Schuster, 252p., $16.00.
S3. Myths To Live By; Campbell, Joseph. Mythology for our time. Throughout time and space myth and religion have fol-
lowed the same archetypes which cannot be regarded as exclusive to any one people, race or religion. We must recognize
their common factor and allow this knowledge to help us in fulfilling human potential. T/p., 1972, Souvenir, 276p., $13.00.
S4. Healing The Wounded God; Raff & Vocatura. Finding your personal guide on your way to individuation and beyond.
Explores the emergence of a new spiritual paradigm in which the divine seeks wholeness through and with us. Discusses the
xistence and nature of the Ally which represents our divine counterpart. Looks at the allys parallels in mystical tradi-
tions. Jungian psychology. T/p., 2002, Nicholas Hays, 238p., $12.00.
S5. Function Of The Orgasm, The; Reich, Wilhelm. One of the most important books of the century in our understanding of
human sexuality. The key to the bodys energy metabolism. The biological emotions governing the psychic processes which
are the immediate expression of strictly physical energy. T/p., 1999, Souvenir, 400p., $16.00.
S6.Meta-Physics; Norvell, Anthony. New dimensions of the mind. Here are the secrets of metaphysical brain projection,
moonblending, astral projection, and many other strange new dimensions of the mind that can bring you wealth, love and
power. T/p., 1972, Parker, 258p., $15.00.
S7. Dancing Wu Li Masters, The; Zukav, Gary. An over view of the new physics. This is account of the latest develop-
ments in advanced physics for those who would like to know more about them but have little or no mathematical or technical
knowledge. T/p., 1979, Rider, 352p., $13.00.
S8. Structure Of Magic, The; Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John. A book about language and therapy. Presents techniques
for identifying and utilizing a clients most frequently used way of making sense of his ongoing experience. H/c, 1975, 1976,
Science and Behaviour, 225p. & 198p., 2volumes, $40.00.
S9. Superlearning; Ostrander & Schroeder. The new stress free rapid learning techniques to develop super memory. Learn a
language in 4 weeks, memorize facts and figures up to ten times faster, speed up your reading. M/p., 1981, Sphere, 349p.,
S10. Mans Search For Meaning; Frankl, Viktor. Blend of science and humanism and an introduction to the most signifi-
cant psychological movement of our day. Mans primary motivational force is a search for meaning. M/p., 1984, WSP, 211p.,
S11. Emotional Intelligence; Goleman, Daniel. Why it can matter more than I.Q. Gives us an entirely new way of looking at
the root causes of many of the ills of our society. H/c., 1995, Bantam, 352p., $15.00.
S12. New Science Of Life, A; Sheldrake, Rupert. The hypothesis of formative causation. Proposes that the form, develop-
ment, and behaviourof living organisms are shaped by morphogenetic fields. These fields are molded by the form and be-
haviour of past living of the same species through direct connections across space and time. T/p., 1981, Tarcher, 229p.,
S13. Cosmos And Psyche; Tarnas, Richard. Intimations of a new world view. Demonstrates the existence of an astonish-
ingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.
Opens up a new cosmic horizon that reunites science and religion, intellect and soul, modern reason and ancient wisdom. T/
p., 2006, Plume, 569p., $16.00.
S14. Exploring Inner Space; Hills, Christopher. Classic. Take a space journey through the worlds that lie within you. Take
off into the 7 inner time/space dimensions that link you to everyone else. Learn how to develop the supersense Sit in the
love seat. Read auras, expand your imagination, blow your mind into the clear light. T/p., 1978, Uni. of the Trees, 479p.,
S15. Revisioning Psychology; Hillman, James. Offers a way into and behind myth and religion. It suggests a way out of ego-
centricity. For the individual and for the professional it is a remarkable, kaleidoscopic breaking up of psychologys density
and lifes literalness. T/p., 1977, Harper, 266p., $14.00.
S16. Vision Of The Aquarian Age, A; Trevelyan; George. The emerging spiritual world view. Death, living into change,
apocalypse, hope for the future. T/p., 1984, Coventure, 171p., $10.00.
S17. Matter Myth, The; Davies & Gribben. Beyond chaos and complexity. Black holes, cosmic strings, wormholes, solitons
and chaos theory challenge the commonsense concepts of space, time and matter and demand a radically new world view. T/
p., 1992, Penguin, 314p., $12.00.
S18. Quantum Self, The; Zohar, Dana. Human nature and consciousness defined by the new physics. The insights that the
insights of modern physics can illuminate our understanding of everyday life. Shows how the vitality of the new physics
combats the alienation and fragmentation of life and replaces it with a model of reality in which the universe itself may pos-
sess a type of consciousness . T/p., 1990, Harper, 268p., $13.00.
S19. Power Of Myth, The; Campbell, Joseph. With Bill Moyers. A great summing up of Joseph Campbells work, sure to
stand alongside his other major works. T/p., 1988, Doubleday, 233p., $17.00. Large. Format.
S20. Love And The Soul; Sardello, Robert. Creating a future for earth. Based on a synthesis of the writings of Jung on the
nature of the soul, Hillman on the work of soul making, and Steiner on the formation of spiritual culture, this book establishes
a ground of hope for the new millennium and a radically fresh direction for psychology. T/p., 1996, Harper, 209p., $10.00.
S21. . Farther Reaches Of Human Nature, The; Maslow, A. H. A unique inquiry into being human. Explores the complexi-
ties of human nature by using both the empirical methods of science and the aesthetics of philosophical inquiry. T/p., 1993,
Arkana, 407p., $12.00.
S22. Dancing Wu Li Masters, The; Zukav, Gary. Stripped of mathematics, physics becomes pure enchantment. This over-
view of the new physics aims to communicate that the enchantment by describing recent developments in advanced physics
for those with little or no mathematical or technical knowledge. T/p., 2002, Rider, 352p., $14.00.
S23. Tao Of Physics, The; Capra, Fritjof. An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism.
T/p., 1992, Flamingo, 412p., $12.00.
S24. Global Mind Change; Harman, Willis. The New Age revolution in the way we think. We are undergoing a radical
transformation. We are empowering ourselves. Military, economic and political power will fade. By deliberately changing
their internal image of reality, people are changing the world. T/p., 1990, Warner, 186p., $10.00.
S67. Soul Bodies; Griscom, Chris. Brings you a totally new way to live in your body and experience embodiment as a part of
a vast divine heritage. Discover the body echoes and body scapes that are shaping your reality. Every part of your body tells
its own story, this book will teach you how to listen and participate in the story. T/p., 1996, Light Institute, 192p., $15.00.
S25. Psychogenetics; Griscom, Chris. The force of heredity. Guides us on a spectacular exploration of our physical, emo-
tional, and spiritual DNA. With breathtaking revelations, we are able to finally grasp the magnitude of our inheritances
what we can offer to new and even past generations. Weaves through the hereditary depths of vertical, horizontal, and diago-
nal relationships, as well as cultural and global inheritance, adoption, and sexual genetics. T/p., 2000, Light Institute, 192p.,
S26. Healing Of Emotion, The; Griscom, Chris. Awakening the fearless self. Accessible guide to overcoming the fears,
anxieties, and anger that can keep us from leading liberated, fulfilled lives. Shows how we can eliminate these negative emo-
tions by understanding that they are merely addictive responses which the emotional part of us uses to feel alive. T/p., 1988,
Light Institute, 222p., $15.00.
S27. Time Is An Illusion; Griscom, Chris. Shares the insights gained by her revolutionary enlightenment techniques. The
accumulated traumas of past lives can be discovered and healed, unblocking the path to the higher self. We choose our own
roles as victims or victimizers and how we replay them over and over, we learn to break this vicious cycle and emerge as
fully realized beings. T/p., 1988, Fireside, 221p., $10.00.
S28. Ecstasy Is A New Frequency; Griscom, Chris. Teachings of the Light Institute. Centres on healing the emotional body,
the part of us which holds feelings and experiences. Once our higher self has taken us through and quickened the emo-
tional body, the soul is brought into the body. Ecstasy is living with the soul in the body. The emotional body is viewed as a
separate entity which vibrates at a lower rate of frequency than the physical, mental, or spiritual bodies it is encrusted with
layers of past life and childhood memories which must be cleared. T/p., 1987, Bear, 180p., $10.00.
S29. Search For The beloved, The. Houston, Jean. Journeys in Mythology and sacred psychology. A classic volume on
developing human potential by a beloved master teacher of our time. One of the most important books written on the creative
and inventive mind. Explains the theories that helped form the foundation of the human potential movement. T/p., 1997,
Tarcher, 252p., $18.00.
S30. Possible Human, The; Houston, Jean. A course in enhancing your physical, mental, and creative abilities. It shows how
you can see more, hear more, remember more, and draw on more of your inner resources. Teaches you how to gain access to
hidden images, ideas, and sensory based memories, employing strategies that have been used successfully by writers, artists,
teachers, therapists and more. A comprehensive program for conscious creativity. T/p., 1982, Tarcher, 229p., $18.00.
S31. Maps Of Consciousness; Metzner, Ralph. I Ching, tantra, alchemy, astrology, and actualism how they work, how
they may be applied as explorations of the mind and what they can contribute to the search for meaning and growth toward
individuation. Shows how they operate as maps of consciousness. T/p., 1971, Collier, 160p., $18.00. Large format.
S32. Owning Your Own Shadow; Johnson, Robert. Understanding the dark side of the psyche. Sees the owning of ones
shadow as a religious process, a means by which wholeness is restored to the personality. H/c., 1991, Harper, 118p., $14.00.
S33. Paradox Of Power; Thurston, Mark. Balancing personal and higher will. Teaches how to balance both sides of will in
your life. Describes the 5 stages of will development. Receive guidance from a higher will and for finding your souls mis-
sion on earth. T/p., 1987. ARE, 208p., $10.00.
S34. Emotional Alchemy; Goleman, Tara Bennett. How the mind can heal the heart. Maps the mind and shows how, accord-
ing to recent advances in cognitive therapy, most of what troubles us falls into ten basic emotional patterns, including fear of
abandonment, social exclusion, and vulnerability. Through simple practices of mindfulness we can free ourselves of such
patterns and replace them with empathy for ourselves as well as others. H/c., 2001, Harmony, 341p., $18.00.
S35. Art Of Peace, The; Hopkins, Jeffrey Ed. Nobel laureates discuss human rights, conflict and reconciliation. In a dynamic
exchange, these laureates share their inspirational views about the importance of basic human rights, their concerns about
conflicts that arise when these rights are denied, and their practical ideas for achieving reconciliation. H/c, 2000, Snow Lion,
233p., $15.00.
S36. Nature And The Human Soul; Plotkin, Bill. Encourages us to connect personally with the natural world and reassess
our place within it. In doing this we can create a more responsible and fulfilling way to live. Given the perilous state of our
planet, the optimism and guidance contained here are an inspiring breath of fresh air. T/p., 2008, Finch, 517p., $18.00.
S37. Philosophers Secret Fire, The; Harpur, Patroick. A history of the imagination. Links together fields as far apart as
Greek philosophy and depth psychology, Rennaissance magic, and tribal ritual, romantic poetry, and the ecstasy of the sha-
man to trace how myths have been used to make sense of the world. T/p., 2002, Blue Angel, 376p., $15.00.
S38. Accelerated Learning For The 21
. Century; Rose & Nichol. The 6 step plan to unlock your master mind. Each of us
has an individual, preferred way of learning that suits us best. When you learn the techniques that exactly match your per-
sonal learning style, you will be learning in the way that is most natural for you. H/c., 1997, Delacorte, 403p., $15.00.
S39. Seven Experiments That Could Change The World; Sheldrake, Rupert. A do it yourself guide to revolutionary sci-
ence. 7 experiments that explore questions traditional science has failed to answer. How do pigeons home/ How do termites
build their elaborate nests? Can the speed of light vary? Can the expectations of the experimenter distort the results of experi-
ments. H/c., 1994, Fourth Estate, 269p., $14.00.
S40. Body Never Lies, The; Miller, Alice. The lingering effects of cruel parenting. Ultimately the body will rebel, even if it
temporarily pacified with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or medicine. It has the last word because it is quicker to see through self
deception than the mind. The language of the body is the authentic expression of our true selves and the strength of our vital-
ity. H/c., 2005, Norton, 214p., $16.00.
S41. Art Of Emotional Healing, The; Capacchione. Lucia. Over 60 simple exercises for exploring emotions through draw-
ing, painting, dancing, writing, sculpting and more. Presents the simple yet powerful methods that show us how to reach in-
side and let our feelings out through creativity. If our emotions become blocked we can become tense and depressed. This
book offers simple techniques for using art to embrace, understand and release our emotions. T/p., 2001, Shambhala, 252p.,
S42. World As Lover World As Self; Macy, Joanna. In this collection of talks and essays we see examples and insights of
how we can apply this ancient philosophy to our own lives. Teaches us to consider our world and its creatures as nothing less
than extensions of ourselves. T/p., 1991, Parallax, 251p., $16.00.
Astrology Astrology Astrology Astrology
A1. Psychological Astrology; Hamaker-Zondag, Karen. Astrological symbolism and the human psyche. Examines the tradi-
tional wisdom of astrology in the light of Jungian psychology revealing the horoscope as an accurate picture of our psychic
structure and a key to self knowledge and personal growth. T/p., 1989, Aquarian, 224p., $12.00.
A2. Complete Book Of Astrology, The; Johnstone, Caitlin. Your personal guide to learning, understanding and using astrol-
ogy. Discover all about your love, life and more in this easy to read book that provides insights into peoples characteristics,
career paths, and ultimate destiny. History, explanantion of symbols, reference material, interpreting your chart, written in
simple language. T/p., 2003, Hinkler, 501p., $15.00.
A3. Palmistry Made Practical; Squire, Elizabeth Daniels. Fortune in your hand. Map of your hand, hand types, the mounts,
fate and weight, fingertips and more. T/p., 1960, Wilshire, 247p., $10.00.
A4. Round Art, The; Mann, A. T. The astrology of time and space. A Definitive textbook of astrology which correlates this
ancient science and art to modern psychology and physics. Astrology is not an isolated occult practice but rather a system of
correspondences the common property of all peoples. H/c., 1979, Paper Tiger, 299p., $32.00. (lge., format)
A5. Synastry; Davison, Ronald. Understanding human relations through astrology. The author has discovered the relation-
ship horoscope an entirely new way of charting, in a single horoscope, the relationship between two people. Introduces new
methods of determining the quality of that relationship. Marriage, first meeting, compatibility, and more. T/p., 1983, Aurora,
A6. Tao Of Organization, The; Yi, Cheng. Translated by Thomas Cleary. The I Ching for group dynamics. A handbook of
strategy making for business, political, social and religious organizations. Guides readers through the intricacies of group
dynamics and relationships within organizations of all kinds. It can bring about mutual understanding and cooperation among
people in groups, thus facilitating the accomplishment of any tasks they might undertake. T/p., 1988, Shambhala, 234p.,
A7. I Ching Book Of Changes; Legge, James. With an introduction and study guide by Chu Chai with Winberg Chai. Clas-
sic. The I Ching is the most ancient of the Chinese classic And is believed to contain the key to all Chinese philosophy. The
reader will discover an unsurpassed work of art, a synthesis of philosophy and a functioning oracle. H/c., 1972, University,
448p., $20.00.
A8. Astrology Of The Seers; Frawley, David. A comprehensive guide to Vedic astrology. Presented in clear and modern
terms. Approaches as a discipline of cosmic knowledge and a spiritual background. For those with a background in western
astrology it will offer a new perspective. H/c., 1996, Motilal, 342p., $14.00.
A9. Astrological Whos Who, An; Penfield, Marc. Makes a unique contribution to the literature of astrology. Enables stu-
dents to evaluate astrological principles by applying them to well known personalities. 500 hundred natal charts have been
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losophies, Jungian archetypes and even some folklore. T/p., 1993, Llewellyn, 544p., $17.00.
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combination of Feng Shui and Bau-Biologie information. T/p., 1996, Borderland, 191p., $12.00.
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1980, RKP, 739p., $18.00.
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ship and Christian religion. Bridges the gap between religion, science and philosophy. H/c., 1947 1st ed., Pythagorean, 298p.,
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01. Psychometric Analysis; Long, Max Freedom. H/c., 1959, DeVorss, 118p., $27.00.
02. Growing Into Light; Long, Max Freedom. H/c., 1955, DeVorss, 177p., $29.00.
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cealed glory that join the spheres of the tree of life taking into account Hebrew letters, astrological signs, and tarot trumps.
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