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Supported Teaching in Schools (STS)/Developing Teaching is the practical school-based
component of the teacher education programme, designed to give Student Teachers the
opportunity to observe, plan, and work collaboratively with peers and mentors in schools to
understand the approaches to teaching and learning of children with diverse socio-cultural and
linguistic backgrounds. STS is one of the four pillars of the curriculum. The pillars set out the
knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for effective teaching; they are: Subject and
Curriculum Knowledge; Literacy Studies: Ghanaian Languages and English; Pedagogic
Knowledge; and Supported Teaching in School.

Developing teaching (2) is a school-based component of the teacher education programme

designed to give student-teachers the opportunity to continue to observe, teach small groups of
upper primary children, motivate, support and manage the learning of upper primary children.
Student-teachers will work collaboratively with their peers under the supervision of their mentors
to identify, assess and analyze the needs of early learners/children in all subjects regardless of
their diverse socio-cultural and linguistic background, gender and age.

The course is mounted to enable student-teachers to understand better the key features of the
school curriculum and issues of its continuity and progression from the upper primary (NTS, 1f;
2b; and 3f). Also, student-teachers will develop skills in conducting small scale classroom
enquiry focusing on four (4) children and tracking their learning and progress (NTS, 3b; 3c; 3f).
The course will further enable student-teachers to have a growing understanding of the
requirements of the National Teaching Standards in terms of their professional practice,
knowledge, values and attitudes, and in particular their professional role as teachers. In addition,
the course will help to build and strengthen student-teachers’ skills in keeping a professional
teaching portfolio and student reflective journal (NTS 1a & 1b).


Six (6) weeks visit in School 2 (one day per week in school to observe). The ITE institution
organises school visits.
 Semester 1-6 weeks
 Semester 2-6 weeks
Four (4) weeks in school working with and teaching small groups during College vacation, the
inter semester break. The ITE institution supports the student in organising/selecting the school.


Understanding and demonstrating the qualities of a good teacher as represented through the
domains of the NTS, through:
1. Planning for teaching and learning: Planning to teach the Basic School Curriculum, teaching
the curriculum, and demonstrating differentiated instruction strategies for diversity and
inclusivity. Showing support for children’s learning and progress. This will include preparation
of TLM and appropriate educational materials.
2. Assessment for pupils’ progress: Undertaking assessment for, of and as learning; and
assessment of learners; addressing common issues of misunderstanding/misconceptions in
assessment; understanding pupils’ progress.
3. Teaching for inclusion and equity for all children whatever their background, age, aptitude,
and ability, and supporting transitions to subsequent grades.
4. Classroom enquiry and reflective practice: Engaging in critical reflection on practice as
individuals and with colleagues; conducting structured observation, collecting data, analysing
and producing reports; undertaking child studies.
5. Action research: Conducting action research into teaching and learning, as well as wider
aspects of the school and its community, to support children’s learning and develop their own
teaching practice.
6. Professional portfolio building: Building a professional teaching portfolio as evidence of
student teachers’ progress towards being a teacher as a starting point for continuous professional
development (CPD), including their student reflective journal (SRJ) with evaluations of their
teaching and target setting for personal and professional development.
7. Professional values: Demonstrating the professional values and conduct expected of a teacher
at all times, adhering to the legal and ethical codes of conduct of the profession.
8. Management and leadership qualities: Developing leadership in the classroom and in the
wider school community, including morning assemblies; school and cluster-based in-service
training; staff, Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and School Management Committee (SMC)
meetings; and wider community activities (e.g. forums/durbars).
9. Core and transferable skills: Applying essential skills such as critical thinking, problem
solving, creativity, innovation, collaboration and ICT /media to support learning.


 Familiarisation with school organization
 Classroom observation
 Observe class teaching
 Observing professional traits
 Working collaboratively to identify learners’ that needs support
WEEK 2, 3 & 4:
 Co-planning/preparation for support teaching small groups of learners based on the class
teachers’ lesson plan
 Collecting artefacts for building portfolio
 Observing professional traits of teachers
 Collect data on the four learners progress

NAME OF STUDENT……………………………………………………………………………..
INDEX NUMBER………………………………………………………………………………….
SCHOOL OF OBSERVATION……………………………………………………………………
CLASS OF OBSERVATION………………………………………………………………………
NAME OF HEADTEACHER……………………………………………………………………...
NAME OF CLASS TEACHER…………………………………………………………………….


Activity 1: Familiarization with School Organization

Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit………………………………………………………………………………………..
Headteacher/Class teacher assist the student teacher to become familiar with the school
organization. Key areas to look out for include;
 Timetable for school day:
Comment on the structure of the timetable you’ve observed………………………………………
 Map of the school:
Comment on the map……………………………………………………………………………….

 All school routines that learners do each day:
 Classroom arrangements and school rules
 Dress code for teachers and learners
After discussion, guide student teacher to record relevant issues and activities in their Student
Reflective Journal.

Activity 2: Classroom Observation
Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit………………………………………………………………………………………..
Headteacher/Class teacher assist the student teacher to gain access to the following to enable
them to consolidate their knowledge of relevant school documents. Key areas to look out for
 Sample scheme of work. Introduce mentees to how scheme of work is written.
 Sample lesson plan. Introduce mentees to how lesson plan is written.
 Sample teaching learning resources:
Comment on TLRs available and what they depict…………..……………………………………
 Assessment tools
Tell the mode of assessment and tools used by the class teacher……………..……………………

 Teaching strategies.
Comment on teaching strategies used and how they address inclusivity…………………

 Describe the seating arrangement adopted by the teacher and the reason for using it.

Activity 3: Observe Class Teaching

Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit………………………………………………………………………………………..
Headteacher/Class teacher provide opportunities for the student teacher to observe the following
in lessons. Key areas to look out for include;
 Teaching strategies.
Comment on teaching strategies used and how they address inclusivity………………………….
 Lesson introduction
Briefly comment on one of the lesson introductions
 Classroom management
How did the teacher manage the class you’ve
 Lesson development
How did the mentor develop the lesson?..........................................……………………………….
 Assessment
What type of assessment techniques does the class teacher use? Assessment as, for or of

 Use of TLRs/ICT tools
Which TLRs/ICT tools did the class teacher use during the lesson observed?................................
Can you tell how your class teacher used them during lesson delivery?...........................................
 Lesson closure
Comment on how your class teacher closed lesson taught…………………………………………
What would you do differently if given the opportunity to play similar role?..................................

Activity 4: Observing Professional Traits

Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit………………………………………………………………………………………..
Headteacher/Class teacher provide opportunities for the student teacher to observe teacher
professional traits.
Comment on professional traits displayed by your class teacher and how relevant it is to you as a
student teacher.

Passion for work………………………………………………………………………………........
Any other relevant professional trait observed……………………………......................................
Activity 5: Working collaboratively
Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit………………………………………………………………………………………..
Headteacher/Class teacher assist the student teacher to identify two learners (a boy and a girl)
they can support in class especially those with special needs. Indicate any learning needs

How do these learning needs affect the way they learn?


Task: Observation of the performance and progress of learners

State two things you observed your class teacher do that helped the two learners most.

If you were the class teacher, what else would you have done to help the two identified learners
participate fully in the learning activities?

Task: Observation of how the class teacher delivers lessons to support the diverse needs of
Record three strategies your class teacher adopted to support diverse learners in class.

Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach
Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit…………………………………………………………………………………………
 Co-plan to teach small groups of learners using the class teacher’s lesson plan.
What role did your class teacher play in teaching the small group of learners?................................
What role did you play in teaching the small groups of learners? …………………………………
Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach
 Collecting artefacts for building portfolios
Make a list of artefacts that you’ve used or observe mentor use to build your teaching portfolio.
Task: Record the relevance of the artefacts collected from the STS school to teaching and


 Observing professional traits of teachers

Observe and comment on the professional traits (punctuality, regularity, dress code, tolerance,
friendliness, passion for work, etc)
 Collect data on the two learners (a boy and a girl) identified in week one.
SRJ Task: Observation of how socio-economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds influence the
way learners (a boy and a girl) learn.
Name the two children (a boy and a girl) you have identified indicating the following
information clearly.
Name of learner Occupation of Language Where
parents spoken parents live

Indicate any learning needs identified……………………………………………………………...


How do these learning needs affect the way they learn?
Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach
Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit…………………………………………………………………………………………
 Co-plan to teach small groups of learners using the class teacher’s lesson plan.
What role did your class teacher play in teaching the small group of learners?................................
What role did you play in teaching the small groups of learners? …………………………………

Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach
 Collecting artefacts for building portfolios
Make a list of artefacts that you’ve used or observe mentor use to build your teaching portfolio.
Task: Record the relevance of the artefacts collected from the STS school to teaching and

 Observing professional traits of teachers

Observe and comment on the professional traits (punctuality, regularity, dress code, tolerance,
friendliness, passion for work, etc)

 Collect data on the two learners (a boy and a girl) identified in week one.
SRJ Task: Observation of how socio-economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds influence the
way learners (a boy and a girl) learn.
Name the two children (a boy and a girl) you have identified indicating the following
information clearly.
Name of learner Occupation of Language Where
parents spoken parents live

Indicate any learning needs identified……………………………………………………………...


How do these learning needs affect the way they learn?

Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach

Day of visit………………………………………………………………………..……………….
Date of visit…………………………………………………………………………………………
 Co-plan to teach small groups of learners using the class teacher’s lesson plan.
What role did your class teacher play in teaching the small group of learners?................................
What role did you play in teaching the small groups of learners? …………………………………
Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach
 Collecting artefacts for building portfolios
Make a list of artefacts that you’ve used or observe mentor use to build your teaching portfolio.

Task: Record the relevance of the artefacts collected from the STS school to teaching and

 Observing professional traits of teachers

Observe and comment on the professional traits (punctuality, regularity, dress code, tolerance,
friendliness, passion for work, etc)
 Collect data on the two learners (a boy and a girl) identified in week one.
SRJ Task: Observation of how socio-economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds influence the
way learners (a boy and a girl) learn.
Name the two children (a boy and a girl) you have identified indicating the following
information clearly.
Name of learner Occupation of Language Where
parents spoken parents live

Indicate any learning needs identified……………………………………………………………...

How do these learning needs affect the way they learn?

Record what you will do differently to help diverse learners if you had the opportunity to teach


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