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By: Lukas Jimenez

Encomiendas System
A Labor system instituted by the Spanish crown in
the American colonies. In this system, a Spanish
encomendero was granted a number of native
laborers who would pay tributes to him in
exchange for his protection.
Triangle Trade
The Atlantic trade routes between three different
destinations, or countries, in Colonial Times. The
Triangular Trade routes, covered England, Europe,
Africa, the Americas and the West Indies.
Atlantic Slave Trade
The transportation by slave traders of enslaved
African people, mainly to the Americas.
The Encounter
The time period when Europeans came into
contact with indigenous Americans.
Columbian Exchange
The widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture,
human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas
between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old
World in the 15th and 16th centuries.
New World .

A name used for the Western Hemisphere. It

specifically refers to the Americas. The name started
in the early 16th century, shortly after America was
Old World
Is used commonly in the West to refer to Africa, Asia
and Europe, regarded collectively as the part of the
world known to its population before contact with
the "New World".
Middle Passage
The stage of the triangular trade in which millions of
Africans were forcibly transported to the New World
as part of the Atlantic slave trade.
Age of Exploration
A period from the early 15th century and
continuing into the early 17th century, in which
extensive overseas exploration emerged as a
powerful factor in European culture and which
was the beginning of globalization.
A policy that is designed to maximize the exports
and minimize the imports for an economy.

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