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Scarleth: Have you ever traveled to Australia Yun?

Yun: No, I don’t really care

Scarleth: But Yun why not? it’s wonderful

Yun: I feel there are many better places to meet in the Scarleth world

Scarleth: Well, I had a trip planned with you to that place but if it’s not to your liking I’ll find
someone else to go with me

Yun: So quickly you change me? We can’t just plan it together to a place we both like

Scarleth: But I like that, according to you which would be the best country to travel?

Yun: Well, I think Canada is more interesting

Scarleth: Canada? Really?

Yun: There are many plans there, we can go to Niagara Falls or maybe the CN Tower is not as bad
as it seems

Scarleth: Your plans are too boring; you sound like my mom making plans
Yun: So choose a destination, it's just a vacation

Scarleth: I think Haiti is not a bad option

Yun: You are nuts, aren’t you?

Scarleth: WHYY?

Yun: Haiti is a dangerous country and without many tourist sites.

Scarleth: So…..?

Yun: We are not going to argue about destiny. We both like animals, so we could go to Thailand.

Scarleth: I love it !

Yun: This afternoon after I get home from college, I will look for flight tickets for those times.

Scarleth: I think it's perfect. I will look for different plans that we could do in the month.

Yun: I would love to go to the elephant sanctuaries.

Scarleth: I was thinking about the same thing and then go to the Phi Phi islands, they are really

Yun: As always, we have brief discussions to finally reach a good solution.

Scarleth: I know I know, that's why we are friends. So I'll be writing you to let you know what day
we'll be traveling.

Yun: Okey, pack your suitcase

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