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Two periods of total testicular regression are peculiar events of the annual
reproductive cycle of the black Myotis bat, Myotis nigricans (Chiroptera:

Article  in  Reproduction Fertility and Development · July 2013

DOI: 10.1071/RD13109 · Source: PubMed


36 307

4 authors:

Mateus R Beguelini Rejane Góes

Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia São Paulo State University


Sebastião R Taboga Eliana Morielle-Versute

Univ. Estadual Paulista - IBILCE/UNESP São Paulo State University


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Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Two periods of total testicular regression are peculiar

events of the annual reproductive cycle of the black Myotis
bat, Myotis nigricans (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

Mateus R. Beguelini A, Rejane M. Góes A, Sebastião

R. Taboga A,C and Eliana Morielle-Versute B
Department of Biology, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto,
São Paulo 15054-000, Brazil.
Department of Zoology and Botany, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista,
São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo 15054-000, Brazil.
Corresponding author. Email:

Abstract. Myotis nigricans presents few and controversial reproductive data, which indicate geographical variation in
reproduction. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the seasonal modifications in testicular and epididymal morphologies in a
tropical environment, submitting these organs to morphometric and immunohistochemical analysis. The observations
revealed that this species presents two peaks of spermatogenic activity followed by two periods of total testicular
regression (a quiescent pre-pubertal-like morphology, where only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia could be observed), in
the same annual reproductive cycle, which seem to be only indirectly influenced by abiotic factors. This testicular
behaviour seems to be synchronised with the caput and corpus epididymidis, but not with the cauda epididymidis, which
presents aspects of sperm storage in May–June. The control of this variation seems to be directly linked to the expression of
the androgen receptor, since, throughout the year, it is high in periods of testicular recrudescence and low in periods
of deactivation. It is not thought to be directly linked to apoptosis, which is more pronounced in periods of recrudescence
than in periods of regression.

Additional keywords: recrudescence, reproduction, seasonality, testes.

Received 4 April 2013, accepted 14 May 2013, published online 8 July 2013

Introduction Tropic of Capricorn. Its known elevation range is from sea level
Studies have shown that most bat species reproduce seasonally to 3150 m, with specimens occurring in virtually every tropical
(Gustafson 1979; Krutzsch 1979; Crichton and Krutzsch 2000). and subtropical forest, as well as in areas of savanna and scrub
The reproductive patterns in bats are intimately dependent on (Wilson and Laval 1974).
both physiological and environmental factors (Racey and Data from females indicate that it has a unique reproductive
Entwistle 2000). Temperate bats are seasonal breeders and this cycle, presenting three parturition peaks in Panama (Wilson and
characteristic is directly associated with hibernation and low Findley 1970). The gestation period is ,60 days and the first
temperatures (Krutzsch 1979); however, summer food avail- parturition peak occurs in February. This is followed by post-
ability and precipitation intensity also influence this pattern partum oestrus and repetitions of the cycle resulting in birth
(Grindal et al. 1992; Lewis 1993). peaks in April–May and August. The third peak is followed by
Bats from the tropics do not hibernate and their reproduction a period of declining reproductive activity until late December
is strongly linked to the habitat in which they are found; thus, when a new annual cycle begins (Wilson and Laval 1974).
tropical bats are directly influenced by seasonal temperature The young remain attached to their mother only for the first
changes, latitude, rainfall and feeding resources (Fleming et al. two or three days, then are left behind in large groups when the
1972; Taddei 1976). Thus, tropical bats may exhibit great varia- mothers leave to feed at night. Juveniles acquire adult propor-
tion in reproductive patterns, with either monoestrus or polyestrus tions, weights and measurements, with fusion of the epiphyses
patterns or continuous reproduction throughout the year in some of the long bones to the diaphyses, at the thirteenth week of life
species (Taddei 1980; Zortéa 2003; Beguelini et al. 2009). (Wilson 1971); males become reproductively active at Weeks
Myotis nigricans is an endemic species of insectivorous 15 to 17 (Wilson and Findley 1971).
vespertilionid bat from the Neotropical region, with records Wilson and Findley (1971) found that the males undergo
from the southern edge of the Mexican plateau to just below the a spermatogenic cycle that is similar to the female cycle, with

Journal compilation Ó CSIRO 2013

B Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

slow or stopped spermatogenesis in September, October and Table 1. Number of animals analysed in each month
November, and no sperm storage. However, they observed that
specimens from Mexico more closely resemble temperate zone Month Number of animals analysed
bats in their reproductive condition at certain times of the year.
September 2008 3
Thus, these authors proposed that M. nigricans is geographically
October 2008 2
variable with regard to its reproductive cycle and that the November 2008 3
controlling factor in the seasonality in this species lies with December 2008 2
the males. January 2009 2
Due to these interesting characteristics and the lack of February 2009 2
information on the reproduction of this species in South America, March 2009 2
the aim of this study was to evaluate the annual variations on the April 2009 3
testicular and epididymal parameters of this species in south-east May 2009 2
Brazil and, based on these data, to try to understand how the June 2009 3
reproduction of this species is regulated in this environment. July 2009 2
August 2009 2

Materials and methods November 2009 2

June 2010 2
Study area, capture, climatic conditions and licenses
The animals were collected in the city of São José do Rio Preto,
in north-west São Paulo State, Brazil, (49W220 450 20S490 110 ), the collection of males specimens even more difficult. Thus, the
which is located at 500 m above sea level. This is a semi-flat number of specimens used was the maximum obtained from
region, in a degraded Cerrado biome, with a mesothermal a balance between a huge collection effort (up to five weekly
climate (with rainy summers and dry winters). collections, sometimes with two collections on the same day
The capture was performed at night, using five mist-nets in different locations) and the care to not break up the few
(3 m  6 m) set to intercept bats flying 1–3 m above the ground. colonies present in the region. Similarly, we took care not to
The nets were precisely set on possible flight paths or exits from disturb the females.
shelters. At least five collections were performed each month, Thus, twenty-eight sexually mature male specimens were
except for nights with a full moon. used in this study (Table 1), due to the difficulty in the capture
The climatic conditions (temperature, rainfall and photo- of the animals, with at least two specimens collected each
period) during the period of collection were measured by month between September 2008 and August 2009. One testis
the Integrated Center for Agrometeorological Information and one epididymis of each animal were subject to morpho-
(CIIAGRO-Brazil: metric analysis and the others were analysed by immunohisto-
The capture and captivity of bats were authorised by chemistry. Four specimens were collected later, two in
the Brazilian institution responsible for wild animal care November 2009 and two in June 2010, to confirm the periods
(Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente, IBAMA – Processes: of testicular regression.
02027.001957/2006–02 and 21707–1), whereas the ethics com-
mittee at São Paulo State University (UNESP) authorised all Processing of animals and histological analyses
experimental procedures (Process: 013/09 – CEEA). The The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and, after
animals were treated according to the recommendations of the bodyweight was measured, the testes and epididymides were
the Committee on Care and Use of Laboratory Animals from removed for analysis. The testes were also weighed.
the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research The testes and epididymides were immersed in Bouin fixa-
Council, ‘Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals’. tive solution for at least 24 h, dehydrated in a graded series of
ethanol, embedded in glycol methacrylate (Historesin; Leica
Species, aging and experiment Instruments, Nussloch, Germany), sectioned (1-mm thickness),
The species analysed was the exclusively Neotropical Vesper- stained with haematoxylin–eosin (Ribeiro and Lima 2000) and
tilionidae bat, Myotis nigricans. This species is not listed as morphometrically analysed. Alternatively, the organs were
endangered on the International Union for Conservation of immersed in a methanol : chloroform : acetic acid (6 : 3 : 1) fixa-
Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. tive solution for three hours at 48C, dehydrated in a graded series
The bats were aged as adults based on bodyweight, complete of ethanol, clarified in xylene, embedded in paraffin, sectioned
ossification of the metacarpal–phalangeal epiphyses, wear of (4-mm thickness) and submitted to immunohistochemical proce-
the teeth (Dinerstein 1986; De Knegt et al. 2005), positioning dures for localisation of the androgen receptor (AR), of prolifer-
of the testes and the presence of spermatozoa inside the testes or ating cell nuclear antigen and the detection of apoptotic cells.
cauda epididymidis. All the specimens are housed in the Chiroptera collection at
Despite the wide geographical distribution, M. nigricans is the São Paulo State University (DZSJRP- UNESP).
a species whose occurrence is restricted to certain specific
habitats, which are infrequent in our region. Adding to these, Morphometric–stereological analyses
the small size of their colonies associated with their harem The following measurements were performed in testicular and
structure (with a single male mated to multiple females) makes epididymidal (caput, corpus and cauda) cross-sections using
Total testicular regression in Myotis nigricans Reproduction, Fertility and Development C

Image Pro-Plus-Media Cybernetics, version 6.1 for Windows Statistical analysis

(Media Cybernetics, Rockville, MD, USA) computer software Means and standard deviations were calculated for all datasets.
for image analysis: the relative percentage of tissues (epithelial, Differences between groups were evaluated using one-way
luminal and interstitial tissues), the tubular and luminal dia- analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by pairwise compar-
meters and the epithelium height. isons with the Tukey test, using the program Statistica 7.0
The relative percentages of the epithelium, lumen and (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). A P value of #0.05 was
interstitial tissue were estimated according to the procedure of accepted as statistically significant.
Weibel et al. (1966) using a 168-point grid test system. The data
were obtained from 30 random microscopic fields per animal Results
at 200 magnification. The relative percentage (%) was calcu- Climatic conditions
lated after counting the number of points that coincided with
each of the tissue compartments (epithelium, lumen of the ducts The mean temperature varied little throughout the year, staying
and interstitial tissue). close to 258C (Fig. 1a). The period from December–March had the
The analysis of the tubular and luminal diameters and the highest average temperature; however, a reduction in temperature
epithelium height were performed in 200 tubule cross-sections was observed in June–July (minimum temperature ¼ 38C).
per animal at 400 magnification. Only transverse sections The mean monthly rainfall recorded in the analysed area is
were included in this study. The epithelium height was taken shown in Fig. 1b. The data indicate an increase in rainfall
as the linear length from the base of the epithelium (basal from December to March (more than 150 mm) and low
lamina) to the apical edge (excluding the stereocilia); the rainfall from May–July.
luminal diameter was taken as the more elongated measurement The mean monthly daylength recorded to the analysed area is
from one apical edge to the other and the tubular diameter was shown in Fig. 1c. We observed a maximum daylength in the
taken as the more elongated distance between basal laminae. period from November–January and a minimum in June–July.
With these data, we confirmed the abiotic pattern of the
Immunohistochemistry studied region, observing the presence of two marked and
After microwaving for antigen retrieval, non-specific antibody different seasons: a rainy summer, with high temperatures and
binding was blocked using 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) long daylengths; and a dry winter, with low temperatures
before incubation with primary antibodies against the androgen and short daylengths.
receptor (rabbit polyclonal IgG, N-20; Santa Cruz Biotechnol-
Body and gonad weights and the gonad–somatic index
ogy, Dallas, TX, USA; 1 : 75) and a cell proliferation marker
(PCNA – monoclonal anti-mouse, PC10 sc-56; Santa Cruz The bodyweights of the bats studied showed a marked variation
Biotechnology; 1 : 100) and for the detection of apoptotic (Fig. 1d ), presenting a significant high bodyweight in May
cells by TUNEL (TdT-Fragel-Calbiochem; Merck KGaA, (4.6  0.25 g), preceded (March, 3.63  0.08 g) and also followed
Darmstadt, Germany, according to the manufacturer’s instruc- (June, 3.74  0.09 g and July, 3.69  0.02 g) by a lower value.
tions). The immunoreaction was visualised by the reaction with The mean bodyweight in the other months was close to 4 g.
diaminobenzidine (DAB) and sections were counterstained with In contrast to the bodyweight, the gonad weights presented
Harry’s haematoxylin. For negative controls, the sections two significant peaks (Fig. 1e), one in September (46  24.8 mg)
received phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) in place of the and another in April (56  39.7 mg). We observed that both
primary antibody or the enzyme (TUNEL). Immunofluores- peaks were followed by a reduction in gonad weight, with some
cence was assessed using a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)- months presenting very low weights (November, 7.2  1.6 mg
conjugated secondary antibody followed by counterstaining and June, 15.6  3.5 mg).
with 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The gonad–somatic index presented a similar pattern to that
The incidence of AR-positive cells, apoptosis and cell observed for the gonad weight, with two peaks followed by very
proliferation in the testes was estimated according to Dadhich low values (Fig. 1f ).
et al. (2010), with modifications, by calculating the mean
number of AR-positive, apoptotic or proliferating cells per Testicular reproductive cycle
mm2 of seminiferous tubule, according to the formula: x ¼ The testes of M. nigricans undergo considerable changes in
CST/AST, where CST is the number of cells counted per semini- morphology (Fig. 2) and morphometric patterns during the
ferous tubule section and AST is the area of the seminiferous year. They underwent a profound involution in October (Fig. 2b)
tubule section (expressed in mm2). It is important to consider that and were totally regressed in November (Fig. 2c), exhibiting
the Sertoli cell and the germ cell in division (spermatogonia and a quiescent pre-pubertal-like morphology, where only Sertoli
early spermatocytes – pre-leptotene and leptotene) are the only cells and spermatogonia could be observed. Afterwards, in
cell types within the seminiferous tubule stained by antibodies to December, they began a recrudescence process (Fig. 2d–f ) that
the AR and PCNA, respectively, so only those cell types were extended to the production of the first spermatozoa in March
counted. On the other hand, all apoptotic cells were counted. (Fig. 2g). In April, the testes reached their highest level of
The incidence of AR-positive cells and cell proliferation in development and activity during the year (Fig. 2h). In May,
the epididymis was estimated by calculating the proportion of another process of total testicular regression occurred (Fig. 2i),
AR or proliferating positive cells per tubule section. Only the which culminated in the regressed testes of June (Fig. 2j). In
secretory cells were evaluated. July, the testes were again active (Fig. 2k), showing that the
D Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

(a) Temperature (b) 250 Rainfall

40 200
Temperature (°C)


Rainfall (mm)
30 150
20 100
10 50
0 0
p /08 ct/08 ov/08 c/08 n/09 b/09 ar/09 pr/09 ay/09 n/09 ul/09 g/09 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se O N De Ja Fe M A M Ju J Au Se N D F M M A
Maximum Average Minimum

Photoperiod Body weight

(c) 14 (d ) 5.0 e
Body weight (g)
Photoperiod (h)

a a
4.2 a a
a,b a,d
12 4.0 b,c
b,c,d b,c b,c
3.8 c
10 3.0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se N D F M M A Se N D F M M A

Gonad weight Gonad-somatic index

(f )
a 25 a
Gonad-somatic index (⫻10⫺4)

Gonad weight (mg)

80 a,b

40 a,b,c a,b,c a,b,c
a,b,c b,c b,c b,c
b,c c
b,c c b,c c c
20 c c 5 c
c c c

0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 t/0 v/0 c/0 n/0 b/0 r/0 r/0 y/0 n/0 Jul/0 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju A Se N D F M M A

Fig. 1. Seasonal changes in climatic conditions of the studied area and in the body and gonad weights and the gonad–somatic index of Myotis nigricans
from south-east Brazil from September 2008 to August 2009. (a) Interannual monthly variations in temperature. (b) Interannual monthly variations in
rainfall. (c) Interannual monthly variations in daylength. (d ) Seasonal variations in the mean bodyweight. (e) Seasonal variations in the mean gonad
weight (both testes). ( f ) Seasonal variations in the gonad–somatic index. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (ANOVA at
P , 0.05). Circular dots in (d–f ) indicate the absolute values of each sample.

process of recrudescence in July occurred rapidly. In August and The process of testicular regression in June seemed to be
September, the testes showed an active pattern (Figs 2l and 2a, less accentuated than in November. Despite this, both months
respectively). The occurrence of both processes of total presented only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia in their semini-
regression (a quiescent pre-pubertal-like morphology, where ferous epithelium, with no other cell type being seen; these cells
only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia could be observed) was had similar morphologies in both months. In contrast, they
confirmed in the subsequent year by the observation of totally presented discrepant differences in stereology, with a large
regressed testes in November 2009 and June 2010. increase in the amount of interstitial tissue and a consequent
Total testicular regression in Myotis nigricans Reproduction, Fertility and Development E

September – 2008 October – 2008 November – 2008 December – 2008

(a) (b) (c) (d )

January – 2009 February – 2009 March – 2009 April – 2009

(e) (f ) (g) (h)

May – 2009 June – 2009 July – 2009 August – 2009

(i) (j ) (k) (l )

Fig. 2. Seasonal changes in testicular morphology of Myotis nigricans from south-east Brazil from September
2008 to August 2009. Haematoxylin–eosin stain. (a) September 2008. (b) October 2008. (c) November 2008.
(d ) December 2008. (e) January 2009. ( f ) February 2009. (g) March 2009. (h) April 2009. (i) May 2009. ( j) June
2009. (k) July 2009. (l ) August 2009. Note that the testes underwent a profound involution in October (b) and were
totally regressed in November (c). Afterwards, in December, they began a recrudescence process (d–f ) that
extended to the production of the first spermatozoa in March (g). In April, the testes reached their highest level of
development and activity during the year (h). In May, a rapid process of testicular regression occurred (i), which
culminated in the regressed testes of June ( j). In July, the testes were reactivated (k) and in August and September
the testes showed an active pattern (l and a, respectively). Scale bars ¼ 20 mm.

decrease in epithelium in November (Fig. 3a), which was not PCNA also showed considerable seasonal changes with three
observed in June, where the tubular size did not seem to decrease peaks in Leydig cell proliferation (Fig. 4f ) – November
sharply and the amount of interstitial tissue did not appear to (Fig. 4g), January and June (Fig. 4h) – and two periods of sparse
increase (Fig. 3a). proliferation – in August–October (Fig. 4i) and May (Fig. 4j).
The stereological and morphometric analyses of the testes The TUNEL method showed two significant peaks of apop-
confirmed the presence of two periods of testicular regression, tosis in the seminiferous tubules (Fig. 4k), one in December
one in October–November and another in May–June, as well as (Fig. 4l–m) and other in June (Fig. 4n). The proportion of
peaks of spermatogenic activity in September–October and apoptotic cells in other months remained at basal levels
April (Fig. 3a–b). The morphometric data clearly indicate two (Fig. 4o). Fig. 4p is the positive control of the reaction.
periods of total testicular regression (Fig. 3b); however, the The expression of the androgen receptor (AR) in Sertoli
stereology clearly indicates only the October–November period, cells showed considerable seasonal variation (Fig. 4q), not
where there was an inversion in the proportion of tissues, and only quantitatively but also qualitatively. There were two
a sharply decreased percentage of epithelium (30.1  5%) peaks of strong expression – one in December (Fig. 4r) and
and greatly increased interstitial tissue (65.8  5.6%), which other in June (Fig. 4s) – and two periods of low expression – in
was not observed in May–June (Fig. 3a). These data show that September (Fig. 4t) and March–May. Fig. 4u is the negative
the testicular regression observed in May–June differed from control of the reaction. On the other hand, expression of the
that in October–November and was less accentuated. AR in Leydig cells was more qualitative, with consistent
The immunohistochemistry for proliferating cells (PCNA) expression or lack of expression in each month. AR expression
showed two peaks of spermatogonial proliferation (Fig. 4a), one in Leydig cells was completely opposite to that seen in Sertoli
in November–December (Fig. 4b) and other in June (Fig. 4c). cells, i.e. when AR expression in Sertoli cells was high, the
These periods corresponded to the quiescent periods, when the Leydig cells did not express the receptor and when AR
testes were at the lowest regressive point and began to reactivate. expression in Sertoli cells was low, the Leydig cells expressed
The data also indicate two periods of sparse proliferation, the receptor. Thus, expression was absent in December–
showing that October (Fig. 4d ) and May were periods January (Fig. 4v), high from February to May (Fig. 4x), absent
of testicular deactivation, which preceded the two periods of in June and high from July to November (Fig. 4y). Another
quiescence. Fig. 4e is the negative control of the reaction. interesting feature was that the expression of the AR in Leydig
F Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

Stereology Morphometry
(a) 90 ∗
(b) 200 ∗ ∗
80 ∗ ∗ 180
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 160 ∗ ∗
Stereology (%)

60 ∗

100 ∗ ∗
40 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
80 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
30 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

∗ ∗
10 ∗ ∗ 20
0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 ct/0 ov/0 ec/0 an/0 eb/0 ar/0 pr/0 ay/0 un/0 ul/09 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se O N D J F M A M J J A Se N D F M M A
Epithelium Lumen Interstitial tissue Tubular diameter Epithelium height Luminal diameter
(c) 80 (d ) 80
∗ ∗
70 ∗ ∗ 70
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Caput epididymis

∗ 60 ∗ ∗ ∗
Stereology (%)

∗ ∗
50 50
∗ ∗

40 ∗ ∗ 40
∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
30 ∗ ∗ 30 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗
20 20 ∗
∗ ∗ ∗
10 10 ∗

0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 t/0 v/0 c/0 n/0 b/0 r/0 r/0 y/0 n/0 Jul/0 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju A Se N D F M M A
Epithelium Lumen Interstitial tissue Tubular diameter Epithelium height Luminal diameter
(e) 80 (f ) 100
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
90 ∗
∗ ∗
Corpus epididymis

60 ∗ ∗ ∗
Stereology (%)

70 ∗
50 60 ∗
∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗

∗ ∗ 50
∗ ∗
30 ∗ ∗ 40 ∗
30 ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
20 ∗ ∗
20 ∗
10 ∗ 10
0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se N D F M M A Se N D F M M A
Epithelium Lumen Interstitial tissue Tubular diameter Epithelium height Luminal diameter
(g) 100 ∗
(h) 180 ∗ ∗
90 ∗ 160 ∗
80 ∗ ∗
∗ 140 ∗ ∗ ∗
Cauda epididymis

∗ ∗ ∗
Stereology (%)

70 120 ∗∗
60 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ 100 ∗ ∗
∗ ∗ ∗

50 ∗
40 ∗ ∗
∗ 60 ∗ ∗
30 ∗ ∗ ∗
20 ∗ ∗ 40
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
10 20 ∗ ∗
0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0 p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se N D F M M A Se N D F M M A
Epithelium Lumen Interstitial tissue Tubular diameter Epithelium height Luminal diameter

Fig. 3. Seasonal changes in stereology (amount of epithelial, luminal and interstitial tissue) and morphometry (tubular and luminal diameters and
epithelial height) of the testes and epididymis of Myotis nigricans in south-east Brazil from September 2008 to August 2009. (a–b) Testes. (c–d ) Caput
epididymidis. (e–f ) Corpus epididymidis. (g–h) Cauda epididymidis. (* indicates significant difference with respect to the value of the previous month;
ANOVA at P , 0.05).
Total testicular regression in Myotis nigricans Reproduction, Fertility and Development G

(a) a b (b) (c)

(PCNA⫹ cells μm⫺2) . 10⫺3

3 e,f f
f,g f
2 (d ) (e)

8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 un/0 Jul/0 ug/0
Se N D F M M J A
(f ) 70 a (g) (h)
Leydig cells PCNA⫹ (%)

b b,c
40 c
d d,e
f,g e,f (i ) (j )
20 g,h
i,j h,i
10 j
⫺10 /08 /08 /08 /08 /09 /09 /09 /09 /09 /09 /09 /09
p Oct ov ec Jan eb ar Apr ay un Jul ug
Se N D F M M J A

(k) 0.25 a
TUNEL (l) (m)
(TUNEL⫹ cells μm⫺2) . 10⫺3


(n) (o) (p)
0.05 b b
b b b b b b b











(q) 5.0 a AR (r) (s)

(AR⫹ cells μm⫺2) . 10⫺3

2.5 b b
1.5 (t) (u)
c c
1.0 d,e d d d,e
e d,e
0.5 e
Ju 9


M 9











(v) (x) (y) (z)

Fig. 4. Seasonal changes in amount of (a–j) proliferating cells (PCNA), (k–p) apoptosis (TUNEL) and in
(q–z) expression of androgen receptor (AR) in testes of Myotis nigricans from south-east Brazil from
September 2008 to August 2009. (a) Graph showing the number of PCNAþ cells by testicular area. (b–d )
Expression of PCNA in animals from (b) December, (c) June and (d ) October. (e) Negative control of the
PCNA immunoreaction. ( f ) Graph showing the number of PCNAþ Leydig cells. (g–j) Expression of PCNA
in the Leydig cells of animals in (g) November, (h) June, (i) October and ( j) May. (k) Graph showing the
number of TUNELþ cells by testicular area. (l–o) TUNEL reaction in the testes of animals in (l–m) December,
(n) June and (o) October. (p) Positive control of the TUNEL immunoreaction. (q) Graph showing the number
of ARþ cells by testicular area. (r–t) Expression of AR in Sertoli cells of animals in (r) December, (s) June and
(t) September. (u) Negative control of the AR immunoreaction. (v–y) Expression of AR in Leydig cells of
animals in (v) December, (x) May and (y) September. (z) Immunofluorescence showing cytoplasmic
expression of AR in Leydig cells. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (ANOVA at
P , 0.05). Scale bars ¼ 10 mm.
H Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

September – 2008 October – 2008 November – 2008 December – 2008

(a) (b) (c) (d )

January – 2009 February – 2009 March – 2009 April – 2009

(e) (f ) (g) (h)

May – 2009 June – 2009 July – 2009 August – 2009

(i ) (j ) (k) (l )

Fig. 5. Seasonal changes in the morphology of the cauda epididymidis of Myotis nigricans from south-east Brazil from September 2008 to August 2009.
Haematoxylin–eosin stain. (a) September 2008. (b) October 2008. (c) November 2008. (d ) December 2008. (e) January 2009. ( f ) February 2009.
(g) March 2009. (h) April 2009. (i) May 2009. (j) June 2009. (k) July 2009. (l ) August 2009. Note that the cycle of the cauda epididymidis started in
November, where it presented its minimum size (c); from December to February, the cauda epididymidis tubules developed gradually (d–f ); however, the
first spermatozoa were observed within it only in March (g). From April (h), the cauda epididymidis started to store spermatozoa, reaching the maximum
size in June ( j). The storage of spermatozoa extended until October (b) and in November no spermatozoa were observed inside. Scale bars ¼ 20 mm.

cells was only cytoplasmic (Fig. 4x–y), a fact confirmed by storage of spermatozoa extended until October (Fig. 5b), and in
immunofluorescent staining (Fig. 4z). November no spermatozoa were observed.
The stereological and morphometric data confirmed the
Epididymal reproductive cycle regression in the cauda epididymidis in October–November
The caput and corpus epididymidis showed changes in mor- and showed maximum development in June (Fig. 3g–h). During
phology and morphometric patterns throughout the year similar the period of regression, the percentage of interstitial tissue
to the testes, and presented two clear periods of regression by predominated over the other tissues (Fig. 3g), and the morpho-
morphometry, in October–November and May–June (Fig. 3d metric measurements presented their lowest values for luminal
and f, respectively), and only one by stereology, November and tubular diameters, with the absence of spermatozoa inside
(Fig. 3c and e, respectively). The two peaks of development, (Fig. 3h). On the other hand, with the storage of spermatozoa, the
September–October and April, were also observed in both lumen increased greatly, predominating over the other tissues
regions (Fig. 3c–d and e–f, respectively). The data indicate (Fig. 3g), and the morphometric measurements presented their
that the caput and corpus epididymidis vary in a similar way to greatest values (Fig. 3h).
the testes; however, changes in the cauda epididymidis were The immunohistochemistry for PCNA showed a similar
different. variation for the three epididymal regions throughout the year,
The cycle of the cauda epididymis of M. nigricans started in with two peaks of proliferation (Fig. 6a–c) – one in September
November, when it presented its minimum size (Fig. 5c). From (Fig. 6d ) and other in January (Fig. 6e) – and two periods of
December to February, the cauda epididymidis tubules devel- sparse proliferation – one in October and other in June–July
oped gradually (Fig. 5d–f ); however, the first spermatozoa were (Fig. 6f ). Fig. 6g is the negative control of the reaction.
observed within it only in March (Fig. 5g). From April, the Expression of the AR in the epididymis showed considerable
cauda epididymidis started to retain or store spermatozoa, differences between the three regions. The caput presented
reaching its maximum size in June (Fig. 5j). The retention or one period of low expression in September–October; however,
Total testicular regression in Myotis nigricans Reproduction, Fertility and Development I

(a) 100 a Caput epididymis (b) 100 a Corpus epididymis
90 90
80 b 80
PCNA⫹ cells (%)

PCNA⫹ cells (%)

70 c 70
60 d,e,f d,e d,e,f,g c,d 60 c
f,g d,e c c
50 e,f,g g 50 d
40 40 e
30 h 30 f f
20 20 g
10 10
0 0













































(c) 100 a Cauda epididymis (d ) (e)
90 b
PCNA⫹ cells (%)

70 c c
50 d
d,e e,f
40 f,g
30 e,h (f ) (g)
20 h,i i























(h) 100 Caput epididymis (i ) 80 Corpus epididymis
90 a,b a a,b b,c a,b a,b a a,b a a a
c 70 b,c a,b
c c c c,d c,d
80 d c,d d
AR⫹ cells (%)

AR⫹ cells (%)

60 e 50
50 40
40 30
10 10
0 0
8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 09 g/09 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 09 g/09
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/ p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/
Se N D F M M Au Se N D F M M Au

(j) 70 Cauda epididymis (k) (l )

a a,b a,b,c
60 b,c c,d
d,e d,e
50 e
AR⫹ cells (%)

40 f f
(m) (n)


8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 09 g/09
p/0 Oct/0 ov/0 ec/0 Jan/0 eb/0 ar/0 Apr/0 ay/0 Jun/0 Jul/
Se N D F M M Au

Fig. 6. Seasonal changes in (a–g) the number of proliferating cells (PCNA) and in (h–n) expression of the androgen receptor (AR) in epididymis
of Myotis nigricans from south-east Brazil from September 2008 to August 2009. (a) Graph showing the number of PCNAþ cells in the caput
epididymidis. (b) Graph showing the number of PCNAþ cells in the corpus epididymidis. (c) Graph showing the number of PCNAþ cells in the
cauda epididymidis. (d–f ) Expression of PCNA in the cauda epididymidis of animals in (d ) September, (e) January and ( f ) July. (g) Negative
control of the PCNA immunoreaction. (h) Graph showing the number of ARþ cells in the caput epididymidis. (i) Graph showing the number of
ARþ cells in the corpus epididymidis. ( j) Graph showing the number of ARþ cells in the cauda epididymidis. (k–m) Expression of AR in the cauda
epididymidis of animals in (k) May, (l ) January and (m) July. (n) Negative control of the AR immunoreaction. Different letters indicate statistically
significant differences (ANOVA at P , 0.05). Scale bars ¼ 10 mm.
J Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

the other months showed high expression, around 80% (Fig. 6h). times annually, with spermatogenesis occurring only from
Interestingly, the expression of the AR in this region was higher autumn to spring in Paraguay (Myers 1977).
than in others. The expression in the corpus varied little Data concerning the reproductive cycle of M. nigricans are
throughout the year, with three periods of a slight reduction in scarce, with only a few earlier studies available (Wilson and
expression, in September, December and May. Its expression Findley 1970; Wilson 1971; Wilson and Laval 1974). Wilson
was intermediate between the caput and cauda, remaining at and Findley (1971) and subsequently Krutzsch (1979) proposed
,60% in most months (Fig. 6i). The cauda had the lowest that the reproductive cycle of M. nigricans is geographically
expression, around 50% (Fig. 6j), presenting one period of low variable, with animals from Paraguay presenting an active
expression in March–May (Fig. 6k), which was preceded and pattern throughout the year and those from Panama presenting
also followed by peaks of high expression, in January (Fig. 6l ) an active pattern for most of the year, but with reproductive
and July (Fig. 6m). Fig. 6n is the negative control of the reaction. quiescence for approximately three months (September–
November); animals from Mexico more closely resemble
Discussion temperate zone bats in their reproductive patterns.
The Vespertilionidae family presents the widest distribution of Despite the geographic proximity to Paraguay, our study
any living chiropteran family: north to the Arctic Circle in the demonstrated that specimens from São Paulo State, Brazil, are
Palearctic and Nearctic regions, south to the southern parts not reproductively active throughout the year, since during the
of Africa, Australia and South America and including many period from November–February there are no spermatozoa in
oceanic islands, such as Hawaii, Indonesia, Madagascar and their reproductive tract (testes and epididymis) to inseminate
New Zealand (Krutzsch 1979; Simmons 2005). Within this wide females. In comparison with specimens from Panama, we also
distribution, these bats inhabit a great variety of habitats, colo- observed a period of total testicular regression in October–
nising natural and urban environments, and thus are exposed to November; however, conversely, our specimens presented not
a large variety of abiotic factors, including latitude, temperature, one but two periods of total testicular regression in the same
rainfall, photoperiod etc. (Fleming et al. 1972; Beguelini et al. annual reproductive cycle, a pattern never before observed in
2012). any other species or study.
In response to all these factors, vespertilionid bats have The observation of periods of total testicular regression
evolved some unique reproductive cycles. The majority of (a quiescent pre-pubertal-like morphology, where only Sertoli
vespertilionid bats are seasonally monoestrous, mainly in the cells and spermatogonia could be observed) from 1 to 6 months
temperate zones (Gustafson 1979; Krutzsch 1979; Crichton and in hibernating species is common, but the observation of two
Krutzsch 2000), as the prolonged hibernation period during periods in the same annual reproductive cycle, one of which
the winter restricts the reproductive process to the summer, presents considerable sperm storage in the cauda epididymidis,
with spermatogenesis and copulation occurring during this in a tropical species, seems to be specific to M. nigricans.
period (Krishna and Singh 1997). However, there are several Thus, similar to Wilson and Findley (1971), we propose that
non-hibernating species that also exhibit this pattern: Scoto- this species has a unique pattern of reproduction that is geo-
philus heathi (Krishna and Singh 1997) and S. wroughtoni graphically variable, as it presents a hibernating pattern in some
(Gopalakrishna 1948) in India, Nycticeius schlieffenii (van der regions, an active pattern throughout the year in others and two
Merwe and Rautenbach 1987) and Pipistrellus rusticus (van der peaks of spermatogenic activity followed by two periods of total
Merwe and Rautenbach 1990) in South Africa, Lasiurus ega in testicular regression in south-east Brazil.
Paraguay (Myers 1977) and Corynorhinus mexicanus in Mexico The gonad weight and morphometric data show that
(León-Galván et al. 2005), among others. These species are M. nigricans presents two peaks of spermatogenic activity,
usually found in regions where winter temperatures are mild one in September and the other in April, which seem to be
or in regions that present reduced seasonal variation in abiotic synchronised in the testes, caput and corpus epididymidis,
patterns, and frequently present an annual reproductive cycle indicating that, possibly, they are regulated in a similar fashion.
synchronised with female reproductive events (Krutzsch 1979). However, the cauda epididymidis presents a different pattern,
On the other hand, vespertilionid species that inhabit low presenting a late peak (June). This difference may be explained
latitudes, in tropical or subtropical regions, tend to be polyes- by sperm storage from March to October. The presence of
trous, presenting two or three parturition peaks annually spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis of M. nigricans from
(Krutzsch 1979). March to October shows that this species is capable of reprodu-
Species of the genus Myotis also present great variation in cing seven to eight months per year, with the number of breeding
their reproductive cycles; from a seasonally monoestrous cycle episodes and fertilisations depending on the reproductive cycle
in hibernating species of temperate regions, as in M. daubentonii of the females.
(Encarnação et al. 2004), M. lucifugus (Gustafson and Shemesh Our data show that the annual reproductive cycle of
1976; Gustafson and Damassa 1985), M. macrodactylus M. nigricans can be subdivided into four different phases
(Lee and Mori 2004), M. thysanodes (O’Farrell and Studier (active, regressing, regressed and recrudescence) that repeat in
1973) and M. velifer (Krutzsch 2009) to polyestrous cycles in the same order twice during the year, all presenting distinct
species that inhabit low latitudes, in tropical or subtropical characteristics (August–September, active; October, regressing;
regions. Myotis adversus demonstrates two male reproductive November, regressed; December–February, recrudescence;
peaks with a reduced or regressed period between them in March–April, active; May, regressing; June, regressed; late
Australia (Dwyer 1970), while M. albescens breeds two or three June–early July, recrudescence; late July, active).
Total testicular regression in Myotis nigricans Reproduction, Fertility and Development K

The two peaks of spermatogenic activity were followed by On the other hand, the recrudescence process in June seems
two periods of total testicular regression (October–November to occur rapidly, possibly due to the strong and quick peak of the
and May–June) that also seem to be synchronised with a stimulus (AR expression) and the less-accentuated regression
decrease in the caput and corpus epididymidis, but not in preceding it.
the cauda epididymidis in May–June (sperm storage). The two Apoptosis, the active, physiologically and genetically
periods of regression present different patterns: (1) in October– controlled, signal-induced process of selective cell death
November, regression occurs with a decrease in the epithelium (Schwartzman and Cidlowski 1993), is normally conspicuous
and an increase in interstitial tissue proportions; however, in during normal spermatogenesis in most mammalian species
May–June, the interstitial tissue does not show an increase; (Sinha-Hikim and Swerdloff 1999; Print and Lakoski-
(2) in October–November, regression seems to occur by deacti- Loveland 2000); however, it appears to present different roles
vation of spermatogenesis that gradually regresses the epitheli- in seasonally breeding species. It seems to directly contribute to
um; however, in May–June, regression seems to be accelerated testicular regression in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, ham-
by a process of vacuolisation of the epithelium; (3) the reactiva- sters, white-footed mice, the European brown hare (Zhang et al.
tion process that follows the regression in October–November 2008) and the bat Miniopterus inflatus (Onyango et al. 1995).
occurs more slowly (December–March) than that in June, which However, similar to what was observed by Dadhich et al.
occurs rapidly (July). (2010) in the Iberian mole, in M. nigricans, apoptosis is not
Despite the impossibility of evaluating circulating plasma linked to periods of testicular regression; on the contrary, it
testosterone levels due to the small size of the species (very little is linked to periods of spermatogenic peak, indicating that it is
blood), the expression of the AR indicated a strong link between not linked to testicular regression but with the elimination of
testosterone and the reproductive cycle of M. nigricans. AR errors caused by the process of regression or by the rapid
expression showed a connection with the periods of testicular reactivation of spermatogenesis. The detailed mechanisms that
increase, as it was high in periods of testicular recrudescence and regulate testicular regression remain unclear but can possibly
low in periods of deactivation. be linked to deactivation or the absence of activation by stimuli
The regression in October–November seems to be more for cell division.
drastic, with an accentuated decrease in the epithelium, which Fleming et al. (1972) proposed that the reproductive cycles
could be caused by the large decrease in the stimulus (low AR of tropical bat species are directly influenced by climatic factors
expression). With a gradual increase in AR expression, the testes (temperature, rainfall, photoperiod etc.) and also by the viability
begin the recrudescence process that occurs slowly and extends of the food supply. In insectivorous bats, the temperature may
until March, with the production of the first spermatozoa. have a direct physiological influence on reproduction or present
This slow recrudescence process possibly occurs in response an indirect role, acting on prey availability, which influences
to a slow and gradual increase in AR expression; however, the energy resources (Racey et al. 1987). Similarly, continuous
detailed mechanisms that regulate this response still seem rainfall negatively affects reproduction by reducing prey abun-
uncertain. Another interesting question that still remains unan- dance and increasing the energetic costs of homeothermy (Tuttle
swered is the difference in the time of reactivation and occur- and Stevenson 1982); however, it can indirectly influence
rence of spermatogenesis observed between December–March reproduction as well, with greater prey availability in the post-
and June–July, since, in most mammals, the time from the start rain period. It is predicted that the photoperiod enforces season-
of the spermatogenic cycle to the production of spermatozoa is ality in temperate zone bats (Heideman et al. 1992), acting in at
fixed: 64 days in humans (Heller and Clermont 1963), 40 days least two ways: turning the breeding season on or off and
in mice (Hess and França 2008), etc. influencing the endogenous circannual rhythm (Heideman
Wang et al. (2009) found that AR expression in Sertoli cells and Bronson 1994); however, little is known about its effects
plays the most important role in spermatogenesis during the at low latitudes.
meiosis I stage; this was done using knockout mice with absent Despite the low sampling number, comparing the reproduc-
AR expression in Sertoli cells in which the spermatogenesis tive data to the abiotic parameters, we observed that these
process was arrested at the diplotene primary spermatocytes factors seemed to have only a minimal direct effect on the
stage. Furthermore, they found that AR expression in Leydig male reproduction of M. nigricans, showing that its reproduc-
cells influences steroidogenic functions, as the lack of a func- tive cycle is regulated by other factors (physiology, behaviour
tional AR leads to arrest at the round spermatid stage. Similarly, etc.) or that it has not been properly regulated to the environ-
Holdcraft and Braun (2004) proposed that normal AR function ment where the species lives (recent dispersion and a short time
in Sertoli cells is also required for the terminal differentiation of of adaptation of the species to the new environment means that
spermatids. As seen in our data, the stages of spermatogenesis the species shows patterns of its ancestral region, a temperate
proceed according to those proposed by these authors: an region, yielding new patterns). Another possibility would be
increase in the expression of AR in Sertoli cells (November– that the male reproductive cycle is influenced by abiotic factors
January) stimulates spermatogonia to differentiate into sperma- only in an indirect way by variation in food resources, acting
tocytes (December) and later to round spermatids (January), and directly in the male food intake, or regulating the female
differentiation to elongated spermatids is linked to a peak in AR reproductive cycle (acting on the breastfeeding period), and
expression in Leydig cells (February). However, the meaning of that this (female cycle) would regulate the male cycle acting
the inverse relationship of AR expression in Sertoli and Leydig via female receptivity to copulation (pheromones, sexual
cells remains unclear. behaviour etc.).
L Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. R. Beguelini et al.

Conclusion Gopalakrishna, A. (1948). Studies on the embryology of microchiroptera.

Part II. Reproduction in the male vespertilionida bat Scotophilus
These results indicate that M. nigricans, an exclusively Neo-
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Research Foundation (CAPES) is also gratefully acknowledged. This tion of a tropical bat, Anoura geoffroyi, in relation to photoperiod.
research was supported by Grants 2009/16181–9 and 2009/03470–2 from J. Reprod. Fertil. 96, 765–773. doi:10.1530/JRF.0.0960765
the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP) and Brazilian National Heller, C. G., and Clermont, Y. (1963). Spermatogenesis in man: an estimate
of its duration. Science 140(3563), 184–186. doi:10.1126/SCIENCE.
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