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OPINION Testicular growth and development in puberty
Jaakko J. Koskenniemi, Helena E. Virtanen, and Jorma Toppari

Purpose of review
To describe pubertal testicular growth in humans, changes in testicular cell populations that result in
testicular growth, and the role of testosterone and gonadotrophins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH) in testicular growth. When human data were not available, studies in nonhuman
primates and/or rodents were used as surrogates.
Recent findings
Testicular growth in puberty follows a sigmoidal growth curve, with a large variation in timing of testicular
growth and adult testicular volume. Testicular growth early in puberty is due to increase in Sertoli cell
number and length of seminiferous tubules, whereas the largest and fastest growth results from the increase
in the diameter of the seminiferous tubules first due to spermatogonial proliferation and then due to the
expansion of meiotic and haploid germ cells. FSH stimulates Sertoli cell and spermatogonial proliferation,
whereas LH/testosterone is mandatory to complete spermatogenesis. However, FSH and LH/testosterone
work in synergy and are both needed for normal spermatogenesis.
Testicular growth during puberty is rapid, and mostly due to germ cell expansion and growth in
seminiferous tubule diameter triggered by androgens. Pre-treatment with FSH before the induction of
puberty may improve the treatment of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, but remains to be proven.
FSH, gonadotropins, LH, testis, testosterone

INTRODUCTION Our longitudinal follow-up of 51 Finnish boys

Adult testes consist mostly of germ cells [1,2], and with a history of congenital cryptorchidism and 65
testicular volume correlates with sperm output and controls examined once every 6 months during
concentration [3 ]. Here, we review studies on puberty by ultrasound confirmed that testicular
testicular growth from childhood to adult in human growth within individual patients followed a sig-
and nonhuman primates, discuss the quantitative moidal curve very similar to the median curve in the

changes in testicular tissue during growth, and hor- cross-sectional Dutch study, shown in Fig. 1 [7 ]. In
monal factors that control the testicular growth the study, testicular volume during puberty was
based on studies with receptor knockout mice, exper- modelled assuming that testicular growth in each
imental studies with primates, and human case patient could be represented with four parameters
reports. Finally, the relevance of these data for clinical describing pre-pubertal and post-pubertal testicular
practice is discussed in context of studies on induc- volume, timing of pubertal growth, and the
tion of testicular growth and spermatogenesis in duration of testicular growth. This allowed us to
patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. summarize the typical longitudinal testicular
growth curve, and the variability in the shape of
the testicular growth pattern. As shown in Fig. 1,
substantial inter-individual variation was noticed in
Testicular size doubles from early childhood to pre-
Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Turku,
puberty [2,4], after which the testicular growth and Department of Paediatrics, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
peaks during puberty and adult testicular volume Correspondence to Jorma Toppari, MD, PhD, Institute of Biomedicine,
is reached [4,5,6,7 ]. A recent, cross-sectional Dutch Department of Physiology, University of Turku, and Department of Paedi-
study showed that testicular growth follows sigmoi- atrics, Turku University Hospital, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, 20520 Turku,
dal curve with an approximate average pre-pubertal Finland. Tel: +358 401802600; e-mail:
volume of 0.6 ml and post-pubertal volume of 13 ml, Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2017, 24:215–224
based on ultrasound measurements [4,7 ]. DOI:10.1097/MED.0000000000000339

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 Testicular growth during puberty is rapid with large

variation in timing and post-pubertal volume.
 On tissue level, pubertal testicular growth is due to Mean
increase in length and diameter of seminiferous tubules
due to successive increase in Sertoli cells,
spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids. 5

 FSH promotes increase in Sertoli cells and

Testicular volume by US (mL)

spermatogonia early during puberty, whereas LH/
testosterone is needed to complete spermatogenesis. 0

 Pre-treatment with FSH succeeded by the combination 15

(b) 15
of FSH and hCG may increase the Sertoli cell numbers
in patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, but 10 10
remains to be proven.
5 5

0 0

the timing of pubertal testicular growth and the 15

(d) 15
post-pubertal testicular volume among healthy
10 10
boys, whereas the pre-pubertal testicular volume
was very similar across patients. Approximately half 5 5
of the testicular growth took place between 12.7 and
14.1 years, demonstrating that testicular growth 0 0
9 12 15 18 9 12 15 18
during puberty is rapid. Age (years)
Pubertal testicular growth is often evaluated by
Prader orchidometer, a set of 12 rotational ellipsoids FIGURE 1. Testicular growth pattern by ultrasound in
from 1 to 25 ml, due to both historical and practical pubertal boys. (a) Modelled longitudinal testicular growth
reasons. Unlike ultrasound, orchidometer system- patterns in 65 healthy Finnish boys are shown as grey
atically overestimated the testicular volume com- curves in the study by Sadov et al. [7]. Black solid line
pared to water displacement [8]. It is often stated shows the mean testicular volume. Black dashed line
that volumes measured by orchidometer and indicates typical testicular growth pattern in the non-linear
ultrasound correlate well. However, even highly mixed-effect model. (b–e) Inter-individual variation in the four
significant correlation between two methods does parameters representing the shape of the testicular growth
not guarantee clinically acceptable agreement [9]. curve including pre-pubertal (b) and post-pubertal testicular
When the agreement between orchidometer volume (c), timing of testicular growth (d), and duration of
and ultrasound was analysed with a statistically testicular growth (e) in the same study. Solid black line
more appropriate Bland–Altman analysis [9], the shows the typical testicular growth curve based on non-linear
between-measurement difference and variability mixed-effect model, dashed lines show the 1 SD, and grey-
were large even at small volumes (95% limit of shaded areas mark the area within 2 SDs from the mean.
agreement was 2.5–10 ml at testicular volume of Pre-pubertal testicular volume in (b) shows little variation,
5 ml by ultrasound based on ellipsoid formula) thus showing almost no shading.
and both increased further with testicular size
[7 ]. Although other studies have not reported
95% limits of agreement, based on published and after testes reached the volume at least 3 ml
figures, a similar increasing between-measurement by orchidometer, further testicular growth was
variability is apparent in many [8,10–14], but not noted within 6, 12, and 24 months in 72, 90, and
all studies [15,16]. Thus, ultrasound cannot be 100% of the patients, respectively [6]. Another study
replaced by orchidometer without a significant confirmed that further testicular growth or matu-
loss of precision. ration of the pubic hair occurs within 6 months in
Despite this, there is strong evidence to justify 82% after the attainment of testicular volume of
the use of Prader orchidometer in estimation of above 3 ml by orchidometer [17]. Finally, the vol-
pubertal onset. According to Prader’s classical obser-
ume of 3 ml [18 ] or 4 ml [4] by orchidometer
vations, testes grew mostly before and after the is roughly 2 SDs larger than mean pre-pubertal
attainment of 5 ml volume by orchidometer [5], testicular volume, suggesting that the theoretical

216 Volume 24  Number 3  June 2017

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Testicular growth in puberty Koskenniemi et al.

likelihood that a boy presenting with above 3 ml (0.26 years) in the age at attainment of above 3 ml
testes has not experienced any pubertal testicular in Denmark, which is supported by a similar slight
growth is only approximately 2.5% based on math- change in the growth pattern in stature in Finnish
ematical properties of the normal distribution. boys [22]. The evidence for possible temporal
Thus, the age at the attainment of above 3 ml changes in timing of male puberty has been pre-
(equivalent to 4 ml) in testicular volume is the first viously extensively reviewed by Tinggaard et al. [23].
reliable marker of the onset of puberty. However,
pubertal development should not be regarded as
binary, but as continuous, because testicular growth THE CHANGES IN TESTICULAR TISSUE
slowly accelerates and testicular volume multiplies POPULATIONS REFLECTED IN
long before volumes corresponding to more than TESTICULAR GROWTH
3 ml by orchidometer [4,7 ]. Testicular tissue consists of seminiferous tubules,
The above 3 ml testicular volume is attained by which are formed by Sertoli cells and germ cells,
the age of 10.8 years in Finland and Turkey (means) and are bordered by peritubular myoid cells, and the
[7 ,19], 10.7 in Denmark (mean) and Japan interstitium is located between the tubules. Figure 2
(median, originally reported 11.0 years for the shows the relative changes in testicular tissue com-
attainment of 3 ml) [20,21], and 10.6 in the Neth- position and distribution of cell populations from
erlands (median) [4]. During the past decades, there birth to puberty in Cebus monkeys, extracted from
is evidence for, at most, a very subtle decrease the study by Rey et al. [24]. The study [24], studies on

Testicular volume (ml)




Share of testicular volume (%)


Share of total tubular cell number (%)


50 SC


25 SpC

Neonate Infant Early puberty Late puberty

FIGURE 2. Testicular growth and changes in testicular tissue during puberty in Cebus monkeys. (a) Testicular growth in Cebus
monkeys in the study by Rey et al. [24] based on testicular weights after castration (the weights were multiplied by 1 to obtain
testicular volume). Grey-shaded area shows the approximate 95% reference range (2 SD). (b) Relative share of testicular
volume by seminiferous tubules and the interstitium from birth to late puberty. (c) Share of each tubular cell type of the total tubular
cell numbers. GC, gonocyte; pre-SG, pre-spermatogonia; SC, Sertoli cell; SG, spermatogonia; SpC, spermatocyte; St, spermatid.

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Rhesus monkey [25,26], and a human autopsy study stimulating hormone (FSH) on Sertoli cell function
[1,2] suggest that most of the testicular growth and testicular growth have been studied for decades.
before puberty is due to elongation of the seminif- Recently, this has been further elucidated by pro-
erous cords as a result of the proliferation of Sertoli duction of mice with cell-specific or global inacti-
cells. In both men, and in Cebus and Rhesus mon- vation of their cognate receptors. Most aspects of
keys, Sertoli cells proliferate during neonatal period this work is summarized in the Fig. 3 adopted from
and until early puberty [1,24–27]. the study by O’Shaughnessy et al. [43].
In contrast to childhood, pubertal testicular Follicle-stimulating hormone seems to be the
growth spurt in all three species coincided with an main hormone promoting early pubertal testicular
increase in seminiferous tubule diameter [1,2,24,25]. growth in mice. Mice lacking FSH receptors (FSHRs)
In Rhesus monkeys, this was first due to proliferation had reduced Sertoli cell and spermatogonial prolifer-
of Sertoli cells and then of undifferentiated type A ation early in puberty, which was reflected by
spermatogonia [27]. Later, testicular growth was due declined testicular growth [43–45]. However, testic-
to exponential increase in more differentiated germ ular growth and proliferation of germ cells later
cells due to the progress of spermatogenesis [24]. during puberty were comparable to wild-type mice,
although without any apparent catch-up growth
[43]. Furthermore, all stages of spermatogenesis
DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SERTOLI CELLS were present, and adult male FSHR knockout mice
DURING PUBERTY were fertile or at least sub-fertile in all studies.
Despite the dominant effect of germ cells on final Whereas FSH seems to optimize fecundity,
testicular volume, Sertoli cells exert an indirect androgens secreted from Leydig cells are indispen-
effect on testicular growth and determine the sable for male fertility. Unlike germ cells, Sertoli
maximal number of germ cells and adult testicular cells, peritubular myoid cells, and Leydig cells
volume [28]. However, this maximal carrying express AR [36,37], and they mediate the effects of
capacity of the Sertoli cells is, perhaps, not reached androgens on germ cells. Female external pheno-
even in adult men [29–32], as discussed later. type was common in genetically male mice with
Termination of Sertoli cell proliferation during ubiquitous AR inactivation due to spontaneous tfm
puberty precedes the completion of spermatogenesis. gene mutation, and spermatogenesis did not process
During the Sertoli cell differentiation in puberty, beyond spermatocytes [46,47]. Furthermore, these
neighbouring Sertoli cells form tight junctions, which mice experienced a reduction in Sertoli cell number
contribute to the blood–testis barrier that permits the in early puberty and germ cell number in late pub-
establishment of a special microenvironment needed erty [43,45,48]. However, these differences may be
for spermatogenesis [33,34]. Furthermore, Sertoli cell in part due to disruption of testicular descent, as
morphology changes to scaffolding that provides extra-testicular targeting of the AR in the gubernac-
habitats for germ cells. These changes are preceded ulum – the anatomical structure that guides the
by increased expression of androgen receptor (AR) testicular descent – also results in declined testicular
in Sertoli cells and coincide with increased levels of growth in mice [49].
circulating testosterone and decreased levels of anti- In contrast to ubiquitous inactivation of AR,
Müllerian hormone (AMH) [35–38] – a protein cell-specific targeting of AR in Sertoli cells, peritub-
expressed exclusively in Sertoli cells. ular myoid cells, or Leydig cells does not interfere
Testosterone and AMH levels were inversely cor- with testicular descent. Sertoli cell and spermatogo-
related among boys during puberty [35,39], and AMH nial proliferation early during puberty appeared
levels remained high in adulthood among patients relatively unchanged by the Sertoli cell-specific abla-
who lacked functional AR due to inactivating gene tion of the AR (SCARKO mice) [43,50]. In contrast,
mutation [40], suggesting that androgens down- spermatogenesis did not progress beyond early
regulate AMH expression. The down-regulation is meiosis, and consequently testicular growth was
complemented by meiotic entry of germ cells accord- substantially declined late in puberty [48,51,52].
ing to both experimental and human data [38,41,42]. Thus, SCARKO mice did not produce sperm and
were infertile [52]. A peritubular myoid cell-specific
targeting of AR in mice (PTMARKO mice) led to a
EFFECTS OF FOLLICLE-STIMULATING marked decrease in spermatocyte and spermatid
HORMONE, LUTEINIZING HORMONE, AND numbers [53]. Furthermore, seminiferous tubule
ANDROGENS ON TESTICULAR GROWTH IN lumen volume and diameter were reduced,
MOUSE MODELS suggesting a Sertoli cell dysfunction. The knockout
The effects of androgens and pituitary gonado- mice were also infertile due to almost complete
tropins luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle- absence of sperm [53]. However, similar to SCARKO

218 Volume 24  Number 3  June 2017

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Testicular growth in puberty Koskenniemi et al.

FIGURE 3. Changes in testicular characteristics and cell numbers during puberty in androgen and/or FSH receptor knockout
mice. Reproduced with permission from O’Shaughnessy et al. [43]. ARKO, androgen receptor knockout mice; FSHRKO, FSH
receptor knockout mice; FSHRKO-ARKO, double knockout (FSHRKO and ARKO) mice; FSHRKO-SCARKO, double knockout
(FSHRKO and SCARKO) mice; SCARKO, Sertoli cell-specific androgen receptor knockout mice.

mice, Sertoli cell number and nuclear size were compared to wild-type [55 ]. This demonstrates that
unaltered. Also, Leydig cell-specific AR ablation in principle excessive and too early androgen action
(L-ARy/- mice) reduced testicular growth, halted can be harmful for testicular development.
spermatogenesis at secondary spermatocyte and Mice without a functional LH receptor had nor-
round spermatid level rendering the mice infertile mal prenatal testicular development [rodents lack
[54]. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)], whereas
In the opposite spectrum of androgen levels, a postnatal testicular growth was compromised, and
recent mice model prematurely over-expressing AR Leydig cells disappeared by postnatal day 20 [56].
in Sertoli cells was reported to have 50% smaller Furthermore, similar to SCARKO, tfm, and L-ARy/-
testes with 70% smaller number of Sertoli cells [55 ]. mice, sperm production was halted, and did not
In contrast, numbers of late meiotic germ cells proceed beyond round spermatids [57].
relative to Sertoli cell numbers were abnormally Taken together, these studies suggest that, in
high leading to increased germ cell apoptosis mice, pre-pubertal and pubertal FSH optimizes

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fertility by promoting spermatogonial and Sertoli [63,71]. Thus, the reason for the discrepancy in
cell proliferation and survival, whereas androgens spermatogenic capacity in men with FSHß versus
are needed to enter and complete spermatogenesis FSHR mutation remains open.
and thus finish the testicular growth. This is sup- Further insights to the role of these hormones in
ported by studies with a prior mouse model with human testicular growth can be gained by exper-
undetected gonadotropin levels due to inactivating imental studies in non-human primates. Precocious
GnRH mutation, in which testosterone/dihydrotes- administration of testosterone initiated testicular
tosterone substitution alone initiated qualitatively growth and appearance of some spermatocytes
complete spermatogenesis with reduced absolute during 12 weeks in rhesus monkeys [72], and quali-
number of Sertoli and germ cells, but normal ratio tatively complete spermatogenesis was noticed after
between the two [47]. Complementation of testos- premature administration of testosterone for 12
terone with over-expression of transgenic FSH or months in crab-eating macaques [73]. This suggests
FSH injections starting from day of birth greatly that, similar to mice, testosterone is sufficient to
enhanced the number of Sertoli cells, spermatogo- initiate spermatogenesis in primates in principle.
nia, and spermatocytes, whereas the ratio between However, the ejaculates obtained by electrostimu-
Sertoli and germ cells remained unchanged [58,59]. lation from the testosterone-treated crab-eating
macaques were too small to even allow the quanti-
fication of the sperm density, suggesting a poor
ROLE OF FOLLICLE-STIMULATING reproductive function [73]. This could be explained
HORMONE, LUTEINIZING HORMONE, AND by reduced number of spermatogonia entering
HUMANS AND NONHUMAN PRIMATES In juvenile rhesus monkeys, precocious Sertoli
Although the role of FSH and LH/testosterone cell proliferation was achieved by pulsatile stimu-
appears clear in mice, the data must be extrapolated lation with either FSH or LH already in 11 days,
to humans with caution. In contrast to humans and whereas complete spermatogenesis was achieved
non-human primates, rodents lack hCG, show a only with combined treatment during this short
distinct juvenile period of silenced hypothala- study [74]. Results with combined treatment fit well
mus–pituitary–gonadal axis activity, and have dis- with the hypothesis that FSH facilitates the Sertoli
tinct kinetics during spermatogenesis with more cell and spermatogonial development, thus reduc-
transitional phases. ing the time needed to reach complete spermato-
Equivalent to mice, case reports suggest that genesis [75].
completely inactivating mutations in LHß gene in There is evidence that FSH can further stimulate
humans seem to arrest spermatogenesis [60–62]. spermatogenesis also in adult primates via Sertoli
However, spermatogenesis was successfully initiated cells. Hemicastration of adult Rhesus monkeys
by hCG treatment or even testosterone alone in increased germ cell numbers in the remaining testis
some of the patients, suggesting a large enough despite no changes in Sertoli cell number [30]. Cor-
reserve of Sertoli cells and spermatogonia [60–62]. relation between the two cell types was markedly
Mutations in LH receptors seem to result in a more closer after hemicastration in that small study,
severe phenotype in human compared to mice, suggesting that the Sertoli cell number apparently
because it is shared by LH and hCG during foetal modulated the ability to increase germ cell numbers
development [63]. In agreement with studies on [30]. This indicates that the spermatogenesis does
tfm mice, patients with 46,XY complete androgen not normally run in maximal capacity allowed by
insensitivity syndrome due to inactivating AR the Sertoli cells in primates. These changes were
mutation have a female phenotype, do not progress paralleled with a sustained increase in FSH and
beyond spermatocytes in spermatogenesis, and are decrease in inhibin B [29,30], which acts as negative
infertile [64]. feedback mechanism for FSH [76]. A later exper-
Homozygous inactivating mutations in human imental study from the same laboratory elucidated
in the FSHß-subunit result in infertility [65–68]. In that a comparable effect on germ cells and Sertoli
contrast, and analogous to mice, homozygous inac- cells in adult Rhesus monkeys could be exerted by an
tivating FSHR mutation was associated with reduced increase in pulse amplitude of FSH while maintain-
semen quality and testicular volume in men, but not ing the LH pulse amplitude fixed, whereas the same
with infertility [69]. The FSHR mutation seems to did not happen vice versa [31].
abolish downstream receptor function [63,70], A study on men after undergoing orchiectomy
which is supported by poor response to recombinant due to testicular cancer showed compensatory con-
FSH treatment, despite the massive doses among tralateral testicular growth and increase in sperm
one man and two women with the FSHR mutation concentration and total count after the nadir

220 Volume 24  Number 3  June 2017

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Testicular growth in puberty Koskenniemi et al.

imposed by the orchiectomy, accompanied by com-

pensatory changes in FSH–inhibin B axis [32]. FSH LH / T
(LH/T) (FSH)
Furthermore, a randomized controlled trial observed
an increase in testicular volume after FSH treatment
for idiopathic male infertility [77], whereas in
another randomized study, this was evident only
after post-hoc division of treated patients based on
FSHR polymorphisms [78]. In terms of sperm pro- Spermatids

Testicular volume
duction or motility, results are more variable, but
suggest that FSH treatment may be beneficial for a
subset of men with oligozoospermia [79]. Finally, a
systematic Cochrane review found moderate evi-
dence for increased likelihood of pregnancy after Spermatocytes

FSH treatment for male factor sub-fertility in random-

ized controlled studies with an odds ratio of 4.94 [80].
Thus, spermatogenesis may run below the Sertoli cell Spermatogonia
carrying capacity also in humans.
We have summarized our view of testicular
growth in humans schematically in Fig. 4. Testicular Sertoli cells

growth before and early during puberty is due to Leydig cells

Sertoli cell and spermatogonial proliferation, which Age

can be promoted by FSH. Peak in testicular growth is FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of pubertal testicular
mainly due to increase in meiotic and haploid germ growth and likely distribution of testicular cell populations in
cells due to onset of spermatogenesis and is prim- humans. Reproductive hormones responsible for most of the
arily controlled by androgens. However, the peak growth during each timeframe are shown on top.
testicular growth may be augmented by FSH, and is
probably modulated by the effect of FSH on Sertoli
cell proliferation before the peak. After completion spermatogenesis among patients who showed evi-
of pubertal testicular growth, stimulation with FSH dence of pubertal testicular growth [83]. Overall,
can under some circumstances induce further sper- large baseline testicular volume predicts better
matogonial proliferation and testicular growth. response to medical treatment among hypogonado-
tropic hypogonadism patients [84–86].
On the basis of the data reviewed above, it is
INDUCTION OF TESTICULAR GROWTH likely that these men had enough spermatogonial
AND SPERMATOGENESIS IN and Sertoli cell proliferation during puberty to pro-
HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM duce sperm, but spermatogenesis was not completed
Patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to lack of LH/testosterone action. However,
lack the secretion of both FSH and LH from testosterone alone seems insufficient to initiate
the hypothalamus–pituitary axis, and thus have [87,88] or fully maintain spermatogenesis even
impaired or absent pubertal testicular growth, sper- when combined with FSH [88], at least in numbers
matogenesis, and secondary sex characteristics [81]. needed to produce sperm in ejaculate.
Therefore, clinical intervention studies on induc- The treatment with hCG can be augmented by
tion of testicular growth and spermatogenesis in FSH if there is no evidence of prior pubertal testic-
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients provide ular growth, or if patient responds poorly to hCG
a further basis to speculate the role of FSH and LH/ alone. This promotes testicular growth, and
testosterone in humans. For a review focusing on increases the likelihood to initiate spermatogenesis
treatment of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, we and thus father a child [89,90]. A small study utiliz-
recommend the excellent recent reviews by Boehm ing the Sertoli cell maturation marker AMH indi-
et al. [81] and Dwyer et al. [82]. cated that Sertoli cell maturation takes place during
Men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are the combined gonadotropin treatment in patients
treated either with pulsatile subcutaneous adminis- with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [91]. This
tration of GnRH or repeated gonadotropin injec- and the studies reviewed above suggest that hCG
tions to induce fertility [81]. Many clinics favour treatment, which increases the intra-testicular tes-
the latter for practical reasons. Commonly, the tosterone levels, promotes the cessation of Sertoli
mainstay of the gonadotropin treatment is injec- cell proliferation, which is necessary for full sper-
tions with hCG, which was itself sufficient to induce matogenesis. Thus, testicular growth during isolated

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hCG treatment may be more due to germ cell than Acknowledgements

Sertoli cell proliferation. However, this cannot be None.
definitely shown, because, to our knowledge, the
effect of hCG pre-treatment alone or in combi- Financial support and sponsorship
nation with successive FSH treatment has not been We thank the Academy of Finland, Sigrid Juselius
evaluated by testicular biopsies. Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, and Juvenile
An alternative sequential approach exploits Diabetes Research Foundation for financial support.
insights from Sertoli cell biology and aims to maxi-
mize the Sertoli cell number by administering FSH Conflicts of interest
alone, succeeded by the induction of puberty, sper-
There are no conflicts of interest.
matogonial proliferation, and completion of sper-
matogenesis by combined treatment with FSH and
hCG, or pulsatile administration of GnRH alone REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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