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The cowper’s gland produces seminal fluid primarily the action of this fluid is?

1. Provide nourishment to the sperm.

2. Serves as immature sperm’s transport medium.
3. Neutralizes the acidity of the urethra.
4. For lubrication of the vagina during coitus.

The following is true about the ovaries except;

1. Produces gonadotrophic hormones such as FSH and LH

2. Produces estrogen and progesterone.
3. Releases a mature ovum.
4. Two ovoid organs that secretes gametes in female

The fallopian tube has four parts, which part contains the fimbriae that catches the ovum?

1. Interstitial
2. Isthmic
3. Infundibulum
4. Ampulla

Which of the following is the action of the hypothalamus in relation to the menstrual cycle?

1. Initiate menarche through releasing Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)

2. Affects ovum maturation and ovulation by producing gonadotropin hormones.
3. Releases estrogen and progesterone for endometrium development.
4. Changes are affected by the hormones produced by the ovaries.

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days, but it may vary from 23-35 days. This variation is
due to what phase of the ovarian cycle?

1. Follicular phase
2. Luteal phase
3. Progestational phase
4. none of the above

The menstrual cycle is composing of three cycles, the hypothalamic-pituiraty, ovarian and
endometrial cycle. Which of the phase is part of the endometrial cycle wherein there is an
increase in estrogen level resulting to endometrial proliferation?

1. Follicular
2. Secretory
3. Luteal
4. Ischemic
The placenta serves as the endocrine gland of the developing fetus. Which of the following
endocrine gland is responsible for preventing uterine contraction and maintain endometrial

1. hCG
2. Progesterone
3. Estrogen
4. hPL

The color of the amniotic fluid can determine the condition of the fetus inside the uterus. What
is the color of the amniotic fluid if there is erythroblastosis fetalis?

1. Green
2. Brown
3. Yellow
4. Gray

A pregnant woman asks a nurse why she needs to religiously follow her scheduled prenatal visits.
The best answer would be?

1. Just follow instructions, no questions asked.

2. It is good for you and the baby so please follow.
3. It is the best opportunity to check health status of the mother and the fetus and
provide health teachings.
4. It is the best opportunity to provide instructions for the mother to follow.

The pelvis measurement is important for normal delivery to take place. What fetal head diameter
must be the presenting part?

1. Biparietal
2. Occipitofrontal
3. Suboccipitobregmatic
4. Occipitomental

During the ultrasound the fetus was described to be in longitudinal lie, the presenting part is the
buttocks and the lower extremities are flexed. This position is said to be?

1. Cephalic
2. Frank
3. Complete Breech
4. Footling

If the fetus is said to be in left occipito-posterior position. Where is the fetal heart tone will likely
be heard.

1. Left lower quadrant

2. Right lower quadrant
3. Left upper quadrant
4. Right upper quadrant

The following is true about fetal station, except;

1. It can be determined through Leopold’s Maneuver

2. relationship of the fetal presenting part to the ischial spine
3. Use to determine if the fetus is already engaged.
4. Negative station means not engaged

Which of the following statement about L/S ratio in amniotic fluid is correct?
1. a slight variation in technique does not significantly affect the accuracy of result
2. a L/S ratio of 2:1 is incompatible with life
3. a L/S ratio of less than 1:0 is compatible with fetal survival
4. when L/S ratio is 2:1 below, majority of infants develop respiratory distress

The nurse plans to do Leopld’s Maneuver to Julia. Which of the following instruction will help
make her comfortable and achieved desired results?

1. “do keep breathing during the procedure”

2. “Empty your bladder before procedure”
3. “Drink your water before the procedure”
4. “Turn to your left side”

Julia expresses concern about having occasional heartburn. Which of the following measures will
the nurse advise most likely?

1. take a cup of tea after meals

2. take one tablet of simeco three times daily
3. decrease intake of fluids to 1 liter a day
4. eat smaller and more frequent meals

Nurse Angie noticed that there is a cheesy white substance on Baby Marco’s skin. This is known
as and has a function of:

1. Lanugo that acts as thermoregulator

2. Vernix caseosa that acts as bacteriostatic
3. Wharton’s jelly that acts as thermoregulator
4. None of the above

Upon assessing Baby Marco’s appearance, she noticed that Baby Marco have pinkish trunk and
bluish extremities, HR of 90, grimaces when his back is rubbed, well-flexed extremities and good
strong cry. His final APGAR score is:

1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8

Anna is on her 2ndday post-partum. You are the nurse assigned to assess her uterine involution,
the uterine fundus should be in which location?

1. At the level of the umbilicus

2. One fingerbreadth below the umbilicus
3. Two fingerbreadths below the umbilicus
4. Uterine fundus can’t be palpated after birth

The perinatal nurse determines by vaginal examination that a patient’s cervix is fully dilated and
the fetal presenting part is descending rapidly with the patients pushing efforts. The most
appropriate nursing intervention at this time would be to do which of the following?
1. Assist the patient with breathing patterns to slow down her pushing.
2. Document the patient’s progress and coping abilities in labor.
3. Notify the health-care provider to come now for the birth.
4. Provide information to the patient’s partner about her stage of labor.

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Which of the following is the most important criteria to consider the woman is experience true

1. BOW
2. Cervical dilatation
3. Station
4.  Engagement

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Based on the situation above, the client is in:

1. False labor

2. True labor, phase 2

3. True Labor Phase 1

4. False Labor, Phase 2

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

The nurse also knows that Ana’s baby is in what fetal postion?

1. LOA

2. LOP

3. RSA                                                                                             

4. LS

Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She is
experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity whenever
she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and cervical
dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that the
breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the 0
station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature is
37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was felt
at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Ana’s baby is assuming what fetal attitude?

1. Flexion

2. Extension

3. Brow

4. Prone

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Based on the fetal position of Ana’s baby, the baby is facing Ana’s:

1. Right abdomen                                                                       

2. Right buttock

3. Left abdomen

4. Left buttock

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

The nurse can best hear the fetal heart tones of Ana’s baby in her:

1. RUQ
2. LUQ
3. RLQ                                                                                         
4. LLQ

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Ana’s baby is in what fetal station?

1. along ischial spines

2. below ischial spines

3. above ischial spines                                                      

4. floating

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Based on the situation above, Ana is experiencing:

1. Normal labor with possible intense lumbosacral pain

2. Normal labor without intense lumbosacral pain

3. Abnormal Labor with possibility of perineal lacerations

4. Abnormal labor without possibility of perieneal lacerations

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

The duration of the first contraction is:

1. 35 seconds

2. 55 seconds

3. 45 seconds

4. 60 seconds

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

The interval of the 2 contractions is

1. 4’30”                                                                       

2. 4’20”
3. 3’30”

4. 3’20”

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

Based on IE, the cervix of Ana is

1. 4 cms wide and halfway thin                                   

2. 4 cms thick and halfway open

3. 4 cms thin and 50% open                                             

4. 50% thin and 4 cms narrow

Situation: Ana, 24 y/o G3P2 and 9 months pregnant is admitted in the labor area at 9:00 am. She
is experiencing lumbosacral pain that radiates to the abdomen and increases in intensity
whenever she walks. Upon IE the nurse notes an intact BOW, cervical effacement of 50% and
cervical dilatation of 4 cms. Uterine contractions are moderate. Further assessment reveals that
the breech is in the fundus, the vertex is near the left buttock of Ana and presenting part is in the
0 station. Maternal vital signs are as follow: BP 120/80, PR 85/min, RR 16/min and temperature
is 37 degree celcius. FHR is 135 beats per minute upon auscultation. The first contraction was
felt at 9:10’10” and lasted until 9:10’55”. The second contraction started at 9:15’25” and ended

What advantage is gained when the bag of water is ruptured?

1. It prevents infection

2. It shortens the first stage of labor

3. It prevents fetal descent

4. all of these

fundus. Angular structures are palpated at the left side of the abdomen. During the third
maneuver, the nurse’s fingers still met at the center. The fetal brow was not appreciated.

In locating for the fetal heart tone (FHT), in what area of the abdomen would the nurse place the
bell of the stethoscope?

1. Right upper quadrant

2. Left upper quadrant

3. Right lower quadrant

4. Left lower quadrant

SITUATION: Mrs. Julia McNamara is on her 3 ½  month of her pregnancy and under going
prenatal check-up at the RHU. This is her first time to have the check up in a rural setting since
she moved to their new house in Malay-balay, Bukidnon. She and her American husband Sean
are volunteer social workers trying to improve the literacy rate of different tribes in their area.
She is adapting well to her new environment although she complains of occasional back pain.
She has one nephew with Down syndrome.

McNamara asks the nurse how frequent she should visit the RHU for her regular pre-natal check
up. Your best reply is:

1. Once in every trimester and more frequent if there are risk factors and
2. Once a month until the 6thmonth of pregnancy then more frequent until
3. On a monthly basis until the 9thmonth of pregnancy.
4. Her visit will be based on her work schedules.

SITUATION: Mrs. Julia McNamara is on her 3 ½  month of her pregnancy and under going
prenatal check-up at the RHU. This is her first time to have the check up in a rural setting since
she moved to their new house in Malay-balay, Bukidnon. She and her American husband Sean
are volunteer social workers trying to improve the literacy rate of different tribes in their area.
She is adapting well to her new environment although she complains of occasional back pain.
She has one nephew with Down syndrome.

Kim explains to Julia why she needs to undergo the pelvic exam. This includes the following:

1. To determine probable signs of pregnancy         

2. To determine fetal station
3. To determine cervical effacement & dilatation                                   
4. all of these

SITUATION: Mrs. Julia McNamara is on her 3 ½  month of her pregnancy and under going
prenatal check-up at the RHU. This is her first time to have the check up in a rural setting since
she moved to their new house in Malay-balay, Bukidnon. She and her American husband Sean
are volunteer social workers trying to improve the literacy rate of different tribes in their area.
She is adapting well to her new environment although she complains of occasional back pain.
She has one nephew with Down syndrome.

If Mrs. Mc Namara left home Matt born at 38 weeks, Patricia at 36 weeks, her twins Ron and
Mara at 42 weeks, Kurt at 35 weeks, what is her GTPALM considering she had an abortion?

1. G5 P  42151                                                                                                
2. G6  P  32151
3. G5 P  22151                                                                                                  
4. G6  P  42151
SITUATION: Mrs. Mc Namara further inquires about nutritional requirement during pregnancy.
Nurse Kim enumerates the different dietary requirements during pregnancy.

Kims explains to Julia that caloric requirement during pregnancy increases up to:

1. 2,000 calories/day                                                               
2. 3,000 calories/day
3. 2,500 calories/day                                                               
4. none of these

Daily folic acid requirement for a pregnant woman is:

1. 400 mcg                                                                                                           
2. 15 mg
3. 200 mcg                                                                                                          
4. 30 mg

SITUATION: Mrs. Mc Namara is experiencing discomforts of pregnancy. As a student nurse, you

must be able to give correct explanations and guidance about the causes and management of
these discomforts.

Julia is experiencing episodes of dizziness and a 30-point drop in her systolic pressure. Your first
recommendation to her is to:

1. Have her BP monitored regularly.                              

2. Perform regular exercise
3. Avoid supine position while sleeping or resting.               
4. All of these

To avoid varicosities in the lower extremities, you would advice her to EXCEPT:

1. Avoid prolong standing                                                                   

2. Elevate the legs while resting
3. Wear knee-high stockings                                               
4. None of these

During fetal development, sex differentiation is completed on what week of pregnancy?

1. 12thweek
2. 14thweek
3. 16thweek
4. 20thwee

Auscultation of fetal heart rate can be done on the 2ndmonth of pregnancy using:

1. Doppler
2. Stethoscope
3. Ultrasound
4. None of the above
When is urinary pregnancy test best done?

1. 3 days after fertilization

2. 1 week after the first missed period
3. 2 weeks after the first missed period
4. A week after fertilization

In counselling patients on the use of spermicidal contraceptive preparations, the nurse informs
the group that the most effective mode is usually:

1. spermicidal foam.
2. spermicidal cream.
3. spermicidal jelly.
4. spermicidal vaginal suppository.

In discussing the choice of a contraceptive method with the young women in the group, the
nurse must include which statement as a part of her presentation?

1. Choice of methods is an individual decision.

2. Choice should be based on frequency of intercourse.
3. Choice is based on motivation to prevent pregnancy.
4. Choice is based on how well a patient understands a method.

SITUATION:Megan Lee is a 37-year-old gravida 3 para 2 with a history of smoking and hypertension.
She comes to the clinic for her regular visit and asks questions about contraception after the birth of
her third baby.

Lee asks the community health nurse, "Which method of contraception is best for me, the pill or
an intrauterine device (IUD)?" The nurse's best response is:

1. "Either method would be an excellent choices because both have low failure rates."
2. "Because you're older than age 35, neither method is a good choice for you."
3. "The IUD is a better choice for you than the pill; hormonal contraception places
women older than age 35 with your history at greater risk for complications."
4. "The pill is more effective, and you won't have the problem of expulsion, which can
be an issue with the IUD."

The nurse correctly teaches that intrauterine devices (IUD) are best suited or which of the
following women?

1. Nulliparas with more than one sexual partner

2. Women who have had sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
3. All sexually active women
4. Multiparas with one sexual partner
G5P5 postpartum Mrs. Red delivered 3 hours ago to identical male twins. During rounds, the
nurse finds that Mrs. Red has soaked a number of pads and is lying in a pool of blood. The
nurse’s first action would be to:

1. go to the door and call for help

2. massage the fundus
3. place the patient in reverse T position
4. increase the patient’s IV rate

Tara is hemorrhaging 8 hours following abrupt delivery of a 9lbs 8 oz infant. The nurse has
changed her pad every 10 min and each pad weighs about 10 grams. She calculates blood loss
per hour to be:

1. 80ml/hr                                  
2. 60 ml/hr
3. 15ml/hr                                  
4. 40 ml/hr

A patient in labor is examined  and is told she is 100% effaced, 5 cm dilated and a 1 station. Her
husband asks what does this mean. The explains:

1. she is in active labor, but the head is not yet engaged

2. she is in active labor, and the head is engaged
3. she is in transitional labor and about to deliver
4. she is in the latent phase, the head is fully engaged

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