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▪ Labia minora, labia majora, clitoris (erectile
tissue), mons pubis
▫ Vulvar vestibule: space between labia
minora; includes vaginal, urethral

Ovaries (female gonads)
▪ Epithelial, follicular, granulosa, theca, oocyte
▪ Secrete estrogen, progesterone Figure 8.1 External organs of the female
▪ Located superior, lateral to uterus reproductive system.
▪ Held in place by ovarian, broad, suspensory
▫ Suspensory ligaments contain ovarian
artery, vein, nerve plexus
▪ Made up of outer cortex, inner medulla
▫ Cortex contains ovarian follicles (oocytes
surrounded by granulosa cells); medulla
contains blood vessels, nerves

Fallopian tubes (uterine tubes)

▪ Two tubes, each associated with one ovary,
on side of uterus
▪ Flattened mesothelial, epithelial, secretory,
intercalary cells
▪ Fimbriae around ovary → infundibulum →
ampulla (where fertilization most commonly
occurs) → isthmus region opens into
uterine cavity
▪ Covered by peritoneum, supported by
mesosalpinx Figure 8.2 External organs of the female
▪ Lined with smooth muscle, cilia to sweep reproductive system.
zygote towards uterus; inner mucosa
provides nutrients for oocyte

▪ Located posterior to bladder, anterior to
▪ Fundus (top) → uterine body → uterine
isthmus → cervix (neck of uterus)
▫ Cervical opening to vagina: external os;
thins, dilates during childbirth
▫ Cervical opening into uterine cavity:
internal os
▪ Anchored to sacrum (uterosacral ligaments)
→ anterior body wall (round ligaments)
Figure 8.3 The locations of the ovarian, ▪ Supported by cardinal ligaments,
suspensory, and broad ligaments. mesometrium
▪ Three layers of uterine wall
▫ Perimetrium, myometrium (smooth
muscle), endometrium (highly vascular
mucosal layer)

▪ Extends from uterus, opens into vulva
(covered by hymen in childhood)
▪ Outer muscular wall containing rugae; inner
mucous membrane of stratified squamous
▪ Fornix (superior, domed area) connects to
sides of cervix
Figure 8.4 Outer cortex of ovary containing
follicles and inner medulla containing blood
vessels, nerves.

Figure 8.6 The three layers of the uterine

wall. External to internal: perimetrium →
myometrium → endometrium.
Figure 8.5 Features of the fallopian tubes.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Figure 8.7 Anterior view of the uterus and lateral view of the uterus in relationship to
surrounding structures.

OOGENESIS ▫ Follicle with most follicle-stimulating

hormone (FSH) receptors becomes
Fetal development dominant follicle; primary oocyte →
▪ Oogonia (primordial oocyte cell) undergo meiosis I completed, secondary oocyte
mitotic division → ↑ oogonia (diploid cells) (haploid cell with 23 chromosomes)
▪ 7 months formed
▫ Oogonia begin meiotic division, become ▪ Ovulation: dominant follicle ruptures →
primary oocytes (diploid cells) secondary oocyte released → peritoneal
cavity → pulled inside fallopian tube
Follicular development ▪ Luteal phase: follicle remains → corpus
▪ Infancy to puberty luteum (luteinized granulosa, theca cells)
▫ Primary oocyte surrounded by ▫ Luteinized granulosa cells secrete
granulosa cells form primary (primordial) inhibin → ↓ FSH → ↓ estrogen → ↓
follicle luteinizing hormone (LH)
▪ Menstrual cycle (approx. every 28 days) ▫ Luteinized theca cells: ↑ progesterone
▫ Primary follicle → secondary follicle → → dominant hormone
tertiary (Graafian) follicle
▪ Antrum (fluid-filled cavity) forms in Graafian Fertilization
follicles; granulosa cells secrete nourishing ▪ If fertilization occurs → oocyte becomes
fluid for primary oocyte mature ovum → progesterone produced
▪ Theca cells produce androstenedione (sex until placenta forms
hormone precursor) → converted into ▪ If fertilization does not occur → corpus
estradiol in granulosa cells luteum → corpus albicans
▪ Follicular phase of menstrual cycle:
Graafian follicles grow

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Figure 8.8 Stages of follicular development. Stage one: primordial follicles → primary follicles,
meaning that the follicular cells surrounding the primary oocyte develop into granulosa cells.
Stage two: primary follicles → secondary follicles → teritary (Graafian) follicles. This stage
results in a few fast-growing Graafian follicles. Stage three: dominant follicle is established.
Ovulation: dominant follicle ruptures, releases secondary oocyte into fallopian tube. The
secondary oocyte stops in metaphase of meiosis II. Luteal phase: weeks 3 to 4 of menstrual
cycle. The remains of the follicle turn into the corpus luteum. If fertilization occurs, the corpus
luteum keeps making progesterone until the placenta forms. If not, the corpus luteum stops
making hormones after about ten days, becomes fibrotic → corpus albicans.

▪ Peptide hormones involved in production, → stored in Herring bodies → released into
release of milk blood → target tissues (e.g. breasts, uterus)


▪ Essential for progression of labor, control ▪ Synthesized by lactotrophs in anterior
of postpartum bleeding, return of uterus to pituitary → target tissue (breasts)
pre-pregnancy state (involution) ▪ Synthesis inhibited by dopamine during
▪ Synthesized, secreted by hypothalamus → non-pregnant/non-breastfeeding state
travels down axons to posterior pituitary

Figure 8.9 Synthesis and secretion of oxytocin and prolactin.

▪ Neuroendocrine reflex: suckling by infant at
breast → stimulates mechanoreceptors in
nipple, areola → action potential travels up
spinal cord to hypothalamus
▪ First, burst of oxytocin released from
posterior pituitary → enters bloodstream →
breasts, uterus
▫ Myoepithelial cells surrounding alveoli
in breasts contract → milk ejection from
alveolus (let-down reflex)
▫ Stimulates contractile activity of uterine
myometrium → ↓ postpartum bleeding;
promotes uterine involution Figure 8.10 Anatomy of the breast.
▪ Second, thyrotropin-releasing hormone
(TRH) from hypothalamus → PL
released from anterior pituitary →
enters bloodstream → breasts → ↑ milk
production, secretion by alveolar epithelial
▪ ↑ PL inhibits release of GnRH from
hypothalamus → ↓ LH, FSH from anterior
pituitary → ↓ development of ovarian
follicles, ovulation, menstrual periods

Figure 8.11 Illustration of the neuroendocrine reflex. In response to the suckling of a baby,
oxytocin released from the posterior pituitary stimulates ejection of milk, and prolactin released
from the anterior pituitary increases milk production.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

FUNCTIONS DURING & AFTER ▫ Positive feedback loop: ↑ uterine

LABOR contractions → fetal head pushes
▪ Oxytocin (powerful uterine muscle against cervix → neural signal travels
stimulant) produced during pregnancy, to spinal cord → hypothalamus → ↑
does not stimulate uterine contractions due oxytocin release from posterior pituitary
to → ↑ uterine contractions → cycle
▫ Rapid degradation by placental continues until delivery (baby, placenta)
oxytocinase ▪ After labor, milder contractions continue
▫ Progesterone-induced inhibition of ▫ Clamp down on placental arteries at
oxytocin receptors on myometrium placental attachment site → ↓ bleeding
▪ Estrogen-induced oxytocin receptor ▫ Gradually ↓ size of uterus (involution)
expression + ↑ myometrial sensitivity to ▫ Additional oxytocin released during
oxytocin promotes uterine contractions breastfeeding → speeds involution
during labor

▪ Menstruation (menses): shedding of uterine Day 1
functional endometrium ▪ Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-
▪ Occurs approx. every 28 days releasing hormone (GnRH) → anterior
pituitary releases FSH, LH → one oocyte
dominates → develops within primary
▪ Primary (primordial) follicle: oocyte
surrounded by single layer of granulosa
cells (nourish oocyte)

Days 1–13
▪ Granulosa cells proliferate → follicle grows
→ develops outer layer of cells (theca layer)
→ respond to LH by producing estrogen →
mature follicle
▫ Estrogen acts on uterine endometrium
to prepare for fertilized egg →
Figure 8.12 The uterine endometrium
initiates uterine proliferative phase →
consists of a thin base layer and a functional
endometrial lining grows
layer. The functional layer is subject to the
changes (thickening and shedding) that occur ▫ Estrogen also feeds back to
during the menstrual cycle. hypothalamus, pituitary → turns off

Day 14
FOLLICULAR PHASE ▪ Brief LH surge stimulates ovulation →
▪ Ovulation (days 1–14): maturing follicles, follicle ruptures → oocyte ejected out of
proliferation of uterine mucosa, dominated follicle
by estrogen

▪ After ovulation, empty follicle collapses ▪ If fertilization does not occur → corpus
→ turns into corpus luteum → produces luteum undergoes apoptosis →
progesterone (approx. 14 days) progesterone levels fall
▫ Endometrium becomes highly ▪ If fertilization does occur → embryonic
vascularized, glycogen-filled tissue tissue secretes human chorionic
(secretory phase) gonadotropin (hCG) → signals corpus
luteum to continue production of estrogen,
Days 15–24 progesterone to support pregnancy
▪ Egg travels through fallopian tube

▪ Obstetric history (GTPAL) activity (6–8 weeks)
▫ G (gravida): number of pregnancies,
regardless of duration (including current ESTIMATED DATE OF DELIVERY
pregnancy) (EDD)
▫ T: number of term infants born ▪ Calculated from last menstrual period (LMP)
▫ P: number of preterm infants born to estimated date of delivery (EDD)
▫ A: number of spontaneous/induced ▪ Naegele’s rule: add 7 days to 1st day of
abortions LMP, subtract 3 months, add 7 days, add 1
▫ L: number of currently living children year
▫ Example: G3P1202 (3 pregnancies, 1 ▪ Ultrasonic examination
term birth, 2 preterm births, 0 abortions, ▫ Measurement of crown-to-rump length
2 living children) in first trimester
▪ Pregnancy lasts approx. 280 days (40 ▪ Measurement of fundal height estimates
weeks); divided into three trimesters pregnancy progression
▫ Symphysis: 12–14 weeks
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS ▫ Umbilicus: 20 weeks
▫ Rises above umbilicus 1 cm/week until
Presumptive 36 weeks
▪ Amenorrhea; breast fullness, tenderness;
nausea/vomiting (“morning sickness”);
urinary frequency; fatigue; fetal movement PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE
(16–20 weeks of gestation) REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
Probable Uterus
▪ Uterine enlargement; softening of uterine ▪ ↑ size, capacity due to hypertrophy,
isthmus (Hegar sign); vaginal, cervical hyperplasia, mechanical stretching
purplish-blue discoloration (Chadwick sign); ▪ 20 times larger
positive urine/serum hCG ▪ ↑ strength, distensibility, contractile
proteins, number of mitochondria
▪ ↑ volume capacity (10 mL–5 L)
▪ Auscultation of fetal heart tones (7–8
▪ Softening of uterine isthmus (Hegar’s sign)
weeks of gestation); “quickening” (fetal
movements); fetal sac visualized by
ultrasound (5–6 weeks); fetal cardiac

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Figure 8.13 Fundal height = distance from symphysis pubis to top of uterus (fundus). Fundal
height is a good estimate of gestational age.

Cervix (sebaceous glands)

▪ Formation of mucus plug; seals ▪ Progesterone
endocervical canal ▫ ↑ alveolar-lobular development; prevents
▪ ↑ vascularity → purplish-blue color milk production during pregnancy
▪ Mild softening due to edema, hyperplasia (inhibits prolactin)
(Goodell’s sign); ↑ softening in third ▪ Estrogen
trimester ▫ ↑ growth of lactiferous ducts
▪ Secretion of colostrum begins week 16
▪ Develops where embryo attaches to uterine
▪ Expands to cover 50% internal uterine OTHER BODY SYSTEMS
▪ Functions as maternal-fetal organ for
▪ Mild hypertrophy
metabolic, nutrient exchange
▪ S2, S3 more easily auscultated, split
▪ Secretes estrogen, progesterone, relaxin,
▪ Heart displaced upward, forward, slightly
Vagina to left
▪ ↑ vascularity → bluish-purple color ▪ ↑ heart rate by 15–20 beats/minute
▪ Loosening of connective tissue → ↑ ▪ Stroke volume ↑ 30%, cardiac output (CO)
distensibility ↑ 30-50% (by term); ↓ blood pressure (BP)
▪ Leukorrhea despite ↑ CO due to progesterone-induced
▫ pH of 3.5–6.0 → protects against vasodilation; BP = CO × systemic vascular
bacterial infections resistance (SVR)
▪ Supine hypotensive syndrome caused by
Breasts gravid uterus pressing on inferior vena cava
▪ ↑ size, weight, nodularity, blood flow, (left lateral recumbent position optimal for
vascular prominence CO, uterine perfusion)
▪ Areola, nipples are a darker pigmentation ▪ Gravid uterus elevates pressure veins
due to ↑ melanocyte activity draining legs, pelvic organs → slowed
▪ ↑ activity of Montgomery’s tubercles venous return, dependent edema, varicose
veins, hemorrhoids

▪ ↑ oxygen consumption, subcostal angle,
anteroposterior diameter, tidal volume
(30–50%), minute ventilatory volume,
minute oxygen uptake
▪ Gravid uterus places upward pressure on
diaphragm → elevates approx. 4 cm
▪ Hyperventilation → mild respiratory
alkalosis (renal compensation → maternal
blood pH 7.40–7.45)
▪ Nasal congestion, epistaxis due to
estrogen-induced edema

Figure 8.14 Cardiovascular changes during Gastrointestinal

pregnancy. When lying down, uterus presses ▪ Gums bleed easily due to estrogen-induced
on inferior vena cava → less blood to right hyperemia, friability
atrium → hypotension. The uterus also ▪ Progesterone-induced smooth muscle
presses on pelvic veins → varicose veins, relaxation, delayed gastric emptying,
swelling in lower legs, ankles. ↓ peristalsis → nausea, vomiting (AKA
“morning sickness” ); constipation;
heartburn (pyrosis), esophageal reflux;
Hematologic intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy due
▪ ↑ blood volume (approx. 1500 mL) to ↓ gallbladder emptying time → ↑ risk of
▫ Related to sodium, water retention due cholelithias
to changes in osmoregulation, secretion ▪ ↑ saliva production (ptyalism)
of vasopressin by anterior pituitary,
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Urinary & renal
(RAAS) ▪ Bladder
▪ ↑ total red blood cell (RBC) volume (approx. ▫ First trimester: gravid uterus presses on
30%), with iron supplementation bladder → urinary frequency, nocturia,
▫ ↑ volume, oxygen-carrying capacity stress incontinence
needed for ↑ basal metabolic rate ▫ Second trimester: uterus occupies
(BMR), needs of uterine-placental unit abdominal space → ↓ urinary frequency
(offsets blood loss at delivery) ▫ Third trimester: presenting part
▫ Plasma > RBC volume → hemodilution, descends into pelvis → urinary
↓ hematocrit (physiologic anemia) frequency, nocturia, stress incontinence
▪ ↑ white blood cell (WBC) count (approx. ▪ ↑ glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
5,000–12,000/mm3 ) ▫ 40–50% by second trimester; ↑ urinary
▪ ↑ clotting factors (fibrin, fibrinogen): output (25%)
hypercoagulable state of pregnancy ▪ ↑ size of kidneys (1–1.5 cm)
▪ Dilation of urinary collecting system →
physiologic hydronephrosis
▪ Urinalysis
▫ Glycosuria (due to ↑ glucose load),
↑ protein excretion (due to altered
proximal tubule function + ↑ GFR)

▪ Hyperpigmentation (due to estrogen, ↑
melanocyte activity) → melasma (chloasma)
Figure 8.15 Pregnancy is a high volume brownish “mask of pregnancy”; linea
state. Plasma volume ↑ > RBC volume ↑ → ↓ nigra formation on abdomen; darkening of
hematocrit (physiologic anemia).

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

nipples, areolae, vulva ▪ “Diabetogenic state” of pregnancy

▪ ↑ cutaneous blood flow → ↑ heat ▫ ↑ need for glucose, insulin production →
dissipation → pregnancy “glow” hypertrophy, hyperplasia of pancreatic
▪ ↓ connective tissue strength secondary to beta cells
↑ adrenal steroid levels → stretch marks ▪ ↓ thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH);
(striae gravidarum) in breasts, abdomen, thyroid gland enlarges; ↑ total T3, T4
thighs, inguinal area ▪ Reproductive hormones
▪ Estrogen-induced vascular permeability → ▫ hCG from placenta; estrogen,
spider nevi, angiomas, palmar erythema progesterone from corpus luteum (first,
second trimesters), placenta (second,
Musculoskeletal third trimesters)
▪ Abdominal distension + shift in center of ▫ Suppressed FSH, LH due to feedback
gravity → lordosis from estrogen, progesterone, inhibin
▪ Enlarging uterus → separation of ▫ ↓ oxytocin levels throughout pregnancy
abdominal rectus muscles (diastasis recti) → ↑ labor onset → ↑↑ second stage of
▪ ↑ progesterone, relaxin → ↑ joint mobility, labor
“waddling” gait
▫ Widening of symphysis pubis
▫ Facilitates accommodation of fetus into
pelvis ▪ Recommendation of additional 300 kcal/
day, weight gain of 25–35 pounds (11.5–
▪ High bone turnover, remodeling
16 kg)
Endocrine ▫ 11 lb (5 kg): placenta, amniotic fluid,
▪ ↑ size of pituitary gland; mostly due to fetus
proliferation of lactotroph cells ▫ 2 lb (0.9 kg): uterus
▫ ↑ intrasellar pressure → ↑ risk of ▫ 4 lb (1.8 kg): ↑ blood volume
postpartum infarction (Sheehan ▫ 3 lb (1.4 kg): breast tissue
syndrome) in setting of postpartum ▫ 5–10 lb (2.3–4.5 kg): maternal reserves
hemorrhage ▪ 600 mcg folic acid/day → RBC synthesis,
▪ ↑ parathyroid hormone (meets calcium placental/fetal growth, ↓ risk of neural tube
need of developing fetal skeleton) defects
▪ Physiologic hypercortisolism ▪ 1,000–1,300 mg calcium/day supports
▫ ↑ need for estrogen, cortisol → ↑ pregnancy, lactation
glucocorticoids from adrenal glands → ▪ 60g protein daily supports tissue growth
supports fetal somatic, reproductive ▪ 27 mg iron/day supports ↑ RBCs

▪ Labor (parturition): uterine contractions PREMONITORY SIGNS
→ cervical changes → delivery of baby, ▪ Cervical changes
placenta ▫ Remodeling of cervix by enzymatic
▪ Begins at term (37–42 weeks of gestation) collagen dissolution, ↑ water content →
▪ Duration of three stages varies with softening, ↑ distensibility
gravidity (nulliparas typically longer than ▪ Cervical softening → expulsion of mucus
multiparas) plug → “bloody show” (pink-tinged mucus)

▪ Spontaneous rupture of amniotic Transition phase
membranes (ROM) ▪ 30 minutes–2 hours
▪ Intense contractions every 1.5–2 minutes
False labor
▪ Duration 60–90 seconds
▪ AKA Braxton-Hicks contractions
▪ Cervical dilation 7–10cm
▪ True labor: regular, increase in frequency,
duration, intensity; produce cervical ▪ Effacement 100%
changes (e.g. dilation/opening up,
effacement/getting thinner); pain begins SECOND STAGE
in lower back, radiates to abdomen, not
▪ AKA pushing stage
relieved by ambulation
▪ Begins with full dilation
▪ False labor: irregular, intermittent
contractions; no cervical changes; pain in ▪ Navigation through maternal pelvis dictated
abdomen; walking may decrease pain by 3 Ps
▫ Power, passenger, passage


▪ Frequency, duration, intensity of uterine
▪ 8–12 hours
▪ Physiology of contractions
▪ Mild contractions every 5–30 minutes
▫ Stimulation of uterine myometrium
▪ Duration 30 seconds each
▫ Alpha-receptors stimulate uterine
▪ Gradually increase in frequency, intensity, contractions
▫ Numerous oxytocin receptors, mostly on
▪ Cervical dilation 0–3 cm uterine fundus
▪ Effacement 0–30% ▪ Contraction steps
▪ Spontaneous ROM ▫ Wave begins in fundus, proceeds
downward to rest of uterus → muscle
Active phase
shortens in response to stimulus →
▪ 3–5 hours increment (build up) → acme (peak)
▪ Contractions every 3–5 minutes → decrement (gradual letting up) →
▪ Duration ≥ 1 minute relaxation → fetal descent, cervical
▪ Cervical dilation 3–7 cm effacement, dilation → amount of
▪ Effacement 80% pressure exerted by uterine contractions
(intrauterine pressure) measured in
▪ Progressive fetal descent
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)

Figure 8.16 Features of the phases of the first stage of labor.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Passenger ▫ Gynecoid: rounded pelvic inlet,

▪ Fetal size midpelvis, outlet capacity adequate;
▫ Fetal head most critical; cephalopelvic optimal for vaginal delivery
disproportion → labor dystocia (difficult/ ▫ Android: heart-shaped pelvic inlet; ↓
obstructed) midpelvis diameters, outlet capacity;
▫ Macrosomia (birth weight ≥ 90th associated with labor dystocia
percentile for gestational age/> 4500 g) ▫ Anthropoid: oval-shaped pelvic inlet;
associated with shoulder dystocia (fetal midpelvis diameters, outlet capacity
shoulder unable to pass below maternal adequate; favorable for vaginal delivery
pubic symphysis), birth injuries ▫ Platypelloid: oval-shaped pelvic inlet,
▪ Fetal attitude: relationship of fetal parts to ↓ midpelvis diameters, outlet capacity
one another adequate; not favorable for vaginal
▫ Full flexion (chin on chest; rounded delivery
back with flexed arms, legs); smallest ▪ Cardinal movements (mechanisms of labor)
diameter of head (suboccipitobregmatic ▫ Descent:: presenting part reaches pelvic
diameter) presents at pelvic inlet inlet (engagement) before onset of labor
▪ Fetal lie: relationship of fetal cephalocaudal → degree of descent (fetal station),
axis (spinal column) to maternal relationship of presenting part to
cephalocaudal axis maternal ischial spines → fetus moves
▫ Longitudinal (ideal): fetal spine lies from pelvic inlet (-5 station) down to
along maternal ischial spines (0 station) to pelvic outlet
(+4 station) to crowning at vaginal
▫ Transverse: fetal spine perpendicular to
opening (+5 station)
▫ Flexion: fetal chin presses against chest,
▫ Oblique: fetus at slight angle
head meets resistance from pelvic floor
▪ Fetal presentation: fetal/presenting part
▫ Internal rotation: fetal shoulders
enters pelvic inlet first
internally rotate 45º; widest part of
▪ Cephalic: head first shoulders in line with widest part of
▫ Vertex (most common): optimal for pelvic inlet
easy delivery; head completely flexed ▫ Extension: fetal head passes under
onto chest → occiput (part of fetal skull symphysis pubis (+4 station), moves (+5
covered by occipital bone) is presenting station), emerges from vagina
▫ Brow: fetal head partially extended; ▫ Restitution (external rotation): head
sinciput (part of fetal skull covered externally rotates as shoulders pass
by frontal bone, anterior fontanelle to through pelvic outlet, under symphysis
orbital ridge) presenting part pubis, turns to align with back
▫ Face: fetal head hyperextended; fetal ▫ Expulsion: anterior shoulder slips under
face from forehead to chin presenting symphysis pubis, followed by posterior
part shoulder, rest of the body; marks end of
▪ Breech: head up; bottom, feet, knees second stage
present first
▫ Frank breech: hips flexed, knees
extended; bottom presents
▪ Delivery of placenta, umbilical cord, fetal
▫ Complete breech: hips, knees flexed;
membranes; uterus contracts firmly,
bottom presents
placenta begins to separate from uterine
▫ Incomplete breech: one/both hips not wall
completely flexed; feet present
▫ Shoulder: transverse lie; shoulders
present first FOURTH STAGE
▪ Physiological adaptation to blood loss,
Passage initiation of uterine involution
▪ Route through bony pelvis
▪ Size, type of pelvis

Figure 8.17 Fetal attitude, lie, and presentation are all critical factors in determining the fetus’
ease of passage through the maternal pelvis.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Figure 8.18 Second stage cardinal movements: the fetal position changes that occur during labor.

▪ Provision of breast milk from lactating every 3 hours
breast; involves breast tissue development, ▪ If milk not removed, builds up → ↑
initiation of milk secretion lactogenesis intramammary pressure → ↓ capillary blood
▪ Pregnancy, human placental lactogen flow → glandular tissue involutes → ↓ milk
(hPL), progesterone released from placenta, production
+ PL released from anterior pituitary gland
→ stimulates growth of breast glandular
tissue → prepares epithelial cells lining
alveoli to produce milk
▫ Progesterone prevents lactation until Benefits for baby
after delivery of placenta ▪ ↑ whey to casein ratio, enzymes, hormones
▪ Delivery of baby, placenta → ↓↓ → ↑ absorption, digestion of milk
progesterone → milk synthesized in alveoli ▪ Immunoglobulins
▫ ↓ risk of infection; esp. respiratory,
INFANT SUCKLING gastrointestinal, otitis media; ↓ risk of
▪ Stimulates release of oxytocin, PL necrotizing enterocolitis in premature
Oxytocin ▪ Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
▪ Required for milk to be released from alveoli (PUFAs)
▪ Neuroendocrine reflex → let-down reflex ▫ Aids neural. visual development
(milk ejection) ▪ ↑ beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus,
▫ Myoepithelial cells contract → milk Bifidobacterium) in gut microflora
ejection from alveolus → drained by ▪ Cytokines
milk-collecting ducts → transported to ▫ Anti-inflammatory properties
▪ Ideal source of nutrition for newborns,
▪ Milk ejection continues as long as infant including premature infants
continues suckling
▪ Milk composition transitions from early
▪ Other triggers for oxytocin release, let- postpartum period to mature milk to meet
down reflex infant needs
▫ Sounds/sights/smells connected to
infant (e.g. infant crying) Benefits for mother
▪ Accelerated uterine involution, ↓ risk of
PL chronic disease (e.g. diabetes Type II,
▪ Continues milk production arthritis, heart disease; cancers of breast,
▪ Amount of milk produced depends on ovaries, uterus)
amount removed at feeding (supply meets
demand) Colostrum
▪ Milk extraction facilitated by good latch ▪ Small amounts of milk produced during
of baby onto nipple, frequent emptying of second half of pregnancy
breast ▪ Thick, yellowish fluid (due to beta-
▫ Good latch: baby’s mouth wide open, carotene) rich in immune cells, antibodies,
covering areola, lips flanged out, nipple antioxidants, protein, fat-soluble vitamins,
up against roof of mouth, baby’s tongue minerals; low in fat, lactose
up against bottom of areola ▪ Protects newborn from infection; laxative
▫ Feedings every 1–2 hours at first, then effect → passage of first stool (meconium),

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

formed in fetal gastrointestinal tract ▪ Presentation: firm, tender breast; may have
▪ Helps establish healthy gut microbiome ↑ vascular markings
▪ Treatment: empty breasts (↑ breastfeeding,
Transitional milk pumping); warm shower/compresses
▪ Produced 7–10 days postpartum; thinner before feeding (enhances let-down), cool
than colostrum; light yellow color compresses after feeding; nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
Mature milk application of cool green cabbage leaves
▪ Produces 2 weeks postpartum ▪ Prevention: frequent feedings, good latch
▪ Watery, slight bluish color; fat content to ensure emptying breast
increases during feeding
▪ Biologically complex Sore, cracked nipples
▫ Protein, fat, sugars (e.g. lactose, ▪ Cause: improper latch, positioning
oligosaccharides), vitamins, minerals, ▪ Presentation: pain; blister/bleb on nipple if
immunoglobulins, antibodies (esp. pores plugged
secretory IgA), immune cells (e.g. ▪ Treatment: cool/warm compresses; apply
macrophages, neutrophils), immune- expressed breast milk to nipple; mild
modulating factors (e.g. lactoferrin, analgesics (e.g. acetaminophen)
lysozyme, lactoperoxidase) ▪ Prevention: good breastfeeding technique
▪ Low in vitamin D; supplementation often
recommended Mastitis
▪ Continues to be produced until lactation ▪ Cause: bacterial infection
ceases ▪ Presentation: usually unilateral, localized
▪ Healthy maternal diet supports breast milk warmth, tenderness/pain, edema,
production erythema, firmness; acute onset of flu-like
symptoms (e.g. fever, fatigue)
▪ Treatment: continued breastfeeding,
▪ Prevention: good hygiene
Yeast infections
▪ Certain maternal medications (e.g.
chemotherapy), illicit drugs (e.g. cannabis, ▪ Cause: Candida albicans; history of infant
heroin) oral/diaper candidal infection/maternal
vaginal candidal infection
▪ HIV infection (in high-income settings)
▪ Presentation: infant may have white
▪ Herpes zoster, herpes simplex
plaques in oral area; mother may
▫ If lesions on breast experience pain, red/sore nipples
▪ Tuberculosis ▪ Treatment: for mother, topical antifungal
▫ Until approx. 2 weeks of maternal applied after feeding; infant, nystatin
pharmacotherapy solution swabbed into oral mucosa after
▪ Prevention: good hygiene; avoid excessive
▪ Smoking discouraged (↑ risk of SIDS, moisture by keeping breasts dry between
respiratory problems) feedings
▪ Minimize alcohol; if consumed, wait two
hours before breastfeeding
▪ Limit caffeine

▪ Cause: milk accumulation in breast tissue,
vascular congestion, resulting in pain

▪ Diagnosed when menstrual cycles have Others
stopped for entire year, no identified ▪ Urinary tract dysfunction → dysuria, urinary
pathological cause urgency
▪ Caused by natural effects of ovarian ▪ Mood instability → depression, anxiety
follicular depletion during aging process ▪ Decline in cognitive function, difficulty
▪ Usually begins age 50 concentrating
▪ Preceded by perimenopause ▪ ↓ collagen content in skin → ↑ skin
▫ 4 years before final menstrual period; wrinkling
missed/irregular menstrual cycles, ▪ ↓ lean body mass
changes in bleeding patterns (heavy, ▪ Individualized approach for menopausal
prolonged, light) hormone therapy (MHT)
▫ Estrogen/estrogen + progestin helpful in
▪ ↓ estrogen, progesterone → ↓ hypothalamic
inhibition → ↑ bursts of GnRH → ↑ FSH,

Hot flashes
▪ Caused by hypothalamus-associated
thermoregulatory dysfunction → vasomotor
▪ Sensation of heat (centered on chest, face
→ generalized), diaphoresis, palpitations,
▪ Night sweats
▫ Hot flashes occur at night → trouble
▪ Avoid triggers (e.g. hot drinks, spicy foods);
maintain cool ambient temperature; dress
in lighter clothing
▪ Stops within few years of onset

Vulvovaginal atrophy
▪ Vaginal dryness, loss of vaginal rugae →
▪ Vaginal estrogen creams, lubricants helpful Figure 8.19 Hormone activity in a regular
menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone
↓ protective effects from estrogen levels ↓ during menopause because the
▪ ↑ risk of cardiovascular disease ovaries run out of functional follicles → no
▪ ↓ bone marrow density → ↑ risk of theca or granulosa cells to produce more
osteoporosis, bone fractures hormones. So ↓ estrogen, progesterone → ↓
hypothalamic inhibition → ↑ bursts of GnRH
▫ ↑ vitamin D, calcium (diet, supplements)
→ ↑ FSH, LH.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

▪ Female steroid hormones, produced mainly estrogen, progesterone
by ovaries
▫ Some estrogen produced in adrenal EFFECTS OF ESTROGEN
cortex, adipose tissue; secreted by
▪ Maturation of female reproductive organs
placenta during pregnancy
(e.g. uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina)
▫ Corpus luteum secretes estrogen,
▪ Secondary sexual characteristics (e.g.
breast growth, fat distribution)
▪ Three types
▪ ↑ estrogen (pre-ovulation) → prepares
▫ Estradiol (most biologically active), uterine epithelium for implantation
estrone, estriol (endometrial proliferation); endometrial
secretion in collaboration with progesterone
SYNTHESIS ▪ Dominant hormone during the follicular
▪ Cholesterol → theca cells → converted to phase of ovarian cycle; follicle maturation;
pregnenolone via cholesterol desmolase → initiates ovulation via FSH, LH surge
pregnenolone converted into progesterone
via 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
(HSD) → released into blood → binds ▪ Secreted by placenta to support uterus;
to plasma proteins (e.g. albumin) → stimulates development of myometrium
transported to target tissues ▪ ↑ melanin-stimulating hormones →
▪ Remainder of pregnenolone converted to hyperpigmentation
17-hydroxypregnenolone → converted ▪ ↑ vascularity of upper respiratory tract;
into dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) → hypersecretion of mucus
finally converted into androstenedione ▪ Preparation for labor
(testosterone precursor) by 3-beta-HSD ▫ Stimulates development of myometrial
▪ Androstenedione diffuses to nearby gap junctions, promotes coordinated
granulosa cells → androstenedione contractions
converted to testosterone by 17-beta- ▫ Promotes cervical ripening
hydroxysteroid → testosterone converted ▫ ↑ uterine responsiveness to oxytocin
to 17-beta-estradiol dehydrogenase (↑ oxytocin receptors), triggering
aromatase (most biologically active type of parturition
estrogen during reproductive period)
▪ Breasts
▪ 17-beta-estradiol released into blood →
▫ Stimulates growth of duct cells
binds to sex hormone-binding globulin
(SHBG) Systemic
▫ Plasma protein, carries 17-beta- ▪ Required for closure of epiphyseal plates
estradiol to target tissues (e.g. uterus, (both sexes)
vagina, bones)
▪ Anabolic effect on bones
▪ ↓ low-density lipoprotein (LDL), ↑ high-
SECRETION density lipoproteins (HDL)
▪ Regulated by hypothalamic-pituitary- ▪ Maintains flexibility of blood vessels
ovarian axis through feedback loops ▪ Promotes skin elasticity, fat deposition
▪ At puberty, pulsatile release of GnRH from ▪ ↓ estrogen during perimenopausal/
hypothalamus → anterior pituitary secretes menopausal years → ↑ risk of
FSH, LH → ovarian follicles differentiate cardiovascular morbidity, osteoporosis,
into theca, granulosa cells → secrete sexual dysfunction

EFFECTS OF PROGESTERONE ▪ Breasts: ↑ alveolar-lobular development,
▪ Dominant hormone during luteal phase of prevents milk production during pregnancy
ovarian cycle (inhibits prolactin)
▪ ↑ progesterone (secretory phase of ▪ Respiratory:: ↑ sensitivity to CO2, mild
menstrual cycle) → forms decidual tissue hyperventilation, ↓ airway resistance
for implantation ▪ ↑ vasodilation

Pregnancy Systemic
▪ Maintains pregnancy: ↓ irritability of ▪ Works with estrogen to promote bone
myometrium → ↓ risk of spontaneous remodeling → ↑ bone density
abortion ▪ Promotes skin elasticity
▪ Cervis: forms mucus plug

Figure 8.20 The steps of progesterone synthesis. LH stimulates proliferation of theca cells →
cholesterol desmolase converts more cholesterol into pregnenolone.

Figure 8.21 Synthesis of androstenedione from pregnenolone. Androstenedione will be used in

the next steps to synthesize 17-beta-estradiol.

Chapter 8 Reproductive System

Figure 8.22 Synthesis of 17-beta-estradiol from androstenedione. FSH increases the activity of
aromatase. Some target tissues for 17-beta-estradiol include the uterus and vagina, bones, and
blood vessels.


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