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Sabrina Laurel Izarra

Travel Broadens.
The mind. Do yoy agree?
Have you ever wondered why most of the creative productions in history have come
from the minds of great nomads or artists who went to live abroad? Professor Adam
Galinsky of Columbia Business School set out to explore this correlation.
In research published by the American Psychological Association, Galinsky shows that
people who have spent time abroad tend to be more creative, and in fact, the more
countries someone has been to, the greater their degree of creativity, in this essay we
will see more.

To begin with, the number one dream of all people is to travel and, honestly speaking,
at some point in our lives we have all wondered what it would be like to travel the
world and we have experienced the feelings we have when we are about to embark on
a trip. Some consider traveling as a waste of time and money. I don't. On the contrary, I
consider it one of the best investments we can make. With this essay I want to
encourage people to travel by giving them an understanding of the importance of
knowing how traveling is so beneficial for us both psychologically and emotionally.

When traveling we activate our senses and put a little more emotion into our lives. The
main aspect of the psychological function of vacations is to balance daily loads and
break the monotony.

Bernabé Tierno; Spanish psychologist and writer I mentioned once that positive
thoughts stimulate the production of beta-endorphins, dopamine and serotonin;
substances considered as 'molecules of happiness'. These 'molecules' are produced when
a trip is made that manages to get us out of the routine and enjoy life.
´´We travel not to change places but to change ideas.´´ (Marcel Proust)

In conclusion, how can you find yourself if you have never been lost? We grow up with
ideas, prejudices and rules that our social circles have imposed on us, believing that it is
appropriate, but when you travel you realize that it is not so, that everything is
different out there and that does not mean that the world is wrong; Some people
spend their lives locked in the same environment, in the same routine, in the same
conditions to which they have become accustomed and have not yet come to an
accurate answer to the question of why it is important to travel, however for me, the
The most valuable piece of advice I can give anyone is: Travel.

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