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How does smoking affect your lungs?

Burning tobacco produces more than 4,000 chemicals, including

nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tars.
Smoking inflames and irritates the lungs. Even one or two cigarettes
cause irritation and coughing. Smoking also can destroy your lungs and
lung tissue. This decreases the number of air spaces and blood vessels in
the lungs, resulting in less oxygen to critical parts of your body

A few seconds after you light a cigarette, cilia slowdown in movement.

Smoking just one cigarette can slow the action of your cilia for several
hours. Smoking also reduces the number of cilia in your lungs, leaving
fewer to properly clean them.
Smoking changes the color and texture of the lungs. If a person smokes
a pack of cigarettes a day their lungs will become darker and the texture
will change. To prove this, I will conduct an experiment. In this
experiment I will build a smoking machine, then explore how cigarettes
put nicotine, tar, and oils in a smoker's lungs.


 1-liter Clear, plastic soda bottle

 Cotton balls, enough to fill the bottle
 Clay
 Rubber tubing or straw (to fit over cigarette)
 Activity Report


Step 1 Fill a bottle with cotton balls.

Step 2 Surround a short piece of rubber tubing with clay or play dough
and place it in the neck of the bottle.
Step 3 Place a cigarette into the tube (outside the classroom).
Step 4 Have your teacher light the cigarette (outside the classroom).
Step 5 “Inhale” and “exhale” the bottle slowly by squeezing and relaxing
your grip.
Step 6 Observe and record what happens.

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