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Vocabulary – A Poison Tree

1. wrath - anger

2. foe – enemy

3. fears - afraid

4. sunned – expose to the sun

5. deceitful- lying

6. wiles - trick

7. beheld - holding

8. veiled – something that covers

9. outstretched – lying straight on the ground.

10. beneath – below something

What Has Happened to Lulu? – Vocabulary

1. rag – doll – a girl’s play doll

2. flapping – blown by the wind

3. dusty – a lot of dust

4. money-box – box to put money collection

5. tear – drops – watery eyes

6. crumple – squash a piece of paper

7. engine roar – loud engine sound

8. gust – sound of water falling so fast

9. wander about – walk back and forth

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