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1. Who are you? (tell us a lot!

Sage is a proud mercy junior who did link crew last year and absolutely loved it. She prides
herself in being a good friend to her fellow students.
She is the 2023-2024 Mercy Executive Chair and served on Mercy’s Student Government since
her freshman year and a part of Base, and girls in money at Mercy. She’s an only child so she
loves to talk and wants to be a neonatologist when she grows up. Something most people don't
know about is that she is really involved with her church but doesn’t say much because the
costumes are always questionable. Her favorite colors are yellow and blue even though she is a
Michigan state fan, her favorite number is 4 and her favorite subject is biology.

2. How would you add value to Mercy Link Crew? (be specific!)

Sage adds value to the links crew because she can plan great events, always thinks about the
little details, and has the skill set to handle any situation. She can relate to others well and is
very compassionate. She served as one of Mercy’s Link Crew Commissioner and even though
she didn't have a transfer she was able to help others transfers feel welcomed and helped plan
commish events and always had a smile to give. If chosen to return she would come back better
than ever with her previous experience and work well with other link crew leaders.

3.Tell us about a challenge you have faced in High School, how

you overcame that challenge, and what you learned from this

My biggest challenge I’ve faced in high school was being diagnosed with depression. I felt like I
had just learned how to ask for help when I came to my school work so asking for help for my
mental health was a whole different experience. Thanks to my best friends I was able to get the
help I needed. This taught me that the Mercy community truly wants nothing but the best for
their students.

4. What would you do from start to finish on “The Perfect Day”?

(think BIG!)
I would wake up and have shrimp and grits for breakfast with my parents and cat then be driven
downtown Detroit to the wood house spa and get a full body massage. Then after that get a full
manicure and pedicure all white nails and do some light shopping at lululemon. Next I’d fly to
the west coast for some sushi with my friends. Then we’d shop on the coast and spend some
time on the beach, Then we would fly back and get home around 7 just in time for a nice dinner
at Joe Muers. After that we would have a huge sleepover at the Shinola Hotel.

Katie Kowalick
Joy Blakely
Balee Ann

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