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For me practicing English is a bit complicated, since many times I win the negative
being and I say that English is complicated to learn, and I simply close myself to the
opportunity to learn the language.
Since I started studying at VOCACIONAL 19, I have tried to learn the language in
different ways such as listening to music in English, watching videos and tik-tok of
my liking in English and also changing the language of my cell phone. But in the end,
I despair and stress and change it back to Spanish, I know that if I put more effort, I
would understand more of the language I want to learn.
In this third partial I set out to understand and speak the English language a little
more, since I have not achieved anything trying to learn the language and stop doing
the activities that would help me understand more. This happens because I despair
very quickly and that causes me to get stressed and stop doing what I was doing in
order to understand and learn to pronounce in English.
Currently my new method to learn and practice my English, I am doing the activity
of watching series and movies that I like and that I have already seen, in the English
language and I also put the subtitles in English, to listen to how things are said and
how they are written.
This method I do in my free time, since I can invest the time, I want and it does not
bore me, because they are movies and series that I have already seen, and I like: I
have seen 3 movies and a series of 8 chapters. Although I have very little with this
method it has helped me a lot, because I can understand and understand the
language a little. Little by little I will increase again the methods that I had already
used previously, so that now I can achieve with my goal.
Moreno Acosta Johanna

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