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I grew up being fed the best spaghetti and meatballs, with the recipe being

made and guarded by my father. Now, I don’t have the recipe, but I've made
my own, which the ingredients also make a delicious combination just like
my dad’s! 
If you aren’t a fan of spaghetti while reading this, this will change your
mind! Therefore, spaghetti and meatballs are such a flavorful dish.
Spaghetti and meatballs are known to be a perfect meal for a romantic
night, so if you are ever on a date, you can order and enjoy the delectable
and moist taste of sauce with a hint of spice, simplified but appetizing
tomato sauce that makes your mouth water. Or you can always enjoy this
tasty dish at home!

Now, here’s where I reveal my own recipe, with instructions.


 Tomato sauce
 Capellini
 Onions
 Baby tomatoes
 Basil
 Shredded mozzarella
 Ground beef

Firstly, you want to start out with sauce if you want to go simple you can
just buy regular tomato sauce but usually, I just use Ragu’s® Traditional
spaghetti sauce. Now once you have your sauce you want to get a pot and
pour it in and put the stove on medium. Then you want to get another pot
and pour in water, and then capellini which is a very thin Italian pasta
which is also known as angel hair. Then put the stove on high. Then you’re
going to want to chop up some onions and get a pan ready and preheat the
stove by leaving it on medium and place the pan on the stove. Then once
your done chopping your onions you’re going to pour them into the sauce
and then mix it around, then add some basil and shredded mozzarella to
your sauce while mixing it. Now you’re going to add a little bit of vegetable
oil to your pan then add your ground beef and put a sprinkle of basil on the
beef and mix it around the pan until it browns. Now you’re going to turn the
heat off your sauce and let it sit and make sure to stir your spaghetti
around, so it doesn’t stick. Once your spaghetti is cooked as desired
(preferably al dente) then drain the water out of your pot and pour it into
the sauce and mix it around. Once your ground beef is browned, you’re
going to pour it into the sauce and spaghetti, and you’re finished!

in conclusion, spaghetti has been very loyal to me when proving that it

certainly is the best dish you can have when you’re hungry and wanting to
have a little fun if you’re cooking it! I believe anyone can make this dish,
and anyone can enjoy it.

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