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Activity no.

2 in ET1AL
What is an automotive relay?

a. A device that helps control the flow of electricity in a car

b. A tool used to measure the temperature of the engine

c. A type of fuel filter used in cars

What is the main purpose of an automotive relay?

a. To control the flow of current in a circuit

b. To regulate the temperature of the engine

c. To filter out impurities from the fuel system

How many terminals does a typical automotive relay have?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

What is the function of the coil in an automotive relay?

a. To provide power to the relay

b. To activate the relay

c. To regulate the voltage of the relay

What is the difference between a normally open (NO) and a normally closed (NC) automotive relay?

a. In a NO relay, the contacts are open when the relay is not activated, while in a NC relay, the contacts
are closed when the relay is not activated.

b. In a NO relay, the contacts are closed when the relay is not activated, while in a NC relay, the contacts
are open when the relay is not activated.

c. There is no difference between a NO and NC automotive relay.

What type of automotive relay is commonly used for controlling high-power devices like headlights?

a. SPDT relay

b. DPDT relay

c. 4PDT relay

What is the role of a diode in an automotive relay?

a. To protect the relay from voltage spikes

b. To regulate the flow of current in the circuit

c. To provide power to the relay coil

What is a relay socket used for in an automotive relay system?

a. To hold the relay securely in place

b. To provide a connection between the relay and the wiring harness

c. To prevent the relay from overheating

How can you test an automotive relay to see if it is working properly?

a. Use a multimeter to check for continuity across the relay contacts

b. Use a voltmeter to check for voltage at the relay coil

c. Use a test light to check for power at the relay contacts

What are some common problems that can occur with automotive relays?

a. Corrosion on the contacts

b. Burned-out relay coils

c. Loose connections in the wiring harness

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